Consider an ideal gas at 27.0 degrees Celsius and 1.00atmosphere pressure. Imagine the molecules to be uniformly spaced,with each molecule at the center of a small cube. What is thelength Lof an edge of each small cube if adjacent cubes touch but don'toverlap?


Answer 1

The length of an edge of each small cube is [tex]3.445 * 10^{-9} m[/tex].

It is given to us that -

Temperature of the ideal gas = 27.0 degree Celsius

Atmospheric pressure on the gas = 1.00 atmosphere pressure

Molecules of the gas are uniformly spread

Each molecule at the center of a small cube

We have to find out the length L of an edge of each small cube if adjacent cubes touch but don't overlap.

For solving this problem, we have to make use of the formula of Boltzmann equation for ideal gas, which can be represented as -

[tex]PV = NkT[/tex] ---- (1)


P = Pressure on the gas

V = Volume of the gas

N = Number of molecules of the gas

k = Boltzmann constant

T = Temperature of the gas

According to the given information, we have -

P = 1 atm = 101325 Pa

N = 1

k = [tex]1.38 *10^{-23} J/K[/tex]

T = 27°C = 27°C + 273 = 300K

Now, substituting these values in equation (1), we have

[tex]PV = NkT\\= > 101325 * V = 1 * 1.38 *10^{-23} * 300\\= > V = \frac{414 * 10^{-23}}{101325} \\= > V = 4.0858 * 10^{-26} m^{3}[/tex]------- (2)

We know that the volume of a cube in terms of its length is given as -

[tex]V = L^{3}\\ = > L = V^{1/3}[/tex] ----- (3)

Substituting the value of V from equation (2) in equation (1), we have -

[tex]L = V^{1/3}\\= > L = (4.0858*10^{-26} )^{1/3}\\= > L = 3.445 * 10^{-9} m[/tex]

Therefore, the length of an edge of each small cube is [tex]3.445 * 10^{-9} m[/tex].

To learn more about ideal gas visit


Related Questions

124. What is the acceleration due to gravity on Jupiter if
someone who weighs 600 N on Earth weighs 1400 N on
A. 26 m/s²
B. 19 m/s²
C. 21 m/s²
D. 23 m/s²


The acceleration due to gravity on jupiter is 23 m/s². And the correct option is D. 23 m/s².

What is acceleration due to gravity?

Acceleration due to gravity is the acceleration gained by an object due to gravitational force. Its SI unit is m/s².

To calculate the acceleration due to gravity on jupiter, we use the formula below.


W/g = W'/g'..................... Equation 1


W = Weight of the person on Earthg = Acceleration due to gravity on EarthW' = Weight of the person on Jupiterg' = Acceleration due to gravity on jupiter

From the question,


W = 600 NW' = 1400 Ng = 9.8 m/s²

Substitute these values into equation 1 and solve for g'

600/9.8 = 1400/g'g' = (9.8×1400)/600g' = 22.87g' ≈ 23 m/s²

Hence, the acceleration due to gravity on jupiter is 23 m/s².

Learn more about acceleration due to gravity here:


dark energy is the energy associated with the motion of particles of dark matter. dark energy is the energy associated with the motion of particles of dark matter. false true


Dark energy is the energy associated with the motion of particles of dark matter. FALSE

What is dark energy?

Dark Energy is a hypothetical form of energy that exerts a negative, repulsive pressure, behaving like the opposite of gravity.

Another definition of dark energy is as follows; it is a hypothetical form of energy that produces a force that opposes gravity and is thought to be the cause of the accelerating expansion of the universe.

The force of gravity which force from dark energy opposes is given as;

F = Gm₁m₂/R²


F is the force of gravityG is universal gravitation constantm₁ is mass of the first objectm₂ is the mass of the second objectR is the distance between the two masses

Thus, the force of gravity which is being opposed by the force produced by the dark energy is directly proportional to the mass of two objects in the universe and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two objects.

So the given statement is FALSE.

Learn more about dark energy here:


what type of elements typically become positively charged ions



answer is metals

if 500-nm and 650-nm light illuminates twoslits that are separated by 0.50 mm, how farapart are the second-order maxima for thesetwo wavelengths on a screen 2.0 m away?


For 500nm the second order maxima 2m away would be 1cm

For 650nm the second order maxima 2m away would be 1.12 cm

How to calculate second order maxima?

Maxima and minima are the maximum or the minimum value of a function within the given set of ranges.

The separation between the second order maxima is: ymax=2cm y max = 2 c m .


Assumption of infinite source distance gives plane wave at  slit. So, all amplitudes are in phase.

Here, sepration between 2nd order maxima will be given by

= 2(yd) = 2 (m+1/2) lamda×D/d

= 2 (2+1/2) lamda D/d = 5 lamda D/d

Here, d= 0.50mm=0.50×10^-3m


For lambda = 500nm

Separation = 5 lamda D/d = 5(5×10^-7m)(2m)/(0.5×10^-3m) = 1 CM

For lamda = 650nm

Separation = 5 lamda D/d= 5(650×10^-9m) (2m) /(0.5×10^-3m) = 1.12cm

To know more about second order maxima, click on


how does the kinetic energy gained by a charge relate to the potential across the plates of a capacitor?


The voltage supplied determines how strong the electrostatic force is inside a capacitor, and the length among the plates determines how weak it is.

The energy held in the capacitor stays unchanged as plates spacing increases, while capacitance falls. As a result, there is only a potential rise inside the differential here between plates.

By virtue of energy conservation, kinetic energy (KE) must be proportional to the change in potential energy (qV), either conversely. In terms of numbers, the voltage among the plates and the electron's energy in electron-volts are identical. For instance, a 5000-V voltage differential results in 5000-eV electrons. Energy in potential is position-dependent. To put it another way, it varies based here on weight and height of the object. The mass and initial velocity affect the kinetic energy of that object. When we consider a waterfall, we can see that the motionless liquid now at peak of something like the drop possesses potential energy.

The virial theory argued that kinetic energy is equivalent to half of potential energy's negative figure. The double of negative kinetic energy is called potential energy. The kinetic energy's opposite, amount of energy, is the same.

To know more about kinetic energy click here


A teacher tells the student to draw the same wave with double the frequency, while keeping the amplitude the same. How would the student draw the new wave?.


It will take 1.1824 min for the reactant concentration to decrease from 0. 13 m to 0. 088 m.

K = 0.33/min

for first-order reaction

K×t = ln([A0]/[A])

[A0] = 0.13 M

[A] = 0.088 M

t = ln (0.13/0.088)/0.33 = 1.1824 min

A first-order reaction depends on the awareness of the most effective reactant (a unimolecular response). other reactants may be present, however, their attention has no impact on the fee. The fee regulation for a primary order response is --d[A]/dt = okay[A],

Although not affecting the above math, the general public of first-order reactions continues through intermolecular collisions. Such collisions, which contribute the electricity to the reactant, are always 2nd order. The fee of those collisions is, but, masked via the reality that the price determining step stays the unimolecular breakdown of the energized reactant. The half of-existence is impartial of the beginning awareness and is given with the aid of t1/2 = In(2)/k

In organic chemistry, the class of SN1 (nucleophilic substitution unimolecular) reactions includes first-order reactions. for instance, in the reaction of aryldiazonium ions with nucleophiles in an aqueous solution, [ArN2+] + X− → ArX + N2, the fee equation is v0 = ok[ArN2+], wherein Ar shows an aryl group.

To learn more about First order reaction visit here:


How much power is generated in a hydroelectric dam as water falls 60 meters onto a turbine
generator at a rate of 90 kg per 10 seconds?



~ 5300 W  ( rounded)


The POTENTIAL energy of 90 kg of water before it falls 60 m

 is   mgh =  90 * 9.81 * 60 = 52974 J

POWER = energy / time = 5297.4 W    ( assuming no losses)

which lists galaxy types in terms of star formation rate from making the most stars to making the fewest stars?


Lists galaxy types in terms of star formation rate from making the most stars to making the fewest stars

1. Starburst galaxies

2. Irregular galaxies

3. Spiral galaxies

4. Elliptical galaxies

1. Starburst galaxies: These galaxies have the highest star formation rate, making up to 1000 times more stars than the Milky Way. This is due to their high gas content, which allows them to form stars quickly.

2. Irregular galaxies: These galaxies have an intermediate star formation rate compared to other types of galaxies. This is because they have an irregular shape, which allows for different regions of gas to form stars at different rates.

3. Spirals galaxies: These galaxies have a moderate star formation rate, usually making up to 10 times more stars than the Milky Way. This is due to the presence of spiral arms, which direct gas towards the nucleus where it can form stars.

4. Elliptical galaxies: These galaxies have the lowest star formation rate, usually making up to 1/10th of the stars the Milky Way does. This is because they contain very little gas and dust, which are necessary for star formation.

to know more about the milky way click here:


An atomic nucleus suddenly bursts apart (fission) into two pieces. Piece a with mass ma travels to the left with a speed of va. Piece b with mass mb travels to the right with speed vb. Show the velocity of piece b in terms of ma, mb and va.


The velocity of the piece b is expressed as vb = (ma×va)/mb.

The Law of Momentum conservation states that the Momentum of particle before collision will be equal to momentum of particles after collision. If we assume that the mass of parent nuclei is M and its velocity is V, then according to law of momentum conservation

MV = - ma×va + mb×vb ( we use negative sign because part a travels left)

Now, the initial velocity of parent nuclei is zero because it was at rest that is V = 0. So, the equation will be

0 = - ma×va + mb×vb

ma×va = mb×vb

From this we get

vb = (ma×va)/mb.

Learn more about Momentum conservation at:


a personal foul occurs when a player has unsportsmanlike conduct, illegal entry or excessive timeouts.


False, a personal foul does not necessarily involve illegal entry or excessive timeouts, though they can be part of a personal foul.

A personal foul is a penalty in certain sports, such as basketball and American football, that involves an illegal action by a player. A personal foul occurs when a player has unsportsmanlike conduct, illegal entry, or excessive timeouts. Unsportsmanlike conduct is defined as any action that is not considered to be ethical or respectful within a sporting event. This includes taunting, arguing with a referee, or showing disrespect towards another player or team.

Illegal entry is when a player enters a restricted area without permission or authorization. This can be a violation of the playing rules or a foul against another player. Excessive timeouts are when a team uses all of its allotted timeouts in a game or a player takes an excessive amount of time to make a decision, such as when taking a free throw.

All of these actions, when committed by a player, can be considered a personal foul. A personal foul is a violation of the rules that can result in a variety of consequences, from a warning to a technical foul, to a disqualification from the game. The severity of the consequences depends on the severity of the foul and the specific sport in which it is committed.

Learn more about unsportsmanlike at :


How large is the acceleration of a 35-kg mass that has a net force of 270 n applied to it horizontally?.


If a net force of 270 N applied on a 35-kg mass, the acceleration is 7.7 m/s²

The problem can be solved by applying the Newton's 2nd law of motion, which states: the acceleration on an object is directly proportional to the net force applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass.

F = ma


F = net force acted on the object

m = mass

a = acceleration

Parameters given in the problem:

m = 35 kg

F = 270 N

Plug these parameters into the formula:

270 = 35 x a

a = 270/35 = 7.7 m/s²

Learn more about acceleration here:


A peron i driving hi Lamborghini with a ma of 2,000 kg at 10 m/. He ee a police car around the corner and low down to 2m/. What i hi change in momentum? _ kgm/


The change in the momentum was found to be 16,000 kgm/s

Change in momentum ?

Situations involving impulse and momentum are all around us, whether we notice it or not. Before we begin evaluating these daily instances, we'll go over the fundamental ideas of impulse and momentum.

In physics, an impulse (Ft) is a force (F) operating over a certain time (t) that results in a change in momentum (p) of an object. The impulse-momentum theorem is the equation of impulse with the change in momentum.

the change in the momentum was Δp=mxΔv


Δp=16,000 kgm/s

therefore the change in momentum was found to be 16,000kgm/s

To learn more about momentum follow the given link:


what is the geothermal gradient or geothermal heat flux? why does it get hotter towards the center of the earth (3 points)?


Tapping of geothermal energy to produce electricity is done on a larger scale compared to the tapping of the geothermal gradient using a geothermal heat pump.

Harnessing geothermal energy is also reliant on geological conditions such as in the area of convection boundaries while geothermal gradient can be harnessed virtually anywhere on the earth surface.

The geothermal energy is the heat that is derived from the storing of energy that creates by the earth's temperature and the earth's crust is origin for this type of energy along with the radioactive decay of the elements of the crust.

Thus said to be earth's internal heat and needs to be trapped as it can get lost during the formation stages.  

The temperature that occurs at the earth's core and the metal zone reaches up to 4000°C and thus the high temperature causes the rocks to melt and give rise to the temperature in the plastic mantle to get activated by the convection currents that reach the surface.

Some examples of this geothermal energy are those of the hot spring and the rising lava or the magmas.

To know more about geothermal energy, refer:


a uniform flat disk of radius r and mass 2m is pivoted at point p. a point mass of 1/2 m is attached to the edge of the disk.


The moment of inertia (Icm) of the uniform flat disk without the point mass = Icm = MR².

The moment of inertia with respect to point P on the disk without the point mass =  Ip = 3MR².

The total moment of inertia (of the disk with the point mass with respect to point P) = I total = 5MR².

We know from the case, that:

Mass = 2M

Radius = R

Mass at the edge = M₂ = 1/2M

Distance between the centre of mass to point P = p = R

Distance of the point mass to point P = d = 2R

We know that the moment of inertia for an uniform flat disk = 1/2mr².

(a) Then the moment of inertia for the uniform flat disk is:

= Icm = 1/2mr²

= Icm = 1/2(2M)(R²)

= Icm = MR²

(b) Next, we will find the moment of inertia of the disk with respect to point P. We know that point P is positioned at the arc of the disk. Hence,

= Ip = Icm + mp²

= Ip = MR² + (2M)R²

= Ip = 3MR²

(c) Then, the total moment of inertia of the disk with the point mass is:

= I total = Ip + I mass

= I total = 3MR² + (1/2M)(2R)²

= I total = 3MR² + 2MR²

= I total = 5MR²

To know more about Moment of Inertia:


The complete question:

A uniform flat disk of radius R and mass 2M is pivoted at point P A point mass of 1/2 M is attached to the edge of the disk 2M 2 M Part (a) Calculate the moment of inertia ICM of the disk (without the point mass) with respect t0 the central axis of the disk in terms of M and R. Part (b) Calculate the moment of inertia [p of the disk (without the point mass) with respect to point P in terms of M and R. Part (c) Calculate the total moment of inertia [of the disk with the point mass with respect to point P in terms of M and R.

calculate the magnitude of the normal force on a 15.0kg block, the block is restoing on a surface titled up at a 30.0 angle with respect the horizontal


The magnitude of the normal force on a 15.0kg block, the block is resting on a surface titled up at a 30.0 angle with respect the horizontal is 127.3 N.

How is the magnitude calculated ?

We are told the block is resting on a surface tilted up at a 30° angle with respect to the horizontal.

∴Thus, resolving the force in the horizontal direction will give us the normal force,

∴ θ = 30⁰

∴ m = 15 kg

∴ N = mg cosθ°

we know that g = 9.8 m/s

∴ N = 15 × 9.8 × (cos 30° )

∴ N = 15 × 9.8 × 0.866

∴ N = 127.3 N

Hence, the magnitude of force is 127.3N

What is force ?A force is an influence in physics that can modify the velocity of an object. A force can cause a mass item to change its velocity, or accelerate. Intuitively, force can be described as a push or a pull. A force is a vector quantity since it has both magnitude and direction.

Can learn more about magnitude of force from


a bowling ball (i.e. uniform sphere) of mass 7.25 kg and radius 10.8 cm rolls without slipping down a lane at 3.10 m/s. calculate its total mechanical kinetic energy.


A bowling ball of mass 7.25 kg and radius 10.8 cm rolls without slipping down a lane at 3.10 m/s. Then the total mechanical kinetic energy of a bowling ball is 48.8 J.

Given that, mass = 7.25 kg

Radius = 10.8 cm = 10.8/100 m = 0.108 m

Velocity = 3.1 m/s

The total mechanical kinetic energy is nothing but the sum of kinetic energy due to rotation and kinetic energy due to translation. It can be written as

KE = 1/2* m* v² + 1/2* I*ω²

where, I is the moment of inertia of the bowling ball about its centre

ω is the angular velocity

As the ball is in rotation, v = r * ω

And I = 2/5 * m * r²

So, the total mechanical kinetic energy is

KE = 1/2* m* v² + 1/2* I*ω² = 1/2* m* v² + 1/5* m * v²

⇒ 7/10 m * v² = 7/10 * 7.25 * 3.1² = 48.77 J ≈ 48.8 J

To know more about kinetic energy:


in a particle system of smoke, which property is used to change the dense black, to semi-transparent gray and finally white?


In a particle system of smoke, color over Lifetime is used to change the dense black, to semi-transparent gray and finally white.

The Color over Lifetime module permits you to change the Color and Alpha qualities over time.

The Force over Lifetime module permits you to add wind-impacted articulations to Particles.

For instance, on the off chance that you set it as displayed in the picture, it will appear as though the breeze is blowing to one side.

The Limit Velocity over Lifetime module permits you to dial back the development of a molecule.

This permits you to execute articulations like air opposition.

In the Speed field of the Limit Velocity over Lifetime module, you can enter the speed that outcomes from the deceleration because of air opposition.

Dampen is the magnitude of the air resistance.

Set Start Speed to 20, Speed in the Limit Velocity over Lifetime module to 0, and Dampen to 0.1.

Assuming Hose is set to 0.1, the speed of 20 will continuously move toward 0 lastly stop.

to know more about air resistance click here:


A 5 kg object traveling 40 m/s strikes a stationary 4 kg object in an inelastic collision. After the collision, the two objects come to a stop in 55 m. What was the coefficient of kinetic friction between the blocks and surface?





blake is the pitcher on his middle school baseball team. which statement best describes the relationship between the potential and kinetic energy of the baseball when blake pitches it to the catcher? (you can assume the ball is traveling in a straight path)


The statement that best describes the relationship between the potential and kinetic energy of the baseball when Blake pitches it to the catcher is the potential energy decreases and kinetic energy increases.

U = m g h

KE = 1 / 2 m v²

U = Potential energy

m = Mass

g = Acceleration due to gravity

h = Height

KE = Kinetic energy

v = Velocity

Initially v = 0. So the ball has zero kinetic energy. As the pitcher pitches the ball, the ball gains speed and its kinetic energy increases. According to law of conservation of energy, the final potential energy should be zero, so that the total energy is conserved.

The given question is incomplete. The complete question is:

Blake is the pitcher on his middle school baseball team. Which statement best describes the relationship between the potential and kinetic energy of the baseball when Blake pitches it to the catcher?

A. The potential energy decreases and kinetic energy decreases.

B. The potential energy decreases and kinetic energy increases.

C. The potential energy increases and kinetic energy decreases.

D. The potential energy increases and kinetic energy increases.

To know more about law of conservation of energy


g a2.25m segment of wire supplying current to the motor of a submerged submarine carries750a and feels a3.5n repulsive force from a parallel wire 5.00 cm away. what is the magnitude of the current in the other wire in a?


The amount of current flowing through the other wire is 518.5A, whereas the 2.25-meter segment of wire feeding power to a submerged submarine's motor has a capacity of 750A and a resistance of 3.5N.

In physics, magnitude is referred to as an object's maximal size and direction. In both vector and scalar quantities, magnitude is a common factor. We know that scalar quantities are those that have magnitude and nothing else by definition. The movement of electrical charge carriers like electrons is known as current. Positive and negative locations both experience current flow. The ampere is the SI unit for calculating electrical current (A). One coulomb of electrical charge travelling across a certain place in one second is referred to as one ampere of current.

I2 = 3.5*5*10^-2/2*750*2.25*10^-7

I2 = 518.5A

Learn more about current here


with respect to saving energy, what aspect of using two-sided printing was discussed in class as providing the most signifiant benefit?


The most significant benefit of using two-sided printing with respect to saving energy is that it reduces the amount of paper used.

When printing on both sides of a sheet of paper, the printer uses half as much paper as it would if it were only printing on one side. This means that less paper needs to be produced, which in turn reduces the amount of energy and resources used in the production and transportation of the paper. In addition, using less paper also reduces the amount of waste and pollution generated by the disposal of used paper.

While using two-sided printing may also reduce the amount of energy used by the printer itself.

Learn more about Energy Saving here:


a solid object is found to weigh 4.784.78n in air. when it is weighed while fully immersed in water, its apparent weight is 2.482.48n. what is the density of the object?


A solid object is found to weigh 4.784.78n in air. when it is weighed while fully immersed in water, its apparent weight is 2.482.48n. 983 is the density of the object.

The substance's density is defined as its mass per unit of volume (volumetric mass density or specific mass). Although the Latin letter D may also be used, the symbol for density that is most usually used is (the lower case Greek letter rho). where V is the volume, is the density, and m is the mass. Weight per unit volume is a common informal definition of density, however this is incorrect scientifically; the actual term is specific weight. The US oil and gas industry serves as one illustration of this. A pure substance's mass concentration in numbers is equal to its density. To make density comparisons between different systems of units easier, it is occasionally replaced by the dimensionless quantity "relative density" or "specific gravity," which is the ratio of the density of the material to that of a standard material, usually water. If a substance's relative density to water is less than one, it will float in it. Temperature and pressure have an impact on a substance's density. This variation is frequently not very noticeable for solids and liquids, but it is very noticeable for gases. As pressure is applied, an object's density rises, which reduces the object's volume. With a few rare exceptions, as temperature increases, a substance's density decreases as its volume grows.

To know more about density please refer:


a 2500-n pile-driver ram falls 10 m and drives a post 0.1 m into the ground. the average impact force on the ram is


The average impact force on the ram is 250,000 N.

It is given to us that -

The weight of the pile driver is given as 2500 N

The pile driver ram falls at a height of 10 m

The post travels 0.1 m into the ground as a result of the pile driver

We have to find out the average impact force on the ram.

We know, with constant force, work can be represented as -

[tex]W=Force * distance[/tex] ---- (1)


F = force applied in (N - m)

d = distance for which the force is applied

Similarly, the potential energy of a system can be represented as -

[tex]Potential Energy = mgh[/tex]


m = mass of the system

g = acceleration due to gravity

h = height travelled by the system

Since weight, weight = mass * g, we can write the above formula for potential energy as -

[tex]Potential Energy = weight * height[/tex]  ----- (2)

Now, according to the given information in the problem, the work done by the post should be equal to the potential energy of the pile driver.

So, from equations (1) and (2), we can say that -

[tex]W = Potential Energy\\= > Force * distance = weight * height\\= > F * 0.1 = 2500 * 10\\= > F = \frac{2500 * 10}{0.1}\\ = > F = 250,000 N[/tex]

Thus, the average impact force on the ram is 250,000 N.

To learn more about impact force visit


if i want to find a sizeable collection of population ii stars in the milky way galaxy, where would be a good place to look?


If i want to find a sizeable collection of population ii stars in the milky way galaxy In a globular cluster high above the Galaxy's disk would be a good place to look.

What is milky way Galaxy?

The Milky Way is the galaxy that includes our Solar System, with the name describing the galaxy's appearance from Earth. A  hazy band of light seen in the night sky formed from stars that cannot be individually distinguished by the eye.

Where is Earth in the Milky Way?

Earth is located about halfway between the center of the Milky Way and its outer edge. Light at the galaxy's center takes 25,000 light-years to travel from Earth. A light-year is the distance light travels in one year.

There are around fifty galaxies in the Milky Way, the largest of which is the Large Magellanic Cloud. This satellite galaxy has a diameter of only 14,000 light-years. The Large Magellanic Cloud may have as many as 10 billion stars within it.

Learn more about solar system from


which of the following is not a direct cost for a scooter manufacturer? a) office rent. b) wheels. c) handle bars. d) brakes. e) grip tape.


Your answer would be A) office rent

The option that is not a direct cost for a scooter manufacturer is office rent. (Option A)

What is direct cost

Direct costs are expenses that can be directly attributed to the production of a specific product. Office rent is not a direct cost for a scooter manufacturer.

In the case of a scooter manufacturer, direct costs would include items like wheels, handlebars, brakes, and grip tape, as these are all components directly involved in the manufacturing process of the scooters.

On the other hand, office rent is an indirect cost, also known as an overhead cost. Indirect costs are expenses that are not directly traceable to a specific product or production process.

So option A is the correct answer.

Learn more about direct cost here:


What is the change in the internal energy of the system if 300 J of heat is removed to the system and the work done by the system is 100 J?


The change in internal energy is 200 J when heat is removed.

If the internal energy of the system is U1 in the initial state and U2 in the final state, then the change in internal energy is

ΔU = U2 – U1

In a chemical reaction, if UR is the internal energy

ΔU = UP – UR

The internal energy of the system changes as

(1) heat enters and exits  System

(2) Work becomes performed on or by the system

(3) Substance enters or leaves the system

(4) If U1 > U2, the extra energy that the system has in the initial state is dissipated and ΔU becomes negative.

(5) If U1 < U2, energy is absorbed in the process and ΔU is positive. ΔU is negative when energy is released and ΔU is positive when energy is absorbed.




To find more about change in internal energy -


an ice-cube tray of negligible mass contains 0.350 kg of water at 18.00 c. how much heat must be removed to cool the water


This ranges from 10 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit (ca. 93 °C) in the majority of cooling systems. The heat flux ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 Btu/ft2/hr and is typically low.

What heat must be removed to cool the water?

Use the equation Q = MC T to determine the amount of heat released during a chemical reaction. Q represents the heat energy transferred (in joules), m represents the mass of the liquid being heated (in kilograms).

C represents the liquid's specific heat capacity (joule per kilogram degrees Celsius), and T represents the change in temperature.

Therefore, The heat flux can reach 3,000,000 Btu/ft2/hr in extreme circumstances, including the indirect cooling of molten metal.

Learn more about heat here:


The moon has mass of 1 x 1022 kg, and the gravitational field strength at = distance R from the planet is 0.001 N/kg: What is the gravitational force exerted on the moon while it is in orbit around the planet? ON 1 x 1019 N 1 x 1022 N 1x 1025 Na. 0Nb. 1x10 18Nc. 1x10 22Nd. 1x10 25N


The gravitational force exerted on the moon while it is in orbit around the planet be 1×10¹⁸ Newton.

What is gravitational force?

Newton's law of universal gravitation states that: The force of attraction between any two bodies is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them and directly proportional to the product of their masses.

Given parameters:

Mass of the moon = 1×10²² kg.

The gravitational field strength at distance R from the planet is 0.001 N/kg.

Hence,  the gravitational force exerted on the moon = 0.001 N/kg ×  1×10²² kg.

= 1 × 10¹⁸ N.

Learn more about gravitational force here:


an air-track glider undergoes a perfectly inelastic collision with an identical glider that is initially at rest. what fraction of the first glider's initial kinetic energy is transformed into thermal energy in this collision
a. 1/2
b. .5
c. 2/4
d. .502


In this collision, 1/2 of the initial kinetic energy of the first glider is converted into thermal energy.

In plain English, what is kinetic energy?

An object's strength as a result ofstrength an object has as a result or motion is known as kinetic energy. Toorder to accelerate an object, a force must be applied. Applying force requires effort on our part. When the work is done, power is transported to the thing, which causes it to move at the athe new, constant pace.

What does kinetic energy mean, or what are some instances?

The motion energy is known as kinetic energy, and it is manifested when a particle, object, or group if particles moves. Any moving object uses kinetic energy, including people walking, baseballs being thrown, food falling from tables, and charged particles in electric fields.


cherise sets identical magnetic carts on two tracks. at the end of each track is a blue magnet that cannot move. cherise can move the carts one space to the left or one space to the right. which movement will result in the largest increase in potential energy?


The movement that would raise potential energy the most is D. Since each movement moves a cart a fixed distance, they all have an equal impact on potential energy.

What does the term "potential energy" mean?

Depending on where various system components are located in relation to one another, potential energy can be thought of as stored energy. Stretching or compressing a spring increases its potential energy. When a steel ball is raised significantly above the earth as opposed to being dropped to the earth, it has a significantly higher potential energy.

What three types of energy have potential?

Potential energy exists in stones perched on a cliff's edge. The energy stored will be transformed into kinetic energy if the stones fall. High on the tree, branches have the potential to fall, which gives them vitality. Chemical potential energy exists in the food we eat.

To know more about  potential energy visit:


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