describe the similarities and the differences between the french, english, and spanish colonial experience.


Answer 1

The  French, English, and Spanish were majorly dominant into expansion and colonialism.

Similarities and differences between them:

The history of colonial North America has been largely centred on the struggle for control of the continents of England, France, and Spain. Immigrants crossed the Atlantic for different reasons, and their governments adopted different approaches to their colonization efforts. These differences created pros and cons that significantly affected the fate of the new world. For example, France and Spain were ruled by dictatorships. Their colonists went to America as slaves to the crown. English colonists.

On the other hand, they were able to rule themselves as long as they enjoyed more freedom, followed English law, and remained loyal to the king. In addition, unlike France and Spain, England encouraged immigration from other countries and increased the colonial population. By 1763, the English had dominated North America, defeating France and Spain in the French and Indian Wars. However, French or Spanish colonized territories retain national characteristics which continue today.

To know more about Colonialism from the given link


Related Questions

What was the primary passage deleted from Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence?
OA passage blaming George Ill for slavery.
OA passage promising land to Indigenous peoples.
OA passage giving people freedom of religion and speech.



Passage blaming george iii for slavery


How does the quotation from Sophocles at the top of the page relate to his approach to drama?


The quotation was "Sophocles influenced the development of the drama, most notably by adding a third actor (Aristotle attributed to Sophocles and Themistius to Aeschylus), which reduced the importance of the chorus in presenting the plot. He also developed characters to a greater extent than previous playwrights."

What is drama?The word "drama" is derived from the Greek words which mean "action" or "action". Theater refers to a written composition intended to be performed on a stage and conceived by an audience. Drama, on the other hand, means portraying a work of fiction or non-fiction through the actions of a written script.Drama is the representation of fictional or non-fictional events through the performance of written dialogue (prose or poetry). Drama can be staged, filmed, or played on the radio. Dramas are usually called plays, and their creators are known as 'playwrights' or 'playwrights'.Examples of dramas are as follows:Romeo and JulietMuch Ado About NothingOedipus Rex The heirs

To know more about dramas/theaters refer to:


What helps to make Pacal the Great a particularly well-known Mayan leader?

Spanish conquistadors captured him and he learned Spanish.
Spanish Jesuits learned the language and interviewed him.
He ordered many buildings constructed with inscriptions about him.
He was a talented visual artist and left many detailed paintings.


Due to his building of palaces and construction of temples and monuments, Pacal the Great is a particularly well-known Mayan king.

Who was Pacal the Great?

K'inich Janaab' Pakal was the Maya emperor of Palenque, which is now in the Mexican State of Chiapas. His architectural endeavors in the city, particularly the Temple of the Inscriptions, and his intricately carved tomb lid, which some have interpreted to show an ancient astronaut flying on a rocket ship, have made him most renowned. He is also known as Pacal and Pacal the Great. The ancient city of Palenque that Pacal built and enlarged during his rule is only partially excavated in the present day; the remainder lies undisturbed in the surrounding forest.

To learn more about Pacal the Great refer to:


1. Class discussion topic: If two countries are fighting a war and one side wins a
major battle, why isn't that country the winner of the war?


Because winning a major battle doesn’t necessarily mean that a war is won. The way a war ends is with the losing side surrendering, not when they lose a battle. It just gives the winning side advantage. For example, while the Axis powers won a bunch of battles and took over many countries in WW2, but that didn’t mean they won WWII. Same thing with the Allied powers. While they won something like D-Day for example, the war didn’t end there. It ended when Japan surrendered.

What was a difference between the First Great Awakening and Second Great Awakening?


People who were already attending churches were the focus of the First Great Awakening. Their self-awareness, piety, and rituals were all altered.

What led to the First Great Awakening and why?

The main reasons why the Great Awakening started have previously been mentioned: church attendance was drastically declining across the nation, many people were disenchanted with the way sermons were delivered, and they bemoaned the preachers' lack of excitement.

What was the main focus of the Second Great Awakening?

The Second Great Awakening offered a fresh social outlet in addition to being a religious movement. It had a sense of excitement and community about it. If they thought one preacher was more entertaining than the previous one, some people even changed their denomination. This essay examines early evangelicalism with a social perspective.

To know more about  Great Awakening visit:-


What does "There is a moment you have to choose whether to be silent or to stand up" mean?


The statement that, "There is a moment you have to choose whether to be silent or to stand up, " means that certain situations will require us to either do something about them, or let them happen.

What did Malala say?

Malala was a Pakistani girl who was shot by the Taliban for advocating for children (especially girls) to be able to go to school. She has since become an advocate for human rights the world over.

Malala stated that "There is a moment you have to choose whether to be silent or to stand up," and this means that sometimes, a situation might happen around you that would be so disturbing that you would be forced to either stand up and do something to solve the situation, or remain silent and allow it to happen.

Find out more on standing up at


Which of the following are the expressed qualifications for a person to be considered president, per the Constitution?

Must be able to recite the Constitution

Must be a U.S. citizen for 14 years

Must hold no prejudices

Must be a natural born citizen

Must have military experience

Must be at least 35 years old

Must have held prior political office


According to the Constitution, a presidential candidate must be at least 35 years old, a natural-born citizen of the United States, and have lived in the country for at least 14 years.

hope this helps!

35 years old and must be a natural born citizen.

Why were the people of Anatolia vulnerable to the Mongols and Byzantine Empire?


The reason why  the people of Anatolia were vulnerable to the Mongols and Byzantine Empire is that Its prime location on the Mediterranean Sea and Baltic Sea allowed other nation like the Persians and Seljuks easy ability to attack.

Are the people of the Anatolia vulnerable to the Mongols ?

The people of the Anatolia are vulnerable to the Mongols because the place can be seen as the prime location on the Mediterranean Sea and Baltic Sea which made them vulnerable to the attack.

In conclusion, the location they find themselves is a very bad place for them because t can not protect them from the war.

Learn more about Byzantine Empire at:


Which of the following was not a reason that most members of immigrant
families had to get a job?
A. They could not survive on a single income.
B. The jobs available to them did not pay very much.
C. They had spent all of their savings just to get to America.
D. Only those who worked could get good health insurance.


The answer is D because if you look in the text then that is the correct answer very easy

Life of Factory Managers/Men during the Industrial Revolution


The life of the factory managers and workers were miserable as it was prone to many risk and dangers at workplace.

What was the Industrial revolution?

The Industrial Revolution refers to the transition from an agricultural and handicraft-based economy to one dominated by industry and machine production. These technological advancements provided new methods of working and living, drastically altering civilization.

Poor employees were frequently housed in cramped, insufficient lodgings. Working conditions were tough and exposed personnel to several risks and dangers, such as confined work quarters with limited ventilation, equipment trauma, and hazardous exposure to heavy metals, dust, and solvents.

As a result, the plant managers' and workers' lives were unpleasant, since the workplace was fraught with risk and danger.

Learn more about  Industrial revolution here:


To what extent did early civilizations help economically, socially and/or politically shape the modern world ?



The growth of agriculture resulted in intensification, which had important consequences for social organization.

Larger groups gave rise to new challenges and required more sophisticated systems of social administration.

Complex societies took the forms of larger agricultural villages, cities, city-states, and states, which shared many features.

Specialized labor gave rise to distinct social classes and enabled creative and innovative developments.

Systems of record-keeping and symbolic expression grew more complex, and many societies had system

How did Justinian impact old Roman law?

It was entirely replaced by his own edicts.
It was summarized and harmonized with Christianity.
He ordered old Roman laws destroyed as part of the old pagan Roman religion.
He preserved it completely intact and unchanged with his imperial seal.


By the time Justinian ascended the throne, the entire Roman empire was divided into Eastern Roman power and the Western Roman Empire. As a result, the first thing that he did was he ordered old Roman laws destroyed as part of the old pagan Roman religion.

Justinian established a commission to address the imperial constitutions as soon as he came to power. The ten commissioners reviewed every constitution of which copies were in existence, chose the provisions that were most useful.

They trimmed all the superfluous material, got rid of contradictions by leaving out one or the other of the conflicting passages, and adjusted every clause to the conditions and formed the Justinian Code.

To know more about Justinian Code here:


A line graph titled Workers' Wages around the World. The x-axis is labeled 1400 to 1800 by century. The y-axis is labeled Grams of Silver Per Day from 0 to 20. Lines on the graph are labeled London, Delhi, Amsterdam, and Beijing. London is under 5 grams in 1400 and 1500, around 7 in 1600, over 10 in 1700, over 15 in 1800. Delhi is 0 in 1400 to 1600, under 5 in 1700 and 1800. Amsterdam is 5 in 1400, under 5 in 1500, over 5 in 1600, and almost 10 in 1700 and 1800. Beijing is under 5 from 1400 to 1800.
Workers in the city of
earned the highest wages in 1700.
In the cities of
, wages stayed about the same between 1700 and 1800.
What was the effect of industrialization on worker's wages in London?


Workers in the city of London earned the highest wages in 1700.

In the cities of Delhi and Beijing, wages stayed about the same between 1700 and 1800.

The effect of industrialization on worker's wages in London was that it increased.

How did industrialization affect English workers?

The Industrial Revolution started in England as a result of the Agricultural Revolution also starting there. With the Industrial Revolution, English workers benefitted because they were paid higher wages because English companies were making higher amounts from sales.

We see this with the increase in the wages paid to English workers in London from an amount of under 5 grams of silver per day in the 1400s to over 15 grams of silver per day in the 1800s.

Nations that were not industrialized at the time, such as India (Delhi) and China (Beijing), could not pay their workers such amounts. This is shown by the fact that the amounts paid to workers remained under 5 from 1400 to 1800 which meant that they stayed about the same.

Find out more on industrialization at



Workers in the city of London...earned the highest wages in 1700.

In the cities of Amsterdam and Delhi, wages stayed about the same between 1700 and 1800.

What was the effect of industrialization on worker's wages in London? They Increased dramatically.

help me with this plss​


Answer: The universe (Latin: universus) is all of space and time[a] and their contents,[10] including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy. The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological description of the development of the universe. According to this theory, space and time emerged together 13.787±0.020 billion years ago,[11] and the universe has been expanding ever since the Big Bang. While the spatial size of the entire universe is unknown,[3] it is possible to measure the size of the observable universe, which is approximately 93 billion light-years in diameter at the present day.

The earliest cosmological models of the universe were developed by ancient Greek and Indian philosophers and were geocentric, placing Earth at the center.[12][13] Over the centuries, more precise astronomical observations led Nicolaus Copernicus to develop the heliocentric model with the Sun at the center of the Solar System. In developing the law of universal gravitation, Isaac Newton built upon Copernicus's work as well as Johannes Kepler's laws of planetary motion and observations by Tycho Brahe.

Further observational improvements led to the realization that the Sun is one of a few hundred billion stars in the Milky Way, which is one of a few hundred billion galaxies in the universe. Many of the stars in a galaxy have planets. At the largest scale, galaxies are distributed uniformly and the same in all directions, meaning that the universe has neither an edge nor a center. At smaller scales, galaxies are distributed in clusters and superclusters which form immense filaments and voids in space, creating a vast foam-like structure.[14] Discoveries in the early 20th century have suggested that the universe had a beginning and that space has been expanding since then[15] at an increasing rate.[16]

According to the Big Bang theory, the energy and matter initially present have become less dense as the universe expanded. After an initial accelerated expansion called the inflationary epoch at around 10−32 seconds, and the separation of the four known fundamental forces, the universe gradually cooled and continued to expand, allowing the first subatomic particles and simple atoms to form. Dark matter gradually gathered, forming a foam-like structure of filaments and voids under the influence of gravity. Giant clouds of hydrogen and helium were gradually drawn to the places where dark matter was most dense, forming the first galaxies, stars, and everything else seen today.

From studying the movement of galaxies, it has been discovered that the universe contains much more matter than is accounted for by visible objects; stars, galaxies, nebulas and interstellar gas. This unseen matter is known as dark matter[17] (dark means that there is a wide range of strong indirect evidence that it exists, but we have not yet detected it directly). The ΛCDM model is the most widely accepted model of the universe. It suggests that about 69.2%±1.2% [2015] of the mass and energy in the universe is a cosmological constant (or, in extensions to ΛCDM, other forms of dark energy, such as a scalar field) which is responsible for the current expansion of space, and about 25.8%±1.1% [2015] is dark matter.[18] Ordinary ('baryonic') matter is therefore only 4.84%±0.1% [2015] of the physical universe.[18] Stars, planets, and visible gas clouds only form about 6% of the ordinary matter.[19]

There are many competing hypotheses about the ultimate fate of the universe and about what, if anything, preceded the Big Bang, while other physicists and philosophers refuse to speculate, doubting that information about prior states will ever be accessible. Some physicists have suggested various multiverse hypotheses, in which our universe might be one among many universes that likewise exist.[3][20][21]


In what TWO ways did the cotton gin negatively impact Georgia’s economy?

Your answer:

1) It decreased the demand for railroad transportation.

2) It greatly expanded slavery throughout the state and region.

3) It resulted in Georgia losing land.

4) It made the state greatly dependent upon only one crop.

5) It made farmers lazy since they no longer had to remove cotton seeds by hand.


Cotton and slaves aren’t a good matchup for one and too no one wants to be racist

What is the role of "Manifest Destiny" in
this cartoon?


To demonstrate nationalism along with there strength in military and a strong economy. The hawk shows how they shadow the smaller countries surrounding them . alluding to colonization

In Chapter 6 of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Douglass writes about how slavery had a negative impact on both slaveholders and those who were enslaved. Write a well-constructed paragraph that uses evidence from the text to explain how TWO people from this chapter were negatively affected by slavery


Douglass is astonished by Sophia Auld, his new Mistresspeculiar ,'s tenderness. Mrs. Auld has never previously held a slave and appears untainted by the negative aspects of slavery. Douglass doesn't understand her.

Life of Frederick Douglass:

Auld, Sophia. Sophia, the wife of Hugh Auld, has never owned a slave prior to Douglass, thus she is unfamiliar with the practices of the slave trade. She demonstrates that holding a slave is bad for white people as well by becoming corrupted by the experience.

Hugh Auld orders her to stop teaching Douglass right away after realizing what she is doing. He justifies this by saying that education could make slaves unhappy and difficult to control. Therefore, all that white men need to do to keep their slaves under control is to forbid them from receiving an education because that would cause them to consider their own lives and independence. When Douglass heard what Hugh had to say, he was shocked and amazed. Although that was the first time he had heard something similar, he considers this to be the most priceless moment of his life. He may have now understood how white guys enslave black people.

He is aware of the trick he needs to use to liberate himself. Despite his sadness at losing his schooling and his wonderful teacher Sophia, he respects what Hugh said and saw it as enlightening. Douglass decides to continue his studies since, in his opinion, it is the first step toward achieving freedom.

Learn more about Life of Frederick Douglass:


Why did Washington plan his attack on Trenton on Christmas Day


In and around Trenton, New Jersey, there was a Hessian garrison of about 1,400 soldiers, and Washington's plan was to launch a surprise attack. In the new year, Washington believed that a fast victory at Trenton would boost the morale of his troops and encourage additional men to enlist in the Continental Army.

What Washington plan attack on Trenton on Christmas Day?

On December 23, he informed his subordinates of this choice and stated that the attack would occur soon before dawn on December 26.

The final version of Washington's strategy called for three crossings, with his troops—the largest contingent—leading the assault on Trenton.

Therefore, The plan is to attack the Hessian stronghold at Trenton on Christmas Eve by transporting his men across the Delaware River.

Learn more about Washington here:


How did Spain originally respond to conflict with the United States over the use of the Mississippi River?

Spain wanted to close the river to American traders.
Spain declared war on the United States.
Spain signed over the river rights to the United States.
Spain tried to transfer the river rights to France in secret.


The correct option is (a) Spain wanted to close the river to American traders. And by closing this river spain originally responded to conflict with the United States.

How Spain was related to the war?

The southern portion of the U.S. border remained in Spanish territory, and Spanish authorities kept the Mississippi River closed to American shipping out of reluctance to promote American trade and settlement in a vital frontier region.

But in the starting of the war, Spain provided the Revolutionaries with much-needed weapons, blankets, shoes, and money along with their military assistance. Although Spain had a substantial impact on the Revolutionary War, the impact of the American Revolution as a whole on Spain was perhaps the most significant.

To learn more about conflict with the United States over the use of Mississippi River refer to:


What is our title to the Philippine Islands?... When we made allies of the Filipinos and armed them to fight against Spain, we disputed Spain's title.... There can be no doubt that ... we had full knowledge that they were fighting
for their own independence....

Some argue that American rule in the Philippine Islands will result in the better education of the Filipinos. Be not deceived.... [We] dare not educate them lest they learn to read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States and mock us for our inconsistency.

[A] war of conquest is as unwise as it is unrighteous.... It is not
necessary to own people in order to trade with them.... Imperialism finds no warrant in the Bible. The command, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature," has no Gatling gun

Note: The Gatling gun was an early rapid-fire machine gun.

I need help with finding the “say” and “mean” and “matter”



The Philippine Islands became a Spanish colony during the 16th century; they were ceded to the US in 1898 following the Spanish-American War.

What languages were spoken by Indigenous cultures of the Northeast?


Answer: Algonquian language

Explanation: The Algonquin language, also known as Omamiwininimowin, is part of the Algonquian language family.

Many poor Europeans were drawn to colonies in the americans because:
A. they wanted to live in communities without religous rules
B.They planned to eventually migrate from americas to asia
C.They beleived they could raise their social status in the colonies
D.They hoped to join powerful armies and attack European kingdoms


Many poor Europeans were drawn to colonies in the America because they believed they could raise their social status in the colonies.

The American colonies were founded by Europeans who were looking for a new life. These settlers brought with them their culture and traditions, which were quickly adopted by the native populations. The result was a unique blend of European and American cultures that still exists today.

The European colonies in North America were some of the most successful and prosperous in history. The Europeans who settled there were able to create thriving settlements that lasted for centuries.

Hence, the correct option is "C".

To know more about Europeans, click here.


What is the capital on Zimbabwean 200 year ago



Salisbury is the first capital of Zimbabwean.

(Information by Britannica)

How was Buddhism probably introduced to China? Please help


Answer:It was introduced by Buddist Monks from India traveling into China

Explanation:During the Han Dynasty (I think 150 CE)

It was brought to China by Buddhist monks from India during the Han dynasty。

The document called the Mayflower Compact was named for what




Well, as the name suggests, the Mayflower Compact was written by the passengers of the Mayflower, the 17th-century English ship which brought Puritan Separatist settlers to North America.

hope it helps! :)


rules for self-governance established by the English settlers

Which two Asian countries preferred isolation over increased trade and relations with the


China and Japan are the  two Asian countries preferred isolation over increased trade and relations with the Europeans.

What prompted China and Japan to choose for isolationism?

In an effort to exclude outside influences from weakening their ideals and societies, both China and Japan have experienced periods of isolationism. The first Chinese dynasty to rule China after the Mongols were driven out, the Ming Dynasty, adopted an isolationist policy.

What were China's and Japan's thoughts on trade with Europe?

China accepted international trade, but western merchants were restricted to Canton and had no privileges there. They could only conduct business there through the Co-hong, an organization of dealers (Edwardes, 1973). Even more restrictively, Japan only permitted trade with the Dutch, who had access to Dejima as their only port (Rosenberg, 1978).

To know more about  isolationism visit:


Which of the following describe changes that lead to a population shift? Check all that apply

migration from one area to another

gerrymandering to increase a political party's control

a higher birth rate in one area

reapportionment across a state

a higher death rate in one area


The changes that lead to a population shift in this context includes:

a. migration from one area to anotherc. a higher birth rate in one areae. a higher death rate in one area.

What is the meaning of population shift?

Basically, a population shift refers to the change in the relative numbers of the different groups of individuals making up a population. Also known as a population change, means the change in the number of people in a specified area during a specific time period.

The change in total population over time is equal to the number of births, minus the number of deaths, plus or minus the net amount of migration in a population. The number of births can be projected as number of females at each relevant age multiplied by the assumed fertility rate. The number of deaths can also be projected as the sum of the numbers of each age and sex in the population multiplied by their respective mortality rates

Read more about population shift


explain the ways in which the missouri compromise and the nullification crisis demonstrated increasing sectional tensions and disagreements over slavery.


The Missouri compromise made sure that the pro and anti-slavery states were evenly distributed. An illustration of how sovereign states used their authority to declare Congress's laws unlawful is the Nullification Crisis of 1832.

A law known as the Missouri Compromise of 1820 attempted to alleviate escalating tensions between sections of society over the subject of slavery. The United States Congress recognized Maine as a free state and Missouri as a state that permitted slavery by enacting the legislation, which President James Monroe then signed.

The separation of the United States into three areas was agreed upon by both abolitionists and pro-slavery citizens in the Missouri Compromise (1820).

- Free-State territory, which forbade slavery. (mostly in the United States' north)

- The area known as a "slave state," where slavery was legal (mostly on the southern part of United States)

- Unassigned territories, including those in the west that were purchased from Louisiana Praise, where residents may vote for or against slavery.

The division of this territory underwent significant modifications following the 1850 agreement, which effectively put an end to the divide outlined in the Missouri Compromise.

The vast majority of the Louisiana purchase's unassigned land has been turned into free-state territory.

The division of this territory underwent significant modifications following the 1850 agreement, which effectively put an end to the divide outlined in the Missouri Compromise.

The vast majority of the Louisiana purchase's unassigned land has been turned into free-state territory. This deal greatly increased the abolitionist's authority.

To learn more about compromise click here:


Which of the following was the most significant event of President Kennedy's
A. Committing to put an American on the moon

B. The end of World War II

C. The murder of Martin Luther King Jr.
D. The end of racial discrimination





During Kennedy's brief presidency, the United States experienced both foreign policy triumphs and tragedies, including the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis.

so there for the answer is: A

A he was heavily involved in the space Race

is goody proctor a good wife? (does Elizabeth proctor love john proctor?)


Elizabeth and John Proctor's relationship is tense throughout the entirety of the play. Elizabeth Proctor is an excellent Puritan wife for her family who is highly understanding, and loving.

In the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, Elizabeth Proctor was found guilty of witchcraft. She was married to John Proctor, who was found guilty and put to death.

Proctor did cave in to temptation and commit adultery, but he is unable to forgive himself. He hates Elizabeth for being unable to forget him and put her faith in him once more, but he is equally to blame.

Elizabeth Proctor is motivated to tell a lie in court during the witch trials because she wants to reunite her marriage and family, establish her devotion as a good puritan wife, and protect her husband's reputation.

To learn more about Elizabeth and John Proctor, refer


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