democracy in industry means fair paticipation by those whow ork in the decisions vitally saffecting their lives


Answer 1

Democracy in industry means fair participation by those who work in the decisions vitally affecting their lives and livelihood.

What foundational values guide industrial democracy?

Industrial democracy has traditionally been described as the exercise of power over choices made within workplaces by employees or their representatives, together with changes to the location and distribution of authority. Equal rights are provided to all citizens regardless of caste, religion, or sex. Democracy improves both the dignity of citizens and the quality of decision-making. Democracy gives us a way to resolve conflicts and disagreements while also enabling us to learn from our mistakes.

To know more about democracy click on the link below:


Related Questions

legacy issues $740,000 of 7.5%, four-year bonds dated january 1, 2021, that pay interest semiannually on june 30 and december 31. they are issued at $680,186 when the market rate is 10%.


The Interest payments is  $27,750 and Bond payable discount is $6,259

What is Legacy issues:

An expense is something that requires the outflow of cash, or other kind of fortune in fashion, to any other person or group as payment for a good, service, or other category of pricing. Lease is a rate in the tenant's eyes. Tuition is a cost for parents and college-bound children alike. Purchasing food, clothing, furniture, or a car is frequently referred to as paying a price. A cost is a sum of money that is "paid" or "remitted," usually as compensation for something valuable. "Costly" refers to something that looks to be a great deal. "Less expensive" refers to anything that feels cheap. Fees for meals, refreshments, a dinner party, and other costs are referred to as "expenses of the desk."

Interest payments = $740,000 x 7.5% x 1/2 = $27,750 (the credit to Cash).
Bond interest expenditure is carrying value at the start of the term on 1/1/13 multiplied by the market rate of 10% multiplied by half to equal $34,009 (the debit to Bond interest expense).
Bond payable reduction
Discount amortization
is $6,259 ($34,009 - $27,750).

Learn more about Legacy issues:

A local town is under pressure from voters to close a polluting factory. The head of the homeowner’s organization argues that the pollution is a menace, and if the full external costs of the pollution were calculated, the factory would not be profitable. The homeowners calculate that the pollution generates an external cost of $3,000,000 per year in medical bills and $1,000,000 per year in suppressed property values, which reflects the difference in home prices with and without pollution. That factory makes a profit of $5,000,000 per year.
i.What is the external cost of the pollution?
ii.If the factory is forced to consider the total social costs of pollution, would it be profitable?
iii.How much could the town tax the factory before profits become zero?
iv. What does the Coase theorem suggest about negotiations between the town and the factory?


The amount of pollution allowed to be released is capped by the government, and businesses that go above those limits are subject to fines.

What is the profitable word's root?

The Latin word profectus means "success and progress," which is appropriate given that a company's success is typically measured by its profitability. definitions of success. the ability to obtain profit, advantage, or gain.

What should a profitable business do?

A job needs to make enough gross profit to be deemed profitable. To put it another way, the money you make from the employment should be enough to pay for the costs associated with the job. A company must make enough money from all of its active jobs in order to be profitable.

To know more about profitable visit:


Richter Manufacturing has a 10% unlevered cost of equity. Richter forecasts the following free cash flows (FCFs), which are expected to grow at a constant 2% rate after Year 3. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 FCF $745 $770 $825 What is the horizon value of the unlevered operations? Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest dollar. $ What is the total value of unlevered operations at Year 0? Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest dollar.


The return needed by either a business or an individual to justify an investment in equity is known as the cost of equity. Either the CAPM or the dividend capitalization model is used to calculate the cost of equity.

Explain in detail.

Horizon Value = Cash flow in Year 4/(required rate of return - growth rate)

= 805(1+3%)/(10%-3%)

= $11,845

b.Value today is equal to the present value of future cash flows

= 715/(1.10) + 750/(1.1)^2 + 805/(1.1)^3 + 11,845/(1.1)^3

= $10,773.97

To know more about Values here


when large market segments can be identified, can be important competitive advantages of global companies.


When large market segments can be identified, economies of scale in production and marketing can be important competitive advantages of global companies.

What are market segments?

Organizing potential customers into groups or segments with comparable demands and responses to marketing actions is referred to as market segmentation in marketing. Market segmentation helps businesses to target various customer groups who view the entire worth of certain goods and services in a variety of ways.

Market segmentation aims to identify specific customer groups so that products and branding may be tailored to appeal to the group.There are many other ways to segment markets, including geographically, demographically, or behaviorally.Market segmentation assists businesses in reducing risk by identifying the items that are most likely to capture a portion of a target market and the most effective strategies for marketing and distributing those products to that market.With risk reduced and more clarity regarding the marketing and delivery of a product, a business can then concentrate its resources on initiatives that are likely to provide the highest profits.Market segmentation may broaden a company's demographic appeal and may enable it to unearth goods or services that it had not previously explored.

To learn more about market segments from the given link


when large market segments can be identified, can be important competitive advantages of global companies.

in a(n) marketing channel, several independent members each attempt to satisfy their own objectives and maximize their profits, often at the expense of the other members.


in a(n) independent marketing channel, several independent members each attempt to satisfy their own objectives and maximize their profits, often at the expense of the other members.

What is marketing?

The process of developing, communicating, delivering, and trading offerings that are valuable to customers, clients, partners, and society at large collectively is known as marketing. In a nutshell, it is an action made to draw attention to a company's offerings, which may include both tangible products for sale and services provided. Television ads, billboards at the side of the road, and magazine ads are typical instances of marketing at work. When selling a good or service, the four Ps are a "marketing mix" made up of four essential components: product, pricing, place, and promotion. The four Ps are typically taken into account by firms when developing marketing plans and strategies to reach their target audience.

To learn more about marketing click on the given link:


which of the following are tax-deductible to the firm? multiple choice question. dividends paid on preferred stock dividends paid on common stock principal amounts paid on debt coupon interest paid on bonds


An option that are tax-deductible to the firm is a coupon interest payments on bonds. The Option C is correct.

What is a Tax Deductible?

Also known as a tax deductible expense, refers to an expense that is considered as ordinary, necessary and reasonable and that helps a business to generate income. It is usually deducted from a company's income before taxation.

According to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in Publication 535, a business expenses refers to an ordinary expense is one that is common and accepted in your industry. This necessary expense is one that is helpful and appropriate for your trade or business.

Any business does incurs a wide range of expenses. From starting the business to maintaining it, various expenses keep the operation running smoothly. However, many expenses are deductible and can lower tax liabilities.

Read more about tax-deductible


1- ________ leadership model posits that an effective leader makes desirable rewards available, clarifies how employees can achieve objectives, and provides them support in doing so.
a- Greenleaf’s servant
b- Fiedler’s contingency
c- Stogdill’s trait-based
d- House’s path-goal


House's path-goal leadership model posits that an effective leader makes desirable rewards available, clarifies how employees can achieve objectives, and provide them support in doing so. Hence, the correct option is (D).

What is House's Path-Goal Theory?

House's Path-Goal is one of the theories in corporate leadership created and developed by Robert House. This theory suggests that the leadership in a company will determine the employee's perception of expectancies between their effort and performance. According to this theory, a good leader must be able to clearly explain the vision and mission to employees and remove every obstacle in order to make employees’ work easier and clearer.

Learn more about House’s Path-Goal Theory at


People who grew up in the western part of Aquilonia have an accent distinct from people who grew up in the eastem part of the country. People from the west also receive lower wages than people from the east. From this information alone, which of the following is not a posible explanation for this wape differential? o ancrimination against people from the west is b. People from the west have lower levels of human capital People from the cast put forth less effort in their work People from the east receive compensating differentials


An crimination against people from the west is of the following is not a posible explanation for this wape differential.

Who can claim self-incrimination?

In both a criminal and civil action, a defendant may exercise his privilege against self-incrimination. However, in a law suit, the jury could be permitted to draw particular conclusions from the defendant's silence, and the defendant might be prohibited from offering specific types of proof.

Is incrimination legal?

People are protected from being forced to implicate themselves by the Fifth Amendment. Individuals are protected from self-incrimination under this constitutional protection. Therefore, a voluntary ego statement may be admitted into evidence in court. Before an arrest, soul remarks may be presented as evidence in court.

To know more about Incrimination visit:


in is-lm equilibrium, output will rise in response to an increase in government spending than in the keynesian cross because the interest rate .


In the IS-LM version beneath the standard situations in a closed economy, an boom in authorities spending will increase the hobby fee and crowds out: funding.

The required details for Investment in given paragraph

Investment is the determination of cash to buy of an asset to obtain an boom in cost over a length of time. Investment calls for a sacrifice of a few gift asset, which include time, cash, or effort. The go back might also additionally include a advantage (profit) or a loss found out from the sale of a belongings or an funding, unrealized capital appreciation (or depreciation), or funding earnings which include dividends, hobby, or condominium earnings, or a mixture of capital advantage and earnings. The go back might also consist of forex profits or losses because of modifications within side the overseas forex alternate rates. Investors normally anticipate higher returns from riskier investments. When a low-danger funding is made, the go back is likewise normally low. Similarly, excessive danger comes with a threat of excessive losses.

Investors, specially novices, are frequently cautioned to diversify their portfolio. Diversification has the statistical impact of lowering average danger.

To know about Investment click here


if tax revenues are less than the total of government spending plus government transfer payments, which of the following will happen?


If tax revenues are much less than the whole of presidency spending plus authorities switch payments, which of the subsequent will happen will increase the countrywide debt..

The required details about tax revenues is mentioned in below paragraph.

Tax revenues is described because the sales gathered from taxes on earnings and profits, social safety contributions, taxes levied on items and services, payroll taxes, taxes at the possession and switch of property, and different taxes. Total tax revenues as a percent of GDP suggests the proportion of a country's output this is gathered with the aid of using the authorities thru taxes. It may be appeared as one degree of the diploma to which the authorities controls the economy's resources. The tax burden is measured with the aid of using taking the whole tax revenues obtained as a percent of GDP. This indicator pertains to authorities as a whole (all authorities levels) and is measured in million USD and percent of GDP.

To learn about tax revenues visit here.


in order to be effective, analysts must use models to solve problems with no regard to the organizational culture to find optimal results.


In order to be effective, analysts must use models to solve problems with no regard to the organizational culture to find optimal results. [FALSE]

Definition of Organizational Culture

The definition of Organizational Culture, especially the meaning of "Culture" does not only refer to the customs and culture of a region in Indonesia, but also the characteristics of the organization. The hallmark of an organization can be regarded as organizational culture.

Culture is a set of important understandings that are developed, believed and applied by a group. Meanwhile, an organization is a group of people from various different backgrounds uniting and working together to achieve a common goal.

In this case, organizational culture is a system of shared beliefs and attitudes that is developed and embraced by a group of people. An organization's shared belief system and attitudes will set it apart from other groups or organizations.

Organizational culture can also be defined as philosophy, ideology, values, assumptions, beliefs, hopes, attitudes and norms that define an organization and accommodate all diversity or pluralism.

Basically, the notion of organizational culture is a characteristic that exists in a group and is used as a guide for their behavior and distinguishes it from other groups. That is, organizational culture is a normal and behavioral values that must be understood and obeyed by groups of people who adhere to it.

Organizational culture usually involves all experiences, philosophy, experiences, expectations, and all values in it. Thus, this organizational culture will be reflected in their daily activities, starting from their interactions with other people, the way they work and expectations for the future.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was:

True/False: In order to be effective, analysts must use models to solve problems with no regard to the organizational culture to find optimal results.

Learn more about organizational culture at


aurora Martinez (31) is filing as a single taxpayer. Aurora was the beneficiary of one of her great-grandmother's traditional IRAs. She passed away during the year and Aurora took a $3,000 total distribution from the account she then used the money to pay down her credit card debt.


Aurora was the beneficiary of one of her great-grandmother's traditional IRAs.  Aurora Martinez (31) is taking money from the Individual Retirement Account(IRA) of her grandmother.

What is an Individual Retirement Account(IRA) ?

Individual Retirement Account(IRA)long-term savings account that individuals with earned income can use to save for the future and enjoy certain tax advantages.

The IRA is designed primarily for self-employed people who do not have access to workplace retirement.

There are annual income limitations that apply to deducting contributions to traditional IRAs and contributing to both IRAs.

Learn more about Individual Retirement Account here:


The complete question is:

Aurora Martinez (31) is filing as a single taxpayer. Aurora was the beneficiary of one of her great-grandmother's traditional IRAs. She passed away during the year and Aurora took a $3,000 total distribution from the account she then used the money to pay down her credit card debt.

The author of the memorandum regarding Dodd-Frank financial reform highlights both benefits and costs of this piece of legislation. Additionally, the author highlights some additional pieces of reform that may have improved the legislation. Two examples are expanding CFPB regulation to auto-lending and increased budgets for the SEC and FTC. As always, there are benefits and costs to these provisions. Weigh the pros and cons of these provisions below.
(A) Which of the following are statements that would support the addition of these pieces of reform?
1. AIG and Lehman Brothers were not commercial banks, but played a huge part in the Great Recession.
2. Subprime auto-lending and repackaging of the loans has increased since 2010.
3. These provisions align well with the proposed Financial Choice Act.
4. These provisions will supercharge economic growth in the short-run.
(B) Which of the following are legitimate statements that would be considered costs to the addition of these pieces of reform?
1. The reforms do not reduce moral hazard.
2. Taxpayers have to foot a larger tax bill to pay for more oversight.
3. Increased oversight comes at the expense of constraining economic growth.
4. The FTC and SEC need more help regulating financial industries.


Both the advantages and disadvantages of the Dodd-Frank financial reform are discussed by the memo's author. A new regulatory umbrella organization led by the Treasury Secretary was established by the Dodd-Frank Act.

Dodd-Frank, the broadest overhaul of Wall Street in history, will stop the excessive risk-taking that caused the financial catastrophe. The measure also offers rational safeguards for American families, establishing a new consumer watchdog to stop mortgage lenders and payday lenders from taking advantage of them.

Dodd-Frank was enacted in 2010 to safeguard consumers from the unfair and misleading business practices and products that contributed to the 2008 financial crisis, to provide regulators with the tools they need to make sure that no Wall Street firm grows too big, complex, or risky to endanger the global economy, and to increase transparency in the financial sector.

To learn more about  Dodd-Frank from given link


M11-1 (Static) Equity versus Debt Financing [LO 11-1] Indicate whether each of the following relates to equity (E) or debt (D) financing and whether it makes that form of financing more, or less, favorable. 1. Interest is tax deductible 2. Dividends are optional 3. It must be repaid. 4. Additional stock issuances dilute existing stockholders' control.


Debt is something, commonly cash, borrowed with the aid of using one birthday birthday celebration from another. Debt is utilized by many organizations and people to make massive purchases that they couldn't manage to pay for below everyday circumstances.

The required details for Debt in given paragraph

1) Debt

Deductibility of hobby makes debt extra favorable than fairness.

2) Equity

Discretionary nature of dividends makes fairness extra favorable.

3) Debt

Requirement that essential be repaid makes debt much less favorable

4) Equity

To present stockholders, the dilution of manage from new inventory issuances makes fairness much less favorable than debt.

The maximum not unusual place varieties of debt are loans, which includes mortgages, vehicle mobile loans, non-public loans, and credit score card debt. Under the phrases of a mortgage, the borrower is needed to pay off the stability of the mortgage with the aid of using a positive date, usually numerous years within side the future.  

In a debt-primarily based totally monetary arrangement, the borrowing birthday birthday celebration receives permission to borrow cash below the situation that it ought to be paid again at a later date, commonly with hobby.

To know about Debt click here


Question 1 of 10
Which of these are long-term impacts of having a good credit history?



can you add a screenshot to the question


what is the definition of education?


the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university

Which segment is most likely set at 1.0 spacing?
Learning about Microsoft Office is awesome! I can now more efficiently create and edit documents. I will
have skills to get a good job and my mom will be so proud!
Learning about Microsoft Office is awesome! I can now more efficiently create and edit documents. I will
have skills to get a good job and my mom will be so proud!
Learning about Microsoft Office is awesome! I can now more efficiently create and edit documents. I will
have skills to get a good job and my mom will be so proud!
Learning about Microsoft Office is awesome! I can now more efficiently create and edit documents. I will
have skills to get a good job and my mom will be so proud!


Learning about Microsoft Office is awesome! I can now generate and edit documents more quickly.

My mother will be very proud of me since I'll have the skills to land a nice career!  The correct answer is (b).

What is Single Spacing?

The distance between every line in a paragraph is known as line spacing. You may set the line spacing in Word to be single spaced, double spaced, or any other number of lines high that you like. Word's standard spacing is 1.08 lines, which is a little bit more space than single spaced.

The gap between text lines is known as line spacing. Tight line spacing can squeeze more text into a space, whereas loose spacing can make writing much more readable.

To know more about Single Spacing, visit:


Looking forward to next year, if Digby’s current cash amount is $17,334 (000) and cash flows from operations next period are unchanged from this period and Digby takes ONLY the following actions relating to cash flows from investing and financing activities: Issues $2,000 (000) of long-term debt Pays $4,000 (000) in dividends Retires $10,000 (000) in debt Which of the following activities will expose Digby to the most risk of needing an emergency loan?

a) Issues 100 (000) shares of common stock
b) Sells $7,000 (000) of long-term assets
c) Purchases assets at a cost of $15,000 (000)
d) Repurchases $10,000 (000) of stock


If Digby, has these assets the one that activity that would expose Digby to the most risk of needing an emergency loan is  Purchases assets at a cost of $15,000 (000). Option C

What would be the reason for a loan?

Digby may become more risky if it needs a lot of money to buy fixed assets because it hasn't entered into any financing transactions to finance its long-term capital funding of assets.

It's a term for quick loans, which are frequently used for urgent emergencies. Some of the alternatives include payday loans, cash advances, title loans, and personal loans. Additionally, some may be riskier than others, such as payday loans. Borrowers could have quick access to emergency borrowing funding.

Personal loans used for emergencies are known as emergency loans. These loans can be used to cover unexpected expenses like last-minute repairs, medical expenses, or funeral fees. Look for lenders who offer speedy loan disbursement because you probably can't wait several days for your loan to be funded if you have unexpected expenses.

Read more on loans here:


Which of these aspects of help desk operation would not normally be covered in a user support mission statement?


Help desk fees for services of help desk operation would not normally be covered in a user support mission statement.

What is operation ?Everything that is done within a company to run it  and make a profit is  collectively called business operations. Business operations often include an operationally specific section  to help the founders of the business understand the systems, equipment, people, and processes required to make the organization work.Operations management helps improve an organization's reputation  and  has a positive impact on its ability to achieve growth and stability goals. Operational management ensures that products meet  quality standards and customer expectations.It simply means the end-to-end process of transferring and storing shipments of finished and unfinished goods. For example, an automobile manufacturing organization inventories and transfers automobiles (or their parts) in a systematic manner.His three main types of business management include service, merchandising, and manufacturing. All three forms of business involve selling goods to people, but each has different and important characteristics.

To learn more about operation  from the given link:


An item that will enter into accounting income but will never affect taxable income is a ______ difference.


An item that will enter into accounting income but will never affect taxable income is a permanent difference.

Give a brief about accounting.

One of the most important aspects of practically any firm is accounting. Small businesses may have a bookkeeper or accountant manage it, whereas bigger corporations may have vast finance departments with many people. Management can make wise business decisions thanks to the information produced by many streams of accounting, including cost accounting and managerial accounting.

Concise and consolidated reports based on hundreds of distinct financial transactions make up the financial statements that sum up a huge company's activities, financial status, and cash flows during a certain time period. Because of this, all professional accounting credentials are the product of years of education, difficult exams, and at least a certain amount of practical accounting experience.

To study more about accounting


Arianna is an administrative assistant in the Human Resources Department. Her good friend, John, is applying for a job with the company and she has agreed to serve as a reference for him. John approaches her for advice on preparing for the interview. Arianna has the actual interview questions asked for all applicants and considers making him a copy of the list so he can adequately prepare.

Steps for Making Ethical Decisions

Identify the ethical issue or problem.

List the facts that have the most relevance in the situation.

Identify anyone who might be affected by your decision and how.

Explain what each affected person would want you to do about the issue.

List 3 alternative actions and identify the best and worst case scenario for each alternative, anyone who would be harmed by this choice (and how), any values that would be compromised by selecting this alternative, and any automatic reasons why this alternative should not be selected (legal issues, rules, etc.).

Determine a plan/course of action.


If Arianna, as a member of the Human Resources Department, provides the actual interview questions to John, she is violating the ethical conduct that is expected of her as an HR staff member, because she is supposed to ensure a fair interview process for all job applicants rather than short-changing it.

What exactly is an ethical practice?

Essentially, an ethic is a concept or moral conviction that shapes a group's behavior, attitudes, and philosophy.

Ethical practice in an organization is the application of ethical ideals in organizational activity. It applies to all areas of organizational behavior, such as corporate governance, employment procedures, sales strategies, stakeholder interactions, accounting processes, product concerns, corporate responsibility, and so on.

To learn more ethical practices, click


Newbolt Corp. had pretax GAAP income of $192,000 in the current year. The January 1 balance in the Deferred Tax Asset account was $12,000. At the end of the year, the GAAP basis of deferred rent revenue is $60,200 more than the tax basis of deferred rent revenue. There were no other temporary differences. The company’s tax rate is 25%. What is total income tax expense for the current year? a. $66,100 b. $60,000 c. $44,950 d. $48,000


Answer:The Correct Answer is Option(d) $48000


jacobins had justified the confiscation of church property (decree on church lands) for all of the following official reasons except


Jacobins had justified the confiscation of church property (decree on church lands) for all of the following official reasons except to fund the French Revolution.

What does confiscation mean?

Confiscation is the act of taking something, usually property, by a governing authority or other public authority without the consent of its owner. It is usually done for the purpose of taxation, the enforcement of laws, or as punishment for a crime.

What does Taxation mean?

Taxation is the process by which a government levies taxes on its citizens in order to generate revenue for public spending and services. It is the act of imposing a financial charge or other levy on a taxpayer by a governmental organization in order to fund various public expenditures.

To know more Expenditures,


when a product is past the split-off point, but is not yet a finished product, it is called a(n) product. (enter only one word per blank.)


When a product is past the split-off point but is not yet a finished product, it is called an intermediate product.

What Is an Intermediate Product?

An intermediate product is basically a type of product that has undergone a production process or past the split-off point but is not yet complete. This intermediate product is not yet a finished product that is ready to be sold and marketed to consumers, but this product will go through an advanced production process so that it can become a finished product. An example of an intermediate product is cloth which is the result of production from yarn where the cloth will undergo an advanced production process that turns the cloth into clothes that are ready for sale.

Learn more about an intermediate product at


for the first week of may, the dew drop inn budgeted for 700 room nights at an adr of $105.00. actual room nights for the week totaled 550 with an adr of $110.00. based on the information given, run a complete variance analysis for revenue by indicating variance conditions for each of the revenue variance components. group of answer choices -$14,000 (u) budget variance, $3,200 (f) price variance, -$16,000 (u) volume variance, and -$700 (u) price-volume variance -$13,000 (u) budget variance, $3,500 (f) price variance, -$15,750 (u) volume variance, and -$750 (u) price-volume variance -$13,500 (u) budget variance, $4,600 (f) price variance, -$14,650 (u) volume variance, and -$800 (u) price-volume variance -$13,000 (u) budget variance, $5,500 (f) price variance, -$15,250 (u) volume variance, and -$820 (u) price-volume variance


The variance for each of the revenue variance components for The Dew are:

Budget variance = $3,500(F)Price variance = $15,750(U)Price-volume variance = $750(U)

Revenue variance measures the difference between expected and actual sales. Revenue vaiance is important to determine the success of an organization's selling performance and the perceived attractiveness of its products.

From the case, we know that:

Budgeted rooms = 700

Budgeted ADR = $105

Actual rooms = 500

Actual ADR = $110

To calculate the budget variance, we have to use formula:

Budget Variance = (Budgeted rooms x Actual ADR) - (Budgeted rooms x Budgeted ADR)

Budget variance = (700 x $110) - (700 x $105)

Budget variance = $77,000 - $73,500

Budget variance = $3,500(F)

Price variance can be calculated by finding the difference between budgeted rooms and actual room, such:

Price variance = (Actual rooms x Budgeted ADR) - (Budgeted rooms x Budgeted ADR)

Price variance = (500 x $105) - (700 x $105)

Price variance = $57,750 - $73,500

Price variance = $15,750(U)

Meanwhile, price-volume variance could be find by using formula:

Price-volume variance = [(Actual rooms - Budgeted rooms) x Actual ADR] - [(Actual rooms - Budgeted rooms) x Budgeted ADR]

Price-volume variance = [(700 - 550) x $110] - [(700 - 500) x $105]

Price-volume variance = $750(U)

Learn more about Revenue Variance here:


On November 7, 2017, Mura Company borrows $160,000 cash by signing a 90-day, 8% note payable with a face value of $160,000.
(1) Compute the accrued interest payable on December 31, 2017,
(2) Prepare the journal entry to record the accrued interest expense at December 31, 2017, and
(3) Prepare the journal entry to record payment of the note at maturity.
a. The interest expense account is debited with $ 920, and the interest account is credited $1,920.
b. The journal entry is shown below.
c. The journal entry is shown below.


Mura Company should record $1,920 interest expense for its Notes Payable at December 31, 2017. The journal entries for December 31, 2017 and February 5, 2018 at the maturity should be:

December 31, 2017

Interest Expense  $1,920

             Interes Payable              $1,920

February 5, 2018

Notes Payable      $160,000

Interest Payable   $1,920

Interest Expense  $1,280

             Cash                            $163,200

First, we will calculate the total interest expense Mura Company has to pay when its notes payable matures. The total interest expense is:

Total Interest expense = 8% x (90/360) x $160,000

Total Interest expense = $3,200

To find the interest expense accrued on December 31, 2017, we have to calculate the days different between the date and the signing debt date.

Days gap = December 31 - November 7

Days gap = 31 + (30 - 7)

Days gap = 54

Interest expense accrued = 8% x (54/360) x $160,000

Interest expense accrued = $1,920

This transaction should be recorded as:

December 31, 2017

Interest Expense  $1,920

             Interes Payable              $1,920

At the maturity date, Mura Company has to pay the principal note and its interest. However since some of the interest expense has been accrued, the remaining interest expense is:

Remaining interest expense = total interest expense - interest expense accrued

Remaining interest expense = $3,200 - $1,920

Remaining interest expense = $1,280

The journal entry for this date is:

February 5, 2018

Notes Payable      $160,000

Interest Payable   $1,920

Interest Expense  $1,280

             Cash                            $163,200

Learn more about Notes Payable here:


advergame brand integration, integrates a brand spokesperson or personality as a main character within the game.


Illustrative advergame brand integration, integrates a brand spokesperson or personality as a main character within the game.

What is brand?The term brand refers to a business and marketing concept that helps people identify a particular company, product, or person. Trademarks are not important. That is, it cannot be touched or seen. As such, it helps shape  perceptions of companies,  products, or people.Fundamental elements of a brand include  brand compass, brand archetype, brand personality, competitive advantage, brand promise, visual and verbal identity, and brand experience.A brand is the combination of inner and outer features of an offer that gives it its identity and distinguishes it  from others. A brand is a characteristic that distinguishes a company, organization, product, or service from other sellers. Businesses often identify their brand with unique symbols, terms, names, designs, or other characteristics that describe their organization and  values.

To learn more about brand from the given link :


Growth policies that mainly focus on both finding appropriate technology and on getting connected through communications and transport infrastructure are generally associated with a. technologically disconnected nations. b. nations that are technology leaders. c. neoclassical economic theory d. Keynesian economic theory


Growth policies that mainly focus on both finding appropriate technology and on getting connected through communications and transport infrastructure are generally associated with: A. technologically disconnected nations.

The following policies can be used to promote productivity growth:

Monetary policies.Fiscal policies.Currency Devaluation. Quantitative easing.Privatisation & Deregulation.Investment in education & training.Flexible labour markets.Reducing tax rates.                                                                                                                

When is a rough comparison of GDP per capita is made?

The average per-person income for a region is calculated using per capita income, which is also used to assess the population's standard of living and quality of life. A country's per capita income is determined by dividing its national income by its population. The GDP per capita is frequently used to compare the living standards of various countries on a broad scale. But keep in mind that this figure represents an average. It doesn't explain how a state's citizens and its corporations split the money made through production.

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In the set of all past due accounts, let the event A mean the account is between 31 and 60 days past due and the event B mean the account is that of a new customer. The union of A and B is all new customers all accounts fewer than 31 or more than 60 days past due all accounts from new customers and all accounts that are from 31 to 60 days past due all new customers whose accounts are between 31 and 60 days past due


In the set of all past due accounts, all accounts are fewer than 31 or more than 60 days past due.

What is the difference between past due and arrears?

To differentiate from past due payments, payment at the end of a period is referred to as an arrear and is capitalized. For instance, a tenant who must pay rent at the end of each month is said to be in arrears on their rent payments, whereas a tenant who has not made rent payments due for 30 days is said to be one month behind.

When an account is regarded as being past due, it means that as of the last payment due date, the minimum required payment had not been made to the account. Technically, the moment you miss the payment, your account is past due. Some credit card companies automatically charge a late fee to your card.

Learn more about past-due accounts here:


If the United States imports purses, then the quantity of purses produced in the United States will and the quantity of purses purchased by consumers in the United states will. A) increase; increase B) increase; decrease C) decrease; increase D) decrease; decrease E) not change; increase


The amount the purse produced in the US would decrease and the amount of clutches purchased by customers in the USA will increase if the country imports purses.

An import is what?

An import is an item or service that is purchased outside of its nation of origin. International trade is made up of imports and exports. A country has a trade deficit, or a trade deficit, if the value of its imports exceeds than value of its exports.

Why are imports significant?

Even though transportation costs are higher, importing vegetables and other items from nations that can provide them more effectively can be safer for the environment than "shopping local."

To know more about imports visit:


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