Compare and contrast Albert Einstein and Karl Popper regarding their views on the nature and philosophy of science. Use the key concepts of each to explain their views. Consider how they begin their accounts, the arguments they make to support their views, and their key conclusions.


Answer 1


Well Albert Einstein is more smarter PERIOD


Related Questions

4 people are playing a tug of war. Two are pulling on the right side. Two are pulling on the left side. On the right side, one is pulling with a force of 60 N and the other with a force of 70 N. On the left side, one is pulling with a force of 30 N. How much force should the second person on the left apply to keep the rope in equilibrium? HINT: The rope will be in equilibrium if the net force is 0.





since the two at the left side is pulling with a force of 70 and 60 which equals to 130 for the rope to be in equilibrium, those at the left must also pull with same force. Which makes it 130-30=100N

A 125 kg mail bag hangs by a vertical rope 3.3 m long. A postal worker then displaces the bag to a position 2.2 m sideways from its original position, always keeping the rope taut.
1) What horizontal force is necessary to hold the bag in the new position?
2) As the bag is moved to this position, how much work is done by the rope?
3) As the bag is moved to this position, how much work is done by the worker?



1) the required horizontal force F is 1095.6 N

2) W = 0 J { work done by rope will be 0 since tension perpendicular }

3) work is done by the worker is 1029.4 J


Given that;

mass of bag m = 125 kg

length of rope [tex]l[/tex] = 3.3 m

displacement of bag d = 2.2 m

1) What horizontal force is necessary to hold the bag in the new position?

from the figure below; ( triangle )


sin = opp / hyp

sin[tex]\theta[/tex] = d / [tex]l[/tex]

sin[tex]\theta[/tex] = 2.2/ 3.3

sin[tex]\theta[/tex] = 0.6666

[tex]\theta[/tex] = sin⁻¹ ( 0.6666 )

[tex]\theta[/tex]  = 41.81°

Now, tension in the string is resolved into components as illustrated in the image below;

Tsin[tex]\theta[/tex] = F  

Tcos[tex]\theta[/tex] = mg


Tsin[tex]\theta[/tex] / Tcos[tex]\theta[/tex] = F / mg

sin[tex]\theta[/tex] / cos[tex]\theta[/tex] = F / mg

we know that; tangent = sine/cosine


tan[tex]\theta[/tex] = F / mg

F = mg tan[tex]\theta[/tex]

we substitute

Horizontal force F = (125kg)( 9.8 m/s²) tan( 41.81° )

F = 1225 × 0.8944

F = 1095.6 N

Therefore, the required horizontal force F is 1095.6 N

2)  As the bag is moved to this position, how much work is done by the rope?

Tension in the rope and displacement of mass are perpendicular,

so, work done will be;

W = Tdcos90°

W = Td × 0

W = 0 J { work done by rope will be 0 since tension perpendicular }

3) As the bag is moved to this position, how much work is done by the worker

from the diagram in the image below;


cos = adj / hyp

cos[tex]\theta[/tex]  = ([tex]l[/tex] - h) / [tex]l[/tex]

we substitute

cos[tex]\theta[/tex]  = ([tex]l[/tex] - h) / [tex]l[/tex]  = 1 - h/[tex]l[/tex]

cos[tex]\theta[/tex] = 1 - h/[tex]l[/tex]

h/[tex]l[/tex] = 1 - cos[tex]\theta[/tex]

h = [tex]l[/tex]( 1 - cos[tex]\theta[/tex] )

now, work done by the worker against gravity will be;

W = mgh = mf[tex]l[/tex]( 1 - cos[tex]\theta[/tex] )

W = mf[tex]l[/tex]( 1 - cos[tex]\theta[/tex] )

we substitute

W = (125 kg)((9.8 m/s²)(3.3 m)( 1 - cos41.81° )

W = 4042.5 × ( 1 - 0.745359 )

W = 4042.5 × 0.254641

W = 1029.4 J

Therefore,  work is done by the worker is 1029.4 J

An official major league baseball has a mass of 0.14 kg. A pitcher throws a 40 m/s fastball which is hit by the batter straight back up the middle at a speed of 46 m/s.
a) What is the change in momentum of the ball during the collision with the bat?
b) If this collision occurs during a time of 0.012 seconds, what is the average force exerted by the bat on the ball?



(a) The change in momentum is 12.04 kg-m/s

(b) The force exerted by the bat is 1003.33 N


Given that,

The mass of a ball, m = 0.14 kg

Initial speed of the ball, u = 40 m/s

Final speed of the ball, v = -46 m/s

(a) The change in momentum of the ball during the collision with the bat is given by :

[tex]\Delta p=m(v-u)\\\\=0.14(-46-40)\\\\=-12.04\ kg-m/s[/tex]

(b) Time for collision, t = 0.012 s

Now the force can be calculated as follows :

[tex]F=\dfrac{\Delta p}{t}\\\\F=\dfrac{12.04}{0.012}\\\\=1003.33\ N[/tex]

Hence, this is the required solution.


a. = 12.04 kg*m/s

b. = 1,003.3N


The answer above is correct.

An instructor wishes to determine the wavelength of the light in a laser beam. To do so, she directs the beam toward a partition with two tiny slits separated by 0.180 mm. An interference pattern appears on a screen that lies 5.30 m from the slit pair. The instructor's measurements show that two adjacent bright interference fringes lie 1.60 cm apart on the screen. What is the laser's wavelength (in nm) ?



λ = 5.434 x 10⁻⁷ m = 543.4 nm


To solve this problem we can use the formula provided by Young's Double Slit experiment:

[tex]\Delta x = \frac{\lambda L}{d}\\\\\lambda = \frac{\Delta xd}{L}[/tex]


λ = wavelength of light = ?

Δx = distance between adjacent bright fringes = 1.6 cm = 0.016 m

d = slit separation = 0.18 mm = 0.00018 m

L = Distance between slits and screen = 5.3 m


[tex]\lambda = \frac{(0.016\ m)(0.00018\ m)}{5.3\ m}[/tex]

λ = 5.434 x 10⁻⁷ m = 543.4 nm

The idea is to get as much EMF produced from the sprinter running through it. If you were the Olympic coach on a year when there happens to be a global energy crisis, and medals were assigned based on how much EMF (or current) were produced by the sprinters, what 3 pieces of advice (one is quite obvious; the other two involve the fixed orientation of the baton and the maintained position of the baton within the circular solenoid cross-section) would you give your sprinters in order to win?



the greater the speed, the greater the electromotive force

* The metal pole must be parallel to the field

* you must keep the ball of the field


To determine the advice to the runners, let's use the Farad equation to and

           fem = -N [tex]\frac{ d \phi}{dt}[/tex]  = -N [tex]\frac{ B A Cos \theta }{dt}[/tex]

how the runners are moving

                 fi = B l x

            fem = -N B l v

therefore the advice we can give are:

* the greater the speed, the greater the electromotive force

* The metal pole must be parallel to the field

* you must keep the ball of the field

Consider a large truck carrying a heavy load, such as steel beams. A significant hazard for the driver is that the load may slide forward, crushing the cab, if the truck stops suddenly in an accident or even in braking. Assume, for example, that a 10 000-kg load sits on the flatbed of a 20 000-kg truck moving at 12.0 m/s. Assume that the load is not tied down to the truck, but has a coefficient of friction of 0.500 with the flatbed of the truck.
A) Calculate the minimum stopping distance for which the load will not slide forward relative to the truck.
B) Is any piece of data unnecessary for the solution?
a) mass of the load.
b) mass of the truck.
c) velocity.
d) coefficient of static friction.
e) all are necessary.




the minimum stopping distance for which the load will not slide forward relative to the truck is 14 m


data that were not necessary to the solution are;

a) mass of truck and b) mass of load


Given that;

mass of load [tex]m_{LS}[/tex] = 10000 kg

mass of flat bed [tex]m_{FB}[/tex] = 20000 kg

initial speed of truck [tex]v_{0}[/tex] = 12 m/s

coefficient of friction between the load sits and flat bed μs = 0.5

A) the minimum stopping distance for which the load will not slide forward relative to the truck.

Now, using the expression

Fs,max = μs [tex]F_{N}[/tex]     -------------let this be equation 1

where [tex]F_{N}[/tex] = normal force = mg


Fs,max = μs mg

ma[tex]_{max}[/tex] = μs mg

divide through by mass

a[tex]_{max}[/tex] = μs g    ---------- let this be equation 2

in equation 2, we substitute in our values

a[tex]_{max}[/tex] = 0.5 × 9.8 m/s²

a[tex]_{max}[/tex] = 4.9 m/s²

now, from the third equation of motion

v² = u² + 2as

[tex]v_{f}[/tex]² = [tex]v_{0}[/tex]² + 2aΔx

where [tex]v_{f}[/tex] is final velocity ( 0 m/s )

a is acceleration( - 4.9 m/s² )

so we substitute

(0)² = (12 m/s)² + 2(- 4.9 m/s² )Δx

0 = 144 m²/s² - 9.8 m/s²Δx

9.8 m/s²Δx = 144 m²/s²

Δx = 144 m²/s² /  9.8 m/s²

Δx = 14 m

Therefore, the minimum stopping distance for which the load will not slide forward relative to the truck is 14 m

B) data that were not necessary to the solution are;

a) mass of truck and b) mass of load

A boy kicks a football with a force of 20 N, the time the force acts for is 0.3s. Calculate the impulse on the ball.



20 * .3 = 6N


The impulse on the ball kicked with a force of 20 N force 0.3 s is 6 Ns

From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Force = 20 N

Time = 0.3 s

Impulse = ?

The impulse on the ball can be obtained as follow:

[tex]impulse \: = force \: \times time \\ impulse \: = 20 \: \times \: 0.3 \\[/tex]

Impulse = 6 Ns

Therefore, the impulse on the ball is 6 Ns

Learn more:

A roller-coaster car has a mass of 1240 kg when fully loaded with passengers. As the car passes over the top of a circular hill of radius 22 m, its speed is not changing. (a) At the top of the hill, what is the normal force (using the negative sign for the downward direction) FN on the car from the track if the car's speed is v = 8.7 m/s? (b) What is FN if v = 20 m/s? Use g=9.81 m/s2.



a)      N = 7.90 10³ N,  b) N = -1.04 10⁴ N


a) For this exercise we can use Newton's second law

             N -W = m (-a)

The relationship is centripetal, the negative sign of the acceleration is because it points towards the center of the circle

              a = v² / r

we substitute

             N = mg -m v² /r  

             N = m (g - v² /r)

let's calculate

v = 8.7 m / s

             N = 1240 (9.81 - 8.7²/22)

             N = 7.90 10³ N

b) v = 20 m / s

             N = 1240 (9.81 - 20²/22)

             N = -1.04 10⁴ N

What is the average kinetic energy of particles in a gas at a temperature of 245 Kelvins?





Two girls are estimating each other's power. One runs up some step
ng each other's power. One runs up some steps, and the other times her. Here are their
height of one step = 20 cm
number of steps = 36
mass of runner = 45 kg
time taken = 4.2 s
a .Calculate the runner's weight. (Acceleration due to gravity g=10m
b .Calculate the increase in the girl's gravitational potential energy as she runs up the steps.
c. Calculate her power. Give your answer in kilowatts (kW).​



A. 450 N

B. 3240 J

C. 0.77 KW


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Height of one step = 20 cm

Number of steps = 36

Mass of runner = 45 kg

Time taken = 4.2 s

Next, we shall convert 20 cm to metre (m). This can be obtained as follow:

100 cm = 1 m


20 cm = 20 cm × 1 m /100 cm

20 cm = 0.2 m

Next, we shall determine the total height. This can be obtained as follow:

Height of one step = 0.2 m

Number of steps = 36

Total height =?

Total height = 36 × 0.2

Total height = 7.2 m

A. Determination of the runner's weight.

Mass of runner (m) = 45 kg

Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10 m/s²

Weight (W) =?

W = m × g

W = 45 × 10

W = 450 N

B. Determination of the increase in the potential energy.

At the ground level, the potential energy (PE₁) is 0 J.

Next, we shall determine the potential energy at 7.2 m. This can be obtained as follow:

Mass of runner (m) = 45 kg

Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10 m/s²

Total height (h) = 7.2 m

Potential energy at height 7.2 m (PE₂) = ?

PE₂ = mgh

PE₂ = 45 × 10 × 7.2

PE₂ = 3240 J

Final, we shall determine the increase in potential energy. This can be obtained as follow:

Potential energy at ground (PE₁) = 0 J

Potential energy at height 7.2 m (PE₂) = 3240 J

Increase in potential energy =?

Increase in potential energy = PE₂ – PE₁

Increase in potential energy = 3240 – 0

Increase in potential energy = 3240 J

C. Determination of the power.

Energy (E) = 3240 J

Time (t) = 4.2 s

Power (P) =?

P = E/t

P = 3240 / 4.2

P = 771.43 W

Finally, we shall convert 771.43 W to kilowatt (KW). This can be obtained as follow:

1000 W = 1 KW


771.43 W = 771.43 W × 1 KW / 1000 W

771.43 W = 0.77 KW

Therefore, her power is 0.77 KW

Gravity does not actually "pull" objects at
all, rather gravity is a result of the warping.
or curving, of

A Stars and planets
B. The solar system
C Spacetime
D. Any object


I believe it’s (D. Any object)

4. Name three examples of "concentrated" forms of energy.



Nuclear power plant.

Gas stove.


Gas pump.

Geothermal heat pump.

Power lines.

Solar panels.



Hope this helps :))


gasoline,solar panels,geothermal heat pump,windmills





The sun and the stars


I hope this helps!


Northstar & North Pole



Explain which energies work together to bake the bread
and cook the eggs.



Thermal Energy


The energies that work together to bake the bread and cook the eggs is the thermal energy. Thermal energy is basically heat energy, which makes the food warmer.

Thermal energy and chemical energy work together to bake the bread and cook the eggs.

What is thermal energy?

The energy present in a system that determines its temperature is referred to as thermal energy. Thermal energy flows as heat. Thermodynamics is a whole field of physics that studies how heat is transmitted across various systems and how work is done in the process.

What is chemical energy?

Chemical energy is described as: the power that is kept in chemical compound bonds (molecules and atoms). It is released during the chemical process, which is referred to as an exothermic reaction, which mostly generates heat as a byproduct.

When the bread is baked or the eggs are cooked, thermal energy is provided from outside and  chemical energy inside the molecules of bread  or eggs come to play. So, these two energies work together to bake the bread and cook the eggs.

Learn more about energy here:


Help please :)

X-ray waves are transmitted by ....... ?



im not sure maybe viberation



X-ray waves are transmitted by ....... body tissues with very little absorption

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

a guitar string transmits waves at 509 m/s. to create a 491 Hz note, to what length should the guitar player shorten the string?



Wavelength = 1.04 meters


Given the following data;

Speed = 509m/s

Frequency = 491Hz

To find the wavelength;

Wavelength = speed/frequency

Wavelength = 509/491

Wavelength = 1.04 meters

Therefore, the guitar player should shorten the length of the string to 1.04 meters.

Answer: 0.52


A bird lands on a bird feeder which is connected to a spring. The mass of the bird is exactly the same as the mass of the bird feeder. How does the added mass affect the period of oscillation of the bird feeder?

The period is less, but not halved.

The period is more, but not doubled.

The period is halved.

The period is doubled.



The period is more, but not doubled.


Recall that the period of a mass on a spring is T=2πmk.

An object is experiencing an acceleration of 0.4 m/s^2 while traveling in a circle of 35 m. What is it’s velocity?



v = 3.74 m/s


Given that,

The acceleration of the object in circular path, a = 0.4 m/s²

The radius of the circle, r = 35 m

We need to find the velocity of the object. The acceleration of an object on the circular path is given by :

[tex]a=\dfrac{v^2}{r}\\\\v=\sqrt{ar} \\\\v=\sqrt{0.4\times35}\\\\v=3.74\ m/s[/tex]

So, the velocity of the object is equal to 3.74 m/s.

How to calculate this operation? m=10kg and L=2500J/kg? What is the Energy?
I hope you will give me the correct answer because the last answer was too rude. His known by SOD!





Formula : Q = m×c×Δt

Q=Heat energy

m= mass

c=specific heat capacity

ΔT = change in temperature.

Q=M x C for this question.

Specific heat capacity = 2500 J/Kg

Mass = 10kg

2500 x 10 = 25000 J

At an amusement park there are 200-kg bumper cars A, B, and C that have riders with masses of 55 kg, 90 kg, and 42.5 kg respectively. Car A is moving to the right with a velocity vA = 2 m/s and car C has a velocity vC = 1.5 m/s to the left, but car B is initially at rest. The coefficient of restitution between each car is 0.8. Determine the final velocity of each car, after all impacts, assuming car A hits car B before car C does. Assume positive sign denoting forward motion and negative sign denoting backward motion.



Vb = 0.334 m/s

Va = -1.265 m/s

Vc = 1.424 m/s


Favorite Answer

Initial momentum = 255(2) – 242.5(1.5) = 146.25

Final momentum = 255Va + 290Vb + 242.5 Vc = 146.25

Vb - Va = 0.8(2) = 1.6

Vc - Vb = 0.8(1.5) = 1.2

Va = Vb -1.6

Vc = Vb + 1.2

255(Vb -1.6) + 290Vb + 242.5(Vb + 1.2) = 146.25

255 Vb – 408 + 290 Vb + 242.5 Vb + 291 = 146.25

787.5 Vb = 263.25

Vb = 0.334 m/s

Va = Vb -1.6 = 0.334 – 1.6 = -1.265 m/s

Vc = Vb + 1.2 = 0.224 + 1.2 = 1.424 m/s

Which of the following requires constant agonist-antagonist muscle contraction


Answer: Dynamic balance

Explanation: Dynamic balance movements are movements in which constant agonist-antagonist muscle contractions occur in order to maintain a certain position or posture. ISSA pg 121

Planets don't collide into
the sun because they

A. Are moving
B. Have too much mass
C. Have their own gravity
D. Are more attracted to each other


Every planet is at a different distance from the Sun and has a fixed orbit in which it revolves around the Sun. The Sun"s gravitational force holds the planets in this place and they do not collide with each other as their orbits are non-intersecting.
C. They have their own gravity

A spring stretches 5 cm when a 300-N mass is suspended from it. Calculate the spring constant in N / m .



Spring constant in N / m = 6,000



Length of spring stretches = 5 cm = 0.05 m

Force = 300 N


Spring constant in N / m


Spring constant in N / m = Force/Distance

Spring constant in N / m = 300 / 0.05

Spring constant in N / m = 6,000

What factors determine electric potential?
A. Mass and distance
B. Charge and density
C. Charge and distance
O D. Mass and charge


Answer: C. Charge and distance

A girl with a mass of 22 kg is playing on a swing. There are three main forces acting on her at any time: gravity, force due to centripetal acceleration, and the tension in the swing's chain (ignore the effects of air resistance). At the instant shown in the image below, she is at the bottom of the swing and is traveling at a constant speed of 2 m/s. What is the tension in the swing's chain at this time? (Recall that g = 9.8 m/s^2)
A. 97.5N
B. 180.9N
C. 237.6N
D. 117.4N



A is the answer I think pls check it

coefficient of viscosity of a glycerine is 8.4 poison explain



coefficient of viscosity of 8.4 poison denotes that the tangential frictional force acting per unit area when divided by the velocity gradient as a result of streamline flow conditions gives 8.4.


Viscosity is defined as the extent to which a fluid can resist flow when a force is applied to it.

Now, coefficient of viscosity is the term in which viscosity is calculated. It is basically the tangential frictional force acting per unit area which is divided by the velocity gradient as a result of streamline flow conditions.

Thus, coefficient of viscosity of 8.4 poison denotes that the tangential frictional force acting per unit area when divided by the velocity gradient as a result of streamline flow conditions gives 8.4.

One of the smallest planes ever flown was the Bumble Bee II, which had a mass of 180 kg. If the pilot’s mass was 70 kg, what was the velocity of both plane and pilot if their momentum was 20,800 kg∙m/s to the west?



83.2 m/s to the West


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Mass of plane = 180 Kg

Mass of pilot = 70 Kg

Momentum = 20800 Kg∙m/s West

Velocity =?

Next, we shall determine the total mass. This can be obtained as follow:

Mass of plane = 180 Kg

Mass of pilot = 70 Kg

Total mass =?

Total mass = Mass of plane + Mass of pilot

Total mass = 180 + 70

Total mass = 250 Kg

Finally, we shall determine the velocity. This can be obtained as follow:

Total mass = 250 Kg

Momentum = 20800 Kg∙m/s West

Velocity =?

Momentum = mass × Velocity

20800 = 250 × Velocity

Divide both side by 250

Velocity = 20800 / 250

Velocity = 83.2 m/s West

Thus, the velocity of both plane and pilot is 83.2 m/s to the West

A cyclist exerts a 15.0 N force while riding 251 m in 30.0 s. What power does the cyclist develop?





Sorry if im wrong!


125.5 watts






P=125.5 watts

Is TV light is converging rays, divergent rays or parallel rays?


I believe parallel rays

How is it difficult to perform electrostatic experiments on humid days​



that should be the right answer

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