What is a tornado?
a sensor that measures wind speed, temperature, pressure, and direction
a first-floor room without windows in the middle of a house
a person who studies winds and shares his or her findings with others
spinning wind that forms a funnel and can cause a lot of damage


Answer 1

Answer: D!!

spinning wind that forms a funnel and can cause a lot of damage

Answer 2
Spinning wind that forms a funnel and causes lots of damage

Related Questions

When conflict occurs the best approach is to walk away
True or false



okay i am not sure but I think false


I would say true


The reason is imagine you get into a fight with someone, the best way for both sides to win is not fight in the first place.Walking away from the conflict would be the best choice.

A bildungsroman, or coming-of-age novel, recounts the psychological or moral development of its protagonist from youth to maturity, when this character recognizes his or her place in the world. Select a single pivotal moment in the psychological or moral development of the protagonist of a bildungsroman. Then write a well-organized essay that analyzes how that single moment shapes the meaning of the work as a whole.



The pivotal moment for Ponyboy from the novel The Outsiders comes at the end, when he´s asked by his teacher to write something important to him and he decides to write about his experience throughout the novel, in the hopes to be able to help others in similar situations.


This event shows that he has learned from the violence he was subjected to, and from his own mistakes. He seems to understand how unfair the death of the Socs' member as well as the eath of the two Greasers were. He finally feels like he has found his place in the world, something he didn´t have at the beginning of the story.

Structures in Poetry and Drama:Question 4
A play in which the main character suffers a terrible downfall is called a
Select one:





A play can be defined as a literary work that presents the dialogue between characters, as well as portrayal of fictional and non-fictional events in a theater.

In a play, a character list comprises of both protagonists and antagonists that are featured in a play. A protagonist is the lead, principal or chief (main) character in a story, play or film. Thus, a protagonist refers to the character that is being closely followed by an audience or a reader in order to determine the character's fate at the end of the story or play. An antagonist is a character that opposes the protagonist.

In Literature, character development can be defined as a literary process or technique in which a writer portrays people as being real or believable in a work of fiction by ascribing depth (details) and personality to them.

Basically, various writers or authors use character development to make the audience or readers learn so much more about the characters as they develop in the story.

A play in which the main character (protagonist) suffers a terrible downfall is called a tragedy. It usually involves the loss of a life, fatal injury or a disastrous event and as such doesn't have a happy ending.

8. What do Armstrong and Lombard decide about the 2 deaths?



Armstrong and Lombard decide that the two murders were committed by Mr. Owen and determine to search for him.


'And Then There Were None' is a mystery novel written by Agatha Christie. The novel is a story of 10 people who have been murdered on an island.

In chapter 7, after Mrs. Rogers was found dead, Armstrong and Lombard consult with each other trying to find who committed the two murders. After inspection, they suspected that these murders can not be a mere coincidence. They find that the two Indian figures have disappeared from the board and the two deaths correspond to the first two verses of rhyming.

Armstrong and Lombard, therefore, decides that the two murders were committed by Mr. Owen, the host, and decides to search for him.

Conflict can have a ripple effect touching others who are not directly engage in the conflict
True or false





How does Mrs. Keckley feel about Mrs. Lincoln. Book Behind the scenes


I know what the answer is i just don't know it at the moment so i'll be back in a minute with your answer

Can you answer this question for me please
1.what can you see in the picture?
2. What do you think the artist is trying to tell us in the painting?
3. Describe the artist character in three words


1. You see a man alone with a pure blue background, he has no facial expressions
2. He could be trying to tell you that he feels alone or lost because of the lack of facial expression and background
3. I would describe his character as somber, quiet, and aloof

Which two sentences best convey the main idea of paragraph 4?


Answer: i dont know


do you ??

What are the things you considered in preparing for your research defense and how did it help your group during your presentation? *


Hello. You did not inform the subject of your research, which makes it difficult for your question to be answered accurately. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

One of the most important points in the presentation of a research is the elements that will compose the presentation (by slides, or other media) with little text and present more images, graphics and tables that make the presentation more dynamic, attractive and do not tire the audience. In this case, we can say that the assembly of the Slides is the most important point to consider, because the success of the presentation is directly related to this.

4. Which of the following expresses the strongest inference about paragraph 36? A Even though Roger has the chance to steal from Mrs. Jones, he still worries that she will call the police. B Although Roger originally planned to steal from Mrs. Jones, he now has her trust and wants to keep it. C Despite having gained Mrs. Jones’s trust, Roger is not convinced that she is telling him the truth. D No matter what Roger does, Mrs. Jones will continue to view him as a troubled young man. 20 PLS ANSWER!!!!


Answer: B im late


im doing it right now


it B cause I already know this story cause even though roger did steal Mr. Jones bag Mr. Jones teached roger a lesson

Who suspects Macbeth of foul play?




Macduff is one of the characters who initially suspects that Macbeth is guilty of assassinating King Duncan. In act 2, scene 3, Macduff is shocked and disgusted to discover King Duncan's dead body in the chamber alongside his deceased servants.

I need help on this






Write an essay to explain factors that influence teenage decision making. Use the information from the passage in your essay



The theme of little women I need help, any help is appreciated :))))



Misfortune can overwhelmed even the strongest people

When I went there, she was a pious, warm, and tender-hearted woman. There was no sorrow or suffering for which she had not a tear. She had bread for the hungry, clothes for the naked, and comfort for every mourner that came within her reach. Slavery soon proved its ability to divest her of these heavenly qualities. Under its influence, the tender heart became stone, and the lamblike disposition gave way to one of tigerlike fierceness. She finally became even more violent in her opposition than her husband himself. She was not satisfied with simply doing as well as he had commanded; she seemed anxious to do better. Douglass calls his mistress tigerlike to emphasize how

A threatening and aggressive she became when she decided to deny him an education

B confused she was about whether to hate or enjoy being a slave owner

C powerful she was when it came to caring for the hungry or needy

D upset she became when she witnessed her husband mistreating the slaves



threatening and aggressive she became when she decided to deny him an education


Which replacement corrects the spelling error in this sentence?
When my aunt sent a postcard from Australia to my sister, whose
postcard collection is enormous, its affect on her was one of sheer joy.
A. When my aunt sent a postcard from Australia to my sister, whose
postcard collection is enormous, its affect on her was won of
sheer joy.
B. When my aunt sent a postcard from Australia to my sister, who's
postcard collection is enormous, its affect on her was one of
sheer joy.
C. When my aunt sent a postcard from Australia to my sister, whose
postcard collection is enormous, its effect on her was one of
sheer joy
D. When my aunt sent a postcard from Australia to my sister, whose
postcard collection is enormous, it's affect on her was one of
sheer joy.



I believe it is number 4 or D.


Because of the correct word of whose, and the correct usage of the word affect + no grammar mistakes.

I hope that is the correct answer.


Its C


You have to use effect and C is the only one that used effect. I got this question right.

Other than in Scientific writing, which voice should we primarily use when writing academic papers?



The passive voice is useful in academic writing because it allows writers to highlight the most important participants or events within sentences by placing them at the beginning of the sentence.


Please give me brainlist

What does the poet mean by the line 'Look on my works, ye Mighty and despair!’? What does it reveal about Ozymandias as a king?​


Answer and Explanation:

In the poem "Ozymandias" by Percy Shelley, the speaker recounts the story told by a traveler, who found the ruins of what was once a kingdom. Among the ruins was the statue of a king, Ozymandias, and the inscription, "Look on my works, ye Mighty and despair!" The line shows how arrogant Ozymandias was. He did not seem to consider his own frailty as a human being, much less the possibility of his kingdom being destroyed in the future. It is quite ironical to read such boastful words when all there is around is in ruins. Nothing is left besides the words themselves. Even their meaning is lost.

Take a look at the picture. Choose between A, B, C, and D.



answer 3


it best fits the poem

I held my breathe and waited. This line creates a sense of

a) Surprise

b) Interest

c) Suspense

d) Fear​



I would say that C is correct because it makes the most sense


When would a beginner swimmer be promoted to a 50m pool?​


Answer:When they get better at swimming they going to move to different levels , keep getting better keep leveling up and getting promoted  


Choose the definition that matches the word used in the sentence below:

The elderly lady did not want to burden her children, so she kept her illness a secret.

n. Something that is carried, especially a heavy load
n. Something that is carried, especially a heavy load

v. To add to what one has to bear
v. To add to what one has to bear

n. Anything that is hard to bear, emotionally


I think the best choice would be to add to what one has to bear

is this story fiction, nonfiction, drama, or poetry

Why is it so quiet? Why can't I move? And why is it so dark? I try to recall where I am, but I cannot remember. Blackness surrounds me.
I hear a familiar voice that makes my heart flutter like a thousand butterflies. It is the voice of my friend, Maddy. She visits her grandparents here on the Gulf of Mexico every summer. She usually brings me crumbs, but today, I cannot smell anything except the sour smell of oil.
Her voice sounds worried, different from the usual cheerful greeting that she calls me with every day at dusk. I try to turn towards her, but I can't move very well. My feet feel mired as if in quicksand.
I hear her come closer. Her words help me understand that something has happened to my home.
"Oh, grandma! What is all this? They are all covered in it! It's black. Ugh! The smell is so strong I can't stand it." Maddy's tears stream down her face, mingling with mine. I hear her crying, but all is dark, like a moonless night. Where is the smiling sun? I try to stretch out to feel the warmth, but my wings do not respond.
Dazed, I call out to my friends hoping they will find me in the blackness, but everything is so still. I hear nothing, except for Maddy's desperation. Her sobs, uncontrollable.
"Go get some towels, Maddy. Run!" Her grandma tells her, a quiet urgency in her voice.
"Hey little one," grandma coos as she bends over me. I can feel her breath on my head. "We've got you and you are going to do all we can for you." All they can? I hear Maddy's hurried footsteps and feel the towel's softness enveloping me as she picks me up in her arms. She is gentle, her sobs quieting as she takes me to her home, seemingly miles and miles from my nest along the shoreline.
I hear the phone ring. I hear the news on the television.
"What are we going to do?"
I hear the door banging and neighbors' voices, shrill and urgent, coming in and out of the house. All of the sounds tell me that the emergency is intensifying.
I still cannot see anything. Maybe it is good that I cannot see. If I could, I might see my home, blackened with the oil of a mishandled well deep in the ocean. I would see my friends, covered in slick crudeness. I would desperately observe the choking, billowing smoke, polluting the Gulf sky, my home. I would see my family unable to fly through the air, unable to dive into the ocean for the delicious meals we used to find there. I fear our fish are no more; they are stuck in the depths of the black, watery grave.
What are we going to do? What are we going to do? I hope the humans will do something to bring light to all of the blackness.
I hear Maddy, making sweet, soothing sounds as she begins to clean my feathers gently. I hear that sound often. It's the sound humans make on the beach when their babies are frightened.


Answer: it is a drama

Explanation:  because it has suspense

Give a brief example of an Impression Management. How do you know the example is Impression Management?


Impression of a management is someone who is in charge and makes the rules either in a job description or professional title. Sorryyy if I get this wrong

4. In "Everything Stuck to Him," what does the father mean by "Things change. I don't know how they do. But
they do without your realizing it or wanting them to"? Do you agree with this sentiment? Why or why not?



I agree with the sentiment that " things change" due to the fact that, the only thing that is constant on this world is change. Just as the sun rises from the East and set at the West, so also do changes occurs in life.

For example, Paganism was once a widespread religion on the world but currently, it is not due to other religion like Christianity, Islam, Jewish religion which sprang up


does going to salon and applying hair treatment healthy for the scalp?​


It depends on the treatment some salons have good quality treatments so it will be good for the scalp and some no so it will damage it

Compare and Contrast both texts in 5 paragraphs



I didn’t get it either but


I don’t know

Based on its use in the sentence, what is the meaning of the word desolate?

After the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the Ukrainian city of Pripyat became a desolate wasteland.



it means a deserted area


deserted of people and in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness.

"a desolate moor"

Answer: deserted

Explanation: i took the test on k12

opposite word of confident​



insecure; cowardly; nervous


See explanation!


Confident is a term that is typically used to express that someone is sure in themselves, whether it may be in terms of appearance, knowledge, etc. For example, if someone sure that they passed a test, they may say, "I'm confident that I passed the test yesterday."

Now that you know what confident means, you can think of words that mean the opposite -- words that mean to be unsure of yourself, hesitant even. This can include the words doubtful, unsure, insecure, unassertive, etc. Just use whatever is best for your scenario!

Which question should you ask yourself about your audience?
What do they know about the topic?
What values do they believe to be important?
Where will my audience be reading this?
All of the above



what values do they believe to be important

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