Cash flows from ________ activities include both inflows and outflows of cash from the external funding of a business.


Answer 1

Cash flows from Operating activities include both inflows and outflows of cash from the external funding of a business.

Cash influx is the term used to describe the money that enters a firm. It might originate from sales, investments, or financing. A cash inflow is the opposite of a cash outflow since it involves money coming into a business. Operating cash flows concentrate on the cash inflows and outflows related to a company's fundamental business activities, such as the sale and purchase of inventories, the delivery of services, and the payment of salaries.

While the income statement covers income and expenses, the cash flow statement lists cash inflows and outflows. While an income statement demonstrates profitability, a cash flow statement demonstrates liquidity. Many forms of income also involve cash inflows. The selling of livestock and crops typically generates income.

To know more about external funds visit :


Related Questions

how would the federal reserve stimulate the united states economy and reduce unemployment?


The federal reserve can stimulate the United States economy and reduce unemployment by coming up with various monetary policies.

Unemployment is a major issue for not only the United States but many other countries of the world.

In order to enhance or stimulate the economy, various monetary policies can be launched by using the federal reserve in the United States such as purchasing of market assets, lending discounts, etc in order to stable the economy.

The economy can also be improved by introducing various skill courses from which people can learn new skills and get jobs. By doing so, the unemployment rate can be decreased in the United States.

To learn more about unemployment, click here:


Beckman enterprises purchased a depreciable asset on october 1, year 1 at a cost of $148,000. The asset is expected to have a salvage value of $16,200 at the end of its five-year useful life. If the asset is depreciated on the double-declining-balance method, the asset's book value on december 31, year 2 will be:.


If the asset is depreciated on the double-declining-balance method, the asset's book value on December 31, year 2 will be $53,280

A double-declining balance method is a type of accelerated depreciation method in which the asset value is depreciated twice as fast as the straight-line approach.

The formula for the depreciation using the double declining method is:

Depreciation = 2 x  Cost of the asset X Depreciation rate

Depreciation rate  = 1/useful life x 100%

Parameters given in the problem:

Useful life = 5 years.

Cost of asset =  $148,000


Depreciation rate  = 1/5 x 100% = 20%

Depreciation year 1 = 2 x 20% x  $148,000 = $59,200

Asset value, December 31 year 1 = $148,000 - $59,200 = $88,800

Depreciation year 2 = 2 x 20% x  $88,800= $35,520

Asset value, December 31 year 2 = $88,800 - $35,520 = $53,280

Learn more about depreciation here:


If the Federal reserve and Government are attempting to encourage growth and stimulate the economy, which actions would each take? (monetary / fiscal)answer choices- increase the Required reserve / increase government spending- sell government securities / decrease taxes- decrease the interest rate / increase government spending- buy government securities / decrease government spending


Increase the Required reserve / increase government spending.

What is growth and example?

Growth is the physical process of development, particularly the process of becoming physically larger. It is quantifiable, meaning that it can be measured, and it is mostly influenced by genetics. For example, the year that she was 11, Keisha got taller by two inches.

Why is growth important?

Successful personal growth is not only about the value to your own life, but value to those around you and the society. Personal growth can help you in all areas of your life. It will help you grow emotionally and psychologically to become a more loving, compassionate, and positive person.

To know more about growth visit:


A firm is operating in the United States with only two other competitors in the industry. It is likely this industry would be characterized as:
a. monopolistically competitive.
b. pure monopoly.
c. perfectly competitive.
d. oligopoly.


Option (d), There are only two companies working in the same industry as one in the United States. This sector of the economy is probably an oligopoly.

What does it mean when a market is oligopolistic?

A small number of companies compete in an oligopoly market and are aware of how their pricing and production strategies are interdependent. Because there are only a few number of businesses, each one has a respectable level of market power.

Oligopoly occurs when a small number of large enterprises account for all or almost all of an industry's sales. The auto industry, cable television, and commercial aviation are just a few examples of the several industries that display oligopoly.

How can you spot an oligopoly?

Oligopolies can be identified using concentration ratios, which determine the proportion of the market that one firm controls. When an industry has a high concentration ratio, economists usually define it as an oligopoly.

Learn more about oligopoly market:


what is the benefit of claiming 0 or 1 withholding allowances on the w-4 form you receive when you start your job?


The advantage of claiming 0 or 1 withholding allowances on the W-4 form you get when you start work If you choose option 0 or 1, more money will be withheld from your paycheck. If you file taxes, you'll probably get a tax refund.

What is a withholding allowance?

An exemption that reduces the amount of income tax you need to withhold from an employee's paycheck is known as a withholding allowance. Fewer withholding allowances result in bigger income tax deductions, whereas larger allowances result in smaller income tax deductions. You can choose how much tax you want deducted from your pay each pay month by entering a "0" on line 5. Less tax will be deducted from your paycheck each pay period if you choose to claim 1 for yourself instead. If you claim 0 or 1 allowances, you'll probably obtain a tax refund. Claim two personal allowances for you and one for each dependent you have if you wish to get close towards withholding full exact tax liability.

How many withholding allowances should I claim?

If you are single and only have one job, it is normally a good idea to claim one allowance. If you are married and filing jointly, you should only claim one allowance. You would additionally claim one allowance if you filed as the household's head. Come tax season, you'll probably receive a refund. An allowance is a sum of money determined by the contract documents to be added to the agreed-upon payment to cover the expense of specific but unspecified prescribed items.

To know more about Withholding Allowances visit:


David works as a door-to-door salesperson for a company that manufactures electrical appliances. He has just met an elderly couple in their apartment. David is trying to sell an easy-to-use sandwich maker. He has spent 30 minutes explaining its benefits to his customers. He realized that the couple wants to buy the product. Which selling and customer service skill should david possess in order to close the sale?.


David works as a door-to-door salesperson for a company that manufactures electrical appliances, David should possess good listening skills.

What is listening skills. ?

Generally, To close the sale, David should possess good listening skills. This means paying attention to the elderly couple's needs and concerns, and addressing any questions or objections they may have.

Additionally, he should be able to effectively communicate the benefits of the product and how it meets the couple's needs.

David should also be able to establish trust and build rapport with the couple by being genuine and honest. He should be able to provide the couple with confidence in the product and the company and demonstrate his expertise and knowledge about the product.

Finally, David should be able to handle any objections or concerns that the couple may have in a professional and reassuring manner. This may involve addressing any objections head-on or finding ways to overcome them.

By possessing these selling and customer service skills, David will be well-equipped to close the sale and leave the couple feeling satisfied with their purchase.

Read more about communicating


How we can perform elicitation process?


Given that the terms "requirements collection" and "requirements elicitation" are frequently used interchangeably, you might be wondering how the two processes vary.

It is a valid query, and you are free to casually switch them. When addressing the mechanics of the requirements elicitation procedure, it is important to note that there is a small distinction between gathering requirements and requirements elicitation. The act of "eliciting" information from a source is known as "b," whereas the act of "gathering" is known as the act of gathering from dispersed sources. Both actions demand knowledge to carry out correctly and are crucial to the whole requirements elicitation process.

learn more about  elicitation  here:


why might an individual's labor supply curve bend backward? why might an individual's labor supply curve bend backward? as wages rise above a threshold level, firms limit the number of hours that a worker can work. when wages rise, firms hire fewer workers. as wages rise above a threshold level, the individual will decide to work harder. as wages rise above a threshold level, the individual may opt for more leisure time.


The individual's labour supply curve is backwards-sloping because when the salary increases over the threshold level, the individual can choose to spend more time in leisure activities. The right response in this case is option D.

The backwards-bending labour supply curve, on the other hand, happens when an even higher income incentivizes individuals to work less and spend more time in their free time.

We frequently see a supply curve that bends backwards in labour markets. As a result, increased salaries may eventually cause a decrease in the workforce. This happens when workers are enticed by increased compensation to work fewer hours and spend more time relaxing.

Pigeons that peck for grains have labour supply curves that slope upward at low wage rates but bend backwards at higher wage rates as the pigeons become less likely to forgo pecking in favour of other pigeon activities. Rats' and mice's labour supply curves likewise bend backwards.

To learn more about the labour supply curve


if the only two firms in an industry agree to fix the price at a given level, this is an example of: a price extortion. b collusion. c satisfying demand. d price discrimination. e price leadership.


If only two firms in an industry agree to fix the price at a given level, this is an example of b. collusion.

In order to raise or fix prices and decrease output in order to increase profits, sellers may combine, conspire, or come to agreements known as collusion. Context: Unlike the term "cartel," "collusion" does not always call for a formal, either public or private, an agreement between members.

Along with other things, political influence was noted as one of the main causes of collaboration. The most crucial measures to prevent collusion are empowering new contractors, a well-regulated environment, fair competition, and better procurement management.

Learn more about collusion here:


a retailer needs to purchase 10 printers. the first printer costs $57, and each additional printer costs 3% less than the price of the previous printer, up to 15 printers. what is the total cost of 10 printers?


The total cost to purchase 10 printers was  $498.89. C is the right option. this is a question of geometric sequence.

A unique kind of sequence in the number series is a geometric sequence. It is a set of integers where each term is created by dividing or multiplying the one before it by a predetermined quantity called the common ratio.

From the question we have, each additional printer costs 3% less than the price of the previous printer

The first printer costs $57.

[tex]57 ( 1 - \frac{3}{100} )^{n-1}[/tex]

[tex]57 ( 1 - 0.03 )^{n-1}[/tex]

[tex]57 ( 0.97 )^{n-1}[/tex]

The formula for the sum of a geometric sequence is

[tex]\frac{a_{1}(1 - q^{n})}{1 - q}[/tex]

a1 = 57 , q = 0.97 , n = 10

[tex]\frac{57_{}(1 - 0.97^{10})}{1 - 0.97}[/tex] = $498.89

Hence, The correct option is C. $498.89

Learn more about geometric sequence, here:


The given question is incomplete here is the full question.

A retailer needs to purchase 10 printers. The first printer costs $57, and each additional printer costs 39% less than the price of the previous printer, up to 15 printers. What is the total cost of 10 printers?

A $552.90

B $589.00

C $498.89

D $433.33

which company acts on behalf of more than 200 universities, bowls, and conferences to negotiate licensing agreements?


To negotiate licensing agreements Company for Collegiate Licensing acts on behalf of more than 200 universities, and bowls.

What exactly is the licensing idea?

Definition of licensing: A economic relationship whereby one firm permits another company to manufacture its product in exchange for a set fee. Leasing out your intellectual property, such as your patents, trademarks, copyrights, designs, and other properties, to third parties, is one of the fastest and most lucrative methods to expand your company.

What kind of license is this?

By permitting the use of its patented or copyrighted content by another company, a company can make money from licensing agreements, also known as royalties. Songs, sports team logos, intellectual property, technology, and software are a few examples of items that can be licensed.

To know more about Licensing visit:


What type of account at a bank would your parents open up to keep money to save for your college educations?


Your parents would open a graduation account at a bank to keep funds to use toward your college costs.

You will be granted permission to open a student bank account. After you complete your study, this account can be converted into a graduate account, which offers additional incentives and perks. Discover how to use this budgeting tool effectively both while you're a student and after you graduate, as well as the fundamental differences between accounts and which one is best for your banking needs. Your graduation account is your last chance to settle outstanding debt without incurring interest. You can set up your graduate account one year after graduating. The second year overdraft limit, which is typically smaller than the first year, will, apply to you if you wait.

Learn more about account from


if total revenue increases when a firm sells more units, then marginal revenue is


If total revenue increases when a firm sells more units, then marginal revenue is positive.

Marginal revenue is the growth in sales that outcomes from the sale of 1 additional unit of output. whilst marginal revenue can continue to be regular over a sure stage of output, it follows from the law of diminishing returns and will finally sluggish down as the output level increases.

Marginal revenue is a significant concept in microeconomics that describes the extra general revenue generated with the aid of growing product income by means of 1 unit.

Marginal revenue is the money a company makes for every extra sale. In other phrases, it determines how a great deal a company might acquire from selling one similarly appropriate.

Learn more about marginal revenue here :


on september 6, irene westing purchased one bond of mick corporation at 94.75%. the bond pays 8.25% interest on june 1 and december 1. the stockbroker told irene that she would have to pay the accrued interest and the market price of the bond and a $4 brokerage fee.what was the total purchase price for irene? assume a 360-day year (each month is 30 days) in calculating the accrued interest. (hint: final cost


The total purchase price that Irene paid for one bond of Mick Corporation at 95.25% is $9,554.

What is a bond?

A bond is a fixed-income bearing instrument that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower.

Bonds are usually priced at $1,000.  With a discount of 5.25% (100-94.75),  the cost of the bond is $9,475 ($1,000 x 94.75%).

The interest accrued  on the bond from June 1 to September 6, when Irene bought the bond, is calculated as:-

Face value of the bond  = $1,000

Discounted value = $9,475

Interest rate = 8.25%

Interest for six months = $41.25 ($1,000 x 4.125%)

The number of days from June 1 to September 6 is  96 days

∴ Accrued interest = $22 ($41.25 x 96/180)

Brokerage fee = $5

Final cost of purchase = Cost of bond + Accrued interest + Brokerage fee

                                      = $9475+$22+$5

                                       = $9,502

Therefore, $9,502 is the total purchase price of the bond for Irene.

To learn more about bond, click here:


amanda wants to be part of the most basic form of ownership for a corporation. she should invest in:


Amanda wants to be part of the most basic form of ownership for a corporation. She should invest in common stock.

What do you mean by the common stock?

A security that symbolizes ownership in a firm is called common stock. Common stock owners choose the board of directors and cast ballots for corporate rules. Long-term rates of return are often higher with this type of stock ownership.

On average and over time, common stock has shown to be a fantastic source of returns for investors through capital gains and regular dividends.

Additionally, companies gain from issuing shares since they avoid debt commitments, but some ownership interest is forfeited.

Common Stock = Total Equity – Preferred Stock – Additional Paid-in Capital – Retained Earnings + Treasury Stock.

Therefore, Amanda wants to be part of the most basic form of ownership for a corporation. She should invest in common stock.

To know more about the common stock, visit:


A household that cuts back on supermarket spending after going over budget on its food expenses is using the budget as a(n)


A household that cuts back on supermarket spending after going over budget on its food expenses is using the budget as a controlling tool.

The management can use the budget as a tool to aid in planning and controlling activities. The quantitative statement that is created and approved before a specific time period is referred to as a budget. It denotes the course of action to be taken while the goal is being achieved. There are numerous functional budgets created for diverse objectives, including:

Sales budget - Estimated sales for the budgetary period.Production budget - Annual production funds required.Material budget - Estimated raw material costs for product-wise production are included in the material budget.Labor budget - Estimate of the number of workers needed to manufacture a product.Distribution overheads - This section specifies the selling and distribution costs that will be incurred throughout the budgetary period.Cash budget - Estimate of cash payments and receipts for the foreseeable future.

To read more about budget visit:


what audit evidence will the auditor need to obtain during the audit to become comfortable with revenue during q4?


The PCAOB's auditing requirements should be followed by auditors of American public firms.

An audits goal is to increase the level of trust that users may place in the financial statements.

The client's obligations for internal control over financial reporting and the financial statements are a crucial part of the process of developing the audit opinion.

There are five steps in the process of developing an audit opinion.

The auditing cycle technique offers a means of segmenting the audit into manageable parts.

The auditor concentrates on a certain cycle's transaction flow, including how transactions are started, approved, documented, and reported.

The audit is made to test management claims during each cycle.

Learn more about Audit:


question content area which of the following will be reported as a long-term liability on the balance sheet? a.accounts payable b.notes payable (due in 11 months) c.accrued liabilities d.none of these choices


notes payable (due in 11 months) will be reported as a long-term liability on the balance sheet.

Notes payable are long-term liabilities that show the cash an organization owes its lenders — banks and other monetary establishments as well as different wellsprings of assets like loved ones. They are long-term since they are payable past a year, however typically in five years or less.

Organizations might acquire these assets to purchase resources, for example, vehicles, hardware and devices that are probably going to be utilized, amortized and supplanted in five years or less.

A few notes payable are gotten, and that implies the leaser has a case on the borrower's resources on the off chance that installment terms are not met. Whenever got, the course of events for reimbursement could be longer.

Notes payable show up under liabilities on the asset report, isolated into "bank debt" and "other long-term notes payable". Installment subtleties can be tracked down in the notes to the fiscal reports.

to know more about bank debt click here:


the primary risk from incineration is the risk of contaminants leaching from the ash. group of answer choices true false


the primary risk from incineration is the risk of contaminants leaching from the ash is true

What four issues are related to incineration?The practise of incinerating waste, or burning waste, is a popular way to get rid of waste. The amount of trash can be reduced using this technique, but there are some possible dangers. For instance, improper combustion management can result in the production of dangerous byproducts like dioxins, furans, and heavy metals.In addition, some of these dangerous byproducts may be present in the ash produced by the incineration process, and if handled improperly, these toxins may leak into the environment. Therefore, improper management of incineration could result in air and water contamination.Incineration facilities must follow stringent environmental standards and utilise appropriate containment and treatment systems to make sure that dangerous chemicals are not released into the environment in order to limit these hazards.

To learn more about incineration refer to:


two oligopolistic firms forming a cartel will want to set a price so that the cartel produces a quantity that is _________ the allocatively efficient amount.


The two oligopolistic firms forming a cartel will want to set a price so that the cartel produces a quantity that is more than the allocatively efficient amount.

What is meant by oligopolistic firms?

In economics, oligopolistic firms means a small number of firms who realize they are interdependent in their pricing and output policies.


Here we need to find the missing term in the statement two oligopolistic firms forming a cartel will want to set a price so that the cartel produces a quantity that is _________ the allocatively efficient amount.

As per the definition of oligopolistic firms, if you want to set a price to cartel  then the quantity must be higher that means it will be allocatively efficient amount.

To know more about oligopolistic firms here.


one way to recruit companies to a state is to offer tax incentives; another is to assure them that the workforce is prepared. when a state government confirms that an employer will be given the authority to terminate employment of an employee at any time without cause and gives the same assurance to the employees, those statutes are referred to as affirmative action policies. due process policies. employee liability policies. employment-at-will policies. countercyclical hiring policies.


A tax credit is a government policy designed to motivate people and companies to spend a lot of money or to make savings by lowering the amount of taxes they must pay.

An affirmative plan is what, exactly?

Affirmative action is defined as "actions made to improve the participation of women or minorities within occupations, fields of higher learning, and businesses from that they have historically been excluded."

What are the labor at will doctrine's four restrictions?

However, there are still restrictions associated with employment at will because civil rights laws still exist. A person's termination is prohibited by federal law if it is due to that specific personality, race, gender, color, national origin, preference for equal pay, maternity, genetic information, religion, or handicap.

To know more about tax visit:


your home was recently appraised for $179,000. the balance on your existing mortgage is $115,050. if your bank is willing to loan up to 70% of the appraised value, what is the potential amount of credit available on a home equity loan?


The correct answer is the potential amount of credit available on a home equity loan is $10,250.

What is home equity loan?

A second mortgage, or debt secured by your home in addition to the first mortgage you used to purchase it, is what a home equity loan is. Lenders who offer home equity loans will disburse the money in one big amount. When you receive your loan, you immediately begin paying it back with a set interest rate.

It is given in the question that the
Appraised Value = $179,000

Bank willing to loan = 70%

70% of Appraised Value =  $125,300

Existing Mortgage =  $115,050

Potential Amount of Credit available on home equity loan = $125,300-$115,050 = $10,250

Hence, the potential amount of credit available on a home equity loan is $10,250.

To know more about 'home equity loan' related questions



in 2022 medrano manufacturing reported 3.9 billion in cash flows from operating actiivites but on ly 2.7 billion in net income what is one possible reason that medrano coudl reporet this difference


They recorded $1.2 billion in noncash expenses on their income statement.

One possible reason that Medrano could report this difference is (3.9 billion - 2.7 billion) =$1.2 billion

In accounting terms, price is the operational fee that is paid to earn business sales. It manner the outflow of cash in going back to goods or offerings. prices also can be written as the sum of all the operations that normally convey income.

Price is any specific outflow of coins or different precious belongings from a person or organization to another man or woman or enterprise. This outflow is normally one facet of exchange for services or products which have identical or higher contemporary or destiny fees to the customer than to the vendor. Technically, a fee is an event in which a proprietary stake is dwindled or exhausted, or a liability is incurred. In terms of the accounting equation, costs reduce owners' fairness.

To learn more about Expenses visit here:


Complete Question:

In 2017, Medrano Manufacturing reported $3.9 billion in cash flows from operating activities but only $2.7 billion in net income. What is one reason that Medrano would report this difference?

which statement regarding variable overhead variance analysis is true? multiple choice question. the variable overhead efficiency variance may depend on the efficiency of direct labor. the variable overhead efficiency variance uses exactly the same inputs as the direct labor efficiency variance. efficient use of variable overhead results in a favorable variable overhead efficiency variance. variable overhead variances are easy to interpret.


The variable overhead efficiency variance uses exactly same inputs as direct labor efficiency variance statement regarding the variable overhead variance analysis is true.

What is variable overhead?

The varying production costs a business incurs while operating are referred to as "variable overhead." As industrial output changes, so do variable overhead expenses. Different from variable overhead are the general expenditures associated with administrative tasks and other operations that have predetermined budgetary requirements. Organizations need to understand variable costs clearly in order to prevent overspending, which can reduce profit margins. They will be able to precisely set prices for future products thanks to this. For businesses to succeed and stay in operation, they must invest money in the development and promotion of their goods and services. The term "overhead" refers to all costs related to operating a firm, such as managers, salespeople, and marketers for both the corporate office and the manufacturing plants.

To learn more about variable overhead, visit:


the new chairman of the ionian central bank (icb) is preparing for her first board meeting. she is expected to recommend a monetary policy for the board to pursue. she decides to use the taylor rule, which was originally developed for the u.s. federal reserve. ionia's potential gdp is 100 million drachma, but current gdp is 101 million . what is ionia's output gap? ionia's output gap: 2 tools x10y % inflation is running at 1% , but the chairman considers an inflation rate of 3% to be a reasonable goal. what is ionia's inflation gap? ionia's inflation gap: % the taylor rule helps the chairman to determine the target discount rate. fed funds rate. inflation rate. calculate this target rate for ionia, according to the taylor rule. target rate: % the current rate is 4%, so the chairman recommends buying securities. selling securities.


According to the statistics provided, Ionia's output gap will be -4% and its inflation gap will be -1%. Below you can find a detailed explanation of the solution:

We are asked in the question is to calculate the output gap and the inflation gap.

output gap will be:

= (Current GDP - Potential GDP) / 100

= (96 - 100) / 100

= -4%

Since the chairman believes a 3% inflation to be reasonable although inflation is now running at 2%,

We can calculate the inflation gap as:

= 2% - 3% = -1%

Therefore, the output gap and inflation gap will be -4% and -1%.

The "output gap" is a term used in economics to describe the discrepancy between an economy's actual and prospective output.

Whereas, When demand for goods and services outpaces supply due to elements like higher levels of overall employment, increasing trade activity, or higher government spending, there is an inflationary gap


To learn more about Output Gap, click here:


a measure of the economic impact of the young and old on the more economically active and productive members of a population is known as the


A measure of the economic impact of the young and old on the more economically active and productive members of a population is known as the dependency ratio.

What is dependency ratio?

The age dependency ratio measures the proportion of dependents—those aged 15 to 64—to the working-age population. Data are presented as the number of dependents per 100 people who are working age.

The population ages 0 to 15 is divided by the population ages 16 to 64 to calculate the youth dependency ratio. The population aged 65 and above divided by the population aged 16 to 64 is known as the old-age dependency ratio. The ratios for youth and old age together make up the total age dependency ratio.

Thus a measure in economic study of working age group is known as dependency ratio.

Learn more about dependency ratio refer:


g the coupon rate is a. the annual coupon divided by the face value of the bond. b. the annual coupon divided by the price of the bond. c. the annual coupon divided by the issue price of the bond. d. equal to the yield to maturity.


The coupon rate is the annual coupon divided by the face value of the bond.

What is the rate?

A quantity, sum, or degree is determined in relation to another thing. A price or payment based on another quantity, she typed at a rate of 80 words per minute. in further detail: the cost per insurance unit. In mathematics, comparing two related quantities stated in different units is known as a rate. The ratio's numerator expresses the rate of change for the other (dependent) variable.

The annual income an investor might anticipate while owning a specific bond is known as the coupon rate. The calculation is done by dividing the total of the annual coupon payments by the par value, and it is established at the time the bond is issued. A bond's yield to maturity and coupon rate are equal at the time of purchase.

Therefore,  Thus option (A) is correct

Learn more about the rate here:


3a. what are economic indicators (definition)? 3b. list two each examples of (a) leading economic indicators, (b) coincident economic indicators and (c) lagging economic indicators.


lagging economic indicators are economic indicators.

What economic indicators are there?Economic indicators include measurements of macroeconomic stability and performance, such as gross domestic product (GDP), consumption, investment, and international trade (central government budgets, prices, the money supply, and the balance of payments).Economic metrics including the balance of trade, the consumer price index, and the gross domestic product (GDP) are examples of lagging indicators (BOT). These indicators are different from leading indicators, which are used to forecast and predict, such retail sales and the stock market.Numerous indices, earnings reports, and economic summaries are used to measure the state of the economy. These include the unemployment rate, quits rate (quit rate in American English), housing starts, consumer price index (CPI), inverted yield curve, consumer leverage ratio, industrial production, bankruptcies, and many more.

To learn more aboute economic indicators refer to:


what groups in the economy are likely to oppose foreign trade? explain why these groups oppose trade.


Economic winners and losers are prone to reject foreign trade since some work hard while others do not.

International trade benefits economies overall, as economists have long contended, and with good reason. However, more commerce is likely to produce both losers and winners. In fact, recent years have seen an increase in public concern over the negative effects of trade and globalisation for certain parts of society, particularly in the setting of a larger context of rising inequality in many countries. In turn, those worries are considered as contributing to the growth of populism in certain affluent nations. Given these developments and the UK's preparations to leave the EU and establish an independent trade policy, it is crucial to comprehend how potential trade agreements or changes to existing trade policy may affect economic outcomes like prices, productivity, and output, which in turn may affect people and places.

Learn more about trade from


in exchange for an ownership share, small businesses receive financing from a group of investors known as


In exchange for an ownership share, small businesses receive financing from a group of investors known as venture capitalists.

A venture capitalist, also referred to as a private equity investor, loans money to companies with significant growth potential in lieu for an equity ownership.

This can entail offering seed money or helping start-ups gain access to equity markets so they can expand.

Investments are often made in the venture capital fund by the limited partners of the venture capital businesses that are formed.

Typically, a committee chosen by the fund makes investment decisions. The pooled investor capital is utilized to finance these enterprises in exchange for a large stock participation after potential emerging growth companies have been identified.

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ethan buys a video game on sale. if the video game usually costs $39.99, and it was on sale for 20% off, how much did ethan pay? round to the nearest cent. Matthew and some friends are going to a concert. They hire a car service for $75 to drive them to arestaurant for dinner and then the concert. They divide the $60 cost of the dinner equally. However, sinceMatthew's dad provided concert tickets for the group, the friends agree that Matthew doesn't have to help payfor the car service. The friends divide this cost equally among themselves. If each friend spends a total of $25,how many friends went to the concert with Matthew? Question 4Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(03.03 MC)The central nervous system consists of theA:Brain and spinal cordB:Spinal nerves only C:Brain onlyD:Spinal cord only Which verb or verb phrase completes the sentence with the appropriate verb tense?reviserevisedam revisingwill revise the use of wellness programs and consumer-directed health plans in an organization reflects its objective of controlling the cost of health care benefits. group startstrue or false 1. compute contribution margin per machine hour for (a) acoustic guitars and (b) electric guitars. 2. determine the most profitable sales mix for the company. 3. compute the month's total contribution margin for the most profitable sales mix. the great depression of the 1930s was: a. the first economic crisis in the nation's history b. not as serious as the deprssion of the 1840s and 1870s c. not the first, but the most serious depression in the nation's history d. not the first depression and no more serious than some of the others what mass of methanol, ch3oh, must be dissolved in 313.0 ml of ethanol to prepare a 0.750 m solution? the density of ethanol is 0.7893 g/ml. The term "depreciable base," or "depreciation base," as it is used in accounting, refers to: the total amount to be charged (debited) to expense over an asset's useful life. What important pieces of legislation were passed during reconstruction, and how did they change american life? Help fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in 1862, congress adopted a protective tariff, a transcontinental railroad, and a homestead act as a result of manuel and manfred are twins, and both treat psychological disorders. manuel received his m.d. and often prescribes medications while manfred received a ph.d. and practices therapy. it is most likely that ________________________. Which one of the following is a primary component of an internal control system? O Monitoring O Chain of command Financial pressure O Physical controls O Bonding 22. As a result of the Supreme Court ruling in Miranda v. Arizona (1966), a person accused of a crime isentitled toa) a speedy trialb) reasonable bailc) a reading of his or her rights at the time of arrestd) protection against cruel or unusual punishment the government's role in a developing country is important during the country's development process because a. building social overhead capital cannot be taken on by the private sector. b. building infrastructure is a huge project that only the government can undertake. c. many social projects are associated with the free-rider problem, which minimizes the rate of return to the private sector. d. all of these Which of the following types of business law describes theaccepted principles of right and wrong when dealing withcompetitive behavior?a. Intellectual property lawb. Contract lawsc. Securities lawd. Antitrust lawse. Tort laws Once an amendment is formally proposed, how long do the states have to ratify it? Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect as written. hace cinco das que no dormimos bien. correct incorrect What is the main message of Hamlet's To Be or Not To Be?