Briefly describe four important strategies for resisting tobacco


Answer 1
•Promote tobacco use cessation;
•Prevent tobacco use initiation; •Eliminate secondhand smoke exposure;
•Identify and eliminate tobacco-related disparities.

source: cdc
Answer 2
Stay away from people who smoke

Read articles as to why you should not smoke

Don’t give into peer pressure

Listen to ads that tell you smoking and vaping is bad

Related Questions

Speed training increases one's maximum velocity.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.

True or false?


Yes , speed trading increases one’s maximum velocity. The answer is true
The answer is true
Have a great day!

________ is defined as an approach to treating psychological disorders that combines techniques for restructuring irrational thoughts with operant and classical conditioning techniques to shape desirable behaviors.

a. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
b. Group therapy
c. Positive psychotherapy
d. Cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT)


the answer would be a
It’s d. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

42. One of the most common incidents involving biohazardous material is (1 point)
needle sticks
spilled liquids.
poor labeling
O improper disposal.


The correct answer is needle sticks

What is a characteristic of all AEDs in public locations?
O red in color
O portable
O requires electricity
O locked in a case


Answer is Red in color

The portable is a characteristic of all AEDs  (Automated external defibrillator) in public locations. Thus the correct option is A.

What is the characteristics of AED?

These are easy to use.AEDs can be used on children, adults, and infants.AED usage within the first three minutes of sudden cardiac arrest  can increase survival rates over 80% 384,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests annually in the United States.

we can find AEDs in many public places, including schools, offices,  grocery stores, shopping malls, and airports. Emergency first responders are generally equipped with and trained to use AEDs.

For more information regarding AED, visit:


what is a drug monograph


A drug monograph is a list covering active ingredients, doses, formulations, etc. You usually see them on OTC meds at your local drugstore or in your medicine cabinet.

its almost like the Nutritional facts you find on food, but for meds

Which of the following safety and effectiveness exercise factors considers the speed and control of an exercise? a) momentum b) alignment c) biomechanics d) stability



stability because it's strength to endure

Write a letter to your friend who lives in.
abroad describing population situation in
Nepal and its merits & demerits.



Dear friend, I hope you are having a wonderful time in France. Around here, at home, all good. As you know, Nepal is a very stable country, where little changes in the short term.

As you know, I am studying anthropology at the university in Kathmandu, and I am about to present my thesis on overpopulation in our country. Did you know that we are the 49th country in terms of population size but 94 in terms of territorial size? We have more population than Australia!

Honestly, it is a bit worrying for me, since I think we have a somewhat alarming percentage of overpopulation, even more so when much of our country is mountainous and uninhabitable. Even more than 20 cities in our nation have more than 100,000 inhabitants, with which the population concentration is evident. This makes living conditions in some places a bit difficult, given the scarcity of some goods and services.

I hope I didn't bore you with my research, and I'll keep you posted if I find out another interesting piece of information. I hope you're well. Greetings from your great friend.

21. Which of the responses above is a good example
of a refusal to drink alcohol?
22. Write a response that shows the use of a refusal
skill to pressure item number three.
23. CRITICAL THINKING Why do you think people
who drink try to pressure others to drink?


The given question lack the article related to chapter 10 health review, however, the given question can be answered on the knowledge:


There should be skills used as the refusal even in the pressure of the friends as given in chapter 10 of the health review. One of the effective refusals is something like "No way. I will just end up doing something st.upid."  

In refusal to the number three is the development of the pressure for the driving after the drinking alcohol when someone in under influence offer to drive the vehicle and drop to the destination. Such response is "Go ahead. I can just call my parents to pick me up."  

People who drink try to pressure others to drink with them as they don't want to drink and feel alone or bored.

Which one of the following statements is most accurate?
Question 1 options:

A) Wearing extra layers of clothing during exercise in warm weather is an effective way to lose additional weight.


B) Eating extra protein is a proven way to build stronger muscles.

C) Drinking liquids during exercise does not cause cramping.

D) Passive muscle stimulators expend the same amount of energy from your cells as does exercise.


the answer is A i believe

What is HBs AB1?
Also, what does it mean if you get reactive?


"positive" or "reactive" HBsAg test result means that the person is infected with hepatitis B. ... A positive anti-HBs (or HBsAb) test result means you are “immune” and protected against the hepatitis B virus and cannot be infected.

how can you tell if a person is physically fit ? give 2-3 examples



1) Easily winded or out of breath when exerting yourself

2) You get injured very easily when participating in physical activity

3) You get achy muscles even after a very small amount of physical activity


When was the Ladle created



In the year 1876

Also, don't ya think this should be a history question?

Happy learning!


1876 it was created! Have nice day :)

What could be wrong with Sally’s shoulder? What should Sally do to care for herself?

Have you ever injured a muscle? How did you care for yourself? What do you do to prevent reinjuring this muscle?



Unclear question


But if sally has an injured shoulder she should Ice it and not use it too much

The circulatory and lymphatic systems are examples of what type of system?
closed systems
open systems


Answer: I think it's closed


Its Closed


i just did the test thats how I know

How to lower blood pressure? Tell answers down bdlow.​


Here are some simple recommendations:
Exercise most days of the week. Exercise is the most effective way to lower your blood pressure. ...

Fifteen foods that help to lower blood pressure
Berries. Share on Pinterest Blueberries and strawberries contain anthocyanins, which can help reduce a person's blood pressure. ...
Bananas. ...
Beets. ...
Dark chocolate. ...
Kiwis. ...
Watermelon. ...
Oats. ...
Leafy green vegetables.

Consume a low-sodium diet. Too much sodium (or salt) causes blood pressure to rise. ...
Limit alcohol intake to no more than 1 to 2 drinks per day. ...
Make stress reduction a priority.


well answers are DONT EAT VEGETABLES.. and this is really bad to low our blood pleasure because it ma y cause ASTHMA or hard to breath And your blood would be like 50 50 occurs about the doctors dont do it at your own risks..


Sorry but thwre are no the context..

A 12-year-old child is having a seizure on a playground. After checking for scene safety, what is the next
best treatment


Remain calm and see if anyone in the area knows how to conduct the correct movements if you don’t know

After checking the scene safety, we should lay the child on his/her side to avoid swallowing saliva and check his/her breathing.

What precautions and first-aid we should do during a seizure emergency?

First of all, we should take the patient to a safe place and surrounding objects. Then lay the patient on his/her side to avoid swallowing saliva as it can choke and loosen all clothes of the patient to ensure an easy supply of oxygen.Don't put anything into the mouth, not even water. Check whether the patient is breathing or not.If the patient is not breathing or the body is getting bluish, quickly call on emergency helpline number 911 for an ambulance.

Thus, after checking the scene safety of the 12-year-old child, the best treatment is to lay the child on his/her child and check whether it is properly breathing or not. In case of abnormal or no breathing, quickly call the ambulance.

Learn more about seizures here:




Answer: From what i reseached , it can go up to -36 Degrees Celsius

~i rlly hope this has helped you out, have a gr8 day/night my friend!~


a parient was admitted to the emergency room with a headache and fever. The physical exam revealed a resting rate of 150 beats per minute. is this considered normal?



No, because a normal resting pulse rate is 60-100 beats per minute


To decrease the emotionality of the separation process, schools should create _____ for separation. a. drills b. policies c. spaces d. scripts





answer choice b.policies

For walk-in coolers and freezer units, dry storage areas, and when cleaning dining rooms, the "minimum lighting intensity requirement is
O 10



10 foot candles


I remember that lesson. please correct me if I'm wrong.

short descriptions of each steps of atheroma formation​



1) endothelial dysfunction,

2) formation of lipid layer or fatty streak within the intima,

3) migration of leukocytes and smooth muscle cells into the vessel wall,

4) foam cell formation

5) degradation of extracellular matrix.


~Hope this helps

if body fat decrease but scale stayes the same this means client has gain which of the following


Answer: lean mass

It happens when your body fat percentage is going down while gaining muscle. If your body fat percentage is going down but not your weight, you'll be dropping inches in no time, and this is an indication that you are moving in the right direction.


Cooking is important because it (blank) for edmentum and Plato users



Cooking is important


Because if you do not cook some foods you can get sick and poison from raw foods like chicken, eggs and bacon.

pagpapatuli sa tamang edad.​




the metal used in making filaments of present day bulb is​


[tex]tungsten \: is \: your \: answer.[/tex]

Ryan reads a statement in an advertisement for steroids that says steroids are safe to use. What does he conclude?

This is a fact.
This is a fad.
This is an idea.
This is a myth.


Answer: i would say it is a fact


because oif he was reading it in an advertisement so it may be truye and its just a fact

In the advertisement it does say steroids are safe to use so it would be a fact

Discuss why you think it is important as a teenager to maintain a healthy level of self esteem? Identify factors that have had either a positive or negative influence on your personal self-esteem.​


Answer: Positive self-esteem for teens is important as it allows them to try new things, take healthy risks and solve problems. In turn, their learning and development will be productive and will set them up for a healthy and positive future


Which of the following is not a cation?
Ca 2+


Cl- is an anion and not a cation.

Which of the following statements about developing a personal fitness program is NOT true?
When developing a personal fitness program, it is important to implement strategies that will help maintain the program as well as give it a successful start.
Personal factors such as age, health concerns, and likes are important to consider when developing a personal fitness program.
The starting skill level of the physical activities included in a personal fitness program should be determined from other individuals' fitness programs.
The FITT principle should be used when developing a personal fitness program.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



letra C está incorreta.

O nível de habilidade inicial das atividades físicas incluídas em um programa de condicionamento físico pessoal deve ser determinado a partir do seu próprio controle.

The correct answer is C.

The basic structural and functional component of the kidney is formed by
O nephrons.
O sphincters.
adrenal glands.
O renal capsules.





Individual nephrons cannot be seen by the naked eye. The nephron is the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney. Each kidney has about 1 million nephrons.

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