Choose the MOST important audiences that the Declaration of Independence was intended to reach. A) the King B) the media O the Colonists D) potential allies E) French colonies in North America​


Answer 1


The King


The United States Wanted to be removed from the British government's ownership

Answer 2

It should be noted that most important audiences that the Declaration of Independence was intended to reach is A:the King.

The Declaration of Independence serves as formal statement that was made by the people of the nation stressing about their right in choosing their own government.

This Declaration of Independence was first taken up by Congress and written in extended way by Jefferson.

We can conclude that the most audience that this target was the king and other people.

Learn more about Declaration of Independence on;

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Spread of communism (The Domino Theory) and its support from China and Russia.


Before the Vietnam war, the United States was very much concern about the spread of Communism in Asia, as they gave it a term of Domino theory. The theory asserted the situation of letting a communist nation to takeovers other neighbouring states and converting it under communism. The U.S. involvement in Vietnam began in 1954, though ongoing conflict in the region of North and South.

Russia assisted China in spreading communism in Asia which also became one of the reasons for the United States to refuse to withdraw from the Vietnam conflict.

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The event was the brainchild of performance artist Dread Scott. Largely overlooked in history books, protesters were brave souls who should be seen as a source of inspiration and dignity for those fighting against modern-day oppression, Scott said.


Ultimately, the rebels did not succeed in abolishing slavery during their time. But rather than end with violence, the reenactment closed with an alternate, more uplifting ending - the defeat of white militia men and a cultural celebration.

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Answer:Proslavery is an ideology that perceives slavery as a positive good or an otherwise morally acceptable institution.



Proslavery is an ideology that perceives slavery as a positive good or an otherwise morally acceptable institution


The texture of medieval music is typically _____ or _____.



monophonic or polyphonic

When cases cannot be decided by statute, judges rely on
A. administrative law.
C. constitutional law.
B. case law.
D. precedent.


Answer:  Precedent

Explanation:  Hope this help

When cases cannot be decided by statute, judges rely on precedent. So, the correct option is D.

What is Law?

Law is defined as the set of rules which are created and enforced by social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior, with its exact definition being the subject of a long debate that has to be considered between the science and the art of jurisprudence.

Law is defined as the discipline and profession concerned with the customs, practices and rules of conduct of a community which are considered binding by the community. The enforcement of the body of rules is through a controlling authority.

In a multi-judge Court, the Judges are bound by precedents and procedure.

Thus, when cases cannot be decided by statute, judges rely on precedent. So, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Law, here:


3) Contextualization: How do you think the Jim Crow Era he was living in impacted his ideas?



The Jim Crow Era he was living in impacted his ideas is described below in complete brief details.


Jim Crow laws were a collection of state laws that permitted racial segregation. Titled after a black musician show personality, the laws—which remained for about almost 100 years, till 1968—these laws were made to disgrace African Americans by not allowing them the cast to vote, secure jobs, get an education, or other possibilities. Those who endeavored to oppose Jim Crow legislation often suffered arrest, penalties, jail sentences, brutality, and death.

Why did the United States want to gain control of the island of Okinawa? A. It was the easiest island to take from Japan. B. There were numerous oil fields on the island. C. It was strategically close enough to gain access in invading Japan. 四​



the answer is C


What are the qualifications to be governor of Louisiana?
must be at least 35 years old and a US citizen for at least five years
must be at least 35 years old and a US citizen for at least 10 years
must be at least 25 years old and a US citizen for at least five years
must be at least 25 years old and a US citizen for at least 10 years


The answer is the 3rd one

must be at least 25 years old and a US citizen for at least five years

Have attained the age of 25 years
be an elector
have been a citizen of the United States, and,
have been a citizen of Louisiana for at least the preceding five years.

Describe the causes, course, and results of the Mexican-American War.



the cause was that Mexican- american war was a conflict between the united states and Mexico fought from April 1846 to February 1848. the main cause of the war was the westard expansion of the united states.


Where was Napoleon from? How did this affect him early in his career?

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What was the Napoleonic Code (1804)? What were positives and negatives of this Code?

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What good things did Napoleon’s armies spread as they conquered countries?

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What is nationalism? How did Napoleon's armies unwittingly spread it across Europe?



French Revolutionary Wars

Hitherto unknown general Napoleon Bonaparte began his first campaign in Italy in April 1796.


helllppp i got like 5 minutes ​
10 points?



The answer is C


According to the reading, what is it a virtue to kill or to die for?

the laws of the United States

threatening to kill the president

defending personal liberty



defending personal liberty



defending personal liberty


3. What types of job did most of the first astronauts come from?



The selection was initially limited to military pilots. The earliest astronauts for both the US and the USSR tended to be jet fighter pilots and were often test pilots.

Use the list to answer the question.
• Governor of Georgia
• Reduced the power of the governor's office
• Established Department of Corrections and abolished chain
• Supported Georgia constitutional amendment to change voting
age from 21 to 18
Which of the following would be the BEST title for the list?
A. Political Achievements of Ellis Arnall
B. Political Achievements of Eugene Talmadge
c. Political Achievements of William Hartsfield
D. Political Achievements of Maynard Jackson




From the above sentences, the best title for the list is "Political Achievements of Ellis Arnall". The correct option is (A).

What do you mean by Political Achievements of Ellis Arnall?

Ellis Gibbs Arnall, an American politician who presided as Georgia's 69th governor from 1943 to 1947, died on December 13, 1992, in March 20, 1907.

Arnall succeeded in getting rid of the poll tax, ratifying a new state constitution in 1945, and establishing a merit-pay system for public employees.

More than two decades before the 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution made that change nationwide, he was successful in lowering the voting age to eighteen. Thus, Georgia became the first state to offer 18-year-olds the right to vote.

Therefore, from the above sentences, the best title for the list is "Political Achievements of Ellis Arnall".

To know more about the Ellis Arnall, visit:


Who was Al Capone and what did he do to become rich & powerful in the 1920’s?


Al Capone sold alcohol and he made so much money because it was illegal at the time. This is when the Prohibition Act was in law and alcohol was in high (illegal) demand.

How did the rise of nationalism impact Southwest Asia?

Question 10 options:

It led to the outbreak of conflict between Arabs and Israelis in the region.

It led to the isolation of the region from the rest of the world.

It created an alliance made up of all the countries of the region.

It led to a surge of pro-democracy movements in the region.



It led to a surge of pro-democracy movements in the region.


The rise of nationalism impact Southwest Asia in a way that "Led to a surge of pro-democracy movements in the region."

This is true in the sense that nationalism which is one of the main reasons for world war 1, broke the ottoman empire, and eventually led to agitation for democracy in places like India and Turkey.

Also, the idea of nationalism through education from the elites in this region made them seek independence or self-government and ultimately democratic rule.

Answer:It led to the outbreak of conflict between Arabs and Israelis in the region.

It led to the outbreak of conflict between Arabs and Israelis in the region.


I took the k12 test and the other person is wrong

Plss answer!! “Nomadic Bedouin tribes traveled between the water holes called_______
with their camels,______and sheep. They settled
in the mountain valleys near the oases.”




Pre-Islamic Arabia

Pre-Islamic Arabia refers to the Arabian Peninsula prior to the rise of Islam in the 630s.

Some of the settled communities in the Arabian Peninsula developed into distinctive civilizations. Sources for these civilizations are not extensive, and are limited to archaeological evidence, accounts written outside of Arabia, and Arab oral traditions later recorded by Islamic scholars. Among the most prominent civilizations were Thamud, which arose around 3000 BCE and lasted to about 300 CE, and Dilmun, which arose around the end of the fourth millennium and lasted to about 600 CE. Additionally, from the beginning of the first millennium BCE, Southern Arabia was the home to a number of kingdoms, such as the Sabaean kingdom, and the coastal areas of Eastern Arabia were controlled by the Iranian Parthians and Sassanians from 300 BCE.

Pre-Islamic religion in Arabia consisted of indigenous polytheistic beliefs, Ancient Arabian Christianity, Nestorian Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism. Christianity existed in the Arabian Peninsula, and was established first by the early Arab traders who heard the gospel from Peter the apostle at Jerusalem (Acts 2:11), as well as those evangelized by Paul’s ministry in Arabia (Galatians 1:17) and by St Thomas. While ancient Arabian Christianity was strong in areas of Southern Arabia, especially with Najran being an important center of Christianity, Nestorian Christianity was the dominant religion in Eastern Arabia prior to the advent of Islam.


Tribes in the Arabian Peninsula c. 600 CE. Approximate locations of some of the important tribes and Empire of the Arabian Peninsula before the dawn of Islam. Family groups called clans formed larger tribal units, which reinforced family cooperation in the difficulty living conditions on the Arabian peninsula and protected its members against other tribes.

Nomadic Tribes in Pre-Islamic Arabia

One of the major cultures that dominated the Arabian Peninsula just before the rise of Islam was that of the nomadic Bedouin people. The polytheistic Bedouin clans placed heavy emphasis on kin-related groups, with each clan clustered under tribes. The immediate family shared one tent and can also be called a clan. Many of these tents and their associated familial relations comprised a tribe. Although clans were made up of family members, a tribe might take in a non-related member and give them familial status. Society was patriarchal, with inheritance through the male lines. Tribes provided a means of protection for its members; death to one clan member meant brutal retaliation.

Non-members of the tribe were viewed as outsiders or enemies. Tribes shared common ethical understandings and provided an individual with an identity. Warfare between tribes was common among the Bedouin, and warfare was given a high honor. The difficult living conditions in the Arabian Peninsula created a heavy emphasis on family cooperation, further strengthening the clan system.

The use of electricity in most of American industry brought economic hardship to the

timber industry
oil industry
hydropower industry
coal industry


Coal industry. Looked it up on quizlet

What was the original purpose of the Constitutional Convention of 1787?
To bring together government and business leaders

To respond to new economic threats from the British Crown

To replace the Articles of Confederation with a new constitution

To revise the Articles of Confederation and make them stronger

i will give brainest who ever has it right and be the first one to answer



The Constitutional Convention took place from May 14 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The point of the event was decide how America was going to be governed. Although the Convention had been officially called to revise the existing Articles of Confederation, many delegates had much bigger plans.



1. Based on the map, what was the northernmost city from which children were evacuated?



I believe it is Newcastle.

How did ethnic tension in China threaten the power of the Qing Dynasty?



Qing dynasty Tensions erupted between Muslim sects, ethnic groups, the Tibetans and Han Chinese during the late 19th century near Qinghai. According to volume eight of the Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics, the Muslim Dungan and Panthay revolts were ignited by racial antagonism and class warfare.

hope it becomes helpful to you ☺️☺️

good luck

Someone plz help me There plz help me!



1) Harriet Tubman's destiny wasn't to be a slave her whole life. She was meant to help people. It says that she risked her life and freedom 19 times just to free more slaves.

1) admitted

2) deciding

3) filled

4) planning

5) forgets

6) remembers

7) ruined

8) waiting

9) covers

10) asked

Hope this Helps!


“In every free government, the people must give their assent to the laws by which they are governed. This is the true criterion between a free government and an arbitrary one. The former are ruled by the will of the whole, expressed in any manner they may agree upon; the latter by the will of one, or a few. If the people are to give their assent to the laws, by persons chosen and appointed by them, the manner of the choice and the number chosen, must be such, as to possess, be disposed, and consequently qualified to declare the sentiments of the people; for if they do not know, or are not disposed to speak the sentiments of the people, the people do not govern, but the sovereignty is in a few. Now, in a large extended country, it is impossible to have a representation, possessing the sentiments, and of integrity, to declare the minds of the people, without having it so numerous and unwieldy, as to be subject in great measure to the inconveniency of a democratic government….”

Brutus 1

Which of the following statements would the author of the passage most likely agree with?

Average citizens cannot be trusted to vote because of low levels of education.

Average citizens cannot be trusted to vote because of low levels of education.

Nations with extended territory cannot fairly represent their citizens in a republican form of government.

Nations with extended territory cannot fairly represent their citizens in a republican form of government.

The federal government should have greater authority than state legislatures.

The federal government should have greater authority than state legislatures.

A small federal legislature is the best way to represent the will of the people in a large country.



C is the answer


Average citizens cannot be trusted to vote because of low levels of education.


What was America's argument for separating from Great Britain? ​



After the French and Indian war the colonists didnt see reason to have to house people fighting. They also started taxing them which essentially led them to start fighting for independence.


What two products, in addition to the working light bulb, did Thomas Edison invent?
O vacuum cleaner and fountain pen
O phonograph and motion picture camera
O point-and-shoot camera and typewriter
o diesel engine and escalator


he invented the point and shoot camera and typewriter

In addition to the working light bulb, Thomas Edison invented the phonograph and motion picture camera.

Who was Thomas Edison?

Thomas Alva Edison was the most famous and prolific American inventor of all time. Edison influenced a lot on the modern life by inventing devices in fields such as electric power generation, sound recording, mass communication, and motion pictures.

He was considered the face of technology and he progress in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

What did Thomas Edison invent?

Thomas Alva Edison transformed the world with his inventions. Edison is best known for his invention of the phonograph and incandescent electric light. In his 84 years, Thomas Edison acquired a record number of 1,093 patents in a variety of fields, such as electric light and power, telegraphy, and sound recording.

Other inventions of Thomas Edison included the lightbulb, motion picture camera- an early device for making movies. He also created the world's first industrial research laboratory. Thus, Thomas Edison became the driving force behind such famous innovations which held great importance.

Hence, option B is correct.

To learn more about Thomas Edison here:


The building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious
worship and instruction is known as a :





Not jewish but i had this problem before

how does the Constitution weigh the needs of individual states while still allowing for strong central authority?



The Constitution weigh the needs of individual states while still allowing for strong central authority by incorporating the Tenth Amendment


Given that the Tenth Amendment dedicated powers not specifically given to the United States federal government by the Constitution, nor forbidden by it to the States, are earmarked or given to the States or the people.

Therefore, it is concluded that the Constitution weighs the needs of individual states while still allowing for strong central authority by incorporating the "Tenth Amendment."

This is also to ensure the there is no tyrannical use of power by the federal government

What did Miss Jane mean when she said Jimmy was "the One"?



I will then emphasize the poetics of distanced memory, as opposed to what Toni ... speech at the beginning of the war (“'Don't put my food up', they said,” AJP, 4). ... echoed in Miss Jane's answers, when she speaks of Jimmy's being “the One”: ... slavery into freedom, as much as about being “saved” in a religious meaning.




1. Image result for period of the time after the Mycenaean civilization collapsed

With the mysterious end of the Mycenaean civilization and the so-called Bronze Age Collapse in the ancient Aegean and wider Mediterranean, there came the 'Dark Ages' (another extreme label for a period which was perhaps not as dark as all that) and, although some sites began to revive from the 10th century BCE, it ...

2. At the center of the Minoan civilization was the city of Knossos. Knossos had a huge palace and a population of over 10,000 people at its peak. Many beautiful pieces of art and pottery have been found within the palace. According to Greek Mythology, the city was once ruled by King Minos.

3. The Mycenaeans developed on mainland Greece and ruled the region from around 1600 BC to 1100 BC. They are sometimes called the first Greeks because they were the first to speak the Greek language. ... The Mycenaeans developed trade throughout the Mediterranean.

4. The Minoan civilization flourished in the Middle Bronze Age on the island of Crete located in the eastern Mediterranean from c. 2000 BCE until c. 1500 BCE.

5. The Minotaur is an iconic half-man, half-bull character in Greek mythology. The offspring of King Minos' wife Pasiphae and a beautiful bull, the beast was beloved by its mother and hidden away by Minos in a labyrinth built by the magician Daedalus, where it fed on young men and women.

6. The Minoan writing system is undeciphered and the name "Minoans" comes from Arthur Evans, who believed that he had found the palace of "King Minos," a mythical Cretan king who supposedly constructed a great labyrinth on Crete. ... Researchers do know that the palace suffered from several disasters throughout its history.

7. The Minoan language is the language (or languages) of the ancient Minoan civilization of Crete written in the Cretan hieroglyphs and later in the Linear A syllabary.

8. The largest city (although not a capital city in any sense) was Mycenae, built on an impressive citadel and hill over 278 metres (912 ft.) above sea level where there are remains of large 'palace' buildings and hundreds of tombs and shaft graves, including nine large stone tholos tombs (1600-1300 BCE).

9. True

10. True

11. False

12. True

13. False

14. True

15. True

I hope this helps, I try my best !!

can you please put the following events in the correct order, I need help asap help is extremely apperciated thank you so much, (inserted a picture)



French and Indian War 1754-1763

Sugar Act April 5, 1764

Stamp Act March 22, 1765

Quartering Act March 24, 1765

Tea Act  April 27, 1773

Boston Tea Party 12/1773

Intolerable Acts 1774


1. Quartering Act

2. Tea Act

3. Boston Tea Party

4. Intolerable Acts

5. French and Indian War

6. Sugar Act

7. Stamp Act

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Ode to the West Windby Percy Bysshe ShelleyO WILD West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's beingThou from whose unseen presence the leaves deadAre driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,5 Pestilence1-stricken multitudes!O thouWho chariotest to their dark wintry bedThe wingd seeds, where they lie cold and low,Each like a corpse within its grave, untilThine azure2 sister of the Spring shall blow10 Her clarion3 o'er the dreaming earth, and fill(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)With living hues and odours plain and hillWild Spirit, which art moving everywhereDestroyer and Preserverhear, O hear!15 Thou on whose stream, 'mid the steep sky's commotion,Loose clouds like earth's decaying leaves are shed,Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean,Angels of rain and lightning! they are spreadOn the blue surface of thine airy surge,20 Like the bright hair uplifted from the headOf some fierce Mnad,4 ev'n from the dim vergeOf the horizon to the zenith's heightThe locks of the approaching storm. 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ThouFor whose path the Atlantic's level powersCleave themselves into chasms, while far belowThe sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear40 The sapless foliage of the ocean, knowThy voice, and suddenly grow gray with fearAnd tremble and despoil themselves:O hear!If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear;If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee;45 A wave to pant beneath thy power, and shareThe impulse of thy strength, only less freeThan thou, O uncontrollable!if evenI were as in my boyhood, and could beThe comrade of thy wanderings over heaven,50 As then, when to outstrip thy skiey speedScarce seem'd a vision,I would ne'er have strivenAs thus with thee in prayer in my sore need.O lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud!I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!55 A heavy weight of hours has chain'd and bow'dOne too like theetameless, and swift, and proud.Make me thy lyre, ev'n as the forest is:What if my leaves are falling like its own!The tumult of thy mighty harmonies60 Will take from both a deep autumnal tone,Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce,My spirit! be thou me, impetuous one!Drive my dead thoughts over the universe,Like wither'd leaves, to quicken a new birth;65 And, by the incantation8 of this verse,Scatter, as from an unextinguish'd hearthAshes and sparks, my words among mankind!Be through my lips to unawaken'd earthThe trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind,70 If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?________________1 Pestilence: a deadly infectious disease.2 azure: sky blue.3 clarion: clear, sharp sound.4 Maenad: a crazed worshipper of Dionysius, the Greek god of wine and revelry.5 dirge: a mournful song sung or played at funerals.6 sepulchre: ('sep-el-cur) tomb.7 pumice: volcanic rock.8 incantation: magic spell. 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