compulsive gamblers frequently recall losing less money than is actually the case. their memory failure best illustrates


Answer 1

Compulsive gamblers frequently recall losing less money than is actually the case. Their memory failure best illustrates motivated forgetting.

What is motivated forgetting?

The process of purposefully or unintentionally discarding memories is known as motivated forgetting. Although these two procedures operate somewhat differently, they both aim to achieve the same result. When we deliberately forget memories, it's usually to calm ourselves down or stop us from acting impulsively.

Perhaps we don't want to repeatedly think about a horrific event. According to some psychologists, we use motivated forgetting to get rid of aspects of our identity that we might not want to retain onto. Given the limitations of human thinking, this doesn't always work.

The act of consciously erasing memories is known as suppression. Repression is the term used to describe the method through which we unconsciously forget memories. Forgetting in both ways is a coping technique.

Know more about motivated forgetting:


Related Questions

Mary and paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. they come from families of little education or money. they moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of _____ aggression.


the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of relational aggression.

Relational aggression refers to damage within relationships that is resulting from covert bullying or manipulative behavior. Examples consist of keeping apart a teens from his or her group of pals (social exclusion), threatening to prevent speaking to a pal (the ''silent remedy''), or spreading gossip and rumors through.

Relational aggression or opportunity aggression is a sort of aggression wherein harm is due to unfavorable someone's relationships or social reputation. even though it may be used in many contexts and among distinct age groups, relational aggression among teenagers specially, has obtained a whole lot of interest.

Social alienation through giving a person the silent remedy. Peer rejection from a group or damage in social status by way of spreading nasty rumors or lies approximately them. Social exclusion by using leaving out a peer from play or social agencies.

Learn more about relational aggression here :


Which of the following headlines would be the best example of the yellow journalism of the late 1800s?
A) “Villainous Spain Starves Innocent Cubans”
B) “The USS Maine Arrives Safely in Havana”
C) “Spain Rejects US Offer to Help in Achieving Peace”
D) “Thousands of Cuban Revolutionaries Held in Jails”


The headline that would be the best example of the yellow journalism of the late 1800s is “Villainous Spain Starves Innocent Cubans”. Option A is correct.

What did yellow journalism's main goal in the late 1890s?

Yellow journalism, or the use of graphic features and sensationalized news in newspaper publication to draw readers and boost circulation, is an example of yellow journalism from the late 1800s.

Yellow journalism is the term used to describe sensational or biased articles that newspapers offer as the real deal. The phrase was used in the late 19th century to disparage the unusual methods used by their opponents.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about the yellow journalism, refer to:



The headline that would be the best example of the yellow journalism of the late 1800s is “Villainous Spain Starves Innocent Cubans”. Option A is correct.

What did yellow journalism's main goal in the late 1890s?

Yellow journalism, or the use of graphic features and sensationalized news in newspaper publications to draw readers and boost circulation, is an example of yellow journalism from the late 1800s.

Yellow journalism is the term used to describe sensational or biased articles that newspapers offer as the real deal. The phrase was used in the late 19th century to disparage the unusual methods used by their opponents.

Therefore, option A is correct.

the idea that the president can withhold sensitive national security information from congress or the courts is known as an


the idea that the president can withhold sensitive national security information from congress or the courts is known as an Executive privilege.

Executive privilege is a subpoena by legislative and judicial bodies for the President of the United States and other members of the executive branch to maintain secret communications within the executive branch and to prosecute certain related cases under certain circumstances. and the right to resist other surveillance. Information or personnel that accompany these confidential communications. This law is enforced when disclosure of information undermines the State's mission. Neither executive powers nor parliamentary oversight powers are specifically mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. However, the United States Supreme Court has held that executive privilege and congressional oversight are each a result of the separation of powers doctrine arising from each party's dominance in their respective areas of constitutional activity.

To know more about Executive privilege, visit:-


the kind of bailment created when a friend inadvertently leaves behind an article of jewelry in your home during a visit is a(n):


Constructive bailment the kind of bailment created when a friend inadvertently leaves behind an article of jewelry in your home during a visit.

Constructive bailment refers to an implied bailment that develops when someone lawfully takes possession of another person's personal property, rather than through a mutual contract of bailment; this possessor may be considered to be a constructive bailee of property by operation of law.

In this case a friend inadvertently leaves behind an article of jewelry in your home during a visit. This is "constructive bailment" because the situation create an obligation upon the bailee to protect the goods, and "gratuitous bailment" in which there is no payment, but the bailee is still responsible

Know more about bailment click:


republican politicians led the charge on platforms for getting tough on crime. what role did the democrats play in the incarceration rate?


When addressing addiction and substance use disorder, Democrats will, whenever possible, give preference to prevention and treatment over incarceration.

While crime control had clearly emerged as a political issue during the 1970s, during the 1980s the national political discourse focused increasingly on a perceived need to "get tough" on crime.Rates of hospitalization are higher in individuals who have been incarcerated than in the general population. One study reported that approximately 1 in 12 individuals is hospitalized for an acute condition within 90 days of release from correctional facilities.

To know more about Democrats here


How does limiting a company's scope benefit the company? a. It encourages the company to use division of labor. B. It makes it easier to produce a high quality product. C. It lowers the company's taxes. D. It allows the company to hire more employees. Please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d.


Limiting a company's scope benefits the company as B it makes it easier to produce a high-quality product.

Limiting the scope of a company means that the company focuses on producing a limited range of products only. This strategy proves to be effective in most of the cases because all efforts are made to produce a high-quality product.

If the scope of the company is not limited, then the company will be producing more number of products but the quality of them will be compromised. When the company has a limited scope, then the products produced will be of high quality and their quality will not be compromised.

To learn more about company, click here:


(q011) when he first meets the people at his new job, jared tries hard to impress them with his experience and achievement. the fact that he attempts to build and maintain others' positive impressions of him demonstrates that he is motivated by


Primary emotions include: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, anticipation, trust and joy.

Emotions are mental states delivered on by neurophysiological changes, variously associated with mind, feelings, behavioral responses, and a degree of pride or displeasure. there is presently no scientific consensus on a definition.[6] feelings are regularly intertwined with temper, temperament, personality, disposition, or creativity. studies on emotion has accelerated over the past  many years with many fields contributing including psychology, medication, records, sociology of emotions, and laptop technological know-how.

Learn more about emotions here


11. single-parent households headed by women are more likely to live in poverty compared to single-parent households headed by men. what does this exemplify?


Single-parent households headed by women are more likely to live in poverty compared to single-parent households headed by men. This is an example of the feminization of poverty.

In biology and medication, feminization is the development in an organism of bodily characteristics which can be generally precise to the lady of the species. this may constitute a regular developmental manner, contributing to sexual differentiation. Feminization also can be caused through environmental factors, and this phenomenon has been observed in several animal species.[1][2] inside the case of transgender hormone therapy, it is intentionally brought about artificially. In animals, when feminization occurs in a male, or at an irrelevant developmental age, it's far regularly because of a genetic or received ailment of the endocrine gadget.

Learn more about feminization here


defined by miles as ""a requirement of the activities of one subunit that is affected by the activities of other subunits"" is a _________.


A contingency, according to kilometres, is ""a need of the behaviours of one component that is impacted by the operations of other components"".

What does contingency mean in this case?

A contingency is the hypothetical possibility of a negative outcome, for instance a disease, downturn in the economy, catastrophic event, fraud, or terrorist attack.

Which four sorts of contingencies are there?

The four possible outcomes are extinction, punishment, positive and negative reinforcement. Whenever the behavioural change yields beneficial outcomes, constructive feedback happens. Another name for this kind of encouragement is a reward.

To know more about contingency visit:


Which court in the federal system reviews the convictions of military personnel who have violated military law?



U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF)


Military courts-martial; a Criminal Court of Appeals for each branch of the military services; and the United States the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF) has appellate jurisdiction over all military cases.

When entering into an income based repayment plan option, a student must contact their ________________________ to select the repayment plan option


A scholar ought to contact their income-driven mortgage plans to choose the repayment plan choice

The profits-based reimbursement plan is for Direct and FFEL debtors. Your monthly bills could be both 10 or 15 percent of discretionary profits (depending on while you received your first loans), but by no means extra than you'll have paid under the 10-yr popular compensation Plan.

For most debtors, REPAYE, PAYE, or IBR are higher options than ICR, when you consider that they might come up with lower monthly bills. And PAYE appears to have a mild aspect over REPAYE and IBR, since it lowers your bills to 10% and sets your time period at two decades,

Learn more about repayment plans here


What might be required of a job candidate today that would not have been necessary 20 years ago?.


Today, a job candidate must do a self-guided video interview, which wasn't necessary 20 years ago.

With a one-way video interview, you may quickly respond to questions that are text- or video-based on your own time using a camera or the Spark Hire mobile app.

By removing schedule conflicts and hold-ups, video interviews lessen the chance of losing prospects to quicker-moving businesses. In order to choose the prospects who will advance to the next phase, hiring managers may also get a more precise picture of the candidate pipeline.

Tests and interviews are part of the employee screening process, but thanks to technology improvements, interviews are more virtual and most companies now demand self-guided video interviews.

To learn more about video interviews


the u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?


As a result of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson, state governments were allowed to segregate racial groups.

Separate but equal” refers to the infamously racist decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that allowed the use of segregation laws by states and local governments. The phrase “separate but equal” comes from part of the Court’s decision that argued separate rail cars for whites and African Americans were equal at least as required by the Equal Protection Clause.

Racial segregation is the systematic separation of people into racial or other ethnic groups in daily life. Racial segregation can amount to the international crime of apartheid and a crime against humanity under the Statute of the International Criminal Court. Segregation can involve the spatial separation of the races, and mandatory use of different institutions, such as schools and hospitals by people of different races.

To know more about Segregate racial groups visit:


How was Ottobah Cugoano freed?


Taken to England and sent free in 1772

when researchers take special care to include and control for every possible variable, the study is likely to have high , even though the results may not generalize to a more realistic situation. a. external validity b. internal validity c. concurrent validity d. experimental validity


Even if the findings might not apply to a more realistic circumstance, a study is likely to have high internal validity when researchers take a great effort to incorporate and control for every conceivable variable. The right response in this case is option B.

Internal validity is the extent to which a cause-and-effect relationship discovered via study cannot be explained by other causes.

When a causal relationship is found, the results are trustworthy and believable. Without good internal validity, an experiment cannot demonstrate a link between two variables that is causal. Example of a research project You want to find out if drinking coffee improves memory.

To learn more about internal validity


What does crooks offer in return for joining george, lennie, and candy on the dream farm?


If George lets Crooks join them, Crooks promises to labor completely free on the farm.

Does having a farm provide income?

In nominal terms, the average net income farm profit (NCFI) for agricultural businesses* is anticipated to increase to $110,600 in fiscal year 2022 from 2021. NCFI includes cash revenue for farming as well as income from farm-related activities, such as government payments, less cash outlays.

Why is agriculture crucial?

The most of the world's feed and clothes are produced through agriculture. Livestock produces leather, wool, and cotton. Agriculture produces both paper and timber for building. Such goods, along with the agricultural practices employed, may vary from place to place.

To know more about farm visit:


priscilla is twenty-three years old and usually has a fairly high sex drive. recently, she has experienced an unexpected drop in sex drive, although she doesn't have any new medical problems. what would be an important question to ask her before recommending psychotherapy?


If Priscilla is experiencing and unexpected drop in sex drive, although she doesn't have any new medical problems, then the most important question to ask her before recommending psychotherapy is have you recently started taking birth control pills?

Priscilla is 23 years old. It is a usual age to have a fairly high sex drive.

If she is experienceing and unexpected drop in sex drive even without having any new medical problems then the most important thing to ask her before recommending psychotherapy should be if she had started taking birth control pills or not. Because birth control pills are packed with hormones that usually tends to disrupt the sexual cycles and the hormonal balance of the body which sometime results in the decreased sex drive. It has to be an obvious question to ask before recommending any further psychotherapy.

To know more about psychotherapy visit


Families in the city of Flint, Michigan, had problems with water contaminated with _____ being piped into their homes


Families in Flint, Michigan, experienced issues with lead-contaminated water being piped into their houses.

- Lead levels in Flint's water were high in some areas. In order to conserve money, the city shifted its water supply from Detroit to the Flint River almost two years ago. The new water wasn't properly treated and was more caustic. As a result of the pipes corroding, lead leached into the water.

- The high chloride content of Flint River water, which was nearly eight times higher than the chloride percentage in the DWSD water, was known to be very corrosive to both lead plumbing and iron pipe.

To know more about Flint River, kindly click on the link below :


why did king george iii try to limit contact between the citizens of the british colonies and native americans?


king George iii try to limit contact between the citizens of the british colonies and native americans to keep peace on the frontier.

He became the third Hanoverian monarch and the first one to be born in England and to use English as his first language. George III is broadly remembered for two things: losing the yank colonies and going mad.

George in no way owned slaves himself, and he gave his assent to the regulation that abolished the slave change in England in 1807. via contrast, no fewer than 41 of the fifty six signatories to the announcement of Independence were slave owners. It turned into the announcement that established the parable that George III became a tyrant.

But the truth is that George changed into definitely now not tyrannical; as an alternative he became a very good-natured, enlightened constitutional monarch, who inconveniently for the Founders additionally absolutely trendy the superb Revolution of 1688 as an awful lot as they did—not least because it paved the manner for his circle of relatives to come back to the British throne despite .

Learn more about king George iii  here


tyreese is a high school student and member of a band. he frequently extends his band practices the day before his school tests, leaving himself very little time at the last minute to study for them. this type of procrastination is called .


Tyreese is an excessive college pupil and a member of a band he often extends his band practices the day earlier than his college exams, leaving himself very little time at the remaining minute to look at them. this type of procrastination is referred to as self-handicapping.

Self-handicapping conduct refers to the procedure wherein a person creates or chooses barriers to conduct or a performance putting, for the reason of defensive 6ba8f6984f70c7ac4038c462a50eeca3 in a self-esteem-threatening state of affairs. In other words, the choice complements the opportunity to excuse failure at the same time as accepting a credit score for success.

Procrastination is the motion of unnecessarily and voluntarily delaying or suspending something no matter knowing that there might be negative results for doing so.

Learn more about self-handicapping here


When a car approache a red traffic light and low to a top, the car i experiencing


A flashing red traffic light indicates "STOP." When it is safe to do so, you may resume your journey. Follow the right-of-way rules. Negative acceleration refers to a decrease in speed.

When a body's velocity decreases, it usually experiences negative acceleration. Its direction is the opposite of the body's motion, as that is the way in which the speed is increasing. As a result, when a body slows down, its velocity as well as acceleration are directed in opposite directions.

Learn more on traffic light


the female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and __________.


the female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and decreased bone mineral density.

An athlete (also a sportsman or sportswoman) is someone who competes in one or more sports activities that involve bodily electricity, velocity, or staying power. Athletes can be professionals or amateurs.[1] most professional athletes have particularly well-developed physiques obtained by means of enormous physical training and strict workout followed with the aid of a strict dietary regimen. The word "athlete" is a romanization of the one that participates in a competition; from ἄθλος, áthlos or ἄθλον, áthlon, a competition or feat. The primary definition of "sportsman" in line with Webster's 1/3 Unabridged Dictionary (1960) is, "someone who's lively in sports: as (a): one who engages inside the sports activities of the sector and especially in searching or fishing."

Learn more about athlete here


Infant monkeys raised with a nourishing wire mother and a nonnourishing cloth mother: ______


Infant monkeys raised with a nourishing wire mother and nonnourishing cloth mother: preferred the non nourishing cloth mother.

The primate order in the Mammalian class includes monkeys. They are thought to be extremely social animals. They frequently exist in groups known as troops. Typically, they are herbivores.

The child is comforted and kept warm by the cloth mother, who is unable to feed the child. The mother that permits the youngster to cling to her is known as the cloth mother, and this behavior is most frequently seen in monkeys.

Harlow's research revealed that when faced with unfamiliar and frightening circumstances, newborns also resorted to inanimate surrogate moms for solace. Infant monkeys would explore a new environment with a surrogate mother present, return to the surrogate mother when scared, and then go exploring again.

To know more about cloth mother, follow the below link:


analyze the role of women in the great gatsby, as represented by daisy, jordan, and myrtle. what kind of influence or power do they wield? "consider their social positions and interactions".


The Great Gatsby's female characters are primarily regarded as superficial. They were raised to be obedient and told they were powerless because of the patriarchal society.

In The Great Gatsby, what kind of woman is Daisy?

Daisy is simply a self-centered, shallow, and unpleasant lady despite her charm and beauty in The Great Gatsby. Readers would, in many ways, like to see her live up to Gatsby's passion for her (or at least the concept of her) because he loves her (or at least the idea of her) with such vigor and determination.

What was the role of women in the 1920s, according to Daisy?

Daisy is portrayed as innocent, naive, and submissive in "The Great Gatsby," fitting the stereotype of a 1920s woman who was not expected to be as free as males or to be loud and opinionated.

To know more about The Great Gatsby visit:


a classmate asks caroline about evidence that seemed questionable in her persuasive speech. caroline evades the issue by quickly bringing up an irrelevant fact about another point in her speech. what sort of logical fallacy does this illustrate?


Red herring logical fallacy does this illustrate.

An illustration is a ornament, interpretation or visible explanation of a textual content, concept or procedure,[1] designed for integration in print and virtual posted media, which include posters, flyers, magazines, books, coaching substances, animations, video video games and films. An illustration is normally created by means of an illustrator. virtual illustrations are often used to make websites and apps more user-pleasant, such as the usage of emojis to accompany virtual type.[2] llustration additionally means presenting an instance; both in writing or in image form.

Learn more about illustrate here


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition a dynamic whereby people who disagree with opinions in the mass media are less likely to voice their views.


A dynamic where people who disagree with opinions in the mass media are less likely to voice their views is known as a 'spiral of silence'.

The 'spiral of silence' is a theory in mass communication theory. The theory of 'spiral of silence' means that one opinion becomes completely socially dominant because individuals who have different opinions are afraid to speak or act on them. The 'spiral of silence' occurs when the vocal majority intimidates opposing views into silence and ultimately makes the majority view appear to be a universal consensus.

You can learn more about spiral of silence at


What are the benefits of hearing the characters voices instead of reading the place silently check all the boxes that apply?


Instead of reading the play aloud, listening to the characters' voices would provide the following advantages or benefits: The benefit that readers can gain from hearing the characters' voices

is that it helps them connect with the narrative and the characters. The other  advantage is that it aids in their evaluation of the many characters and their functions due to the variety in tones. Together, these factors encourage a greater mutual  knowledge and comprehension of the material. As a result, choices  A and B are the right responses.This together promotes a better understanding and comprehension of the text among them.

learn more about  characters  here:


which of the following is not a typical goal of bureaucrats? a. increasing the size of their staffs b. increasing the size of their bureaus c. increasing their bureaus' budgets d. achieving greater efficiency e. gaining prestige


The correct answer is option D). Typically, goal of bureaucrats doesn’t include achieving greater efficiency. It includes other things like increasing size of their staffs as well as increasing profits as well.

Organizations can run more smoothly and effectively with bureaucracies. Large businesses and companies are able to organize their systems and other procedures and streamline their processes as a result of this different things occur which are mentioned. Increasing their bureaus' budgets is one of defining goal. Processes become less jumbled and management becomes simpler. There is typically a division of labor with clearly defined roles in bureaucracies and bureaucrats.

Learn more about Bureaucrats here:


one of the strongest foreign policy tools possessed by the president are executive agreements. t or f


one of the strongest foreign policy tools possessed by the president are executive agreements that is true

What is an example of splitting an infinitive?


"George decided to carefully and cautiously climb the stair" is an example of splitting an infinitive.

A verb that is preceded by the phrase "to" is an infinitive (to write, to examine, to take). A split infinitive is one that has an adverb between to and the verb itself leading to split infinitive. It is a special type of misplaced modifier. For instance, today is a great day to finally go to the picnic, here finally has inserted as an adverb between to and go (verb) which could have together formed an infinitive ( to go).

Similarly, carefully and cautiously inserted in between to and the verb "climb" which makes a perfect example of splitting an infinitive.

To know more about the rules of split infinitives, follow the below link:


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