describe the conditions under which the use of effective gross income multipliers to value the subject property is appropriate.


Answer 1

Apartment leases often have durations of one year or less, so an income multiplier approach to value is more suitable for apartment buildings than for the majority of office, industrial, and retail facilities.

What is the effective gross income multiplier?

Investors use the gross rent multiplier (GRM) as a screening parameter to contrast available rental property options in a particular area. The market value of the property divided by the total yearly rental revenue constitutes the GRM.

The link between the Effective Gross Income and the Value or Price is established by the Effective Gross Income Multiplier. The calculation is as follows: Sale price Effective Gross Income Multiplier. Instead of using the annual income, the effective gross monthly income multiplier would do so.

To know more about effective gross income multiplier, refer:


Related Questions

according to this laffer curve, should the government increase the tax rate from 40% to 60%? a.) yes, because the government will receive a higher tax revenue. b.) no, because the tax revenue is no longer maximized. c.) yes, because the tax revenue continues to increase after a tax rate of 40%. d.) no, because the government should increase the tax rate to 100%.


Yes, government increase the tax rate from 40% to 60% because the tax revenue continues to increase after a tax rate of 40%. Option (c) is correct.

What is Revenue?

The total income derived from the sale of products or services pertaining to a business's core operations is referred to as revenue. Because it appears at the top of the income statement, revenue, which is also known as gross sales, is frequently referred to as the "top line."

The Laffer curve depicts a potential correlation between taxation rates and the amount of tax revenue that results. According to the Laffer curve, there is a tax rate between 0% and 100% that maximises government tax revenue because it is assumed that no tax income is generated at the extreme tax rates of 0% and 100%.

Therefore, Option (c) is correct. Government should increase the tax rate from 40% to 60% because the tax revenue continues to increase after a tax rate of 40%.

Learn more about Revenue, here;


marta owns a food truck. which of the following would limit marta's ability to price discriminate? marta has little understanding of how much each customer values her product. marta's product is good only if it is consumed immediately, making it difficult to store for resale. marta has considerable market power because she is the only seller in town of of that kind of food. marta is facing rising costs.


Marta has little understanding of how much each customer values her product.

In income, trade, and economics, a patron (now and again called a customer, purchaser, or patron) is the recipient of a good, carrier, product or an idea - acquired from a vendor, seller, or provider via a monetary transaction or alternate for money or some different valuable consideration. Early societies depended on a present economy based totally on favours. Later, as trade developed, less permanent human family members were formed, relying greater on transitory wishes as opposed to enduring social goals.

Learn more about customer here


What tax form will you receive from an
employer if you are hired as an
independent contractor?
A. 990 form
B. W2 form
C. 1099 MISC form
D. Child Tax Credit form



see the answer


I think it's B

Follow and like me

In two paragraphs, describe which management style you like the best as a leader? Also, as an employee/subordinate, which management style would you want your boss to display?


The management style of a supportive leader is a positive style that helps motivate and create a development-focused organizational culture.

What are management styles?

It corresponds to the set of characteristics displayed by a leader in a company to direct and coordinate his team. Some of these leadership styles are:


The supportive leadership style corresponds to a leader who seeks to get involved in the team's tasks and challenges directly, helping his subordinates with their needs through structured communication, providing feedback and empathy.

Therefore, the management style will directly impact the organizational culture, since the leader is the professional responsible for motivating and directing the team's efforts in favor of organizational goals and objectives.

Find out more about supportive leadership on:


What was the first publicly traded u. S. Company to reach a $1 trillion market cap?.


apple became the first company to reach one trillion

if you are going to earn abnormal returns based on your macroeconomic analysis, it will most likely have to be because


Most likely, it will be due to the fact that you are a better analyst than others.

Microeconomics is based on computer simulations of people or companies, or "agents," that decide what to buy, sell, or produce, with the assumption that their decisions result in perfect market clearing (demand matches supply) and other ideal conditions. Macroeconomic analysis typically focuses on three variables: national output (as measured by gross domestic product), unemployment, and inflation. Macroenvironment analysis is a component of strategic management for businesses, and it enables them to study and identify potential opportunities and risks that can have an impact on their business. The goal is to give management the knowledge they need to make informed operational decisions.

Note that the full question is:

If you are going to earn abnormal returns based on your macroeconomic analysis, it will most likely have to be because ________. A) you have more information than others,

B) you are a better analyst than others,

C) you have the same information as others,

D) you are an equally good analyst as others

To learn more about macroeconomics:


susan invests 2 times as much money at 12 % as she does at 9 % . if her total interest after 1 year is $ 1980 , how much does she have invested at each rate?


She has invested $6000 at 12% and $12,000 at 9% rate.

Let x stand in for the amount she put into the account that earned 12% interest.

Let y stand in for the amount she put into the account that earned 9% interest.

At 12%, Susan invests twice as much as she does at 9%. It follows that

x =2y

The calculation of simple interest follows the following formula:

I = [tex]\frac{P X R X T}{100}[/tex]

Taking into mind the account's 12% interest rate,

P = x, T = 1 year, R = 9℅

I = (x × 9 × 1)/100 = 0.09x

Taking into mind the account's 9% interest rate,

P = y, T = 1 year, R = 5℅

I = (y × 5 × 1)/100 = 0.05y

If after a year her total interest is $1980, it means that

0.12x + 0.09y = 1980    (equation 1)

When x = 2y is substituted into equation 1, it results in

0.12x × 2y + 0.09y = 1980

0.24y + 0.09y = 1980

0.33y = 1980

y = 1980/0.33

y = 6000

x = 2y = 2 × 6000

x = 12000

To learn more about investments:


How has digital media and the advent of online shopping affected the retail landscape?.


Digital media and the advent of online shopping affected the retail landscape as it has led to the closing of many brick-and-mortar stores. The internet has also impacted retailers in ways that go far beyond their physical space or their online presence.

E-commerce will not be the death of the in-store shopping experience, but already its advent has had far-reaching effects. Most importantly, it has given consumers a greater number of purchasing options and created a higher expectation of convenience.

E-commerce and digital innovation have influenced consumer behavior to the point that the department store experience feels out of sync with the way we prefer to shop now.

Learn more about digital media and e-commerce here


Can someone write a 5 paragraph of a writing an argument and it gotta be two things to argue about


A argument that can be written about two things in the United States include the issue of gun rights and social security spending.

What are some pressing issues in the United States?

When writing an argument and you need a good topic, look at the pressing issues in your country at that time. For the United States, gun rights and social security spending are quite notable.

For the issue of gun rights, there are those who support gun rights because they believe that it allows them to protect themselves. Some even argue that the more people have guns, the less there will be gun violence because people will be more conscious of using their guns fearing they could be shot.

Then there are those against rights. They argue that nations that have fewer guns have fewer mass shootings and instances of gun related violence. They therefore want that for the United States.

Another argument would be that of social security spending. Those who support it say it is only right to provide for the elderly in society.

Those opposed to social security spending believe that it is costing the nation much too much. They argue that these are funds the government could use in other sectors. They advocate for more private retirement saving.

Find out more on arguments at


louis, 55, and rita, 52, have a large investment portfolio concentrated in individual stocks and stock mutual funds. they maintain cash reserves in a money market deposit account. louis is employed as a senior nuclear engineer and earns an annual salary of $350,000. he is expecting to retire in five years. select the investment that would be most suitable for the couple if they are seeking capital preservation and diversification. a) special opportunities fund b) biotechnology fund c) high-yield bond fund d) tax-free municipal bond fund


Tax-free municipal bond fund because the objective of an investment is capital preservation and diversification which can be achieved by investing in tax-free municipal bonds because it guarantees the safety of investment with assured return. The rest of the investment options do not guarantee the preservation of capital and involve the risk of default.

A bond is debt protection, much like an IOU. debtors issue bonds to elevate cash from traders inclined to lend them money for a sure amount of time. while you purchase a bond, you're lending to the provider, which can be a central authority, municipality, or enterprise.

Bonds are issued by way of governments and businesses once they want to raise cash. by way of shopping for a bond, you are giving the company a loan, and they comply with paying you again the face price of the mortgage on a selected date and paying you periodic interest payments along the manner, normally two times a year.

Learn more about bonds here:


If the average product of labor is seven units of output per worker per day, the total output of 15 workers will be ______________ units per day.


The average product of labor is seven units of output per worker per day. The total output of 15 workers will be 105 units per day. This is because the average product is multiplied by the number of workers.

What is unit?
The definition of a unit of measurement is a particular magnitude of a quantity which has been established and accepted by law or convention and used as a standard for measuring both these quantities of the same. A multiple of the unit of measurement can be used to express any other quantity of that type. A length, for instance, is a physical quantity. A unit of measure that represents a specific, predetermined length is the metre (symbol m). For instance, when "10 metres" (or 10 m) is mentioned, it refers to 10 times the fixed, predetermined length known as "metre." From ancient times to the present, the definition, agreement, and practical application of units of measurement have been crucial to human endeavour. It used to be quite common to see a wide variety of unit systems.

To learn more about unit

suppose that two factors have been identified for the u.s. economy: the growth rate of industrial production, ip, and the inflation rate, ir. ip is expected to be 4%, and ir 3.5%. a stock with a beta of 2.0 on ip and 1.2 on ir currently is expected to provide a rate of return of 17%. if industrial production actually grows by 5%, while the inflation rate turns out to be 5.6%, what is your revised estimate of the expected rate of return on the stock? (do not round intermediate calculations. round your answer to 1 decimal place.)


The value of revised estimate is 18.6 %.

What is meant by unanticipated?

When the initial sanctioned estimate is anticipated to increase by more than 5% as a result of changes in the amount of material or rates, this document is created. It is a brand-new, comprehensive estimate for the extra work in addition to the initial estimate. It is necessary when additional development is needed as work is being done.

The final budget, also known as the original budget adjusted for all reserves, carryover funds, transfers (virement), allocations, supplemental appropriations, and other authorized legislative or similar authority changes applicable to the budget period, is known as the "revised estimate"; Samples 1 and 2.

Given Information

Old rate of return  =  17%

Unexpected changes in factors =  2.0  and  1.2

Sensitivity coefficients = 2.0


Revised estimate = 17% + [(1 x 1) + (0.2 x 1.)] = 18.6%

Therefore the revised  estimate value is 18.6%

To learn more about revised estimate refer to


Which of the following is considered a fall prevention system because it stops a person from falling in the first place?
Select the best option.



Personal fall arrest systems

Safety nets



see the answer


I think it's safety nets

g a. three months after the sale, at the balance sheet date, there was a foreign currency exchange gain of $1100. what is the journal entry? b. three months after the sale, at the balance sheet date, there was a loss on the contract of $520. what is the journal entry?


The profits and losses arising from foreign money transactions that might be recorded and translated at one fee after which result in transactions at a later date and distinctive rate are recorded in the equity phase of the balance sheet.

Unrealized overseas forex translation gains or losses as of the stability sheet date are commonly accounted for under monetary prices or profits on debts 563 or 663  this relates to receivables, payables, stamps and vouchers, overseas foreign money treasury, and overseas forex money owed.

In monetary accounting, a balance sheet is a precis of the financial balances of a character or employer, whether it's a sole proprietorship, an enterprise partnership, an employer, a personal restricted organization, or a different organization that includes a government or no longer-for-earnings entity.

Learn more about balance sheets here


a machine that cost $120,000 has an estimated residual value of $12,000 and an estimated useful life of nine years. the company uses straight-line depreciation. calculate its book value at the end of year 8. (do not round intermediate calculations.)


Book value at the end of year 8 is $24000 .Cost of the asset minus book value in year one.

Depreciation costs for the first year

Book value in the following years

= the prior year's book value minus -expense for depreciation

Useful life divided by (cost of asset - salvage value) equals straight line depreciation expense.

($120,000 - $12,000)/ 9 = $12000

The depreciation expense each year would be $12,000.

Book value in year 1= $120,000 - $12,000

= $108000

Book value in year 1= $108,000 - $12,000


Book value in year 1= $96,000 - $12,000

= $84000

Book value in year 1= $84,000 - $12,000

= $72,000

Book value in year 1= $72,000 - $12,000

= $60,000

Book value in year 1= $60,000 - $12,000

= $48,000

Book value in year 1= $48,000 - $12,000

= $36,000

Book value in year 1= $36,000 - $12,000

= $12000

To know more about Straight-line depreciation visit:


what is the document called that is distributed to potential bondholders and provides detailed information on the financial position and operations of the bond issuer?


The document called that is distributed to potential bondholders and provides detailed information on the financial position and operations of the bond issuer is prospectus.

The providing document (“Preliminary Official Statement” or “POS”) need to comprise particular facts approximately the securities, which includes an in-depth description of the reason of the issue, and criminal reviews concerning the issuer's authority and the tax repute of the securities.

The 3 reasserts of go back on a fixed-price bond bought at par price are: (1) receipt of the promised coupon and major bills at the scheduled dates, (2) reinvestment of coupon bills, and (3) ability capital gains, in addition to losses, at the sale of the bond previous to maturity.

Learn more about bondholders here:


Which of the following marketing messages are consumers most likely to trust?
A. ATV commercial
B. An article about the company in a city newspaper.
C. An Internet advertisement
D. A phone conversation with an employee of the company


B) an arrivals about the company in a city newspaper.

An article about the company in a city newspaper would be more trusted by the consumers.
The article or news in the newspaper is a reliable source for gaining information as people usually perceive that information on TV and the internet is mostly comprised of fake news.
Thus, newspapers are trusted for their accurate and unbiased information especially in rural regions and elderly people as newspapers have a wide distribution channel.

The difference between a gross material requirements plan and a net requirements plan is that.


A net material requirements plan (net MRP) differs from a gross material requirements plan (gross MRP) in that. In contrast to the net MRP, the gross MRP takes into account the inventory on hand. While the net MRP need not be computerized, the gross MRP cannot be.

What are net requirements?

Although they can be challenging to calculate, net requirements are crucial for guaranteeing that a company has the proper stock on hand. It's simple to have too much or too little stock on hand without precise net need estimations. Missed sales opportunities and shortages may result from this.

Using the tool Net-Requirement, you may quickly and precisely determine your company's net requirements. With the help of this technology, you'll always have the data you need to keep your supply chain operating efficiently. Net requirements are the quantities needed for a given item based on its gross requirements (derived from forecasts, customer orders, or upper-level demand), less any stock that is currently in stock and any scheduled receipts. The immediate production demands or previous data can be used to determine the net requirements.

To learn more about gross requirements, visit:


lean operating systems value idle stock and extra storage because it eliminates wait times to replenish stock. a. true b. false


lean operating systems value idle stock and extra storage because it eliminates wait times to replenish stock. This statement is false.

What is lean operating systems?

Following specific guidelines, a lean operating system maximizes value flow to the client while minimizing all types of loss. The operating system's value streams must all be independently and thoroughly optimized.

Doing more with less is the guiding idea behind the business strategy known as lean operations. It is a straightforward strategy for managing a company and enhancing daily operations. In other words, implementing lean operations is all about making your workflows a little more efficient, ala Marie Kondo.

To know more about lean operating systems, refer:


the fact that output gaps will not last indefinitely, but will be closed by rising or falling prices is the economy's:


The economy's self-correcting property is the fact that output gaps won't last indefinitely, but will be closed by rising or falling prices.

The output gap is the difference, expressed as a percentage of gross domestic product, between an economy's actual output and its highest potential output. An output gap can be either favorable or negative for a nation.

A negative output gap indicates that the economy's actual output is below its maximum capacity, whereas a positive output gap indicates that the economy is beating expectations because its actual output is higher than its acknowledged maximum output. The output gap helps paint a picture of how the economy is doing because the gross domestic product is used in its computation.

To learn more about output gaps, visit the link below:


balanced scorecards used in performance management mean that for each negative feedback given there is also a positive feedback offered. question 2 options: true false


Managers need to focus on those critical internal operations that enable them to satisfy customer needs. The second part of the balanced scorecard gives  True.

Management (or managing) is the management of an employer, whether or not it's far a business, a non-income corporation, or a government frame. it's far the artwork and technology of handling assets of the commercial enterprise.

Management consists of the sports of placing the strategy of an agency and coordinating the efforts of its personnel (or of volunteers) to perform its objectives through the utility of to-be-had sources, which includes financial, herbal, technological, and human sources. "Run the commercial enterprise"[1] and "exchange the commercial enterprise" are two ideas that are used in control to differentiate between the continuing delivery of products or services and adapting of products or offerings to fulfill the converting needs of customers.

learn more about Management  here:


in-sourcing is defined as reverting to in-house production when external quality, delivery, and services do not meet expectations. in-sourcing is defined as reverting to in-house production when external quality, delivery, and services do not meet expectations. true false


In-sourcing is defined as reverting to in-house production when external quality, delivery, and services do not meet expectations. in-sourcing is defined as reverting to in-house production when external quality, delivery, and services do not meet expectations is true.

The act of having something, particularly merchandise or materials, from a specific place: sourcing of Seth Last year, the enterprise centralized its sourcing of uncooked materials.  Product sourcing is quite selective.

Sourcing is constantly collect facts on availability of providers and goods, prices, and new merchandise and technology. Maverick Buying. Practice wherein inner customers strive to shop for immediately from providers and skip the sourcing function.

Learn more about production here:


which document provides information about the estimated risks and the effects of those risks on the ability of an organization to continue doing business when key processes or technology become unavailable?


The business continuity plan is the document that provides information about the estimated risks and the effects of those risks on the ability of an organization to continue doing business when key processes or technology become unavailable.

What is the business continuity plan?

A mechanism for protecting against and recovering from potential risks to a business is called a business continuity plan (BCP). In the event of a disaster, the plan makes sure that people and property are safeguarded and can operate rapidly.

Plans for business continuity (BCPs) are mechanisms for protecting against and recovering from potential hazards including natural disasters and cyberattacks.

BCP is intended to safeguard people and property while ensuring their timely functionality in the event of an emergency.

BCPs should be evaluated to make sure there aren't any vulnerabilities that need to be found and fixed.

Read more on business plans here:


ricoh americas corporation has significant international operations. faced with local reticence to adapt changes that come from other global regions, what does ricoh suggest is the most successful approach?


The answer is c. make sure stakeholder participation early within side the trade process Ricoh advocate is the maximum a hit approach.

The required details for stakeholder in given paragraph

A stakeholder is a celebration that has an hobby in a organization and may both have an effect on or be stricken by the business. The number one stakeholders in an average agency are its investors, employees, customers, and suppliers. However, with the growing interest on company social responsibility, the idea has been prolonged to encompass communities, governments, and alternate associations. Stakeholders may be inner or outside to an organization. Internal stakeholders are human beings whose hobby in a organization comes via an immediate relationship, inclusive of employment, ownership, or investment.

External stakeholders are individuals who do now no longer at once paintings with a organization however are affected by some means with the aid of using the moves and results of the business. Suppliers, creditors, and public corporations are all taken into consideration outside stakeholders.

To know about stakeholder click here


Complete question

Ricoh Americas Corporation has significant international operations. Faced with local reticence to adapt changes that come from other global regions, what does Ricoh suggest is the most successful approach?

A. Bring in global market representatives to force change locally.

B. Obligate local offices to adopt the corporate decision.

C. Ensure stakeholder participation early in the change process.

D. Ignore the problem because it is only a temporary issue.

why should i buy property insurance



Purchasing homeowners insurance can help protect your new home from disasters like burst pipes or fires. This safety net will definitely help homeowners in case of an accident. Instead of paying cash for expensive repairs, insurance covers the cost of repairs by eliminating a deductible.

a method that management uses to focus attention on the most significant differences between actual costs and standard costs is called:


Management by exception requires managers to concentrate on the most important discrepancies between actual and standard costs.

What is the significance of management by exception?

Management by exception enables managers to efficiently lead their companies by allocating work. Managers concentrate on attaining the company's vision, while other staff work on day-to-day operations to keep the organization running.

This enables all corporate personnel to remain productive while specializing in specific activities. The goal is to highlight substantial variations between expected and budgeted amounts.

Therefore, Management by exception necessitates managers focusing on the most significant differences between actual and standard costs.

Learn more about the management by exception, refer to:


Darius, a site manager for a construction company, learns that a hurricane is headed towards his town. According to maslow, what will he prioritize first?.


According to Maslow and his hierarchy of needs, Darius, will first ensure that he has shelter from the storm when it arrives.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a psychological health theory that places self-actualization at the top of the list when meeting basic human needs. Abraham Harold Maslow was an American psychologist who lived from April 1, 1908, to June 8, 1970. It is for this theory that he is most well-known. Maslow taught psychology at Brandeis University, Columbia University, Brooklyn College, and the New School for Social Research. In contrast to viewing someone as a "bag of symptoms," he emphasized the importance of focusing on their positive qualities. A 2002 review of general psychology study ranked Maslow as the tenth most cited psychologist of the 20th century.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology that depicts a five-tiered model of human desires as tiers within a pyramid.

The needs are ranked from the bottom of the hierarchy up, starting with biological (food and clothing), safety (job security), love and belonging (friendship), esteem, and self-actualization.

Needs lower on the hierarchy must first be met before those higher up can receive attention.

Learn more about Maslow, here

Complete question:

Darius, a site manager for a construction company, learns that a hurricane is headed towards his town. According to Maslow, what will he prioritize first?

- ensuring his construction site is prepared for the storm

- creating plans for how he can be better prepared for storms in the future

- ensuring that he has shelter from the storm when it arrives

- ensuring his insurance policy is in place to reimburse his home for storm damage

- inviting friends to stay with him during the storm

The standard rate per unit that a company expects to pay for variable overhead equals the blank______.


The standard rate per unit that a company expects to pay for variable overhead equals the blank variable portion of the predetermined overhead rate.

Standard prices are as compared to real prices, and mathematical deviations among the 2 are termed variances.  Favorable variances end result whilst real prices are much less than wellknown prices, and vice versa.Price standards specify how a whole lot must be paid for every unit of the input. Defines the quantity of direct substances that must be used for every unit of completed product, together with an allowance for regular inefficiencies, together with scrap and spoilage.

Learn more about company here:


a situation in which a buyer has limited supplier options, is procuring a critical item, needs technology innovation, or is concerned about the availability of supply is described by what relationship? group of answer choices arms-length relationship transactional relationship warm relationship collaborative relationship


A collaborative connection arises when a buyer has few supplier options, is purchasing a necessary item, requires technological innovation, or is concerned about the supply of a product.

Collaboration occurs when two or more individuals work together to achieve shared objectives. Working with people who hold different opinions has given way to collaboration as the preferred approach.

In order for varied groups of individuals to complete activities that could not be completed alone, collaborative connections are essential. This is especially true in schools. Assuming everyone has the best of intentions helps build trust among team members and lowers judgment. Respect, open-mindedness, and variety are a few qualities that are crucial for productive working partnerships.

Learn more about collaborative relationships here:


g brand new milk manufacturing company is trying to make its way onto the competitive market. their investment totaled $750,000, with an expected sale of 300,000 units this year. the goal is to generate a 15% roi on their investment and have determined their market-based selling price to $2.75/gallon (unit) of milk. what would their target cost per unit be?


Everything a business does to acquire and retain customers is considered marketing. Although it's not perfect, it's getting better. Concerning their marketing campaigns, businesses frequently inquire about the ROI (return on investment) of their expenditures.

Integrating a marketing campaign's ROI into the overall business line calculation is the most straightforward method for calculating ROI.

After deducting the costs of marketing for that company or product line, divide the result by the marketing cost.

(Sales Growth x Marketing Cost) / Marketing Cost = Return on Investment

The basic return for capital invested is not difficult to do, yet it is stacked with a quite enormous suspicion. It assumes that the marketing campaign was directly responsible for the overall increase in month-over-month sales. Comparisons are essential if the marketing ROI is to have any real meaning. Monthly comparisons, particularly the sales from the business line in the months prior to the launch of the campaign, can assist in demonstrating the impact in a more tangible manner.

Learn more about Return on Investment here:


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What are two most important concerns when designing for a client What is the linear function represented by the graph?f(x) = 1/2x + 1f(x) = -1/2x+ 1f(x) = 1/2x+1/1/2f(x) = -1/2x + 1/2 A polynomial function has local maxima at (0, -1) and (3,-2). The complex number (1+2i) is azero of the function. What is the least possible degree of the function? A state sales tax of 6% and a local sales tax of 1% are levied in Tampa, Florida. Suppose the price of a particular car in Tampa is $15,000, and an oil change at a certain auto center is $29.Which statement is true another total cost of the car and the oil change after sales tax has been calculated?Select the correct answer what is the equation of a line that passes through point (-1,5) and has the slope of m=4 If you can speak many languages, what would that make you?1. Polyglot2. Bilingual3. Multilingual4. A person who speaks many languages Solve a+5/6 =4 solve for a Can you please answer 9 4/53 1/2= i need help with it How many moles of neon gas will occupy a volumeof 875 mL at 3.25 atm and 25C? Sofia is a first-time mom, and her doctor told her about Braxton Hicks contractions, but she doesnt remember how they differ from true labor contractions. How would Sofia distinguish Braxton Hicks contractions from true labor contractions? A. Braxton Hicks are usually painful while true labor contractions are less painful due to the hormones that protect a woman in labor from feeling pain. B. Braxton Hicks will increase in intensity indefinitely but true labor contractions will only become more painful if the mother is dehydrated. C. Braxton Hicks are the first types of contractions in labor, and true labor contractions are the contractions that occur during the pushing stage of labor. D. Braxton Hicks will dissipate with rest or hydration while true labor contractions will increase in length and frequency and will become more painful as they continue. Find the x-intercept and the y-intercept without graphing. Write the coordinates of each intercept. When typing the point (x,y) be sure to include parentheses and a comma between your x and y components. Do not put any spaces between your characters. If a value is not an integer type your answer rounded to the nearest hundredth.3x+8y=24the x-intercept is Answerthe y-intercept is Answer 1f(x) =X-24g(x)Find: (fog)(x) = the sun of a first and second number is 184 three times the first number decreased by 212 is equal to the second number find the two numbers let x represent the first number and y represent the second number write the system of equations used to solve this problem What is the difference between ground layering and air layering? Select all the pairs that represent alternate interior angles.See image for instruction What operation do they use? Whats the total amount they collected. For the problem below, find the reference angle, to the nearest 10th (if necessary), and also the two possible quadrants in which could lie.tan()=3 the parent function name for y=|x| 7(-a-3)=3(2a-6) I have the answer but I need help checking it.