Describe the three stages of a volcano.


Answer 1


active, dormant, and extinct.


 An active volcano is one which has recently erupted and there is a possibility that it may erupt soon.

A dormant volcano is one which has not erupted in a long time but there is a possibility it can erupt in the future.

An extinct volcano is one which has erupted thousands of years ago and there’s no possibility of eruption.

Answer 2

Answer: active, dormant, and extinct.


An active volcano is one which has recently erupted and there is a possibility that it may erupt soon. A dormant volcano is one which has not erupted in a long time but there is a possibility it can erupt in the future.

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Which of the following are all abiotic factors?

A. Primary consumers, secondary consumers, and producers
B. Sunlight, precipitation, wind speed, and temperature range
C. Detritivores, herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores
D. Microorganisms and mineral content



Option B is correct as abiotic factors includes non-living factors.


B is the correct answer.........

Hiii! So I was doing science, and it's not my best subject. And on one question, I was stuck, so I came to Brainly to see if anyone can help me on this. I would really appreciated if you did. I'll be giving 10 points and brainliest to the correct answer. Pleeeeaaase help me.


Wassup. I got ur answers here

Archaea is unicellular, a prokaryote, and is both Herero and autotrophic

Bacteria is uni, pro, and both Herero and auto

Protist is mostly uni, euka, and also both

Fungi is multicellular, euka, and heterotrophic

Plant is multi, euka and autotrophic

Animal is multi, euka, and hetero

5. What types of genes change very slowly?


Answer: Mutation. The allelic variations that make evolution possible are generated by the process of mutation, but new mutations change gene frequencies very slowly, because mutation rates are low. Assume that the gene allele A1 mutates to allele A2 at a rate m per generation and that at a given time the frequency of A1 is p.


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iaiebroeon3oek2 owodbr

17. How does the placement of the stamen in relationship to the pistil affect the way in which

the flower is fertilized?



this placement increases the chances of pollination


Pollination refers to the process of transferring pollen grains from the male stamens of a flower to the female stigma. The stamens generally surround the pistil and they are composed of two structures: 1-the anther (produces male reproductive cells or pollen grains) and 2-filaments (supports the anthers). Moreover, the female pistil is generally located at the center of the flower and it is composed of three structures: stigma (a sticky bulb in the center of flower), ovary (contains female reproductive cells or ovules), style (supports the stigma). The arrangement of the plant's reproductive organs increases the chances of pollination: when a pollinator (e.g. bees) visits a stigma for nectar it has to go through the stamen and catch pollen that then carries to the stigma of the same flower (auto-pollination) or another flower (cross-pollination). Moreover, the flowers also have petals and sepals that help attract pollinators and protect the flower bud, respectively.

What is the inheritance pattern that is based on the sex chromosomes, specifically the X chromosome?



brainly is not allowing me to put rude words

Help please true or false





because it's false


The answer correct false called photosynthesis

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No links or files.
Answers only.
You will get brainliest if you answer right.


It regulates the movement of water and electrolytes between the gut and tissue fluid compartments.

taste buds are ______ that helps detect sugars, acids, alkaloids, _______ and proteins



1: Sensory Receptor 2 fats


They sense things, and fats are the other thing that they detect

Has anyone on here ever taken Environmental Science on grad point? Can you help with the final review :)


I am taking it right now

why must heterotrophs eat other organisms



to survive



To survive .................

please help! i am confused!



it's C


if you look at the chart on the graph under human activities they are higher than natural processes which means human activity is having a bigger affect on global warming than natural processes.

Select one of the ways below that have increased human life expectancy
A. new medicines
B. new cars
C. new types of cell phones
D. New types of stores


New medicines have increased the human life expectancy


A. new medicines


New medicines help treat and sometimes cure diseases that wouldn't be treatable 100 yrs ago

How does waste removal in a fetus differ from waste removal after birth?

A) Fetal waste is removed through the chorion; infant waste is removed through the rectum.

B) Fetal waste is removed through the rectum; infant waste is removed through the chorion.

C) Fetal waste is removed through the ductus venosus; infant waste is removed through the rectum.

D) Fetal waste is removed through the large intestine; infant waste is removed through the ductus venosus.


Answer: A) Fetal waste is removed through the chorion; infant waste is removed through the rectum.


A developing fetus is surrounded by chorion which is an outer membrane. The role of the chorion is to protect the embryo and provide nutrition to it in the form of blood supply. It helps in getting rid of waste products from the developing fetus that goes into the mother blood to remove out of her body. In case of infants the rectum is the last part of the digestive tract and it receives the waste in the form of fecal matter from small intestine which is removed out through the rectum.

What happens to bacterial cells when human genes are inserted


A gene contains information to make a protein. Some proteins are life-sustaining molecules in humans. By inserting a human gene into a bacterium, scientists can produce large amounts of the protein that is encoded by the gene. The production of insulin is a perfect example.

Which molecule results from the final step of the Calvin cycle





if im wrong sorry

The two bar graphs show the average temperature and precipitation in a temperate climate, like you might find in most of the U.S.
Imagine you are on a trip to Brazil for the summer Olympics. How might the temperature graph differ in that climate?



high temps all year



High Temperatures all year!!


Describe the bonding between ionic compounds



Ionic bonding is the complete transfer of valence electron(s) between atoms. It is a type of chemical bond that generates two oppositely charged ions. In ionic bonds, the metal loses electrons to become a positively charged cation, whereas the nonmetal accepts those electrons to become a negatively charged anion.


Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!


Ionic bonding is the complete transfer of valence electron(s) between atoms. It is a type of chemical bond that generates two oppositely charged ions. In ionic bonds, the metal loses electrons to become a positively charged cation, whereas the nonmetal accepts those electrons to become a negatively charged anion.

Explanation: It is

Which of the following is the most common disease which affects muscles?
Shin splints
Muscular dystrophy


Muscular dystrophy!!

Which factors contribute to changing igneous and sedimentary rocks into metamorphic rocks?


The answers are heat and pressure


Pressure and Heat.


3. What type of pesticide is used to kill plants?





herbicide targets weeds and other unwanted plants


I believe the answer is Herbicides.


Herbicides: Chemical used to kill unwanted plants

Fungicides: Generally used to control parasitic fungi that can cause economic damage to crops.

Insecticides: Help control insects in the home garden or landscape.

Rodenticides: Pesticides that kill rodents.

any ideas? thanks for the help!



pretty sure its c


dont forget to five-star and heart! :)

it’s c like the person said^^

1. Which kind of evidence did scientists use to determine that some animals moved back to a marine life after first evolving as land mammals?

a. The fossil record
b. Comparison of homologous structures
c. DNA evidence
d. All of the above


the answer is d i think.....


Instead of gathering evidence from a single field, the pair pulled together research from many disciplines, including paleontology, molecular biology and conservation ecology, to give a far larger picture of what was happening when animals transitioned from the land to the sea across millennia.


it's probably D. all of the above because scientists use all of these examples

but im not 100% sure

what are the dominant freshwater flora and fauna?
a) grass and insects
b) mangrove trees and fish
c) plants and amphibians
d) sawgrass and reptiles


C.plants and amphibians


The correct answer is A I believe :)


genotypes has the potential for the greatest genetic variation in the offspring



is that a question or an answer? cuz im learning about stuff like that right now


What can you suggest to your classmate to keep himself/ herself clean and healthy


Keep in mind about hygiene
Washing hands constantly
Not touching things if unnecessary

State three ways we can protect our Earth.



Recycle, Plant Trees, Use reusable bags


what are two function of bile juice​



It aids in digestion, absorption, excretion, hormone metabolism and other functions. Bile juice is a digestive fluid produced by the liver. It is stored and concentrated in the gallbladder. Its main function is to convert fats in food into fatty acids, which are absorbed in the gut.


(1)The bile juice works as a medium to break down fats from larger parts to smaller parts of body for digestion. (2)The bile juice also functions as a substance that eradicates the germs from the food, making it more hygienic for our body.

Why are only four amino acids produced by 5 codons? I need this answer ASAP



My answer (that the information we have about codon structure is limited to the observations we can make now) is similar to the first part of your answer: that the number of amino acids that can be encoded is a function of codon length, in that both imply the (circular) argument that we must need more than 14 amino acids (plus a start and a stop, making 16) because we observe three nucleotide codons rather than two nucleotide codons. It would be nice to have a noncircular argumentf for why the minimum number of distinct amino acids is more than 14, but that is beyond my ability to construct

A, T, C, and G are the only letters found in DNA, however, a protein may include up to 20 distinct amino acids. Codons assist in translating the DNA code into a protein code at this point.

What are genetic codons?

For the body to develop and work effectively, 20 different amino acids are required. All 20 of them are crucial for your health, but only 9 are considered to be absolutely necessary.

This is due to the degeneracy of genetic codes, one of their characteristics, the remaining 3 codons are called "stop" codons since they do not code for any amino acids. The sequences UAA, UAG, and UGA include the stop codon information.

Therefore, only 61 of the 64 possible codon combinations code for amino acids.

Learn more about codons, here:


PLS ANSWER, How do the organ systems function together in the human body?



it doesn't say the options so I'm what to pick from sorry

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