1. How can humans selectively breed a vegetable to produce a more desirable crop?


Answer 1


The area suitable for this production and the land must be fertility.

Answer 2

Several fruits and vegetables have undergone enhancement or even creation through artificial selection. For instance, from the wild mustard plant, selective breeding was utilized to produce broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage.

Artificial selection is appealing to humans because it happens more quickly than natural selection and lets them modify organisms to suit their needs.

How does agricultural production use selective breeding?

One crop variety's plants transfer pollen containing the genes for the desired characteristic to another crop variety's blossoms containing other desirable qualities.

A new variety of plants will eventually carry the desired characteristic after careful selection of their progeny. Over the years, conventional plant breeding has created a large number of extremely productive new crop varieties. Numerous unsuccessful crosses have also been made. Crosses are frequently made in a very unrestrained way in traditional breeding. Although the breeder selects the parents to cross, the outcomes are genetically unpredictable.

For more information about selective breeding refer to the link:



Related Questions

After examining the soil, what do you think happened to the food waste?​


Answer: It decomposed into nutrients in the soil

What are the best ways to keep your body in top shape? What effect do these activities have on our body systems? Be specific.




Eating right

Sleeping well

Watching calories intake


In order to have your body in too shape, one has to exercise regularly, Exercising is a good way of promoting ones health.

A good amount of sleep is also necessary to allow the body function properly.

Eating the right food and watching calories intake is just as important. Certain food are bad for ones health and should be avoided at all cost.

What class made up the working class of people in Rome?






Society was divided in two classes – the upper-class Patricians and the working-class Plebeians – whose social standing and rights under the law were initially rigidly defined in favor of the upper class until the period characterized by the Conflict of the Orders

types of ignious rock fnfyfydsfiugu​



There are two main categories of ingenious rocks, extrusive and intrusive. Extrusive ingenious rocks are rocks which formed when lava on the Earth's surface. Intrusive ingenious rocks are formed when magma under the Earth's surface solidifies.

6. A way to reduce death and damages from earthquakes is to study historical records and make geological
measurements to locate active fault zones.

a. True
b. False





Why do you think eclipses do not occur more often?


Answer: They do not happen every month because the Earth's orbit around the sun is not in the same plane as the Moon's orbit around the Earth. ... Only when the Moon is crossing the plane of the Earth's orbit (the paper) just as it is lining up with the Earth and Sun will an eclipse occur.



because its just something that doesn't take place a lot probably due to a scientific cause as a matter of fact


Explain the benefit of aquaculture.


Answer:   Aquaculture could help decrease the effects of human consumption of fish on freshwater and marine water habitats by producing food without taking away from over-fished environments.

Explanation: I HOPE THIS HELPS U!!!!

which planet has the greatest extremes of temperature depending on which side faces the sun, and has a thin crust, and a core made of iron and nickel?
a. mars
b. mercury
c. earth
d. venus​



Option b. is correct


Mercury is smaller than any other planet. This planet is very close to the Sun such that it no substantial atmosphere.

Mercury has the greatest extremes of temperature depending on which side faces the sun, and has a thin crust, and a core made of iron and nickel.

Option b. is correct

What TWO things led to Rome growing in strength? please be specific!


Answer: military strength and a good geographic location


this one I think is easy so help please​


i think the answer is oil and natural gas

Evaluate the view that developed countries are better able to manage tropical cyclones than developing countries




Tropical cyclones are simply nature disasters characterized by large pressure air mass which travels at high speed and are ljbake to cause havoc to lives and properties on a very large scale. The effect of tropical cyclones such as hurricanes may be mitigated based on the resources provided through funding, good monitoring and evaluation scheme or process and so on. Developed countries have better monitoring facilities can be used to track the direction, speed and other characteristic of the cyclone. Once the direction and speed of the cyclone has been detected, evacuation could start and thus reduce the effect of its impact. The erecrion of building which are designed to withstand the effect of the wind may reduce the Number or amount of property loss. The absence of this Innovations will likely mean developing countries will record more casualty than developed countries.

do you agree that the formation of stars and constellations can affect a person's fate?​



yes may be according to hindu religion a person's luck depends on its zodiac signs signals and zodiac signs is directly related with constellations and stars

How many lauguages are in the world



7,000 languages



7,000 Languages


There are about 7,000 languages in the world

how do you think the water ended up in the lake




Explanation:Rain is water. Water comes from sky and makes lake or it IS OCEAN WATER IF IT IS CONNECTED TO RIVER OR DELTA

It comes from the rain, snow, melted/ melting ice, and sometimes streams and ground water. ;)

On the subcontinent, rain forests are located:
A. in Sri Lanka.
B. in southern India and Sri Lanka.
C. in central India.
D. along the northern rim of India.​


It would probably be C


in southern India and Sri Lanka.


Give three different causes to border disputes. PLEASE HELP IMA GIVE YOU BRAINIEST!! LIKE FOR REAL PLS!!




General Background.

Cultural factors - a culture of ignorance.

Cultural factors - the lack of a regulatory authority.

Socio-legal aspects.

Cultural factors - Psychological aspects.

Technical factors in boundary disputes.

Cultural factors - Obstacles to dispute resolution.

What Asian physical feature is represented by #5?

Western Ghats Mountains
Himalayan Mountains
Ural Mountains
Tien Shan Mountains


the tian shan mountain range.

Which issues have led to civil unrest in Southwest Asia?

Choose ALL answers that are correct.

A.the problems arising from the scarcity of water

B.the increase of Southeastern Asian emigrants into the area

C.the rise of Islamist political groups

D.the desire to control oil fields



A.the problems arising from the scarcity of water, D.the desire to control oil fields and

Physical features of india


The highest relief is in the northern and eastern most part of India.

Areas between 0 and 23.5 latitudes (whether north or south) receive the blank insolation from the sun



Perpendicular rays.


The Tropic of Cancer is located at approximately 23.5 degrees north latitude, or 23.5 degrees north of the Equator. The tropics receives perpendicular rays of the sun which leads to very hot temperature. This zone has two distinct seasons i.e. an extremely hot summer with temperatures up to 45 °C and a warm winter with maximum temperature around 22 °C.

Why were 91 of the volcanoes considered brand new to science?


Researchers found a total of 138 volcanoes in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet overlying the West Antarctic Rift System, 91 of which had never before been identified. Basically they have never seen those types of volcanoes before.

Can high tide occur everywhere in the world at the same time? Explain.


Answer: No


The Moon's gravitational forces are strong enough to disrupt this balance by accelerating the water towards the Moon. This causes the water to 'bulge.' As the Moon orbits our planet and as the Earth rotates, the bulge also moves. The areas of the Earth where the bulging occurs experience high tide, and the other areas are subject to a low tide.

Tides occur just over 12 hours apart and cannot be high tide all over at the same time.

An ox-bow lake is.... Single choice.

a. A horse shoe shaped lake

b. A lake that the river flows in to

c. A lake in the uper course of a river



I think option C is correct answer of this question

hope it helps


Perhaps B. Although no answer fits the description of an ox-bow lake.


An oxbow lake is a U-shaped lake that forms when a wide meander of a river is cut off, creating a free-standing body of water. In south Texas, oxbows left by the Rio Grande are called resacas. In Australia, oxbow lakes are called billabongs. The word "oxbow" can also refer to a U-shaped bend in a river or stream, whether or not it is cut off from the main stream.

a political system ruled by one person who controls most, if not all, political, economic, and social power is known



Imran Khan


I believe the answer you’re looking for is a dictator. brainliest is appreciated if you deem me worthy <3

if you could please help this IS HEALTH

Which substances would most likely be forbidden on a school campus but not in the community?

Select all that apply.

1. heroin

2. cocaine

3. cigarettes

4. aspirin


3 and 4, you can’t have any form of drug on school campus because your not of legal age but you can have it in the community


All of the above except asprin will be forbidden


Asprin will not be forbidden in schools if you have permission from your doctor and your parents

Triangle ABC has a right angle at C. Next, side AB=7m and side CB=4m. Using inverse trigonometric functions, find the degree measures of angle B and angle A.​



A = 34.85°

B = 55.15°


From the diagram attached :

Using inverse trigonometry :

Angle A ;

Sin A = opposite / hypotenus

Tan A = 4 /7

Angle A = sin^-1(4 / 7)

Angle A = sin^-1(0.5714285)

A = 34.849904

A = 34.85°

Angle B;

Cos B = Adjacent / hypotenus

Cos B = 4/7

B = Cos^-1(4/7)

B = cos^-1 0.5714285

B = 55.150095

B = 55.15°

Please help me please help me this is my final!!!!!!!!! True or false


Hitler did not follow everything from the treaty of versailles, he rebuilt his military and moved troops back into the rhineland, so the answer is false

list 3 of the Eurasian republics​


Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Belarus

What is conservation?


it’s a prevention of wasteful use of a resource


two different answers:

1: the prevention of wasting resources

2: (physics) to hold or contain energy, to store


1:Conservation is using natural resources without wasting them, conservation methods include, but not limited to;

reducing the cost for doing some tasks, like using less and less electricity to run certain applicationsreusing products and materials instead of throwing them away for new ones, like reusable gloves or using potatoes to make grocery bags (yes, they actually use the starches in a potato to make bags now, huh)recycling plastics and papers and other organic or manmade materials to be used again and again, without using new resources to make

the points above are known as the three Rs, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, following these methods will help to reduce waste on out planet and make this a happier, healthier home

2: the conservation of energy is when an object holds energy in one form or another, like how an air freshener spay can works, it holds energy in the form of pressure inside the can, conserved inside the can until the valve is opened, then the pressure is released (slowly due to the can's design, problably a good thing) spraying the scented gasses out and in front of it

i hope these answered your questions, i noticed there were two different types of conservation and i wasnt sure wich one you wanted, so i just put both up there for you, comment this answer if you have questions or a different meaning for Conservation, hope yall are doin ok and good luck on your schooling :)

the doldrums and horse latitudes are areas with light winds that made it difficult for the sailors to complete their Journey they are called what​



The "doldrums" is a descriptive adjective for the corridor from around Earth closer to the equator when ships can become stuck in windless seas. In the horse elevations, where even the air moves down to towards the Earth's surface, the increasing jet stream eventually subsides.

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