can someone help me with this will mark brainliest

Can Someone Help Me With This Will Mark Brainliest


Answer 1




Related Questions

Hydrogen has an oxidation number of +1 in all compounds excepts when it binds with metals and has an oxidation state of -1.​



See explanation


In the periodic table, hydrogen is placed in group 1 for convenience. Hydrogen is not a metal, however, its common oxidation state is +1. It easily forms a univalent positive ion just like group 1 elements.

So, when hydrogen is combined with strongly electropositive metals such as sodium, lithium, etc, hydrogen accepts one electron and exhibits an oxidation state of -1 in those compounds.

Such compounds in which hydrogen is combined with strongly electropositive metals to give a binary compound is called a hydride.

What happens when a gas is heated



The particles' kinetic energy is increased, allowing the gas to expand. When a gas is heated the volume will increase when gas is increased....

Predict the product of the following Wittig reaction: You may want to draw out the reaction of a separate piece of paper before submitting your response. 2-butanone reacts with (C2H5O)2P=O--CHC.Hs with added heat in a potassium salt solution
a) Potassium diethyl phosphate
b) (z)-stilbene
c) 2-methylbut-1-enyl-benzene
d) 2-methylbutene diethyl phosphate



c) 2-methylbut-1-enyl-benzene


From the information given:

Wittig reaction is essential for the creation of carbon-carbon bonds which results in the production of alkenes. The presence of the ketone compound ( 2-butanone) is because of its high electrophilic character of the carbonyl carbon. The reaction between 2-butanone with triethylamine in the presence of potassium salt is to catalyze the reaction. This reaction proceeds to yield the product 2-methylbut-1-enyl-benzene.

Name the process that happens when a liquid turns into a gas.​


evaporation is when liquid turns into gas

Can someone please help me!!



Less in the top

your well wisher

Limiting Reactant
12.0 grams of sodium reacts with 5.00 grams of chlorine. What mass of sodium
chloride could be produced?
Nas) +
Cl2(g) →
Identify the limiting reactant.
Determine the amount of sodium chloride produced.



(1) Cl₂ is the limiting reactant.

(2) 8.18 g


2Na(s) + Cl₂(g) → 2NaCl(s)

First we convert the given masses of reactants into moles, using their respective molar masses:

Na ⇒ 12.0 g ÷ 23 g/mol = 0.522 mol NaCl₂ ⇒ 5.00 g ÷ 70.9 g/mol = 0.070 mol Cl₂

0.070 moles of Cl₂ would react completely with (2 * 0.070) 0.14 moles of Na. There are more Na moles than that, so Na is the reactant in excess while Cl₂ is the limiting reactant.

Then we calculate how many moles of NaCl are formed, using the limiting reactant:

0.070 mol Cl₂ * [tex]\frac{2molNaCl}{1molCl_2}[/tex] = 0.14 mol NaCl

Finally we convert NaCl moles into grams:

0.14 mol NaCl * 58.44 g/mol = 8.18 g

Is the number of total molecules on the left side of a balanced equation always equal to the number of total molecules on the right side of the equation





No, but the total mass of reactants must equal the total mass of products to be a balanced equation.

Example: Consider the following reaction ...

3H₂ + N₂ => 2NH₃ and 'amu' is atomic mass units (formula weights from periodic table)

In terms of molecules, there are 4 molecules on the left (3 molecular hydrogens (H₂) and 1 molecular nitrogen (N₂) and 2 molecules of ammonia on the right side of equation arrow. ∑reactant molecules ≠ ∑product molecules.

In terms of mass of reactants & mass of products, the 3H₂ + N₂ => 6amu + 28amu = 34amu & mass of products (2NH₃) => 2(14amu) + 6(1amu) = 34amu for sum of product masses.

∑mass reactants = ∑mass products <=> 34amu = 34amu.

The expression '∑mass reactants = ∑mass products' as applied to chemical equations is generally known as 'The Law of Mass Balance'.

Oxygen gas was produced in a reaction and collected over water. A 136.1 mL mL sample of gas was collected over water at 25C and 1.06 atm. The vapor pressure of water is 23.76 mmHg at 25C. Find the mass of ocygen gas collected in a reaction and collected over water. A 136.1 mL sample of gas was collected over water at 25C and 1.06 atm. The vapor pressure of water is 23.76 mmHg at 25C. Find the mass of oxygen gas collected.




We shall find volume of gas at NTP or at 273 K , 760 mm of Hg .

Pressure of given gas = 1.06 x 760 mm of Hg less vapor pressure of water .

= 805.6 - 23.76 = 781.84 mm of Hg

For it we use gas law formula ,

P₁V₁ / T₁ = P₂V₂ / T₂

781.84 x 136.1 / ( 273 + 25 ) = 760 x V₂ / 273

= 128.26 mL .

= 128.26  x 10⁻³ L .

22.4 L of oxygen will have mass of 32 g

128.26 x 10⁻³ L of oxygen will have mass of 32 x 128.26 x 10⁻³ / 22.4 g

= 183.22 mg .

What is decarboxylation??

Gimme one reaction of it..​



Decarboxylation is a chemical reaction that removes a carboxyl group and releases carbon dioxide (CO2). Usually, decarboxylation refers to a reaction of carboxylic acids, removing a carbon atom from a carbon chain.


Please give me brainlist

2. What is one effect of convection currents in the mantle?
A. forming deep-water currents in oceans B. cooling the rocks of the crust
C. providing energy to drive the water cycle
D. transferring heat from Earth's interior to the crust​



D no. is the answer of your question

milk milk milk........



gimme that chocky milk.....



m i l k


One component of smog is nitrogen
monoxide, NO. A car produces about 8 g of
this gas per day. What is the volume at STP?



V = 5.97 L



In this case, according to the ideal gas law:


We would need to solve for V as we know the temperature and pressure as the gas it at STP conditions (273 K and 1 atm respectively):


Next, we compute the moles in 8 g of NO, given its molar mass of 30.01 g/mol:


Therefore, we obtain the following volume:

[tex]V=\frac{0.267mol*0.08206\frac{atm*L}{mol*K}*273K}{1atm}\\\\V=5.97 L[/tex]

Best regards!

Definition: This is a net gain or loss of electrons.
Example: Your hair gains one when you pull a wool sweater over your head.



Elecric charge/ Electricity  


Electric charge is the net gain or loss of electrons

I hope im right!!

What BEST describes the relation of a new population to an increase in the amount of space it occupies? a - The population will die out
b - The population will remain constant
c - The population will grow exponentially


answer c is correct

When a liquid is insoluble in another liquid, the liquids are said to be?





"A 4.75-kg cell phone is dropped from your second floor balcony (from rest). It hits the
ground at a speed of 40 m/s. Assuming air resistance can be ignored, calculate the
gravitational potential energy of the cell phone before it was dropped."


Yo this is 45 and the second one is 2

The answer please thank you





Which of the following explains why a longer bond is also a weaker bond? Help plz



Longer bonds have lower attractive force

Which of the following is a characteristic of a scientific theory? explains how nature works. is based on a single experiment. should not be possible to replicate it's results. should not be possible to replicate it's observations.​



A. It explains how nature works.


A scientific theory is an explanation, based on a body of evidence, of how something works or will behave.

The other three answers contradict scientific theory. Theories should be based on many experiments, and you should be able to replicate the results and observations.  

Calculate each of the following quantities:
a) Molarity of a solution prepared by diluting 27.0 cm3
of 0.150 M potassium chloride to
150.0 cm3
b) Molarity of a solution prepared by diluting 35.71 cm3
of 0. 0756 M ammonium
sulfate to 500 cm3
c) Final volume of a 0.05M solution prepared by diluting 10.0 cm3
of 0.155 M lithium
carbonate with water



A. 0.027 M

B. 0.0054 M

C. 31 cm³


A. Determination of the final concentration (Molarity)

Initial Volume (V₁) = 27 cm³

Initial concentration (C₁) = 0.150 M

Final volume (V₂) = 150 cm³

Final congratulation (C₂) =?

C₁V₁ = C₂V₂

0.150 × 27 = C₂ × 150

4.05 = C₂ × 150

Divide both side by 150

C₂ = 4.05 / 150

C₂ = 0.027 M

Thus, the final concentration of the solution is 0.027 M

B. Determination of the final concentration (Molarity)

Initial Volume (V₁) = 35.71 cm³

Initial concentration (C₁) = 0.0756 M

Final volume (V₂) = 500 cm³

Final congratulation (C₂) =?

C₁V₁ = C₂V₂

0.0756 × 35.71 = C₂ × 500

Divide both side by 500

C₂ = (0.0756 × 35.71) / 500

C₂ = 0.0054 M

Thus, the final concentration of the solution is 0.0054 M

C. Determination of the final volume.

Initial Volume (V₁) = 10 cm³

Initial concentration (C₁) = 0.155 M

Final congratulation (C₂) = 0.05 M

Final volume (V₂) =?

C₁V₁ = C₂V₂

0.155 × 10 = 0.05 × V₂

1.55 = 0.05 × V₂

Divide both side by 0.05

V₂ = 1.55 / 0.05

V₂ = 31 cm³

Thus, the final volume of the solution is 31 cm³

How many formula units make up 10.2 g of magnesium chloride (MgCl2)?



6.46×10²² formula units


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Mass of MgCl₂ = 10.2 g

Number of formula units =?

From Avogadro's hypothesis,

1 mole of MgCl₂ = 6.02×10²³ formula units


1 mole of MgCl₂ = 24 + (35.5×2) = 24 + 71 = 95 g

Thus, we can say:

95 g of MgCl₂ = 6.02×10²³ formula units

Finally, we shall determine the formula units in 10.2 g MgCl₂. This can be obtained as follow:

95 g of MgCl₂ = 6.02×10²³ formula units


10.2 g of MgCl₂ = (10.2 × 6.02×10²³) / 95

10.2 g of MgCl₂ = 6.46×10²² formula units

Thus, 10.2 g of MgCl₂ contains 6.46×10²² formula units

A vitamin C (ascorbic acid) tablet was dissolved in approximately 50 mL of distilled water and titrated with the standardized NaOH solution. From the results of this titration, the mg of ascorbic acid in the tablet was calculated. Molecular formula of ascorbic acid: C6H8O6 Volume of NaOH required to neutralize ascorbic acid in Vitamin C tablet (mL) 20.74 Concentration of NaOH in mol/L, 0.201 Calculate the amount of ascorbic acid in the Vitamin C tablet in (mg).



The correct answer is - 733.69 mg.



The volume of ascorbic acid = 50 ml

The volume of NaOH = 20.74 ml

Molarity of NaOH = 0.201 M

formula = C6H8O6


moles of NaOH for titration = molarity of NaOH × The volume of NaOH

= 0.201 × 20.74 × 10^-3

=4.16874 × 10^-3

then molecular weight of ascorbic acid

= 6 × 12+ 8×1+ 6× 16


the molecular mass would be

= 4.16874 × 10^-3 × 176

= 733.69 × 10^-3 g

=733.69 mg

find the sum of 15, 9, 3, ....... 45​



hope this helps



What is thrust force


Hopes this helps:


The force that moves a plane forward through the air. Thrust is created by a propeller or a jet engine. An aircraft in straight and level flight is acted upon by four forces: lift, gravity, thrust, and drag. The opposing forces balance each other; lift equals gravity and thrust equals drag.

help and will give brainly. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!


The answer is snake and earthworm

hi, if your looking for extra points (50+) and br ainiest here is ur chance, answer this question correctly plz



it should be C. the filtering of ground water. have a good day!

How much does the Earth weigh?​


5.972 × 10^24 kg

hope it helps


5.972 × 10^24 kg

hope this helps

What type of reaction is displayed below?
HCI + NAOH → NaCl + H20​


The swapping term



neutralization reaction


This reaction involve an acid (HCl) reacting with a base (NaOH), producing a salt (NaCl) and water. Therefore it's a neutralization reaction

A substance that dissolves in a solvent is said to be a(n)
A. immiscible
B. miscible
C. soluble
D. insoluble



C. soluble


Remember that a substance that dissolves in a solvent is said to be soluble in that solvent. A substance that does not dissolve in a solvent is insoluble. Process of Dissolving: Solvent particles surround solute particles to form a solution in a process called solvation.

C is the answer I think so because it seems the best 88

Does the magnetic field lines of repelling magnets always combine. True or False?


Its true they are always combine




yes magnetic feild lines is always combined

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