Describe the strongest theoretical perspective to frame social problems of institutions across work education family and medicine including why you feel it’s the overall strongest perspective. First describe details of theoretical perspective as it relates to social institutions then explain why it’s the strongest three perspectives.


Answer 1

Social life is not complete without social difficulties. The term "social problem" refers to social circumstances, procedures, societal norms, or behaviors that are typically regarded as undesirable, detrimental, or endangering a number of values or interests, including social cohesion, the upholding of law and order, morality, the stability of social institutions, economic prosperity, or individual liberties. A social issue can also be perceived as a sense of collective guilt brought on by a failure to eliminate or improve certain unfavorable social situations that have a detrimental impact on particular segments of society.

Therefore, there is no presumption of value- or attitudinal neutrality in perception, interpretation, or intervention in this description of social issues. This specific characteristic distinguishes social phenomena that are seen to be social issues from other social or physical phenomena or situations that are thought to be difficulties tout court and that are possibly considered as not quite desirable or pleasant but without an element of threat.

To know more about social problem visit:

Related Questions

use the following words in a sentence to explain how volcanoes are formed.
convect, magma, mantle, core, tectonic plates.


As the oceanic tectonic plate descends into the mantle some of it melts. This material convects into the mantle above the plate and causes the mantle to melt. This liquid rock, called magma, rises to the surface from the core because it is less dense then the surrounding rock. If the magma reaches the surface of the Earth, a volcano forms.

In your own words, explain how growing urbanization leads to deforestation


Growing urbanization can lead to deforestation mainly in two ways. When people move from rural areas to the cities they tend to consume in a higher rate, because the ways of living in cities are different from those in rural areas. For people to consume more and to attend their urban needs (which includes electricity, piped water, constructions, etc), there is a need to extract more materials from nature that will be used in the processes that will make those things available. The second major impact of urbanization on deforestation is that the cities need to grow, and they grow taking land from natural forests and such. So, deforestation occurs to give place to the constructions and infrastructure needed in urban cities.

Cellular respiration and Photosynthesis co-exist as paired metabolic processes. Cellular respiration generates and releases carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis stores energy in the chemical bonds of glucose


All of the options are correct.

The products of one process are the reactants of the other. We can conclude that cellular respiration is the direct opposite of photosynthesis.

During which era did Pangaea break up?A. CenozoicB. MesozoicC. PaleozoicD. Precambrian


The correct option is B. Mesozoic. Since Pange started to break up, around 200 million years ago. The Mesozoic spans from 252 and 66 million years ago.

The greater the difference in pressure the stronger winds will be ….true or false





Yes the statement is true since the air flows from higher pressure to lower pressure and the rate of flow is directly proportional to pressure difference.

So increase in pressure difference will cause increase in rate of flow of air which means the winds will ne stronger.

Punnet square for Tt x tt



The Punnett square that represents Tt x tt is:

This means that

50% of the offspring will be homozygous for the allele t. That is, 50% of the offspring will be tt.


50% of the offspring will be heterozygous. That is, 50% of the offspring will be Tt.

We can conclude that the correct answer is:


Punnet Square:

Match the listed diseases to the listed healthcare professionals who are qualified to treat thediseases.urologistnephrologistgynecologistgeriatriciangastroenterologisthepatologistotorhinolaryngologistcardiologistpulmonologistotorhinolaryngologistDiseasesurinary tract infectionnephrolithiasisurinary incontinencehepatitisappendicitisendometriosistesticular cancerotitiscarditisbronchitis


urologist- urinary tract infection

nephrologist- nephrolithiasis

gynecologist- urinary incontinence, endometriosis

hepatologist- hepatitis


cardiologist- carditis

pulmonologist- bronchitis

otorhinolaryngologist- otitis

12. What part of the circulatory system interacts with the structure labeled 11?13. List the four types of respiration and where they occur.Labels:1- Nasal vestibule/Nose2- Oral cavity/Mouth3- Larynx4- Lungs6- Diaphragm7- Pharynx8- Trachea9- Bronchi10- Bronchioles


In the diagram, part 11 corresponds to the pulmonary alveoli, which is where the gas exchange occurs, given that they are surrounded by capillaries and the oxygen and carbon dioxide can diffuse between the capillaries and the alveoli.

So, capillaries are the part of the circulatory system that interacts with alveoli.

The types of respiration in humans are:

• Pulmonary ventilation,: the process of, taking air in and out of the lungs, (inhalation and exhalation). ,This involves the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, and lungs, as well as the diaphragm (structures 1 to 11)


• External respiration ,is the ,gas exchange, that, occurs in the alveoli (structure 11),, where the carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood cells in the capillaries to the alveoli, and the oxygen goes from the alveoli to the capillaries.


• Internal respiration ,is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide that occurs ,between the blood cells and all the other cells in the body,.


• Cellular respiration, is the set of metabolic reactions that takes place in the mitochondria of each cell to break glucose to obtain energy in the form of ATP, which requires the presence of oxygen.

I'm not meat and egg, I'm not alive but I have 5 fingers


The most probable answer is the glove, since it has space for five fingers but is not made by meat, nor by egg, and it is not alive.

Hello, can I have help with question number 11 , please? Can I all the choices for this question.


Smooth muscle has a series of characteristics that identify it, Presents a single nucleus, has a different type of myosin, they are not organized in sarcomeres therefore so they are not striated, and they generate weak membrane potentials, however, can be contracted for long periods of time and the movement is not consciously controlled. Therefore we can say that the correct answer is option b.

carrier proteins moving from low to high concentration requires the use of energy to ____ substances. This is called ___ transport and uses ____ _____ and ______, which is cell ____


Carrier proteins moving from low to high concentration requires the use of energy to transport substances. This is called active transport and uses transmembrane proteins, pumps and vesicles, which is cell membrane.

Active transport is the type of transport where molecules are transported using energy. This energy can be in the form of ATP or the energy released during co-transport. In active transport, the solute is transported against the concentration gradient, i.e., from lower to higher concentration.

Vesicles are the single membranous self-made structures. These are actually small spherical buds formed due to the pinching off of the cell membrane. They are actively involved in transport across various organelles of the cell.

To know more about vesicles, here


If Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical Astronomical Services Administration is not yet established, could we just rely on the wind to determine the weather?


If Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical Astronomical Services Administration is not yet established, we couldn't just rely on the wind to determine the weather.

The National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) organization of the Philippines is known as the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (abbreviated as PAGASA).

Its duties include protecting the nation from natural disasters, ensuring everyone's safety, well-being, and financial security, and advancing national progress by providing scientific and technological services in the fields of hydrology, climatology, meteorology, astronomy, and other geophysical sciences.

PAGASA, which was established by restructuring the Weather Bureau on December 8, 1972, is currently one of the Department of Science and Technology's Scientific and Technological Services Institutes.

To learn more about Philippines visit:


That a grade 11 questionBACKGROUND-Q1: In your own words, discuss how the bone structure of the limbs in the cat, whale, and bat are similar to those seen in humans.BACKGROUND-Q2: In your own words, describe how the function of these homologous structures differ for each animal. What can the human hand do that the others cannot?


Q1: As we know the limbs, especially arms are homologous structures, which means that possess a common ancestor, so we can find structures that have the same origin, even when each has suffered changes accordingly to their adaptations, the origin is the same, and the same bones are present such as radius and ulna.

Q2: As we said the evolutive origin is the same, however, the function is the same, the ancestral structure suffered changes according to their own selective pressures, for example, bats possess long phalanges that allow flight, meanwhile human has opposable thumbs that allow tool management.

Which one of these is caused by an artifact and not caused by a disease? *Platelet satellitismsickle cellGiant plateletsLeukoerythroblastic picture


To answer this question we need to analyze each available option. Sickle cells are a disease, such as sickle cell anemia. Giant platelets are a disorder, characterized by abnormally large platelets, low platelet count, and increased bruising or bleeding. A leukoerythroblastic picture is a set of symptoms used for diagnosis and can be caused by different pathologies. This leads us to the Platelet satellitism which is in fact an invitro phenomenon observed in peripheral blood smears from blood samples with EDTA anticoagulant.

write a 4 to 5 sentence paragraph that describes the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction. Be sure to include the terms actin, myosin and sarcomere in response


The sliding filament theory explains how muscles in the human body contract to produce force.

Scientists discover that under de microscopy changes in the sarcomeres as muscle tissue, they observed that during contraction one part of the sarcomere arrangement (named the "A band") remained in constant length. This band contains myosin filaments. On the other hand, the band that changes length is composed of actin filaments

3. When you cut your skin, the body secretes platelets to help form a clot. Theclot formation continues until the wound is sealed.ChoosePositive feedbackNegative feedback


Clumping and creating plugs in the blood vessel injuries is the function of platelet to stop bleeding. When the skin is cut, the body starts to secrete platelet to stop the bleeding or form a clot until the wound is sealed. This is called positive feedback which contributes to the accelated formation of platelet that fill in the injured blood vessels and to prevent extreme blood loss.

during ______, dna serves as a template to assemble a strand of rna. a. transcription b. translation c. dna transfer d. transcriptional modifications e. replication


Transcription, Because a portion of the cells DNA serves as a template so that an RNA molecule can be made.

Which of the following does a polygraph measure?


Sympathetic arousal




Polygraph measure Fear, it mostly is used for people to test others if there telling the truth and if there not they will have fear, which is why the answer is Fear

What is the most logical explanation for why Alice saw bubbles forming in the leaves of the elodea?


In the experiment, Alice placed a sprig of Elodea in water with sodium bicarbonate as a source of carbon and then placed it under a strong light so it would photosynthesize.

Given that photosynthesis takes a carbon source, water, and light to produce glucose and oxygen, the most logical conclusion is that the bubbles are formed because the Elodea plant is releasing oxygen (option c).

If molecules of mRNA have the following nucleotide base sequences, what will be the sequence of amino acids in polypeptides synthesized by eukaryotic ribosomes? Remember, transcription starts with an AUG codon. 1. 5′–AUGGGGAUACGCUACCCC–3′ 2. 5′–CCGUACAUGCUAAUCCCU–3′ 3. 5′–CCGAUGUAACCUCGAUCC–3′ 4. 5′–AUGCGGUCAGCCCCGUGA–3′


The mRNA is used to synthesize polypeptides in a process called translation, and for that the mRNA is interpreted as a series of groups with three nucleotides each, called codons. So for each three letters, we have a codon. The codons transcribe the following amino acids: Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Aspartic acid, Cysteine, Glutamic acid, Glutamine, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine, Selenocysteine.

The codons are organized in a chart, as the one that follows:

As the translation starts with an AUG codon, we sometimes have to leave some trios behind. The answer would be as follows:

1. AUG - met | GGG - gly | AUA - ile | CGC - arg | UAC - tyr | CCC - pro

The sequence would be MET-GLY-ILE-ARG-TYR-PRO

2. We will start only after the AUG codon

AUG - met | CUA - leu | AUC - ile | CCU - pro

The sequence would be MET-LEU-ILE-PRO

3. Again, we start after the AUG codon, and if the stop codon shows up the translation stops

The sequence would be only AUG - met | UAA - stop


4. AUG - met | CGG - arg | UCA - ser | GCC - ala | CCG - pro | UGA - stop

The sequence would be MET-ARG-SER-ALA-PRO

what forms xylem and phloem



The vascular tissue of vascular plants is made up of various kinds of cells and components. The primary components of vascular tissue are the xylem and phloem.

Remember that the xylem transports water and dissolved mineral salts and the phloem transports sap made by cells and by photosynthesis.

Therefore, both the xylem and phloem form the vascular tissue of plants.

Now, the formation of the xylem and phloem is given by the vascular cambium. This vascular cambium produces xylem and phloem cells and originates from procambium that has not completely differentiated during the formation of primary xylem and primary phloem.

Now, Xylem can contain three types of elongated cells: tracheids, vascular elements or vessels (tracheae), and fibers. At maturity, when they perform transport functions, all these cells are dead.

Then, the cells of Xylem are:

- Tracheids.

- Tracheas or Vessels.

The phloem consists of two types of conducting cells: sieve tubes, which are the most characteristic elements, and annex cells.

The cells of Phloem are:

- Sieve cell and sieve tubes.

- Albumin cells.

- Companion cells

We can conclude that the correct answer is:


The elements that form Phloem are:

sieve elements, phloem fibers, and phloem parenchyma cells.

The elements that form Xylem are:

long tracheary elements, parenchyma, and fibers.

Which type of joints hold together the bones of the skull?


Most of the bones in the skull are held together by non-moving joints called sutures.


Sutures are a type of fibrous joints (or fixed joints) that hold together the bones of the skull and don't allow the joined bones to move.

2. What role do greenhouse gases play in the greenhouse effect?




The greenhouse effect is the way in which heat is trapped close to Earth's surface by greenhouse gases.

Using the knowledge that you have gained from the unit lessons, define what we mean by renewable resources and nonrenewable resources and provide three examples of each.


Renewable resources: Are the resources supplied by nature whose source is renewed by natural proccesses, in other words, they are not exhausted. Examples: Wind, sunlight, water.

Nonrenewable resources: Are the resorces of which we only have a certain amount, and an excessive use of them can lead to depletion. Examples: Coal, gas, petrolium.

2a. Which curve was generated using an enzyme taken from a bacteria that lives in hot springs at temperatures of 70OC or higher and explain why? b. The optimum temperature for enzyme 1 (curve 1) is approximately?c. Which curve was most likely generated from an analysis of an enzyme from a human stomach where conditions are strongly acidic and explain why?


In this case, we need to remember how we detect an optimum in enzyme activity. As the reaction accelerates and reaches the slope the optimum has been reached, when conditions keep changing after the optimum, the curve descends.

2a, here we have a thermophilous bacteria that lives at a high temperature so is natural that the optimum of an enzyme of this bacteria be at high temperatures as is the case of curve 3.

b. For this curve we have a slope around 30°C so this is the optimum temperature.

c. Here the curve is generated with a pH range, and the dynamics is the same that with temperature. The human stomach has a pH around 2, so the most likely slope that corresponds with human enzyme is curve 4.

What is taking place in the picture belowA. Amino Acid spoolingB. TranslationC. Cellular RespirationD. Transcription


The biological process that is taking place in the picture in the question is called translation (b), meaning the event where the mRNA is translated into a sequence of amino acids (amino acids chain) that form a protein.

Is a survey of the guests about their preference of food at a party an observational study or experimental study? If it is an experiment, what is the controlled factor?


An observational study means that the researchers observe the data without changing anything, while in an experimental study the researchers change something to observe the effects of what they changed.

A survey of the preferred food of the guest is not changing anything, just asking for preferences, so this is an observational study.

Environmental science focuses on the interactions between:O Humans and the EnvironmentO Humans and ScientistsO Scientists and the EnvironmentO Geologists and Scientists


Environmental science focuses on the interactions between humans and the environment.

Environmental science focuses on the interactions between humans and the Environment, which is in the third option. So, the correct answer is first option .

Environmental science is an interdisciplinary field that examines the interactions between humans and the environment. It involves the study of various aspects of the environment, including the physical, biological, and social sciences. Environmental scientists investigate the complex relationships and interactions between natural systems, human activities, and the environment. Scientists, including ecologists, biologists, chemists, geologists, and other specialists, contribute to understanding and addressing environmental challenges and finding sustainable solutions. So, the correct answer is first option .

Learn more about environmental science here.


8. Which ways use heat to help separate the mixture?

A. Filtering
B. Boiling
C. By Hand
D. Chromatography


I think it’s b or d I took the quiz not that hard to really work on it

PatternsShow the conservation of atoms in chemical reactions Compare the atoms in sugar and the atoms in other carbon-based moleculesAnd the meal we are looking into is Rices fish broski and sweet potato


During a chemical reaction the total mass remains the same. This means that the mass of the consumed reactants equals the mass of the created products. The number of atoms also remains the same but the molecules change.

Many meals have in their composition starch, a molecule that is formed by glucose monomers. When the human body uses glucose it transformes this carbon based molecule into water, carbon dioxide and energy.

The chemical reaction of this process is the following:

[tex]C_6H_{12}O_6+6O_2\text{ }\rightarrow6CO_2+6H_2O\text{ + energy}[/tex]

As we can see the number of each atom that conforms the reactants equal those of the products:

in total (both in the reactats and the products):

6 carbon atoms

12 hidrogen atoms

18 oxigen atoms

In this reaction glucose and carbon dioxide are both carbon based molecules

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