Detail how WWII led to support for civil rights in the US.


Answer 1


In many ways, the events of World War II set the stage for the civil rights movement.

Explanation:First, the demand for soldiers in the early 1940s created a shortage of white male laborers. ... Third, during the war, civil rights organizations actively campaigned for African-American voting rights and challenged Jim Crow laws.

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Why was Jefferson Davis important during the civil war? What did he do. Small paragraph please!



Jefferson Davis was an American politician who, during the Civil War between 1861 and 1865, was the only president of the Confederacy, the group of southern states that separated from the United States to guarantee slavery in their territories. Previously, he had been a representative of the Democratic Party in Congress, as well as Secretary of War to President Pierce and a member of the United States Army in the war against Mexico.

What could be some of the dangers of having too many, or too few cabinet positions?​



The answer is below


There are various dangers of having too many, or too few cabinet positions. Some of which are:

1. Too many cabinets position could lead to unnecessary bureaucracy that is an extremely complicated administrative procedure.

2. Few cabinet positions may lead to inefficiency in carrying out the administrative procedure, as a log of works may become cumbersome to cabinet members.

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A.) ruler
B.) successor
C.) king
D.) priest​




After Muhammad's death, a new leader, called a caliph, was chosen. Caliph means successor.


Caliph, Arabic khalīfah (“successor”), in Islamic history the ruler of the Muslim community.


Which of these was a reason that Prussia was able to gain control over the German states and
push for full unification in 1871?

O all of the above

O consisted of a large German population

O it had a powerful army

O it won wars against France and Austria


all of the above :):):):):):)):):)::)(::

Answer: all of the above i think


Hello help me please


The answer is all of the above.

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You need to put pictures so that people can help.

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The Ancient Greeks may be most famous for their ideas and philosophies on government and politics. It was in Greece, and particularly Athens, that democracy was first conceived and used as a primary form of government. Ancient Greece was made up of city-states.


What sentence would you give Herman Goering If you were a prosecutor




Herman Goring i am prosecuting you for serval acts of felony, the assist in hundreds of murders and for the harm and enslavement of many innocent.

What was the impact of the peace of Paris on native people? ​



The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War. ... With Britain now in control, Native Americans in Ohio feared that colonists would move onto their lands, driving the natives further west as had occurred since the earliest British settlements in North America


hope this helps

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although they both get water you can tell one is clearly better than the other they should be equal and the same.


Density is the amount of mass in a given volume of material.






read answer




hope this Helped you out

Who made up the largest class in Egypt's social structure?
(a) merchants and artisans
(b) the pharaoh and his family
(c) farmers and unskilled workers
(d) Priests and nobles ​


c) farmers and unskilled workers
Farmers and unskilled workers

1. List the names and accomplishments of two women's rights reformers from the 1800s (4 points)



1) Women’s rights movement, also called women’s liberation movement, diverse social movement, largely based in the United States, that in the 1960s and ’70s sought equal rights and opportunities and greater personal freedom for women. It coincided with and is recognized as part of the “second wave” of feminism. While the first-wave feminism of the 19th and early 20th centuries focused on women’s legal rights, especially the right to vote (see women’s suffrage), the second-wave feminism of the women’s rights movement touched on every area of women’s experience—including politics, work, the family, and sexuality. Organized activism by and on behalf of women continued through the third and fourth waves of feminism from the mid-1990s and the early 2010s, respectively. For more discussion of historical and contemporary feminists and the women’s movements they inspired, see feminism.

2)Prologue To A Social Movement:-

In the aftermath of World War II, the lives of women in developed countries changed dramatically. Household technology eased the burdens of homemaking, life expectancies increased dramatically, and the growth of the service sector opened up thousands of jobs not dependent on physical strength. Despite these socioeconomic transformations, cultural attitudes (especially concerning women’s work) and legal precedents still reinforced sexual inequalities. An articulate account of the oppressive effects of prevailing notions of femininity appeared in Le Deuxième Sexe (1949; The Second Sex), by the French writer and philosopher Simone de Beauvoir. It became a worldwide best seller and raised feminist consciousness by stressing that liberation for women was liberation for men too.

3)Reformers And Revolutionaries :-

Initially, women energized by Friedan’s book joined with government leaders and union representatives who had been lobbying the federal government for equal pay and for protection against employment discrimination. By June 1966 they had concluded that polite requests were insufficient. They would need their own national pressure group—a women’s equivalent of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). With this, the National Organization for Women (NOW) was born.

4)Successes And Failures

With the eventual backing of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (1965), women gained access to jobs in every corner of the U.S. economy, and employers with long histories of discrimination were required to provide timetables for increasing the number of women in their workforces. Divorce laws were liberalized; employers were barred from firing pregnant women; and women’s studies programs were created in colleges and universities. Record numbers of women ran for—and started winning—political office. In 1972 Congress passed Title IX of the Higher Education Act, which prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program receiving federal funds and thereby forced all-male schools to open their doors to women and athletic programs to sponsor and finance female sports teams. And in 1973, in its controversial ruling on Roe v. Wade, the United States Supreme Court legalized abortion.


I think those much are enough my friend,



 After World War II the ways that women worked were changed drastically such as jobs not depending of physical  work. Notations of femininity appeared in Le Deuxieme Sexe, the book became a world wide best seller and aware people by feminists. In 1965, women were welcomed to new jobs that didn't need a drastic amount of physical and more of mental knowledge so for that to happen women would succeed more in there education which raised more respect for women.


creds to the guy above

What is Tripp asked to carry & why does he refuse?




Tripp is asked to carry the flag, and he says no because hes fighting for himself.

What types of countries are turning to socialism? Developed or developing?




ivory coast


because we are still doing some projects benefiting us

What is the American dream and what has happened to it



the United States of America could dream how didn't i knew that

Explain one way in which exchange networks affected agriculture during the period 1200 - 1450.



Unit 2: Networks of Exchange (c. 1200-1450):


Improved commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes—including the Silk Roads, trans-Saharan trade network, and Indian Ocean—promoting the growth of powerful new trading cities.

Austin wrote a letter asking Texans to form their own government. How would You Categorize this letter.


The answer would be B. Economic
Social Austin. Social Austin. Social Austin so C

Explain what stayed the same in America after the Pearl Harbor attack



The Japanese were still cut off from oil and other supplies. They were cut off because the U.S. was allies with China who the Japanese were in a conflict with.

1. Founder/Prophet of Islam
2. 2nd Largest Religion in the World
3. Religious Law of Judaism
4. Belief in everlasting heaven
5. Sacred Text of Christianity
A. Bible
B. Christianity
C. Halakah
D. Islam
E. Judaism
F. Muhammad​



1.F. Muhammad

2.B. Christianity

3.C. Halakah

4.D. Islam

5.A. Bible

plssssss! hurrrrrrrrry!What would be an appropriate public policy response to the environmental issue presented in the video?

asking citizens to volunteer for environmental action networks
passing laws to regulate the oil and gas industries in Louisiana
contacting oil and gas companies and asking them to stop all drilling
creating petitions so citizens can give their opinion on wetlands








What did Greece do to protect themselves after the wars were over?



Athens, and other Greek cities, sent aid, but were quickly forced to back down after defeat in 494 BCE. Subsequently, the Persians suffered many defeats at the hands of the Greeks, led by the Athenians. ... The end of the Persian Wars led to the rise of Athens as the leader of the Delian League.


The assembly line made which technology more affordable for most
O A. Air travel
O B. Telephone service
O C. Automobiles
D. Steam engines



The answer would be C. automobiles


Automobiles first became the craze in the late 1800's and early 1900's when factory workers kept assembling more of them.

Hope this helps. :)

Which statement would most likely have been supported by Marcus Garvey
but opposed by Booker T. Washington?
O A. The best way for African Americans to win equal rights is to
participate in labor organizations.
B. If African Americans work hard and earn money, they will have no
need to protest for equal rights.
O C. African Americans should demand equal rights so they can live
peacefully in the United States.
D. African Americans should focus on building and maintaining an
identity as a distinct group.



Marcus Garvey was a Jamaican-born Black nationalist and leader of the Pan-Africanism movement, which sought to unify and connect people of African descent worldwide.


I strongly disagree that America should get involved in World War II because...​



It is hard to imagine World War II without the United States as a major participant. Before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, however, Americans were seriously divided over what the role of the United States in the war should be, or if it should even have a role at all. Even as the war consumed large portions of Europe and Asia in the late 1930s and early 1940s, there was no clear consensus on how the United States should respond.


United States declared war on Japan. Three days later, after Germany and Italy declared war on it, the United States became fully engaged in the Second World War.

What are some of the things Tom loves about South Carolina


AnsThere are so many toms lol?


Read the statement carefully. Identify the term that is described. Write your
answer on your answer sheet.
1. It is referred to as the interactions of parties with each
2. Means by which people choose their officials
3. A method by which an elective local official may be
removed from office during his term.
4. It is the right and obligation to vote of qualified citizens
in the election of public officers.
5. It is any group providing label upon which candidates run
for public offices.
6. The capacity to respond and to articulate the views of
both members and voters.
7. Those declared as insane or incompetent person.
8. Is the vote of the people expressing their choice for or
against a proposed law submitted to them.
9. Only one political party holds power either because it
towers above the others or because it suppresses all other groups.
10. Is a conservative group which aims to maintain the
status of in the country

pls help me..thank u ​



1. Party system.

2. Election.

3. Recall.

4. Suffrage.

5. Political party.

6. Representation.

7. Persons disqualified to vote.

8. Plebiscite.

9. The one-party system.

10. The multi-party system.


1. Party system: It is referred to as the interactions of parties with each other.

2. Election: Means by which people choose their officials.

3. Recall: A method by which an elective local official may be removed from office during his term.

4. Suffrage: It is the right and obligation to vote of qualified citizens in the election of public officers.

5. Political party: It is any group providing label upon which candidates run for public offices.

6. Representation: The capacity to respond and to articulate the views of both members and voters.

7. Persons disqualified to vote: Those declared as insane or incompetent person.

8. Plebiscite: Is the vote of the people expressing their choice for or against a proposed law submitted to them.

9. The one-party system: Only one political party holds power either because it towers above the others or because it suppresses all other groups.

10. The multi-party system: Is a conservative group which aims to maintain the status of in the country.

Explain how consumers benefit from businesses
specializing and trading.



Consumer benefits: Specialization means that the opportunity cost of production is lower, which means that globally more goods are produced and prices are lower. Consumers benefit from these lower prices and greater quantity of goods.


essay about civil rights movement​



For many Americans, the calls for racial equality and a more just society emanating from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Aug. 28, 1963, deeply affected their views of racial segregation and intolerance in the nation.  Since the occasion of March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom 50 years ago, much has been written and discussed about the moment, its impact on society, politics and culture and particularly the profound effects of Martin Luther King's iconic speech on the hearts and minds of America and the world.  Several interviewees from the Civil Rights History Project discuss their memories of this momentous event in American history. Sisters Dorie and Joyce Ladner grew up in Mississippi and became civil rights activists as teenagers in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). As a student at Jackson State University, Dorie was expelled for participating in a civil rights demonstration. She then went to work for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC, commonly pronounced "Snick"), a group founded in 1960 by college students who challenged segregation through sit-ins at restaurant counters, protest marches and other forms of non-violent direct action.  Dorie discusses the physical harm and brutality that front-line activists endured during the summer of 1963 – jailing, beatings and even murder – leading up to the march in August.  Joyce Ladner describes her shock and sorrow at hearing about the murder of civil rights leader Medgar Evers, a friend since childhood, and her subsequent decision to move to New York to work with her sister and others to plan the march. Joyce worked as a fundraiser with Bayard Rustin, Rachelle Horowitz and Eleanor Holmes (now Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton) at the March headquarters in Harlem, while Dorie helped fundraise for members of SNCC to attend the march. The two sisters lived with Horowitz and Holmes for the summer. Joyce remembers long hours, hard work and "Bobby" Dylan hanging out in their apartment and playing guitar late into the night when the residents only wanted to go to sleep. The Ladners' views of the March, like those of other activists, offer an interesting study in contrast to popular memories of the event. The latter overwhelmingly tend to dwell on the peaceful harmonious crowd of people joined together in common purpose with the dominant memory being King's majestic speech.  Both Joyce and Dorie attended the March, and are quick to note that their day started off with a protest at the Justice Department over the case of colleagues in Americus, Ga., who had been jailed, weeks earlier, on false charges of sedition. The charges against SNCC's Don Harris, John Perdew and Ralph Allen, and Congress of Racial Equality activist Zev Aelony carried a maximum sentence of death.  SNCC chairman John Lewis's speech later that day on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial criticized the Kennedy administration's refusal to intervene in this and other deadly assaults on civil rights workers and community members in the South, which caused considerable difficulties.  Joyce recalls the enormous numbers of marchers and also the presence of several notable figures on the stage such as Marlon Brando and Lena Horne. Joyce goes on to talk about Lena Horne declining to be interviewed by the press and insisting instead that the young activists go on camera. As a result of Horne's insistence, Joyce was interviewed by NBC News, which made her mother proud to see her daughter on television. The Ladners contrast those memories with the shock and horror of returning to the South after the end of the March and attending the funeral of the four girls who were killed in the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, just a few weeks later.


The civil rights movement's​ demands for racial equality and a more just society that came from the Lincoln Memorial steps on August 28, 1963, had a significant impact on how many Americans saw racial segregation and intolerance in the country.

What are Rights?

Rights are fundamental normative rules about what is permitted of people or owed to people in accordance with some legal system, social custom, or ethical theory. Rights are therefore legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement.

Since the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, much has been written and said about the event, its influence on society, politics, and culture, and in particular the enormous impact of Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous address on the hearts and minds of Americans.

The Civil Rights Movement officially and legally put an end to segregation. They overhauled the social structure of the country. It altered the places where African Americans could work, go to college, and even get a drink. Numerous persons came together to support a particular group in achieving a common goal, regardless of race

Therefore, The civil rights movement's​ demands for racial equality

Learn more about the Rights here:


If a new Constitution were to be written today, what reasons, other than those cited in the Preamble, would you list as reasons for writing a Constitution?


Clearly if you are asking this question you don’t understand the Preamble so I’m going to list the reasons first:
1. Establish justice
2. Ensure domestic tranquillity
3. Provide for a common defense
4. Promote general welfare
5. Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity

So, in my opinion, these are ones I would add if I were to make the Preamble.

We the people of the United States order a perfect Union to insure...
1. Police brutality is just as bad as brutality against police
2. The elimination of wage gap between races and genders of man and woman
3. The union to unite and adore their country; to hate the government instead of the country
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