c(1) = -20

c(n) = c(n − 1) + 10
Find the 2nd term in the sequence.


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

So we are going to find c(2)




Related Questions

Ray BX is an angle bisector of angle ABC. If m∠ABX = 2y+10, and m∠ABC = 10y-4, calculate the measure of angle XBC.



The measure of angle XBC can be calculated by subtracting the measures of angles ABX and ABC from the measure of the whole angle, which is 180 degrees. So, if m∠ABX = 2y+10, and m∠ABC = 10y-4, then the measure of angle XBC is 180 - (2y+10) - (10y-4) = 180 - 12y - 6 = 168 - 12y.

How to do product and quotient


1. To multiply two powers with the same base, we add their exponents.

2. An expression that you could simplify using the quotient of powers property is of: 3³/3² = 3.

The results of the expressions are given as follows:

3. 4^11.

4. 5^11.

5. 6^8.

6. 7^9.

What are the exponential rules for product and quotient?

When two or more terms have the same base and different exponents and then are multiplied, the base is kept while the exponents are added.

When two terms have the same base and different exponents and then are divided, the base is kept while the exponents are subtracted.

The multiplication rule is used for each of the items from 3 to 6, as:

3. 4^11, as 2 + 9 = 11.

4. 5^11, as 3 + 8 = 11.

5. 6^8, as 7 + 1 = 8.

6. 7^9, as 3 + 4 + 2 = 9.

More can be learned about exponent properties at https://brainly.com/question/11975096


. Una herencia de $195 000 se va a repartir
entre tres personas. La segunda recibe la mi-
tad de lo que recibe la primera. La tercera la
cuarta parte de lo que recibe la segunda.
¿Cuánto dinero recibe la primera persona?


Cuánto dinero recibe la primera persona  La primera recibe $120 000

What are linear equations ?

An equation that has the highest degree of 1 is known as a linear equation. This means that no variable in a linear equation has an exponent more than 1. The graph of a linear equation always forms a straight line.

The standard form or the general form of linear equations in one variable is written as, Ax + B = 0; where A and B are real numbers, and x is the single variable. The standard form of linear equations in two variables is expressed as, Ax + By = C; where A, B and C are any real numbers, and x and y are the variables.

Sea la cantidad que reciben las tres personas

Primera = x

Seguna = x/2

Tercera = x/2(1/4) = x /8

La suma de las cantidades de todos dará el total

x + x/2 + x/8 = 195000

13x/8 = 195000

x = $120000


Primera = x = $120 000

Rpta. La primera recibe $120 000

Learn more about linear equations at:



find the average speed of a world-class sprinter (to the nearest tenth) if he runs 100 yards in 10 sec


The Average speed of a world class sprinter, is he runs 100 yards in 10 sec is 36 km/h.

If an athlete can run 100 meters in 10 seconds,  It is said that he cannot run 10 meters in one second. That may also apply to the physical world we live in. But you clearly state that you want to say mathematically whether he ran 10 meters in his 1 second.

If a sprinter runs 100 meters in 10 seconds, then, First, we need to convert meters to kilometers and seconds to hours. 1 meter = 1/1000 kilometers 100 meters = 100/1000 kilometers = 1/10 = 0.1 kilometers 1 second = 1/3600 hours 10 seconds = 10/3600 = 1/360 hours.

According to the question:

Given that,

Distance covered by sprinkler = 100m

Time taken by sprinkler = 10 seconds

Using the equation of velocity

Distance/ Time = velocity

Now, substituting the values -

= 100/10

= 10

Thus, the velocity is 10m/s

To convert it into m/s in to km/h -

= (10/1000) x 3600

= 36000/1000

= 36

Therefore, The average velocity of sprinkler is 36 km/h

Learn more about Average Velocity:



Sugar cookies require 1 cups of butter for every
2 cups of sugar. How many cups of butter are
needed for 7 cups of sugar?


According to the question,

Given data.

Sugar cookies require 1.5 cups of butter for every 2 cups of sugar,


find that,

How many cups of butter are needed for 7 cups of sugar?

With the help of question,

1.5 cups of butter -----2 cups of sugar

  x cups of butter     = 7 cups of sugar

let us consider,

2 cup of sugar is 2x.

So, we can say that

2x= 1.5×7


    =5.25 cups of butter

Then find the value of 5.25 cups of butter are needed for 7 cups of sugar.

To know more about quantity, visit



The ratio of Marta’s hourly pay to Khalid’s hourly pay is 6 : 5
Both Marta and Khalid get an increase of £1.50 in their hourly pay.
The ratio of Marta’s hourly pay to Khalid’s hourly pay after this increase is 13 : 11
Work out the hourly pay before the increase for Marta and for Khalid


The hourly pay before the increase for Marta and for Khalid is $18 and $15 respectively.

Given that, the ratio of Marta’s hourly pay to Khalid’s hourly pay is 6:5.

What is the ratio?

The ratio is defined as the comparison of two quantities of the same units that indicates how much of one quantity is present in the other quantity.

Now, Marta’s hourly pay is 6x and Khalid’s hourly pay is 5x

Both Marta and Khalid get an increase of £1.50 in their hourly pay.

So, Marta’s hourly pay will be 6x+1.50 and Khalid’s hourly pay will be 5x+1.50

The ratio of Marta’s hourly pay to Khalid’s hourly pay after this increase is 13:11

Here, (6x+1.50)/(5x+1.50) =13/11


⇒ 66x+16.5=65x+19.5

⇒ x=3

So, Marta’s hourly pay is $18 and Khalid’s hourly pay is $15

Therefore, the hourly pay before the increase for Marta and for Khalid is $18 and $15 respectively.

To learn more about the ratio visit:



loser buys the pizza leona and fred are friendly competitors in high school. both are about to take the act college entrance examination. they agree that if one of them scores 5 or more points better than the other, the loser will buy the winner a pizza. suppose that in fact fred and leona have equal ability, so that each score varies normally with mean 24 and standard deviation 2. (the variation is due to luck in guessing and the accident of the specific questions being familiar to the student.) the two scores are independent. what is the probability that the scores differ by 5 or more points in either direction? follow the four-step process.


The probability that the scores differ by 5 or more points in either direction is 0.0764.

According to the Question,

the mean and standard deviation of are

μₓ = 24

σₓ = 2

We have to find the probability of the scores differ by or more points on either direction.

Considering the X₁ and X₂ as the random variable,  the scores of Leon and Fred.

Define the variable:

D = X₁ - X₂

We have to find : P(IDI ≥ 5)

According to the Question,  the two scores are independent

The mean of :

D : μₐ = 0

The standard deviation of :

D : σₐ = 2.828

Standardizing the mean and standard deviation:

D = -5

Z = X - μₐ / σₐ

  = -5 -0 / 2.828

  = -1.77

Now,  we standardize

D = 5

Z = X - μₐ / σₐ

  = 5 -0/ 2.828

  = 1.77


Calculating the probability:

Using a table of typical normal probabilities as a guide,

P(D ≤ -5) or P(D ≥ 5)

= P ( z ≤ - 1.77) + P( z ≥ 1.77)

= P(z ≥ 1.77) + P(Z ≥ 1.77)

= 2P( z ≥ 1.77)

= 2[ 1 - p(z≤ 1.77)]

= 2[ 1 - 0.9618]

= 0.0764

Learn more about Direction:



write an equation using slope intercept form 4,-1 and 0,1



y = -0.5x + 1

Step-by-step explanation:

The slope intercept form of a line is given by:

y = mx + b

where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept (i.e. the point at which the line crosses the y-axis). To find the equation of a line using two points, we can use the slope formula to calculate the slope, then use one of the points to find the y-intercept.

The slope of a line is given by:

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Substituting the coordinates of the two given points into this formula, we get:

m = (-1 - 1) / (4 - 0) = -2 / 4 = -1/2

Now that we know the slope of the line, we can use one of the points to find the y-intercept. Let's use the point (4,-1):

y = mx + b

-1 = (-1/2) * 4 + b

-1 = -2 + b

b = 1

Therefore, the equation of the line that passes through the points (4,-1) and (0,1) in slope intercept form is:

y = (-1/2)x + 1

Note that the equation can also be written as:

y = -0.5x + 1

How do you find the equation of two parallel lines on a graph?


Two lines are said to parallel when they have the same slope, from which we can find the equation for  both the lines.

The equation of two parallel lines on a graph can be determined by understanding the slope of the two lines. To find the equation of two parallel lines on a graph, first determine the slope of the two lines. This can be done by picking two points, (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), on the line and then calculating the slope using the formula: slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1). The two lines will have the same slope if they are parallel. After determining the slope, plug the slope and the coordinates of one of the points into the equation: y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. This equation will give the equation of the line in slope-intercept form. To find the equation of the second line, use the same slope and the coordinates of one of the points on the second line.

To know more about  parallel lines  refer to the link  brainly.com/question/16701300


if a 4m yardstick casts a 21m shadow, how tall is a building that is 64m (draw a picture with two similar polygons)


If a 4m yardstick casts a 21m shadow, building is 12.19 tall with shadow of 64m.

Define comparison.

Comparing one thing to another is what the word compare means in the dictionary. Mathematical number comparison is the process or method of comparing two numbers to determine whether one is less, bigger, or equal to the other. This week, comparison problems—which entail determining the similarities or differences between sets—were the focus. Finding out how many more there are in one set than the other is a form of comparative problem.



= 4/21



= x/64

Comparing yardstick to building,

4/21 = x/64

21x = 64 × 4

21x = 256

x = 12.19

If a 4m yardstick casts a 21m shadow, building is 12.19 tall with shadow of 64m.

To learn more about comparison, visit:



A dealer sold a pair of skis for $371.25 after she marked them up 35%. What did the dealer pay for the skis?
a. $241.21 b. $252.50 c. $275.00 d. $501.19


$501.19 did the dealer pay for the skis.

What is percent?

A percentage in mathematics is a number or ratio that is expressed as a fraction of 100. The abbreviations "pct.", "pct.", and occasionally "pc" are also used to indicate it, though the percent sign, "%," is most frequently used. A percentage has no dimensions and no standard measurement.


A dealer sold a pair of skis for $371.25 after she marked them up 35%.

After mark for 35% it will be

371.25 x 35% = 371.25 x 0.35 = 129.94

So, dealer pay for the skis is,

$371.25 + $129.94 = $501.19

Hence, $501.19 did the dealer pay for the skis.

To know more about percent, click on the link



what graph represents the function f(x) = 4•3^x



The graph should look something like this

Step-by-step explanation:

If the exponential model f(x)=5(12)x is written with the base e, it will take the form a0ekx. What is a0 and what is k?.


The value of a₀ is 5 and value of k is 12 if the exponential model of 5 ˣ 12x is written with the base e.

Exponential models portray circumstances where the pace of progress of something is straightforwardly corresponding to the amount of that thing there is. In number related terms: dy dt = ky where dy dt is the pace of progress in a moment, y is how much what we're discussing right then and there, and k is the consistent of proportionality. We need to use logarithmic functions to evaluate the values.

We are given function in form of x which is f(x) = 5×12ˣ,it is equivalent to

=>f(x)=5 × expo(ln(12ˣ)

=>f(x) =5 ˣ  [tex]e(^1^2)^x[/tex]

On comparing with the given equation - a₀[tex]e^(k)^x[/tex] ,we get

=>a₀=5 and k=12.

Hence, required values are 5 and 12,

To know more about Exponential models, visit here:



the rate of growth of a fish population was modeled by the equation , where t is measured in years since 2000 and g in kilograms per year. if the biomass was 25,000 kg in the year 2000, what is the predicted biomass for the year 2020?


the predicted biomass for the year 2020 is 41,666 kg.

What is exponential?

The exponential is an example of a mathematical function that is useful in determining if something is increasing or decreasing exponentially is the exponential function. As implied by its name, an exponential function uses exponents. But take note that an exponential function does not have a variable as its exponent and a constant as its base (if a function has a variable as the base and a constant as the exponent then it is a power function but not an exponential function).

The growth rate function's units on it (along with 4t and dt) are years, therefore year = kg year will result in an integral that will show the net change in kilogrammes from 2000 to 2020.

if the biomass was 25,000 kg in the year 2000, what is the predicted biomass for the year 2020.

WE GET: 60000(-1/3) ∫(1/u)


This is the change in biomass from 2000 to 2020. Thus, the predicted biomass for 2020 is about (25000 + 16,666) = 41,666 kg.

Hence, the predicted biomass for the year 2020 is 41,666 kg.

Learn more about exponential, by the following link.



Geometry, Translations. Please help me with this one. 20 points.




Step-by-step explanation:

just use cauculator

Consider the following expression and the simplified expression. Expression simplified expression 3 x squared + 5 y squared box + 3 box + 4 y squared + 6 9 x squared minus y squared + 9 which terms could be in the boxes to make the expressions equivalent?.


The  simplified expression for  the  given problem  will be :6x² and -10y²

Since the expression given to us is  :

3 x² + 5 y²[]  + 3 [] + 4 y²+ 6

= 3 x² + 5 y² + 4 y²[][]+6+3

=>3 x² + 9 y² [][]+9

The above equation is equal to   9 x²-  y² + 9

=> 3 x² + 9 y² [][]+9 =9 x^2-  y^2 + 9

now  Equating the coefficients of x²and y²  in LHS and RHS:

One box has = 9 x²-   y²= +6x²

and the other will have = -y²- 9 = -10y²

To know more expression refers to the link brainly.com/question/14649397


jaci runs cross country for her high school. on average she runs 6 minutes per mile


The minutes that is used by Jaci to run 240 miles is 40 minutes.

How to calculate the number of minutes?

Expression simply refers to the mathematical statements which have at least two terms that are related by an operator and contain either numbers, variables, or both. An average is one number chosen to represent a group of numbers; it is typically the sum of the numbers divided by the number of numbers in the group. By adding a group of numbers and then dividing by their count, the average, or arithmetic mean, is determined.

In this case, Jaci runs cross country for her high school. on average she runs 6 minutes per mile.

The minutes used to run 240 miles will be Total minutes divided by Speed:

= Total minutes / Speed

= 240 / 6

= 40 minutes

40 minutes is the amount of time Jaci spent running 240 miles.

Learn more about expressions on:



Complete question

jaci runs cross country for her high school. on average she runs 6 minutes per mile. What is the minutes used to ran 240 miles?

A deli sells a sandwich spread for $6.40 per pound. How much do
to pay for 24 ounces of the spread?



it will be 4.60

Step-by-step explanation:


You have to pay $9.60 for 24 ounces of the sandwich spread.


Unit cost of sandwich spread = $6.40 per pound

Weight of sandwich spread = 24 ounces

We need to convert the ounces into pound before we can compute the cost of the sandwich spread.

1 pound is equivalent to 16 ounces.

24 ounces x 1 pound/16 ounces = 24 pound/16 = 1.5 pounds

total cost of 24 ounces sandwich spread

1.5 pounds x $6.40 per pound = $9.60


question 171 pts the annual salaries (in us dollars) of the registered nurses in two cities are given below. sample size sample mean sample sd city 1 12 66,000 1,100 city 2 12 68,000 2,200 test if the variances of the salary of the registered nurses in the two cities are the same. what is the value of the test statistic (write it up to second decimal place)? assume normal populations.


With a p-value of 0.000, the test statistic is 2.834.

what is test statistic?

A statistical test's calculation of a number is known as a test statistic. It explains the distance between your observed data and the null hypothesis, which states that there is no correlation between the variables or difference between the sample groups,


                sample size            sample mean            sample sd

 City 1           12                                 66000                   1100

 City 2          12                                 68000                  2200

mean is 71121 point ,41 standard deviation is sample size, the test hypothesis greater than 69110 point.

find dust statistics which are there , equation t, which equals x, bar minus mu, and sigma by rho type, is used to determine the test statistic.

The square root of 41 points equals minus 69110. Is it accurate that our test numbers come out to 1.719? Next, we need to determine the p value. P value is derived from x. Since our alpha in this instance is.05, our significance is more relevant than the p value.

Accordingly, there is little to no pay disparity between registered nurses in the two locations.

With a p-value of 0.000, the test statistic is 2.834.

To know more about test statistic visit :-



Which of these statements is correct? SELECT ALL THE ARE TRUE.

-A solution to the equation x2=4 is x=16.

-A solution to the equation x 2 = 64 is x = 4 .

-A solution to the equation x2=81 is x=9..

-A solution to the equation x 3 = 8 is x = 24 .

-A solution to the equation x3=125 is x=5.

-A solution to the equation x3=216 is x=6.


The true statement about the equation illustrated will be:

A solution to the equation x²=81 is x=9..

A solution to the equation x³=125 is x=5.

A solution to the equation x³=216 is x=6

How to illustrate the equation?

An equation is the statement that illustrates the variables given. In this case, two or more components are taken into consideration to describe the scenario.

In this case, the solution to the equation x²=81 is x=9. This will be the square root of 81 which is 9.

A solution to the equation x³=125 is x=5. This can be illustrated as:

5³ = 5 × 5 × 5.

= 125.

A solution to the equation x³=216 is x=6. This can be: 6³ = 216.

Learn more about equations on:



Which graph represents the function f(x)=−3x−2?




I would go with the bottom left one but these are very weird

Step-by-step explanation:

The bottom left is correct

Solve for v.
3.8(v – 12.3) - 6.34 = 7.72
V =



[tex]\boxed{\underline{\bf v=16}}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\tt 3.8\left(v-12.3\right)-6.34=7.72[/tex]

Simplify both sides of the equation:-

[tex]\tt 3.8(v-12.3)-6.34=7.72[/tex]


[tex]\tt (3.8)(v)+(3.8)(-12.3)+-6.34=7.72[/tex]

[tex]\tt 3.8v+-46.74+-6.34=7.72[/tex]

Combine Like Terms:-

[tex]\tt (3.8v)+(-46.74+-6.34)=7.72[/tex]

[tex]\tt 3.8v+-53.08=7.72[/tex]

[tex]\tt 3.8v-53.08=7.72[/tex]

Add 53.08 to both sides:-

[tex]\tt 3.8v-53.08+53.08=7.72+53.08[/tex]

[tex]\tt 3.8v=60.8[/tex]

Divide both sides by 3.8:-

[tex]\tt \cfrac{3.8v}{3.8}=\cfrac{60.8}{3.8}[/tex]

[tex]\tt v=16[/tex]


Hope this helps!

Have a great day!

Evaluate 11.5 + 10.9 when x = 6 and y =7


After using algebraic expression the answer is 11.5x + 10.9y  = 145.3 when  x = 6 and y = 7 .

What do you mean by algebraic expression?

In mathematics, an expression that incorporates variables, constants, and algebraic operations is known as an algebraic expression (addition, subtraction, etc.). Terms provide the basis of expressions.

The concept of algebraic expressions is the use of letters or alphabets to represent numbers without providing their precise values. Variables and constants can both be used in an algebraic expression.

Given expression:

11.5x + 10.9y

when x = 6 and y = 7

Substitute these values of x and y in above expression

11.5(6) + 10.9(7)

= 69 + 76.3

= 145.3

Therefore, 11.5x + 10.9y  = 145.3 when  x = 6 and y = 7

To learn more about the algebraic expression from the given link.



A rectangular garden measures 29 by 39. Surrounding (and bordering) the garden is a path4ft wide. Find the area of this path. Be sure to include the correct unit in your answer.


the first time i saw a picture of a cat

Every day, a store tracks how many customers make a purchase before one of them uses a coupon.
The table below is a probability distribution where XXX represents the number of customers that make a purchase before one uses a coupon on a given day.


The expected value of the distribution of the number of customers that make a purchase before one uses a coupon on a given day is of:

2.94 customers.

How to calculate the expected value?

This distribution is a discrete distribution, hence the expected value is calculated as the sum of each outcome multiplied by it's probability.

From the table shown at the end of the answer, we have that:

X represents the outcome.P(X) represents the probability of the outcome X.

Then the expected value of the distribution is calculated as follows:

E(X) = 1 x 0.33 + 2 x 0.22 + 3 x 0.15 + 4 x 0.10 + 5 x 0.07 + 6 x 0.04 + 7 x 0.03 + 8 x 0.03 + 9 x 0.02 + 10 x 0.01 = 2.94 customers.

Missing Information

The problem asks for the expected value of the distribution.

The graph of the distribution is given by the image shown at the end of the answer.

More can be learned about the expected value of a discrete distribution at https://brainly.com/question/27899440


I know the answer to this problem, but how do you solve it :
the answer is -1/3



see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

(x + 2)(5x + 1) = 5x(x + 1) ← expand factors on left side using FOIL

5x² + 11x + 2 = 5x² + 5x ( subtract 5x² from both sides )

11x + 2 = 5x ( subtract 5x from both sides )

6x + 2 = 0 ( subtract 2 from both sides )

6x = - 2 ( divide both sides by 6 )

x = [tex]\frac{-2}{6}[/tex] = - [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

Answer: you already stated that you know it is x = -1/3

Step-by-step explanation: first, open the parenthesis by multiplying (x+2) and (5x+1), which equals 5x^2 + 11x + 2, the current expression is 5x^2 + 11x + 2 = 5x(x+1).

now, do the same thing to the other side, distribute the 5x to (x+1), which equals 5x^2 + 5x.

Now the expression is 5x^2 + 11x + 2 = 5x^2 + 5x. subtract 5x^2 from both sides, and subtract 5x from both sides, which leaves you with 6x + 2 = 0,

subtract 2 from both sides, now, 6x = -2, lastly, divide both sides by 6 to isolate x, and you get x = -2/6, or, if you write it in it's smallest form, -1/3. hope I helped

Please help meee !!!!!


Break up the problem into 26,000 pounds and 9 pounds.

To find total boxes needed, divide by weight per box.

26,000 / 20 = 1300

Last box has 9/20 pounds of material

Hope this helps :)

If you need any more explanation, feel free to ask.  If this really helps, consider marking brainliest.

- Jeron

The local bowling league had 48 bowlers during
the fall league. In the Spring there was a 25%
increase in the number of bowlers. How many
bowlers participated in the spring?


60 bowlers participated in the spring.

What is quotient?

The local bowling league had 48 bowlers during the fall league. In the Spring there was a 25%increase in the number of bowlers.

The dividend is the number that is being divided (in this example, 15), and the divisor is the number that is being divided (in this case, 3). The Latin root of the term "quotient" is "quotiens," which means "how many times." The response to a division puzzle is a quotient. A division issue explains "how many times" one number may be divided by another.

Formulate: based on the circumstances stated.

48 * ( 25% + 1 )

Determine the total or difference:

48 * 1.25

Determine the quotient or product:


60 bowlers participated in the spring.

To learn more about quotient refer to:



INTEREST Tatiana opened a savings account with $10,000 that earns 2.1% simple interest annually. After how many years will the balance of the account be $10,750? Round to the nearest tenth, if necessary.​



x = 3.6

Step by step explanation:

Let number of years be x


Simple interest is the interest calculation method that applies a constant rate of interest to the principal amount of a loan or deposit over a period of time. It is calculated as a percentage of the principal amount, multiplied by the number of periods the interest is applied for.

Simple interest is used to calculate interest on loans, deposits, and other investments. It is also used to calculate the total amount owed on a loan or the return on an investment.

I = P × R × T


I = Interest Amount

P = Principal Amount

R = Interest Rate (as a decimal)

T = Time (number of periods)

10,750 - 10000 = 10,000 x 2.1% x X

750 = 10,000 x 0.02 x X

x = 3.6

To learn more about simple interest refer to:



What is scale factor give at least 1 example?


A scale factor is defined as the number or conversion factor which is used to change the size of a figure without changing its shape.
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A mining company is considering a new project. Because the mine has received a permit, the project would be legal; but it would cause significant harm to a nearby river. The firm could spend an additional $11 million at Year 0 to mitigate the environmental problem, but it would not be required to do so. Developing the mine (without mitigation) would cost $69 million, and the expected net cash inflows would be $23 million per year for 5 years. If the firm does invest in mitigation, the annual inflows would be $24 million. The risk adjusted WACC is 11%. Calculate the NPV and IRR with mitigation. Round your answers to two decimal places. Enter your answer for NPV in millions. For example, an answer of $10,550,000 should be entered as 10.55. NPV $ million IRR % Calculate the NPV and IRR without mitigation. Round your answers to two decimal places. Enter your answer for NPV in millions. For example, an answer of $10,550,000 should be entered as 10.55. NPV $ million IRR % if 20.1 grams of an aqueous solution of manganese(ii) chloride, mncl2, contains 2.37 grams of manganese(ii) chloride, what is the percentage by mass of manganese(ii) chloride in the solution? explain why consistency in decision making is so important in the federal judiciary and how the life term of federal judges contributes to this consistency at stockman's butcher shop the butchers will hand cut steaks to the thickness their customers specify and trim off the excess fat. this extra service provides utility. A resident is admitted to the nursing home for rehabilitation after a stroke. The plan is for the resident to stay only a short time, before returning home. Which of the following shows the best support of the resident's needs?A. Provide total care for the resident.B. Set high standards for the resident's achievements.C. Help the resident focus on even small accomplishments.D. Remind the resident taht she will be happier when she is home. Benjamin is in a drug treatment facility. part of his treatment involves receiving the substance he abuses followed immediately by another drug that causes unpleasant physiological reactions such as vomiting and nausea. which type of therapy is benjamin receiving? Which electromagnetic radiation wavelength is efficiently observed using ground based telescopes? which of the following provides the clearest statement of the ricardian equivalence theorem? group of answer choices both an increase in government expenditures and a reduction in taxes will provide a substantial stimulus for aggregate demand. when additional debt is used to finance a tax cut, the lower taxes and higher interest rates will exert an equivalent impact on aggregate demand. the finance of government spending with additional debt is essentially the same thing as finance with higher taxes because the larger debt implies higher taxes in the future. a 10 percent reduction in tax rates will reduce tax revenues by 10 percent. Which features of these historical documents likely appealed to the colonists and why?. suppose you are examining the changes in netflix original products over the last 5 years, you notice a strong influence of hollywood film practices, and also strategies common to chinese films, and latin american telenovelas. which term best describes this mixing of previously separate cultures according to lecture? Door people, bouncers, floorwalkers, or bartenders can assist with checking IDs and monitoring for intoxication, but the server it cost ayden $1.26 to send 9 text messages. how much does each text cost to send in year 1, the consumer price index was 120 and the average nominal income was $30,000. in year 2, the consumer price index was 130 and the average nominal level of income was $31,980. what happened to real income from year 1 to year 2? select the type of sample that proportionately reflects the relevant diversity of opinions in the population from which it is drawn. a client tells the nurse that he has no one he trusts to make health care decisions for him should he become incapacitated. what should the nurse suggest he prepare? isotopes are atoms of a particular element that contain a different number of neutrons. protons. electrons. the 1974 juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act requires that any state who accepts federal funds through the act must . nitrogen gas can be prepared by passing gaseous ammonia over solid copper(ii) oxide at high temperatures. the other products of the reaction are solid acoper and water vapor. if a sample containing 18.1 g of nh3 is reacted with 90.4g of cuo whcih is the limiting reactant? how many grams of n2 will be formed? peter owns 30% of bear company, an electing s corporation. peter's adjusted basis in the stock is $44,000 at the beginning of the current year. during the current year, bear distributes a $60,000 dividend. bear company reports a $200,000 operating loss for the current year. if peter is a material participant in bear company, how much of the loss can he deduct on his income tax return? A line segment has endpoints R (-3,-3) and S (5,2). What is the x-coordinate of the point that is 3/4 of the way from R to S on this line segment?