Describe the character of king arthur. What character traits does he show in this selection.


Answer 1

As a child, Arthur was honest, trustworthy, humble, and kind-hearted, and retains these traits even after becoming king. A new philosophy would shape his reign, but the idea came from Merlyn not Arthur.

What is the story of King Arthur?

The son of King Uther Pendragon, but raised by a different family, Arthur takes his rightful place as king when as a boy he was able to pull a sword called Excalibur out of stone. Although Arthur rules wisely and is counseled by Merlin the Mage, he makes enemies of other kings and often goes to war.

How is King Arthur portrayed in Sir Gawain?

At the beginning of the poem, he is compared to the noble and mythical founder of the British Trojan horse, and is described as the youngest, fittest and most daring. A firm believer in chivalry, he loves his nephew Gawain, who risks his own life to save the king.

To learn more about King Arthur story visit:


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Which of the following focuses on one aspect of culture?

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specialized ethnographic monograph.



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the belief held by john calvin that god knows in advance who will attain salvation is called




2. During the Civil War, what action did President Lincoln take that limited these
guaranteed rights? Why?



On April 27, 1861, Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus between Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia to give military authorities the necessary power to silence dissenters and rebels. Under this order, commanders could arrest and detain individuals who were deemed threatening to military operations.


The New Deal consisted of numerous sweeping reforms and the creation of programs, including the Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act, work programs such as the Civil Works Administration and Works Progress Administration, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, and Social Security. Pick at least two (2) of these initiatives, explain them, and state their significance.


Over the next eight years, the government instituted a series of experimental New Deal projects and programs, such as the CCC, the WPA, the TVA, the SEC and others. Roosevelt's New Deal fundamentally and permanently changed the U.S. federal government by expanding its size and scope-especially its role in the economy.

What was the most consequential result of the Dred Scott decision?
A. The Fugitive Slave Act was repealed
B. Overturned the Compromise of 1850
C. Ruled that black Americans could not be citizens
D. Slavery was abolished in Kansas


In 1875 the decision was the Supreme Court upheld slavery in the United States territory, they denied the legality of Black citizenship in America and declared the Missouri compromise to be unconstitutional

Ruled that black Americans could not be citizens, was the most consequential result of the Dred Scott decision. Thus, option (a) is correct.

A slave called Dred Scott petitioned for his freedom in the 1857 Supreme Court case known as the Dred Scott decision after his master took him to live in a free state.

Scott could not file a lawsuit in federal court because, according to the Supreme Court, he was not a citizen. Additionally, it was decided that Congress lacked the authority to outlaw slavery in the territories, essentially rendering the Missouri Compromise of 1820 illegal.

As a result, the significance of the consequential result of the Dred Scott decision are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on Dred Scott, here:


which would be the least useful for making an interpretation of events leading to the american revolution?


The least useful for making an interpretation of events leading to the american revolution is The memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant. The correct answer is B.

The Memoirs of Grant is essentially the former American president's memoirs.

Since Gordon Wood was an American researcher, some of his studies on the American Revolution can be used to evaluate the circumstances leading up to the revolution.

The academic study on women patriots who protested imported tea can be used to evaluate the circumstances leading up to the revolution.

The letters exchanged by the Committees of Correspondence, which aid in disseminating news and information about the Patriot cause against the British, can be used to analyze the revolutionary events.

The Ulysses S. Grant memoirs are the least helpful items that can aid in the interpretation of the events that led to the American Revolution

your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

Which would be the least useful for making an interpretation of events leading to the American Revolution?

A. Gordon Wood, The American Revolution

B. The memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant

C. A scholarly article on women patriots who boycotted imported tea

D. Letters between Committees of Correspondence.

Learn more about  american revolution at


What states comprise the Great Plains
region of the United States?


Answer:Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.


The states that comprise the Great Pains region of the United States are.

Montana (central and eastern)

Wyoming (east from the Rockies)

Colorado (east from the Rockies)

New Mexico (eastern)

Oklahoma (western and the Panhandle)

Texas (the Panhandle and parts of west and central)

Write an essay on prohibition
Context: think the 5 W’s (3-4 sentences)
Who was involved with prohibition?
What did they do?
When did they do this?
Why did they do this?


In writing an essay you must consider the structure of the essay, Hence, the structure of the essay should be considered;

The Introduction The body'The conclusion

What is prohibition?

Generally, The year 1920 marked the beginning of the Prohibition Era in the United States.

This year saw the implementation of the 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which, among other things, prohibited the production, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages. In spite of the newly passed laws, it was impossible to strictly implement Prohibition.

The act or practice of forbidding something by law is referred to as prohibition; more specifically, the term refers to the prohibition of the manufacture, storage, transportation, sale, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Prohibition can refer to either the act or practice of forbidding something by law. In certain contexts, the term may also be used to refer to the duration of the period during which such prohibitions are in effect.

Read more about prohibition


The Great Migration is an important historical period. It had a huge impact on our country. It occurred from 1916 to 1970 and is best described as a period
when about five million rural and urban southern African Americans migrated to northern cities of America. During this time, African Americans left the rural
and urban South to escape the hardships of impoverished and often dangerous lives.

What were the people who joined this migration fleeing? What kinds
of challenges faced migrants when they arrived in the North? Did they face discrimination in their new homes?

(PLEASE BE ACCURATE!!! Also please explain in your own words!! THANK YOU!!)


Black people who migrated during the second phase of the Great Migration were met with housing discrimination, as localities had started to implement restrictive covenants and redlining, which created segregated neighborhoods, but also served as a foundation for the existing racial disparities in wealth in the United States.

• In 6-8 Sentences, please answer the following questions:
What methods were used to restore white Democratic rule in southern
states? Why were these methods allowed to succeed?
• How did the failures of Reconstruction impact American politics,
society, and economy for the next century?


"After generations of slavery, what would freedom look like?"

Even before Reconstruction (the period after the Civil War where newly freed slaves were given rights), white southerners opposed the concept. They demonized the very idea of a black man holding office or being allowed to vote. Racial violence, like lynching, were used to kill and otherwise drive newly freed black Americans out of the south. This is referred to the Great Migration.

Reconstruction was great on paper, but didn't execute well given the political climate. That being said, there was a period after the Civil War where black people began to hold office (even in the south). Organizations like the Freedmen's Bureau gave food, shelter, and other assistance to newly freed people. The Bureau allowed more than 1,000 schools to be set up in the south. Two black senators went into Congress. As I mentioned before, this sounds great, but the Bureau was poorly managed. Most jobs provided by the organization were given by plantation owners who enslaved blacks to begin with, and the Bureau mismanaged their money. Failure to keep up with expenses and the violent, racist attitude of the south caused the Freedmen's Bureau to be disbanded by Congress after pressure from white southerners. After the collapse, the banks the bureau ran lost over $3 million of the collective black American wealth. Allowing a win to white supremacists on a federal level did nothing but encourage the already present racial violence, either. On the other side, these events introduced intersectionality into politics. It's worth noting that Reconstruction didn't fail, but that it was violently overthrown by white supremacists.

The explosion on the uss maine and yellow journalism contributed to the u. S. Decision to go to war against spain in 1898. What was another factor?.


Yellow journalism and the incident on the U.s.s. both played a role in the US defending its interests in Cuba.

What is a career in journalism?

Journalists cover significant events using thier writing, photography, and videography talents. They are employed by media companies at various levels, including regional newspapers and major network television stations. Jobs in marketing, communication, and public info are also available in the journalism industry.

What is journalism's primary goal?

The main purpose of news is to inform the public, even though it may also be engaging or entertaining. In order for citizens to make the right choices for their lives, communities, societies, and governments, journalism must thus give them the knowledge they need.

To know more about journalism visit:


how does hyperbole support Du Bois’s theme that spirituals are important to all americans, not just african americans ?


W.E.B. Du Bois was the most influential dark dissent pioneer in the United States during the first half of the twentieth century.

He was an American humanist, antiquarian, creator, manager, and extreme. He took part in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's production (NAACP). He believed that African Americans should not be subjected to oppression or be made to feel guilty for being insulted.

Du Bois believed that African Americans must reject being viewed as inferior if they are to achieve equality. According to Du Bois, African Americans shouldn't have to apologise for being insulted.

Learn more about Du Bois’s theme here,


why did the big bang not produce a significant proportion of elements heavier than helium?


The temperature had dropped too low for heavier elements to develop by the time helium could survive.

Why wasn't there a huge production of heavy elements after the Big Bang?

A bottleneck in the Big Bang nucleosynthesis, the lack of a stable nucleus with 8 or 5 nucleons, led to the production of extremely few nuclei of elements heavier than lithium. The quantity of lithium-7 created during BBN was likewise constrained by this deficiency of bigger atoms.

How did the elements that are heavier than helium but lighter than iron come into being?

The only elements existing in the early cosmos were those that were generated at the time of the Big Bang: hydrogen, helium, and lithium [2]. All of the additional heavier elements that are currently found in our environment were created later via nucleosynthesis inside of stars.

To Know more about temperature


President Obama’s administration promoted a more dynamic approach to developing a grand strategy by employing a strategy of protectionism. True or False?


It is true to express that President Obama's organization advanced a more unique way to deal with fostering a fantastic technique by utilizing a procedure of protectionism.

What is protectionism and how can it connect with Obama's organization?

In 2011, US President Barack Obama submitted international alliances with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea to Congress for endorsement - yet at an expense.

Any arrangement is dependent upon the continuation of a protectionist program that offers government backing to American workers who lose their work because of unfamiliar rivalry. At that point, the action matched with an arranged levy bundle coordinated in China.

Students of history contend that "protectionist approaches smother development and kill business."

Learn more about protectionism:


The United States Bill of Rights and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen reflect a shared concern for
a. the physical elimination of the ruling class
b. confiscation of church property
c. protection of private property
d. preservation of the monarchy


The United States Bill of Rights and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen reflect a shared concern for protection of private property.

When the founders tried to pass the Constitution, they had trouble getting all the states to ratify it. Many of them demand rights such as freedom of expression and religion and the right to bear arms. That required the addition of the Bill of Rights, which made 10 amendments (amendments) to the Constitution, each of which specified in detail a specific right that Americans would have. Since then, they have been added to, and these checks are still used today to determine whether laws are fair.

Freedom of expression . Right to bear arms .Right to refuse residence in peacetime . Rights of the accused in court . Rights of jurors .Right to legal process to a fair hearing. Limitations on bail and punishment. The people have rights not mentioned in the constitution.The American government not only has  clearly defined powers. All others belong to the states and  the people.

Learn about  United States Bill of Rights:


write an informational essay explaining how georgia steadily took control of land from the native americans.


Georgia steadily took control of land from the native Americans  by Working on behalf of white settlers who wanted to grow cotton on the Indians' land,

Georgia, the Supreme Court said, had infringed the Cherokee Nation's sovereign status by invading its particular treaty relationship with the United States. President Jackson, on the other hand, refused to execute the ruling and pressed the Cherokees to leave the Southeast.

The state of Georgia issued a series of legislation in 1828 that deprived local Cherokee Indians of their privileges. The legislation also permitted Cherokee removal from lands desired by the state. In Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, the Court decided that it lacked jurisdiction to hear the dispute and hence could not settle it.

The Cherokee Nation, commanded by Principal Chief John Ross, defied the Indian Removal Act despite state of Georgia assaults on its sovereign rights and atrocities against Cherokee people.

Learn more about Cherokee removal at


In what ways was Ashoka's rule different to our government today?




Ashoka was able to rule over the vast and diverse Mauryan empire through a centralized policy of dharma that favoured peace and tolerance and that administered public works and social welfare. He likewise patronized the spread of Buddhism and art throughout the empire.

Does anyone know modern Chinese history?



The Eight-Power Allied War of Aggression against China (Siege of the International Legations) refers to the war of armed aggression against China on May 28, 1900 (Guangxu 26, Qing Dynasty), led by eight major countries, including Britain, Russia, Japan, France, Italy, the United States, Germany and Austria.

In the spring of 1900, the Boxer Rebellion movement became the trigger for the war of invasion of China by the Eight Allied Powers, who used the suppression of the Boxer Rebellion as a pretext to divide and plunder China. On August 4, the Allied forces set out from Tianjin and captured strategic locations such as Beicang, Yangcun, Hexiwu, and Tongzhou. 14, they captured Beijing, and then looted the city for 3 days and occupied Beijing by divisions. After that, they continued to increase their troops and attacked from Beijing and Tianjin in all directions, controlling the major passes around Beijing and Tianjin from south to Zhengding, north to Zhangjiakou, east to Shanhaiguan and west to Nyangziguan. On August 17, it was decided that German Field Marshal Waldsee would be the commander-in-chief of the allied forces, and on October 17, Waldsee entered the capital and set up the general headquarters in the Forbidden City and the military colonial body "Beijing Management Committee" in the Yamen of the Li Fan Yuan.

On September 7, 1901, China was completely reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society as a result of the signing of the Treaty of Xin Chou, which brought unprecedented and painful disasters to the country and its people.


Among countries in the western hemisphere, what is el salvador the "most" at?densely populatedoil productionsmartest peoplewealthiest economy.


Among countries in the western hemisphere, el salvador is the "most" at densely populated. The correct answer is A.

A nation in Central America is called El Salvador. The nation's capital is San Salvador. The largest city in El Salvador is San Salvador. El Salvador has a population of around 6.8 million people. El Salvador is the Western Hemisphere nation with the "most" and "densely" inhabited population.

A place has a dense population when there are more people there than there are square kilometers of land. Sparse population is the antithesis of dense population. The average number of people living on each square kilometer (or square mile) of land is referred to as population density.

Total population / total land area = population density.

Learn more about population density at


what are examples of how imperial expansion relied on the increased use of gunpowder cannons and armed trade to establish empires in both hemsiphers


Imperial expansion relied on the increased use of gunpowder cannons and armed trade to establish empires in both hemsiphers - To explain how and why various land-based empires developed and expanded from 1450-1750.

A larger meaning of imperialism is the extension or expansion of a nation's authority or rule over areas not currently under its control, typically through the use of military force. Direct land acquisition, as well as economic and political dominance, are used to achieve this.

The imperialistic rule of France over Vietnam from the middle to the end of the 1800s is an illustration. British rule over a number of nations in the early 1900s, including India, Australia, and numerous African nations, is another illustration of imperialism.

For more info about 'imperialism' click on below link -


Explain why the process of industrialization is called a revolution, and summarize the effects of industrialization on the people of the



because it brings new industries and development


some of these were the telephone, factory systems, and the automobile. Each played an important part in the Industrial Revolution. They made life more easier and prosperous.

How did debate and compromise over slavery prevent conflict in the early years of the republic?


Debate and compromise over slavery reliably prevent conflict in the early years of the republic because it give certainty to a good governance.

Why debate & compromise over slavery?

The expansion of slavery into American territories was the primary topic of discussion. The Missouri Compromise of 1820, which recognized Missouri as a slave state but forbade slavery in all other new states and territories above the 36/30 parallel to clear the issue.

Further Defenders of slavery contended that the Constitution authorized slavery and denied Congress the authority to direct the domestic policy of the states. Slavery advocates also asserted that the South had a constitutional right to participate in the nation's growth.

Finally a compromise agreement between delegates from the Northern and the Southern states at the United States Constitutional Convention (1787) states that three-fifths (3/5) out of total slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives.

Thus it is better to have debate & compromise over slavery.

To know more about debate & compromise over slavery refer:


what was the consequence of the georgia general assembly’s expulsion of its african american members during reconstruction?


Examine the causes and implications of the removal of African American or Black politicians from the Georgia General Assembly during Reconstruction. As a result, the legislature started to restrict African Americans' rights.

What is a General Assembly?

A general assembly, also known as a general meeting, is a gathering of all the shareholders or members of an organization. One of the six main organs of the UN, the General Assembly is responsible for the organization's key policy-making, deliberative, and representative functions. Its mandate is outlined in Chapter IV of the United Nations Charter, which is currently in effect for its 77th session.

What is the General Assembly's purpose and what is the main role of it?

On international matters falling under its purview, the Assembly advises States. Additionally, it has taken action in relation to issues that fall under the political, economic, humanitarian, social, and legal pillars of the UN.

On international matters falling under its purview, the Assembly advises States. Additionally, it has taken action in relation to issues that fall under the political, economic, humanitarian, social, and legal pillars of the UN.

To know more about General Assembly visit:


Select the correct answer from
each drop-down menu.
What did the 9/11 Commission Report reveal about missed opportunities to prevent the attacks?
The FBI failed to fully question: man named Zacarias Moussaoui. He had attended a
in Minnesota and was
reported to the FBI after odd behavior. He
was arrested for a visa overstay, but his
v and belongings were not searched.


The Best Parts of Our Progress Implementing the recommendations from the 9/11 Commission report. improving security and preventing terrorism. enhancing the enterprise of homeland security. Our Immigration Laws' Administration and Enforcement .

What is Commission Report ?

A commission report is a formal accounting provided to the commission by each public depositary, detailing essential information about each public depositary in a format provided by the commission.

An ordered list of sales commissions for the current time period is a sales commission report. You can normally anticipate the following commission details on sales commission reports: Account number. The commission is money given to a selling agent, to put it simply. You would receive 95% of the sales price, for instance, if you were selling vehicles and your selling agent received a commission of 5%. You receive a percentage of the buyer's payment if you make a sale.

To know more about Commission Report , visit


what did the countries of iraq, iran, and north korea have to do with president bush’s war on terror?


The countries of Iraq, Iran, and North Korea had different views on the different views on the President Bush's view.

A joint resolution of the US Congress known as the Iraq Resolution provided the main justification for the Iraq War. To "disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to eliminate Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to liberate the Iraqi people," according to the USImportant geopolitical occurrences that took place while Bush was president include:After Iraq invaded Kuwait, Bush led a sizable coalition to victory, but Saddam Hussein was able to keep his grip on power.the invasion of Panama by the US to remove a local tyrant.

To know more about Bush here


How did Napoleon's loss in the Battle of Trafalgar affect Europe?


From that point onward, Napoleon and his forces no longer attempted to invade Britain.

The Battle of Trafalgar is one of the biggest defeat of Napoleon. Fought between him and Lord Nelson, the scope of the battle for Napoleon was to open a road to conquer Britain, but he underestimate the power and strenght of the united kingdom on the sea. After this naval defeat, Napoleon gave up on the plan to conquer britain.

Did Prohibition have any positive effects?


The anti-alcohol experiment in America reduced drinking and alcohol-related mortality, and it may have also reduced overall crime and violence. These were the positive consequences of Prohibition.

The term "prohibition" refers to the act or practice of limiting anything by law; more specifically, it refers to the ban on the production, storage, transit, sale, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages (whether in barrels or bottles). The word is frequently used to indicate the duration of such prohibitions.

The official start of American Prohibition was January 19, 1920. A few astute observers anticipated problems with it. Undoubtedly, previous attempts to limit alcohol consumption in American history had failed. When the selling of alcohol was outlawed in a Massachusetts town in 1844, an enterprising tavern owner started charging customers to view striped pigs instead of charging for drinks separately. Maine's strict prohibition law was put into effect in 1851, and as a result, the working class and Irish immigrants in the city experienced hatred. In 1855, the law was abolished as a result of a deadly riot in Portland.

For more info about 'Prohibition' :

What was special about the Brooklyn Bridge in 1883?


The Brooklyn Bridge debuted as the world's largest suspension bridge in 1883.

The Brooklyn Bridge was crowned the world's longest suspension bridge on May 24, 1883. The Brooklyn Bridge spans the East River to connect the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn. The excitement and celebration of the opening were immediately ruined by a late-afternoon accident on the bridge on May 30, 1883.

The bridge is still standing and is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the US, despite more mishaps and events on the bridge garnering media attention for years to come. The Brooklyn Bridge was built by a man with the triple talents of John Augustus Roebling: finance, art, and engineering.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:


What kind of wonder is the Brooklyn Bridge?


When it first appeared in 1883, it was considered the eighth wonder of the world.

A financial, engineering, and aesthetic achievement is the Brooklyn Bridge. It is still the eighth wonder of the world today, just as it was when it first opened in 1883. The bridge, over a mile long and spanned River C in 1883, was the longest ever built. Being powered by its own power plant on the Brooklyn side, it was the first bridge to have nighttime lighting.

It was the first to use galvanized steel in its main cables. The construction of the Brooklyn Bridge was considered to be on the magnitude of the building of the Suez Canal and the Trans-Continental Railroad. In fact, both were finished in shorter periods of time than the Brooklyn Bridge.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:


Why did king george iii try to limit contact between the citizens of the british colonies and native americans?


King george III try to limit contact between the citizens of the british colonies and native americans to keep peace on the frontier.

About King George III

George IIIGeorge III (George William Frederick) (4 June 1738 – 29 January 1820) was King of Great Britain and King of Ireland from 25 October 1760 to 1 January 1801. He also ruled Great Britain until his death. During his reign, his country lost many of its colonies in North America (to become the United States). Due to his "simple, unpretentious and frugal nature and feelings", George III was given the nickname "Farmer" George.

Previously, the Kingdom Great Britain (translated into Great Britain in Indonesian) and the Kingdom of Ireland were two separate kingdoms headed by the same head of state. But after the 1800 Union Act, these two kingdoms merged and formed the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (English: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) or what is often referred to briefly as the United Kingdom in English. In Indonesian, United Kingdom is also often translated as Great Britain, like Great Britain. George III was the first King of Great Britain in its context as a united kingdom (United Kingdom).

Learn more about King George III at


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