Compare and contrast the stories by Edgar Allan Poe with the films by Tim Burton and provide examples to support your response. Consider elements such as setting, plot, mood & tone, characters, sounds, colors, state of mind, and theme

use 300 words or more thank u in advance


Answer 1


Both Tim Burton and Edgar Allan Poe wrote about death, tormented heroes, and hopeless love. The horror aesthetic of Poe’s stories is found in most of Burton’s movies. The use of stop motion in black and white highlights the contrast between light and darkness. Burton uses sounds such as an organ, thunder, and a somber soundtrack that enhance the horror setting. Visual details like skeletons, black cats, bats, and spiders strengthen the horror aesthetic.

Burton has said that as a child he used to escape from his reality by reading the horror books of Edgar Allan Poe and watching horror movies inspired on them.

Interestingly, Burton´s first movie, Vincent (1982), was a stop motion animation full of references to "The Raven", Poe´s most famous poem.

Vincent Malloy is a 7-year-old-boy obsessed with Edgar Allan Poe, his favorite author, and with Vincent Price, the actor whose characters Vincent wants to be like. Notably, Vincent Price is also the narrator of the short movie and was famous for his work in horror movies, many of which had been adapted from Poe’s stories. Vincent confuses his reality with Poe´s stories. For example, he believes his house is a big castle where he can perform experiments such as transforming his dog into a zombie and his aunt into a doll. Vincent´s last words at the end of the movie are an exact quotation from "The Raven". In addition to the direct mention of Poe and his work, Poe’s influence can also be seen in the poetic format of the movie.

Furthermore, both the movie and the poem have themes like delusion, love, beauty, the supernatural, and death. In the movie, Vincent goes insane as he starts to believe that his wife was buried alive, while in the poem, there´s a supernatural setting, and a man is being disturbed both psychologically and emotionally by a raven about the death of the woman he loved.

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please please help me
please do what you can do​



3. Kate said that people sometimes sold drugs outside her school.

4. The police officer said they were going to study the CCTV footage that day.

5. Fred said Jack had stolen a camera from a shop the day before.

6. Sam said the police were looking for the thief who had stolen his car.

2. She said they had arrived two minutes before.

3. She said they were getting out of their car.

4. She said she recognised one of them.

5. She said he had robbed a bank in London four years before.

6. She said they looked nervous.

7. She said one of them was carrying a large black bag.

8. She said they were going into the bank.

9. She said she was going to follow them.


Reported speech is the description of what someone said, sort of a paraphrase since we change a few things from the original sentence.

Let's use the first sentence to explain the rules of reported speech.

"People sometimes sell drugs outside my school," said Kate.

First, we identify the speaker. In this case, Kate is the one who said the sentence. Therefore, any first person pronouns (I, my, me) should be transformed into the third person (she, her). "My school" becomes "her school".

Second, we find the verb and identify its tense. In the sentence above, it is "sell", which is in the simple present. When reporting a sentence, we change the verb to the past form of the original tense. For example: simple present --> simple past; simple past --> past perfect; etc. Thus, "sell" becomes "sold."

The whole sentence becomes:

Kate said people sometimes sold drugs outside her school.

Another rule that was not applied in the sentence above is changing time expressions to indicate an earlier time. For example: today --> that day; yesterday --> the day before; tomorrow --> the following day.

Create funny news story about how this happened.


C a r I n t r e e g o b r r r r

PLEASE HELP ME ASAP I'M BEING TIMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read the excerpt from act 2, scene 1, of Julius Caesar.

BRUTUS. O ye gods,
Render me worthy of this noble wife!

[Knocking within]

Hark, hark, one knocks. Portia, go in a while,
And by and by thy bosom shall partake
The secrets of my heart.
All my engagements I will construe to thee,
All the charactery of my sad brows.
Leave me with haste.


Which statement best explains Brutus’s motivation in this scene?

A. Brutus wants to assure Portia that he will confide in her as soon as he can safely do so.
B. Brutus wants to get Portia to join the conspiracy with him.
C. Brutus wants to ask the conspirators to explain things to Portia.
D. Brutus wants to introduce the conspirators to Portia.



yes I gree but some has problem


A. Brutus wants to assure Portia that he will confide in her as soon as he can safely do so.


In Act 2, Scene 1 from Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," Brutus has been planning Caesar's murder and meeting with the conspirators for some time now. Portia notices how strange Brutus has been acting, so she insistently requests him to tell her what is the matter with him, but since Brutus wants to protect her, he keeps her out the conspiracy, falsely promising her that he will let her now what the matter is later.

Which of these attitudes about war are reflected in "Grass"? Select all that apply.
- There are tremendous human costs in war.
- the sacrifices made in war are soon forgotten.
- although costly, wars allow the established world order to change.
- Wars help us understand and appreciate the value of human life.



There are tremendous human costs in war.

The sacrifices made in war are soon forgotten.


Reading "Grass" shows that there are enormous human costs in war and that wars help us to understand and appreciate the value of human life.

What does "Grass" address?The violent Japanese occupation of Korea.The violence of Imperial Japan.The suffering of Koreans amid war.The lives of women taken by soldiers.

"Grass" is a pacifist work as it shows how wars are dirty, abominable, violent, and distressing. The loss of resources in war is very high, but human losses are more significant because of their value.

Learn more about Imperial Japan:


A corridor is a type of






Read the closing lines of the poem "Dulce et Decorum Est". How does diction impact the mood of the poem
A. by emphasizing the gruesomeness of battle
B. by highlighting the irony of war being sweet and glorious
C. by noting that children are patriotic
D. by explaining the speaker's failure as a solider​



B) by highlighting the irony of war of being sweet and glorious


- 2021 Edmentum

The closing lines of the poem, 'Dulce et Decorum Est' impact the mood of the poem by highlighting the irony of war being sweet and glorious. Hence, option B holds true.

What is the significance of 'Dulce et Decorum Est'?

The poem Dulce et Decorum Est is a poem that holds on to the theme, which explains the degree of patriotism found in a soldier in the situation of war. It also mentions that one must fight to serve homage to them who have actually fought the war.

In the last few lines of the poem, it is expressed that the war is an ironical situation where the beginning is panicking, but the end, however, is sweet and glorious.

Hence, option B holds true regarding the mood of the poem 'Dulce et Decorum Est.'

Learn more about 'Dulce et Decorum Est' here:


TRUE or FALSE:The two types of risks are Good Risks and Unsafe Risks.


It’s true. I’m doing the same question

A speaker says:
Um, excuse me. Are you, uh, gonna eat that?

Which of the following is the correct way to transcribe this according to our Clean Verbatim Style Guide?

A) Excuse me. Are you going to eat that?
B) Um, excuse me. Are you, uh, going to eat that?
C) Excuse me. Are you gonna eat that?





It shows a good quotation mark

Poetry means the world the world to me common lit assignment


That is good but i dont see a question try editing your post

Who is Gustavo Schroeder



he was a German sea captain who in 1939 tried to save 937 German Jews from death while on his ship


how to improve sanitation​



Improve sanitation facilities by providing toilets and latrines that flush into a sewer or safe enclosure. Promote good hygiene habits through education. Proper hand washing with soap and water can reduce diarrhea cases by up to 35 percent.


Hope this helps!!

which statement would most likely appear in a historical essay

A. i believe The study of ancient Greece should be removed from curriculum

B. that is why visiting Greece should be on your bucket list

C. The influence of ancient Greeks everywhere in modern culture

D. The slave girl for Cesar water and gazed at his noble eyes


Answer: C. The influence of ancient Greeks everywhere in modern culture.

Explanation: Have no explanation sorry. But this answer is confirmed by Buzz (Acceleration Education).

Note: hope this helps you, sorry for the late answer. It will help you in the future tho.

All My Other Answers:

Learn More:

The statement that would most likely appear in a historical essay is "The influence of ancient Greeks everywhere in modern culture".

What is a historical essay?

A historical essay presents an argument or claim regarding one or more historical events and will provide evidence, arguments, and references to back up that assertion.

The abovementioned statement seems to throw light on the historical elements of Greece such as its culture and infrastructure that is influencing the modern world.

Other statements' narrative does not seem to be historical.

Hence, option A is correct.

To learn more about historical essay here


Which choice BEST states the central message of this story?


Answe: I don’t know


Which statement illustrates the difference between a chemical reaction and a nuclear reaction? A nuclear reaction releases more energy per gram and appears to violate the law of conservation of mass. A nuclear reaction releases less energy per gram and appears to violate the law of conservation of mass. A nuclear reaction releases more energy per gram but does not appear to violate the law of conservation of mass. A nuclear reaction releases less energy per gram but does not appear to violate the law of conservation of mass.Which statement illustrates the difference between a chemical reaction and a nuclear reaction? A nuclear reaction releases more energy per gram and appears to violate the law of conservation of mass. A nuclear reaction releases less energy per gram and appears to violate the law of conservation of mass. A nuclear reaction releases more energy per gram but does not appear to violate the law of conservation of mass. A nuclear reaction releases less energy per gram but does not appear to violate the law of conservation of mass.



A nuclear reaction releases more energy per gram and appears to violate the law of conservation of mass.


An atom can be defined as the smallest unit comprising of matter that forms all chemical elements. Thus, atoms are basically the building blocks of matters and as such determines or defines the structure of a chemical element.

Generally, atoms are typically made up of three distinct particles and these are protons, neutrons and electrons.

A chemical reaction can be defined as a reaction in which two or more atoms of a chemical element react to form a chemical compound.

On the other hand, a nuclear reaction can be defined as a reaction in which the nucleus of an atom is transformed by being joined (fusion) or split (fission) with the nucleus of another atom of a radioactive element.

The energy that holds the neutrons and protons found in the nucleus of an atom together is known as Nuclear energy. It is also stored in the nucleus of an atom as potential energy.

Hence, the statement which illustrates the difference between a chemical reaction and a nuclear reaction is that, a nuclear reaction releases more energy per gram and appears to violate the law of conservation of mass.

The law of conservation of mass states that the mass of a substance in an isolated system can neither be created nor destroyed by a chemical reaction.





pls pls pls help me pls I will give brainless pls

find the verb in this sentence?

The Willow Equine Rescue Barn has been helping horses in trouble.

Group of answer choices

has been




Some of the horses there are suffering from injuries.

Group of answer choices





A few were mistreated by their owners.

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Horses should be provided with the right food.

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This horse will need medicine, care, and the right diet.

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1- helping 2- suffering 3-mistreated 4-provided 5-need


please helppp!! :-((​



3. Endangered

5. Resources


Those are the answers... :)

3. Endangered
5. Resources

Can you help me??

3. Think of some famous spokespeople. Do you think they help sell products? Have any
of them done things that could actually hurt sales?

4. Think about a kind of product (e.g., running shoes, an electric car, a smart phone,
yogurt). What kind of mascot could help sell the product?​





is the best phone ever .it has a natural camera and it is also smart

Explain why a dependent clause doesn't express a complete thought



because a dependent clause only states the verb (action) that the character is doing, not what the character is thinking.

How does the section "Start with Your
Breath," on pages 4-5, fit into the structure
of the passage as a whole?



Option 1


The faith cure man:

Was Martha ‘s approach for dealing with her dying daughter the right approach ?



Martha's approach was correct.


"The faith cure man" tells the story of how Martha managed to find a cure for her daughter, even after it seemed that the child would not survive at all. All the doctors said that there was no chance of Martha's daughter surviving the illness she had and that there was no treatment that could help the child.

Martha's approach to this news was not to lose hope. For her, while her daughter was alive, she would not accept this diagnosis and would look for other ways to help the girl. For this reason, she came into contact with a man who healed through prayer and faith. Martha had great faith that her daughter would be healed and that is why she followed all the recommendations that this man presented. The recommendations were followed to the letter by Martha and this, in fact, healed her daughter. In this case, we can say that Martha was correct in maintaining hope and faith, being proactive and pursuing her goals.

Read the excerpt from act 2, scene 1, of Julius Caesar. [BRUTUS.] And for Mark Antony, think not of him, For he can do no more than Caesar's arm When Caesar's head is off. How does this example of dramatic irony affect the audience? It makes Brutus appear heartless and cruel because he want Mark Antony killed. It heightens suspense because they underestimate Mark Antony who is dangerous. It makes Mark Antony look like he is a part of the conspiracy. It makes it look like Mark Antony wants Caesar dead so he can become king.



It heightens suspense because they underestimate Mark Antony who is dangerous


According to the excerpt from act 2, scene 1, of Julius Caesar, Brutus is quoted t say that Mark Antony should not be a source of concern for them because he cannot do anything once Caesar is murdered.

This example of dramatic irony affects the audience by heightening suspense because the conspirators underestimate Mark Antony who is dangerous.

P. S Dramatic Irony occurs when the audience is aware of some key elements in a story, but the character is unaware.

The dramatic irony affected the audience as B. It heightens suspense because they underestimate Mark Antony who is dangerous

What is dramatic irony?

Dramatic irony simply occur when the audience is aware of some key elements in a story, but the character is unaware.

In this case, Brutus is quoted that Mark Antony should not be a source of concern for them. Here, the dramatic irony affected the audience as it heightens suspense because they underestimate Mark Antony who is dangerous.

Learn more about irony on:

What happened when Mark Watney tried to make water in the movie “The Martian”


Answer: It explodes



Watney takes the risk of creating his own water by using his oxygenator, extracting hydrogen from the crew's unused hydrazine fuel,and burning them to create the extra water he needs to nourish his potatoes.


i like that movie

On my last full day, the sixth day, the old man took me out fishing on the Rainy River. The afternoon was
sunny and cold. A stiff breeze came in from the north, and I remember how the little fourteen-foot boat
made sharp rocking motions as we pushed off from the dock. The current was fast. All around us, I
remember, there was a vastness to the world, an unpeopled rawnes, just the trees and the sky and the
water reaching out toward nowhere. The air had the brittle scent of October,



It's a nice poem


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Universe, galaxy, solar system


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The 'Law of Limitation' prescribes the time-limit for different suits within, which an aggrieved person can approach the court for redress or justice. The ''Law of Limitation'' prescribes the time-limit for different suits within, which an aggrieved person can approach the court for redress or justice.

No links I will report them

Match the narrative technique to the sentence that best demonstrates it

Everything is in the picture



first one: Dialogue

second one: description

third one: reflection


hope it helps

what is the claim in this excerpt the role of social media in the arab uprisings


The answer is on this file

Hopes this helped you out

PART A : How does the author's use of first person accounts of September 11th advance the overall purpose of the article ?
A.It emphasizes the severity of the attack .
B.It establishes who committed the attacks and why .
C.It provides reassurance that some people survived the attack .
D.It shows how fearless people were during the attack .​



A.It emphasizes the severity of the attack .

(if its correct plz brainiest)



A, it emphasizes the severity of the attack.


Hello, actually I'm French and some people said me that for my work (which is noted) this one is better and some this so which accent is more English please ?



Both are similar in terms of accent, but I think second recording has slightly better delivery.


Et tres joli accent, je trouve :)

Can someone help me with number 5 please



it's a


it's person vs. self


A - Internal conflict - Person vs. Self


It is Juan and only Juan who is thinking about whether he wants to play football or soccer. It has nothing to do with nature or other people. That is an internal conflict that is happening inside of his mind.

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