Jibari walks 40.0 meters east in 120.0 seconds. He then walks 30.0 meters west in 60.0 seconds. What is his average velocity for the trip?


Answer 1


0.1667 meters/second.


To find Jibari's average velocity for the trip, we need to first calculate his average velocity for each leg of the trip. To do this, we need to divide the distance he traveled by the time it took him to travel that distance.

For the first leg of the trip, Jibari walked 40.0 meters east in 120.0 seconds. His average velocity for this leg of the trip is therefore 40.0 meters / 120.0 seconds = 0.3333 meters/second east.

For the second leg of the trip, Jibari walked 30.0 meters west in 60.0 seconds. His average velocity for this leg of the trip is therefore 30.0 meters / 60.0 seconds = 0.5000 meters/second west.

To find Jibari's average velocity for the entire trip, we need to add the velocities for each leg of the trip, taking into account their direction. Since the first leg of the trip was east and the second leg was west, we can simply add the two velocities together to find the overall average velocity.

Jibari's overall average velocity for the trip is therefore 0.3333 meters/second east + 0.5000 meters/second west = 0.1667 meters/second.

Therefore, Jibari's average velocity for the trip was 0.1667 meters/second.

Answer 2

Jibari's average velocity for the trip is 0.7 m/s east.

To solve for Jibari's average velocity, we will first need to find his total displacement. We can do this by adding the magnitudes of his eastward and westward displacements. The magnitude of Jibari's eastward displacement is 40.0 meters, and the magnitude of his westward displacement is 30.0 meters. So, his total displacement is

40.0 - 30.0 = 10.0 meters east.

We can then find Jibari's average velocity by dividing his total displacement by the total time it took him to complete the trip. The total time it took Jibari to complete the trip is

120.0 + 60.0 = 180.0 seconds.

So, his average velocity is

10.0 / 180.0 = 0.7 m/s east.

To know more about the Average velocity, here



Related Questions

An object is thrown down from a tall building with an initial velocity of 2 m/s. How fast is it going after 5 seconds of free fall?


Answer:    Vf = Vi + A(t)

Vf= -2+ (-9.8)(5)

Vf = -51 m/s


The final velocity is equal to the initial velocity plus the acceleration multiplied by the time

(-9.8) is used for the acceleration for this question because that is the speed at which things in free fall accelerate when they are on earth

-2 is used as the initial velocity because the ball was thrown in the negative direction which is down.

The time of 5 was given in the question so you can plug it in for time




V₀ = 2 m/s

g = 9.8 m/s²

t = 5 s


V - ?

Axis OX direct vertically down. Then:

V = Vₓ = V₀ₓ + g·t

V = 2 + 9.8*5 = 51 m

a 70.0 cm, uniform, 60.0 n shelf is supported horizontally by two vertical wires attached to the sloping ceiling (figure 1). a very small 25.0 n tool is placed on the shelf midway between the points where the wires are attached to it.a 70.0 cm, uniform, 60.0 n shelf is supported horizontally by two vertical wires attached to the sloping ceiling (figure 1). a very small 25.0 n tool is placed on the shelf midway between the points where the wires are attached to it.


The tension in left and right wire are 29 N and 53N respectively.

What is tension?

Tension is a feeling of tightness, stress, or strain resulting from physical, mental, or emotional conflict. It is a state of being that can be caused by both positive and negative experiences. Tension can manifest itself in physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle tightness, and fatigue. It can also manifest itself emotionally in a sense of unease, worry, and anxiety. Tension can be both a healthy and unhealthy emotion. It can be a warning sign of danger or a motivator to take action. It can also be a sign of stress and can lead to feelings of helplessness or depression. Generally speaking, learning to recognize tension and finding ways to manage it is an important part of maintaining mental and physical well-being.

∑ fy=0

T1+T2=60+22 N=82N

∑ Mₐ=0 (moment about a=Mₐ)



Tension in left wire=29N

Tension in right wire=53N

To know more about moment and tension, visit link



Children become increasingly finicky about food ___ years of age


Answer: 5


sirius looks brighter than alpha centauri, but we know that alpha centauri is closer because its apparent position in the sky shifts by a larger amount as earth orbits the sun


This statment does not make sense.

What is statment?

something stated: such as. : a single declaration or remark : assertion. : a report of facts or opinions. : the act by the  or process of stating or presenting orally or on paper.

The parallax for Alpha by  Centauri is larger than that for Sirius because Alpha to  Centauri is closer to us. Sirius looks brighter than the  the  Alpha Centauri, but we know that Alpha Centauri is closer because its apparent position in the sky shifts by a larger amount as Earth orbits the Sun. This statement does not make sense.

To know more about statment click-



A block is placed on a horizontal table. The block is then pulled to the right with a string. The block remains at rest. A spring scale, attached to the string, reads 10 N.
Which force acting on the block is equal to 10 N?
Force exerted by static friction
Gravitational force exerted on block
Force to the left exerted by air resistance
Upward force exerted by table


The 10 N reading on the spring balance must be the gravitational force exerted on block.

What is the weight?

When we talk about the weight of an object, we are talking about the force of gravity that is acting on the object because the object can be found on earth. We know that the gravitational force is common on every object that is found on earth.

Thus, it is clear that for the object, the spring scale, attached to the string, reads 10 N. This must have to do with the gravitational pull that is acting on the object.

Learn more about weight:https://brainly.com/question/10069252


The geocentric model could not explain which of the following observations made by early astronomers? Select the two correct answersMars and Jupiter appeared to move backwards for some period of timeThe planets had epicyclesThe stars appeared to moveMercury and Venus changed in appearance throughout the year


Mercury and Venus changed in appearance throughout the year and Mars and Jupiter appeared to move backwards for some period of time are two observation not explain by geocentric model.

The geocentric model is what.

The Ptolemaic system frequently serves as an example of the geocentric paradigm, also referred as geocentrism, which is a discredited theory that places Earth at the center of the universe. Our Sun, Moon, stars, & planets also orbit Earth according to the majority of geocentric models.

What was the geocentric model of Aristotle?

According to Aristotle's model, the celestial planets orbit the Earth in a regular, orderly fashion, in perfect circles, and with uniform motion, neither accelerating nor decelerating.

To know more about geocentric model visit :



Find the maximum height and range for vo = 10 m/s, θ = 30°, and Δdy = 1 m. The displacement Δdy corresponds to the stage of the projectile flight where it is moving downward. What is the flight time?


The maximum height of the projectile is 1.28 m, the range is 5.1 m, and the flight time is 6.066 seconds.

To find the maximum height and range of a projectile with initial velocity vo, launch angle θ, and displacement Δdy, we can use the following equations:

Maximum height: h = (vo²sin^2(θ)) / (2 × g)

Range: R = (vo² sin(2θ)) / g

where g is the acceleration due to gravity (g = 9.8 m/s² on Earth).

As per the question, the maximum height and range of the projectile are given by:

Maximum height: h = (10² × sin²(30)) / (2 × 9.8) = 25 / 19.6 = 1.28 m

Range: R = (10² × sin(60)) / 9.8 = 50 / 9.8 = 5.1 m

To find the flight time of the projectile, we can use the following equation:

Flight time: t = 2 × vo × sin(θ) / g

In this case, the flight time of the projectile is given by:

Flight time: t = 2 × 10 × sin(30) / 9.8 = 6.066 seconds.

Therefore, the maximum height of the projectile is 1.28 m, the range is 5.1 m, and the flight time is 6.066 seconds.

Learn more about Velocity here:



У Z Eright left A parallelepiped is in an electric field which, to the left of the dashed line, has the value Eleft =< -55.37,0,0 > N/C, and Eright =<55.37,0,0 > N/C to the right of the dashed line. The top and bottom of the parellelepiped are rectangles lying in the x - z plane, and measure li by l2, as shown. The left and right faces are rectangles inclined by an angle 0 = 83.48° from the a axis, and measure l2 by l3. The values of l1, l2, and l3 are 23.82 cm, 11.27 cm, and 32.48 cm, respectively. What charge is contained inside the parallelepiped?


A rectangle possesses all the characteristics of a parallelogram since it has two sets of parallel sides and two pairs of opposite sides that are congruent. A rectangle is always a parallelogram because of this.

How many edges are there on a parallelepiped?

Congruent and parallel faces are found in pairs. Eight (8) vertices and twelve (12) edges make up the parallelepiped. The parallelepiped's edges can be divided into three (3) sets of four (4) edges each, where each set's edges are parallel and all have the same length. A zonohedron is the parallelepiped as well.

How many faces are there on a parallelepiped?

A parallelepiped is a six-faced, three-dimensional structure with a parallelogram-like pattern on each face. It contains 12 edges, 6 faces, and 8 vertices. Rhomboid, cuboid, and cube are all variations on the parallelepiped.

To know more about parallelepiped visit;



to conduct category 1 operations over people, the small unmanned aircraft: [source: ac-107-2, small unmanned aircraft systems (small uas) (as amended)]


Small unmanned aircraft of category 1 are allowed to fly above humans as long as they comply with the following conditions: comprising all items on board or otherwise attached to the aircraft at takeoff and for the duration of each operation, weigh 0.55 pounds or less.

When flying over people, can small unmanned aircraft be modified?

In accordance with this subpart, a small unmanned aircraft system may be qualified for one or more categories of operations above people, provided that the remote pilot in command cannot unintentionally transition between modes or configurations.

A DJI mini is a Category 1 drone, right?

When propeller guards are added, DJI's smallest platforms, the Mavic Mini and Mavic Mini 2, which both weigh less than 0.55 lbs without them, exceed the MTOW limit for Category and become eligible for Category 2 operations rather than Category 1 operations.

To know more about small unmanned visit;



Question 16 of 20
A zinc atom contains 30 protons, 35 neutrons, and 30 electrons. What is the
atomic mass of zinc?
A. 65 amu
B. 95 amu
C. 60 amu
D. 35 amu


D. 35 amu


Answer: 65 amu

Explanation: Proton+ Neutron

when a molecular orbital has an energy that is higher than the orbitals from which it is formed, we call this a(n) orbital.


Molecular orbitals are classified into three types: bonding orbitals, which have a lower energy

What exactly are orbitals?

In physics and chemistry, orbitals are a mathematical function that depicts the wave nature of an electron or a pair of electrons in an atom. This formula may be used to determine the likelihood of detecting an electron near the nucleus. In layman's terms, an atomic orbital is a physically defined region or space in which electrons exist. In general, an atom is made up of electrons that are locked inside electronic orbitals.

Molecular orbitals are classified into three types: bonding orbitals, which have a lower energy than the atomic orbitals that formed them and thus promote the chemical bonds that hold the molecule together; antibonding orbitals, which have a higher energy than their constituent atomic orbitals and thus oppose the molecule's bonding; and non-bonding orbitals, which have the same energy as their constituent atomic orbitals and thus have no effect on the molecule's bonding.

To learn more about orbitals follow the given link:https://brainly.com/question/13243902


here's the answer for everyone :)​







in 1990 walter arfeuille of belgium lifted a 281.5-kg object through a distance of 17.1 cm using only his teeth.


In 1990 Walter areole of Belgium lifted a 281.5-kg object through a distance of 17.1 cm using only his teeth, the total force is 2.76 kN.

What is force?

An object having mass changes its velocity in response to a push or pull. Force is an external agent that has the power to alter a body's resting or moving condition. It has a size and a movement.

What is distance?

The entire movement of an object, regardless of direction, is called distance. Distance can be characterized as the quantity of ground covered, regardless of the starting or finishing points of an object.

a)Work done = m*g*h

where g = acceleration of gravity = 9.8 m/s2

h = 17.1 cm = 0.171 m

So, W = 281.5*9.8*0.171 = 471.8 J

b)Total force exerted,

F = mg = 281.5*9.8 = 2758.7 N = 2.76 kN

Therefore, in 1990 Walter areole of Belgium lifted a 281.5-kg object through a distance of 17.1 cm using only his teeth, the total force is 2.76 kN.

Learn more about force from the given link.



If the two objects above are traveling at the same speed, which has more momentum?
O The car, because its shorter
O The truck, because its taller
O The car since it has less mass
O The truck, since it has more mass



truck, since it has more mass


truck, since it has more mass


momentum (p) = mass (m) times velocity (v)

height has nothing to do with it

Which method of heat transfer warms the air just above hot sand on a beach?

Convection, because heat is transferred through the solid sand
Conduction, because the air particles in contact with hot sand move faster
Conduction, because the heat moves with the help of electromagnetic waves
Convection, because the air particles transfer heat in the absence of a medium


Heat is transferred by a fluid's macroscopic movement, which is known as convection. Weather systems and forced-air furnaces both use this form of transmission. Thus, option A is correct.

What Convection method of heat transfer warms?

Convection, as heat is transmitted through the sand's solid structure. Conduction, as the air particles that come into contact with the hot sand travel more quickly.

The heat is transferred inside the fluid during convection. Heat transfer in radiation happens by electromagnetic waves without the use of particles.

Conduction, as heat is transferred using electromagnetic waves Convection, since heat is transferred by air particles without the usage of a medium.

Therefore, Convection, because heat is transferred through the solid sand.

Learn more about Convection here:



The following images show four identical Sun-like stars and their companion planets, all traveling in circular orbits. In each case, the mass of the planet is given in Jupiter masses and the orbital distance is given in Astronomical Units (AU), Rank each case based on the strength of the gravitational force exerted by the extrasolar planet on its contrastar, from weakest to strongest if you think that two or more) diagrams should be ranked as equal, drag one on top of the others to show this equality (Not to scale) View Available Hints) Reet Help One Jupiter Mass Four Supiter Masse 20 One Jupiter Mas Tho Supiter Hasses Weakest Strongest


The case would be ranked 1 (weakest)> 2=3>4 (Strongest)

We know that the force of gravity is

F=G. M1M2/r2, where

F is the force of gravity.

G is the gravitational constant.

M1 is the core star's mass.

M2 = Planetary Rotational Mass

r = Radius of Revolution

The table below shows a visualization of these variables:

Case Mass of planet Mass of the central star  Distance Force

1 1 Jupiter mass i.e., M2     M1                            2 AU   GM1M2/4                      

2 1 Jupiter mass i.e., M2    M1                                    1 AU   GM1M2

3 4 Jupiter mass i.e.,4 M2   M1                                     2 AU   4GM1M2/4= GM1M2

4 2 Jupiter mass i.e.,2 M2   M1                             1 AU 2GM1M2

To learn more about Gravitational Force,



The books on the bottom shelf experience more gravity than the books on top, because they are closer to the ground.
A True
B False





Gravity is a force that acts on all objects with mass, pulling them towards the center of the Earth. The force of gravity is the same for all objects, regardless of their mass or the location on the Earth's surface. Therefore, the books on the bottom shelf experience the same amount of gravity as the books on the top shelf.

The answer would be (B) False.

At which latitudes shown in the image of Earth do people experience the greatest tangential speed? Explain why.





At 0    ( or between 30 N and 30 S)    

   they travel the largest circle circumference in a 24 hour day rotation

two photons have the same wavelength. they also have the same question 30 options: frequency. energy. both of these. neither of these.


The fact that two photons have the same apparent wavelength does not mean that they are identical.

define photon ?

A photon is an elementary particle that is a quantum of the electromagnetic field, including electromagnetic radiation like as light and radio waves, and the force carrier for the electromagnetic force. Because photons have no mass, they always travel at the speed of light in vacuum, which is 299792458 m/s (or approximately 186,282 mi/s). The photon is a boson.

Photons, like other fundamental particles, are best explained by quantum physics and display wave-particle duality, or behaviour that exhibits traits of both waves and particles. The current photon notion emerged during the first two decades of the twentieth century, thanks to the work of Albert Einstein, who expanded on Max Planck's study.

Because photon frequencies (or inversely, wavelengths) are part of a continuous universe, doesn't this imply that no two photons have the same frequency Due to measuring constraints, two photons may have the same apparent wavelength, but this does not imply that they are identical.

To learn more about Photons follow the given link:https://brainly.com/question/14465033


You’re an astronaut in the first crew of a new space station. The station is shaped like a wheel 22 m in diameter, with essentially all its 5.0×105 kg mass at the rim. When the crew arrives, it will be set rotating at a rate that requires an object at the rim to have radial acceleration g, thereby simulating Earth’s surface gravity. This will be accomplished using two small rockets, each with 100 N thrust, mounted on
the station’s rim. Determine how long to fire the rockets.


The time taken to fire the rocket at the given thrust is 1,382.3 seconds.

What is the centripetal acceleration of the wheel?

The centripetal acceleration of the wheel is calculated by applying the following formula.

F = ma


a is the centripetal acceleration of the wheelm is the mass of the wheelF is the thrust or force of the rockets

a = F / m

a = (100 N) / (5 x 10⁵)

a = 2 x 10⁻⁴ m/s²

The velocity of the wheel is calculated as follows;

a = v²/r


r is the radius of the wheel = 11 m

v² = ar

v = √ (ar)

v = √ (2 x 10⁻⁴ x 11 )

v = 0.05 m/s

The time of motion of the motion of the rockets at the given speed is calculated as;

v = 2πr / T

T = 2πr / v

T = (2π x 11) / (0.05)

T = 1,382.3 seconds

Learn more about time of motion rockets here: https://brainly.com/question/29228608


Curran is testing out a newly waxed hallway floor by sliding in his socks.
He runs from one end of the hallway and starts sliding midway going all
the way to the right. The forces acting on Curran as he is sliding are
represented in the diagram below. Identify the forces and match them
correctly to the numbers.



Curran is testing out a newly waxed hallway floor by sliding in his socks.

He runs from one end of the hallway and starts sliding midway going all

the way to the right. The forces acting on Curran as he is sliding are

represented in the diagram below. Identify the forces and match them

correctly to the n

a homogeneous cylinder of radius r and height h floats at the interface of two fluids with densities. if p2


The pressure differential between the cylinder's top and bottom is expressed as


define homogeneous ?

A homogeneous population is one that is made up of components or pieces that are all of the same sort; it is not heterogeneous.


possessing a common quality throughout: a homogenous solid figure.

A homogeneous equation has all terms of the same degree.

when each variable is multiplied by that constant, the function of numerous variables gets multiplied by some power of that constant: x2y3 is a degree 5 homogeneous expression related to a differential equation in which a linear combination of derivatives is set to zero.

As we know, the weight of the cylinder balances the force due to pressure.

As a result, we will have


so we have


To learn more about pressure follow the given link: https://brainly.com/question/23026638


A race car makes one lap around a track of radius 50 m in 9.0 s. What was the car's centripetal acceleration?


The velocity of the car is 5.5 m/s. Then the centripetal acceleration of the car will be 0.6 m/s².

What is centripetal acceleration?

Acceleration is a physical quantity measuring the rate of change in velocity. It has both magnitude and direction.

Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration of an  object moving through a circular path. Thus its measures the rate of change in velocity of the body moving in the curvature path.

The centripetal acceleration = V²/R.

Where R is the radius of the curvature path.

The car moves 50 m in 9 seconds. Its velocity is 50/9 = 5.5 m/s.

Thus, centripetal acceleration = (5.5 × 5.5) m/s/ 50 m = 0.6 m/s².

Therefore, the centripetal acceleration of the car moving at a speed of 9 m/s through curvature path is 0.6 m/s².

To find more on centripetal acceleration, refer here:



study island genticsBelow is a Punnett square for the color of a hybrid rose. The allele y is for dark yellow and the allele Y is for pale yellow.
Y y
y Yy yy
y Yy yy

If a rose with the genotype Yy is pale yellow in color, which alelle is dominant?
dark yellow, y
dark yellow, Y
pale yellow, Y
pale yellow, y


If a rose with the genotype Yy is pale yellow in color, then there is not complete dominance for neither allele and it is a case of incomplete dominance. Nonetheless, since allele Y is for pale yellow and the hybrid has this phenotype, then it is partially dominant (pale yellow, Y, option 3).

What is incomplete dominance?

Incomplete dominance is a genetic phenomenon in which one of the two alleles present for a given gene locus is expressed more strongly when compared to the other allele, which is called partially dominant and partially recessive alleles, respectively.

Conversely, complete dominance is due to the presence of an allele that completely masks the expression of the recessive allele in heterozygous hybrid individuals.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that incomplete dominance is associated with the expression of both alleles in the heterozygous hybrid individuals.

Learn more about incomplete dominance here:



Does anyone know the assets to this ?


Answer: The net force equals the mass times the acceleration so answer 1 would be 16N (4x4). Does that help at all?


A student with a mass of 55 kg rides a bicycle at a speed of 5.0 m/s. The momentum of the bicycle and rider equals 320 kg x m/s.

a. What is the combined mass of the student and bicycle?

b. How fast would the bicycle alone have to move in order to have the same momentum as that of the student and bicycle together?


According to an equation, an object's momentum is determined by multiplying its mass by its velocity. Where m denotes mass and v denotes speed. The equation shows that momentum is inversely proportional to mass and inversely proportional to velocity of an object.

What is the main relation between mass and momentum?

The momentum is directly proportional to both mass and speed. The momentum of the object grows proportionately with either an increase in mass or velocity.

Therefore, The momentum of an object increases with increasing mass or velocity. The momentum of a large, swift object is larger than that of a small, slower object.

Learn more about momentum here:



A permanent magnet is pushed into a coil of wire, left there for a while, and
then pulled out. When does a current run through the wire?
OA. As the magnet moves into and out of the coil
OB. Only when the magnet is first being pushed into the coil
OC. While the magnet remains within the coil
OD. From the time that the magnet is pushed in to the time it is pulled


The current is induced because of the motion involved. Thus, the appropriate option is C. Electromagnetic induction implies the production of electric current by mere movement of a magnet with respect to a coil or wire.

What happens when a magnet is inserted or removed from a wire coil?

By to Faraday's Law, a voltage is produced in a coil of wire when a magnet is moved from inside of it, altering the magnetic field and magnetic flux through the coil. The galvanometer deflects to the left as the magnet is moved inside the coil in response to the growing field.

If the magnet is still within the coil, what happens?

The flux varies as a magnet is moved inside the solenoid, causing the solenoid to produce a current. Even though it is obvious that there is a magnetic flux and a solenoid flux, if the magnet rests inside the solenoid, there is no change in flux.

Learn more about magnetic flux here:



an electric field of 800N/C cause a charged ball of 50g mass to make an angle of 30 degree from the vertical whats the charge om fhe ball​


Answer: Charge on the ball is 3.6 ×10^-4 C.

In this question we have given the Electric field of the region we need to find the Charge on the ball .

What is Electric Field?

--An electric field  is the physical field that surrounds electrically charged particles and exerts force on all other charged particles in the field, either attracting or repelling them.

We used the concept of string ball--  i.e

Learn more about Electric Force from https://brainly.com/question/14372859


Two coherent sources of radio waves, A and B, are 5.00 meters apart. Each source emits waves with wavelength 6.00 meters. Consider points along the line connecting the two sources.
1) At what distance from source A is there constructive interference between points A and B?
2) At what distances from source A is there destructive interference between points A and B? Note that there will be two separate interference fringes between point A and point B. Enter your answers in ascending order separated by a comma.
I know 1) is 2.5m but for b i need more than 1 answer


For constructive interference between point A and B, it must be at a distance. 2.5m from  source A.

For destructive interference, it must be at a distance 1m from A or 4m from B

What is interference in radio waves?

it occurs when unwanted radio frequency signals disrupt the use of your television, radio, or cordless telephone. Interference may prevent reception altogether, may cause only a temporary loss of a signal, or may affect the quality of the sound or picture produced by your equipment.

Now, let's try to answer the question 1.

for constructive interference, the path distance will be 0 (zero)

So it must be equally divided distance from both source's distance.
distance between radio waves A and B = 5m apart

For constructive interference = 5m / 2 = 2.5m

Therefore, it must be at a distance 2.5m from A and B.

Moving on to question 2.

for destructive interference, we are using the formula for path difference

path difference = lambda / 2 = 6m / 2 = 3m

given from question

lambda (wavelength) = 6m

Let the distance from A as Z

Then, the distance from B will be 5-Z

Path difference = 5-Z-Z

3 = 5 - 2Z

Z = 1m

The distance from A = 1m

The distance from B = 5 - 1 = 4m

Therefore, for a destructive interference, it must be at a distance 1m from A, or 4m from B.

Learn more about interference https://brainly.com/question/2142907


f the perimeter of the window is 16 feet, find the exact value of x (in ft) so that the greatest possible amount of light is admitted.


The perimeter of the window is 16 feet, find the exact value of x (in ft) so that the greatest possible amount of light is admitted is 37.278 feet.

What is perimeter?

The area surrounding a shape's edge is known as its perimeter. By multiplying the side lengths of various forms, one can determine their perimeter.

What is light ?

The electromagnetic radiation known as light is what enables the human eye to see and makes things visible. It can also be described as radiation that can be seen by humans. Light is made up of small energy packets called photons.

perimeter = 16

x+2h+πx/2= 16

h= 8-x/2- xx/4⇒1



A= xh+π(x/2)²/2

A= xh+π x²/8

Pu + h = 8-x/2 - xx/4

A= x(8-x/2 - xx/4 ) +π/8 x²

A= 8x- x²/2 - x²/4 +xx²/8

Differentiate with respect to "x"

dA/dx = 8x-1 -π/4*2x²+π/8*2x²⁻¹

dA/dx = 8-x-π/2 x+π/4 x

dA/dx= 8- (1-π/2 +π/4 ) x

For maximum

Solve dA/dx=0

= 8-(1-π/2+π/4)x =0

x= -8/-(1-π/2+π/4)

x= 37.278 feet

Therefore, the perimeter of the window is 16 feet, find the exact value of x (in ft) so that the greatest possible amount of light is admitted is 37.278 feet.

Learn more about perimeter from the given link.



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match the graph with the table. Place the following events in the life of osama bin laden into chronological order. Can you Help me please... :( Who is responsible for notifying the regulatory authority when a food handler is diagnosed with a reportable illness? 9) y=3x+1y=1/3x + 1 What are the 3 stages of the iterative process? Which is the last sentence of the proof? because f e = 1, a2 b2 = c2. because f e = c, a2 b2 = c2. because a2 b2 = c2, f e = c. because a2 b2 = c2, f e = 1. two numeric variables x and y exhibit a negative correlation if a. the value of y tends to decrease as the value of x decreases. b. the value of y tends to increase as the value of x decreases. c. the value of y tends to increase as the value of x increases. d. the values of x and y always have the same difference. On January 15, Complete Computer Service paid $2,000 cash for land.The journal entry to record this transaction would be:A. Land (D) 2,000Cash (C) 2,000B. Cash (D) 2,000Land (C) 2,000C. Land (D) 2,000Common Stock (C) 2,000D. Common Stock (D) 2,000Land (C) 2,000 describe the construction of a recombinant plasmid containing the gene for luciferase and the insertion of the plasmid into a bacterial cell by placing the steps in order.a. Perform a restriction digestion of the luciferase gene and the plasmid. b. Transform bacteria with the recombinant plasmid using electroporation. c. Ligate together the luciferase gene and the plasmid to generate a recombinant plasmid. d. Use PCR to amplify the gene for luciferase. e. Plate the bacterial cells, and screen for positive transformants.1. First step 2. Last step when reviewing a patient record, the medical assistant notices that problem 2 was addressed at the last visit. this type of medical record is: During the summer, Jordan and Ronald started their own business mowing lawns. Before starting any work, Jordan spent $20 to fill up the gas tank for the lawnmower. The boys agreed that each person would earn the same amount after Jordan was reimbursed the money he spent for gas. After a week of work, the boys were paid a total of $177. Jordan filled up the gas tank just once. How much did each boy earn? how did the dreadscott decision intensify the conflict between the north and the south A fountain from which flowed the principles embodied in the declaration of independence_______. Garrick and Zan are measuring the heights of seedling plants for science class.Use the drop-down menus to complete the statements about the measured heights and the actual heights of the plants. Do mandated reporters have the right to know the outcome in PA? in business analytics, olap tool is mainly using function in excel. question 33 options: a) vlookup b) pivot c) solver d) what-if jenny is, by nature, a nervous person. she has been having a hard time concentrating and seeks the help of a counselor, dr. ang. dr. ang begins by being very warm. he does not direct jenny with regard to what she should talk about. instead, dr. ang primarily focuses on empathizing with jenny and accepting her for who she is. which therapeutic orientation is dr. ang most likely using? Water and dissolved minerals are conducted from the roots to the stems and leaves via ___________, whereas sugar is conducted through specialized cells known as _____________ If you are being passed, you should: