can someone answer these, please?

Can Someone Answer These, Please?


Answer 1


1- b

2- c

3- h

4- l

5- g

6- k

7- i

8- j

9- f

10- d

11- m

12- e

13- a

14- n

15- o


sorry if my other answers were messy and floppy but here is a better one and i hope they all are correct.

Related Questions

Feudal Japan opened its trade routes to
because of their respect for the
Japanese culture.
A. the British
B. the Spaniards
C. the Koreans
D. the Dutch


The Dutch are who they traded with

The Patriots fighting on their home land was an advantage because?



The patriots advantages included fighting on their home ground; fighting for the freedom of their own land, which gave them an advantage over the hired Hessians of the British army; and their brilliant leader George Washington.

After World War II, Middle East conflicts were caused mainly by



European Occupation After World War II

Independence After World War II

Arab Nationalism

Cold War and U.S. Involvement in the Middle East

Six-Day War

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hope its help you

During World War I, in 1916, it convinced Arab leaders to revolt against the Ottoman Empire (which was allied with Germany). In return, the British government would support the establishment of an independent Arab state in the region, including Palestine.

Which of the following best describes India and Pakistan?
They both share a common religion.
They still dispute control of Kashmir.
They finally settled the dispute over Kashmir in 1998.
They rely on peacekeepers.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided





They still dispute control of Kashmir.


just took the test

The statement that best describes India and Pakistan is that they still dispute control of Kashmir. Hence, Option B is correct.

What is the Kashmir conflict?

A type of territorial conflict involving the Kashmir region. China is the third party in this conflict. This started when both India and Pakistan were separated in the year 1947, during the time of India's freedom.

Both India and Pakistan in 1947 claimed that Jammu and Kashmir was a princely state.

As a result, Option B: They still dispute control of  Kashmir is correct.

Learn more about Kashmir conflict from here:


What method of MLK was shown in his Letter from Birmingham Jail?



n € £

n×(n-3)= 2(8-3)

–––––. ––––

7. 2

n×(n-3)= 2×(-2)

–n€ a

____democracy is a governmental system in which all the citizens 10 poin
meet to debate government matters and vote.
D-Majority rule



C- Direct democracy

Why did the communists build the Berlin Wall?

to keep the Soviet Union from sending more troops into East Berlin

to keep people in democratic West Berlin from escaping to East Berlin

to keep people in communist East Berlin from escaping to West Berlin

to keep the United States from taking territory inside East Berlin


they build it so germans wont enter

name the theory involved in the spread of iron​



- This is the diffusion theory.


Hopefully this helps you sorry if it doesn’t


Diffusion Theory involved in the spread of iron.

what are Christian books about? ( for example A Choice Not an Echo)
30 POINT!!



Christian things! It honestly just depends on the book, but pretty much all of them have a good message and point the way towards Christ.


They are about Christ and the Church, or they are about how a Christian thinks or should think.


I hope this helps and gives you some basic information on the subject. Thanks! BRAINLIEST PLEASE!

Do you think Mr. Escalante treated Angel fairly throughout the movie? Why or why not?

For the movie- Stand and Deliver . I give Brainliest!
Please no links



No, I do not think that Mr. Escalante treated Angel fairly throughout the movie.

It is because Angel was punished unfairly by Mr. Escalante in the movie.


"Stand and Deliver" is a movie based on real-life story of a teacher Jamie Escalante, a mathematics teacher in Garfield School and his teaching ways to help deliquent students come out of their corrupted lives and live a good life.

Throughout the movie, we can see Mr. Escalante treat Angel unfairly. He has been rude to him. In their first interaction Mr. Escalante and Angel both behaved badly with each other.

Though at times, Mr. Escalante's treatment towards Angel seemed unfair, it helped Angel to come out of his deliquent commarades.

When their economic policies were opposed, the East India Company __________.
a. paid higher wages to the farmers who chose to grow cash crops
b. used force against the leaders who refused to comply
c. continued to negotiate with local leaders until a settlement was reached
d. petitioned the government to enforce the agreements





I got it right on the quiz

Which branch of the U.S. goverment has the responsibility of interpreting the Constitution? A Executive Branch B State Governments C Legislative Branch D Judicial Branch ​



D )The judicial branch

The judicial branch is responsible for interpreting all laws, including statutes, codes, ordinances, and the federal and state constitutions.


D, as the Judicial Branch needs to have this responsibility to see if an action such as impeachment, or other affairs, are Unconstitutional or Constitutional.

Which document held the provision that a person could NOT be considered guilty of a crime with no body of evidence against them? A. Writ of Habeas Corpus B. English Bill of Rights C. Petition of Right D. Magna Carta​



Which factor do you think might have been most significant in Hitler’s rise to power? Explain your answer.



His union and his power in society. For example how he was seen in the public eye.

Plz help me i rly need it for this quiz TwT



the first 3 are correct. Stalin was definitely not a humanitarian.

How does Congress react to Paulson requesting a bailout of US banks totaling over 7 billion dollars?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

How does Congress react to Paulson requesting a bailout of US banks totaling over 7 billion dollars?

Congress acted against it, and the House of Representatives voted against Paulson requesting.

Let's remember the moment. It was September 20, 2008, when US Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson, submitted this proposal to the lower house of Congress. The House of Representatives discussed the proposal but considered that it was a tax imposition for US citizens to try to save the bad decisions of the bankers. So on September 29, the House of Representatives voted against the proposal, and immediately the stock changes of the world -including the New York stock exchange, of course- plummeted.

President George W. Bush had to swiftly react and signed the EESA Act (the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 to rescue the financial institutions and banks with $700 billion.

Which country were Rousseau and Montesquieu both from? A France B. England C. Germany D.United States​





Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer. His political philosophy influenced the progress of the Enlightenment throughout Europe, as well as aspects of the French Revolution and the development of modern political, economic and educational thought..

Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu, generally referred to as simply Montesquieu, was a French judge, man of letters, and political philosopher.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau belongs to the Ermenonville, France and Montesquieu belongs to the Bordeaux, France. Basically, both Rousseau and Montesquieu belongs to the France country. Thus, the correct option is A). France.

Who were Rousseau and Montesquieu?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was Swiss-born philosopher, writer, and political theorist who was born on July 28, 1712, Geneva, Switzerland. He belongs to the Ermenonville in the France. He was the popular writer who wrote the novels that inspired the leaders of the French Revolution and the Romantic generation.

Montesquieu was a French political philosopher, who was born on January 18, 1689, near Bordeaux in France. He was very famous for his work. His principle was The Spirit of Laws, which was a major contribution to political theory.

Basically, it can be said that both the Rousseau and Montesquieu were both from the France.

Learn more about Rousseau and Montesquieu here:-


Read this passage from "The American Dream."

It does not say all white men, but it says all men. . . .
How does the second part of the sentence relate to the first part?
A. It clarifies the first part.
B. It makes a claim.
C. It restates the first part.
D. It adds an argument.



A. It clarifies the first part.


Martin Luther King's speech about The American Dream stands are the evidence of his thoughts about the dream he had for his country. It consists of the dream of justice and equality among the people living in America. King focused on the share of equality and fair treatment given to all the citizens of America irrespective of any differences.  He presents his argument of equality as stated in the given passage. He clarifies his thought of 'all men' and not specifically 'all white men'. He clarifies the first statement by adding the second.




i took the quiz

One advantage to buying a CD is that it
can be purchased for different amounts.
is high risk but comes with great rewards.
can be used for long-term retirement.
o is high risk but backed by the government.



can u specify the question more plzz

One advantage to buying a CD is that it can be purchased for different amounts. Option (a) is correct.

What do you mean by Reward?

Benefits, pay, and incentives are all terms used to describe what employees get from their employers. Pay and bonuses, as well as recognition, workplace flexibility, and career prospects, can all fall under this category.

The interest rate on a CD is by far its greatest benefit. Savings accounts normally have lower interest rates than certificates of deposit (CDs), so you might earn more on your deposit. If you're aiming to save for a certain objective, like a down payment on a home or retirement, this may be useful.

Because of the FIDC's backing, CDs are a secure and reliable method to grow your money without taking on the risk sometimes associated with other investment forms like equities. But, bear in mind that CDs have little liquidity, so taking money out early is probably going to cost you.

Therefore, Option (a) is correct.

Learn more about Reward, here;


What impact did the industrial revolution have on western economies, politics, and society



The Industrial Revolution increased the material wealth of the Western world. It also ended the dominance of agriculture and initiated significant social change. The everyday work environment also changed drastically, and the West became an urban civilization.

In 1–2 sentences, summarize what expenditures are.



An expenditure represents a payment with either cash or credit to purchase goods or services. An expenditure is recorded at a single point in time (the time of purchase), compared to an expense.


The Marshall Plan caused which of the following plans?



It was a plan of the United States for rebuilding the allied countries of Europe after World War II. One of the main reasons this was done was to stop communism.


In addition to economic redevelopment, one of the stated goals of the Marshall Plan was to halt the spread communism on the European continent.

Mexico City's location in a valley combined with its large population contributes MOST to which of these environmental problems?
water pollution
nuclear contamination








the answer hint was smoke

who was the first president of United State ​



George washington was the first president of United States

[tex]\huge{\textbf{\textsf{{\color{navy}{An}}{\purple{sw}}{\pink{er}} {\color{pink}{:}}}}}[/tex]

George Washington.

ThanksHope it helps.

All of the following were introduced to the
New World as a result of The Columbian
Exchange, with the exception of which?
A. diseases
B. slave trade
C. paper money
D. foods


All of the following were introduced to the New World as a result of the Columbian exchange except for paper money.

The correct answer to this question is option c. The European expeditor Christopher Columbus introduced items such as horses, sugar, new plants and also diseases to the new world.

Deadly diseases accompanied them such as measles, smallpox, chicken pox, etc. The natives had no immunity against the diseases. It killed a lot of them.


Who holds the power in a dictatorship? A. the people B. one person C. a small group of people​



B. one person


A. the people vote

C. the group of people are like the Government


Ano ang kahulugan ng pilosopiya?



Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental questions, such as those about reason, existence, knowledge, values, mind, and language. Such questions are often posed as problems to be studied or resolved. The term was probably coined by Pythagoras.

What was the effect of all three Arab-Israeli Wars?

A. Arab nations won independence
B.Israel gained land, while Arab nations lost land
C.Arab nations gained land, while Israel lost land
D. Israel lost its independence​



Option: B. Israel gained land, while Arab nations lost land


There were many Arab-Israeli Wars since 1948 was a conflict between Israeli and Arab forces. The Arab-Israeli War broke out when the declaration of the state of Israel in 1948 after taking land from Palestine. The Balfour Declaration supported the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Jews accepted the plan but the Arabs did not. A war took place in which Isreal gained land from Palastine while Arab lost some of their lands.

Please help, I’ll mark as brainliest if correct!
What is one thing you know about Daoism? 1-2 sentences.


Answer:Chinese philosophy to signify the fundamental or true nature of the world

Explanation:i am work on the same stuff

Because of it’s natural resources, Africa is one of the wealthiest continents.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



It’s True! Can I get brainliest?




ok go give the other person brainliest :)

God bless ya'll and have a great day!



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