children come to accept the universality and finality of death at around age __________.


Answer 1


7 and 11,


8-12 years (Pre-adolescent) Children at this age have an adult understanding of death – that it is final, irreversible, and universal. They are able to understand the biological aspects of death as well as cause-and-effect relationships.

Children Come To Accept The Universality And Finality Of Death At Around Age __________.

Related Questions

Disorder is an anxiety disorder marked by recurrent sudden onsets of intense apprehension or terror.
a. True
b. False


Even when there is no obvious risk or trigger, anxiety attacks are sudden episodes of great fear, discomfort, or a sense of losing control.

What does the word "apprehension" mean in practice?

Worry or fear something terrible might happen is a [uncountable, countable] synonym for anxiety. There is a rising fear that combat will resume. With some trepidation, he watched those election results. Concerns have been raised about the welfare of the lost kids. The fear made them shudder.

Is anxiety the same as apprehension?

In some circumstances, experiencing anxiety is normal. Recognizing anxiety may be essential if your fears begin to dominate your life & leave you feeling frozen. Anxiety might feel absolutely overpowering since it frequently seems to be out of control.

To know more about apprehension visit:


Padded dashboards in cars are safer in an accident than non-padded ones because passengers hitting the dashboard encounter
a. True
b. False


Car dashboards with padding are safer in collisions than those without because they provide more protection for passengers. That is true because a car dashboard with padding will not exacerbate the injuries suffered by passengers in an accident.

What are dashboards?

The dashboard is one part of the interior of the cabin which is usually found at the front of the vehicle. The main function of one of the most important parts of this car is to place various vehicle indicator panels.

The car also has security in case of an accident. The suspension is an airbag. The presence of airbags is useful to provide protection for the driver and passengers in the event of an unwanted accident.

Learn more about accident chain here :


Why do christians believe that morality is absolute and objective, rather than relative and subjective? if morality is objective, where do christians get their moral standard?


Because they believe that morality only counts if is provided by an objective source with perfect knowledge who can reliably dictate what is “good” and “bad”.

ethical requirements are values that a society uses to decide reasonable, accurate, or acceptable. some standards are universally accepted; as an example, maximum societies believe killing is wrong, however a few make an exception for killing in a conflict fought to protect the country or killing in self-defense. Being dealt with morally will increase happiness, and handled immorally decreases it. in my opinion engaging in ethical acts multiplied humans's feel of which means and reason in existence. amongst other findings, this study revealed that the religious and non-non-secular had been similarly in all likelihood to commit moral and immoral acts.

Ethics are usually primarily based on logical reasoning and a shared set of values, while morality is frequently based totally on intestine intuition or religious ideals. Ethics tend to be greater objective, whilst morality is frequently subjective. Ethics are regular, at the same time as morality is regularly tradition-specific.

Learn more about morality here:


An agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct.
a. True
b. False


This assertion is accurate. Ratification, which entails determining whether intent was represented through words or behavior, might result in the emergence of an agency connection.

What exactly happens when an agency connection is ratified?

When the principle accepts the contract and gives it legal force (thus rendering the non-contract agent's unenforceable), the principal is considered the party who made the agreement. This ratifies the agreement.

A statement made by the principal endorsing an action taken or a contract made on their behalf by another party who falsely claimed to be acting as their agent.

What does ratification theory entail?

Ratification is the process by which a principal consents to a decision made by an agent who lacks the authority to bind the principle. Ratification is described as the international act in which a state communicates its permission to be bound by a treaty, if the parties intended to demonstrate their assent through such an act.

Learn more about ratification theory:


What are privileges and immunities in the Constitution?


Privileges and immunities are rights and protections that are granted to a person or group of people by the United States Constitution.

Privileges and Immunities in United States Constitution

The privileges and immunities clause of the Fourteenth Amendment states that no state shall “deny to any persons within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” This means that all citizens have equal access to the same laws and rights regardless of their race, religion, gender, or any other factor. This includes the right to travel, the right to vote, the right to own property, and the right to sue or be sued in court.

Learn more about Privileges and immunities at:


as the world as a whole becomes more developed, you can see that life expectancy is expected to increase. what direct impacts might longer life expectancies have on the environment? (assume that other variables, such as birth rates, would remain the same.)


As the world as a whole becomes more developed, the direct impacts on the environment are- decreased food availability, less available fresh water, and larger human population.

Better healthcare facilities will result in a higher population as people live longer, which will also reduce mortality. Resources will be heavily manipulated as a result of a growing population, which will result in less food and fresh water being available.

Scientists have created the Anthropocene era to define our period due to the effects of so many humans on the earth. Unlike earlier geological epochs, where the time periods were determined by a variety of geological and climatic events.

The overwhelming impact that people and their activities are having on the environment is what gives rise to the proposed Anthropocene epoch's name. In essence, people represent a new geophysical force on the planet.

Learn more about human population at


glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting __________.


Glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting short periods of time.

The Efficiency of Glycolysis for Activities Lasting Short Periods of Time

Glycolysis is a metabolic pathway that provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates such as glucose. This process releases energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is used to fuel a variety of activities in the body.

Glycolysis is a relatively quick process, and is therefore best suited for activities that require short bursts of energy, such as sprinting or weight lifting. Because it is a faster process, it is not efficient for activities that require sustained levels of energy, such as long distance running or jogging.

Learn more about glycolysis:


mei has watched and heard many news reports lately about gun violence. when she hears that a murder has been committed in her city, she immediately thinks the victim must have been shot, even though the reporter doesn't mention the cause of death. this is an example of which process?


As mei has watched and heard many news reports lately about gun violence, hence this process is called Priming.

Priming is a phenomenon in which one stimulus influences a response to another without conscious guidance or intention. The priming effect is the positive or negative effect of a rapidly presented stimulus (priming stimulus) on the processing of a subsequent stimulus (target stimulus).

Priming effect generation is generally dependent on the existence of some positive or negative relationship between priming and target stimuli. For example, the word nurse is more quickly recognized after the word doctor than after the word bread. Perceptual, associative, repetitive, positive, negative, affective, semantic, or conceptual priming are all possible.

When the two stimuli are in the same modality, priming is most effective. Visual priming, for example, works well with visual signals, whereas verbal priming works best with verbal ones. However, priming happens between modalities as well as between semantically similar terms such as "doctor" and "nurse."

learn more about priming at


Janie spends 10 hours per week making flower arrangements. Yesterday she was offered an after-school job by the pet store in the mall which, she often visits to look at the animals. If she took this job working ten hours a week, she could make $2,500 per year. She has $800 invested in her flowers, and she could have that money earning interest at one percent per year in a savings account. What is Janie's total opportunity cost of staying in business for herself this year?



The total opportunity cost for Janie to stay in business for herself this year is $2,500.


What is Opportunity Cost?

This refers to the foregone alternatives when a choice is made from a list of available choices.

Hence, we can see that based on the fact that Janie spends 10 hours per week making flower arrangements and she has a job offer that could give her $2,500 per year.

Therefore, the opportunity cost, if she stays in business for herself this year, is $2,500 because this is what she would forego if she decides to stay in her business this year.

Paul is always the first one to object to any group proposal. what role is paul most likely playing?


Paul is interacting with Representative Bias in the specific case.

The LAER method is comprised of the following four steps: Listen, Acknowledge, Explore, and Respond. Paying attention to an objection is the first step towards answering it. This demonstrates to your customer that you care about their issues and respect their viewpoints. Representativeness Heuristic bias occurs when similarities to other objects or situations distort people's judgments of an outcome's likelihood.

It's a common fallacy that leads people to believe that two comparable things or occurrences are more closely related than they actually are. When estimating the likelihood of an event under uncertainty, the representativeness heuristic is applied.

Click here to learn more about bias:


Your friend dante asks if you can give him a ride home for winter break. You agree to the request in part because you know that you will need his help studying for your phys1110 general physics final. Your agreement to drive dante home is best explained by.


Considering the situation described above, your agreement to drive dante home is best explained by Quid pro quo

What is Quid pro quo?

Quid pro quo is a legal term that is used to describe the agreement between two or more parties in which there is a reciprocal exchange of goods or services.

Generally, Quid pro quo comes from a Latin word that means something for something.

Given that you agreed to drive Dante home because you will need his help studying for your phys1110 general physics final, this can be best explained by a term called Quid pro quo.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Quid pro quo.

Learn more about Quid pro quo here:


19.4. explain the effects of industrialization on the environment and the social life in europe, especially in the new urban centers associated with industrial development. identify conditions that influenced working people to consider themselves working class.


The effects of industrialization on the environment and the social life in Europe, especially in the new urban centers associated with industrial development is due to Creativity and inventiveness.

Demand began to rise as more things were available. Factories and textile mills began to spring up all around, necessitating the hiring of people. More and more individuals began to leave farmlands in search of more steady employment in metropolitan industrial areas. Increased employment prospects gave stable occupations, but the working conditions soon deteriorated throughout the industrial revolution.

The industrial revolution's working class included everyone who worked in factories and textile mills, operated machinery, or was a skilled laborer. Factory and mill managers, construction supervisors, physicians, attorneys, and educated professionals comprised the middle class.

The upper or Aristocratic class, on the other hand, was still considered as landowners and affluent businessmen. While the Industrial Revolution brought about change and increase in economic also  brought about a slew of problems for the working class. The fundamental concern was one of health and safety.

learn more about Industrial Revolution at


identify each scenario as an example of either an implicit attitude or an explicit attitude.


The scenarios, in terms of them being examples of implicit attitudes or explicit, are :

Implicit attitude :

Whenever she goes downtown, Nailah gets an icky feeling because she used to go there on dates with her exEvery time Andrew gets in the car for a long trip, he feels a pit of dread in his stomach as he recalls a frightening car accident from several years in his past.

Explicit attitude :

Nailah tells her friend how much she loves going downtown, citing all the great restaurants and shops.Andrew considers himself a great adventurer and loves to post photos of his road trips online.

What are explicit and implicit attitudes ?

Explicit attitudes are those that we know we have because we are conscious of them such as Nailah loving to go downtown and Andrew going on adventures.

Implicit attitudes are those that are unconscious such as Andrew's dread for long trips and Nailah's icky feeling from downtown.

Find out more on implicit attitudes at


The rest of the question is

Whenever she goes downtown, Nailah gets an icky feeling because she used to go there on dates with her exNailah tells her friend how much she loves going downtown, citing all the great restaurants and shops.Andrew considers himself a great adventurer and loves to post photos of his road trips online.Every time Andrew gets in the car for a long trip, he feels a pit of dread in his stomach as he recalls a frightening car accident from several years in his past.

identify a true statement about why the participation rate of eligible voters in the United States is lower than in many other democracies.a. American political parties, and not the voters themselves, are in charge of voter registrationb. The US federal government places hearts restrictions on who may register to votec. Americans must navigate registration methods in laws that may vary substantially across state borders within the United Statesd. it is the responsibility of various state governments, and not the voters themselves, to register individuals in the voter rolls


The reality is that Americans must navigate registration procedures under regulations that may differ significantly among states within the US.

Which democracy do you understand, exactly?

"Of the people, by the people, for the people," said Abraham Lincoln. Demokratie, which translates to "power of the people," is a system of governance that relies on the consent of the governed. The Greek terms "demos," which means "community," and "kratos," which means "power," are the roots of the English word democracy.

Why is democracy advantageous?

Promoting democracy contributes to creating a more secure, prosperous, and safe world in which the United States can advance its own country's interests as well as fundamental American values like religious freedom and labor rights..

To know more about democracy visit:


the study of bystander intervention is the study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably the:______.


The study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably the decreased likelihood of helping as the number of bystanders increases.

Recognizing a potentially damaging circumstance or contact and making the decision to act in a way that might have a positive impact on the result is known as bystander intervention.

When seeing a bad or potentially troublesome event, there are five steps to assistance:

1. Pay Attention to the Event: People are preoccupied, distracted, on their phones, conversing, texting, and unaware of their surroundings. Some people don't want to pay attention. Pay close attention to your surroundings.

2. Consider It a Problem: It can be challenging to determine whether someone needs assistance. Investigate and err on the side of caution. Avoid letting ambiguity, conformity, or peer pressure get in the way.

3. Take ownership of your actions: If not you, then who? Don't expect that someone else will take action. Be the first with confidence and courage!

4. Have the Skills to Help: NEVER put yourself in danger; DO SOMETHING! Aid may be given directly or indirectly.

5. Put into action the Help - Act!

To know more about bystander intervention:


(HELP ASAP) How did Hamilton view ordinary citizens?


Answer: He viewed people as generally ignorant, untrustworthy, and selfish as a result of his difficult childhood.

i hope this helps  

Maria is a thirteen-year-old congenitally deaf child who was born to hearing parents living in a remote, rural area. Since birth her parents have provided love, nourishment, educationally enriching toys, and developed their own hand signals to communicate with her about basic necessities. However, Maria did not begin to learn sign language until she was twelve and the family moved to a city and encountered members of a deaf community. Maria has found it very difficult to learn sign language, no matter what her instructors try. Which of the follow concepts best explains Maria's difficulty learning sign language?


Maria's difficulty learning sign language Functional fixedness.

They are maximum typically related with processing auditory information and with the encoding of reminiscence. The temporal lobes also are believed to play an crucial position in processing affect/emotions, language, and sure elements of visible perception.

A fake reminiscence is a recollection that appears actual to your thoughts however is fabricated in element or in whole. An instance of a fake reminiscence is believing you commenced the showering gadget earlier than you left for work, handiest to return back domestic and locate you didn't.

The adjective retroactive refers to some thing occurring now that impacts the past. For instance, a retroactive tax is one this is surpassed at one time, however payable again to a time earlier than the tax become surpassed.

Learn more about Maria's here:


How did the media influence the Spanish-American War?




The Spanish-American War is often referred to as the first "media war." During the 1890s, journalism that sensationalized—and sometimes even manufactured—dramatic events was a powerful force that helped propel the United States into war with Spain.

dallas began her main points with ideas that are very easy to understand and has then moved to concepts that are more difficult to understand. she has used which organizational principle?


Dallas began her main points with ideas that are very easy to understand and then moved to concepts that are more difficult to understand. she has used Complexity organizational principle.

Organizational complexity is how multiple entities of an employer differentiate amongst themselves. It refers to the range of assets which are involved in a department, challenge, or group. If the dimensions of the organizational structure or gadget is big that corporation is said to be complicated. The principle of Complexity isn't always a principle of agency. The ideas corporation states that the organizing method can be completed efficaciously if the managers have particular strategies with a purpose to take conclusions and can work.

The ideas of complexity idea largely determine how best to help others personal their own trade, undertake the right change techniques, and apprehend the brand new guidelines of engagement in this postindustrial age.

Learn more about Complexity organizational principle here:


what is it called when individuals must care for both their own children and their elderly parents?



When individuals must care for both their own children and their elderly parents, it is called the "sandwich generation" or the "sandwich generation phenomenon." This term refers to the situation in which adults are "sandwiched" between the need to care for their own children and their aging parents, often leading to feelings of stress and overwhelm. The sandwich generation phenomenon is becoming increasingly common as life expectancy increases and families become more geographically dispersed.


according to the elaboration likelihood model, the central route is the main method of delivering a persuasive message. t or f


According to the elaboration likelihood model, the central route is the main method of delivering a persuasive message. This statement is false.

According to the elaboration likelihood model, persuasive messages are processed by two different persuasion pathways. It happens when interested individuals pay attention to the arguments, take into consideration the facts and figures, and react favorably.

The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion states that there are two main routes that can be used to deliver a persuasive message, which are:

Central routePeripheral route

The central route to persuasion is most effective when the audience, or target, is analytical and open to analyzing the information. Peripheral route to persuasion, which is a way to process a persuasive message by an individual who is unable or unwilling to exert effort into closely considering the argument made in the message, is ineffective.

Learn more about peripheral routes here:


The cluster of buildings seen in the distance at the right of liberty leading the people signifies: ________


The government of France is represented by the group of buildings seen in the distance at the right of liberty guiding the populace.

In France, which has a semi-presidential system of government, the president, who is also the head of state and is directly elected, appoints the prime minister. 18 administrative regions make up France's territory: 13 metropolitan (also known as European France) and 5 abroad.

The agenda of the chambers of Parliament is mostly shaped by the administration. During parliamentary sessions, it may suggest legislation to Parliament as well as changes. It may employ a few mechanisms to hasten parliamentary discussions.

The Fifth French Republic's Constitution states that national policy is directed and decided by the government. In reality, the government draughts and publishes decrees together with legislation that is submitted to the legislature.

To learn more about the government of France


Why did a number of Western nations join NATO in 1949?


Number of Western nations joined NATO in 1949 to promote peace in Europe and to promote cooperation and freedom.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was established in 1949 to guarantee collective security against the Soviet Union by the United States, Canada, and a number of Western European countries. The United States joined NATO as its first military alliance during peacetime outside of the Western Hemisphere. In reality, the founding of the Alliance was a part of a larger attempt to achieve three goals: preventing Soviet expansionism, preventing the resurgence of nationalist militarism in Europe through a strong North American presence on the continent, and promoting European political unification.

Learn more about NATO here:


within the current chinese authoritarian regime, how is the problem of succession dealt with


Within the Chinese authoritarian regime, the problem of succession is dealt with through the political party.

The Chinese National People's Congress this week passed a constitutional amendment to eliminate presidential term limits with a nearly unanimous vote, thereby allowing Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely if he so chooses. When "Xi Jinping Thought" was incorporated into the Chinese constitution at the Communist Party Congress, this action was hinted at. Additionally breaking with precedent, Xi did not name a potential successor at the start of his second five-year term.

Since 1949, China has been a one-party state ruled by the Chinese Communist Party. This one-party state has governed the country since that time. The appointment of the paramount leader is largely in the hands of his predecessor and the strong factions that rule the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, despite the constitution's guarantee of universal voting rights.

Learn more about the CCP here


uestion 7 (2 points)
A school teacher gets paid today in money, but plans to spend the money in six months on a vacation. This
illustrates which function of money?


The function of money illustrated is the standard of postponed payment.

What is money?

Money is essential in our daily lives. Money is used to purchase goods and serves as a medium of exchange.

We can spend money on things like shoes, jewelry, a radio, a phone, a bag, and so on. When we require services such as hairdressing, teaching, tailoring, catering, auditing, and so on, we can make a monetary purchase and the services will be provided to us.

Since the school teacher gets paid today in money, but plans to spend the money in six months on a vacation, it's a standard for deferred payment.

Learn more about money on:


ada has an individualistic cultural outlook. when asked about her personal attributes, how might she respond?


I'm a no-nonsense go-getter

People from an individualistic culture, that is, a culture that focuses on individual achievement and autonomy, have the greatest tendency to commit the fundamental attribution error. Individualistic cultures, which tend to be found in western countries such as the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, promote a focus on the individual. Therefore, a person’s disposition is thought to be the primary explanation for her behavior. In contrast, people from a collectivistic culture, that is, a culture that focuses on communal relationships with others, such as family, friends, and community , are less likely to commit the fundamental attribution error.

To know more about attribution error visit

mary and paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. they come from families of little education or money. they moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of _____ aggression.


Mary and Paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. they come from families of little education or money. They moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. The neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. This is an example of relational aggression.

What is relational aggression?

An evil form of bullying known as relational aggression frequently goes unrecognized by grownups. These acts of aggression are meant to damage someone's social position or personal connections, not to cause physical harm such as unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other.

Relational aggressors frequently control, bully, and manipulate others without drawing attention from parents, teachers, or other adults. Some young people are so adept at bullying that no one would ever suspect them of doing harm to others. It is sometimes even more difficult for children to speak up because friends engage in relational hostility toward one another.

Read more about relational aggression


the fundamental attribution error is a default attribution that all people make. t or f


People make the fundamental attribution error because they pay too much attention to the disposition or personality of the person in the situation.

The statement is True.

A person's personality is their distinctive combination of numerous features, including their mental, physical, emotional, and social ones. Therefore, these qualities, features, or characteristics affect how a person acts, thinks, feels, and behaves in connection to their environment and other people.Therefore, the characteristics that distinguish an individual or person would be the definition of personality.In the end, this suggests that each person has a distinct personality that completely distinguishes them from others based on their patterns of thought, emotion, and conduct.

To know more about Personality here


what accounts for consistency in personality over time? what are different explanations offered by different personality theories?


Personality theory examines what constitutes personality and where it comes from. Theorists understand this and try to hypothesize.

Personality theory is useful to psychologists for many reasons. They provide standardized descriptions of behaviors and traits that can be compared across subjects, indicating whether subjects are healthy or, according to Erickson, in need of a calming personality.

A predetermined sequence through her eight developmental stages of psychosocial development, from infancy to adulthood. At each stage, a person experiences a psychosocial crisis that can positively or negatively affect personality development.

Allport's theory of personality emphasizes the individual's uniqueness and the internal cognitive and motivational processes that influence behavior. For example, intelligence, temperament, habits, skills, attitudes, traits, etc.

Learn more about Personality theory here:


What are the most likely motives behind the public service announcement check all that apply.


The most likely motives behind the public service announcement are to encourage pregnant women to take a Waccine, to promote the idea of vaccinating young children and to educate the public on the dangers of whooping cough.

A public service announcement refers to a message or a short informational clip that is issued in the public interest broadcasted by the media without any charge in order to raise public awareness and change behavior about significant issues. These messages can be inspirational, instructional, or even shocking to stimulate emotion and action. PSAs may include interviews, dramatizations, animations and many other types of video and audio content. From the given options the motives behind PSA may be to to encourage pregnant women to take a Waccine, to promote the idea of vaccinating young children and to educate the public on the dangers of whooping cough.

Note: The question is incomplete as it is missing options which are A) to encourage pregnant women to take a Waccine. B) to promote the idea of vaccinating young children. C) to educate the public on the dangers of whooping cough. D) to inspire the federal government to pass a health-related bill. E) to ask the medical community to find a cure for whooping cough.

Learn more about Public service announcement:


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