Describe where infrared is found on the ems compared to the other six forms of radiation.


Answer 1

Between visible light and microwave is where infrared falls. Infrared has a higher energy than radio but a lower energy than gamma rays.

Where, in relation to the other six types of radiation, is infrared found on the EMS?

The term "infrared" refers to electromagnetic waves that exist within the electromagnetic spectrum at frequencies slightly below those of red visible light and just above those of microwaves. According to the California Institute of Technology, the wavelengths of infrared radiation are longer than those of visible light (Caltech).

Where can I find radio waves on the EMS?

The majority of the radio portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (EM spectrum) is found between 1 cm and 1 km, or 30 GHz and 300 kHz in frequency. The EM spectrum's radio region is relatively vast. Astronomers usually employ wavelength in the infrared and optical spectrum.

To know more about infrared visit:-


Related Questions

1. While traveling along a highway a driver slows from 24 m/s to 15 m/s in 12 seconds. What is theautomobile's acceleration? (Remember that a negative value indicates a slowing down.)


Given data

*The initial speed of the driver is u = 24 m/s

*The final speed of the driver is v = 15 m/s

*The given time is t = 12 s

The formula for the automobile's acceleration is given as


Substitute the values in the above expression as

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=\frac{15-24}{12} \\ =-0.75m/s^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

the syringe used in the boyle's law experiment leaks, giving you a low pressure. will the calculated constant be too high, too low or unchanged?


The syringe used in the Boyle's law experiment leaks, giving a low pressure,hence, the calculated constant will be too low.

What is the statement of Boyle's law of gases?

Boyle's law of gases states that the pressure of a given volume of gas is inversely proportional to the volume of the gas provided that the temperature is kept constant.

This implies that as pressure increases, the volume will decrease at a constant temperature.

On the other hand, if the volume increases, the pressure decreases at a constant temperature.

Learn more about Boyle's law of gases at:


A ball is thrown horizontally from the top of a building 53.5 m high. the ball strikes the ground at a point 49.7 m from the base of the building. the acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s 2 . find the time the ball is in motion.


Answer: who ever thrown that ball, got an arm.


Help me please!!!!!!:)


When substances combine chemically,

C) the total mass of both substances will be equal to the mass of each of the mass added together.

State the Law of Conservation of Mass?

"The mass cannot be created through a chemical reaction, neither can it be destroyed."

following this law the mass of the products and the mass of the reactants are always equal in a physical or chemical transition.

The product's mass equals the sum of the reactant's mass.Lavoisier made the mass conversation law public knowledge.Another way to put it is that "matter is neither formed nor can it be destroyed in a chemical reaction." Also known as the "Law of the indestructibility of matter," the law of mass conservation.

To learn more about Law of Conservation of Mass from the given link


Two waves with the same wavelength interact. One has an amplitude of +0.42 m and the
other wave has an amplitude of -0.18 m. When the two waves exactly overlap, what is the
resultant amplitude?


The resultant amplitude of the waves when the two waves overlap is +0.24 m.

What is amplitude of a wave?

The amplitude of a wave is the maximum vertical displacement of the wave or the highest upward displacement of a wave.

The resultant amplitude of the waves when the two waves overlap is calculated as follows;

resultant amplitude = amplitude of the first wave + amplitude of the second wave

resultant amplitude = 0.42 m - 0.18 m

resultant amplitude = 0.24 m

The resultant amplitude of the waves when the two waves overlap depends on the initial amplitude of each wave as shown above.

Learn more about resultant amplitude here:


Friction Virtual Lab
Coefficients of Friction.

Run the same simulation above. Use 50 kg mass and set the friction again to halfway. Apply the push, observe and record the maximum value of static friction.

1. Find the coefficient of static friction μs by using the equation (2)
2. Now apply the push so that the object moves with constant speed.
3. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction μk by using the equation (1)
4. According to your notes μs >μk, is this consistent with your results from questions 1 & 3? (If not, repeat the experiment)
4. Now add another 50 kg mass and repeat the experiment to find μk.
5. What is μk now?
6. Are your results in questions 3 and 5 different?
7. According to your notes, the coefficient of friction is constant. Is that consistent with your answer to question 7?


1 ) The coefficient of static friction μs by using the equation (2) = 0.26

3 ) The coefficient of kinetic friction μk by using the equation (1) = 0.19

1 ) The coefficient of static friction

μ[tex]_{s}[/tex] = [tex]f_{s} _{max}[/tex] / F[tex]_{n}[/tex]

μ[tex]_{s}[/tex] = 125 / 50 * 9.8

μ[tex]_{s}[/tex] = 0.26

3 ) The coefficient of kinetic friction

μ[tex]_{k}[/tex] = [tex]f_{k}[/tex] / F[tex]_{n}[/tex]

μ[tex]_{k}[/tex] = 94 / 50 * 9.8

μ[tex]_{k}[/tex] = 0.19

4 ) Yes, from ( 1 ) and ( 3 ),

μ[tex]_{s}[/tex] > μ[tex]_{k}[/tex]

5 ) μ[tex]_{k}[/tex] = [tex]f_{k}[/tex] / F[tex]_{n}[/tex]

μ[tex]_{k}[/tex] = 188 / 100 * 9.8

μ[tex]_{k}[/tex] = 0.19

6 ) No the μ[tex]_{k}[/tex] from ( 3 ) and ( 5 ) are exactly the same.

7 ) Since μ[tex]_{k}[/tex] from ( 3 ) and ( 5 ) are exactly the same, coefficient of friction is constant.

To know more about coefficients of friction


a student rolls a marble off of a 1.0 m tall table and it lands 1.5 m away Calculate the initial horizontal velocity. (closest to) Answer A 0.30 m/s B 0.54 m/s C 1.82 m/s D 3.33 m/s


The horizontal velocity of the marble is 3.33 m/s.

option D is the correct answer.

What is the initial horizontal velocity of the marble?

The initial horizontal velocity of the marble is calculated by applying the following equation as shown below;

X = Vₓt


Vₓ is the horizontal velocity of the marblet is the time of motion of the marble

The time of motion of the marble from the table is calculated as follows;

t = √(2h/g)


h is the height of the tableg is the acceleration due to gravity

t = √(2 x 1 / 9.8)

t = 0.45 seconds

The horizontal velocity of the marble is calculated as;

Vₓ = X / t

Vₓ = 1.5 m / 0.45 s

Vₓ = 3.33 m/s

Learn more about horizontal velocity here:


Hello, I needed help with a few assignment questions. Thank you. It's about Newton's second law of motion.


We will have the following:

2) We can determine that the ratio is constant due to the fact that the acceleration of the gravity on Earth remains constant on the planet. And the mass of the planet is constant.

3) What causes the objects accelerate is the mass of the body that supports them and the mass of the very object. In clasical mechanics the acceleration is due to the influence that a body imparts on another. In relativistic mechanics the acceleration is due to the warping of the space that makes the bodies towards the one with a bigger sphere of influence.

It can also be interpreted as the relationship of the force that is imparted on a body by another and the mass of the smaller object.

A jet of water squirts out horizontally froma hole on the side of the tank as shown below. If the hole has a diameter of 3.62 mm, whatis the height of the water above the hole inthe tank?Answer in units of cm.


The jet of water emerges with a speed v horizontally. Then, it falls a vertical distance of 1.58, and during the time of its fall until it hits the ground, it travels a distance of 0.586 meters.

Since the water moves according to the Projectile Motion formulas, the horizontal motion is uniform and the vertical motion is uniformly accelerated from rest.

Then, we can use the vertical distance to find the time that it takes for the water to reach the ground. Then, divide the horizontal distance traveled by the water by the time it took for the water to fall to find the horizontal speed of the water.

Finally, use Torricelli's Theorem to relate the height of the water above the hole in the pipe to the horizontal speed. Find the height of the hole by isolating it and replacing the value of the known variables.

Step 1: Time

Since the water falls from rest a distance of 1.58m, and the time it takes for an object to fall a distance d in free fall from rest is given by:


Then, replace d=1.58m and the value of the acceleration of gravity g=9.81m/s^2 to find the time it takes for the water to fall:

[tex]t=\sqrt[]{\frac{2(1.58m)}{9.81\frac{m}{s^2}}}=0.5675564161\ldots s[/tex]

Step 2: Speed

Since the water travels a horizontal distance of 0.586m during that time, then, the speed of the water jet as it emerges from the hole, is:

[tex]v=\frac{x}{t}=\frac{0.586m}{0.5675564161\ldots s}=1.032496477\ldots\frac{m}{s}[/tex]

Step 3: Height (Torricelli's Theorem)

According to Torricelli's Theorem, the speed of a liquid jet emerging from a hole located a distance h below the level of water of a large container, is:


Isolate h from the equation:


Replace v=1.032496477...m/s and g=9.81m/s^2 to find the height of the water above the hole in the tank:

[tex]h=\frac{(1.032406477\ldots\frac{m}{s})^2}{2(9.81\frac{m}{s^2})}=0.05433481013\ldots m\approx5.43\times10^{-2\text{ }}m[/tex]

Write the answer in cm:


Therefore, the height of the water above the hole in the tank is 5.43 centimeters.

a car has a mass of 2,000 kg. there are two passengers in the car, each with a mass of 55 kg. if the coefficient of kinetic friction is .02, what is the force of friction experienced by the car? what is the acceleration of the car if the car is applying a force of 1060 n?


The force of friction experienced by the car is 42.2 NThe acceleration of the car if the car is applying a force of 1060 N is 0.5 m / s²

f = μ N

N = m g

f = Frictional force

μ = Co-efficient of friction

N = Normal force

m = Mass

g = Acceleration due to gravity

m = 2000 + 55 + 55

m = 2110 kg

g = 9.8 m / s²

μ = 0.02

f = 0.02 * 2110

f = 42.2 N

According to Newton's second law of motion,

F = m a

F = Force

a = Acceleration

F = 1060 N

a = F / m

a = 1060 / 2110

a = 0.5 m / s²


The force of friction experienced by the car is 42.2 NThe acceleration of the car if the car is applying a force of 1060 N is 0.5 m / s²

To know more about Newton's second law of motion


Two unequal masses m and 2m are attached to a thin bar of negligible mass that rotates about an axis perpendicular to the bar. When m is a distance 2d from the axis and 2m is a distance d from the axis, the moment of inertia of this combination is i.


The moment of inertia for this combination is I when m is 2d from the axis and 2m is 2d from the axis, therefore I = mr2.

Explain the moment of inertia.

Moment of inertia is a word used to describe a physical property that measures how resistant a body is to having the speed of its rotation along an axis modified by the application of a torque (turning force). Axis options include internal, external, stationary, and moving.

What does it mean to be in an inertial moment?

The moment of inertia is recognized as such and not as a moment of force because it opposes circular motion.

To know more about Inertia visit:-


angle. what is the angle between the colors when they emerge? (b) how far would they have to travel to be separated by 1.00 mm?


A rainbow often has the following hues: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Indigo is occasionally included as well. These hues are related to various light wavelengths.

What three sorts of light beams are there?

Three types of light beams are possible. Both convergent and divergent, they are parallel.

What different kinds of beams are there?

5 Various Light Bulb Types

Incandescent Light Bulbs:

3- Compact Fluorescent Lamps: 2- Fluorescent Lamps (CFL)

4. Halogen lighting

Light-emitting diode No. 5 (LED)

What names do beams have?

Following the depth of section, beams are designated according to their respective shortened.

To know more about angle between the colors visit:-


Three vectors are shown in this figure. Their respective moduli are F = 40N T = 75 N and N = 25.6NCalculate the vector a so that F + N + T = 2.00A


First, separate each vector into its vertical and horizontal components. Then, add all the vertical components together, as well as the horizontal components, to find the components of the vectpr F+T+N. Set each component of the vector F+T+N to be equal to the corresponding component of 2.00A to find the components of A. Use the components of A to find the magnitude and direction of the vector A.

The vertical and horizontal components of T are given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} T_y=T\sin (10.0º) \\ =75N\cdot0.1736\ldots \\ =13.02N \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} T_x=T\cos (10.0) \\ =75N\cdot0.9848\ldots \\ =73.86N \end{gathered}[/tex]

The vertical and horizontal components of N are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} N_y=N \\ =25.6N \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]N_x=0[/tex]

The vertical and horizontal components of F are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F_y=-F\cdot\cos (15) \\ =-40N\cdot0.9659\ldots \\ =-38.637N \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} F_x=-F\cdot\sin (15) \\ =-40N\cdot0.2588\ldots \\ =-10.353N \end{gathered}[/tex]

The vertical component of F+N+T is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (F+N+T)_y=F_y+N_y+T_y \\ =-38.637N+25.6N+13.02N \\ =-0.017N \\ \approx0.0N \end{gathered}[/tex]

The horizontal component of F+N+T is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (F+N+T)_x=F_x+N_x+T_x \\ =-10.353N+73.86N \\ =63.51N \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since F+N+T=2.00A, then this is true for each component:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (F+N+T)_y=(2.00A)_y=2.00\cdot A_y \\ (F+N+T)_x=(2.00A)_x=2.00\cdot A_x \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute the values for the components of F+N+T to find the values of the components of A:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2.00A_y=0.00N \\ \Rightarrow A_y=\frac{0.0N}{2.00}=0.0N \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 2.00A_x=63.51N \\ \Rightarrow A_x=\frac{63.51N}{2.00}=31.75N \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the vertical component of A is 0, then the vector A has a magnitude of 31.75N directed toward the positive X axis.

Therefeore, the answer is:

[tex]A=31.75N\text{ toward the positive direction of X.}[/tex]

Plot a graph of the pendulum period, T, vs. amplitude, A, in degrees using LabQuest App or graph paper. Scale each axis from the origin (0,0). According to your data, does the period depend on amplitude?


Given the graph of period vs amplitude.

It can be seen from the graph that the plot of the period versus amplitude is almost a horizontal line. That is, as the amplitude increase, the period of the pendulum remains almost unchanged.

This is also consistent with the fact that the period of the simple pendulum indeed does not depend upon its amplitude.

Thus, according to the graph, the period does not depend on the amplitude.

what do we mean by inflation? what do we mean by inflation? the expansion of universe starting with the instant after the big bang the rapid expansion of the universe, driven by white dwarf supernova, that we still observe today the sudden release of photons when particles and antiparticles annihilate each other a sudden expansion of the universe driven by the energy released when the strong and electroweak forces froze out from the gut force the photons released when electrons and protons first combined, forming the cosmic microwave background radiation


Since the protons and neutrons of an atom collide to opposite directions the gravity pulls the cosmic radiation apart




Sun has enough mass to attract the planets is the correct answer


sun has enough mass to attract the plante

Help me please????????


Answer:it should be A


Please, explain step by step.A car that’s initially traveling at 10 m/s accelerates uniformly for 4 seconds at a rate of 2 m/s2, in a straight line. How far does the car travel during this time?


To understand this first, analyze the conditions of the car

[tex]\begin{gathered} v_0=\frac{10m}{s} \\ t=4s \\ a=\frac{2m}{s} \\ \\ d=\text{?} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Whit this data we have to find the distance traveled by the car in these 4 seconds

[tex]\begin{gathered} d=v_0\cdot t+\frac{a\cdot t^2}{2} \\ d=10\cdot4+\frac{2\cdot4^2}{2} \\ d=40+16=56m \end{gathered}[/tex]

need help asappppppp


Visible light, x-rays, and radio waves are forms of electromagnetic waves that can travel through vacuum and mater.

By what factor does the gravitational force between two objects increase if one object doubles in mass and the distance between them decreases by half?


The factor is that since gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the separation distance between the two interacting objects, more separation distance will result in weaker gravitational forces.

What is gravitational force?

Gravitational force is described as the universal force of attraction, which is acting between objects. This force causes mutual attraction between all things with mass or energy.

The newton's law of universal gravitation states that every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force along a line joining them. The force is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Learn more about gravitational force at:


hat would her speed be at 440 mm ? (in reality, the air resistance will restrict her speed to perhaps 150 km/hkm/h .) express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.


228 m/s velocity would be at 440 mm.

initial height , hi = 3100 m

hf = 430 m

time taken is t

3100 - 430 = 0.5 × 9.8 × t^2

t = 23.34 s

time taken=23.34 s

let the speed is u

u =[tex]\sqrt(2 * g * (hi - hf))[/tex]

u = [tex]\sqrt(2 * 9.8 * (3100 - 440))[/tex]

u = 228 m/s

her speed is 228 m/s

A vector number known as velocity describes "the pace at which an item changes its location." Imagine a person moving quickly, taking one stride ahead, one step back, and then beginning from the same place each time. A vector quantity is velocity. As a result, velocity is aware of direction. One must consider direction while calculating an object's velocity. Saying that an item has a velocity of 55 miles per hour is insufficient. The direction must be included in order to adequately characterize the object's velocity. Simply said, the velocity vector's direction corresponds to the motion of an item.

To know more about  velocity visit :


A rocket accelerates at 65 m/s² with the force of 54,080 N. What is the mass of the rocket?



832 kg


The mass of the rocket given it's acceleration and force can be found by using the formula

[tex]mass = \frac{f}{a} \\ [/tex]


f is the force in N

a is the acceleration in m/s²

From the question

f = 54,080 N

a = 65 m/s²

We have

[tex]mass = \frac{54080}{65} = 832 \\ [/tex]

We have the final answer as

832 kg

hope this helps you

A hover board is moving at 6 m/s . If it slows down at a rate of -3 m/s per second, how long is the board in the air before coming to rest? Round to 4 decimal places if necessary



a uniformly accelerated motion is the one in which the acceleration of the particle throughout the motion is uniform,to fidn the time take we can use the formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} t=\frac{v_f-v_1}{a} \\ where \\ v_f\text{ is the final velocity} \\ v_{i\text{ }}\text{ is the initail velocity} \\ a\text{ is the acceleration, so} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 1


[tex]\begin{gathered} v_i=6\text{ }\frac{m}{s} \\ v_f=0(\text{ rest\rparen} \\ a=-3\frac{m}{s^2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

b) now, replace

[tex]\begin{gathered} t=\frac{v_{f}-v_{1}}{a} \\ t=\frac{0-(-6\frac{m}{s})}{3\frac{m}{s}} \\ t=2\text{ seconds} \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, the answer is 2 seconds


A pitching machine throws a 0.148kg baseball to the left at 26m/s. A batter then hits the baseball directly back at 39m/s. What is the change in momentum of this baseball


Let us assume that the initial direction of the ball, i.e., from the pitching machine to the batter as the negative direction, and the final direction of the ball is the positive direction.


The mass of the baseball, m=0.148 kg

The initial velocity of the baseball, u=-26 m/s

The final velocity of the baseball, v=39 m/s

The momentum of the ball before the batter hits it is given by,


On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} p_1=0.148\times-26 \\ =-3.848\text{ kg}\cdot\text{m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The momentum of the ball after the batter hits it is given by,


On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} p_2=0.148\times39 \\ =5.772\text{ kg}\cdot\text{m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The change in the momentum is given by,

[tex]\Delta p=p_2-p_1[/tex]

On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \Delta p=5.772-(-3.848) \\ =9.62\text{ kg}\cdot\text{m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the change in the momentum of baseball is 9.62 kg·m/s

a load of 41 n attached to a spring hanging vertically stretches the spring 3.1 cm. the spring is now placed horizontally on a table and stretched 11 cm. what force is required to stretch it by this amount? answer in units of n.


A load of 41 n attached to a spring hanging vertically stretches the spring 3.1 cm. the spring is now placed horizontally on a table and stretched 11 cm. 145.42 N  force  is required to stretch it by this amount

k = spring constant

x = displacement

force1 = - k x1

41 = - k (3.1)

k = 13.22 N/cm

force2 = -k x2

           = - 13.22 * 11 = 145.42 N

145.42 N  force  is required to stretch it by this amount

To learn more about spring constant here :


PLS I will give brainliest



Option 2


Since they want to know kinetic energy being increased, it cannot be Options 1 or 3. So now we're left with 2 and 4. 4 seems to be decreasing, so we can eliminate that. So, our answer is Option 2.

Determine the power required for a 1150 kg car to climb a 100 m-long uphill road with a slope of 30 degree (from horizontal) in 12 s at a constant velocity.


The Power required for a 1150 kg car to climb is 104.46kW.

L = 100 m, 0°, 1150 kg, and 12 s are the values.

while it is moving at a fixed rate

Energy E = mxgh = mxglxsin = 1150x9.8x100xsin30=563500J

Power, P, is calculated as follows: 563500 / 12 = 46958.

3 watts equal 46.95 kW

(b) From a standstill to a final speed of 30 m/s

E = mgxlsin+1/2mv2 and gxlsin+mv2

E = 1081000 J P = E / T = 1081000 / 12 = 90083.33 W = 90.1 kW E = 1150 x 9.8 x 100 x Sin 30 + 0.5 x 1150 x 30 x 30

(c) between 35 m/s and 5 m/s

E = m x g x L Sin + mv - mu - half

0.5 x 1150 x 35 x 35 - 0.5 x 1150 x 5 x 5 E = 1150 x 9.8 x 100 x Sin 30 Plus  = 104.46 kW = 104458.33 W = 563500 + 704375 - 14375 = 1253500 J P = E / T

To know more about Power visit:-


Please help me with this I’m stuck!



C. Similar to both Iron and Oxygen.


For iron to re­act with oxy­gen, it must be heat­ed be­fore­hand. Iron burns with a daz­zling flame, scat­ter­ing sparks – in­can­des­cent par­ti­cles of iron cin­der Fe₃O₄. The same re­ac­tion of iron and oxy­gen also takes place in air, when dur­ing me­chan­i­cal pro­cess­ing, steel heats up dras­ti­cal­ly from fric­tion.

Answer: I believe that (C) the oxidation is similar to iron and oxygen.

Explanation: The law of conservation of matter states that matter can't be created nor destroyed. So oxidation would be both iron and oxygen. It will only be changed, but will contain some of oxygen, and some of iron. so I believe the answer is (C)

what seems to happen to the one electron in the outer layer of sodium when it combines with chlorine to form sodium chloride?


it jumps to an excited state

According to newton's 3rd law, the force on the (smaller) moon due to the (larger) earth is.


Bigger in magnitude and pointing away from the force the moon exerts on the earth.

Explain about the Newton's 3rd law?

According to Newton's third law, there is an equal and opposite reaction to every force (action) in nature.

Understanding which forces are external to a system is possible with the aid of Newton's third law. Recall that while creating a problem, identifying external forces is crucial since they must be combined together to determine the net force.

Newton's third law states that the force the ball exerts on the bat when it is struck by the bat will be similar in magnitude but directed in the opposite direction. You won't typically feel the bat "recoiling" when you strike the ball forward because your arms are usually rigid.

To learn more about Newton's 3rd law refer to:


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