Describe the psychological impact of the slave trade on Africans.


Answer 1

Answer:The scale of the Atlantic slave trade had a profound impact on African civilization. Slavery had a severe impact on African societies and resulted in West Africa's long-term impoverished. This amplified the consequences that already existed among its rulers, kinships, kingdoms, and society.


Related Questions

why was freedom considered a privilege in the Middle ages?​



For much of the Middle Ages the privilege merely provided protection from arrest or imprisonment on charges of trespass, debt or broken contract, but in 1478 it was extended to keep MPs, peers and their servants safe from being sued for any of these causes while serving in Parliament.

I hope this helps!

Does deregulation always work to promote competition and lower prices?


Here is your answer!!

Deregulation always leads to lower prices for the consumer. The government has no power over companies joining together into larger companies.

Hope that helps have please consider giving brainliest!! Have a good day!<3

hey! i’ll give brainliest please help.



adaptation and reconciliation

[2nd choice]


Cyrus and his successors employed a policy of adaptation and reconciliation toward all of their new subjects.

Which is an accurate description of the Underground Railroad?

It guided slave hunters with captured runaway slaves on their return voyage.

It allowed abolitionists to travel south secretly and observe slave conditions.

It relied on safe houses run by northern whites and blacks to move slaves to Canada.

It arranged for slaves to visit friends and relatives who lived on different plantations.


It relied on safe houses run by northern whites and blacks to move slaves to Canada




took the k12 test

What does it mean for a city/area to experience a BOOM cycle?



The boom and bust cycle is a key characteristic of capitalist economies and is sometimes synonymous with the business cycle. During the boom the economy grows, jobs are plentiful and the market brings high returns to investors. In the subsequent bust the economy shrinks, people lose their jobs and investors lose money.


what conclusion about the use of us military power would be most logically drawn from the experience of the Iraq war


After a military victory, the defeated country may remain unstable and dangerous.

Answer: answer above is correct i just did the test


Need help pls help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sounds like he’s thinking it’s a historic achievement. He’s only talking about others being super excited for it and no others make sense


ur previous question


Feeling jealous = envy

the steam engine designed by james watt which drove the industrial revolution was powered by
a. oil
b. coal
c. wood
d. water



d. water





why the lawmaking process is important




Law prevents governmental activity from arbitrary actions. At the same time it is possible to establish legal control over government actions and decisions. This principle is important for establishing of the law-making process.

How did the US and Russia compete against each other during the cold war.



Arms Race

Cold war competition between the U.S. and Soviet Union to build up their respective armed forces and weapons


Describe the set-up of reservations and the government systems within reservations today. (Site 1) PLEASE HELP



Indian reservation framework was established to keep Native Americans out of areas where European Americans wanted to settle. The reserve system gave indigenous community autonomy and permitted them to keep a few of their religious as well as social practises.

Modern Indian reservations dot the landscape of the United States and are administered by the Department of Indian Affairs (BIA). Every reservation's communities are self-governing and are not bound by federal legislation. They are responsible for the majority of reservation-related responsibilities, but financial assistance is provided by the national govt.



money money money ;)

Why was it difficult for president Clinton to pass legislation through congress


Because there are very beautiful ladies are passing from there


The majority in both houses of Congress were Republicans.


Explain how ideas of enlightenment philosophers critique the social system and norms described in the letter written by Marie Antoinette to her mother and contributed to the french revolution of 1789- using SAQ
(answer, cite, explain)
there should be 3 sentences or more



I wish I new what itnis soryyyyyyy

True Or False
More Americans died in the Civil War than in any
other conflict in American history

The power of state governments grew when the
North won the war.

The Civil War ended slavery and solved the
problems of African Americans.

. If a
statement is false, rewrite it to make it true.





the civil war is what stoped the slavery for people of color in america  alot of slave owners started using irish and scottish people for slaves tho

Identify the country which conquered Peru.

please answer quickly! i have a time limit! thanks!


Answer:After years of preliminary exploration and military skirmishes, 168 Spanish soldiers under conquistador Francisco Pizarro, his brothers, and their indigenous allies captured the Sapa Inca Atahualpa in the 1532 Battle of Cajamarca.

Result: Decisive Spanish victory, execution of t...

Territorial changes: Former Inca lands incorpo...

Date: 1532–1572



The ___ of the Holy Synod are leaders of the Eastern Orthodox Church.





Witch one of these 4 is it? :W


It’s patriarchs. They’re the leaders of the Eastern Orthodox Church :)

What two countries were super powers at the end of WWII?



The United States and the Soviet Union

Which of the televangelists you just learned about started a political movement supporting conservative views? Why was this significant?



The answer is below


Jerry Falwell was widely known as a televangelist who founded the organization known as Moral Majority. The organization concentrated on the issue of the advancement of conservative social virtues and usefulness.

His movement and position was significant as the American political organization he founded was widely attributed to have made lasting impacts in American politics by creating the religious right as an important political player.

A government where citizens rule through elected representatives.

Select the correct answer and explain. (No links please)

a. Anti-federalists

b. Articles of Confederation

c. Republic

d. Three-Fifths Compromise

e. Checks and Balances

f. Bill of Rights

g. Virginia Plan



The answer is C. Republic.


A republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.

Republic, a form of government, in which a state is ruled by representatives of the citizen body. Modern republics are founded on the idea that sovereignty rests with the people, though who is included and excluded from the category of the people has varied across history. Because citizens do not govern the state themselves but through representatives, republics may be distinguished from direct democracy, though modern representative democracies are by and large republics. The term republic may also be applied to any form of government in which the head of state is not a hereditary monarch.

Please help me I don’t have my friends:(



In the'' mystery of the old sea chest'' a girl named Gloria she finds this mysterious chest just siting up there in her attic so of curse she had to ask about it. So she asks she uncle Rogers he just figured that it was sewing stuff. And so Gloria was frustrated,but her determination was so powerful that she didn't wan't to give up!

''mile-high mystery ''My sister and I hear this eerie wail coming from outside. So they find this alone,sad,homeless dog and so they instead of them saying ''whatever'' and just shut the door on the little guy they acted to help him and find the owner and get him a better life then on in the ''Bitterly cold snow''. So they tried and tried,but even it got hard or it didn't work out ''I sigh,but I just couldn't give up. and the tried so hard they tried phone books, they tried asking so many animal clinics, and then..... THEY FOUND HIM A HOME!!!!! So the theme of the two stories are ''dig a little deeper and you will find the solution''

Use the Information to answer the question
This type of government is created to serve a
specific function for the state or community.
Examples include the following:
• Local school districts
• Port Authority
Which of the following is being described?
O A. County Government
B. City Government
OC. Special-Purpose District
OD. State District


It would be local school districts have authority

What social challenges has Algeria had to deal with since independence?

poverty, military coups, and food shortages
drought, food shortages, and housing shortages
drought, disease, and government corruption
recession, housing shortages, and civil war



The correct answer is B. drought, food shortages, and housing shortages



drought, food shortages, and housing shortages


I WILL GIVE BRAINLYIST PLEASEEE Which Civil War event destroyed Southern transportation railways, houses, and
A. Sherman's March to the Sea
B. Battle of Gettysburg
C. Vicksburg


I think the person above is right it is A. Hope this helps

According to the Great
Compromise, a slave was worth
how much of a person in regards
to population count?



3/5 of a man


Why, according to the text, was the Russian Revolution a failure?
Consider the goals of the revolutionaries in your answer. Cite
evidence to support your answer.



The Russian Revolution failed, and Lenin took over as leader, focusing on economic reform. After he died, Russia was left with a communist regime headed by Joseph Stalin. To manipulate the citizens and maintain power, a one-party government that has total control uses terror, propaganda, and censorship.


Why would progressives value the 16th, 17th,18th and 19th amendments?




16th amendment allows Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states on the basis of population.

17th amendment established the direct election of United States senators in each state.

18th amendment  established the prohibition of alcohol in the United States.

19th amendment granted American women the right to vote, a right known as women’s suffrage

What happened during the German blitzkrieg?



Blitzkrieg, (German: “lightning war”) military tactic calculated to create psychological shock and resultant disorganization in enemy forces through the employment of surprise, speed, and superiority in matériel or firepower.


I NEED HELP PLEASE ILL MARK BRAINLIEST Which of the following is true of the Irish Republican Army: A) It has consistently refused to use terrorist tactics, B) It opposed the unification of Ireland and Northern Ireland, C) It claims to represent the interests of Northern Ireland's Catholic minority D) It was formed to counteract discrimination against Protestants in Northern Ireland.​



C) It claims to represent the interests of Northern Ireland's Catholic minority


The Irish Republican Army was an army created in Northern Ireland, which aimed to combat English imperialism and make Northern Ireland an independent country. This army made a strong use of terrorist tactics, but claimed to be acting for the defense of Catholic Christians in Northern Ireland, which, due to the English dominance, featured many Protestant Christian citizens, reaching to represent more than 60% of the population.

if anyone could pls help me and answer this!!! :)



difference The Byzantine Empire's legal system was based off their predecessors, the Romans. The Islamic Caliphates' legal system was based off of the Qumran and Hadith, named Sharia Law.

Similarity The Byzantine Empire and Islamic Caliphates appointed their political leaders as religious leaders also. They did this, because they would have more power over the people; not only did they regulate their laws and duties, but also their religion. They would gain favor from the public for embracing religion.

The Byzantine Empire and Islamic Caliphates both used religion as a way to unite their people, and as a justification for expansion. Islam began small in Mecca, and the Byzantine was just a fraction of the Roman Empire - but through the use of religion they expanded. The Islamic Caliphates used the idea of the Jihad, while the Byzantine Empire under Justinian similarly used Christian teachings, and the idea of spreading the faith to other areas - to gain control of the land that the Western Roman Empire lost.


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A job shadow 20 points. Help. No links. Ty :) What is the present form of government in Suriname? O democracy dictatorship monarchy O republic The ratio of footballs to total pieces of equipment is... and we have 2 baseballs and 6 footballs The U.S. Constitution:Question 6The English Bill of Rights, which gave the people the right to petition theking, the right to bear arms and freedom from cruel and unusualpunishment, emphasized what political concept?Select one:separation of powersrule of lawnatural rights or individual rightsOpopular sovereignty Why is Dalton's Gas Law a problem for people who visit high altitudes? x-7y=4,5x-4y=-11 solve system of equations by substitution Felicia and Tom went out on their first date, and at the conclusion of their evening Tom invited Felicia to come to his apartment for a drink. She liked him and felt inclined to do so. Once Felicia was inside she sat down and made herself comfortable while Tom prepared some mixed drinks. When he came back into the room he turned the lights off and snuck up behind Felicia to blindfold her. She screamed. He ripped her clothing off and engaged in sexual activity with her while she was physically attempting to fight him off. This is an example of what Paradise Corporation budgets on an annual basis for its fiscal year. The following beginning and ending inventory levels (in units) are planned for next year. Beginning Inventory Ending Inventory Raw material* 30,000 40,000 Finished goods 70,000 60,000 * Three pounds of raw material are needed to produce each unit of finished product. If Paradise Corporation plans to sell 510,000 units during next year, the number of units it would have to manufacture during the year would be: Belmont Corp. is considering the purchase of a new piece of equipment. The cost savings from the equipment would result in an annual increase in net income after tax of $230,000. The equipment will have an initial cost of $1,000,000 and have an 8 year life. If there is no salvage value of the equipment, what is the accounting rate of return? Multiple Choice 18.0% 15.5% 46.0% 23.0%. Why do you think most companies make use of celebrities in their marketing promotional activities? Read the following quote from Thomas Jefferson: "A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earnedthis is the sum of good government." Which of the following Democratic-Republican ideas does this statement best support? The creation of a national bank is unconstitutional. The institution of slavery should be protected. A powerful central government threatens individual liberties. The national government should only pay for improvements that benefit the nation. 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Midwest and Southwest Northwest and southern West Coast Southwest and Northeast Southwest and southern West Coast Question 3(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points) [06.01 MC] How did the use of factory machines change life in America? They replaced the work of people, causing unemployment. Machines were expensive and made goods more expensive. Machines helped make and deliver goods quickly and cheaply. They made goods of lower quality, causing demand for handmade items. Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points) [06.06 LC] Jacksonian Democracy is associated with which of the following? Rejection of states' rights Rejection of a national bank Rejection of weakening the central government Rejection of strict interpretation of the Constitution Question 5(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points) [06.04 MC] Which factor contributed most to the U.S. acquisition of Florida in 1819? The defeat of Great Britain in the War of 1812 U.S. military victories in Florida during the 1810s Spain's loss of control over its South American territories Territorial disputes between Mexico and the United States Question 6(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points) [06.03 LC] Use this case study and chart to answer the following question: Case Study: The Growth of New Orleans The City of New Orleans was founded by the French in what was an important but swampy region of the south along the banks of the Mississippi River. A few short years after its founding, the city was made the capital of the French territory of Louisiana. It would take another 50 years or so before fur and game trading was replaced with a more productive industrysugar. The city's location at the mouth of the Mississippi River proved useful for moving goods up into the continent as well as making it easy to trade with Europe. Soon New Orleans was a busy and rapidly growing city, becoming the seventh most populated city in the New World by 1810. New Orleans' location in the swamps, while helpful for trade, was not always helpful to people of the city. New Orleans had problems with flooding and drainage of sewage. Disease spread rapidly thanks to an also thriving population of mosquitoes. Lack of sanitation and no public water made it hard to defend against outbreaks of malaria and yellow fever outbreaks of which occurred as recently as 1905. Image contains a graph and a table. The title of the image is: The City of New Orleans. The graph contains population numbers from 1810 to 1900. The table also contains population numbers from 1810 to 1900 and also contains New Orleans According to the passage, which of the following was the most significant cause of New Orleans' rapid growth between 1810 and 1840? The sugar industry Fur and game trading The city's location Being named the capital of Louisiana Question 7(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points) [06.04 MC] Which of the following caused a rapid increase in the demand for coal and other fossil fuels in the late 1800s? Home heating in the North New ships using steam power Cotton production in the South Manufacturing in the Northeast Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points) [05.01 MC] Why did the United States push for control of the Oregon Country? Increased American settlement in the Pacific Northwest Increased threat of British attacks on the Louisiana Territory Discovery of gold in the Rocky Mountains Need for more territory north of the Missouri Compromise if you anwer these ill give free brainly give all stars and heart it