Can I please get help with question 1 practice questions

Can I Please Get Help With Question 1 Practice Questions


Answer 1


Line pass through ( 3, 4)

Parallel to the,



The equation of a line.


The slope of the parallel line is also the same.



m is the slope of a parallel line

The general equation of a line is:


So the equation become is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+c \\ \\ y=-\frac{2}{3}x+c \end{gathered}[/tex]

The line pass ( 3,4)

That mean,

[tex](x,y)=(3,4)[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} y=-\frac{2}{3}x+c \\ \\ (x,y)=(3,4) \\ \\ 4=-\frac{2}{3}(3)+c \\ \\ 4=-2+c \\ \\ c=4+2 \\ \\ c=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the equation of a line is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=-\frac{2}{3}x+6 \\ \\ y=\frac{-2x}{3}+\frac{18}{3} \\ \\ y=\frac{-2x+18}{3} \\ \\ 3y=-2x+18 \\ \\ 2x+3y=18 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Related Questions

The ratio of the number of oranges to the number of apples is 1 : 3.21 oranges were added and the ratio became 4 : 5. How many fruitswere there initially?



There were 15 oranges initially.

There were 45 apples initially.

Hence, there were (15 + 45) = 60 fruits there initially.


Let the number of oranges be x

Let the number of apples be y

The ratio of the number of oranges to the number of apples is 1 : 3 implies:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x\colon y=1\colon3 \\ \frac{x}{y}=\frac{1}{3} \\ \text{Cross multiply} \\ y\times1=x\times3 \\ y=3x----i \end{gathered}[/tex]

If 21 oranges were added and the ratio became 4 : 5, this implies:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x+21)\colon y=4\colon5 \\ \frac{x+21}{y}=\frac{4}{5} \\ \text{Cross multiply} \\ 5(x+21)=4\times y \\ 5x+105=4y----ii \end{gathered}[/tex]

To know how many fruits were there initially, solve the system of the equations:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Substitute }y=3x\text{ into }ii \\ 5x+105=4(3x) \\ 5x+105=12x \\ \text{Combine the like terms} \\ 12x-5x=105 \\ 7x=105 \\ \text{Divide both sides by 7} \\ \frac{7x}{7}=\frac{105}{7} \\ x=15 \end{gathered}[/tex]

x = 15 implies there were 15 oranges initially.

To get y, substitute x = 15 into equation (i):

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=3x----i \\ y=3\times15 \\ y=45 \end{gathered}[/tex]

y = 45 implies there were 45 apples initially.

Hence, there were (15 + 45) = 60 fruits there initially.

Hey I need help on this math problem ignore the lines across the answer choices it’s a glitch I can’t change it and the lines don’t mean that the answer choice is wrong




Two box plots for city A and city B.

A box plot with its representations is shown:

From the box plot given:

For City A :

[tex]\begin{gathered} City\text{ A:} \\ Q_3=78 \\ Q_1=76 \\ Interquartile\text{ range \lparen IQR\rparen}=Q_3-Q_1 \\ IQR=78-76 \\ IQR=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For City B :

[tex]\begin{gathered} City\text{ B:} \\ Q_3=78 \\ Q_1=68 \\ Interquartile\text{ range \lparen IQR\rparen}=Q_3-Q_1 \\ IQR=78-68 \\ IQR=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

From the IQR calculated, the correct answer is:

The interquartile range for city B is greater.

1. A taxi driver records the time required to complete various trips and the distance for each trip. time (minutes) The equation for the line of best fit is y=0.50x + 0.40. Which of the following statements BEST interprets the slope of the line of best file A. For every 0.50 minute increase in time, the distance increases by 1 mile. B. For every 1 minute increase in time, the distance increases by 0.50 miles. C. For every 0.54 ninute increase in time, the distance decreases by 1 mile. . D. For every 1 minute increase in time, the distance decreases by 0.50 miles.




y = 0.5x + 0.4


Slope = 0.5

Intercept = 0.4

B. For every 1 minute increase in time, the distance increases by 0.50 miles.

Which normal distribution has a wider spread: distribution A with a mean of one and a standard deviation of two, or distribution B with a mean of two and a standard deviation of one?


The normal distribution with mean of one and standard deviation of two has the wider spread.

Normal distribution:

Normal distribution defines a symmetrical plot of data around its mean value, where the width of the curve is defined by the standard deviation.


Here we have the distributions,

Distribution A with a mean of one and a standard deviation of two, or Distribution B with a mean of two and a standard deviation of one

Now, we have to identify the normal distribution has a wider spread.

Here the normal distribution with a mean of 1 and standard deviation of 2 will be wider than a distribution with a mean of 2 and standard deviation of 2.

Because, the distributions with greater standard deviations indicate greater variability/spread of its variables around the mean.

To know more about Normal distribution here.


The minute hand of a clock extends out to the edge of the clock's face, which is a circle of radius 4 inches. What area does the minute hand sweep out between 9:15 and9:35? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.


To solve the question, we have to make use of the fact that

A minute hand travels 360 degrees in 60 min

From the question given, we are told that the minute hand sweep out between 9:15 and

9:35, thus

There are 20 minutes in between 9:15 and 9:35


We can get the area using the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} Area=\frac{\text{minutes turned}}{60}\times\pi r^2 \\ \text{where} \\ r=4\text{ inches} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Area will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Area}=\frac{20}{60}\times\pi\times4^2 \\ \text{Area}=\frac{1}{3}\times\pi\times16 \\ \text{Area}=16.755 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the area will be 16.76 in²

Trey has bought 10 pounds of dog food. He feeds his dog2/5pounds for each meal. For how many meals will the food last?Write your answer in simplest form



25 meals


Trey has 10 pounds of food to give to his dog. To know for how many meals the food will last we have to divide the total amount of food by the amount of food he gives the dog in each meal,


To divide this we can use the KCF rule:

• K,eep the first fraction. In this case the first number is a whole number, which we can think of as a fraction with denominator 1.


• C,hange the division sign into a multiplication sign.


• F,lip the second fraction.


And to multiply we just multiply the numerators and the denominators,


To write it in simplest form we have to simplify the fraction. Note that 50 is an even number, so it is divisible by 2. 50 divided by 2 is,


Hence, the food will last 25 meals

See attached question answer in in terms of log and a fraction


Answer: [tex]\int_4^{\infty}\frac{1}{x^2+x}\text{ =-}\int_4^{\infty}ln(1+\frac{1}{x})\text{ = ln\lparen}\frac{5}{4})[/tex]



[tex]\int_4^{\infty}\frac{1}{x^2+x}\text{ dx}[/tex]

To find:

the integral

[tex]\begin{gathered} First,\text{ we will re-write the expression} \\ \frac{1}{x^2+x}\text{ = }\frac{1}{x^2(1\text{ + }\frac{1}{x})} \\ \\ let\text{ u = 1 + 1/x} \\ u\text{ = 1 + x}^{-1} \\ \frac{du}{dx\text{ }}\text{ = 0 + \lparen-1}x^{-1-1})\text{ = -1x}^{-2} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{du}{dx}\text{ = -x}^{-2} \\ \\ du\text{ = -x}^{-2}dx \\ du\text{ = }\frac{dx}{-x^2} \\ \\ \int_4^{\infty}\frac{1}{x^2+x\text{ }}dx\text{ = }\int_4^{\infty}\frac{1}{x^2(1\text{ +}\frac{1}{x})}dx \\ \\ Substitute\text{ for u and du in the expression:} \\ \int_4^{\infty}\frac{1}{x^2(u)}dx\text{ = }\int_4^{\infty}\frac{dx}{-x^2(u)}=\int_4^{\infty}-\frac{du}{u} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} -\int_4^{\infty}\frac{du}{u}=-\int_4^{\infty}ln\text{ u \lparen differentiation rule\rparen} \\ \\ \int_4^{\infty}ln(1+\frac{1}{x})=\int_4^{\infty}ln(\frac{x+1}{x})=\int_4^{\infty}ln(x+1)\text{ - ln\lparen x\rparen} \\ \\ -\int_4^{\infty}ln(1+\frac{1}{x})=-\int_4^{\infty}ln(x+1)\text{ - ln\lparen x\rparen = }\int_4^{\infty}ln(x)\text{ - ln\lparen x+1\rparen} \\ \\ -\int_4^{\infty}ln(1+\frac{1}{x})=\text{ \lbrack\lparen}\lim_{x\to\infty}(ln(x)\text{ - ln\lparen x+1\rparen\rbrack- \lbrack lnx - ln\lparen x+1\rparen\rbrack}_{x=4} \\ \\ -\int_4^{\infty}ln(1+\frac{1}{x})=\text{ \lbrack}\frac{x}{x+1}\text{\rbrack}_{\infty}\text{ - ln\lbrack}\frac{x}{x+1}]_4 \\ \\ -\int_4^{\infty}ln(1+\frac{1}{x})=0\text{ - ln\lbrack}\frac{4}{4+1}] \\ \\ -\int_4^{\infty}ln(1+\frac{1}{x})=\text{ -ln\lbrack}\frac{4}{5}] \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]-\int_4^{\infty}ln(1+\frac{1}{x})\text{ = ln\lparen}\frac{5}{4})[/tex]

20. Damilola wrote the equation h = 2d + 1 to represent the height of hisplant, h, after a certain number of days. In this relationship, he identified has the dependent variable, and d as the independent variable. Do youagree? Why or why not?*


As we can see we have the next equation


where h is the dependent variable and d is the independent variable

So we agree, because d does not depend on the height, but the height depends on the days

In order words

An independent variable is a variable that represents a quantity that is modified in an experiment. In this case d

A dependent variable represents a quantity whose value depends on how the independent variable is modified. In this case h

Find the area of the triangle below.9.9 m5.6 m4.4 m7.8 m


the Answer

Step by Step Explanation

The area of the triangle formula is

[tex]A=\frac{h_b\cdot b}{2}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} h_b=4.4m \\ b=9.9m \end{gathered}[/tex]

Subs, the value in above equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{h_b\cdot b}{2} \\ A=\frac{4.4_{}\cdot21.78}{2} \\ A=21.78 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The area of the triangle is 21.78 cm^2

Janelle alternates between running and walking. She begins by walking for a short period, and then runsfor the same amount of time. She takes a break before beginning to walk again. Consider the four graphsbelow. Which graph best represents the given situation?


the answer is letter C

letter C best represents a situation in which Janelle starts walking and then running.

We can know this by the slope of the lines.

independent vs dependent equation5х – Зу = 10 бу = kx - 42


We will assume that we want to know if the system of equations is independent or dependent:

[tex]\begin{cases}5x-3y=10\text{ (1)} \\ 6y=kx-42\text{ (2)}\end{cases}[/tex]

where k is a real number. We will try to find the solutions to the system, and we will try to give values to k for which the system becomes independent or dependent.

We will use substitution, we solve for the variable x on the first equation to obtain:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5x-3y=10 \\ 5x=10+3y \\ x=\frac{10+3y}{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

And now we replace it onto the second equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 6y=k(\frac{10+3y}{5})-42 \\ 6y=\frac{10k+3ky}{5}-42 \\ 6y=\frac{10k+3ky-210}{5} \\ 30y=10k+3ky-210 \\ 30y-3ky=10k-210 \\ y(30-3k)=10k-210 \\ y=\frac{10k-210}{30-3k} \end{gathered}[/tex]

And the value of x will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{10+3(\frac{10k-210}{30-3k})}{5}=\frac{10+\frac{10k-210}{10-k}}{5} \\ =\frac{10(10-k)+10k-210}{5(10-k)} \\ =\frac{100-10k+10k-210}{50-5k} \\ =-\frac{110}{50-5k} \\ =-\frac{22}{10-k} \end{gathered}[/tex]

This means that a solution of the system will be:

[tex]\begin{cases}x=-\frac{55}{10-k} \\ y=\frac{10k-210}{30-3k}\end{cases}[/tex]

Now, for finding the values which make the system dependent. This happens when the lines have the same slope, this is, when:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{-5}{-3}=\frac{k}{6} \\ \frac{5}{3}=\frac{k}{6} \\ 30=3k \\ 10=k \end{gathered}[/tex]

We did the division of the opposite of the coefficient of x, over the coefficient of y. This means that the system will be independent for each value of k different than 10, and will be dependent for k=10.

Identify the local extrema on the graph below. Type your answer as a coordinate (x,y). If there is not a local maximum/minimum then type "none".positive (opening up) absolute value graph with vertex at (1,-3)Local minimum is at the coordinate AnswerLocal maximum is at the coordinate Answer


The graph is given and local minima from the graph is


And the local maxima is none.

How many 1 hour days is 240 hours?



The answer to your question is,

10 days in 240 hours

I hope this helps :)


`10 days are in 240 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

We know 1 day is 24 hours. So if we divide 240 by 24, we get 12.

Evaluate an exponential function that models a real world problem



• Initial value: $26,000.


• Value after 12 years: $1,319


The value of a car model that is t years old is given by the function:


(a)The Initial Value

At the initial point of purchase, the value of t=0.

[tex]\begin{gathered} v(0)=26,000(0.78)^0 \\ =26000\times1 \\ =\$26,000 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The initial value is $26,000.

(b)Value after 12 years

When t=12:

[tex]\begin{gathered} v(12)=26,000(0.78)^{12} \\ =1318.6 \\ =\$1,319 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The value of the car after 12 years is $1,319 (correct to the nearest dollar).

Seniors at a high school are allowed to go off campus for lunch if they have a grade of A in all their classes or perfect attendance. An assistant principal in charge of academics knows that the probability of a randomly selected senior having A's in all their classes is 0.1. An assistant principal in charge of attendance knows that the probability of a randomly selected senior having perfect attendance is 0.16. The cafeteria staff know that the probability of a randomly selected senior being allowed to go off campus for lunch is 0.18. Use the addition rule of probability to find the probability that a randomly selected senior has all As and perfect attendance.



Probability a randomly selected senior has A = 0.1

Probability a randomly selected senior has a perfect attendance = 0.16

Probability a randomly selected senior is being allowed to go offf campus: P(A or B) = 0.18

Let's find the probability that a randomly selected senior has all As and a perfect attendance using addition rule for probability.

Apply the formula below:

P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)

Rewrite for P(A and B):

P(A and B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A or B)

P(A and B) = 0.1 + 0.16 - 0.18

Therefore, the probability that a randomly selected senior has all As and perfect attendance is

Determine if the side lengths could form a triangle. Use an inequality to justify your answer.16 m, 21 m, 39 m


We can draw the following triangle

the triangle inequality state that

[tex]|a-b|where | | is the absolute value. In our case, if we apply this inequality we obtain[tex]|21-39|which gives[tex]\begin{gathered} |-18|since 21m is between 18m and 60m, the values 16m, 21mn and 39m can form a triangle.

Can I Plss get help on this homework number 1



given the equation



x= number of times at bat

y=number of hits

y=? when x=175




Correct answer is option A

A player who is at bat 175 times should expect 35 hits

Hi, can you help me answer this question please, thank you!


The number of sick days an employee takes per year is believed to be about 12.

The mean purpose of null hypothesis is to verify or disprove the proposed statistical assumptions, also is usually associated with just ‘equals to’ sign as a null hypothesis can either be accepted or rejected.

If you wish to test the claim that mean number of sick days an employee takes per year is not equal to 12 days, then the null hypothesis is "the mean number of sick days an employee takes per year is equal to 12 days".

Then, the correct null hypothesis is:

[tex]H_0\colon\mu=12\text{ days}[/tex]

The alternative hypothesis is an alternative to the null hypothesis, then if you want to check the claim that mean number of sick days an employee takes per year is not equal to 12 days, then the alternative hypothesis is "mean number of sick days an employee takes per year is not equal to 12 days".

Then, the correct alternative hypothesis is:

[tex]H_a\colon\mu\ne12\text{ days}[/tex]

Tickets to a show cost $5.50 for adults and $4.25 for students. A family is purchasing 2 adult tickets and 3 student tickets.
Estimate the total cost.

What is the exact cost?

If the family pays $25, what is the exact amount of change they should receive?


The exact cost is $23.75 for the show, and the exact change they should get is $1.25.

An adult ticket to the show costs $5.50

A student ticket to the show costs $4.25.

A family buys two adult tickets and three student tickets. This would imply that the total cost of two adult tickets would be

⇒ 2 × 5.5 = $11

It also implies that the total cost of three student tickets is

3 × 4.25 = $12.75

The total cost of two adult tickets and three student tickets is

⇒ 11 + 12.75 = $23.75

If the family pays $25, the exact change they should get is

⇒ 25 - 23.75 = $1.25

Thus, the exact cost is $23.75 for the show, and the exact change they should get is $1.25.

Learn more about Arithmetic operations here:


the fraction of 1 yard that is 4 inches is?


We need to remember

1 yard= 36 inches

x yard = 4 inches

x is the fraction of the yard that is 4 inches


1/9 of yard is 4 inches

Johanna just returned from a trip to South Africa. She has 7342 rands, the currency of South Africa. She looks up the exchange rate and finds that 1 South African rand = 0.1125 U.S. dollars. What is the value of her money in U.S. dollars


Johanna has 7,342 Rands.

The exchange rate is 1 Rand = 0.1125

To find the value of the money in US dollars, multiply the amount in Rands by 0.1125


Therefore, the value of the money in US dollars is $825.975

Jessica bought a house at auction for $82,500. The auction company charges a 15% premium on the final bid. how much will jessica pay for the house


First, we need to find the 15% of $82,500 as:

[tex]82,500\cdot15\text{ \% = 82,500 }\cdot\frac{15}{100}=12,375[/tex]

It means that Jessica will pay $82,500 for the house plus $12,375 to the auction company. So, in total, Jesica will pay for the house:

$82,500 + $12,375 = $94,875

Answer: $94.875

Find all the roots of y = x4 + 7x3 + 25x2 - 11x – 150


Given the equation :


to find the roots of he function , y = 0



the factors of 150 are;

1 x 150 , 2 x 75 , 3 x 50 , 5 x 30 ,

We will check which number give y = 0

so, when x = 1 , y = -128

When x = -1 , y = -120

when x = 2 , y = 0

So, x = 2 is one of the roots

so ( x - 2 ) is one of the factors of the given equation :

Make a long division to find the other roots:



See the following image:

Now , we will repeat the steps for the result

the factors of 75

1 x 75 , 3 x 25 , 5 x 5

We will check which number give y = 0

when x = 1 , y = 128

when x = -1 , y = 40

When x = 3 , y = 312

when x = -3 , y = 0

so, x = -3 is another root

So, ( x + 3 ) is one of the factors

so, make a long division again to find the other roots:


See the following image :

Now the last function :


a = 1 , b = 6 , c = 25

[tex]D=\sqrt[]{b^2-4\cdot a\cdot c}=\sqrt[]{36-4\cdot1\cdot25}=\sqrt[]{36-100}=\sqrt[]{-64}=i\sqrt[]{64}=\pm8i[/tex]

which mean the last equation has no real roots


the roots of the given equation is just two roots

So, the answer is the roots of the given eaution is x = 2 and x = -3

Use the two-way table on left and right-handed people to create a two-way table that shows the joint and marginal relative frequencies. Drag and drop the numbers to complete the table. Dominant Hand left. right. totalfemale 11. 104. 115Male. 24. 92. 116total. 35. 196. 231 Dominante hand left. rigth. totalfemale maletotalBank:0.0480.1520.1670.3760.3980.4500.4980.5020.5260.84810.104


1st Row (Female)

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{11}{231}=0.048 \\ \frac{104}{231}=0.450 \\ \frac{115}{231}=0.498 \end{gathered}[/tex]

2nd Row (Male)

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{24}{231}=0.104 \\ \frac{92}{231}=0.398 \\ \frac{116}{231}=0.502 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Third Row (Total)

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{35}{231}=0.156 \\ \frac{196}{231}=0.848 \\ \frac{231}{231}=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The completed table is given below:

The taxes on a house assessed at $71,000 are $1775 a year. If the assessment is raised to $114,000 and the tax rate did not change, how much would thetaxes be now?




[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{House assessed at \$71,000} \\ \text{Tax paid in a year = \$1775} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The tax rate paid for the year is;

[tex]\begin{gathered} r=\frac{1775}{71000}\times100 \\ r=2.5\text{ \%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

If the assessment is now raised to $114,000 and the tax rate did not change, then the tax paid on the house will be;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Tax}=2.5\text{ \% of \$114,000} \\ \text{Tax}=\frac{2.5}{100}\times114000 \\ \text{Tax}=\text{ \$2,850} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the tax paid on the house with an assessment of $114,000 is $2,850

In Millersburg, the use of landlines has been declining at a rate of 10% every year. If there are 42,000 landlines this year, how many will there be in 7 years?If necessary, round your answer to the nearest whole number.


To calculate how many landlines will be used in 7 years you have to apply the exponential decay



a is the initial value

r is the decay rate (this value is given as a percentage, you have to use it expressed as a decimal)

x is the time interval that has passed

We know that there are 42000 landlines this year

The declining rate is 10% → expressed as a decimal value r=0.1

The time-lapse is 7 years

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=42000(1-0.1)^7 \\ y=20088.47 \end{gathered}[/tex]

In 7 years there will be 20088.47 landlines

DiaporamGiven the diagram below and the following statements. GliProve that mZHIW90".HEZGIW and ZHW are supplementaryReasonmZGIH+mZHIW-180°ReasonEnter the unknown statements and reasons to complete theflow chart proof. You can click the Organize button at anytime to have the tutor automatically organize the nodes inthe flow chart .StatementSubtraction Property ofConclusion


Step 1

Perpendicular lines are lines that meet at right-angles or 90°

Step 2

First statement: Definition of right angles

Second statement:

Suppose your bank charges a $7 monthly fee and $0.11 per check. If you write 62 checks in a year, how much money in fees would you expect to pay for the year? Type out acalculations and make sure your final answer is clear.


The cost has a monthly fee and a per check fee.

We can write the bank fee as:


m: months, c: number of checks.

If, in a year (m=12 months), you write 62 checks (c=62), the total fee is:


You expect to pay a yearly fee of $90.82.

Refer to the table which summarizes the results of testing for a certain disease. A test subject is randomly selected and tested for the disease. What is the probability the subject has the disease given that the test result is negative. Round to three decimal places as needed.Positive Test ResultNegative Test ResultSubject has the disease879Subject does not have the disease27312


Answer: 0.021

First, we will find the total number of results by adding up all the subject results in the table:


Now, we know there are 435 total results. We are asked to find the probability that the subject has the disease given that the test result is negative.

Looking at the table, we can see that the number of subjects that has the disease despite having negative results is 9. We will then divide these results by the total number of subject results to find the probability being asked:


With this, we know that the probability of the subject having the disease given the results is negative is 0.021.

Nora has a coupon for $3 off of a calzone. She orders a beef and olive calzone, and her bill, with the discounted price is $9.49. What is the regular price of the calzone? Make sure to round your answer to the nearest cent. Do not place a dollar sign as it will not be needed for this question.



We are given the following information:

• Nora has a coupon for $3.


• Nora orders a beef and olive calzone.


• Her bill after the discount is $9.49

We are required to determine the regular price of the calzone.

If we aren’t including tax and we assume that both beef and calzone are the same price then:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Calzone\text{ }price=\frac{9.49+3}{2}=6.245 \\ Calzone\text{ }price\approx6.25 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the price of the calzone is approximately 6.25

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