Daily Enterprises is purchasing a $10.4 million machine. It will cost $46,000 to transport and install the machine. The machine has a depreciable life of five years using​ straight-line depreciation and will have no salvage value. The machine will generate incremental revenues of $3.9 million per year along with incremental costs of $1.3 million per year.​ Daily's marginal tax rate is 35%. You are forecasting incremental free cash flows for Daily Enterprises. Whatare the incremental free cash flows associated with the new​ machine?


Answer 1




Calculation to determine incremental free cash flows associated with the new​ machine

First step is to calculate The cost of depreciation

Cost of depreciation= $10,4000,00 + $46,000/ 5

Cost of depreciation= $2,089,200

Now let calculate the Incremental free cash flows

Incremental free cash flows = ( $3.9 million - $1,300,000) * (1 - 0.35) + $2,089,200* 0.35

Incremental free cash flows = $1,690,000 + $731,220

Incremental free cash flows=$2,421,220

Therefore the incremental free cash flows associated with the new​ machine is $2,421,220.

Related Questions

Lena is a sole proprietor. In April of this year, she sold equipment purchased four years ago for $53,200 with an adjusted basis of $31,920 for $35,112. Later in the year, Lena sold another piece of equipment purchased two years ago with an adjusted basis of $15,960 for $10,374. What is the amount and character of Lena's gain or loss?



Ordinary gain $3,192; Loss $5,586


Calculation to determine the amount and character of Lena's gain or loss

Based on the information given she has an ORDINARY GAIN § 1245 DEPRECIATION RECAPTURE of the amount of $3,192 calculated as ($35,112 − $31,920) from the sale of the first equipment as well as § 1231 LOSS of the amount of $5,586 ($10,374 − $15,960) from the sale of the second equipment.

Therefore the amount and character of Lena's gain or loss will be Ordinary gain of $3,192 and Loss of $5,586.

Define the six sources of business law​




Sources of law are the origins of laws, the binding rules that enable any state to govern its territory. The term "source of law" may sometimes refer to the sovereign or to thUS Constitution. Constitutional law governs the interpretation of the US Constitution and its statutes.

Federal Statutes. Statutory law is the body of written laws that have been passed by the US Congress.

Common Law. US common law is also called case law. ...

Regulations of Federal Agencies. ...

International Treaties. ...e seat of power from which the law derives its validity.

On December 1, delivery equipment was purchased for $6,144. The delivery equipment has an estimated useful life of four years (48 months) and no salvage value. Using the straight-line depreciation method, analyze the necessary adjusting entry as of December 31 (one month) using T accounts, and then formally enter this adjustment in the general journal.


Answer and Explanation:

The presentation is shown below;

Depreciation expense

Adjustment     $128  ($6,144 ÷ 48 months)

Accumulated depreciation

                                  Adjustment $128

The journal entry is

Depreciation expense $128

    To Accumulated depreciation $128

(Being depreciation expense is recorded)

Here the depreciation expense is debited as it increased the expense and credited the accumulated depreciation as it decreased the asset

Many employees of a local restaurant suddenly quit and seek other opportunities. What is the most likely explanation for the large number of employees quitting?
A. a developing price war
B. a protest action by the union
C. decrease in positive incentives to work
D. decrease of negative incentives to being unemployed



A. a developing price war

the wacc approach to valuation is not as useful as the apv approach in leveraged buyouts because: the capital structure is changing. there is no tax shield with the wacc. the value of the levered and unlevered firms are equal. the unlevered and levered cash flows are separated which cannot be used with the wacc approach. there is greater risk with a lbo.



the capital structure is changing


As we know that wacc approach used to determined the cost of capital by taking the cost and weightage of the capital structure i.e. debt, equity and the preferred stock The same would not be useful for the valuation purpose as the apv approach in the leveraged buyouts because the capital structure i.e. debt, equity and the preferred stock keeps changing

It does not remian constant

Therefore the same would be considered

A portfolio is composed of two stocks, A and B. Stock A has a standard deviation of return of 36%, while stock B has a standard deviation of return of 16%. The correlation coefficient between the returns on A and B is 0.30. Stock A comprises 30% of the portfolio, while stock B comprises the rest of the portfolio. What is the standard deviation of the return on this portfolio?


Answer: 17.7%


Standard deviation of portfolio = √(Weight of A² * Standard deviation of A² + Weight of B² * Standard deviation of B² + 2 * Weight of A * Weight of B * Correlation coefficient of A and B * Standard deviation of A * Standard deviation of B)

= √(30%² * 36%² + 70%² * 16%² + 2 * 30% * 70% * 0.30 * 36% * 16%)

= √0.0314656

= 17.7%

Hotel California Hotel California is a luxury hotel which has just got a new manager, Rocky. Given its location and quality, the hotel always had enough people making advance reservations to fill up all the rooms available. The hotel charges $200 per room per night for reservations made in advance (Hint:think of this $200 as the purchasing cost in the Newsvendor model). Rocky had taken the OPRE3310 at UTD last semester and decided to implement some of those techniques in his current job. He implemented a policy of reserving some rooms for last-minute requests and charges these requests S300 per room per night (Hint: think of this $300 as the selling price in the Newsvendor model) The unsold reserved rooms are worth nothing at the end of the day (Hint: that is the salvage value is $0). Based on his estimation, the number of last minute customers is uniformly distributed with minimum of 1 and maximum of 10
a) How much is the cost of reserving too little by one? That is the underage cost, Cu
b) How much is the cost of reserving too much by one? That is the overage cost, Co
c) What is the optimal service level?
d) How many rooms should be reserved for last-minute customers? Hint: what is Q"?



Hotel California

a) The cost of reserving too little by one, (the underage cost) Cu

= $100

b) The cost of reserving too much by one, (the overage cost) Co =

= $200

c) The optimal service level

= 0.33

d) The number of rooms that should be reserved for last-minute customers, Q

= 3


a) Data and Calculations:

Charges per room per night (purchase cost) = $200

Charges for last-minute requests per room per night (selling price) - $300

Value of unsold reserved rooms (Salvage value) = $0

Minimum of last-minute customers, Min = 1

Maximum of last-minute customers, Max = 10

a) The cost of reserving too little by one, (the underage cost) Cu = Selling price - Purchasing cost

= $300 - $200

= $100

b) The cost of reserving too much by one, (the overage cost) Co = Purchasing cost - Salvage value

= $200 - $0

= $200

c) The optimal service level = Cu/Co+Cu

= $100/$200 + $100

= $100/$300

= 0.33

d) The number of rooms that should be reserved for last-minute customers, Q

= Cu/Co+Cu (Max - Min) + Min

= 0.33 * (10 - 1) + 1

= 0.33 * (10)

= 3

A newly formed company purchases investments classified as available-for-sale securities at a cost of $13,000. At the end of the year, the market value of the securities was $11,000. The financial statements at the end of the year would show which of the following?
A. No loss on the income statement Available-for-sale investments of $11,000 and an unrealized loss of $2,000 in stockholders' equity on the balance sheet
B. No loss on the income statement Available-for-sale investments of $13,000 on the balance sheet
C. Income Statement loss of $2,000 Available-for-sale investments of $13,000 on the balance sheet
D. Loss of $2,000 on the income statement Temporary investments of $11,000 on the balance sheet


Answer: A. No loss on the income statement Available-for-sale investments of $11,000 and an unrealized loss of $2,000 in stockholders' equity on the balance sheet.


Available-For-Sale (AFS) securities are not to have their gains or losses reflected in the income statement. They are to be reflected in the Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) section of the Stockholders Equity.

If there is a loss, the AFS security is written down by the loss amount which is then transferred to the OCI section of equity as an unrealized loss. It will reduce the OCI which would reduce the stockholders equity.

In this case therefore, AFS would go to $11,000 and OCI would record an unrealized loss of $2,000.

Hurricane Katrina destroyed oil and natural gas refining capacity in the Gulf of Mexico. This subsequently drove up natural gas, gasoline, and heating oil prices. As a result, this should B) shift the short-run aggregate supply curve to the right. D) move the economy down along a stationary short-run aggregate supply curve. C) move the economy up along a stationary short-run aggregate supply curve. A) shift the short-run aggregate supply curve to the left.


Answer: A) shift the short-run aggregate supply curve to the left.


The oil and natural gas refining capacity in the Gulf of Mexico was destroyed which means that facilities in the Gulf will be unable to supply natural gas, gasoline and heating oil.

These are all very important commodities in the market and drive a lot of production. With the supply of these commodities decreasing and the subsequent slow down of production in multiple industries as a result, the aggregate supply curve will shift to the left in the short run to reflect the reduction in supply of goods in the economy.

Although the Fed has very strong influence over the money supply, it does not have complete control a.Because the Fed has no idea how much reserves will change when it buys or sells securities. b.Because of unpredictable changes in the public's desire to hold cash or borrow and banks' desires to hold reserves or lend. c.Because of unpredictable changes in reserve requirements. d.Because the FOMC meets only twice a year.


Answer: b. Because of unpredictable changes in the public's desire to hold cash or borrow and banks' desires to hold reserves or lend.


The Fed is able to embark on monetary policy that influences the entire country - and the world to some extent - because they have very strong influence over the money supply of the US$.

This influence is not absolute however because as the old adage goes, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink". In other words, the Fed can relax(impose) restrictions to make money more(less) available but they cannot force people to borrow(hold) that money.

They can't force banks either to either hold reserves or lend money out because banks are free to impose their own reserve limits on top of those of the Fed.

The management of Lanzilotta Corporation is considering a project that would require an investment of $191,000 and would last for 6 years. The annual net operating income from the project would be $108,000, which includes depreciation of $21,000. The scrap value of the project's assets at the end of the project would be $26,200. The cash inflows occur evenly throughout the year. The payback period of the project is closest to :___________



1 year 5 month


The Project Cash flow Summary is as follows :

Year 0 = -$191,000

Year 1 = $108,000 + $21,000 = $129,000

Year 2 = $108,000 + $21,000 = $129,000

Year 3 = $108,000 + $21,000 = $129,000

Year 4 = $108,000 + $21,000 = $129,000

Year 5 = $108,000 + $21,000 = $129,000

Year 6 = $108,000 + $21,000 + $26,200 = $155,200

Payback Period is the term used to determine how long the future cash flows would equal the amount invested.

$191,000 = $129,000 + 62,000/ $129,000 x 12

The future cash flows will equal $191,000 in 1 year 5 months.

the total surface area of hemisphere is 4158sq then what is the circumference of the base



C = 132 units


Given the following data;

TSA of hemisphere = 4158 sq units

To find the circumference of the base;

Mathematically, the total surface area of a hemisphere is given by the formula;

TSA of hemisphere = 3πr²

First of all, we would determine the radius of the hemisphere.

4158 = 3 * 22/7 * r²

Cross-multiplying, we have;

4158 * 7 = 3 * 22 * r²

29106 = 66r²

r² = 29106/66

r² = 441

Taking the square root of both sides, we have;

r = √441

r = 21 units

Next, we determine the circumference of the base using the same radius;

Circumference of circle, C = 2πr

C = 2 * 22/7 * 21

C = 924/7

C = 132 units

The following information is available for Windsor, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 2020.

Beginning cash balance $45,720
Accounts payable decrease 3,759
Depreciation expense 164,592
Accounts receivable increase 8,331
Inventory increase 11,176
Net income 288,646
Cash received for sale of land at book value 35,560
Cash dividends paid 12,192
Income taxes payable increase 4,775
Cash used to purchase building 293,624
Cash used to purchase treasury stock 26,416
Cash received from issuing bonds 203,200

Prepare a statement of cash flows using the indirect method.



See below


Operating activities:

Net income






Change in working capital:

Accounts payable decrease


Tax payable


Accounts receivable increase


Inventory increase


Total change


* Cash generated from operating activities $442,265

Investing activities;

Proceed from sale of land


Purchase of building


Cash used from investing activities


Financing activities

Issuance of shares


Treasury shares purchase


Dividends paid


Cash generated from financing activities


Cash generated for the year


Beginning cash


Ending cash


Rock Adventures has 15 employees each working 40 hours per week and earning $30 an hour. Federal income taxes are withheld at 15% and state income taxes at 6%. FICA taxes are 7.65% and unemployment taxes are 3.8% of the first $7,000 earned per employee. What is the actual direct deposit of payroll for the first week of January



the actual direct deposit payroll is $12,843


The computation of the actual direct deposit payroll is shown below;

= Total salary - withholdings

= (15 × 40 × $30) - Federal income tax - state income tax - FICA tax

= $18,000 - ($18,000 × 0.15) - ($18,000 × 0.06) - ($18,000 × 7.65%)

= $12,843

Hence, the actual direct deposit payroll is $12,843

Basically we applied the above formula

Riverboat Adventures pays $170,000 plus $14,000 in closing costs to buy out a competitor. The real estate consists of land appraised at $22,000, a building appraised at $79,200, and paddleboats appraised at $118,800. Compute the cost that should be allocated to the building. Multiple Choice $66,240. $61,200. $79,200.



Total cost allocated to building = $66,240



Total amount pay = $170,000 + $14,000 = $184,000

Land appraised amount = $22,000

Building appraised amount = $79,200

Paddleboats appraised price = $118,800


Total cost allocated to building


Total appraisal price = Land appraised amount + Building appraised amount  + Paddleboats appraised price

Total appraisal price = $22,000 + $79,200 + 118,800

Total appraisal price = $220,000

Total cost allocated to building = [Total amount pay / Total appraisal price]Building appraised amount

Total cost allocated to building = [184,000/220,000]79,200

Total cost allocated to building = $66,240

Concord Company sells merchandise on account for $5700 to Ivanhoe Company with credit terms of 2/10, n/30. Ivanhoe Company returns $1000 of merchandise that was damaged, along with a
check to settle the account within the discount period. What is the amount of the check?



The right solution is Option b ($4606 ).


The given values are:

Company sells merchandise,

= $5700

Company returns,

= $1000


The amount of the check will be:

= [tex](5700-1000)\times 98 \ percent[/tex]

= [tex](5700-1000)\times 0.98[/tex]

= [tex]4700\times 0.98[/tex]

= [tex]4606[/tex] ($)

The company has 7 million shares of common stock outstanding. The current share price is $68, and the book value per share is $8. The company also has two bond issues outstanding. The first bond issue has a face value of $70 million, a coupon rate of 6%, and sells for 97% of par. The second issue has a face value of $40 million, a coupon rate of 6.5%, and sells for 108% of par. The first issue matures in 21 years, the second in 6 years. Suppose the most recent dividend was $3.25 and the dividend growth rate is 5%. Assume that the overall cost of debt is the weighted average of that implied by the two outstanding debt issues. Both bonds make semiannual payments. The tax rate is 21%. What is the company’s WACC?


I’m not sure about this question. Try doing an image search of searching key terms

Which of the following is a positive macroeconomics statement? Question 8 options: The central bank should increase the nation's money supply. The increase in the nation's money supply helped push the nation's unemployment rate down in the short run. Ford Motor Company's new advertising campaign ended up hurting General Motors' sales. The local government ought to spend more on recreational facilities.



The increase in the nation's money supply helped push the nation's unemployment rate down in the short run.


Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that studies the economy as a whole. Macroeconomics studies economic aggregates such as inflation, unemployment, GDP and growth rate.

Microeconomics is a branch of economics that studies the decisions individuals and firms make in response to changes in economic factors. These factors include price, resources etc. it studies how firms and individuals allocate and make decisions about resources

Positive Economics is objective and statements are usually based on facts and economic theory. They can be tested.  

For example, the effect of an expansionary monetary policy on unemployment can be tested

Normative economics is based value judgements, opinions and perspectives. For example, the statement - The local government ought to spend more on recreational facilities - is an opinion.

The description, measurement, and explanation of economic processes, expectations, and related phenomena are the main goals of the field of Positive Macroeconomics.

Thus, the statement, "The central bank should increase the money supply" is considered a positive statement. Option (a) is the correct answer to this question.

Positive economics is the study of economics through an objective analytical lens. Most economists base their future projections on what has already happened and what is happening in a particular economy.

Positive economics is an objective branch of economics that bases its conclusions on reality or current events.Positive economics analyses can be used to develop conclusions that can be tested and supported by evidence.Positive economic theory doesn't offer suggestions or directions.

Therefore,  the statement, "The central bank should increase the money supply" is considered a positive statement. Option (a) is the correct answer to this question.

Learn more about Positive Macroeconomics here,



A firm has three different investment options. Option A will give the firm $10 million at the end of one year, $10 million at the end of two years, and $10 million at the end of three years. Option B will give the firm $15 million at the end of one year, $10 million at the end of two years, and $5 million at the end of three years. Option C will give the firm $30 million at the end of one year, and nothing thereafter. Which of these options has the highest present value?

a. Option A
b. Option B
c. Option C
c. The depends on the rate of interest, which is not specified here


I would say that the answer is the second c which is below the first c these answer choices are confusing.

Net Present Value depends on the rate of interest, which is not specified here so we can not take any decision regarding the other options. The correct option is d.

The interest rate applied, which takes into account both the investment's risk and the time value of money, determines the present value of future cash flows. We cannot appropriately calculate the present value or compare the options without knowing the discount rate.

The future cash flows must be discounted to their present value using the proper discount rate in order to determine which option has the highest present value.

Thus, the ideal selection is option d.

Learn more about Present Value here:

Learn more about Present Value here:



The following selected account balances are taken from the records of Cooper Corporation for the past two years.
December 31
2018 2017
Equipment $750 $400
Accumulated depreciation 160 225
Land 92 50
Bonds payable 30 50
Common stock 120 100
Additional paid in capital 400 320
Retained earnings 825 675
Other information available for 2018:
Net income for the year was $200.
Depreciation expense on plant and equipment was $70.
Equipment with an original cost of $200 and Accum. Dep. of $135 was sold at a gain of $5.
No land was sold during the year.
Both new equipment and land were purchased during the year.
Bonds payable were retired
Common stock was issued for cash.
Cash dividends were declared and paid.
1. How much cash did Cooper Corp. receive from the sale of equipment?
a. 60
b. 135
c. 195
d. 70
e. None of the above
2. What is Cooper Corp's net increase (decrease) in cash from investing activities?
a. 18
b. (522)
c. (397)
d. (480)
e. None of the above
3. What is Cooper Corp's net increase (decrease) in cash from financing activities?
a. 50
b. (80)
c. 30
d. (50)
e. None of the above



Cooper Corporation

1. Cash received from the sale of equipment:

= d. 70

2. Decrease in cash from investing activities:

= b. (522)

3. Increase in cash from financing activities:

= c. 30


a) Data and Calculations:

December 31

                                              2018      2017   Change

Equipment                           $750      $400    +$350

Accumulated depreciation   (160)      (225)       +65

Land                                        92           50        +42

Bonds payable                       30           50         -20

Common stock                     120         100         +20

Additional paid in capital     400        320         +80

Retained earnings               825        675       +150

Net income for the year = $200

Depreciation expense = $70

Less Gain from sale of equipment $5


Account Titles         Debt     Credit

Beginning balance  $400

Cash purchase          550

Sale of equipment                $200

Ending balance                       750

Sale of equipment

Equipment       $200

Accumulated depreciation   $135

Cash                                          70

Gain from sale      5

Retained earnings:

Beginning balance              $675

Net income                            200

Dividends                    50

Ending balance         825

Statement of Cash Flows (partial):

Investing activities:

Sale of equipment           $70

Purchase of equipment -550

Purchase of land              -42

Decrease in cash         $522

Financing activities:

Bonds payable                        -20

Common stock                       +20

Additional paid in capital        +80

Dividends paid                        -50

Increase in cash                    $30

DS Unlimited has the following transactions during August.

August 6 Purchases 54 handheld game devices on account from GameGirl, Inc., for $120 each, terms 1/10, n/60.
August 7 Pays $320 to Sure Shipping for freight charges associated with the August 6 purchase.
August 10 Returns to GamerGirl four game devices that were defective.
August 14 Pays the full amount due to GameGirl.
August 23 Sells 34 game devices purchased on August 6 for $140 each to customers on account. The total cost of the 34 game devices sold is $4,257.00. 2.

Record the period-end adjustment to cost of goods sold on August 31, assuming the company has no beginning inventory and ending inventory has a cost of $2,003.



August 6

Debit: Inventory: (54 * $120) = $6480.00

Credit: Accounts Payable: $6,480.00

August 7 - shipping

Debit: Inventory $320.00

Credit: Cash $320.00

August 10

Debit: Accounts Payable :(4 * $120) = $480.00

Credit: Inventory $480.00

August 14

Debit: Accounts Payable : $(6480 - 480) = $6000.00

Credit: Inventory $60.00

Cash : $(6000 - 60) = $5940.00

(August 14th Inventory: $6000 × 1% = $60)

August 23

Debit: Accounts Receivable ($140*34) = $4760

Credit: sales Revenue $4760

August 23

Debit: Cost of Goods Sold $4,257.00

Credit: Inventory $4,257.00



Four Seasons Industries has established direct labor performance standards for its maintenance and repair shop. However, some of the labor records were destroyed during a recent fire. The actual hours worked during August were 2,250, and the total direct labor budget variance was $1,170 unfavorable. The standard labor rate was $14.40 per hour, but recent resignations allowed the firm to hire lower-paid replacement workers for some jobs, and this produced a favorable rate variance of $3,150 for August.
a. Calculate the actual direct labor rate paid per hour during August. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 1 decimal place.) ual direct labor rate per hour
b. Calculate the dollar amount of the direct labor efficiency variance for August. (Indicate the effect of each variance by selecting "F" for favorable, "U" for unfavorable, and "None" for no effect (i.e., zero variance). t labor efficiency
c. Calculate the standard direct labor hours allowed for the actual level of activity during August. (Hint: Use the formula for the efficiency variance and solve for the missing information.) Standard direct labor hours



a. Actual labor Rate:

(AR-SR)*Actual hours = Labor rate variance

Labor rate variance/Actual hours =  AR-SR

AR = (Labor rate variance/Actual hours) + SR

Actual rate= (-3,150/2,250) + 14.4

Actual rate = -1.4 + 14.4

Actual rate = 13 per hour

Note: Labor rate variance is -3,150, Standard rate is 14.4 per hour and Actual hours is 2,250.

b. Direct labour efficiency variance = Total direct labour budget variance -  Direct labour rate variance

Direct labour efficiency variance = $1,170 - (-$3,150)

Direct labour efficiency variance = $4,320 Unfavourable

c. Direct Labour efficiency variance = (AH-SH)*SR

4,320 = (2,250 - SH)*14.4

2,250 - Standard hours = 4,320/14.4

2,250 - Standard hours = 300

Standard hours = 2,250 - 300

Standard hours = 1,950

5. Joseph transfers $1000 from his money market fund to his checking account. This
transaction will:
a) decrease M2 and increase M1.
b) increase M1, but leave M2 unchanged.
c) decrease M1 and increase M2.
d) decrease both M1 and M2.



A. decrease M2 and increase M1

Peterson Packaging Corp. has a basic earning power of (BEP) of 9% on $9 billion of total assets, and its times interest earned (TIE) ratio is 3.0. Peterson's depreciation and amortization expense totals $1 billion. It has $0.6 billion in lease payments and $0.3 billion must go towards principal payments on outstanding loans and long-term debt. What is Peterson's EBITDA coverage ratio


Answer: A basic earning power of (BEP) of 9% on $9 billion of total assets.

ratio is 3.0. Peterson's depreciation and amortization expense totals $1 billion.

amortization expense totals $1 billion. It has $0.6 billion in lease payments and $0.3 billion must go towards principal payments.

Dazzle, Inc. produces beads for jewelry making use. The following information summarizes production operations and sales activities for June. The journal entry to record June sales is:
Direct materials used $ 88,000
Direct labor used $ 161,800
Predetermined overhead rate (based on direct labor) 140 %
Goods transferred to finished goods $ 445,000
Cost of goods sold $ 457,000
Credit sales $ 833,400
A. Debit Accounts Receivable $833,400; credit Cost of Goods Sold $833,400.
B. Debit Accounts Receivable $833,400; credit Sales $376,400; credit Finished Goods Inventory $457,000.
C. Debit Cost of Goods Sold $457,000; credit Sales $457,000.
D. Debit Finished Goods Inventory $457,000; debit Sales $833,400; credit Accounts Receivable $833,400; credit Cost of Goods Sold $457,000.
E. Debit Accounts Receivable $833,400; credit Sales $833,400; debit Cost of Goods Sold $457,000; credit Finished Goods Inventory $457,000.



E. Debit Accounts Receivable $833,400; credit Sales $833,400; debit Cost of Goods Sold $457,000; credit Finished Goods Inventory $457,000.


Based on the information given we were told that the Cost of goods sold was the amount of $ 457,000 while the Credit sales was the amount of $ 833,400 which means that the appropiate journal entry to record June sales is:

Debit Accounts Receivable $833,400

Credit Sales $833,400

(To record sales)

Debit Cost of Goods Sold $457,000

Credit Finished Goods Inventory $457,000

(To record sales)

A dwelling with a replacement cost of $150,000 was insured under a Homeowners 3 policy for $105,000 at the time the roof was destroyed by a windstorm. The actual cash value of the loss was $10,000, but it will cost $15,000 to replace the roof. Ignoring any deductible, what will the insurer pay to settle this loss


Answer: $13125


The amount that the insurer will pay to settle this loss will be calculated thus:

= Insured claim × Insurance value / 80% of replacement value

= 15000 × 105,000 /80% × 150000.

= 15000 × 105,000 / 120000

= 13125

Therefore, the insurer will pay $13125

Hardaway Fixtures' balance sheet at December 31, 2020, included the following:

Shares issued and outstanding:
Common stock, $1 par $1,080,000
Nonconvertible preferred stock, $50 par 25,000

On July 21, 2021, Hardaway issued a 25% stock dividend on its common stock. On December 12, it paid $75,000 cash dividends on the preferred stock. Net income for the year ended December 31, 2021, was $4,800,000.

Compute Hardaway's earnings per share for the year ended December 31, 2021.





Earnings for EPS = $4,800,000 - $75,000

Earnings for EPS = $4,725,000

Weighted Average Outstanding share:

Date             Number of shares             Weight       Weighted Average

01-01-2021   Opening 1,080,000            12/12             1,080,000

21-07-2021  Stock Dividend 270,000    12/12             270,000


                     Total                                                         1,350,000

Earnings per share = Earnings for EPS/Weighted Average Outstanding share

Earnings per share = $4,725,000/1,350,000

Earnings per share = $3.50

Cal Poly Corporation would like to start a new project: building a high-tech rose float for the next regional contest. This rose float project will require $35,000 in the initial cost. The company is planning to raise this amount of money by selling new corporate bonds and new stocks. It has a target capital structure of 60 percent common stock, and 40 percent debt. Flotation costs for issuing new common stock is 7%, and for new debt it is 4%.
(a) The true required initial investment that Cal Poly Corporation should use in its valuation of the rose is:_____.
1. $36,920.
2. $36,820.
3. $35,000.
4. $33,180.
(b) The lower the flotation costs, the lower the initial investment that needs to be used in project valuation, and so the lower the project's Net Present Value. This statement is____.
1. True
2. False


Answer and Explanation:

The computation is shown below;


Given that

Weight of Equity = 0.4

Weight of Debt = 0.6

The Flotation cost of Capital = Weight of Equity × Flotation cost of Equity + Weight of Debt × Flotation cost of Debt

= 7 × 0.4 + 4 × 0.6

= 5.2


True cost is

= initial investment ÷ (1 - flotation cost %)

=  $35,000 ÷ (1 - 0.052)

= $36,920


In the case when there is a less flotation cost so it would decreased the initial investment due to this there would be an increase in net present value

hence, the given statement is false  

You should always emphasize a word in the middle of a sentence.






I think it’s B

A company has a minimum required rate of return of 8%. It is considering investing in a project that costs $379,650 and is expected to generate cash inflows of $150,000 each year for three years. The approximate internal rate of return on this project is





- $379,650 CF 0

$150,000 CF 1

$150,000 CF 1

$150,000 CF 1

The approximate internal rate of return on this project is 9%

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