cuál es el límite entre la cavidad torácica y abdominal?


Answer 1


El diafragma es un músculo en forma de cúpula que separa la cavidad torácica (pulmones y corazón) de la cavidad abdominal (intestinos, estómago, hígado, etc.).


Related Questions

Over time, how will the distribution of matter in a galaxy cluster change?



Galaxies are in clusters and over time those clusters will join and make more, and soon they will part into their own and probably join a different one. That may sound a little confusing to some but it's quite simple. My mom explained it to me like friends, you meet some people and become friends and then sometimes you will drift away and make new friends.

Galaxies are in clusters and over time those clusters will join and make more, and soon they will part into their own and probably join a different one. That may sound a little confusing to some but it's quite simple.

What is solar system?

The solar system is defined as a system which is gravitationaly bound of the sun and orbit is occupied by object. The formation of solar system takes place 4.6 billion years ago and this happens due to gravitational collapse of a giant molecular cloud.

The most and wast majority of the systems mass in the sun and other part of mass contained by the planet jupiter. The solar system contain total 8 planet in which 146 moon, asteroid and space rocks, a number of dwarf planet such as pluto and Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei discovers solar system.

Therefore, Galaxies are in clusters and over time those clusters will join and make more, and soon they will part into their own and probably join a different one. That may sound a little confusing to some but it's quite simple.

Learn more about solar system here:


In a swimming pool or lake, the water is a
liquid until the water temperature gets
down to 0 C or 32. F. Water in pools
stays liquid during Las Vegas winters,
with just a bit of ice forming if it gets really cold overnight. Even when it is
chilly in January and February (usually 15° C or 60° F), water stays liquid.
Then, when our area's temperature gets really hot in the summer (usually
about 40° C or 100. F), the water in the pool is still a liquid. It would have
to be 100. C or 212. F for the water in the pool to boil! Those
temperatures have never happened on Earth.
Remember, though, that water does not have to boil to turn to a gas.
Some of the water evaporates at all temperatures. Water temperature is a
measure of the average kinetic energy of its molecules. Some molecules
have more kinetic energy than others. The molecules that have enough
kinetic energy to break the bonds with other molecules can leave the
liquid and move off into the air. That is why you have to keep filling up the
swimming pool, even though it is not boiling.
Why does water stay liquid over a large range of temperatures? Hint:
Think about molecular structure.



The use of pesticides and fertilizers is carefully monitored because of the effect they can have on the environment. Which of the following is a possible negative effect of the use of these chemical on the environment?

A. These chemicals are expensive to produce.
B. Runoff carries these chemicals into lakes and streams.
C. Storage space for these chemicals is limited.
D. Theses chemicals cannot be purchased in large bulk.


I think it is B. Please let me know if it’s correct, I’m sorry if it’s wrong

what is the role of bacteria in moving nitrogen through the ecosystem



The most important part of the cycle is bacteria. Bacteria help the nitrogen change between states so it can be used. When nitrogen is absorbed by the soil, different bacteria help it to change states so it can be absorbed by plants. Animals then get their nitrogen from the plants.


Hope this helps....


Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert free nitrogen gas into nitrogen compounds. ... Bacterias that are decomposers recycle nitrogen compounds in the soil by breaking down animal wastes and dead plants and animals. 3. Other bacteria break down nitrogen compounds and release free nitrogen back into the air.

In your opinion, what is the WORST Environmental Impact of Invasive Species? Ready? Enter your answer here.



destruction of native species


Invasive species are destructive. They ruin ecosystems in which everything has a role, and all niches are full. With an invasive species, such as Pablo Escobar's hippos. A drug lord of South America had several hippos transported to his estate. Even after he died, the hippos flourished in South America. This was a perfect environment for the hippos as they had plenty to eat, and no threat where in Africa they would compete with lions, crocodiles and such. But the hippos just kept multiplying, eating food otherwise for native species, and destroyed the land with their size. The hippos endangered several species in the surrounding area at the cost of their easy living, as well as the people around.

Long story short, destruction of native species.

Which agent is most likely the cause of chemical weathering to the tombstones in the cemetery? a)acid precipitation b)oxidation c)gravity​


I would believe it is A) Acid Precipitation

What are humans doing to the environment and resources that impact tigers and decreases their ability to survive and reproduce?





Enhancerless GFP reporter constructs used in research conducted in mice contain a generic mouse gene promoter (TATA box) followed by a transcription start site and then a GFP gene cDNA. When such enhancerless reporter gene constructs are integrated into random locations in the mouse genome, about 10% of the time, high levels of tissue-specific GFP expression are detected, even though the reporter gene construct itself has no enhancer. How is this possible



the reporter gene can randomly insert near to an enhancer sequence which can induce its expression


Enhancers are genetic sequences capable of activating gene expression by binding to specific proteins (e.g., transcription factors). Enhancers can regulate the expression of nearby genes located thousands of nucleotides away, i.e., over several kilobases away. In the human genome, it is well known that enhancers are scattered across the 98% of the genome. In this case, it is expected that the reporter GFP gene construct is randomly inserted near an enhancer sequence (a 10% chance of insertion), thereby being regulated by that enhancer.

The process of making the RNA from the DNA with the help of the transcriptase enzyme. This process is called transcription.

These things are followed required for transcription:-

DNARNA polymeraseSigma factorRho factor

The reporter gene can randomly insert near to an enhancer sequence which can induce its expression.

Enhancers are genetic sequences capable of activating gene expression by binding to specific proteins (e.g., transcription factors). Enhancers can regulate the expression of nearby genes located thousands of nucleotides away, i.e., over several kilobases away. In the human genome, it is well known that enhancers are scattered across 98% of the genome.

In this case, it is expected that the reporter GFP gene construct is randomly inserted near an enhancer sequence (a 10% chance of insertion), thereby being regulated by that enhancer.

For more information, refer to the link:-

Define the five systems. Be sure to include enough information to distinguish each system from the others.


The lithosphere is largely made up of soil, minerals, and rocks—essentially the earth’s crust. A sister to the lithosphere, the hydrosphere contains the liquid parts of the earth. The cryosphere consists of all frozen water on the earth. Frozen water makes up about 75 percent of the earth’s fresh water. For the atmosphere, the system changes from water to air. The atmosphere is the thin layer of gasses surrounding the planet. The biosphere includes all living organisms, from the bottoms of the oceans to the upper reaches of the atmosphere.


what they said ^


"The lithosphere is largely made up of soil, minerals, and rocks—essentially the earth’s crust. A sister to the lithosphere, the hydrosphere contains the liquid parts of the earth. The cryosphere consists of all frozen water on the earth. Frozen water makes up about 75 percent of the earth’s fresh water. For the atmosphere, the system changes from water to air. The atmosphere is the thin layer of gasses surrounding the planet. The biosphere includes all living organisms, from the bottoms of the oceans to the upper reaches of the atmosphere."


In mice, brown coat is dominant to black coat. If a pure breeding brown mouse is mated to a pure breeding black coated mouse, all of the offspring are brown. Fill in the Punnett square below to show this cross.



Punnett square drawn below:


Sorry if it's messy. Since brown coat is dominant to black coat, that would mean that the genotype for brown is either Aa or AA. Since it says it's a pure breeding brown mouse and that all of the offspring are brown, that means that the genotype for the pure breeding brown mouse is AA. As for the black coated mouse, black is reccessive, meaning the genotype would be aa. So... AA x aa = 100% Aa

A number of antiviral drugs act by preventing viral DNA synthesis. These drugs are typically chemically similar to nucleotides with a modification. For example, the drug may contain all relevant components of a nucleotide, including a proper purine or pyrimidine base, but lack the 3' OH group. How would this modification allow this drug to prevent viral DNA synthesis


The DNA polymerase of the host cell can only add new nucleotides to the 3’ hydroxyl end of the growing DNA strand. When one of these nucleotide analogs which lack a 3’ hydroxyl end is added to the viral DNA strand being copied, the DNA polymerase can no longer continue transcription. These drugs effectively prevent DNA transcription.

This modification allows the drug to prevent viral DNA synthesis by different mechanisms as an enzyme DNA polymerase follows.

What do you mean by DNA synthesis?

DNA synthesis may be defined as the biological process by which a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule is created.

The enzyme DNA polymerase adds some of the nucleotide bases to the strand that contains 3'-OH at the end. But when the end part of the strand lacks the 3' OH group, it inhibits the process of DNA transcription.

Therefore, this modification allows the drug to prevent viral DNA synthesis by different mechanisms as an enzyme DNA polymerase follows.

To learn more about Viral DNA synthesis, refer to the link:

a 30n force pushes a box to the left, a 40n force pushes a box to the right, the box will


the box will move to the right

The three main constituent minerals of granite stones are feldspar, mica, and quartz. The textures of different types of
granite stones are shown in the picture.
Based on the textures, it can be said that
the proportion of mica in all the forms of granite is fixed.
the proportion of quartz in all the forms of granite is fixed.
the three minerals vary in proportion in each form of granite.
the three minerals are in the same proportion in each form of granite.



Option C


Granite is composed of coarse-grained quartz and feldspars in varying proportions and due to the varying proportions of these two constituent materials, the texture of granite varies as shown in the image.

Thus, option C is correct

Options A and B  and D are incorrect because the constituent material of granite is not fixed. It  varies from from place to the  other.

Flora y fauna y en clima frio??




no entiendo

En gen banco es da besa

Polycomb group (PCG) gene mutants cause ectopic expression of Antennapedia (Antp) and other homeotic genes. The PCG protein encoded by the PgG gene has a domain that binds to methylated histone H3. This finding supports which of the following hypotheses?
a) that PCG mutants lack Antp mRNA compared to the wildtype
b) that PCG repress transcription by interacting with chromatin
c) that PCG binds to Antp genes and serves as a transcription activator
d) that PCG activates Antp genes in tissues
e) that PCG is allosteric activator of RNA polymerase II



b) that PCG repress transcription by interacting with chromatin


The Polycomb-group (PcG) proteins are evolutionarily conserved proteins in all higher eukaryotes which are involved in establishing epigenetic silencing of developmental genes. In animals, the PcG proteins are well known to form complexes capable of silencing target developmental genes by modulating chromatin structure during embryo development. In Drosophila melanogaster, the Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) is known to catalyze the trimethylation of lysine 27 on histone H3 (i.e., H3K27me3), thereby silencing homeotic (Hox) developmental genes. The core of the Drosophila PRC2 complex is composed of Enhancer of zeste [E(​z)], Suppressor of zeste 12 [Su(z)12], and Extra sex combs (Esc) proteins. The E(​z) protein is a well-known histone methyltransferase that maintains the methylation status of Hox genes, thereby silencing their expression during embryo development.

If a drug was administered that would impede the binding of NAD+ to electrons what steps of cellular respiration would this substance affect



The correct answer is - not getting all NAD+ so burning more ATP to make up for the energy loss.


If the drug was administered and it would cause impedetion of the binding of NAD+ to electrons which causes decrease availability of the NAD+ that leads to less energy formation due to the use up more ATPs in the process of cellular respiration.

If NADH couldn't be formed as NAD+ will not binding, the cells will lose out on ATP produced. It will lead to weight loss due to burning out more ATP to make up for the energy loss.

Explain the advantages to a plant of having its cell membranes surrounded by cell walls



Advantage of cell walls

It protect and support the cell .

To give difinite shape for the cell.

Having cell walls surrounding cell membranes provides several advantages to plants, including structural support, protection against pathogens, regulation of water balance, and prevention of cell rupture.

The cell wall is a rigid structure located outside the cell membrane in plant cells. It is composed primarily of cellulose, a complex carbohydrate. Here are the advantages of having cell walls:

Structural Support: Cell walls provide mechanical support to plant cells and help maintain the overall shape and structure of the plant. They allow plants to stand upright and withstand environmental forces such as wind or gravity. The cell walls of adjacent plant cells are interconnected, forming a strong network that provides stability to the plant as a whole.

Pathogen Protection: The cell wall acts as a physical barrier against pathogens such as bacteria and fungi. It prevents the entry of pathogens into the plant cells, reducing the risk of infection. Additionally, the cell wall can contain antimicrobial compounds and other defense molecules that provide further protection against pathogens.

Water Regulation: The cell wall plays a crucial role in regulating water balance within plant cells. It helps maintain turgor pressure, which is essential for cell expansion and overall plant growth. The cell wall allows water to enter and exit the cell in a controlled manner, preventing excessive water uptake or loss.

Cell Rupture Prevention: The rigid cell wall helps prevent cell rupture or bursting when the internal pressure within the cell increases. It provides strength and stability to the cell, allowing it to withstand internal pressure changes without bursting.

Overall, the presence of cell walls in plant cells offers significant advantages in terms of structural support, protection against pathogens, regulation of water balance, and prevention of cell rupture. These advantages contribute to the overall health, growth, and survival of plants in diverse environmental conditions.

To learn more about cell membranes, here


5. An insect population grows exponentially until an early winter freeze kills almost all the insects the next spring population
grows exponentially again this type of population growth is known as
A. rolling curve.
B. boom and bust.
O C. population boom.
D. exploding population.



The answer to this question is B

similarity and one difference between water and wind dispersed seeds.​



lights it can be dispersed by winds s compared by heavy seeds which can be dispersed buy water.


does this help

2. How does temperature change in the troposphere?
A. It increases with height.
B. It decreases with height.
C. It increases and then decreases with height.







Which of the following is an example of homeostasis?
Q. During a time of high stress, Justin's heart races, his muscles tense, and he feels
sweat dripping down his forehead.
R. Sick with the flu, Alison's body temperature rises to fever levels.
S. Boris doesn't drink very much water one day. To compensate his kidneys remove less
fluid from his blood, and produce less urine than normal.
T. As Grace races up the ten flights of stairs to her apartment, the muscle cells in her
legs produce excess lactic acid, causing a burning sensation in her legs.



The correct answer is  Boris doesn't drink very much water one day. To compensate, his kidneys remove less fluid from his blood and produce less urine than normal

Hope this helps :)


Cuáles son las bases nitrogenadas que componen el ARN



aquí Tres de las cuatro bases nitrogenadas que componen el ARN - adenina (A), citosina (C) y guanina (G) - también se encuentran en el ADN. En el ARN, sin embargo, una base llamada uracilo (U) reemplaza a la timina (T) como nucleótido complementario de la adenina (Figura 3).


los pls más inteligentes

A mutation occurs during protein synthesis. How will the protein produced be affected?

A) since the mutation causes a new code for a better amino acid, the protein will still function normally.
B) since the mutation causes a new code for the same amino acid, the protein will function normally.
C) since the mutation caused a new code for a better amino acid, the protein will be more powerful when performing its function.
D) since the mutation causes a new code for the same amino acid, the protein will be more powerful while performing its function.


Genes are segments of DNA located on chromosomes. A gene mutation is defined as an alteration in the sequence of nucleotides in DNA. This change can affect a single nucleotide pair or larger gene segments of a chromosome. DNA consists of a polymer of nucleotides joined together. During protein synthesis, DNA is transcribed into RNA and then translated to produce proteins. Altering nucleotide sequences most often results in nonfunctioning proteins. Mutations cause changes in the genetic code that lead to genetic variation and the potential to develop the disease. Gene mutations can be generally categorized into two types: point mutations and base-pair insertions or deletions.

In order to survive as a species, organisms must pass on their genetic information from one generation to the next. This is known as ?





I just did this question on my assignment

According to the context, inheritance is the process to pass the genetic information of an organism from one generation to the next.

What is inheritance?

They are the processes by which the physical, biochemical or morphological characteristics of living beings are transmitted from parents to their descendants.

This transmission occurs thanks to genes, minimal units of biological information contained in chromosomes and expressed molecularly in the DNA matrix.

Therefore, we can conclude that according to the context, inheritance is the process to pass the genetic information of an organism from one generation to the next.

Learn more about inheritance here:


Define lytic and lysogenic infections



lytic involves the reproduction of viruses using a host cell to manufacture more viruses; the viruses then burst out of the cell. lysogenic involves the incorporation of the viral genome into the host cell genome, infecting it from within.



lysogenic infections are when the DNA is only replicated and lytic infections are when the DNA is multiplied and proteins are able to form


Big cats like tigers and other carnivores are often the top predators in an ecosystem. To which trophic level do they most likely belong?
primary producers
tertiary consumers
primary consumers


Tertiary consumers.

DECOMPOSERS break down dead organic matter.
PRIMARY PRODUCERS produce their own food. For example, plants make their own food from the sun during photosynthesis
PRIMARY CONSUMERS are those who eat other living things like PLANTS. Primary consumers are herbivores.

Tertiary Consumers
Top predators that are carnivores and are large animals. Also called as A p e x Predators.


Big cats like tigers and other carnivores are often the to predators in an ecosystem. The trophic level do they most likely belong to is tertiary consumers. Thus, the correct option will be C.

What are Tertiary consumers?

Tertiary consumers can be referred to as the carnivore at the topmost level in a food chain which feeds on other carnivores in nature, which is an animal that feeds only on secondary consumers.

Tertiary consumers are those organisms that eats the secondary consumers (large predators) in nature. For example, owl species that eat snakes.

Big cats like tigers and other carnivores are often the to predators in an ecosystem. The trophic level do they most likely belong to is tertiary consumers.

Therefore, the correct option will be C.

Learn more about Ecosystem here:


If a nucleotide is removed from a gene, the order of nucleotides will shift, resulting in new 1. _______ being coded for. These will combine to form a different 2._______ than what the 3._______ originally coded for.



Amino acid; protein; gene.


Genomics refers to the scientific study of genes (DNA) found in living organisms such as humans and animals.

A gene can be defined as a complete set of hereditary instructions that is typically found in the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

A nucleotide can be defined as an organic molecule which forms the building block of nucleic acid such as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA).

Simply stated, a sequence of biomolecules which are responsible for coded genetic instructions in all living organisms is known as nucleotides.

Basically, nucleotide comprises of the following parts;

1. Nitrogenous base: this includes adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C) which are mainly found in the DNA while adenine (A), guanine (G), uracil (U) and cytosine (C) are found in the RNA.

2. A phosphate group.

3. A penrose sugar: it is either deoxyribose in DNA or ribose in RNA.

Furthermore, the two parts or chemical components of a nucleotide which do not change throughout the structure of DNA are;

I. Five-Carbon Sugar also known as deoxyribose and it has hydrogen on its second carbon.

II. Phosphate: this is the structural backbone that provides support to DNA.

Additionally, the proteins which are mainly synthesized based on the genetic instruction codes in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) determines the trait of living organisms.

Genome editing can be defined as a high-tech process which avail scientists the opportunity or ability to remove (delete), replace and insert Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) sequence in a living organism such as bacterias, animals, plants etc in order to correct a genetic disorder and to improve on their physical and chemical conditions.

Hence, when you remove a nucleotide from a gene, the order of nucleotides shifts and as such resulting in new amino acid being coded for. These new amino acid will combine to form a different protein than what the gene was originally coded for.

The breeding of organisms over many generations in order to achieve a desirable phenotype?



Selective breeding involves choosing parents with particular characteristics to breed together and produce offspring with more desirable characteristics. Humans have selectively bred plants and animals for thousands of years including: crop plants with better yields.


Hope that helps



Carbon compounds move from plants to animals via the process of _____.





Through the process of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is pulled from the air to produce food made from carbon for plant growth. Carbon moves from plants to animals. Through food chains, the carbon that is in plants moves to the animals that eat them. Animals that eat other animals get the carbon from their food too.

pls Mark me as brainliest trust me..


ingestion (eating)


If two of the above offspring are mated, show the results of this cross in the Punnett square, and state the possible genotypes and phenotypes.



please send the above offspring so I can help

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