cell bodies of the sympathetic preganglionic fibers are found in the horn of gray matter in the spinal cord. t or f


Answer 1

According to the research, the correct answer is true. The statement "cell bodies of the sympathetic preganglionic fibers are found in the horn of gray matter in the spinal cord" is true.

What is gray matter in the spinal cord?

It is the group of neuronal bodies, which is distributed differently depending on its location in the nervous system, that is, in the brain and spinal cord.

In this sense, the central nervous system is made up of the brain, the spinal cord, the gray matter and the white matter that function in the analysis and transmission of information.

Therefore, we can conclude that according to the research, the gray matter is a group of cell bodies that form an important part in the spinal cord of the nervous system, and therefore in brain function.

Learn more about nervous system here: https://brainly.com/question/14209874


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m protein, hyaluronidase, collagenase, and often a capsule, can be virulence factors for certain pathogenic strains of?


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Proteins are massive, complex molecules that play many essential roles in the frame. They do most of the work in cells and are required for the shape, function, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs.

Each cell within the human body carries protein. The primary shape of a protein is a chain of amino acids.

Animal-primarily based foods (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy meals) have a tendency to be proper resources of complete protein, while plant-based totally meals (fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, and seeds) frequently lack one or extra important amino acid.

Learn more about proteins here:-https://brainly.com/questio


What are the types of internal energy?


The several kinds of energy stored include little energy.

There is no apparent macroscopic potential and kinetic energy in a glass of water resting on a table. But because water molecules travel haphazardly, each molecule adds to the total energy stored in the water, it possesses internal energy.

The radioactive decay of isotopes as well as the gravitational forces from Earth's creation are the two main sources of internal energy.

It is composed of the kinetic and potential energies of the individual particles. The movement of its particles generates kinetic energy in several types, including longitudinal energy, rational energy, vibrating energy, and others.

Learn more about internal energy at



if the genetic code consisted of four bases per codon rather than three, the maximum number of unique amino acids that could be encoded would be:


The maximum number of unique amino acids that could be encoded would be 253 if n the genetic code consisted of four bases per codon rather than three.

A codon could be a DNA or RNA sequence of three nucleotides that shapes a unit of genomic data encoding a specific amino acid or signaling the end of protein synthesis (stop signals). There are 64 different codons 61 are the specify amino acids and 3 are utilized as stop signals.For the  genetic code consisting of four bases per codon, there will be four nucleotides such as A, T, G, and C,  so the number of  codons possible will be: 4^4=256, now since we are given that stop codons are the same will  256-3= 253 which is the total number of the possible number of the codon of unique amino acids

To know more about  genetic code refer to  the link brainly.com/question/29413263


a group of freshwater green algae known as charophytes are the most closely related to plants.


A group of freshwater green algae known as charophytes are the most closely related to land plants.

Charophyta is a phylum of freshwater green algae known as charophytes. It is classified as a division, a superdivision, or an unranked clade. The Embryophyta, or terrestrial plants, evolved within Charophyta, possibly from terrestrial unicellular charophytes, with the class Zygnematophyceae as a sister group.

Placing Embryophyta within Charophyta may result in the formation of the clade Streptophyta. If the Embryophyta is already included in the Charophyta, it is a synonym of the Streptophyta. The Chlorophyta are the charophytes' sister group. Flagella are absent in some charophyte groups, such as the Zygnematophyceae or conjugating green algae, and sexual reproduction does not involve free-swimming flagellate sperm.

To learn more about charophytes, here



how many ways can the letters of the word ancestor be arranged in a row if a and n must remain together (in order) as a unit?


Since the letters in the given word are distinct for ancestors, there are as many arrangements of these letters in a row as there are permutations of a set with 8 answers is 40,320 elements.

There are 40,320 various ways to arrange the letters in the given word because each letter is unique. This is equivalent to every combination of the set of eight solutions. Therefore, since A and N must remain together, there are 10,080 possible ways the letters of the word ANCESTOR can be arranged in a row (in order) (c) There are 4,320 possible ways the letters of the word ANCESTOR can be placed in a row assuming the letters CES must remain together (in order) as a unit.

To learn more about an ancestor click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/15990290


you are choosing between yeast and bacterial cells as hosts for recombinant dna. which statement is most true?


By deciding between yeast and bacterial cells as hosts for recombinant DNA, having plasmids is a trait that would prefer bacteria as hosts.

Production of recombinant proteins is a multi-billion dollar industry. The selection of a production host signals the start of a new product's development. Although there isn't a single ideal host for every protein, a number of expression methods, from bacterial hosts to mammalian cells, have been developed. me.gov/genetics-glossary/Recombinant-DNA. In biology, recombinant DNA technology is a crucial research tool. It enables the manipulation of DNA fragments for laboratory research. A fragment of DNA is inserted into a bacterial or yeast cell using a number of scientific techniques.

To know more about plasmids please click on the link brainly.com/question/15461017


how many dna molecules would there be after four rounds of pcr if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules?


Thirty-two DNA molecules are produced if two molecules are doubled four times.

A molecule is a group of two or more atoms held together by attractive forces known as chemical bonds. Depending on the context, the term may or may not include ions that meet this criterion.

Let's start with the molecule. The molecule is a general term used to describe all atoms connected by chemical bonds. Any combination of atoms is a molecule. A compound is a molecule composed of atoms of different elements. All compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are compounds.

There are four main classes of large biomolecules carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Carbohydrates are made up of monomers called monosaccharides that contain carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.

Learn more about molecules here:-https://brainly.com/question/11977218


What happens when you burn hydrocarbon fuels?


Hydrocarbon fuels can undergo complete combustion or incomplete combustion depending upon the amount of oxygen available.

Complete combustion happens when there is enough air present. Carbon and hydrogen atoms in hydrocarbon fuel combine with oxygen in an exothermic process, producing carbon dioxide and water while emitting energy.

Incomplete combustion occurs when the supply of air or oxygen is inadequate. Water is still generated, but so are carbon monoxide and carbon. There is less energy released than in full combustion.

For example, here is one potential equation for incomplete propane combustion: carbon + carbon monoxide + water = propane + oxygen

C3H8 + 3O2 C + 2CO + 4H2O = C3H8 + 3O2 C + 2CO + 4H2O

learn more about combustion at https://brainly.com/question/13251946


which pituitary hormone causes a decrease in the amount of water lost in the kidneys?


Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is pituitary hormone causes a decrease in the amount of water lost in the kidneys.

What is the antidiuretic hormone ADH?A hormone that aids in blood vessel constriction and aids the kidneys in managing the body's salt and water levels. This aids in regulating both blood pressure and urine production.Anti-diuretic hormone works on the kidneys and blood arteries to lower blood pressure. Its primary function is to reduce the quantity of water excreted in the urine, so conserving the volume of fluid in your body.The brain releases a substance called antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which makes the kidneys release less water and reduces the volume of urine generated.

To learn more about Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) refer to:



if the hypothalamus was not stimulated by estrogen, which pathways would be interrupted?


If the hypothalamus is not stimulated by estrogen, the pathway that will be disrupted is thyroid-stimulating.

What is the hypothalamus?

The hypothalamus is a gland in the brain that controls the hormone system. It releases hormones to another part of the brain called the pituitary gland, which sends hormones to various organs of the body. Sometimes problems with the hypothalamus can occur. This can cause disease.

Some of the most important hormones produced by the hypothalamus are Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). CRH is involved in the body's response to physical and emotional stress. This signals the pituitary gland to produce a hormone called adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

Learn more about the function of estrogen here :



A dog cell has 20% potassium, 30 % iodine, and 50% plasma. The solution the cell is sitting in has 10% plasma, 20% potassium, and 70% iodine. The membrane is only allowing facilitated diffusion to take place with potassium. What will happen to the dog cell (dok 2)?.


A dog cell has 20% potassium, 30 % iodine, and 50% plasma. The solution the cell is sitting in has 10% plasma, 20% potassium, and 70% iodine. The membrane is only allowing facilitated diffusion to take place with potassium therefore plasmolysis will happen to the dog cell which is option D.

What is Plasmolysis?

This is referred to as the process of shrinkage of the protoplasm of a plant cell as a result of loss of water.

Osmosis on the other hand involves the movement of a solvent molecule from a region of lower concentration to that of a higher concentration and the dog cell has a lower concentration of which means that there will be loss of water thereby leading to plasmolysis.

Read more about Plasmolysis here https://brainly.com/question/29186428


The options are:

It would crenate.It would be Turgid.It would be lyse.It would go through plasmolysis.

Which one of the following considerations is relevant to appraisal of the clinical significance of the findings of an experimental study?


The size of the difference in the treatment groups' outcome means is important in determining the clinical significance of an experimental study's findings.

Critical appraisal is the process of carefully and methodically evaluating the results of scientific research (evidence) to determine its credibility, value, and relevance in a specific context. Critical appraisal examines the methodology of a study and factors such as internal validity, generalizability, and relevance.

Individual clinical expertise is combined with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research, as well as the patient's values and expectations, in the decision-making process for patient care. It is essential to be able to identify and evaluate the best available evidence in order to integrate it with your clinical experience and the values of your patients. The purpose of this article is to provide a reliable and simple method for determining the credibility of articles and their relevance to clinical practise.

To know more about the Clinical significance, here



Describe Four types of organic molecules found in all living things


carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleotides

which of the following statements correctly describes one of the main differences between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells? a. embryonic stem cells only differentiate into only eggs and sperm, and adult stem cells differentiate into any type of cell. b. embryonic stem cells can give rise to all cell types in the organism, and adult stem cells cannot. c. embryonic stem cells can continue to reproduce for an indefinite period, and adult stem cells cannot. d. one aim of using embryonic stem cells is to provide cells for repair of diseased tissue.


The statement embryonic stem cells can give rise to all cell types in the organism, and adult stem cells cannot correctly describes one of the main differences between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells (Option b).

What are embryonic stem cells?

Embryonic stem cells are a special class of undifferentiated stem cells that are used by the body to generate all the tissues, while adult stem cells can only produce a particular class.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that embryonic stem cells are different from adult stem call since they originate all classes of cells.

Learn more about embryonic stem cells here:



For scientists to figure out how old the layers of rock are, the rock layers are expected to have been created in what position?


According to the principle of superposition, each layer of sedimentary rock in a series of unreformed rocks is older that the one it and younger than the layer below it.

A rock is what in chemistry?

Rocks are solids made up of mineral grains that fit together. Chemicals called minerals are found naturally in the crust of the Earth. A compound is anything created by a number of elements that are chemically linked together in a certain atom-to-element ratio.

How does a rock combine?

A solid combination of crystals from one or more metals, or from organic material, is called rock. As according their formation, composition, and texture, rocks are categorized.

To know more about Rock visit:



dr. dre is conducting an experiment where he exposed a culture of cells to irradiation in order to cause mutations in random genes. he manages to cause several missense mutations in a gene coding for histone proteins. as a result, several of the lysine residues that normally reside in the histone tail are replaced with glycine residues. what would you predict is the most likely consequence of this?


For the purpose of locating and isolating deletion mutants for certain plant genes, a fresh reverse genetics technique has been created. There are created deletion mutant libraries.

What procedure can result in an arbitrary mutation in a newly formed cell?

Mutations can be the result of viral infection, exposure to mutagens, or mistakes in DNA replication during cell division. Somatic mutations, which happen in body cells rather than in eggs or sperm, cannot be passed on to kids. Germline mutations, however, can.

When DNA replication occurs, what causes random mutation?

Mutations can be caused by mistakes in DNA replication or by mutagens, which interact with DNA and alter the architecture of certain nucleotides. All cells include DNA repair enzymes that work to reduce the amount of mutations that take place.

To know more about mutations in random genes visit :-



chapter 16 guidelines describe covid-19 infections in newborns. if a record documents a newborn tests positive for covid-19 which was contracted in utero, what icd10cm codes are assigned?


A few weeks earlier than usual, on July 8, CMS released the official 2021 ICD-10-CM covid 19 rules for neonates for coding and reporting.

The updated covid rules, which took effect on October 1 along with other revisions, include more instructions for reporting signs of the new coronavirus (COVID-19).

The rules include a new section for COVID-19 and add to the temporary coding instructions that were published in April by the ICD-10-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee. The interim regulations will expire on September 30. The most recent reporting recommendations for ICD-10-CM code U07.1 (2019-nCoV acute respiratory illness) are as follows:

1. U07 should be used if a newborn who tests positive for COVID-19 does not have a proven method of transmission.

2. A new section in Certain Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period should be assigned and any applicable codes for associated manifestations. P35.8 (other congenital viral diseases) should be classified after U07.

3.  If a newborn tests positive for COVID-19 and the healthcare provider notes that the infant caught the illness while in utero or during birth. The guidelines make it clear that the primary diagnostic for coding the birth episode in a newborn record is Z38 (liveborn infants according to place of birth and type of delivery).

To learn more about covid-19 infections guidelines in newborns, refer: https://brainly.com/question/28267244


What is the relationship between genes nucleotides and chromosomes?


Genes are made up of the many nucleotides that make up the DNA sequences in all human beings is considered as the relationship between genes nucleotides and chromosomes.

Several genes are located along a long DNA thread called a chromosome. A human chromosome can include up to 500 million base pairs of DNA and hundreds of genes. Genes form the basis of heredity. The impacts of our genetic makeup are sometimes quite obvious and visible to the unaided eye, while other times they are completely imperceptible. For example, our genetic risk factors for some diseases are not obvious to the untrained eye, yet the color of our eyes is. The occasional incorrect sequencing of a gene leads to genetic mutations.

Learn to know more about Nucleotides on



A ____________________________ is always a molecule, but a _______________________is not always a compound.



A compound is always a molecule, but a molecule is not always a compound

This is because a molecule is made up of multiple atoms, but they can be made of multiple of only one type of atom (ex [tex]O_{2}[/tex])

This differs from a compound which is made up of multiple different types of atoms (ex [tex]NaCl[/tex] or [tex]H_{2} O[/tex])

18) Living things are hugely complex However, all this complexity did not emerge fully-formed from ancient Earth. Instead life almost certainly originated in a series of small steps, each building upon the
complexity that evolved previously. Experiments suggest that organic molecules could have been synthesized in the atmosphere of early Earth Macromolecules arose from the chemical reactions among monomers.
All living things must reproduce, copying their genetic material and passing it onto their offspring. This ability to copy the molecules that encode genetic information is a key step in the origin of life. Most scientists
propose that DNA (Molecule 2) developed from small changes to which of these molecules?
D) polypeptides




I think DNA develped from RNA because they almost shared same components like PENTOSE sugar, POLYPEPTIDES, HYDROGEN BONDS, and enzymatic activities involving replication shares similarity.

amino acids can be described as glucogenic and ketogenic explain the differnces between the two and why some can be both


The primary distinction between glucogenic and ketogenic amino acids is that whereas ketogenic amino acids can be turned into acetyl CoA and acetoacetyl CoA, glucogenic amino acids can only be transformed into pyruvate or other glucose precursors.

Upon deamination, gluconeogenic amino acids produce "amphibolic" intermediates that enter the TCA and may either be oxidized to produce carbon dioxide and water or take the opposite route to produce glucose or glycogen. Deamination of ketogenic amino acids results in ketoacidosis, which undergoes the "acetoacetate" stage of oxidation before being converted to water and carbon dioxide. Both glucose and ketone bodies are produced by amino acids that fall under the criteria of being both glucogenic and ketogenic.

To learn more about amino acids click on the below link:



what would be the genotype of a high school boy who is homozygous dominan



I must be homozygous dominant genotype.for instance, height..if it is homozygous dominant (HH)it will express a homozygous genotype only..

hope it helps


homozygous recessive


a mutation that occurs in a somatic cell in an organism will most likely be transferred to


Somatic mutations occur in non-reproductive cells and are passed down through mitosis to daughter cells.

What is somatic mutations?A DNA change that occurs after conception. Somatic mutations can occur in any cell of the body except germ cells (sperm and egg) and are thus not passed down to children. These changes can (but do not always) result in cancer or other diseases.A somatic mutation occurs in body cells but is not passed down to future generations. A mutation that affects the gamete or the cell that produces gametes is distinct in that it affects the offspring while having no effect on the adult.Somatic mutations are a normal part of aging and occur throughout the life cycle of an organism, either spontaneously as a result of errors in DNA repair mechanisms or as a direct response to stress.

To learn more about mutations refer to :



What are the different categories of wildlife?


Birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates, plants, and fungi are some of the numerous types of wildlife.

Any member of the class of warm-blooded vertebrates known as birds is differentiated by having forelimbs transformed into wings and a body that is more or less entirely covered in feathers. Warm-blooded creatures with hair and vertebrates, or backbones, such as humans, are referred to be mammals.

Snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodilians make up the majority of the vertebrate group known as reptiles. Small animals called amphibians require water or a wet environment to exist. A lot of people think that fungi are plants. Fungi, on the other hand, are creatures that belong to their own kingdom of life and are neither plants nor animals.

All fish, shellfish, wild birds, intertidal creatures, amphibians, reptiles, and wild mammals that fall within the purview of the Fish and Wildlife Commission are included in the term "fish and wildlife." A cold-blooded animal without a backbone is an invertebrate.

To learn more about wildlife



place the following labels in order indicating the passage of sound waves through the ear and hearing apparatus starting outside the ear.


The labels in order indicating the passage of sound waves through the ear and hearing apparatus starting outside the ear is given below:

1. Auricle

2. Auditory canal

3. Tympanic membrane

4. Ossicles

5. Oval window

6. Scala vestibuli

7. Scala tympani

8. Round window

What is  the ear processes a sound wave starting with the outer ear?

The part of the outer ear that is visible is called the auricle (pinna). It gathers sound waves and directs them into the external auditory meatus of the ear, where they are amplified. The eardrum, also known as the tympanic membrane, is a flexible, oval membrane located at the outer end of the ear canal.

Therefore, in the context of the above, the sound waves enter the outer ear and pass through the ear canal, a small tunnel that connects to the eardrum. When sound waves enter the ear, the eardrum vibrates, sending these vibrations to three small bones in the middle ear. The malleus, incus, and stapes are the names of these three bones.

Learn more about sound waves from


The open area of dna where replication or transcription can take place is called.


The open area of DNA where replication or transcription can take place is called Replication bubble.

A replication bubble is an unraveled and open region of DNA that enables DNA replication. Bubbles are formed when the enzyme helicase distinguishes the two strands of DNA so that they can be recreated.

Through the process of DNA replication, a double-stranded DNA molecule is replicated to produce two identical DNA molecules. Replication is an important process because every time a cell divides, the two additional daughter cells should indeed contain the same genetic material, or DNA, as the parent cell.

DNA polymerase (DNAP) is an enzyme that is responsible for generating new nucleic acid molecules that are replicas of the original DNA. Polymers are massive compounds made up of smaller, repeating units that are molecularly linked together. Polymers are nucleic acids.

The method of replicating a segment of DNA into RNA is known as transcription. Messenger RNA is created when segments of DNA are transcribed into RNA molecules that can encode a protein. Other DNA segments are replicated into RNA molecules known as non-coding RNAs. Only 1-3% of overall RNA samples contain mRNA.

For more information on DNA , visit :



In which organ does absorption take place? What structural features make this organ particularly well-suited for absorption of nutrients into the blood?



the small intestine


Special cell helps absorbed nutrients cross the intestinal lining into your bloodstream

true or false? the blind spot in vertebrate eyes is a region of the retina that contains no photoreceptors.


The given statement is true. The blind spot in vertebrate eyes is a region of the retina that contains no photoreceptors.

Blind spot: A tiny area of each eye's visual field that is associated with the location of the optic disk, also referred to as the optic nerve head, within the retina. The optic disk lacks photoreceptors (i.e., rods or cones) and is hence devoid of image detection.

Right-eye blind spots are to the right of the center of vision, and left-eye blind spots are the opposite. Since the two eyes' visual fields overlap while both are open, the blind spots are not visible. Because the brain has the ability to "fill in" or disregard the missing area of the image, the blind spot can be challenging to subjectively identify even with one eye closed.

To learn more about the blind spot, visit the link below:



biological growth that is not influenced by experience is called: biological growth that is not influenced by experience is called: maturation. attachment. imprinting. generativity. continuity.


Biological development is the process through which an organism's genetic potential (genotype) is converted into fully-formed, functional systems during the course of its existence (phenotype). Biological processes known as maturation allow for orderly, experience-relatively uninfluenced changes in behavior.

Secondary and Primary Growth: The length of the plant is increased by the mitotic divisions in meristematic cells at the root and shoot apex. While the secondary meristem, which causes the plant's diameter to rise, is known as secondary growth, this is referred to as primary growth. evolutionary biology. A general definition of biological development, which is also known as "embryogenesis" in the early stages, is a dynamic process that brings an organism to a specific morphological state.

To learn more about Secondary and Primary Growth it, follow the below link:



describe an action that are required for this sport. it should include the sport description, i.e. throwing and the anatomical action of the muscles, i.e. extension. it should also describe the 1) anatomical name of the muscles, 2) bones, and 3) ligaments that create the action, as well as the 4) nerves and 5)arteries that supply that action. must have all 5 things for full points


Additionally, the anatomical names of the muscles should be included.

How is the anatomy of muscles named?

Some muscles, like the gluteal muscles in the buttocks, are named according to their size and position. Other muscle names, such tibialis anterior, can refer to the part of the body or bones the muscle is connected to.

What is a good way to describe a muscle's name?

Skeletal muscles are given names by anatomists based on a variety of criteria, each of which in some way describes the muscle. Some of characteristics include the muscle's form, size, fiber orientation, location, number of origins, and activity.

To know more about anatomical action visit:-



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