carlos is a nursing assistant who wants to move up the (blank). He is very interested in becoming a registered nurse both a nursing assistant and a registered nurse work in the (blank) and interact directly with patients


Answer 1


career ladder, healthcare field


Related Questions

who created this app??​



uhm joe i think


5. List 5 types of stimulants and the impact they have on the body.​



Stimulant drugs are the treatment most often used for ADHD. They can help you manage symptoms, such as Short attention span Impulsive behavior Hyperactivity  

Depressant drugs slow down the functioning of the brain. They typically relieve anxiety.  They don’t necessarily make a person feel depressed, but rather reduce co-ordination and impair concentration and judgement.  

Hallucinogenic drugs distort perceptions of reality, i.e. they change the way a person sees, hears and feels about a situation.  For example, a person may see things that do not actually exist, or a normal sensory experience may be exaggerated (such as seeing colours more vividly).  

Many stimulants can also be addicting. Stimulants share many commonalities, but each has unique properties and mechanisms of action. Drugs that are classified as stimulants include:





Prescription stimulants

Caffeine is the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world, found in coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate candy, and soft drinks.1  While caffeine has several positive effects such as increasing energy and mental alertness, heavy use can cause symptoms such as anxiety and insomnia.Caffeine is physically addictive, and withdrawal symptoms can include headaches, fatigue, and irritability

Nicotine is considered one of the three most widely used psychoactive drugs in the world despite the fact that there are few (if any) medical uses for the drug.Nicotine is a primary ingredient in e-cigarettes, and vaping is highly addictive.

Cocaine is an illegal psychoactive drug made from the leaves of the coca tree.Cocaine is rapidly absorbed from any administration point, including being snorted, inhaled, injected or taken orally. The drug reaches the brain quickly and is then distributed to other tissues throughout the body. Cocaine is rapidly metabolized by enzymes in the liver and plasma in approximately 30 to 60 minutes but can be detected in urine tests for up to 12 hours after administration.

Explanation: There is no safe level of alcohol or drug use and the use of any drug always carries some risk. Combining drugs also known as ‘poly drug use’ increases the risk and can be extremely dangerous. The effects of mixing drugs can be unpredictable and people are more at risk of overdose, including death.                                                                                                                            

i hope i was able to give to you what you were asking for  so i hope this helps you

The purpose of informed consent is to

a) justify unnecessary medical procedures

b) provide detailed records in case of legal action

c) make sure that patients get only the care that they want

d) better educate public about the importance of medicine


C or B

But I think it’s more likely B
(C) When you get consent from a patient, it’s telling you what said patient wants and will allow done to them.

Define: daydream, pathological disassociation , maladaptive, mantra, meditation, hypnosis, trance​




What are ways you can be reminded to follow hygiene protocols at home, public and at work??



Having reminders on your phone in the morning about what to do to freshen up at home. In public there are usually signs in bathrooms telling you to wash your hands. At work even using little sticky notes and just personal reminders on your phone is a good idea.

Reminders from your phone have sticky notes or like a notebook

Which of the following is NOT true concerning warm-up exercises?
A They should be low-intensity.
B. They should get progressively more intense.
C. They should last 20 to 30 minutes.
D. They should increase heart rate, breathing, and temperature.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


B i’m pretty sure. Hope this helps out.

Writing: Nutrition and Wellness Changes in Adults. Research nutrition and wellness considerations change as people move through the three stages of adulthood. What are the most important concerns during each stage? What concepts and techniques can be put into place to optimize passage through each stage? Write 500-750 words on your finding and recommendations. ( Will Mark Brainliest to whomever actually truly helps. Needs to be at least 500 words no less.​



Explanation: Early Adulthood

According to the United States Department of Agriculture's Dietary Guidelines for 2015 to 2020, early adulthood spans from ages 19 to 30. If you fall into this age range, you should get plenty of calories to fuel your active lifestyle. In fact, it's recommended that women within this age range eat around 2,000 calories per day and that men eat between 2,600 to 3,000 calories per day for optimum health. Keep in mind that the more active you are, the more calories you should take in to stay healthy. Young adults need plenty of calories because this is traditionally when you're most active and burning the most calories each day. You'll also need to include plenty of fiber in your diet, about 28 grams per day for women and 33.6 grams for men.

Middle Age

Middle age lasts from age 31 to 50. During this time, the body starts to slow down just a bit, so you'll want to compensate for that in your diet. The USDA recommends that women in this age range get around 1,800 calories per day and men around 2,200 to maintain their health. Eating fewer calories helps you maintain your ideal weight as your metabolism slows and you burn about 100 fewer calories per day for every decade you age. Middle age also means a little less fiber in the diet. Women should get around 25.2 grams of fiber per day and men around 30.8 grams.

Middle-aged women need higher amounts of iron in their diet to stay healthy because their bodies have low iron stores. While all adults should get 8 mg of iron per day, middle-aged women need 18 mg of iron in their diets. Lean red meats are good sources of iron, and foods rich in vitamin C aid in the absorption of the iron.

Late Adulthood

As you enter your golden years, your body and metabolism slows down even further, so you require fewer calories to stay healthy. From age 51 on, you'll have to make some dietary adjustments. In fact, the USDA recommends that women in this age group eat around 1,600 calories per day and men eat around 2,000 per day. In terms of fiber, women need only around 22.4 grams per day and men around 28 grams per day, although eating a high-fiber diet is healthy for all adults. Older adults do need more of some nutrients like vitamin B-6 in their diets – around 1.5 mg for women and 1.7 mg for men per day.

It's important for older women to get more calcium to prevent conditions like osteoporosis as they enter menopause and experience hormonal changes. Although all adults need around 1,000 mg of calcium per day, women over 51 require 1,200 mg per day.

Adult Dietary Requirements

Many dietary requirements don't change throughout adulthood, including your protein and carbohydrate requirements. To stay healthy, all adults should aim to eat a low-sodium and low-fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich in healthy antioxidants and wise choices at any age. During all stages of adulthood, look for foods rich in whole grains, stick to eating lean meats, and don't forget to include fatty fish like salmon and sardines that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

This essay contain 544 words.

I hope this helps!

Pls Mark me Brainliest

-Ur gurl Lizzie

7. What happens if a player fails to dribble while in moving with the ball?
O A point is awarded
The player is sent back to his own end
O Possession is given to the opposing team



Possession is given to the opposing team


This is called traveling. When a player travels, the ball is given to the opposing team.

Lifestyle factors often influence poor health choices and behaviors. Identify several lifestyle choices that pose a health risk.​


smoking, drinking, overeating, starving yourself

Which muscle was probably
one of the
first to atrophy in Ami?
1. tibialis anterior
2. masseter
3. rectus abdominus
4. bicep



4 is the correct Answer. Bicep

In the context of emerging therapies, ________ was chosen as "Breakthrough of the Decade" by Science magazine in 2010.

a thermodynamics
b optogenetics
c acoustics
d nucleonics


the answer would be a.


In the context of emerging therapies,optogenetics was chosen as "Breakthrough of the Decade" by Science magazine in 2010.

_______ develops skills for approaching thoughts nonjudgmentally and enhances people's ability to realize that they are neither bound by their thoughts nor defined by them.

1 Free association
2 Mindfulness meditation
3 Transference
4 A token economy



2. Mindfulness meditation




Mindfulness mediation Mindfulness meditation develops skills for approaching thoughts nonjudgmentally and enhances people's ability to realize that they are neither bound by their thoughts nor defined by them.

What is the purpose of mental health services?



Mental health services perform clinical assessments that diagnose people with mental illnesses or substance-related disorders. Psyychologists and psychiatrists perform psychiatry services and treatment to help the individual. They also provide advice and support. Mental health services save lives everyday.

yea what she said lol

The most common close relationship





What are the basic job duties of dental careers?



El Asistente Dental brinda servicios de higiene oral a sus pacientes, pero a diferencia de los Dentistas y Ortodoncistas, realizan tratamientos más sencillos de enfermedades y condiciones orales, tales como limpiezas de rutina y la aplicación de tratamientos preventivos en los dientes de los pacientes. Dentro de sus funciones más comunes se encuentra la aplicación de flúor, el sellado de fisuras en los dientes, limpieza dental, tratamiento de caries y enfermedades en las encías, así como orientar al paciente en materia de higiene oral.

La gran mayoría de los Asistentes Dentales se dedica a la práctica pública o privada y atienden a sus pacientes por previa cita; asimismo, suelen trabajar en conjunto con Dentistas, Ortodoncistas y demás profesionales en centros de salud. El Asistente Dental es el auxiliar del Dentista y lo asiste del mismo modo en el que un Enfermero lo hace con un Médico.


precention complament​


The complement system has four major function, including lysis of infectious organisms, activation of inflammation, opsonization and immune clearance.
This can be many things I think

A 12-year-old child is having a seizure on a playground. After checking for scene safety, what is the next
best treatment?



Seizure Prevention Tips

1.Get plenty of sleep each night — set a regular sleep schedule, and stick to it.

2.Learn stress management and relaxation techniques.

3.Avoid drugs and alcohol.

4.Take all of your medications as prescribed by your doctor.

5.Avoid bright, flashing lights and other visual stimuli



protect there heads from anyone

You are a flyer for the cheerleading squad. Your base partners miss catching you on a basket toss and you land on the tip of your shoulder. You
feel and hear a pop, and have pain near the center of your chest (just to the right of the midline). You are unable to abduct or horizontally adduct
your arm. When you palpate the injury, it feels like there is a lump just to the right of the center of your chest. When you look in a mirror this
lump seems higher and more anterior than the other side. What injury should you suspect?
Acromioclavicular Sprain
Clavicle Fracture
O Glenohumeral Dislocation
Sternoclavicular Sprain



I would think Glenohumeral Dislocation


How many servings of protein should a person eat and what nutrients do they provide?



The DRI is 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. This amounts to: 56 grams per day for the average sedentary man. 46 grams per day for the average sedentary woman.

an activity that prepares a muscle for work is called​



An activity that prepares a muscle for work is called​ Warm up.


The answer to this question would be a warm up

What are some of the harmful effects of alcohol?





For teens, it can damage their brain. Children/teens brains are still growing and drinking can permanently affect their mental health.

The end of fertility, when the ovaries stop producing ova, is called


The answer is menopause
The answer to this would be menopause

What is solar system​



The Solar System is the Sun and all the objects that orbit around it. The Sun is orbited by planets, asteroids, comets and other things. The Solar System is about 4.6 billion years old.It contains 99.9% of the Solar System's mass. This means that it has strong gravity.

What goods and services should prioritize to produce​



The factors of production are resources that are the building blocks of the economy; they are what people use to produce goods and services. Economists divide the factors of production into four categories: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. ... Land resources are the raw materials in the production process.

The primary group for whom goods and services are produced in a traditional economy is the tribe or family group. In a command economy, the central government decides what goods and services will be produced, what wages will be paid to workers, what jobs the workers do, as well as the prices of goods.


A condition that occurs when pathogens get inside the body and damage body cells

A. hygiene

b. fungi

c. infection ​


A condition that occurs when pathogens get inside the body and damage body cells

[tex]\sf\purple{c.\:infection}[/tex] ✅

[tex]\circ \: \: { \underline{ \boxed{ \sf{ \color{green}{Happy\:learning.}}}}}∘[/tex]

An infection occurs when another organism enters your body and causes disease. A infection usually spreads in the body and causes infections. Infections can spread anywhere in the body!

14. Define two of the following five alternative principles of fitness: regularity, specificity, balance, progression, recovery. (5 points)​



Balance is the ability to control your body's position, whether stationary (i.e. a complex yoga pose) or while moving (e.g. skiing). Balance is a key component of fitness, along with strength, endurance, and flexibility. There are various ways to perform balance exercises.



The whole purpose of recovery in exercise is to allow your muscles to repair themselves and to engage muscles that are sore from your workout. There are also different things that you can do during the recovery stage to help move the process along and come out ready to perform better than your pre-rest stage

Balance is a key component of fitness, along with strength, endurance, and flexibility. There are various ways to perform balance exercises.

What are the benefits of balance exercises?

Working on your balance goes beyond just strengthening leg muscles. It challenges your whole body to act as one unit, strengthening muscle groups that may not normally get a good workout.

Exercises that improve balance can help prevent falls, a common problem in older adults and stroke patients. They can also benefit those who are obese since weight is not always carried or distributed evenly throughout the body.

Examples of balance exercises include: Standing, weight on one leg and raising the other leg to the side or behind. Putting heel right in front of your toe is tandem stance.

Learn more about balance exercise:


yo how yall been and summer is coming


i have been good how about you


i have finals this week but bday is tmrw and imma chill.



How will eating healthily now affect your body in the future


A healthy diet can help individuals make sure they have strong teeth and bones now and, in the future, thus preventing teeth decay and osteoporosis. “You are what you eat.” If you eat a healthy, balanced diet, you will feel better and more energized.


Eating correctly can make you stronger


When eating the correct foods your body will naturally become stronger and you will have more energy.

true or false Milk, milk, lemonade, around the corner fudge is made?



thats from pintrest


Probably true if you attempt it









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