Combine like terms to simplify the expression: 1.17 -0.07a + (-3.92a) 1.17 - 3.850 Stuck? Watch a video or use a hint.

Combine Like Terms To Simplify The Expression: 1.17 -0.07a + (-3.92a) 1.17 - 3.850 Stuck? Watch A Video


Answer 1

The given expression is


Observe that -0.07a and -3.92a are like terms, let's add them.

[tex]\text{1}.17-3.99a[/tex]Hence, the final expression is 1.17 - 3.99a.

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Find the absolute value|9\5|


[tex]\text{The absolute value of }\frac{9}{5\text{ }}\text{ = }\frac{9}{5}[/tex]

Absolute value simply means the number must be made positive. Since 9/5 is positive already the absolute value remains 9/5

The matrix associated with the solution to a system of linear equations in x, y, and z is given. Write the solution to the system if it exists. Write an exact answer in simplified form. If there are infinitely many solutions, write an expression involving z for each coordinate where z represents all real numbers.



[tex]\begin{gathered} x+2z=1 \\ y-5z=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The solution is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=1-2z \\ y=3+5z \\ z=z \end{gathered}[/tex]


We must convert the matrix into a system of linear equations.

Each vertical represents the letters x, y and z, the first the x, the second y and the third the z. The fourth value is the value of the independent term that would be equal to the other expression, just like this:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1x+0y+2z=1 \\ 0x+1y-5z=3 \\ 0x+0y+0z=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We operate and the system will finally be like this

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+2z=1 \\ y-5z=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

let's solve the system and we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=1-2z \\ y=3+5z \\ z=z \end{gathered}[/tex]

Write the equation of the function in vertex form, then convert to standard form.


The equation of the parabola in vertex form is


where the point (h,k) is the coordinate of the vertex. From our picture, we can note that (h,k)=(-6,-4).

By substituting these values into our first equation, we have


which gives


Now, we can find the constant a by substituting one of the other given point. If we choose point (0,-2) into this last equation, we get


which gives

[tex]\begin{gathered} -2=a(6^2)-4 \\ -2=36a-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

then, by moving -4 to the left hand side, we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} -2+4=36a \\ 2=36a \\ or\text{ equivalently,} \\ 36a=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

and finally, a is equal to

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=\frac{2}{36} \\ a=\frac{1}{18} \end{gathered}[/tex]

hence, the equation of the parabola in vertex form is


Now, lets convert this equation into a standrd form. This can be done by expanding the quadratic term and collecting similar term. That is, by expanding the quadratic terms, we obtain


now, by distributing 1/18, we have


which is equivalent to


and finally, the parabola equation in standard form is


The arc length of the semicircle shown in green is 34. What is the radius of the circle? R=



[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{length of arc = 32}\pi \\ \theta=180^0(angle\text{ on a straight line or angle in semi circle)} \\ r=\text{?} \end{gathered}[/tex]

To calculate the length of an arc, the formula is;

[tex]\begin{gathered} l=\frac{\theta}{360}\times2\pi r \\ \text{Substituting all the parameters into the formula;} \\ 32\pi=\frac{180}{360}\times2\pi r \\ 32\pi=\frac{360\pi\text{ r}}{360} \\ 32\pi=\pi r \\ r=\frac{32\pi}{\pi} \\ r=32 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the radius of the circle 32 units.

how to do use excel formula.


The steps to use the excel formulas are:

Choose a blank cell.After entering the equal sign =, type function. Use =SUM, for instance, to calculate the total sales.Add a first parenthesis (.Type a closing parenthesis after choosing the cell range.To obtain the outcome, press Enter.

What is an excel formula?A formula in Microsoft Excel is an expression that modifies values in a set of cells. Even if the result is incorrect, these formulas nonetheless return a result. You may execute calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using Excel formulae.A formula in Excel is an expression that manipulates values in a cell or a range of cells. Consider the formula =A1+A2+A3, which calculates the sum of the values in cells A1 through A3.Simple Excel formulae include SUM, COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTBLANK, AVERAGE, MIN Excel, Excel MAX, and Excel LEN.

Some steps to use the excel formulas are:

Choose a blank cell.After entering the equal sign =, type function. Use =SUM, for instance, to calculate the total sales.Add a first parenthesis (.Type a closing parenthesis after choosing the cell range.To obtain the outcome, press Enter.

Therefore, the steps to use the excel formulas are:

Choose a blank cell.After entering the equal sign =, type function. Use =SUM, for instance, to calculate the total sales.Add a first parenthesis (.Type a closing parenthesis after choosing the cell range.To obtain the outcome, press Enter.

Know more about an excel formula here:


Flying Home A bird flies from the bottom of a canyon that is 70 5 feet below sea level to a nest 7. that is 652 feet above sea level. What is the difference in elevation between the bottom of the 10 canyon and the bird's nest?


If we refer the level 0 to the sea level.

Then, 10 feet belox the sea level is -10 and 10 above is 10 feet (positive).

Then, the bottom of the canyon is at level y=-70 4/5 (referred to the sea level) and the nest is y=652 feet.

Then, the distance is D=y2-y1=652-(-70)=652+70=772 feet.

The distance between canyon bottom and nest is 772 feet.


Find the term named in the problem,and the explicit formula. -32,-132,-232,-332,… find a40


We need to find the n term formula:

The given sequence represents an arithmetic sequence and it follows the next form:


Where a represents the first term, in this case, a= -31

n is the term of the sequence

And d is the constant:

Let's find the constant

a1 to a2 =

-32 to -132, then, -32 needs -100 units bo equal to -132.

Now, -132 need -100 units to be equal to -232.

-232 needs -100 units to be equal to -332

Therefore, the constant d is equal to -100, d=-100

Replacing these values:




With this n formula, we can replace n=40, then, we will find a40:




With the points (8,4) (-6,-6) (-10, 12) (2,-4). What are the new points if thescale factor of dilation is 4?*


The transformation for a points using a dilation factor k follows the rule:

[tex](x,y)\Rightarrow k(x,y)\Rightarrow(kx,ky)[/tex]

Applying this to the points given


I need help with number part a and bThank you very much



For our beautiful sun, we'll have that:


This way,

[tex]\begin{gathered} M=-2.5\log (\frac{1.4\cdot10^3}{2.84\cdot10^{-8}}) \\ \\ \Rightarrow M=-9.74 \end{gathered}[/tex]


We'll have the equation:

[tex]-0.27=-2.5\log (\frac{b}{2.84\cdot10^{-8}})[/tex]

Solving for b,

[tex]\begin{gathered} -0.27=-2.5\log (\frac{b}{2.84\cdot10^{-8}})\rightarrow0.27=2.5\log (\frac{b}{2.84\cdot10^{-8}}) \\ \\ \rightarrow\frac{0.27}{2.5}=\log (\frac{b}{2.84\cdot10^{-8}})\rightarrow0.108=\log (\frac{b}{2.84\cdot10^{-8}}) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we'll use the following property:

[tex]c=\log _a(b)\Leftrightarrow b=a^c[/tex]

This way,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0.108=\log (\frac{b}{2.84\cdot10^{-8}})\rightarrow e^{0.108}=\frac{b}{2.84\cdot10^{-8}} \\ \\ \Rightarrow b=2.84\cdot10^{-8}e^{0.108} \\ \\ \Rightarrow b=3.16\cdot10^{-8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

what is 3.33333333333 as a whole number?


1/3 = 0.333333333333


3.33333333 is a whole number

= 3 + 1/3

Which of the equations below represent exponential decay? Select all that apply. • y= (6.35)^x• y= (0.01)^ x• y= (3/4) 2^x• y= 700 (1-0.35)^x • y= (4/3) ^x



The equation is that represent exponential decay is:



The rate in the equation of an exponential decay is negative, this would make it reduce expentially, rather than grow.

The best equation that demonstrate this is:


Where the rate is 0.35

4 gallons of water weigh 33.4 pounds how much do 7.5 gallons of water weigh


4 gallons of water weigh 33.4 pounds how much do 7.5 gallons of water weigh

Applying proportion


solve for x


x=62.625 pounds

Two containers designed to hold water are side by side both in the shape of a cycle see. Container A has a radius of 4 feet and a height of 9 feet. Container B has a radius of 3 feet and height of 11 feet. Container A is full of water and the water is pumped into container B until container B is completely full. After the pumping is complete what is the volume of water remaining in container A to the nearest tenth of a cubic foot


We have to calculate the water remaining in A after B is complete.

This will be equal to the volume of A minus the volume of B.

The volume of each cylinder is equal to the area of the base times the height, so we can calculate this difference as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=V_A-V_B \\ V=\pi(r_A)^2h_A-\pi(r_B)^2h_B \\ V=\pi(4)^2(9)-\pi(3)^2(11) \\ V=\pi(16)(9)-\pi(9)(11) \\ V=144\pi-99\pi \\ V=45\pi \\ V\approx141.4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: the remaining volume is approximately 141.4 cubic feet.

We have to calculate the water remaining in A
after B is complete.
This will be equal to the volume of A minus the
volume of B.
The volume of each cylinder is equal to the area
of the base times the height, so we can calculate
this difference as:
- VA
- VB
= 7(4)3 (9)
- 1(3)3 (11)
= 7(16) (9) - 1(9)(11)
V= 1447 - 99T
= 45 T
Answer: the remaining volume is
approximately 141.4 cubic feet.

Write an equation in slope-intercept form with aslope of 10 that passes through (0,6)A.x + y = 6B. y + 10x + 6C. 7x + y = 10D. y = 10x + 6


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{slope = 10 and the point is (0,6)} \\ y-6=10(x-0)=10x \\ y=10x+6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Please help on my question I have the graph part done, I need help on the other parts


the Here the equation of amount of salt in the barrel at time t is given by



At time t=7 minute the amount of salt will be

[tex]Q(7)=21(1-e^{-0.06\times7})\Rightarrow Q(7)=21\times0.342953\Rightarrow Q(7)=7.20[/tex]

The amount of salt after 7 min will be 7.20lb.


At time t=14minute the amount of salt will be

[tex]Q(14)=21(1-e^{-0.06\times14})\Rightarrow Q(14)=11.93[/tex]

Amount of salt will be 11.93 lb


From the graph, for large t the value Q(t) the amount of salt approaches to 21 lb.

What is the rate of change of the graph?a.1/32 gallons/mileb.1/64 gallons/milec.64 miles/gallond.32 miles/gallon


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{rate of change = }\frac{\Delta\text{miles}}{\Delta gallons}\text{ = }\frac{160-64}{5-2} \\ =\frac{96}{3}\text{ = 32miles/gallon} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Taking two points on the graph

when miles = 160 , gallon = 5

when miles = 64 , gallon = 2

Rewrite the set G by listing its elements. Make sure to use the appropriate set notation.G = ( z l z is an integer and -3 < z <_ 0)


Given the set G = ( z l z is an integer and -3 < z <_ 0) , we are to write out all the elements in the set.

First you must take note of the inequality signs.

First aspect of the inequality-3 < z means that z is a value greater than -3 exclusive -3. The values are -2, and -1

The second part of the inequality z <_ 0 means that z is less than or equal to 0, this means that 0 is inclusive because of the equal to sign.

Hence the set of element G will be -2, -1 and 0. In set notataion, it is represented as:

G = {-2, -1, 0}

Note that -3 is not part of the element G

Please help me on average rate of change!


The averge rate of change on the interval -1≤x≤5 for the given function f(x)= -3|x+2|-1 is -3.

In the given question we have to find the averge rate of change on the interval -1≤x≤5 for the given function.

Thegiven function is f(x)= -3|x+2|-1

The interval [a,b]=[-1,5]

As we know that the average rate of change of function f(x) on [a,b] is given by

R = {f(b)-f(a)}/(b-a)

As we know that a= -1 and b=5.

R = {f(5)-f(-1)}/(5-(-1))...........................(1)

Firstly we finding the f(-1) and f(5)

Now put x= -1 in the given function.

f(-1)= -3|-1+2|-1

f(-1)= -3|1|-1

f(-1)= -3-1

f(-1)= -4

As we know that b= 5.

Now put x= 5 in the given function.

f(5)= -3|5+2|-1

f(5)= -3|7|-1

f(5)= -3*7-1

f(5)= -21-1

f(5)= -22

Now putting the value in equation 1.

R = (-22-(-4))/(5+1)

R = (-22+4)/6

R = -18/6

R = -3

Hence, the averge rate of change on the interval -1≤x≤5 for the given function f(x)= -3|x+2|-1 is -3.

To learn more about averge rate of change link is here


Find the perimeter of the rectangle. Be sure to write the correct unit in your answer. | cm 2 I Don't Know Submit




(-19, -6) and (15, 16) find the slope?




The slope is defined as the rise/ run. If a line passes through any two points (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) then the slope m is given by


Now, in our case (x0, y0) = ( -19, 6) and (x1, y1) = (15, 16); therefore, the slope is


Simplifying the above gives


which is our answer!

Joey’s sock drawer is unorganized and contains 3 black dress socks, 3 black ankle socks, 6 brown dress socks, and 4 brown ankle socks. What is the probability that Joey chooses a sock at random that is brown or is a dress sock?A) 1, or 100%B) 19/16C) 3/8D) 13/16




We are told that Joey's drawer contains the following;

Black dress socks = 3

Black ankle socks = 3

Brown dress socks = 6

Brown ankle socks = 4


If a sock is chosen at random, find the probability that it is brown or is a dress sock.

Step-by-step solution;

The drawer contains a total of 16 socks.

Also, there is a total of 9 dress socks and 10 brown socks.

The probability of choosing a brown or dress sock will be determined by the following formula;

[tex]P[brown\text{ }sock\text{ }OR\text{ }dress\text{ }sock]=P[brown]+P[dress]-P[brown\text{ }and\text{ }dress][/tex]

We can now substitute the values given for this experiment as follows;

[tex]P[brown\text{ }OR\text{ }dress]=\frac{10}{16}+\frac{9}{16}-\frac{6}{16}[/tex][tex]P[brownORdress]=\frac{19}{16}-\frac{6}{16}=\frac{13}{16}[/tex]


The probability that Joey would select a sock at random that is brown or is a dress sock is


Option D is the correct answer.

Ivanna runs each lap in 4 minutes. She will run more than 11 laps today. What are the possible numbers of minutes she will runtoday?Use t for the number of minutes she will run today.Write your answer as an inequality solved for t.



Let "t" be the number of minutes she will run today.

Given that she will run more than 11 laps today, then we can set up the inequality:

[tex]\begin{gathered} t>11\cdot4 \\ t>44 \end{gathered}[/tex]

This is because 11 laps take 44 minutes to run, and if she will run more than 44 minutes, so t>44.

The coordinate plane is separated into four quadrants as shown.

Let p: x < 0
Let q: y < 0

What is represented by p ∨ q?

quadrant 1 because both x and y are positive coordinates
quadrant 3 because both x and y are negative coordinates
quadrants 1, 2, and 4 because in these quadrants x, y, or both are positive coordinates
quadrants 2, 3, and 4 because in these quadrants x, y, or both are negative coordinates


For the condition  p: x < 0 and  q: y < 0;  p ∨ q represent quadrants 2, 3, and 4 is correct because in these quadrants x, y, or both are negative coordinates.

What is termed as the quadrants?The quadrant is the area confined by the X and Y axes interlinking. When the two axes, the X-axis and the Y-axis, intersect at 90o on the cartesian plane, four regions form around it, which are recognised as quadrants. As a consequence, each plane has four quadrants, each of which is bounded by half of a axes.

We are told that p: x<0 and q: y<0.

Because the value of x is negative here, the graph of 'p' upon plotting will show quadrants 2 and 3.Also, because the value of y is negative here, the graph of 'q' after projecting will show quadrants 3 and 4.Now we must find 'pVq,' which means 'p or q' (where V is indeed the disjunction OR), i.e. satisfying either x<0 or y<0 or both x<0 and y<0.

As a result, pVq = quadrants 2, 3, and 4, because both x and y are negative within those quadrants.

To know more about the quadrants, here


I will add an additional picture with the answer options for the blank spaces





The graph of the parabola is given as

The vertex of is (-3,-5). The parabola opens right. The focus is 3 units away from vertex. The directrix is 6 units away from focus. Focus is at (0,-5). The equation of the directix is x = - 6

Which of the following is a solution of 3x2 = 7x − 3?

negative 7 plus or minus the square root of 13 divided by 6
7 plus or minus the square root of 85 divided by 6
negative 7 plus or minus the square root of 85 divided by 6
7 plus or minus the square root of 13 divided by 6


By using Quadratic formula, the solutions are

[tex]x = \frac{7 + \sqrt{13}}{6}[/tex] or [tex]x = \frac{7 - \sqrt{13}}{6}[/tex]

Fourth option is correct.

What is Quadratic equation?

At first it is important to know about equation

Equation shows the equality between two algebraic expressions by connecting the two algebraic expressions by an equal to sign.

A two degree equation is known as Quadratic equation.

If [tex]ax^2+bx + c = 0 (a\neq 0)[/tex] be a quadratic equation,

[tex]x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 -4ac}}{2a}[/tex]

This is the quadratic formula


The given quadratic equation is

[tex]3x^2 = 7x - 3\\3x^2 - 7x + 3 = 0\\[/tex]

a = 3, b = -7, c = 3

x =

[tex]\frac{-(-7)\pm\sqrt{(-7)^2 - 4\times 3 \times 3}}{2\times 3}\\\frac{7 \pm \sqrt{49 - 36}}{6}\\\frac{7 \pm \sqrt{13}}{6}[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{7 + \sqrt{13}}{6}[/tex] or [tex]x = \frac{7 - \sqrt{13}}{6}[/tex].

Fourth option is correct.

To learn more about quadratic equation, refer to the link -


What is the equation of the line through (-2, -3) with an undefined slope?a.y=-3b. -3x + 2y = 0c. -2x – 3y = 0d.x=-2


We have an undefined slope. It means that the line is parallel to the y-axis, that is, the slope could be "defined" as an infinite slope (in rough words).

Therefore, the equation of the line through the point (-2, -3) with an undefined slope is:

x = -2 (option d).

This line is represented as a parallel line to the y-axis (x = -2), and it passes through the point (-2, -3).

A dietitian at a hospital wants a patient to have a meal that has 113 grams of protein, 54 grams of carbohydrates, and 135.5 milligrams of vitamin A. The hospital foodservice tells the dietitian that the dinner for today is salmon steak, baked eggs, and acorn squash. Each serving of salmon steak has 30 grams of protein, 10 grams ofcarbohydrates, and 1 milligram of vitamin A. Each serving of baked eggs contains 20 grams of protein, 3 grams of carbohydrates, and 20 milligrams of vitamin A. Eachserving of acorn squash contains 4 grams of protein, 15 grams of carbohydrates, and 37 milligrams of vitamin A. How many servings of each food should the dietitian provide for the patient?__ salmon steak (x)__ baked eggs (y)__ acorn squash (z)


Hello there. To solve this question, we'll need to set up a system of equations with 3 equations and 3 variables.

In each equation, we'll have the amounts for protein, carbohydrates and vitamin A.

Talking about protein:

Each serving of salmon steak has 30 grams of protein, baked eggs contains 20 grams of protein and acorn squash contains 4 grams of protein.

Say the servings of salmon steak, baked eggs and acorn squash are the variables x, y and z, respectively. We multiply x, y and z by the respective values for the protein of each serving and add them up. It should be equal to the amount of protein the dietitian was thinking of.

30x + 20y + 4z = 113

Talking about carbohydrates:

The same thing will apply to carbs, we multiply the variables by how many carbs we can get for eachserving. A serving of salmon steak gives you 10 grams of carbs, baked eggs gives you 3 grams of carbs and acorn squash gives you 15 grams.

10x + 3y + 15z = 54

Talking about vitamin A:

Repeat the same process, this time using the values for the vitamin A you get form each serving.

x + 20y + 37z = 135.5

Then we have the following system of equations:

Solving this system of equations, you can use the method of your choice.

After you solved it, you find the values:

1.5 serving of salmon steak, 3 servings of baked eggs and 2 servings of acorn squash.

The volume of a cone with helght h and radius r can be found using the formula V1arth3Find the volume of a cone with radius 8 feet and height 10 feet.



669.87 cubic feet


The volume of the cone is given as follows:

[tex]V=\frac{\pi\cdot r^2\cdot h}{3}[/tex]

We know the value of the radius and height, we replace and calculate the volume:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\frac{3.14\cdot8^2\cdot10}{3} \\ V=669.87ft^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the volume of the cone is 669.87 cubic feet.

Solve each system of equations by GRAPHING. Clearly identify your solution.(2x+y=1) (x-2y=18)



(x, y) = (4,-7)


To solve the system we need to graph the line that each equation represents, then the solution will be the point where the lines cross.

So, to graph the line for the first equation 2x + y = 1, we need to identify two points in the line.

Then, if x = 0, y is equal to:

2x + y = 1

2(0) + y = 1

y = 1

And if x = 1, y is equal to:

2(1) + y = 1

2 + y = 1

2 + y - 2 = 1 - 2

y = -1

So, for the first equation, we have the points (0, 1) and (1, -1)

In the same way, for the second equation x - 2y = 18, we get:

If x = 0, y is equal to:

0 - 2y = 18

-2y = 18

y = 18/(-2)

y = -9

If x = 2, y is equal to:

2 - 2y = 18

2 - 2y - 2 = 18 - 2

-2y = 16

y = 16/(-2)

y = -8

So, for the second equation, we have the points (0, -9) and (2, -8)

Therefore, the graph of both lines is:

So, the solution of the system is the point (x, y) = (4, -7)

A marketing company takes a random sample of 700 men to get their opinion on a new style of car. The marketing company then reports the following: “Four out of five drivers surveyed prefer the new style over the old style.” Explain why this conclusion would be misleading. a. The company only surveyed men but made the claim about all drivers. b. The survey question was biased toward the new style. c. The people surveyed were not randomly selected. d. The sample size of drivers was too small.


According to the information given, the randome sample that was asked about their opinion was 700 men, however the results of the survey were given as "4 out of 5 drivers"

This information is misleading because the results should have been thrown for men and not for drivers since the sample does not give any information saying that all 700 men are drivers.

The correct answer is: A

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