What is a characteristic of all AEDs in public locations?
O red in color
O portable
O requires electricity
O locked in a case


Answer 1
Answer is Red in color
Answer 2

The portable is a characteristic of all AEDs  (Automated external defibrillator) in public locations. Thus the correct option is A.

What is the characteristics of AED?

These are easy to use.AEDs can be used on children, adults, and infants.AED usage within the first three minutes of sudden cardiac arrest  can increase survival rates over 80% 384,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests annually in the United States.

we can find AEDs in many public places, including schools, offices,  grocery stores, shopping malls, and airports. Emergency first responders are generally equipped with and trained to use AEDs.

For more information regarding AED, visit:



Related Questions

Which of the following is not a cation?
Ca 2+


Cl- is an anion and not a cation.

What could be wrong with Sally’s shoulder? What should Sally do to care for herself?

Have you ever injured a muscle? How did you care for yourself? What do you do to prevent reinjuring this muscle?



Unclear question


But if sally has an injured shoulder she should Ice it and not use it too much

A 12-year-old child is having a seizure on a playground. After checking for scene safety, what is the next
best treatment


Remain calm and see if anyone in the area knows how to conduct the correct movements if you don’t know

After checking the scene safety, we should lay the child on his/her side to avoid swallowing saliva and check his/her breathing.

What precautions and first-aid we should do during a seizure emergency?

First of all, we should take the patient to a safe place and surrounding objects. Then lay the patient on his/her side to avoid swallowing saliva as it can choke and loosen all clothes of the patient to ensure an easy supply of oxygen.Don't put anything into the mouth, not even water. Check whether the patient is breathing or not.If the patient is not breathing or the body is getting bluish, quickly call on emergency helpline number 911 for an ambulance.

Thus, after checking the scene safety of the 12-year-old child, the best treatment is to lay the child on his/her child and check whether it is properly breathing or not. In case of abnormal or no breathing, quickly call the ambulance.

Learn more about seizures here:



A class of drugs called phenothiazines were discovered by

a. P. B. Fitzgerald.
b. Henri Laborit.
c. Van Voorhees.
d. Sigmund Freud.





Henri Laborit

also search the question on the web

Which one of the following statements is most accurate?
Question 1 options:

A) Wearing extra layers of clothing during exercise in warm weather is an effective way to lose additional weight.


B) Eating extra protein is a proven way to build stronger muscles.

C) Drinking liquids during exercise does not cause cramping.

D) Passive muscle stimulators expend the same amount of energy from your cells as does exercise.


the answer is A i believe

What is HBs AB1?
Also, what does it mean if you get reactive?


"positive" or "reactive" HBsAg test result means that the person is infected with hepatitis B. ... A positive anti-HBs (or HBsAb) test result means you are “immune” and protected against the hepatitis B virus and cannot be infected.

Which statement best describes the adrenal glands and the thyroid?
Adrenal glands and the thyroid are located in the brain.
Adrenal glands and the thyroid both secrete hormones.
Adrenal glands are in the brain, and the thyroid is in the throat.
Adrenal glands regulate stress, and the thyroid produces ova.



The correct answer is - Adrenal glands and the thyroid both secrete hormones.


Adrenal glands are triangular glands that are located on top of kidneys and produce hormones cortisol and aldosterone. These hormones that are produced by adrenal glands help regulate metabolism, response to stress, immune system, and blood pressure.

Thyroid glands are located on the front of the neck and appeared like a butterfly shape, this gland produces thyroid hormones T3 and T4 mainly to regulate the metabolism of the person.

42. One of the most common incidents involving biohazardous material is (1 point)
needle sticks
spilled liquids.
poor labeling
O improper disposal.


The correct answer is needle sticks

Which of the following statements about developing a personal fitness program is NOT true?
When developing a personal fitness program, it is important to implement strategies that will help maintain the program as well as give it a successful start.
Personal factors such as age, health concerns, and likes are important to consider when developing a personal fitness program.
The starting skill level of the physical activities included in a personal fitness program should be determined from other individuals' fitness programs.
The FITT principle should be used when developing a personal fitness program.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



letra C está incorreta.

O nível de habilidade inicial das atividades físicas incluídas em um programa de condicionamento físico pessoal deve ser determinado a partir do seu próprio controle.

The correct answer is C.

The circulatory and lymphatic systems are examples of what type of system?
closed systems
open systems


Answer: I think it's closed


Its Closed


i just did the test thats how I know

________ is defined as an approach to treating psychological disorders that combines techniques for restructuring irrational thoughts with operant and classical conditioning techniques to shape desirable behaviors.

a. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
b. Group therapy
c. Positive psychotherapy
d. Cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT)


the answer would be a
It’s d. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

what is a drug monograph


A drug monograph is a list covering active ingredients, doses, formulations, etc. You usually see them on OTC meds at your local drugstore or in your medicine cabinet.

its almost like the Nutritional facts you find on food, but for meds

Cooking is important because it (blank) for edmentum and Plato users



Cooking is important


Because if you do not cook some foods you can get sick and poison from raw foods like chicken, eggs and bacon.

a parient was admitted to the emergency room with a headache and fever. The physical exam revealed a resting rate of 150 beats per minute. is this considered normal?



No, because a normal resting pulse rate is 60-100 beats per minute


Does your observation of classmates support the trends shown graph? Explain.


yes the graph supports my obaervation

To decrease the emotionality of the separation process, schools should create _____ for separation. a. drills b. policies c. spaces d. scripts





answer choice b.policies

if body fat decrease but scale stayes the same this means client has gain which of the following


Answer: lean mass

It happens when your body fat percentage is going down while gaining muscle. If your body fat percentage is going down but not your weight, you'll be dropping inches in no time, and this is an indication that you are moving in the right direction.


For walk-in coolers and freezer units, dry storage areas, and when cleaning dining rooms, the "minimum lighting intensity requirement is
O 10



10 foot candles


I remember that lesson. please correct me if I'm wrong.

Miguel y Esteban eran amigos. Iban juntos a la escuela
y vivían en la misma calle. Miguel era un niño muy bueno,
pero Esteban era arrogante y malcriado. Se creía más
grande y fuerte que los demás. Siempre ofendía a sus
compañeros. "Tontos!", les decía riendo, si los veía
cometer un error. Casi nadie soportaba jugar con
Un día, fueron juntos a pasear al campo. Esteban quiso
apostar a quién ganaba una carrera hasta un flamboyán
muy bonito que había por allí.
- A que pierdes! -gritó, y tan pronto lo dijo, salió
disparado como una flecha sin esperar a Miguel. Cuando
llegó al florido árbol, su pobre amigo todavía venía muy
lejos. Decidió acostarse bajo el árbol y hacerse el dormido.
Quería burlarse de Miguel cuando llegara, diciéndole así:
- Qué lento y flojo eres! Hasta me quedé dormido
esperándote.Cuáles son los adjetivos de este cuento ​


click the file in the paper clip below for full answer

List the main term used to locate information in the Alphabetic index for initial encounter for injury sustained from an explosion while boating



See Explanation


Explosion on board other powered watercraft, initial encounter. V93. 53XA is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. The 2021 edition of ICD-10-CM V93.

Hope this helped!

Pls mark me brainliest

-Ur gurl Lizzie

The main term that is used to locate information in the Alphabetic index for initial encounter for injury sustained from an explosion while boating is V93.53XA.

What is an Alphabetic index?

Diagnosis codes are used in health care to retrieve information and identify diseases or bad consequences of injuries and other patient contacts.

V93.53XA is an ICD-10-CM diagnosis code that provides information about the patient encounters and refers to the initial encounter for harm received from an explosion while boating.

Initial encounter, an explosion on other motorized watercraft. V93. 53XA is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to identify a diagnosis in order to get reimbursement. V93 of the ICD-10-CM in 2021.

Therefore, the correct term is V93.53XA.

To learn more about the Alphabetic index, refer to the link:



Briefly describe four important strategies for resisting tobacco


•Promote tobacco use cessation;
•Prevent tobacco use initiation; •Eliminate secondhand smoke exposure;
•Identify and eliminate tobacco-related disparities.

source: cdc
Stay away from people who smoke

Read articles as to why you should not smoke

Don’t give into peer pressure

Listen to ads that tell you smoking and vaping is bad

Describe the duties of a Rsychiatrist.


This is spongebob. He loves you

Unit Test
Computer science
O Min.
wer the following questions:
What is meant by processing?​



Processing is a term describing a software program manipulating or extracting data from a stored file.

hope this helps in your unit- test

+ Good luck


Processing is a term describing a software program manipulating or extracting data from a stored file are called Processing.

how can you tell if a person is physically fit ? give 2-3 examples



1) Easily winded or out of breath when exerting yourself

2) You get injured very easily when participating in physical activity

3) You get achy muscles even after a very small amount of physical activity


how to become a hospital manager? please list all the education requirement​



u work hard and fallow Jesus's  steps not yours


How to lower blood pressure? Tell answers down bdlow.​


Here are some simple recommendations:
Exercise most days of the week. Exercise is the most effective way to lower your blood pressure. ...

Fifteen foods that help to lower blood pressure
Berries. Share on Pinterest Blueberries and strawberries contain anthocyanins, which can help reduce a person's blood pressure. ...
Bananas. ...
Beets. ...
Dark chocolate. ...
Kiwis. ...
Watermelon. ...
Oats. ...
Leafy green vegetables.

Consume a low-sodium diet. Too much sodium (or salt) causes blood pressure to rise. ...
Limit alcohol intake to no more than 1 to 2 drinks per day. ...
Make stress reduction a priority.


well answers are DONT EAT VEGETABLES.. and this is really bad to low our blood pleasure because it ma y cause ASTHMA or hard to breath And your blood would be like 50 50 occurs about the doctors dont do it at your own risks..


Sorry but thwre are no explanation..in the context..

Speed training increases one's maximum velocity.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.

True or false?


Yes , speed trading increases one’s maximum velocity. The answer is true
The answer is true
Have a great day!

When was the Ladle created



In the year 1876

Also, don't ya think this should be a history question?

Happy learning!


1876 it was created! Have nice day :)

This a lil Wierd but I just bought this everlast punching bag and I was just reading stuff on the back... why does it say CANCER AND REPRODUCTIVE HARM?



Discuss why you think it is important as a teenager to maintain a healthy level of self esteem? Identify factors that have had either a positive or negative influence on your personal self-esteem.​


Answer: Positive self-esteem for teens is important as it allows them to try new things, take healthy risks and solve problems. In turn, their learning and development will be productive and will set them up for a healthy and positive future


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ANSWER THEM ALL IN ORDER FOR BRAINLESS!! GIVING 50 POINTS! ANSWER ALL PLEASE IN ORDER!! PLEASEE GUYS HELP ME WITH THIS QUESTION!!!! A 4-column table with 2 rows. Column 1 has entries Sample 1, Sample 2. Column 2 is labeled Apple with entries 40, 43. Column 3 is labeled Orange with entries 64, 63. Column 4 is labeled Banana with entries 21, 19.A survey was conducted asking people about their favorite fruit. Which inferences about the population are true based on the data? Check all that apply.About twice as many people prefer apples as prefer bananas.Bananas are preferred much less frequently than apples or oranges.Exactly twice as many people prefer oranges as prefer apples.Exactly three times as many people prefer bananas as prefer oranges.The samples show little variation for each fruit. Paula is creating her personal budget by completing a table. One column lists her sources and amounts of income, and the other column lists her expenditures. Choose ALL examples of what she should consider for her "expenditures" column. Although he believed that slavery was wrong, Lincoln felt that African Americans and whiteswould be able to live together freely.should vote on the issue of slavery.should not have natural rights.could not live as true equals. 5:55 p.m.Teresa Kwn 2017Now, look at the time above. If 36 minutes passed, what time would it be? * The theoretical probability that the spinner lands on the letter B, in simplest form is On a number line 6.49 is located where Help please someone please what is the answer Rideshare companies like Uber or Lyft track the x,y coordinates of drivers and customers on a map. If a customer requests a ride, the company's app estimates the minutes until the nearest driver can arrive. Write a method that, given the x and y coordinates of a customer and the three nearest drivers, returns the estimated pickup time. Assume drivers can only drive in the x or y directions (not diagonal), and each mile takes 3.5 minutes to drive. All values are doubles; the coordinates of the user and of the drivers are stored as arrays of length 2. 289222.1780078.qx3zqy7 Help?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Each of a triangle's angles measures 60. Is this triangle scalene? Which option is an example of inductive reasoning?A. She keeps winning coin tosses. Therefore, she will win the nextone.B. Storms come every May. Therefore, storms will not come nextMay.C. Poodles are dogs. Sparky is a poodle. Therefore, Sparky is a dog.D. Lemons are fruit. Apples are fruit. Therefore, apples are lemons.SUBMIT Which sentence is an example of hyperbole Need help????????!!!!!!!!!!! ayuda porque me salen preguntas en otros idiomas,, asi no los puedo responder aaaaa d more than 342 is the same as 90write this sentence as an equation. Question 2 The rabbit in this foodweb would beconsidered a: A. DecomposerB. ProducerC SecondaryConsumer D. Primary Consumer What are the solutions of the equation 3x^2 +13x=10 ? ill give brainlist to first answerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr