consider the circuit. find the equivalent resistance

Consider The Circuit. Find The Equivalent Resistance


Answer 1

Answer: 18 5.0 012


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This graph shows how the reaction rate of a chemical reaction changed as concentration of reactant changed. Which sentence best describes how the reaction rate changed.​





The Reaction rate is going down which is why its at 0 And the concetration line is going up which means increasing,

Which geologic events occur most often at this mid-oceanic ridge plate

boundary? *

2 points

Mid-oceanic ridge

plate boundary


Sea level


Plate 2



Rigid mantle


magnetic pole reversals and cooling of ocean water

hydrospheric pollution and adiabatic heating

earthquakes and volcanic eruptions


Answer: Earthquakes and Volcanic eruptions


You did not attach a picture however, this should be the correct answer.

Mid-oceanic ridge plate  boundaries such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge form as a result of plate separating at the boundary. This leads to earthquakes due to the forces of tension acting on the plates.

When this happens, the mantle is exposed and therefore there will be volcanic eruptions as the lava comes to the surface as magma. When this magma cools it creates new seafloors and underwater mountains.

6. Which of the following statements is true for displacement ?

a. It cannot be zero

b. Its magnitude is more than the distance covered by the object.​


Both are false..........

Para fabricar la bicicleta de un niño pequeño se tiene en cuenta que la fuerza que puede desarrollar es menor que la de un adulto y que no sabe cambiar de desarrollo. Por ello, se fabrica con un solo plato y un solo piñón de desarrollo muy pequeño. El plato es de 28 dientes y el radio de la rueda mide 20 cm. Si queremos que el desarrollo sea de 1,4 calcula: - El número de dientes que debe tener el piñón de la bicicleta. - Cuántos metros avanza la bicicleta por cada pedalada completa.



a) El piñón debe tener 20 dientes.

b) La bicicleta avanza aproximadamente 1,759 metros por cada pedaleada completa.


a) El plato es el engranaje más grande que forma parte del sistema de transmisión, acompañando a la cadena y el piñón integrado a la rueda trasera. Asumiendo que no existen pérdidas por fricción seca y que las condiciones de lubricación del sistema de transmisión son óptimas tal que las pérdidas de potencia son despreciables. Además, supongamos que la bicicleta viaja a velocidad constante, entonces tenemos la siguiente identidad mediante las definiciones de trabajo y potencia:

[tex]T_{P}\cdot \omega_{P} = T_{p}\cdot \omega_{p}[/tex] (1)


[tex]T_{P}[/tex] - Torque del plato, en newton-metros.

[tex]T_{p}[/tex] - Torque del piñón, en newton-metros.

[tex]\omega_{p}[/tex] - Rapidez angular del piñón, en radianes por segundo.

[tex]\omega_{P}[/tex] - Rapidez angular del plato, en radianes por segundo.

Sabiendo el hecho que tanto el plato y el piñón experimenta la misma velocidad tangencial, podemos simplificar (1) como sigue:

[tex]\frac{T_{P}}{R_{P}} = \frac{T_{p}}{R_{p}}[/tex] (1b)

Puesto que el radio de cada elemento y el número de dientes son, por separado, directamente proporcionales al número de dientes, modificamos (1b) así y tenemos la siguiente identidad, la cual equivale a su vez a la razón de desarrollo:

[tex]\frac{T_{P}}{T_{p}} = \frac{N_{P}}{N_{p}} = \frac{R_{P}}{R_{p}} = \frac{\omega_{p}}{\omega_{P}}[/tex] (1c)


[tex]N_{p}[/tex] - Número de dientes del piñón, sin unidad.

[tex]N_{P}[/tex] - Número de dientes del plato, sin unidad.

Si tenemos que [tex]r = 1,4[/tex] y [tex]N_{P} = 28[/tex], entonces tenemos que el número de dientes del piñón es:

[tex]r = \frac{N_{P}}{N_{p}}[/tex]

[tex]N_{p} = \frac{N_{P}}{r}[/tex]

[tex]N_{p} = \frac{28}{1,4}[/tex]

[tex]N_{p} = 20[/tex]

El piñón debe tener 20 dientes.

b) De acuerdo con la relación de desarrollo, por cada revolución realizada por el plato, el piñón realiza 1,4 revoluciones. Entonces, el avance realizado por la rueda trasera ([tex]s[/tex]), en metros, es igual al productor de la relación de desarrollo y la circunferencia de la rueda, es decir:

[tex]s = r\cdot 2\pi\cdot R[/tex] (1)

Donde [tex]R[/tex] es el radio de la rueda trasera, en metros.

Si conocemos que [tex]r = 1,4[/tex] y [tex]R = 0,2\,m[/tex], entonces el avance realizado por la rueda trasera es:

[tex]s = r\cdot 2\pi\cdot R[/tex]

[tex]s = (1,4)\cdot (2\pi)\cdot (0,2\,m)[/tex]

[tex]s \approx 1,759 \,m[/tex]

La bicicleta avanza aproximadamente 1,759 metros por cada pedaleada completa.

Genes consist of portions of ______.


Answer: Genes consist of portions of proteins

A 2.24x10^3 kg car slows down uniformly from 20.0 m/s to a stop (assume constant acceleration) via a braking force of 8.41x10^3 N . How far did the car travel during this time?



Explanation: 139 m

A skydiver jumps from a stationary helicopter and reaches a steady vertical speed. She then opens her parachute. Which statement about the falling skydiver is correct?

A As her parachute opens, her acceleration is upwards.
B As she falls at a steady speed with her parachute open, her weight is zero.
C When she accelerates, the resultant force on her is zero.
D When she falls at a steady speed, air resistance is zero.



A) As her parachute opens, her acceleration is upwards.


The acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity.

Thus, if you have positive velocity and positive acceleration, your velocity increases

If you have positive velocity and negative acceleration, then your velocity decreases.

(The opposite happens when you have negative velocity).

Now, when the skydiver is falling, her velocity is downwards.

When she opens her parachute, her velocity downwards decreases.

This means that when she opens her parachute, she will have an acceleration in the opposite direction to her velocity, then at this point her acceleration is upwards.

We can conclude that the correct option is:

A) As her parachute opens, her acceleration is upwards.

Which explanation describes why a balloon will stick to a wall?
Opposites attract.
Like repels like.


Opposites attract is the answer

Answer: A is the correct answer :)


NEED HELP What is the energy transformation process when using a battery powered flashlight?Single choice.
(2 Points)


Electrical -light-thermal






hope it is helpful to you

If F=15 N, a=3 m/s², m=? *

45 Kg
5 kg
0.2 kg
0 kg



5 kg


Why is diffraction used in soil profiles?


Answer:X-ray diffraction (XRD) is the technique most heavily relied on in soil mineralogical analysis. X-ray diffraction is a technique that provides detailed information about the atomic structure of crystalline substances. It is a powerful tool in the identification of minerals in rocks and soils.


XRD is used to identify the minerals composing clay-rich, hydrothermally altered rocks that occur on several Cascade volcanoes. Such rocks are believed to play an important role in the generation of large landslides and mudflows. XRD is used to analyze saline minerals, including borates.

wait how does this work hehe this is kinda fun lol yay


It’s pretty fun I guess ‍♀️ just trying to get points for school lol

Question 2 (5 points)
(04.02 LC)
Which of the following energy conversions takes place in plants during photosynthesis? (5 points)
Chemical energy to light energy
Light energy to electrical energy
Electrical energy to light energy
Light energy to chemical energy



Fossil fuels store energy from the sun as


light to chemichal


A train was moving at 50m/s and slow down to 20 m/s in 50 seconds, what was its acceleration?



-0.6 m/s^2


a = change in velocity / time

change in velocity = 50 m/s - 20 m/s = 30 m/s

time = 50 s

30 m/s / 50s

= 0.6 m/s^2

because it is decelarating, it will be -0.6 m/s^2

Question 4
The diagram represents the motion of a sound wave. The distance between points A and C is 9 meters (m), and it initially takes the wave 3 seconds (s) to travel.
What will be the wavelength of the sound wave if the velocity of the wave remains constant but the pitch is tripled?

A 3 meters
B 6 meters
с 9 meters
D 18 meters




The wavelength of the sound wave will be 3 meters.

What is wavelength?

The wavelength of any wave is defined as the distance between two max adjacent amplitudes, or the distance between two successive troughs or crest.

Now it is given that:

Distance =9 meters

time = 3 seconds

pitch=1/3 seconds

The velocity of  the sound will be

[tex]V=\dfrac{d}{t}=\dfrac{9}{3}=3\ \frac{m}{s}[/tex]

Now from the question the wavelength of the sound wave if the velocity of the wave remains constant but the pitch is tripled

so  [tex]f=3\times \dfrac{1}{3}=1 herts[/tex]

Now the velocity of the sound will be

[tex]v=f\times \lambda[/tex]

[tex]\lambda=\dfrac{v}{f}=\dfrac{3}{1}=3\ m[/tex]

Thus the wavelength of the sound wave will be 3 meters.

To know more about wavelength, follow

What makes the results of a scientific experiment accurate? (5 points)



A measurement is reliable if you repeat it and get the same or a similar answer over and over again, and an experiment is reliable if it gives the same result when you repeat the entire experiment.


Answer: when you repeat it and get the same results


When a scientist repeats an experiment with a different group of people or a different batch of the same chemicals and gets very similar results then those results are said to be reliable. Reliability is measured by a percentage – if you get exactly the same results every time then they are 100% reliable.

As the period of a wave increases, the frequency increases.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


See the picture below









Science Check: Light Waves and Their Behavior 4 of 104 of 10 Items Question POSSIBLE POINTS: 1 Why is a light wave not considered a matter wave? A light wave is visible to humans. A light wave is visible to humans. A light wave moves faster than most waves. A light wave moves faster than most waves. A light wave does not have a wave length. A light wave does not have a wave length. A light wave travels through the vacuum of space. A light wave travels through the vacuum of space.



A light wave travels through the vacuum of space


A light wave cannot be a matter wave because a matter wave is made up of

atoms while light wave is a form of radiation (electromagnetic). A matter wave requires a medium to travel while a light wave do not require medium to travel. Since light wave is a form of radiation, light can travel in vacuum.

Hence, the correct answer is A light wave travels through the vacuum of space

what instrument used measure
to volume of water


Answer: A Graduated Cylinder or A Beaker ?


I think some are beakers or a more specific answer is a hygrometer

Sorry if I am wrong

5 points
An engine does 1421000 J of work to lift a beam 145 meters. How much force was exerted to lift the beam.
20445 N



9800 N



W = Fd.................. Equation 1

Where W = work done by the engine, F = Force exterted to lift the beam, d = distance.

make F the subject of the equation

F = W/d............... Equation 2

From the question,

Given: W = 1421000 J, d = 145 meters.

Substitute these values into equation 2

F = 1421000/145

F = 9800 N

Amos runs up a flight of stairs with a. total change in energy E. Vanessa exerts double the amount of energy in twice the time. How does Amos power output, Pa compare with Vanessa's power output, Pv?


Answer: Pa=Pv


Khan academy

Amos runs up a flight of stairs with a total change in energy ΔEA. Vanessa exerts double the amount of energy in twice the time.

How does Amos’s power output, PA, compare with Vanessa’s power output, Pv?

Answer: Pa=Pv

How much gravitational energy does a 65 kg skydiver have 650 m up in the sky?



G.P.E  = 414050 Joules or 414.05 Kilojoules


Given the following data;

Mass = 65 kg

Height = 650 m

We know that acceleration due to gravity is equal to 9.8m/s²

To find the gravitational potential energy;

Gravitational potential energy (GPE) is an energy possessed by an object or body due to its position above the earth.

Mathematically, gravitational potential energy is given by the formula;

[tex] G.P.E = mgh[/tex]


G.P.E represents potential energy measured in Joules.m represents the mass of an object. g represents acceleration due to gravity measured in meters per seconds square. h represents the height measured in meters.

Substituting into the equation, we have;

[tex] G.P.E = 65 * 9.8 * 650 [/tex]

[tex] G.P.E = 414050 [/tex]

G.P.E  = 414050 Joules or 414.05 Kilojoules.

Look at the circuit diagram. What type of circuit is shown?

closed parallel circuit

closed series circuit

open parallel circuit

open series circuit


Closed series circuit.

All mutations are favorable and increase the ability for the
organism's offspring to survive.


false sometimes you get a bad mutation

Complete the simulation for three different trails. Complete chart below, using the data for your simulation from each trail.


where’s the chart for the question?


Are similar in pattern


edge 2021

Sound waves are blank waves

A) Longitudinal
B) mechanical
C) compression
D) all if the above


B.) Mechanical

Reason: These particle-to-particle, mechanical vibrations of sound conductance qualify sound waves as mechanical waves. Sound energy, or energy associated with the vibrations created by a vibrating source, requires a medium to travel, which makes sound energy a mechanical wave
i’m pretty sure the correct answer is D)

Define Acceleration.



Acceleration is the name we give to any process where the velocity changes. Since velocity is a speed and a direction, there are only two ways for you to accelerate: change your speed or change your direction—or change both.

Please please help me :)




2) From F=ma

Force =15×40=600N or kgm/s2

3)From the same equation making acceleration the subject of the formula will give





How do the nuclei of covalently bonded atoms help keep the bond together?

Neutral particles in the nucleus provide enough mass that the force of gravity holds the atoms together.
Neutral particles in the nucleus can become positive or negative in order to balance the charges.
Positive particles in the nucleus change into negative particles that enter electron shells.
Positive particles in the nucleus are attracted to shared electrons, so the atoms stay close together.


Answer: D.


Answer: The answer is D

Explanation: I got it right on my test

What is the baseball's mechanical energy when it is at a height of 8.0 m? Explain.



In this section, we elaborate and extend the result we derived in Potential Energy of a System, where we re-wrote the work-energy theorem in terms of the change in the kinetic and potential energies of a particle. This will lead us to a discussion of the important principle of the conservation of mechanical energy. As you continue to examine other topics in physics, in later chapters of this book, you will see how this conservation law is generalized to encompass other types of energy and energy transfers. The last section of this chapter provides a preview.

The terms ‘conserved quantity’ and ‘conservation law’ have specific, scientific meanings in physics, which are different from the everyday meanings associated with the use of these words. (The same comment is also true about the scientific and everyday uses of the word ‘work.’) In everyday usage, you could conserve water by not using it, or by using less of it, or by re-using it. Water is composed of molecules consisting of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Bring these atoms together to form a molecule and you create water; dissociate the atoms in such a molecule and you destroy water. However, in scientific usage, a conserved quantity for a system stays constant, changes by a definite amount that is transferred to other systems, and/or is converted into other forms of that quantity. A conserved quantity, in the scientific sense, can be transformed, but not strictly created or destroyed. Thus, there is no physical law of conservation of water.

Systems with a Single Particle or Object

We first consider a system with a single particle or object. Returning to our development of (Figure), recall that we first separated all the forces acting on a particle into conservative and non-conservative types, and wrote the work done by each type of force as a separate term in the work-energy theorem. We then replaced the work done by the conservative forces by the change in the potential energy of the particle, combining it with the change in the particle’s kinetic energy to get (Figure). Now, we write this equation without the middle step and define the sum of the kinetic and potential energies, K+U=E; to be the mechanical energy of the particle

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please help this is very important i will give you brain thing if its correct and no links pwease Please help! I've been trying for hours!What is the relationship between how Jews were portrayed to the public and their persecution during the holocaust? Find the length of RS. Find a function rule for the line that passes through the origin (0,0) and the point (-8, -19) Question 5(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points) (08.04 LC) Whose interests did William Armory Underhill represent as a lobbyist? O College professors O Florida citrus growers O Florida Crackers O NASA astronauts Riots for economic opportunities in North Africa were called the? Khalid has been studying the gravitational attraction between three pairs of objects. The table shows the distance between each pair and the gravitational attraction between them relative to the other pairs. Which two objects have the greatest gravitational force, Explain Your Answer? what is 1 + 1 - 10 -50 -40 x 9877 -7000 + 500 - 600 X 564847584 -38339 Please help!!!!! I don't know the answer The more variation there is within genes, the better that organism's chances are for survival. This is because gene variations can cause an organism to develop new or different traits. Such variations come about either by sexual reproduction (and the mixing of two parents' genes) or by mutation.Mutations, remember, are rare and random changes in one of an organism's genes. Normally, there may be only one mutation in a thousand, or even a million, cell divisions. But with millions of cells in a complex organism or millions of similar one-celled organisms in a particular environment, such accidental changes are always possible. Since mutations are completely random, most mutated cells simply die. But sometimes a mutated cell survives and even benefits the organism. And if a mutation occurs in a sex cell, it can be passed on to the organism's offspring.An organism with a mutated cellAmost likely wont pass its mutation down to offspring.Bis more likely to survive than an organism without that mutation.Cdecreases the amount of genetic variation.Dlikely developed in order to help a species survive and grow. (MC)What comparison describes the difference between the founding principles of the Black Panther Party and the National Urban League? 7) The Adams-Oniz Treaty (1819) did all the following except a) removed the 5 Civilized Tribes from the American Southb) acquired Florida for the United States c) drew a transcontinental line across the western U.S. allowing the U.S. to claim rights to the Pacific Northwest d) paid all debts owed by Spain to Americans because of Indian depredations originating from Spanish Florida *100 POINTS*Drag and drop the responses into the boxes to correctly complete the statements. Proving the converse of the Pythagorean theorem means that when ________ for a triangle ABC with _________ of a, b, and c, triangle ABC ________.Word Box - Vertices Angles Side lengths (a+b)^2 = c^2 a^2 + b^2 = c^2 is always a right triangle is never a right triangle HelixnouHow much ofangepay(b)A cylindrical column of fat has diameter 17.5cm and height 10cm. Calculate its densityif the column has a mass of 2kg. Sparta Graphic Organizer Consider the following redox reaction:2Cr(OH)3 + ClO3- + OH- CrO42- + 2 H2OA) The reaction is balanced and occurred in an acidic environmentB) The reaction is unbalanced and occurred in a basic environmentC) The reaction is balanced and occurred in a basic environmentD) The reaction is unbalanced and occurred in an acidic environment uestion ProgressHomework Progress21Work out the circumference of this circle.Take a to be 3.142 and write down all the digits given by your calculator.10 cmCES CucinerendeOverview 1. Which of the following sentences states the claim of the argumentativeessay?B. Schools should continue using the traditional calendar and not a year-roundschedule.A. Many schools that change to year-round schedules end up switching back.C. An important part of a child's life is summertime.D. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the traditional school year. a wave is a disturbance that carries energy from one place to another true or false PLEASE HELP AND HURRY LOLTranslate the following sentences into English.1. Veni, dixit nuntius, ad templum Hecates et ibi Medea, filia regis, auxilium tibi dabit.2. Venefica Medea mults arts occults cognovit itaque Iason nova medicamenta paravit.3. Tum in agr dents serpents sparsit qui mox s in milits armats mutavrunt.4. Nocte Iason et Medea ad nemus ierunt ubi vellus aureum magn serpente servabatur.5. Mox Colchidem reliquerunt, Medea c*m eis, quae patrem patriamque pro Iasone prodiderat.