Complete the chart for act II of Julius Caesar.

Complete The Chart For Act II Of Julius Caesar.


Answer 1

In Act II, scene i, Brutus contemplates Caesar and meets with Cassius. The thing that Brutus says is that he requested for light and mutters some words to himself. He paced about because he knew Caesar may be crowned and he may be corrupted when he holds power. This shows that He is a calculative person and always think ahead.

In Act II, scene ii, Brutus comes to accompany Caesar, Brutus persuades Caesar that while the senators intend to crown Caesar that day, they might not extend their offer if they think he is afraid. This shows that he is not to be trusted and that he does not have Caesar "s interest at heart. it also shows that he is manipulative.

Act II, scene iv Portia seeks information about Caesar and Brutus  have to tell her of his plans. When the conspirators depart Brutus' house, Brutus will tell Portia about them. He would explain to Portia why he was doing it; though she wouldn't agree with the plan, she would still back him because she knew he was sincere, honorable, and honest. This shows that  he is not smart at all as he was not able to keep his palns secret.

Why is Portia so concerned about Brutus actions?

In his garden, Brutus walks back and forth. He murmurs to himself that Caesar will have to die as he orders his servant to fetch him a light. He is positive that Caesar will be crowned king, but he wonders whether Caesar won't become corrupted by his position of authority.

Nobody has spoken to, fed, or slept Brutus. Portia, who is curious as to what is wrong with Brutus, notices that he is not himself and refuses to confide in her.

Therefore, Even though Brutus never told Portia about his plan, it appears in Scene 4 that she is aware of it. This play's omission is a flaw since it could confuse the audience. When the conspirators depart Brutus' house, Brutus would tell Portia about them if I were to write such a scene.

Learn more about Julius Caesar from

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Which of the following statements is an example of logos?
1.) Research has found that regular exercise improves heart health.
2.) This cereal is a favorite among Hollywood stars like Zendaya.
3.) You can protect endangered pandas by donating to our wildlife fund.
4.) The beautiful beaches of Hawaii are the perfect place to unwind on vacation.


"Research has found that regular exercise improves heart health", is an example of Logos.

The Greek word "logos" is a definition that signifies "logic." A remark, sentence, or argument used to convince or persuade the intended audience using logic or reason is referred to as a rhetorical device.

The logos is one of the three methods of persuasion that Aristotle describes in his book, the Rhetoric. The Ethos, which is concerned with the speaker's personality, and the Pathos, which is concerned with the speaker's emotional impact on the audience, are the other two methods of persuasion.

Hence the correct answer is option A.

To learn more about Logos here:


How would I start off a poem that I am rewriting in a different perspective???/


Initiate with the source of your poetry idea; possibly it's something as small as an image or a representation. Force yourself to jot down as many words, ideas, or images as you can without choking.

How do you start off poems?Initiate with the source of your poetry idea; possibly it's something as small as an image or a representation. Force yourself to jot down as many words, ideas, or images as you can without choking. Keep writing until you've filled the entire page with writing ideas or poetic words.In literature and poetry, topic of view is defined as the perspective from which a story is told. Put another way, a story's point of view is a way to articulate and examine the position of the narrator in relation to the story they're telling.The title of the poem is (Say the title); it has been written/organized/composed by (Poet's name). The poem is about (a brief introduction about the theme of the poem). Hope you will appreciate it!

To learn more about : poetry idea

Ref :


2. Some people say that they will never
forget "The Scarlet Ibis." Why might
people find this story so memorable!
Does the story and its symbolism
appeal to your emotions? Explain.


Because it addresses topics that are common to difference, "The Scarlet Ibis" is unforgettable. The story's narrator, Brother, is determined to teach his younger brother Doodle to walk and eventually to row because he wants him to be like other children.

Because it expresses the feelings of a brother who thought his younger brother Doodle was a burden, "The Scarlet Ibis" is so unforgettable. The elder brother or narrator gives a direct, honest account that paints him in a negative light.People may remember this book because of Doodle's passing because death is typically remembered. People will remember the narrative because of the characters, particularly Doodle and Brother. Their relationships and their issues leave an imprint on your heart forever.

Thus this is why "The Scarlet Ibis" is so memorable.

Refer here to learn more about "The Scarlet Ibis":


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The speech President Kennedy's Report to the American People uses logos, ethos, and pathos, which are


President Kennedy's Report speech to the American people uses logos, ethos, and pathos which are techniques the Greek philosopher Aristotle identified centuries ago.

What are logos?

Logos is the idea of reason and judgment used to win over people. Using facts and figures as well as making clear, logical connections between concepts, the speaker employs logos.

What is ethos?

The speaker uses ethos by using facts and numbers as well as drawing obvious, logical connections between themes. A logical argument can also be constructed by using literal and historical comparisons.

What is pathos?

Pathos appeals to the listener's emotions and ideas. Pathos is a literary, cinematic, and other narrative art technique that is most frequently used in rhetoric.

President Kennedy uses all these techniques to appeal to the people of America.

Therefore,  President Kennedy's Report speech to the American people uses logos, ethos, and pathos which are techniques the Greek philosopher Aristotle identified centuries ago.

To learn more about President Kennedy's Report use the given link:


answer questionsRead the excerpt from Mohini's essay about the Grimm brothers.

When the Grimm brothers first published their collection of folk tales, they stuck to one rule: they wanted to save stories from the past, which had only been spread by word of mouth. They wanted to use details from the changing lives of the average German family to show how the German culture evolved. They also wanted to show how storytelling makes strong connections in a community and is the sign of a civilized people. Their collection of tales was a gift to the German people. They had no idea that these tales would take on a life of their own, becoming a standard source for folklorists from other nations and ensuring their popularity throughout the world to this day.

Which evaluation of her essay is most accurate?

This paragraph supports the main idea by giving specific examples of the connections of German folk tales to other nations.
This paragraph shows that the Grimms wanted to give the German people an updated version of the tales they were familiar with.
This paragraph supports the main idea by giving reasons for the Grimms' determination to collect oral tales and give them to the German people.
This paragraph supports the main idea by explaining that the Grimms' tales were exclusively related to the German national movement and did not relate to other cultures.


The evaluation of Mohini's essay about the Grimm brothers that is most accurate is "This paragraph supports the main idea by giving reasons for the Grimms' determination to collect oral tales and give them to the German people."

The first stories collected by the Brothers Grimm are brusque, blunt, bizarre, amusing, and tragic, and they are not strictly speaking "fairy tales." In fact, the Grimms never meant for children to read their stories. The stories are about families and kids and how they dealt with difficult circumstances.

The Grimms believed that the stories and morals came naturally out from German people through an oral tradition, and they wished to protect them before the stories were lost forever. The Grimms made a distinctive contribution to folklore by collecting the tales.

Know more about Grimm brothers here


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Specifically, the Fundamental Safety Design Principle applies to the Fundamental Safety Principle control recommendations.

These principles are developed with safety systems in mind and to prevent damage and failure. and unwanted access to the system. They are designed by security and homeland security agencies.

Fundamental security has several principles that are implemented in the software that control certain recommendations in the design itself, that it is easy to update and modify security patterns and specific tasks. These work in both hardware and software applications.

To learn more about principles please click on below link


11. intellectually productive
Oa. mundane
Ob. fecund
Oc. reputed
Od. overweening



b fecund


How can you tell which noun in a sentence is its subject?



The subject of the sentence is what (or whom) the sentence is about. In the sentence “The cat is sleeping in the sun,” the word cat is the subject. A predicate is the part of a sentence or a clause, that tells what the subject is doing or what the subject is.

what is the central theme of "The Little Red Tortoise"? in one or two paragraphs, explain how the theme is developed throughout the text and how the little red tortoise’s actions and interactions help to develop the theme. Use evidence from the text to support your response.


The central theme of "The Little Red Tortoise" is of bravery.

The plot revolves around the Red Tortoise, who opted to sacrifice himself to rescue his fellow tortoises. The plot revolves around a little red tortoise who gains confidence all through the story, becomes brave, and saves his entire tortoise nation.

The Little Red Tortoise tells the story of a tortoise who rescues his people from peril. He was willing to give his life to protect those people. He was courageous in killing the giraffe. Throughout the story, the central theme is explored through the character development of the Red Tortoise.

Know more about The Little Red Tortoise here


study sync purpose and perspective answers pls



Study-sync is an integrated reading, writing, and review platform, designed to advance critical thinking, reading, writing, language, speaking and listening skills, and address critical language standards. Point of view, First person point of view, second person point of view, third person omniscient, third person limited, and third person objective


Based on the First Amendment, which restriction can the U.S. government make?
O preventing people from burning American flags
O banning all hate speech
© stopping people from saying something to cause violence
O forcing people to follow the same religion
hurry pls!!


The US government can stop people from saying something to cause violence.

Congress is prohibited by the First Amendment from passing laws that would impede the free exercise of religion or permit its establishment. It safeguards the right to assembly, freedom of the press, and the ability to petition the government for redress of grievances.Under the First Amendment, you have the right to freedom of religion, expression, assembly, and petition. It prohibits Congress from endorsing one religion above others and from limiting a person's ability to follow their religion.In 1791, the First Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified. The first 10 amendments of the Bill of Rights contain it. It safeguards journalistic, religious, and free speech rights. Additionally, it grants people the freedom to petition the government and demonstrate in peace. Nobody has the authority under the First Amendment to encourage behavior that may damage others or else lead to legal violations, including violent crimes.

Thus the correct answer is C.

Refer here to learn more about first amendment:


How does the speaker use rhetorical appeal in paragraph 5 to achieve her purpose?


The speaker employs rhetorical appeal to persuade the audience by relying on reason, good organization, and verifiable facts.

What is a rhetorical appeal ?

The elements of an argument that give it real persuasive power are its rhetorical appeals. A writer must engage the reader in various different ways in order to present a compelling argument. The four different sorts of persuasions are kairos, pathos, ethos, and logos. To persuade a crowd with reason, one uses logos, the appeal to logic. An author must grab attention in a number of compelling ways in order to be rhetorically effective (and thus persuasive). This requires carefully considering how to create an argument in order to accomplish the desired result, which is audience agreement with the argument or point.

Rhetorical appeals are -

Ethos: relying on evidencePathos is an emotional appeal.Logic is used by logos.

The speaker employs rhetorical appeal to persuade the audience by relying on reason, good organization, and verifiable facts.

To know more about rhetorical appeal, visit:


Write a review of the two performances of a scene from shakespeare's the tempest in this lesson. First, identify shakespeare's purpose as it relates to colonialism and imperialism. Then explain how well each performance achieves that purpose, supporting your opinion with evidence.


The Tempest, a play originally presented during the 1600s, made by William Shakespeare, is a play about enchantment, treachery, government/imperialism, love, power, and pardoning.

What is The Tempest about short summary?The Tempest provides a rather simple tale about an unjust act, Prospero's brother usurping the crown, and Prospero's attempt to reinstate justice by taking back control of the situation.The show includes songs and music that capture the enchanted atmosphere of the island. Numerous themes are covered, such as magic, treachery, retaliation, and family. A wedding masque acts as a play within a play in Act IV and adds spectacle, allegory, and sophisticated language.The play's main protagonists, Caliban, Prospero, Miranda, and Ariel, spend the majority of their time on an island off the coast of Italy. like many well-known plays do.The Tempest has its own adaptations in the forms of books, movies, and plays, allowing the authors of these adaptations to depict the tale however they please and emphasise particular themes more strongly than others.

To learn more about Tempest refer :


Select the proper meaning. Irrational false unbelievable responsible unreasonable.


1) stage in cycle everyone goes and changes from time to time

2) unreasonable for an example the little boy is being irrational because he just wants the big red ball at the store.

3) late

4) firm decision

5) exact copy

6) melted

To learn more about irrational please click on below link


what is the setting of "the difficult path"



written by grace lin,centers on a young girl,lingsi,who acts as a servant to the wealthy Li familyin imperial china

How long should you wait before sending a thank-you letter following an

A. One week
B. One day
C. One month
D. Two to three days


Answer: B.

because if you get the job it be good to say thank you letter as soon as possible

You should wait about a two- three days

Part D
During the discussion, what main points did participants make that supported your thesis, opposed your
thesis, or raised new questions or related observations and thoughts?


The main points regarding this thesis are we had a pretty balanced discussion, and in the end, we both agreed to come to an understanding.

We wasted a lot of time hunting for sources to back up our assertions, so if I could go back in time, I'd give us both some time at the beginning to acquire the information we needed to support our points.

Monuments can be used as a teaching tool, which is a new perspective I wouldn't have had if I hadn't talked about it with anyone.

A thesis statement will assist one in narrowing the topic choice and should clearly describe the subject of one's paper.

In a seven to ten page essay on hunger, one might state something like: "World hunger has various causes and effects." For two main reasons, this thesis statement is weak and there are ways to make it strong.

To know more about 'thesis' related question



Instructions: Complete the sentences below by adding a predicale
were planting bell peppers.
1) The farmers
2) Your flower garden
3) The cricket team
4) The doctor
5) All your children
6) Savanna-la-Mar
7) The fruits on the vendor's
These letters
8) The village postman
9) Most of the cars
(10)These letter


1. The farmers were planting bell peppers.

2. Your flower garden has a bee hive

3. The cricket team is celebrating its win.

4. The doctor is treating a patient.

What exactly is a predicate example?

A predicate is the portion of a sentence or clause that tells us what the subject is doing or is. Considering the following sentence: "The cat is sleeping in the sun." The predicate is the clause sleeping in the sun, which describes what the cat is doing.

5.  All your children are in the playground.

6. Savanna-la-Mar is a town in Jamaica.

7. The fruits on the vendor's stall are quite fresh.

8. The village postman is getting retired.

9. Most of the cars release harmful polllutants.

10. These letters are for the neighbors.

Therefore, the words in a clause or sentence that define the action but not the subject are referred to as predicates.

Learn more about sentences from the given link.


Describe how your day is going in 1-2 sentences. Include verbal irony in your description and explain what about it is verbally ironic.




“My day has been just wonderful if you ask me. First off, I slept through all 3 of my alarms and almost got to school late, forget my lunchbox, spilled water all over my shoes, and to top it all off, I have tons of homework!”

The reason that my statement is verbally ironic is because in my first sentence I stated that, “my day has been just wonderful if you ask me”. Then following that statement, I listed some not so great things that had happened to me. Which shows that I am saying sarcastic things and therefor showing verbal irony.

1. I clean my bedroom



My bedroom is cleaned by me

Which choice best explains the effect of the author's
faulty reasoning?

The audience will be inclined to dismiss the claim that choosing fish for an aquarium should be a careful decision
The audience will be confused by the conflicting evidence arguing that saltwater fish as unique and beautiful pets
The audience will be convinced that many aquarium owners destroy the environment
The audience will be interested in reading more about the fish for saltwater aquariums



The audience will be inclined to dismiss the claim that choosing fish for an aquarium should be a careful decision


it has more logical reasons

Assessment: Which of the following describes
a central idea of the text?
A . Dystopian fiction appeals to teens because
it criticizes the way teens feel.
B. Dystopian fiction appeals to teens because
it criticizes the society we live in.
C. Dystopian fiction appeals to teens because
parents never read these types of stories.
D. Dystopian fiction appeals to teens because
it helps them understand their parents


The central idea of the text is that "Dystopian fiction appeals to teens because it criticizes the society we live in," as stated in option B and seen below.

Teens and dystopian novels

In the article "Why Teens Find the End of the World So Appealing," author Elissa Nadworny discusses the reason why dystopian young adult novels are so popular among teens.

According to the article, these are the reasons:

Teenagers can relate to the main characters as they are born into a world that has been messed up by the previous generations and whose rules do not make sense.Teenagers enjoy reading things that speak to their feelings. Thus, the angst in these novels relates to their angst in real life.Teenagers are also learning to exercise their ability to question things and to try different identities. Such novels have the potential to help them go through this stage in their lives.

Therefore, we can see that the article is mainly about how teens feel. Teens tend to criticize the world and society, question the rules, and try different things. And so do these novels.

Therefore, we can conclude option B is the correct answer.

Learn more about dystopian novels here:


clearly o connor had a special fondness for peacocks infer why she might have been so drawn to these unusual birds


We can actually infer here that O'Connor had been so drawn to these peacocks because right from when she was a child, she loved birds and that was her interest which later turned to a passion.

Who is Flannery O'Connor?

Flannery O'Connor was actually known to be an American novelist and short story writer. She was also referred to be an essayist. O'Connor is known to have written two novels and about 31 short stories alongside with reviews and commentaries before her death at the age of 39.

It's known that O'Connor had love for birds right from her childhood days. She had to buy a family of peacocks.

Her words before she died are: “I intend to stand firm and let the peacocks multiply, for I am sure that, in the end, the last word will be theirs.” — Flannery O’Connor.

Learn more about Flannery O'Connor on


Complete the following sentence by filling in the blank.

In an outline, main points are indicated by ____ numerals.



In an outline, main points are indicated by Roman numerals


I hope this helps!!!

Please mark Brainliest :)


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