Can someone answer the screenshots will give brainleist+50 points

Can Someone Answer The Screenshots Will Give Brainleist+50 Points
Can Someone Answer The Screenshots Will Give Brainleist+50 Points


Answer 1



5.Citizenship is defined in the first clause of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment as: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside.

6. 18 th adment Citizenship is defined in the first clause of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment as: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside.

7.Nationwide Prohibition lasted from 1920 until 1933. The Eighteenth Amendment—which illegalized the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol—was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1917. In 1919 the amendment was ratified by the three-quarters of the nation's states required to make it constitutional.

8.Twenty-first Amendment, amendment (1933) to the Constitution of the United States that officially repealed federal prohibition, which had been enacted through the Eighteenth Amendment, adopted in 1919. ... Ratification of the amendment was completed on Dec. 5, 1933.

9. 13 years

Related Questions

10. How does orographic precipitation form in coastal areas?
Hot, humid air rises from the earth's surface and cools.
Warm air is forced upward by cool, heavier air.
Moist winds are forced upward by high landforms.
Dry, hot alr warms the area behind inland mountains.




Moist winds are forced upward by high landforms.


Please help me, I will give brainliest!


correct answer: B
explaining: because the other don’t make sense

The Cocos Plate is located at the following approximate latitude and longitude:
10°S and 100°W
20°N and 100°E
10°N and 100°W
30°N and 130°E


Answer: 3


The Cocos Plate is located at the following approximate latitude and longitude is 10°N and 100°W. Thus, option (3) is correct.

What is latitude?

Latitude is a term used to describe how long a line is measured from north to south. As a circle of measurement with 180 degrees of inclination, the lines are parallel to one another. An imaginary ring connecting all places that share a parallel is known as a circle of latitude.

The phrase "Cocos Plate" refers to an oceanic tectonic plate located in the Pacific Ocean and along the west coast of Central America. The name was intended to refer to the Cocos Islands. The Cocos Plate latitude and longitude are 10°N and 100°W, respectively. It had been 23 million years.

As a result, the Cocos Plate is located at the following approximate latitude and longitude is 10°N and 100°W. Therefore, option (3) is correct.

Learn more about on latitude, here:


Base your answer on the three bedrock outcrops below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The outcrops, labeled I, II, and III, are located within 15 kilometers of each other. Lines AB and CD represent unconformities. Line XY represents a fault. No overturning of the layers has occurred. The unconformities at AB and CD resulted from A) uplift and erosion, followed by subsidence and deposition B) movement along a crack between two rock layers C) contact metamorphism between two sedimentary layers D) regional metamorphism of deeply buried sedimentary rocks



A) uplift and erosion, followed by subsidence and deposition


As the  Unconformity refers to the buried erosional and non-depositional surface that spates the rocks masses and this indicates the sediments depositions does not continues The older are exposed to erosion for some interval before the setting of the younger layers. There can be disconformity, nonconformity ad para disconformity.

Which of the following is NOT true about non-governmental organizations

a There are thousands of different examples all over the world
b They exist in both rich and poor countries
c They are tied to and funded by state governments
d They support many different causes



c. They are tied to and funded by state governments


An NGO is a nonprofit organization and it functions independently. They are thus sometimes called civil societies. They are organized in national and international communities. They work for humanitarian and environmental causes. Such as Green Peace.

i need to know oldest to youngest



the oldest are on the bottom


work your way from the bottom to top


it is a


What is one of Japan's major geographic characteristics



Japan is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, and has 186 volcanoes, of which about sixty are active.

Hope this helps!


I think much of Japan is long, narrow valleys between tree-covered low mountains, (either natural or reforested), with strips of agriculture and human habitation along the valley edges. Japan is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, and has 186 volcanoes, of which about sixty are active.


Please help i need the answers!!! ​





hii! i’ll give brainliest pls help





cuz i see no flood or mud to call it landslide, nor tsunami or flood. if u look the ground is dry. but im not sure. sorry


It is an earthquake that caused the destruction

Hope it helps, ^^

hey! i’ll give brainliest pls help.



The first one


The sun is in the middle and all the other planets orbit the sun

the answer is the second one

identify the processes used in open cast ​mining



There is generally four main operations in a mine that contribute to this load: drilling, blasting, loading and hauling. Waste rock is hauled to a waste dump. Waste dumps can be piled at the surface of the active pit, or in previously mined pits.

hii! i’ll give brainliest pls help



I belive floods, looking at ur option the closest one is that

how to mprove food security in south africa​



Overall, for SA to maintain and improve food security in a sustainable way, science and technology should be central to planning and ensuring there is sustainable innovation in farming. This can be through hydroponics, conservation agriculture, biological farming, and safer use and disposal of agrochemicals.

3- O que acontece quando uma área é irrigada em excesso?​


[tex] \huge \mathfrak \purple{Question}[/tex]

O que acontece quando uma área é irrigada em excesso ?

[tex] \huge \frak \purple{Answer}[/tex]

La sur-irrigation peut provoquer un drainage profond de la montée des nappes phréatiques qui peut conduire à des problèmes de salinité d'irrigation nécessitant un contrôle de l'eau par une certaine forme de drainage des terres souterraines. Cependant, si le le sol est sous irrigué, il donne un mauvais contrôle de la salinité du sol, ce qui entraîne une augmentation de la salinité du sol avec une accumulation conséquente de sels toxiques à la surface du sol dans les zones à évaporation élevée. Cela nécessite soit une lixiviation pour éliminer ces sels et une méthode de drainage pour évacuer les sels. L'irrigation avec de l'eau saline ou riche en sodium peut endommager la structure du sol en raison de la formation d'alcaline.

Which of the five geographical themes in best represented by the following
The Antarctic Treaty, which was initially signed in 1959,
prohibits nuclear explosions, nuclear waste disposal, and
mining in Antarctica.
A. Human-environment interaction
B. Region
C. Movement
D. Location


Answer is (a) human enviroment interaction

What protects the continent of Antarctica from military activity and mining?
a. Its government has decided to protect it.
b. Explorers and scientists prohibit it.
c. An international treaty


C- an international treaty

How are public goods paid?

A simple definition please !!
I'll give brainlist too



Typically, these services are administered by governments and paid for collectively through taxation.

Examples of public goods include law enforcement, national defense, and the rule of law. 

Basically Taxation. (Taxing citizens) With all the funds they receive they use it on public goods such as law enforcement, national defense, street lighting etc.

What kind of land use is associated with services?
O mining
O farming
O television station
O manufacturing



What's the output of a system modeled by the function ƒ(x) = x5 – x4 + 9 at x = 2?

Please Help




Dr. Khan works for the marketing department of a company that manufactures mechanical toy dogs. Dr. Khan has been asked to assess the effectiveness of a new advertising campaign that is designed to be most persuasive to people with a certain personality profile. She brought four groups of participants to the lab to watch the video advertisements and to measure the likelihood that they would purchase the toy, both before and after watching the ad. The results of Dr. Khan’s study are presented below.

Part A

Explain how each of the following concepts applies to Dr. Khan’s research.


Dependent variable

Big Five theory of personality

Part B

Explain the limitations of Dr. Khan’s study based on the research method used.

Explain what Dr. Khan’s research hypothesis most likely was.

Part C

Use the graph to answer the following questions.

How did the trait of agreeableness affect how people responded to the new ad campaign?

How did the trait of conscientiousness affect how people responded to the new ad campaign?

If the Earth were to spin clockwise, what would be different about the sunrise and sunset?


The directions of sunrise and sunset would be the opposite of what we know them as know.

how many cities are in Florida?​


in florida there is 282 cities

They are 282 cities

The current destruction of rainforests around the world is primarily due to the ?


Humans demand for timber and farmland

What state in the United States lies to close to Australia ?


The closest USA state to Africa is Hawaii

Elige la frase donde NO hay un adverbio
a_ toma refresco de manzana hoy
b_ es la bebida del futuro
c_ su sabor es mejor
d_ aqui todos saborean manzafresh



C. Su sabor es mejor

Hay diferentes tipos de adverbios

What factors have allowed the population to grow so quickly in the last 100 years?


Answer: The last 100 years have seen a rapid increase in population due to medical advances and a massive increase in agricultural productivity.


By which rule are these triangles congruent?


Answer: ASA or B)

Explanation: The two triangles share a line with 2 congruent angles on either side.

The answer to the question is A). ASA

Explain how humans have affected and been affected by the Danube river. Include it's physical geography, manmade changes, and the climate.

Please can someone give me the correct answer?
I will mark the person who answer the question with an actual answer brainliest


Answer: man activities such as agriculture, transport, energy production or urban development exert pressures on the water environment. When addressing pressures at the basin-wide scale, it has to be considered that cumulative effects may occur. Effects can occur both downstream pollutant  of a particular pressure. Addressing these issues effectively requires a basin-wide perspective and cooperation between countries.

Organic pollution refers to emissions of non-toxic organic substances that can be biologically decomposed by bacteria to a high extent. The key emitters of organic pollution are point sources like untreated or not sufficiently treated municipal wastewater from households, industries and major agricultural farms. The primary impact of organic pollution on the aquatic environment is dissolved oxygen depletion due to biochemical decomposition of organic matter. In the most severe cases this can lead to anaerobic conditions, to which only some specific organism can accommodate. The pollution with organic substances can therefore cause changes in the natural composition of the aquatic flora and fauna. It can also be associated with health hazards due to possible microbiological contamination of waters.

Nutrient pollution is caused by releases of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) into the aquatic environment. Nutrient emissions can originate from both point and diffuse sources. Point sources of nutrient pollution are similar to those of the organic pollution. Diffuse pathways such as overland flow, urban runoff, soil erosion, tile drainage flow and groundwater flow can remarkably contribute to the emissions into surface waters transporting nutrients from agriculture, urban areas, atmosphere and even from naturally covered areas. Impacts on water status caused by nutrient pollution can be recognized through substantial changes in water ecosystems. In case of nutrient enrichment, water bodies can turn to eutrophic state where the growth of algae and/or macrophytes is substantially accelerated. Eutrophication severely impairs water quality and ecosystem functioning (e.g. oxygen depletion, toxicity, overpopulation of species) and might limit or even hinder human water uses as well (e.g. recreation, fisheries, drinking water supply).

Hazardous substances pollution involves contamination with priority substances and other specific pollutants with toxic effects on aquatic organisms and humans. Hazardous substances can be emitted from both point and diffuse sources. The most important sources of hazardous substances pollution are industrial facilities, agriculture (pesticide and contaminated sludge application), contaminated and mining sites, households and public buildings via municipal wastewater and urban run-off (deposited air pollutants, litter, combined sewer overflows). Moreover, significant volumes of deadly toxins can be unexpectedly flushed directly into watercourses by occasional industrial accidents or floods. Hazardous substances can pose serious threat to the aquatic environment. Depending on their concentration and the actual environmental conditions, they can cause acute (immediate) or chronic (latent) toxicity. Some of the hazardous substances are persistent, slowly degradable and can accumulate in the ecosystem.

Surface waters suffer significantly from hydromorphological alterations. Interruptions to river and habitat continuity, disconnection of adjacent wetland/floodplains, hydrological alterations and future infrastructure can hugely impact  water status and therefore will need to be addressed in future.

It is assumed that the effects of the floods that impacted the countries in the Danube River Basin in recent years were worsened due to deforestation, the destruction of natural floodplains and climate change. Preserving the natural habitats of the many species living in the basin is a constant struggle. The habitats of pelicans in the Danube Delta and sturgeon species are particularly under threat.

Major problems affecting aquatic ecosystems in the Danube River Basin

Excessive nutrient loads (particularly nitrogen and phosphorous)

High amounts of organic substances originating from untreated or poorly treated wastewater

Changes in river flow patterns (hydromorphological alterations) and its effect on sediment transportation

Contamination with hazardous substances (including heavy metals and organic micropollutants)

Accidental pollution from industrial and mining facilities

Degradation and loss of wetlands

Human pressures and impacts are investigated and addressed in the frame of the Danube River Basin Management Plan (according to the WFD).

How many countries make up the Organization of American States?



35 independent countries

35 independent countries

All 35 independent countries of the Americas have ratified the OAS Charter and belong to the organization.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Terra Preta soil?
A. Amended with charcoal to enhance soil fertility
B. Represents fertile pockets within the Amazonian basin surrounded by infertile soil
C. Contains broken pottery which is buried in the soil
D. Infertile soil in the Amazon





Represents fertile pockets within the Amazonian basin surrounded by infertile soil of the following is not a characteristic of Terra Preta soil. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is soil?

The term soil refers to the surface of the land. They are the solid and the liquid mixture to the large level of the farmers are the in the used because are the framers are the used in the plantation and the farmers. The soil are the different parts such as the black soil, red soil, yellow soil etc.

Terra Preta is a well-known location in Brazil. It was extremely fertile. Terra Preta dirt does not have the characteristics of the Amazonian basin's barren soil. There was a part of the planet that was noted for its barren tropical soils.

As a result, the represents fertile pockets within the Amazonian basin surrounded by infertile soil of the following is not a characteristic of Terra Preta soil. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on soil, here:


Match the landmark in column 1 with its short description in column 2.
The agricultural region
Argentina's economy
depends on
Lost city of the Inca
Longest mountain range
in South America
Machu Picchu
Location of an important



The answer is below

Explanation :

Pampas - The agricultural region Argentina's economy depends on. Pampas is known for being a large expanse of land full of succulent pasture where cattle are easily reared, including the growth of golden wheat and sunflowers. It is located in Buenos Aires.

Panama - Location of a necessary canal. Panama canal is essential because it saves ships from traveling long distances. Especially those are moving from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific ocean, West Coast to East Coast in America, and Europe to Australasia and South East Asia.

Andes - Longest mountain range in South America and the world at large It connects seven South American countries, including Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina.

Machu Picchu - Lost City of the Inca empire. This is a city the Spanish conquistadors were unable to find following their arrival in 1532

in sandy soil water infiltrates quickly. true or false pls help


True I think but don’t take my word on it
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