Britta made her last monthly interest-only payment on may 5. her next
payment is due on june 5. what will be the amount of that interest-only


Answer 1

The amount of that interest-only payment is $21.53.

Define interests

The term "interest" refers to the extra money an investor makes on top of their investment or the extra money a borrower owes on top of the money they've been loaned. Along with the loan itself, there is an additional sum or interest that must be paid.

Interests come in two types: simple interest and compound interest.


She has been awarded a $6,000 for 10-year federal loan at 4.29%.

First interest-only payment was done on May 5.

So, on June 5 second interest-only payment is done.

Interest she paid on May 5 is,

First Interest = [tex]\frac{6000*4.29}{12*100}[/tex]

                     = [tex]\frac{25740}{1200}[/tex]

                     = $21.45

Thus, the balance after the first interest = $6000 + $21.45

                                                                  = $6021.45

Interest she paid on June 5 is,

Second Interest = [tex]\frac{6021.45*4.29}{12*100}[/tex]

                           = [tex]\frac{25832.02}{1200}[/tex]

                           = $21.53

Thus, the amount of that interest-only payment is $21.53.

To know more about interests, visit


The correct question is:

Britta has been accepted into a 2-year medical assistant program at a career school. She has been awarded a $6,000 unsubsidized 10-year federal loan at 4.29%. She knows she has the option of beginning repayment of the loan in 2.5 years. She also knows that during this nonpayment time, interest will accrue at 4.29%. Britta made her last monthly interest-only payment on May 5. Her next payment is due on June 5. What will be the amount of that interest-only payment?

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jack wants to buy a pair of trousers for $60.When he went to the store he found that the price was marked down by 20%. how much do they cost




no idea how working out would go

Answer: $48

Step-by-step explanation: First convert 20% to a decimal which is 0.2 or 0.20.

Then multiply 60 x 0.20 which equals 12.

Because it is a markdown then you must subtract 12 from 60 which gives you the answer $48.

I hope this helps!! Good Luck!

find the hight of a cone with a volume of 150 in 3 and a radius of 10 in.


we get that:

[tex]150=\frac{1}{3}\pi\cdot10^2\cdot h\rightarrow h=\frac{3\cdot150}{\pi\cdot100}\approx1.4323[/tex]

so the height is 1.4323 in

Find the slope and y-intercept of the line. Graph the line.



Graphing the equation we have;


Given the equation;


the slope of the line can be derived by expressing the equation in slope-intercept form;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5y=-x+40 \\ y=-\frac{1}{5}x+\frac{40}{5} \\ y=-\frac{1}{5}x+8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the slope and y-intercept are;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{slope m = -}\frac{1}{5} \\ y-\text{intercept b = 8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

to graph the equation, let us find the x-intercept;

[tex]\begin{gathered} at\text{ y=0;} \\ x+5y=40 \\ x+0=40 \\ x=40 \\ (40,0) \\ at\text{ x=0;} \\ (0,8) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Graphing the equation we have;

Other points on the graph includes;

[tex]\begin{gathered} at\text{ x=10}; \\ y=-\frac{1}{5}(10)+8=-2+8=6 \\ (10,6) \\ at\text{ x=20;} \\ y=-\frac{1}{5}(20)+8=-4+8=4 \\ (20,4) \end{gathered}[/tex]

write a fracción and a decimal for the part of the gris that is shaded.


The shaded part is 3 column

There are 10 columnn in total.

The number of grids are 100 and shaded grids are 30

Thus the fraction of shaded portion is:


The decimal form is 0.3.

Let f(x) = 4x² + 6.

The quadratic function g(x) is f(x) translated 3 units up.

What is the equation for g(x) in simplest form?
g(x) = ____​


g (x) = 4x² + 10 is the equation for g(x) in the simplest form.

What is a function?

A special relationship where each input has a single output is called a function.

Given that, f(x) = 4x² + 6, the quadratic function g(x) is f(x) translated 3 units up.

The translation of a function f (x) in the Cartesian coordinate domain can be done by following the given guidelines:

Translation guidelines ;

Horizontal shifts

Right :  f (x) → f (x - a)

Left :  f (x) → f (x + a)

Vertical shifts

Up :  f (x) → f (x) + b

Down :  f (x) → f (x) - b

General shift (Horizontal and Vertical shift) is;

f (x) → f (x ± a) ± b

We will use the guidelines for Vertical shifts, where in this case the magnitude of b = 4.

f (x) = 4x² + 6

g (x) = f (x) + 4

g (x) = 4x² + 6 + 4

g (x) = 4x² + 10

Hence, the equation for g(x) in the simplest form is  g (x) = 4x² + 10

For more references on functions, click;


The speed limit on a road is 50 mph. A car drives 19 miles in 22 minutes. Is the car breaking the speed limit? You must show your workings.


Answer:  Yes, the car is breaking the speed limit

Work Shown:

22 min = 22/60 = 0.36667 of an hour approximately

distance = rate*time

rate = distance/time

rate = (19 mi)/( 0.36667 hr)

rate = 51.818 mph approximately

The car is slightly over the 50 mph speed limit.

B. A concrete tank has an external diameter of 10 m and an internal height of 3 m. If the walls and bottom of the tank are 30 cm thick, how many cubic meters of concrete are required to make the tank? 10 m 30 cm 3 m 30 cm​


The concrete required to make the tank be 27.4122 m³.

Given, a concrete tank has an external diameter of 10 m and an internal height of 3 m. If the walls and bottom of the tank are 30 cm thick.

External diameter = 10 m

Height = 3 m

Thickness = 0.3 m

External radius = 5 m

Internal radius = 5 - 0.3 = 4.7 m

Volume = πh(e.r² - i.r²)

Volume = (3.14)(3)(5² - 4.7²)

Volume = 9.42(9.7)(0.3)

Volume = 27.4122 m³

Hence, the concrete required to make the tank be 27.4122 m³.

Learn more about Volumes here


Graph −4 < x < 2 on the number line. Write −4 < x < 2 in interval notation.


To graph the inequality, we need to take the following steps:

0. Draw a number line.


1. Draw circles over -4 and 2; in this case the circles are hollow since the inequality only has exact signs.


2. Join them with a straight line.

With this in mind the graph of the inequality is:

The inequality is written in interval notation as:


Determine if each point is a solution to the inequality 2x + 2y > -10 by using the graph shown. Explain. Then justify your answer algebraically.


The region in the graph shows the solutions for the inequality.

If the point falls on the region, then it is a solution.

The boundary line is a broken line which means, every point on this line is NOT a solution.

a. (-3, -2), Plot this point and check with the region.

That will be :

Since the point is on the boundary, therefore, it is NOT a solution

b (3, -7), plot this point and check with the region :

Since it falls under the region, it is a solution.

The diagram shows a solid shape.
The cone has a height of 10 cm.
The volume of the cone is 270π cm³.
The solid shape is made from a hemisphere and a cone.
The radius of the hemisphere is equal to the radius of the base of the cone.
Work out the total volume of the solid shape.
Give your answer in terms of pi.


The total volume of the solid shape is 756π cm³.

There is a solid shape. The shape is formed by joining a cone with a hemisphere. The radius of the hemisphere is equal to the radius of the base of the cone. The height of the cone is 10 cm. The volume of the cone is 270π cm³. We need to find the total volume of the solid shape. The total volume is the sum of the volumes of the cone and the hemisphere. Let the radius be "r". The volume of the cone is (1/3)πr²h. So, we can find the radius.

270π = (1/3)πr²h

810 = r²*10

r = √81 = 9

The volume of the hemisphere is (2/3)πr³ = (2/3)π9³ = 486π cm³. The total volume of the solid shape is V = 270π +486π = 756π cm³.

To learn more about volume, visit :


Potassium-42 has a half-life of 12.4 hours. How much of a 746-gram sample will be left after 62 hours?


the amount of potassium-42 remaining after 62 hours is approximately 23.31 grams (option B)


half life = 12.4 hours

initial amount = 746g

time elapsed = 62 hours

Using the half-life formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} N(t)=N_0(\frac{1}{2})^{\frac{t}{t_{_{\frac{1}{2}}}}} \\ N(t)\text{ = amount remaining} \\ N_0\text{ = initial amount = 746g} \\ t\text{ = 62 hours} \\ t_{\frac{1}{2}\text{ }}\text{ = 12.4 hours} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute for the values:

[tex]\begin{gathered} N(t)=N_0(\frac{1}{2})^{\frac{t}{t_{_{\frac{1}{2}}}}} \\ N(t)\text{ = }746(\frac{1}{2})^{\frac{62}{12.5}} \\ N(t)\text{ = }746(\frac{1}{2})^5 \\ N(t)\text{ = }746(\frac{1}{2^5}) \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} N(t)\text{ = }(\frac{746}{32})^{} \\ N(t)\text{ = }23.3125 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the amount of potassium-42 remaining after 62 hours is approximately 23.31 grams (option B)

(3,-1) slope= 2 what is the equation?




Which property of addition is shown? −3+ 5 = 5 + (−3)
Associative Property
Commutative Property
Distributive Property
Identity Property.


This is the Commutative Property. It states that when addition takes place, the addends may switch positions with another addend.

The given expression −3+ 5 = 5 + (−3) is showing the commutative Property. The correct option is B.

What is cumulative property?

The cumulative property states that if the position of the numbers when they are in addition is changed then it will not affect the final result of the addition. If altering the operands' order has no effect on the outcome, the binary operation is commutative in mathematics.

The given expression is −3+ 5 = 5 + (−3).

From the cumulative property, the expression can be solved. The two expressions will have the same value but the frame of writing the expression is different.

This is the Commutative Property. It states that when an addition takes place, the addends may switch positions with another added.

To know more about cumulative property follow


Anastasia needs to order liquid fertilizer for her landscaping company. She plans to keep the fertilizer in a large cylindrical storage tank, but isn’t sure how much it will hold. The tank is 10 feet tall and the circular base has a diameter of 10 feet. What is the volume of her storage tank?


785 feet² is the volume of her storage tank .

What is volume ?

Every three-dimensional item takes up space in some way. The volume of this area is what is being measured. The area contained by an object's limits in three-dimensional space is referred to as its volume. It is sometimes referred to as the object's capacity.

(V = πr2h)

(V = π * (5)2 * 10)

(V = 250π)

(π) (pi) is approximately equal to (3.14)

V = 250 * 3.14 = 785

Learn more about volume


Find the missing side length. Show all work.
first right answer with right work gets 500 points



[tex]x=14 \tan 61^{\circ}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\tan 61^{\circ}=\frac{x}{14} \\ \\ x=14 \tan 61^{\circ}[/tex]

What is the equation in slope -intercept form , of the line that is parallel to the guven line and passes through the point (0, 12



A.  y=-5+12

Step-by-step explanation:

It asks for slope intercept form which is y=mx+b. This matches the first option but not the last.

First you can rewrite the given equation (10x+2y=-2) in slope intercept form. That will give you y=-5x=1. (in the slope intercept form the number in front of the X is ur slope and the last number is ur Y intercept).

The question says that ur line is parallel to the given equation line. This means that they have the same slope. In your rewritten equation, y=-5x=1, the slope is -5 because it is in front of the X. A is the only option with -5 in the slope position.

All options are eliminated now but in case u want to know, when it tells you that the line passes through (0,12) that means the X intercept is 12. Because 0 is the x axis, and 12 is the Y. Y intercept just means the point where your line touches the Y axis.

Y intercept goes at the end and that also matches your first equation.

name the polynomials pls



1) B. quadratic trinomial

2) C. linear binomial

3) F. quadratic binomial

4) D. cubic monomial

linear (1 exponent)

quadratic (2 exponent)

cubic (3 exponent)

trinomial (3 terms), quadratic (2 terms), monomial (1 term)

What is the equation X+y>3 in the slope interceptform (ie y=mx+b)?


[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ \text{where} \\ m=\text{slope} \\ b=y-\text{intercept} \\ x+y>3 \\ x-x+y>3-x \\ y>3-x \\ y>-x+3 \\ \sin ce\text{ x+y is greater than 3 then x+y can be equals to 4, 5,6 etc} \\ \text{therefore,} \\ y+x=4 \\ y=-x+4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The table shows Alejandro's golf scores (relative to par) over a 4-round tournament. Round Score (strokes) 1 +2 2 –4 3 –2 4 +3 What is Alejandro's cumulative score for the tournament?


Alejandro's cumulative score for the tournament is -1.

What is cumulative score?

It is important to note that cumulative score simply has to do with the total score.

From the information, the table shows Alejandro's golf scores over a 4-round tournament.

The scores for the tournament include 2, -4, -2 and 3.

Therefore, the total score will be:

= 2 - 4 - 2 + 3

= -1

The score is -1.

Learn more about cumulative on:


-1/15+(-3/5) write in simplest form.




Step-by-step explanation:

Graph: y = - 4x + 2It’s just on a generic coordinate plane


The green V function is | x- 4|, so then its necessary to elevate this funtion 2 units , at y axis, to find y = | x - 4| + 2

The green V function is | x-4|, so then its
necessary to elevate this funtion 2 units , at y
axis, to find y = | x - 4 + 2

Hello hope all is well with you can you help me with this please number 2


Our equation is:


Then we can operate it in the following way, I'll do it step by step

[tex]\Rightarrow4(-x)-2(-x)=(4-2)(-x)=2(-x)[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \Rightarrow2(-x)+2=9+(-x) \\ \Rightarrow2(-x)+2-2=9+(-x)-2 \\ \Rightarrow2(-x)=7+(-x) \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \Rightarrow2(-x)-(-x)=7+(-x)-(-x) \\ \Rightarrow(2-1)(-x)=7+(1-1)(-x)=7 \\ \Rightarrow1(-x)=7 \\ \Rightarrow-x=7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

And, if -x=7, then

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4(7)-2(7)+2=9+(7) \\ \Rightarrow28-14+2=9+7 \\ \Rightarrow16=16 \end{gathered}[/tex]

In Exercises 1 and 2, solve the system using the elimination method.2. x + y - 2 = -22x – y += = 8-x + 2y + 2: = 10



1) Let's write the following system of linear equations, and then solve them by the elimination method.

The first thing to do is to proceed with the elimination of one variable. In this case, let's chose to start with

x-6y+2z=5 x -2






Adding these two equations:




9y -3z =-6

Now getting the other equations, let's eliminate another variable, in this case, "x"

-2x+12y-4z=-10 x 3

3x+4y-z=-2 x 2

Adding them

-6x +36y -12z=-30



0 44y -14z=-34

2) Now that we have a simpler system of two variables "y" and " z" let's operate them. Choosing a factor that we can multiply and cancel out the y variable, in this case, let's pick the Least Common Multiple between 9 and 44 = 396, so let's multiply them by

9y -3z = -6 x 44

44y-14z=-34 x -9

396y -132z = -264



6z =-42


Plugging into the equation 9y -3z =-6


9y +21 =-6



And for x






3) So the solution for that system is (1, 3, -7).

The table below shows the changes in the value of a company's stock over the past four weeks. By how many points would the stock value need to change in Week 5 to return to its value before Week 1? Explain.



+ 4 7/8


Assuming that we start in week 0, with a total of 0 points, we must operate the changes in each week and the value opposite to that result must be the change necessary to return to the original value.

Just like that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 9\frac{1}{2}+6\frac{5}{8}-12\frac{3}{4}-8\frac{1}{4}=\frac{19}{2}+\frac{53}{8}-\frac{51}{4}-\frac{33}{4}=-\frac{39}{8}=-4\frac{7}{8} \\ -4\frac{7}{8}+4\frac{7}{8}=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Which means that to return to the initial value, 4 7/8 points must be added

These ordered pairs represent a proportional relationship. Use the interactive and the constant of proportionality to find the missing coordinates for the ordered pairs.

(3, 9), (A, 12), (5, 15), (6, B


Missing coordinates for the ordered pairs given are A= 4 and B= 18.

What are coordinates ?

An integer pair used to define a point's location on a coordinate plane using the horizontal and vertical separations from the two reference axes Coordinates are two numbers (Cartesian coordinates) or, less frequently, a letter and a number that identify a specific location on a grid, also known as a coordinate plane. They are frequently represented by the x-value and y-value pair (x,y). The x (horizontal) and y (vertical) axes are the two axes of a coordinate plane with four quadrants (vertical)


12/A = 9 / 3

A = 4

Same as above

B/6 = 9/3

B = 18

learn more about coordinates here :


Then where dose the two lines intersect needs to be (x,y) pair



The lines are parallel, and therefore, never intersect.

The Parkview middle school football team will be playing in the state championship the coach free tickets that he would be distributing to his 52 football players to give to their friends and family if you would like to give each player at least three tickets how many total tickets Must he have?


He must have 156 total tickets.

According to the question,

We have the following information:

The Parkview middle school football team will be playing in the state championship the coach free tickets that he would be distributing to his 52 football players to give to their friends and family and you would like to give each player at least three tickets.

So, we have the following expression:

1 player = 3 tickets

Now, we will use multiplication to find total number of tickets:

52 players = 52*3 tickets

52 players = 156 tickets

Hence, he must have 156 total tickets.

To know more about total tickets here


Lacy picks blueberries and raspberries from her garden. She has 1/5 as many pounds of blueberries as raspberries. If she picks 1 4/5 pounds more blueberries, she will have an equal weight of berries. let x represent the weight of raspberries. Which equations could be used to find the weight of the blueberries Lacey has?
Chose all correct answers.
A. [tex]\frac{1}{5} x-1\frac{1}{5}=x[/tex]
B. [tex]x-1\frac{4}{5} =\frac{1}{5}x[/tex]
C. [tex]\frac{1}{5}x=x-1\frac{4}{5}[/tex]
D. [tex]x+1\frac{4}{5}=\frac{1}{5}x-1\frac{4}{5}[/tex]
E. [tex]\frac{1}{5}x+1\frac{4}{5}=x[/tex]
F. [tex]x=1\frac{4}{5}(\frac{1}{5}+x)[/tex]


The equations that could be used to find the weight of the blueberries Lacey has are given as follows:

B. x - 1 and 4/5 = x/5.

C. x/5 = x - 1 and 4/5.

E. x/5 + 1 and 4/5 = x.

How to obtain the equations?

The variable that represents the weight of the raspberries is given as follows:


The variable that represents the weight of the blueberries is given as follows:


She has 1/5 as many pounds of blueberries as raspberries, hence:

b = x/5.

If she picks 1 4/5 pounds more blueberries, she will have an equal weight of berries, hence:

b + 1 and 4/5 = x.

x/5 + 1 and 4/5 = x.

Thus the correct options are given as follows:

Option B, as x - 1 and 4/5 = x/5.Option C, as x/5 = x - 1 and 4/5.Option E, as x/5 + 1 and 4/5 = x.

More can be learned about a system of equations at




The answer is {2,4,0,1}

write a linear function f with the values F (0) = 4 and F (3) = -8


we have the points (0,4) and (3,-8),

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