Bryan's company is new and has limited funds to work with. He has been tasked with finding a telecommunications technology that will improve worker productivity on their latest project. So he doesn't go over budget, he must carefully consider all items that affect cost. His considerations include:


Answer 1


Download Speed, Operating Costs, & Purchase Price.


He needs it quick and he's on a budget, so he's gonna be worried about these three things that fall under the categories.

You're welcome my fellow seeker.

Related Questions

what are the different types of document required for mail merge?



More Information. A mail merge is used to create form letters, mailing labels, envelopes, directories, and mass e-mail message and fax distributions. There are three documents that are involved in the mail merge process: the main document, the data source, and the merged document.


Helppppp plzzzz it's computer science helpp plzzz


1. String

2. "is assigned to"

is a way og saving a file so it can be used by a different program​



what are you even asking

I need anyone's help so please do so!
Do some research online about plasmapheresis. Then write a paragraph explaining what it is and in what kind of situation it would be useful to a patient.


I don’t understand this or else I would help
Plasmapheresis is the process in which plasma is separated from the blood cells. After the plasma has been treated, they either put it back, or replace it with saline solution. A situation that someone would need plasmapheresis is if they had an auto-immune disease. Certain auto-immune diseases can be treated with plasmapheresis, such as: myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, or chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.

Successful businesses must have managers who are able to complete each of the management functions well. True False



I think that is true.

Culinary Arts simply means the art of
(7 Letters)



I believe it means C-o-o-k-i-n-g (7 letters)




Explanation: I got this one correct pls mark as brainliest

Hello Everyone,
Please I have been have problems answering this question. I do not know if anyone could be of help to me.
Describe the difference between objects and values using the terms “equivalent” and “identical”. Illustrate the difference using your own examples with Python lists and the “is” operator.

Describe the relationship between objects, references, and aliasing. Again, create your own examples with Python lists.

Finally, create your own example of a function that modifies a list passed in as an argument. Describe what your function does in terms of arguments, parameters, objects, and references.

Create your own unique examples for this assignment. Do not copy them from the textbook or any other source


I can answer the first question a bit:
Objects are nothing but instance of a class. To know two objects are identical are not, use the is operator.
Is operator: The is operator is used to compare the two objects that are identical or not. The is operator returns true, if the variables on either side of the operator point to same object. If the variables on either side of the operator point to different object then it can also return true.
Value: Value is also an object that assign to a variable. Comparing to objects through === operator.
The term equivalent means.... is used to when the two operators are equal or not , if equal condition returns true.




I replied ...?


He removed vertical borders, kept only vertical borders for the header and the totals. He also added shading to the rows.

Me pueden decir todo lo que sepan sobre las redes informáticas porfa? De preferencia que sea algo largo



Una red informática es una fusión de varios sistemas electrónicos técnicos, principalmente independientes que permite que los sistemas individuales se comuniquen entre sí. El objetivo aquí es el intercambio de recursos como impresoras de red, servidores, archivos y bases de datos.  

La estructura de red más conocida es Internet, y los protocolos a través de los cuales se transmite la información más conocidos son el TCP (Protocolo de control de transmisión) y el IP (Protocolo de Internet), pero varios otros protocolos también desempeñan funciones importantes en Internet. Internet en sí no es una red homogénea, sino que consta de un gran número de subredes, algunas de las cuales tienen diseños muy diferentes, que solo tienen en común las capas de protocolo superiores y que manejan la transmisión de datos de usuario en las capas de protocolo inferiores en muy diferentes caminos.

state 4 error checking methofds for data transmition​



parity bits


MD5 hash

SHA256 hash

Document accurately describes the differences between servers and computers and between local and wide area networks. Document provides at least four suggestions including password managers and safe browsers.

Thinks someone could help me out with this? ​



Cell towers and internet uses allow local and wide area networks, but they also allow you to steal IP and things like that.


This is quite difficult. I appologize if I get this wrong.

(Also if you upload a file for someone to answer, and they give you a link, don't click on it!! They track your IP address and things like that!)

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Which are the features of conditional formatting? Conditional formatting enables you to and .


Answer: oracle planning data sheet.

Discussion Topic
How does social media affect the process of globalization? Give examples. In what
ways does social media help in creating global communities? Discuss other positive
influences of social media. What might be the adverse effects of excessive use of social



Social media positively affects and impacts the process of globalization. ... Global communities is a social infrastructure tool and as social media helps in strengthening social relationships and bringing people and communities together it leads to creating a string global community.

the person who receives an e-mail​


i believe the answer to your question is email recipient!!

How is life complicated without electronics



life is complicated without electronics


because we wont know the weather or if anything  know anything about  and we would mostly not know anything

Many companies organize employees into work teams. The team meets to make plans, determine how work will be completed, and divide the work among the team members. The team is responsible for meeting objectives and may even have some say about their budget. Work teams still report to a manager and can ask for assistance when needed. True False



I think

Sorry if I was wrong

Explain how the value of 90 is stored in the Java variable, myFinalGrade.



As integer


More information is needed to properly answer this question.

However, I will answer this question with the limited information given.

90 will be stored as an integer in the variable.

First, the variable needs to be declared;

int myFinalGrade;

Then the variable is initialized;

myFinalGrade = 90;

Hence, the value is stored as an integer.

To add a hyperlink to your presentation, select the text, choose Hyperlink from the Insert menu, and then
type the word “hyperlink" in the Target field.
O click Apply.
change the font to blue.
O type the Internet address in the Target field.



I guessed D, taking it right now, sorry if it's wrong


Answer:I guess D


Who watches Riverdale ? if you do can we be friends(pLEASE DON'T DELETE) and also who is your fav character from Riverdale



I have watched it before


my fav is veronica lol


Complete the sentence.
One way to increase the reliability of a hard disk drive is by making it part of ____
an optical array
a capacitator
an analog ray


I think it is the capacitor

Answer: It is raid


Took the test for edge

how can online presence help others?



Online Presence helps others who might be naturally introverted, stuck in a precarious situation, or even by allowing someone company who desperately needs it.


What will be printed if the below code is run?
1. a = "123"
2. b = “456"
3. a = b + "123"
4. b = a
5. print (b + a)



What will be printed if the below code is run?

1. a = "123"

2. b = “456"

3. a = b + "123"

4. b = a

5. print (b + a)

........... Is ready made button for defining hyperlink on a slide​


Action Buttons An action button is a ready-made button that you can insert into your presentation and define hyperlinks. Use action buttons when you want to include buttons with commonly understood symbols for going to the next, previous, first, and last slides.

Certain programs, such as Adobe Acrobat
Reader, may install additional tabs to the
Ribbon. These tabs are called add-ins.
True or False





mark brainliest ☺☺☺☺☺☺

Edhesive 8.5 code Practice help me pls



twainQuotes = ['I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.', 'Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.', "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.", 'The secret of getting ahead is getting started.', "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. "]




twainQuotes.insert(1,'Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.' )




The program is an illustration of lists and list manipulation


Lists are variables that are used to hold multiple values in one variable name

Python Program

The program in Python, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

#This initializes the list

twainQuotes = ['I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.', 'Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.', "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.", 'The secret of getting ahead is getting started.', "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. "]

#This prints the list elements


#This sorts the list elements


#This prints the sorted list


#This inserts an element into the list

twainQuotes.insert(1,'Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.' )

#This prints the new list


Read more about lists and list manipulations at:


1. It is a type of balance when the structure decoration and
accessories are different both sides from the center of the design.
2. These are smooth movement repeated again and again
3. It is a type of rhythm in which the eyes can move easily from
one part to the other on the small lines created by gathers
4. It a
principle of design in which from the center of the dress the
design should be identified on both sides.
5. It is a type of rhythm in which the parallel lines are formed by the
use of seams, lace, etc. which helps uninterrupted eye movement
6. It is a type of rhythm can be created by gradual change of lines,
shape or shade of the color
7. It is a type of balance shown when pants have pockets on both
sides with the same style, size and shape
8 It refers to a principle of design in which a large hat on a small
boy is out of proportion to his size.
9. It is a principle of design when a pretty collar, an attractive bow
bow or a lovely pin are observed
10. It is a relationship of different portion of a dress​



1. Informal balance.

2. Rhythm.

3. Radiation.

4. Balance.

5. Repetition.

6. Gradation.

7. Formal balance.

8. Proportion.

9. Emphasis.

10. Harmony.


Principles of designs can be defined as concepts which are typically used for organizing or arranging the structural

elements of a design. Thus, the ways in which these principles are applied generally affects the message of a piece of work.

1. Informal balance: It is a type of balance when the structure decoration and accessories are different both sides from the center of the design.

2. Rhythm: These are smooth movement repeated again and again

3. Radiation: It is a type of rhythm in which the eyes can move easily from one part to the other on the small lines created by gathers

4. Balance: It is a principle of design in which from the center of the dress the

design should be identified on both sides.

5. Repetition: It is a type of rhythm in which the parallel lines are formed by the use of seams, lace, etc. which helps uninterrupted eye movement

6. Gradation: It is a type of rhythm that can be created by gradual change of lines, shape or shade of the color

7. Formal balance: It is a type of balance shown when pants have pockets on both sides with the same style, size and shape.

8. Proportion: It refers to a principle of design in which a large hat on a small boy is out of proportion to his size.

9. Emphasis: It is a principle of design when a pretty collar, an attractive bow or a lovely pin are observed.

10. Harmony: It is a relationship of different portion of a dress.

Dan is working with a team that is integrating an application with a database system. Which of these statements are true with regard to database systems?

The testing phase of the SDLC creates databases.

Selection of a DBMS occurs during the designing phase of the SDLC.

Database development also has a life cycle, with phases similar to those of the SDLC.

All compilers intrinsically support database creation.

Databases use query language to perform operations.



Database development also has a life cycle, with phases similar to those of the SDLC.

Databases use query language to perform operations.


PLATO :) no prob btw

Click the above image
Ask the user to enter two numbers. The first number is for the multiplication table. The second number is the number of rows to display.

Use a for loop to print the table.



Follows are the cdo0de to this question:

import java.util.*;//package  

public class Table //defining class Table


   public static void main(String[] asx)//main method  


       int x,y,i;//defining integer variables

       Scanner bg=new Scanner(;//creating Scanner class object

       System.out.print("Enter first number: ");//print message  

       x=bg.nextInt();//input value

       System.out.print("Enter Second number: ");//print message

       y=bg.nextInt();//input value

       for(i = 1; i <= y; i++)//defining for loop for print Table


           System.out.printf("%d * %d = %d \n", x, i, x * i);//calculate and print table





Enter first number: 5

Enter Second number: 3

5 * 1 = 5  

5 * 2 = 10  

5 * 3 = 15


In the above code, three integer variable "x,y, and i" is declared, in which "x,y" variable is used to input value from the user end, and after input, the value the for loop is used, in which the second variable "y" count the rows, and "i, x" variable is used for calculates the multiplication of the table.  

acess labeling windows​



I got the same thing


libre office is what program​


I’m not 100% sure what this question is asking, but I believe the answer would be “an open-source office productivity software”.
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