can you please help me


Answer 1

Given the equation:

[tex]\text{ 2x + 2y = -4}[/tex]

Related Questions

what is a solution to the inequality below [tex] \sqrt{x} \ \textgreater \ 6[/tex]



C. x > 36


Taking the square of both sides gives


Therefore, looking at the answer choice, we see that choice C is the correct one.

What is the area of the circle if CY= 5.4 mm



The diameter is given XY = 5.4 mm.


To determine the area of circle,

Use the area of circle formula.


Find the radius, using the relation between diameter and radius.


Substitute the diameter in the relation.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5.4=2r \\ r=2.7mm \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now substitute the radius in the area of circle formula.

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=(2.7)^2\pi \\ A=7.29\pi mm^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Hence the area of circle is

[tex]7.29\pi mm^2[/tex]

The correct option is C.

Hi can you please help me with this problem?The shape is shown below What is the area of the triangle below (in square units)?



28 square inches



Base = 7 inches

Height = 8 inches

We can calculate the area with the help of the triangle area formula, which is as follows:

[tex]A=\frac{1}{2}b\cdot h[/tex]

We replacing:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{1}{2}\cdot7\cdot8 \\ A=28 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The area is 28 square inches.

find the equivalent expression for x^1/2


We want to find the equivalent expression for


Read as: x to the power of half

The equivalent expression for this is

[tex]\sqrt[]{x}[/tex][tex]x^{\frac{1}{2}}\text{ and }\sqrt[]{x}\text{ both have the same meaning}[/tex]

order the fallowing numbers from least to greatest -3, -3.12, 1 1/2



Consider the following numbers:


and the mixed number:

[tex]1\frac{1}{2}=\frac{(2\text{ x 1)+1}}{2}=\frac{3}{2}\text{ =}1.5[/tex]

now, applying the usual order of the real numbers, we have that:


then, the order of the given numbers from least to greatest is:




27. The following chart represent the cost, Cd), in dollars, of a pizza in relation to its diameter, d, in inches. What is the average rate of change in cost from an 8 in to a 16 in pizza. d Cd) 8 2.51 103.93 125.65 147.70 16 10.05


The average rate of change is the ratio of the absolute change in one quantity divided by the absolute change in another quantity. Usually, the first one is dependent on the second one.

An 8 in pizza costs $2.51.

A 16 in pizza costs $10.05.

The absolute change in the cost is:


The absolute change in the diameter is:


Then, the average rate of change of the cost with respect to the diameter is:


Therefore, to the nearest hundredth, the average rate of change in the cost from an 8in to a 16 in pizza, is:


Given the image, if AB is a semicircle and DB = 70 degrees, what is the measure of ACD?


I’m guessing that when you said DB, you meant DCB=70 degrees.
Continuing from there, since it’s a semi circle, the total angle is 180 degrees. Therefore, ACD = (180 - 70)degrees.
Answer => 110 degrees

Hint - Look at the semi circle as a protractor. It’s exactly like that. If one side is 70, then the other is 110.

In a right triangle, the side opposite angle θ has a length of 80 inches, the side adjacent to angle θ has a length of 84 inches, and the hypotenuse has a length of 116 inches. What is the value of tan(θ)?



The sides of a right triangle are hypotenuse, opposite, and adjacent.

The hypotenuse is the longest sides of the triangle.

The opposite is the side facing the angle.

The adjacent is the third side of the right triangle.

This sides are illustrated as shown below:

Thus, in the above right triangle ABC,

[tex]\begin{gathered} AC\Rightarrow hypotenuse \\ AB\Rightarrow opposite \\ BC\Rightarrow adjacent \end{gathered}[/tex]

Given that the opposite side has a length of 80 inches, adjacent has a length of 84 inches, and the hypotenuse has a length of 116 inches, this implies that

[tex]\begin{gathered} AC=116 \\ AB=80 \\ BC=84 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To evaluate the value of


We use trigonometric ratios.

From trigonometric ratios,

[tex]\tan\theta=\frac{opposite}{adjacent}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} where \\ opposite\Rightarrow AB=80 \\ adjacent\Rightarrow BC=84 \\ thus, \\ \tan(\theta)=\frac{AB}{BC}\frac{}{} \\ =\frac{80}{84}=0.9523809524 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the value of tan (θ) is


The first option is the correct answer.

find the new price after the markup given. round to the nearest cent if necessary. $145 marked up 175%




Given that the initial/cost price is;

[tex]\text{ \$145}[/tex]

It was then marked up 175%.

The new price can be calculated using the formula;

[tex]\begin{gathered} S=C+r(C) \\ S=(1+r)C \\ \text{where;} \\ S=\text{ new price} \\ C=\text{ cost price} \\ r=\text{markup percent in fraction} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} C=\text{ \$145} \\ r=\frac{175\text{\%}}{100\text{\%}} \\ r=1.75 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} S=(1+r)C \\ S=(1+1.75)\times\text{ \$145} \\ S=2.75\times\text{ \$145} \\ S=\text{ \$398.75} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the new price is;


How can ️WXY be mapped to ️MNQ Translate vertex W to vertex M, then reflect across the line containing A WXB WYC XYD MQ


The answer is WX, because

Part A: A landscape service charges costumers a one-time fee and an hourly rate of $15. For 3 hours of work m, it charges $75 Write the equation in point-slope formHow much does the landscape service charge for 20 hours


The hourly rate is the slope m, and we're given the point (3,75)

Now, using the point-slope form:


Now, let's put it in the slope-intercept form (clear y):

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-75=15x-45 \\ \rightarrow y=15x+30 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For 20 hours of service,

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=15(20)+30 \\ \rightarrow y=330 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The service would charge $330

Triangle ABC has vertices A(1,3), B(2,5), and C(5,3). What are the coordinates of B after the translation described by the rule T(1,4)?B =



B' (3, 9)


Given the coordinates of vertices of a triangle A(1,3), B(2,5), and C(5,3), if the triangle is translated by T(1, 4), the coordinates of the new triangle will be expressed as:

A' = (1, 4) + A(1, 3)

A' = (1+1, 4+3)

A' = (2, 7)

B' = (1, 4) + B(2, 5)

B' = (1+2, 4+5)

B' = (3, 9)

C' = (1, 4) + C(5, 3)

C' = (1+5, 4+3)

C' = (6, 7)

From the calculation above, it can be seen that the coordinates of B after translation is B' (3, 9)

Instructions: For the given polynomial, select eachstatement that applies regarding end behavior.





To get the end behaviour of the polynomial, we plot the function using a graphing calculator and see how it behaves.

The function is graphed as shown in the image below,

From the image above, the vertex of the curve shows a rise towards the left.

Hence, the end behaviour is that it rises to the left.

solve for theta. Enter answer only round to the tenth





We can calculate the value of the angle by means of the trigonometric ratio sine which is the following

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin \theta=\frac{\text{opposite }}{\text{ hypotenuse}} \\ \text{opposite = 24} \\ \text{hypotenuse = 27} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Replacing and solving for the angle:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin \theta=\frac{24}{27} \\ \theta=\arcsin (\frac{24}{27}) \\ \theta=62.73\text{\degree} \end{gathered}[/tex]

How can I solve this?x=AD=AB= 5X-4DB=x+1


AD = AB + DB

AD = (5x - 4) + (x+1)

= 5x - 4 + x + 1

= 5x + x - 4 + 1

AD = 6x - 3

I need help with this practice problem solving The subject is pre trigonometry



[tex]\theta=\frac{2\pi}{3}+\pi\cdot n[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the general solution for:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3\cot \theta=-\sqrt[]{3} \\ \text{ Divide both sides by 3} \\ \cot \theta=-\frac{\sqrt[]{3}}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, for the general solution, it is known that for

[tex]\begin{gathered} \cot (\frac{\pi}{6})=\sqrt[]{3} \\ \text{Then,} \\ \theta=\frac{2\pi}{3}+\pi\cdot n \end{gathered}[/tex]

assume the unit population density of a state is approximately 104 people per mi2. if this state has 196,352 square miles, what is the population of the state? people



The unit population density of a state is 104 people per mi².

Also, the state has 196,352mi².

Therefore, the population of the state will be the multiplication of the unit population density and the square miles of the state.



Therefore, the population of the state is 20,420,608 people.

Find the least common multiple of these two expressions. 12x^2w^6v^8 and 8x^5w^3



[tex]12x^2w^6v^8\text{ }and\text{ }8x^5w^3[/tex]

To find:

The Least Common Multiple of the above expressions.


It is given that,

[tex]12x^2w^6v^8\text{ }and\text{ }8x^5w^3[/tex]

That implies,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 12x^2w^6v^8=4\cdot3\cdot x^2\cdot w^3\cdot w^3\cdot v^8 \\ 8x^5w^3=4\cdot2\cdot x^2\cdot x^3\cdot w^3 \\ \therefore LCM=4\cdot3\cdot2\cdot x^2\cdot x^3\cdot w^3\cdot w^3\cdot v^8 \\ =24x^5w^6v^8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the Least Common Multiple of the given expressions is,


Find the area of each circle. Round to the nearest tenth.Only 1 and 2



The area a circle can be expressed in two forms;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Area}=\pi r^2 \\ \text{Area}=\pi(\frac{d}{2})^2 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where r and d are the radius and the diameter of the circle.


For number 1, r =21 yards,

[tex]\text{Area}=\pi\times21^2=1385.4\text{square yards}[/tex]

Answer: 1385.4 square yards

For number 2, d= 0.4 km


Answer:0.1 square kilometres

18. What is the value of f(-2) for the function f(x) = 2(3Y"?A12fca=acze33B118С.29D. 18


Given the function:


To find f(-2), substitute x for -2 in the function.


Solving further using law of indicies, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(-2)\text{ = }\frac{2}{3^2} \\ \\ f(-2)\text{ = }\frac{2}{9} \end{gathered}[/tex]



what would the correlation coefficient -0.86 represent in the context of the situation?


Here, the table and scatter plot show the relationship between the number of missing assignment and the student's grade.

The correlation coefficient shows the relationship between the number of missing assignments and the student's grade.

To find the correlation coefficient, we have:

Make a straight line to connect the points on the graph

The correlation coefficient r, = -0.86



Hello I need help with this problem for my home work here’s a picture


The Solution:


We are required to find the equivalent of the given expression.

Simplifying the given expression, we get:

[tex]4x^2\sqrt{5x^4}\cdot3\sqrt{5x^8}=4x^2\times x^2\sqrt{5}\times3x^4\sqrt{5}[/tex][tex]=4x^2\times x^2\times3x^4\times\sqrt{5}\times\sqrt{5}=4x^4\times3x^4\times5=60x^8[/tex]

Therefore, the correct answer is [option B]

Passing through (-2, 8) and PERPENDICULAR to y = 2x + 5


the equation of the line is,

y = 2x + 5

the slope of the line is m = 2

the slope of the line perpendicular to y = 2x + 5 is ,

m = -1/2

it is passing through (-2,8)

so the equation of the line is

[tex]y-8=(-\frac{1}{2})(x-(-2))[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} y-8=-\frac{1}{2}x-1 \\ y=-\frac{1}{2}x+7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

thus the equation of the line is,

y = -1/2 x + 7

What is the distance between the points (9.0) and (0,5) on the coordinate plane?


( x 1 , y 1 ) = ( 9,0 )

( x 2 , y 2 ) = ( 0, 5 )

Distance between the points:

d^2 = ( x2 - x1 ) ^2 + ( y2 - y1 ) ^2

= ( 0 - 9 ) ^2 + ( 5 - 0 )^2

= 81 + 25

= 106

square root both sides, we have:

d = 10 . 296

d = 10. 3 units ( 1 decimal place)

this is 50 points help me out k


Answer: It is 45

Step-by-step explanation:

you have 5 four and the number is 4

Define Miller for the perimeter P of a rectangle with length L and width W is p equals 2L + 2W. which of the following is the formula for the length of a rectangle in terms of the perimeter and width.a.l equals B- W / 2 b.l equals b + W / 2 c.l equals P -2 W / 2 d.l equals p + 2 W / 2


P = 2L + 2W ok

2L = P - 2W

L = (P - 2W)/2 This is the correct answer

I think it's letter C

Problem 2.

4x - 4 > 12

4x > 12 + 4

4x > 16

x > 16/4

x > 4 This is the correct choice

At a certain company, loan agents are paid based on the number of loans they close in a day. Based on company records, the number of loans X that a
randomly selected loan agent closes on a randomly selected day has the probability distribution below.
5 6
P(x) 0.05 0.10 0.22 0.30 0.18 0.12 0.03
At the company, the daily salary of a loan agent is $150 plus $50 per loan closed. Let Y represent the amount of money made by a randomly selected loan
agent on a randomly selected day.
Which is the mean of X?
Which is the mean of Y?
Which is the standard deviation of X?
which is the standard deviation of Y


The mean of X is E(X)=$3.94

The mean of Y is E(Y)=$347

The standard deviation of X is $1.4129

The standard deviation of Y is $220.645

What is meant by mean and standard deviation?

The mean is the set of two or more numbers' mathematical average. It is possible to calculate two different types of means: the arithmetic mean and the geometric mean. Add the numbers in a set together and divide by the total number of numbers in the set to find the arithmetic mean.

Standard deviation, which is the square root of the means of the squared deviations from the arithmetic mean, is also known as root-mean square deviation. To quantify the risks associated with an investment instrument, standard deviation is used in finance.

The computation is shown below:

Y = a +bX


Y = money earned by a randomly chosen

a = $150

b = $50

X = number of loan


E(X) = (1 × 0.05) + (2 × 0.10) + (3 × 0.22) + (4 × 0.30) + (5 × 0.18) + (6 × 0.12) + (7 × 0.03)


E(X) =$3.94

Therefore, mean of X is $3.94


E(y) = $150 + ($50 × 3.94)

= $347

E(y) =$347

Therefore, mean of Y is $347




Standard deviation=√variance



Therefore, the standard deviation of X is $1.4129




Therefore, the standard deviation of X is $220.645

To know more about standard deviation and mean, visit:


3.Which equation does not describe the line? Place the red X on the one that does not belong x y 10 y = 2x + 4 ce 6 4, y + 0 = 2(x + 2) 2 10 -8 -6 -4 2 0 2+ 2 4 6 8 10 y + 4 = 2(x + 0) 4+ 6+ 8+ y - 4 = 2(x + 0) 107


step 1

Find the equation of the graph

Find the slope

take the points

(-2,0) and (0,4)




step 2

Find the equation of the line in point slope form

point (-2,0) and m=2 ------> y-0=2(x+2)

point (0,4) and m=2 ------> y-4=2(x-0)

Find the equation in slope intercept form


we have


b=4 (given)



A school wants to put a bond in the next election, they call this bond Measure K. Before puttingthe bond on the ballot, they want to see how much support they would have from voters in thecounty. They select a random sample of voters in the county, and find a 90% confidence intervalfor the proportion of voters in this county who would vote yes. In order to do this, they neededto use:(Multiple choice)O 1 proportion (z) confidence intervalO 1 proportion (2) hypothesis testO 2 proportion (z) confidence intervalO 2 proportion (2) hypothesis test


A school wants to put a bond in the next election, they call this bond Measure K.

They select a random sample of voters in the county and find a 90% confidence interval for the proportion of voters in this county who would vote yes.

Recall that a hypothesis test is used when we want to test an assertion or a claim.

For the given case, there is no assertion or any claim so this is definitely not a hypothesis test.

This is in fact a confidence interval since we are interested in the proportion of voters in this county who would vote yes.

The confidence interval would give us a fair estimate of the true population proportion of voters in this county who would vote yes.

Now coming to whether is it a 1 proportion or 2 proportion confidence interval.

Notice that there is only 1 proportion for the given case that is the proportion of voters in this county who would vote yes.

Therefore, the need to use "1 proportion (z) confidence interval"

help with more than 1 question pls and ty if nkt i will report u its not fair




[tex]\begin{gathered} (x+10)^2\text{ = ( x + 10 ) ( x + 10 )} \\ =x^2\text{ + 10 x + 10x + 100} \\ =x^2\text{ + 20 x + 100} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} (x-10)^2\text{ = ( x - 10 ) ( x - 10 )} \\ =x^2\text{ -10 x - 10 x + 100} \\ =x^2\text{ - 20 x + 100} \end{gathered}[/tex]

11. ( x + 10 ) ( x - 10 ) ( Difference of two squares)

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2\text{ - 10 x + 10 x - 100} \\ =x^2\text{ - 100} \end{gathered}[/tex]

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