cash paid for an expense in one fiscal period that is not used until a later period.


Answer 1

Cash paid for an expense in one fiscal period that is not used until a later period is called a prepaid expense.

A prepaid expense is an fee that has been paid for earlier but no longer yet incurred. In enterprise, a prepaid cost is recorded as an asset at the stability sheet that outcomes from a business making superior payments for goods or offerings to be obtained inside the future.

Prepaid expenses are future prices which are paid earlier, which include hire or coverage. at the balance sheet, prepaid costs are first recorded as an asset. as the benefits of the assets are found out over the years, the quantity is then recorded as an cost.

The maximum commonplace examples of pay as you go prices encompass rent; device paid for before use, Salaries, Taxes, application bills, hobby expenses, etc.

Learn more about prepaid expense here :


Related Questions

Tara deposits $5,000 in a certificate of deposit. The annual interest rate is 7%, and the interest will be compounded monthly. How much will the certificate be worth in 10 years? round your answer to two decimal places.


Answer: $10048.31


Productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by ______ for a specified period of time.


Productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by inputs for a specified period of time.

In advertising, a product is an object, system, or carrier made available for customer use in keeping with patron demand; it's miles anything that can be provided to a market to fulfill the choice or want of a patron.

A product is an item provided for sale. A product may be a provider or an item. it can be bodily or digital or cyber form. each product is made at a cost and each is offered at a fee. The rate that may be charged depends available on the market, the best, the advertising, and the section this is targeted.

There are 4 styles of products and each is classed based totally on client habits, charge, and product characteristics: comfort goods, shopping items, area of expertise merchandise, and unsought items.

Learn more about the product here:-


A firm is operating in the United States with only two other competitors in the industry.a. It is likely this industry would be characterized as:b. Firms in this industry will likely earn:c. If foreign firms begin supplying the product, increasing the number of competitors, it is likely that:


The right response is a. an oligopoly, b. this industry will probably make a profit, and c. Economic profits are expected to decrease if international businesses start supplying the goods, increasing the number of competitors.

What does market oligopoly mean?

In oligopoly markets, a limited number of suppliers control the market. They are present in every nation and a wide variety of industries. While some oligopoly markets are much more competitive than others, others can at least appear to be so. An oligopoly can prevent new competitors from entering the market, stifle innovation, and raise prices, all of which are detrimental to consumers. Instead than collecting prices from the market, companies in an oligopoly determine pricing, whether collectively—in a cartel—or under the direction of one enterprise.

To know more about oligopoly, visit:


rahul owns a salmon farm with market power in washington. rahul's optimal output occurs where marginal revenue marginal cost. because of monopoly power, rahul's supply curve . equals; does not exist exceeds; does not exist equals; is upward sloping exceeds; is perfectly inelasti


In the above condition, it can be interpreted that because of monopoly power, the supply curve of Rahul does not exist. Therefore, the option C holds true.

A supply curve can be referred to or considered as the graphical representation of the total supply available in the market for a particular seller, which is determined by the formidable forces of the different factors of production.

In a monopoly, the seller does not have a supply curve, as the entire supply is in his or hands, and furthermore, the marginal cost is also equal to the marginal revenues of the monopolist.

Learn more about a supply curve here:


in different types of businesses as well as different countries, different accounting terms may be used for the same concept. for example, revenue is equivalent to which two terms?


The two terms is 1.Goods or services sold 2.Sales.

What is businesses terms? A term used in the business world is a word or phrase that refers to a certain idea. Customers, purchase orders, annual leave, and personal loans are a few examples. Terms of sale are crucial for establishing what your company is obligated to give, ensuring that your company is paid (and is not required to continue providing if it is not paid), and minimizing your company's responsibility in the event that something goes wrong. the owners and partners who created and defined the usage of the term, the definition and application of the business term across the various Lines of Business.the physical instantiation of the data, including the authoritative source, acceptable data quality guidelines for measuring the business terms, and the parties who are responsible for these elements.

To learn more about businesses terms refer to:


the measurement of the impact of change in purchase spend on a firm profit before taxes, assuming gross sales and other expenses remain unchanged, is referred to as:


The measurement of the impact of change in purchase spend on a firm profit before taxes, assuming gross sales and other expenses remain unchanged, is referred to as Profit-Leverage Effect.

Profit leverage translates the impact of savings in purchasing costs into the revenue equivalent required to have the same profit impact. A dollar saved on a purchase almost always has a larger impact on profits than an increase in dollar sales. Leverage describes the effect of debt on return on equity. Additional debt can increase the return on equity for owners. This applies as long as the total project profit is greater than the cost of the additional debt.

To learn more about Profit leverage, click here.


An injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers' compensation law. a. True b. False


It is true that an injury sustained by an employee while they are traveling to or from work is typically not regarded as having happened on the job or during the course of their employment and is therefore not covered by workers' compensation law.

What is worker’s compensation law?

A system of compensation known as workers' compensation enables employees who sustain work-related injuries to receive payment for lost income, medical expenditures, and occupational rehabilitation costs without taking into account personal carelessness or blame.

Employees forfeit their right to directly sue their employers for carelessness or other damages in exchange for this no-fault system, which does not take into consideration an employee's own negligence or blame.

Workers' compensation insurance, also known as "workers comp," is a state-mandated program that provides benefits to employees who become ill or injured at work.

Learn more about worker’s compensation law, from:


how would the federal reserve stimulate the united states economy and reduce unemployment?


The Fed uses a variety of monetary policy tools to reduce unemployment rates and boost prices in order to help achieve this during recessions. These instruments include reserve regulation, discount lending, open market asset purchases, and forward guidance to control market expectations.

How does the Federal Reserve stimulate the economy?

By exchanging the bonds for cash when it buys bonds on the open market, the Fed increases the quantity of money that is available to the general people. In contrast, the money supply is decreased when the Fed sells bonds because it removes money from circulation in exchange for the bonds.

In order to execute monetary policy, the Federal Reserve employs its policy tools to influence the cost and availability of credit in the economy, which in turn influences employment and inflation.

Thus, The Fed uses a variety of monetary policy tools to reduce unemployment rates.

For more information about Federal Reserve stimulate the economy, click here:


analyzing collected facts and figures and putting them into formats useful to a business


The most Marketing frequent and well-liked method for gathering qualitative data is definitely interviewing. In a typical interview, the interviewee plays the respondent while the researcher sets the topic and asks the questions.

Marketing research is used to discover problems that may or may not be immediately obvious as well as to solve specific marketing challenges. Market analysis identifies the weak points of your company. interviewing existing clients' needs and the advantages of your product or service over rivals is also helpful. It helps you create effective market strategies and enables you to make well-informed decisions regarding your goods or services.

To learn more about Marketing, click here.


question 7 of 10: you have gotten advice that you should spend no more than 30% of your take-home pay on rent. your take-home pay is $1,400 per month. how much can you afford to pay for rent per month?


You can afford to pay for rent per month is $420.

Rental costs are fixed operating or absorption costs of a business, as opposed to variable costs. Rent is often subject to his one- or two-year contract with extension options between the landlord and tenant.

The pension has three concepts: basic pension, economic pension, and quasi-pension. A renter pays Land rent to a landlord for renting land. Landlords receive this price because the land is in short supply.  Rent earned by the owner is considered income under existing Indian law. Landlords earning such income are therefore obliged to pay tax on their rental income in India.

Learn more about rent here:-


this equipment is expected to have a useful life of 6 years. at the end of the sixth year the working capital would be released for use elsewhere. the present value of all future opertaing cash inflows is closest to


The present value for all the future operating cash inflows must be closest to $452,300. Option (b)

The net amount of cash and cash equivalents coming into and going out of a business is referred to as cash flow. Money spent and money received reflect inflows and outflows, respectively.

Add your net income and non-cash expenses, then deduct your change in working capital and capital expenditures to arrive at free cash flow. Free Cash Flow is calculated as Net Income plus Non-Cash Expenses less the change in working capital minus capital expenditure.

Cash Flows

Year 0 =-$250,000 -$100,000 =-$350,000

Year 1-3 = $ 80,000

Year 4 = $ 80,000 -$40,000 =$40,000

Year 5 = $ 80,000

Year 6 = $ 80,000 + $ 90,000 +$100,000 =270,000

present value for operating cash inflows =$ 80,000/1.1 +$ 80,000/1.1^2 +$ 80,000/1.1^3 + $40,000/1.1^4 +$ 80,000/1.1^5 +270,000/1.1^6 =$428,350.36

Learn more about cash inflows visit this link :


Correct Question:

(Ignore income taxes in this problem.) The Becker Company is interested in buying a piece of equipment that it needs. The following data have been assembled concerning this equipment:

Cost of required equipmwnt.......$250,000

Working capital required........... $100,000

Annual operating cash flow........ $ 80,000

Cash repair at end of 4 years .... $40,000

Salvage value at end of 6 years... $90,000

This equipment is expected to have a useful life of 6 years. At the end of the sixth year the working capital would be released for use elsewhere. The company's discount rate is 10%.

The present value of all future operating cash inflows is closest to _____.

chiptech, inc. paid a $3 dividend last year and is expected to grow the dividend at 10% for the next 2 years. the dividend will then grow at a constant rate of 4%, thereafter. if investors require a return of 12% on this stock, what is chiptech's current price? multiple choice question. $52.15 $43.46 $35.87 $32.19


Chemtech, inc. paid a $3 dividend last year and is expected to grow the dividend at 10% for the next 2 years. the dividend will then grow at a constant rate of 4%, thereafter. if investors require a return of 12% on this stock, what is Chemtech's current price is  $43.46.

A bond's future cash payments are discounted by the going market interest rate to get its present value. The sum of the following factors determines a bond's present value: plus the discounted value of the interest payments due every two years. the principal payment's current value on the bond's maturity date. The current price is the cost at which a securities most recently traded hands on an exchange. For buyers and sellers, the current price acts as a benchmark. Present pricing is a good reflection of current worth, but depending on supply and demand, the actual price of the next sale could be greater or lower.

learn more about   current price here


The Environmental Protection Agency is attempting to rule on whether pollution from greenhouse gas emissions endangers public safety. One of the many greenhouse gas polluters is cows and their cow farts (this is really true). Economists have devised a theory to help address this issue. Identify the statement that economic theory believes to be true from the list below.


A statement that economic theory believes to be true is to maximize social welfare, all pollution should be removed.

The distribution, production, and consumption of goods and services are the main topics covered in economics studies. The study of these activities' execution, coordination, and impact on societal and individual well-being are all included. People who study economics are better able to comprehend their environment. It makes it possible for people to comprehend other people, organizations, markets, and governments, enabling them to better adapt to the challenges and possibilities that arise as circumstances change.

In fact, keeping track of gains and costs is one of the key functions of economic theory. Without a theoretical model of economic links, it would be exceedingly challenging to apply the fundamental economic concept of opportunity cost.

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

The Environmental Protection Agency is attempting to rule on whether pollution from greenhouse gas emissions endangers public safety One of the many greenhouse gas polluters is cows and their cow farts (this is really true). Economists have devised a theory to help address this issue. Identify the statement that economic theory believes to be true from the list below.

a. To maximize social welfare, all pollution should be removed.

b. If the cost of paying a pollution charge (fart tax) is less than the cost of reducing pollution, the farmer (and his or her cows) will have an incentive to reduce pollution.

c. The benefit of pollution cleanup to society is always less than the cost of pollution O cleanup, especially if all costs are borne by the producer (which means the farmer, but technically, the cows are doing the producing)

d. Environmental standards (aka command-and-control regulation) regarding cow farts creates strong incentives for the farmer to reduce as much as possible

e. The efficient level of pollution removal occurs where the marginal benefit of pollution O removal equals the marginal cost of pollution removal (some cow farts could be allowed)

To know more about Economy Theory here


what factor is the cause of the difference between net income as computed under absorption costing and net income as computed under variable costing


Absorption costing includes all fixed manufacturing costs in product costs, but variable costing expenses all fixed manufacturing costs.

What does Variable mean?

A variable is a data storage container that can be changed during the execution of a program. Variables are used to store data such as numbers, strings, objects, and other types of data. They can also be used to store calculation results or as a flag to indicate a specific condition in a program.

What does Absorption costing  mean?

Absorption costing is an accounting method that determines the total cost of a product by accounting for all fixed and variable production costs, as well as overhead costs. It includes the costs of materials, labor, overhead, and other expenses related to the product's creation. The cost of the product is then divided by the costs of production, overhead, and other expenses to arrive at the total cost.

Thus the correct question with the option is attaced below:

To know more about Absorption costing,


The amount of goods and services you can buy with a dollar in the global market ________. The fed can create more money when it believes more money is needed to get the economy moving again.


The amount of goods and services you can buy with a dollar in the global market is Purchasing power. The fed can create more money when it believes more money is needed to get the economy moving again.

What occurs when the Fed raises the money supply?

A rise in the money supply has two effects: it lowers interest rates, which encourage investment, and it puts more money in the hands of consumers, which makes them feel wealthier and encourages consumption.

The quantity of products or services that one unit of money can currently purchase is known as its purchasing power.

Therefore, one can say that the amount of goods and services that one monetary unit can purchase is known as its purchasing power. The purchasing power of currency decreases over time as a result of rising costs.

Learn more about Purchasing power from

the tenant leases a heated apartment during a bitterly cold winter, but soon after the tenant moves in, the landlord fails to provide heat because of a defective central heating unit. the tenant vacates the premises and refuses to pay any rent. this is an example of


The tenant vacates the premises and refuses to pay any rent. this is an example of The tenant vacates the home without paying the rent. The correct option is B). The tenant cannot remedy these challenges because of the lease terms.

Where a landlord tries to evict a tenant without following the necessary legal procedures by rendering the property unusable. A tenant has the right to terminate the lease and file a claim for damages if they are in fact evicted from their apartment.

Once constructive eviction has occurred, the tenant is no longer subject to any additional obligations under the lease, including the obligation to pay rent.A tenant is deemed to have been constructively evicted under California landlord-tenant law when the living conditions.

complete question:

the tenant leases a heated apartment during a bitterly cold winter, but soon after the tenant moves in, the landlord fails to provide heat because of a defective central heating unit. the tenant vacates the premises and refuses to pay any rent. this is an example of

A. The landlord must pay for alterations that make a unit accessible and livable for tenants with disabilities.

B. The tenant cannot remedy these challenges because of the lease terms.

C. The landlord should not have rented this apartment to the tenant.

D. The tenant is entitled to make and pay for reasonable necessary alterations.

To know more about Tenant vacates visit:


tyrik is an executive at a corporation and is looking to hire an assistant. which quality is tyrik most likely to evaluate during interviews with potential candidates?


The correct option to the given question is option C) Trustworthiness

The part of government tasked for putting into practice the laws and regulations passed by the legislature is known as the executive. The executive is frequently involved in formulating policies. Depending on the country, different names are given to the executive. Other nations have chancellors, while some have presidents.

Measuring trustworthiness

Competence Trust: Does the person deliver on its commitments?

Build trust over time by asking yourself if the person keeps doing what it promises to accomplish.

Trust values: Does the person uphold the values I would expect it to?


Tyrik is an executive at a corporation and is looking to hire an assistant. which quality is Tyrik most likely to evaluate during interviews with potential candidates?

A. happiness

B. creativity

C. trustworthiness

D. extraversion

To learn more about executive click here


an organization needs to build a wall or fence to keep out the most determined intruders. what should the organization build?


An organization needs to build a fence to keep out the determined intruders. the organization build should plan the future, Consider the past, structure its organizational structure, Fill in the people


a barrier intended to prevent escape or intrusion or to mark a boundarysuch a barrier made of posts and wire or boards

A Wall  :

a high, thick masonry structure forming a long rampart an enclosure chiefly for defense

There are a few ways to build an organization:

Plan the futureConsider the pastBuild your organizational structureFill in the peopleBalance authority and responsibilityFill in employee data and metricsPractice robust performance management of employeesReview your organizational structure annually

To know more about the organization, click the below link


how would the federal reserve stimulate the united states economy and reduce unemployment?


The Federal Reserve boosts the economy, By redeeming bonds for cash from the general public and acquiring bonds on the open market, the Fed boosts the amount of money in circulation in the economy.

What is the economy?

The economy of any country is determined by the ratio of production and consumption that takes place within a year and evaluates the flow of funds in the market by analyzing the purchasing parity of an individual.

To lower unemployment rates and boost prices, the Fed uses a variety of monetary policy tools which include International market capital inflows, reserve management, cheap borrowing, and forward information to control market expectations.

Learn more about the Economy, here:


How do I divide a total to get sales tax amount?


the formula for the sales tax: Sales tax percent divided by 100 is the sales tax rate. List price x sales tax rate equals sales tax. Consider, for illustration, a vending machine where every item is subject to a 7% sales tax.

The most recent month's receipts from the vending machines totaled $481.50. Therefore, $481.50 comprises both the money obtained from goods sales and the sales tax that was levied on those sales. Using algebra, we can determine how much of the $481.50 represents the actual sales amount and how much represents the sales tax on those items: Assume that S represents actual product sales (before sales tax) and that 0.07S represents the sales tax on actual product sales. We can write this as S + 0.07S = 1.07S = $481.50 since the genuine sales plus the sales tax equal $481.50. By dividing $481.50 by 1.07, we may find S. The actual product sales came to $450 as a result. On the actual purchases, there is a 7% sales tax of $31.50.

learn more about  sales tax here:


two rival firms vigorously compete by spending millions of dollars on product improvements and advertising to promote those improvements. this is an example of firms engaging in: a price leadership. b cournot competition. c bertrand competition. d non-price competition. e tacit collusion.


This is an example of firms engaging in Nonprice competition.

The correct option is d.

What do you mean by Nonprice competition?

Non-price competition is a marketing strategy in which "a company attempts to differentiate its products or services from competing products based on attributes such as design and finish."

Non-price competition is commonly found in oligopoly market structures. The difference between two products in an oligopoly without price competition is based on the manufacturer's design or manufacturing technology.

Between two or more producers who sell goods or services at the same price but compete to increase their respective market share through non-price measures such as marketing programs or higher quality Therefore, it often occurs in imperfectly competitive markets .

It is a form of competition that requires companies to focus on product differentiation rather than on pricing strategies among competitors. Such differentiating measures that allow a company to stand out from its competitors and its products may include providing superior service quality, extensive distribution, customer orientation, or other forms of sustainable competition other than price. Includes above benefits.

To learn more about Nonprice competition here:


which of the following will result in a decrease in the supply of labor? responses an increase in worker productivity an increase in worker productivity an increase in the wage rate an increase in the wage rate an increase in the preference for leisure an increase in the preference for leisure a decrease in the price of the product that the labor is used to produce a decrease in the price of the product that the labor is used to produce a decrease in the wage rate


A decrease in the wage rate will result in a decrease in the supply of labour.

This is because when the wage rate decreases, the economic incentive for laborers to supply their labour decreases. As a result, fewer workers are willing to supply their labour.

Wage rates measure the basic remuneration per time unit or unit of output.

The quantity produced or the number of hours worked determines wage rates. For instance, commissions for sales people are determined by the volume of sales they generate. On the other hand, hourly workers get compensated a set sum for each hour that they are at work.

To know more about wage here


The use of sales promotion has increased dramatically over the past 30 years, primarily at the expense of _______.
a.public relations
b.personal selling marketing


The use of sales promotion has increased dramatically over the past 30 years, primarily at the expense of advertising.   Thus option (d) is correct.

What is advertising?

Advertising is a marketing technique involving paying for space to promote a product, service or cause.

Advertising is known to be the process of sharing information on  television, print , radio, and others.

The three main types of advertising in public relations are endorsement advertising, informative advertising, persuasive advertising.

Learn more about advertising here:


although print ads are static, they can be effective when executed well. the creative design aspects of a newspaper or magazine advertising campaign include decisions about the:


When properly carried out, they can be useful. Making decisions on the colours, images, wording, and layout for a magazine or a newspaper advertising campaign is considered creative design.

What exactly do you understand by marketing?

Real estate investment to display a good, terrible, or abstract notion is a commercial tactic called as advertising. What are commonly referred to as commercials are the actual advertising messages. The purpose of advertising is to connect with those who are least likely to become interested in buying a company's products or services.

What is the main goal of advertising?

The main purpose of advertising is really to increase the number of people who buy your products. You can accomplish this by using advertising to persuade customers that your product is exceptional, useful, or appealing.

To know more about advertising visit:


which of the following is/are examples of intrinsic motivators? (a) praise (b) job security (c) free time (d) perks (e) none of the above


Praise is an illustration of an internal motivator since it increases the desire for improvement.

Intrinsic motivation is the practice of engaging in an activity for its own intrinsic fulfillment as opposed to pursuing a separate benefit. When a person is intrinsically motivated, the fun or difficulty involved in the action serves as their motivation rather than external demands, pressures, or incentives.

Young infants' persistent attempts to grasp, throw, bite, crush, or shout at strange objects are signs of their inherent motivation. Even as people become older and become less significant, human adults are frequently intrinsically motivated, whether they are playing crosswords, making art, gardening, reading books, or watching movies.

To know more about motivators click here,


Two oligopolistic firms forming a cartel will want to set a price so that the cartel produces ______________ the allocatively efficient amount.

A less than

B more than

C the same amount as

D One cannot tell.


Two oligopolistic firms forming a cartel will want to set a price so that the cartel produces more than the allocatively efficient amount.

An oligopoly is a market structure in which a marketplace or industry is ruled with the aid of a small quantity of big sellers or producers. Oligopolies often end result from the choice to maximize income, that could cause collusion between agencies. This reduces opposition, increases expenses for purchasers, and lowers wages for personnel. Many industries were mentioned as oligopolistic, together with civil aviation, electricity carriers, the telecommunications quarter, Rail freight markets, food processing, funeral offerings, sugar refining, beer making,[1] pulp and paper making, and automobile manufacturing.

Learn more about oligopolistic


For each description of an organization below, indicate whether it is characteristic of a hierarchical or decentralized control process.Job descriptions focus on the results to be achieved rather than on specific tasks employees should do.a. Hierarchical Controlb. Decentralized Control


Because of the decentralised control, job descriptions focus on the results to be achieved rather than on specific tasks employees should do. Hence, Option B is correct.

Decentralised control refers to a type of control system in which the logic and input/output operations are situated at separate pieces of hardware or subsystems and carry out their functions largely independently of one another.

Hotels, supermarkets, dress shops, and others are excellent instances of decentralised businesses. Take a hotel as an example since one person cannot effectively manage more than 100 branches that have locations around the globe.

Normally, the autonomous systems will have a way to exchange crucial information with one another. Due to the decentralised control, job descriptions emphasise results rather than particular duties that employees should complete.

Therefore, Option B is correct.

Learn more about decentralised control from here:


which company acts on behalf of more than 200 universities, bowls, and conferences to negotiate licensing agreements?


Collegiate Licensing Company acts on behalf of more than 200 universities, bowls, and conferences to negotiate licensing agreements. The  Collegiate Licensing Company is an advertising and intellectual licensing firm.

What is a licensing agreement?

A licensing agreement is a legal contract between two parties, known as the licensor and the licensee .

In a typical licensing agreement, the licensor grants the licensee the right to produce and sell goods, apply a brand name or trademark, or use patented technology owned by the licensor.

Learn more about the Licensing agreement here:


let’s focus on the second quarter since the change in velocity is so dramatic. during that quarter, the cpi fell by 0.9%, real gdp fell by 9.0%, the money supply rose by 23%, and velocity changed by_____%. give your answer to one decimal.


Due to the fact that the economy shrank in the second period and GDP decreased by 0.9%, the cpi fell by 0.9%, and the money supply rose by 23%.

Money's velocity varies according to the amount of money available and how great a demand there is for it. Both of these measurements and the velocity of money typically have an inverse connection, which means that an increase in the supply or demand of money frequently causes an increase in the velocity of money.

For this application, economists typically use GDP and either M1 or M2 for the money supply. Therefore, the velocity of money equation is written as GDP divided by money supply.

[tex]\text{Velocity of Money} = \frac{ \text{GDP} }{ \text{Money Supply} }[/tex]

To know more about Money's velocity at:


What does the federal gov spend the most on?


The U.S. government has spent $406.37 billion in fiscal year 2023 to ensure the well-being of the people of the United States.

The federal government burns through cash on different products, projects, and administrations to help the American public and pay revenue caused from acquiring. In monetary year (FY) 2022, the public authority burned through $6.27 trillion, which was more than it gathered (income), bringing about a shortage.

Federal Government most expenditure is on -

Government DebtSocial SecurityMedicareOther Health CareNational DefenseVeterans BenefitsSafety Net ProgramsEducationInfrastructureSalaries and Wages

Know more about Federal Govt Monetary Policy -


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