Both positive and negative reinforcement serve to strengthen wanted behavior.
a. true
. false


Answer 1

Both positive and negative reinforcement serve to strengthen wanted behavior  is a true statement.

Negative reinforcement is the process of reinforcing behavior by avoiding, eliminating, or stopping negative consequences. By performing such actions, you can get rid of unwanted results.

Negative reinforcement occurs when certain boosts (mostly the Aversion upgrade) are released after certain behaviors are exhibited. The likelihood that a particular action will be repeated later is reinforced in terms of evacuation/maintaining strategic distance against negative consequences.

Positive reinforcement is the opposite of negative reinforcement. In this process, behavior is established by rewarding that behavior.

Positive reinforcement works by showing a person an inspirational/empowering upgrade after the desired behavior has been performed. This inevitably causes that behavior to occur later.

Therefore, we can conclude that both positive and negative behaviors help reinforce desired behaviors.

learn more about positive and negative reinforcement here


Related Questions

the ________ effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the self


The self-reference effect is a concept used to describe how connecting knowledge to enhancement long-term memory.

What do enhancements mean?

The verb enhance, which means "to improve or improve," is the root of the term enhancement, which can be used to describe something that enhances the worth or quality of something. The strengthening of something's value, quality, or beauty is referred to as augmentation.

What is the purpose of enhancement?

Functional Enhancement refers to a new copy of the Software Products that has features beyond those listed in Schedule C of the Licence. Any modification or alteration to a product that expands its hardware and software capabilities beyond the requirements of the original customer is considered an improvement.

To know more about Enhancement visit:


jeong hwa asked her friend, su lee, to talk to her roommate about not playing her music too loud late at night. jeong hwa probably uses a(n) approach to conflict.


Jeong hwa asked her friend, su lee, to talk to her roommate about not playing her music too loud late at night.

Jeong hwa probably uses a restraint approach to conflict.

Restraint means a measure of control or condition that keeps someone under control or within limits.

There are again three types of restraints




Physical restraint limit a patient's movement.

To know more about restraint, click on the link below:


of these influences, which appears to be the initial source of gender segregation?.
A. establishment of gender constancy
B. peer pressure
C. differences in behavioral styles and interests
D. parent and teacher efforts


The influence that appears to be the

initial source of gender segregation is the establishment of gender constancy. Option A is correct.

It corresponds to a social construction about the responsibilities, behaviors and interests of men and women, generating a series of stereotypes and even gender segregation in society.

Gender roles are passed on in society

through the socialization process, and can generate a series of consequences for men and women, such as:

• Preconception

• Gender inequality

• Social inequality

Therefore, it is essential that gender

segregation be fought with the

dissemination of information about equality in society and its importance so that every individual has the same chances of development and quality of life, regardless of any characteristics.

To know more about Gender constancy visit:


During the early 1900s, most of the great powers of europe were competing to seize territory and start colonies. In addition, these powers were all building up massive armies and navies. Many people believe that the combination of imperialism and militarism led directly to.


During the early 1900s, many people believe that the combination of imperialism and militarism led directly to World War I.

Imperialism refers to the state policy, strategy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion over other territories, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control through employing soft and hard power. Imperialism is closely related to militarism. Militarism referred to the desire of a government that a state should establish and maintain a strong military capability and to use it to expand national interests and values. During the 1900s, the imperialism practiced by European nations in pursuit of expansion of their empires supported by militarism as they build massive armies and navies was a key cause of World War I, as the expansion of these nations resulted in increased tensions among European countries.

Learn more about Imperialism:


how much greater are your chances of surviving a crash if you are wearing both a seat belt and shoulder strap?


Simply donning a lap-and-shoulder belt will increase your chances of surviving a crash by 50%.  The chest and shoulders, not the neck or throat, are covered by the shoulder belt. Instead of crossing the stomach, the lap belt rests low and snugly across the inner thighs.

Safety belts work best when worn correctly. There is a lap/shoulder belt combo in every car produced today. It ought to cross the chest in the middle, over the shoulder. Not across the stomach, but across the hips, should lap belts fit comfortably. For any reason, including to silence the seat belt alert, never let your seat belt slack or tuck your shoulder belt behind your back. In car crash in 2016, 14,668 individuals were surviving  by seatbelts. 90.1 percent of Americans utilize lap and shoulder belts on a nationwide level.

For further information about Wearing a lap-and-shoulder belt refer to the link:


positions such as justice of the peace and county tax assessor are important to a functioning democracy. t or f


A democratic country depends on legitimate posts like district millage rate and justices of both the land.

Who exactly are the Justices?

Most states and the judiciary system refer to judges as sitting on district and medium judges, while presidents sit on the highest courts.

What are the Justices' responsibilities?

They preside over court proceedings, decide on sentence using recognized rules and guidelines, and make decisions regarding the validity of certain statutes and legal precedents. We must guarantee that anyone serving as a justice is impartial. All judicial nominees deserve our attentive attention.

To know more about justices visit:


mary and paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. they come from families of little education or money. they moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of _____ aggression.


Because the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood, this is an example of relational aggression.

What is relational aggression?

relational aggression alludes to a tricky kind of harassment that frequently slips through the cracks by grown-ups. Instead of this hostility causing actual damage, it is expected to hurt somebody's very own connections or social standing.

Individuals who take part in social hostility can frequently menace, control, and control others all unnoticed by guardians, educators, and different grown-ups. A few youngsters are so gifted at this harassment that nobody could at any point associate them with harming others.

Learn more about relational aggression:


How could butler's women's order leave a legacy of conflict between the citizens of new orleans and united states army?


Butler ordered his troops to treat any woman who insulted them as a prostitute, which caused the order to receive widespread public scorn and international attention.

How did General Butler help New Orleans?

Butler permitted supplies to be brought to the civilians from Mississippi, despite the fact that these characteristics did not improve his perception of the city's residents. Due to his conduct in the city and his handling of diplomatic relations with foreign countries, General Butler was eventually asked to leave New Orleans.

On May 15, 1862, Butler, the city's military governor, issued General Order 28, which stated that any woman acting disrespectfully would be "treated as a woman of the town plying her avocation." In other words, they should be treated as prostitutes and could be arrested for it.

Learn more about General Butler here:


what is one way in which the leading cause of death varies between age groups in the united states?


The leading cause of death varies between age groups in the United States  

Younger age groups tend to have a higher death rate from accidents and unintentional injuries.Older age groups tend to have a higher death rate from chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Exploring the Variations in Leading Causes of Death by Age Group in the United States

This disparity is indicative of a number of important factors, such as:

The increased risk of accidents and injuries among the young due to their inexperience and lack of awareness.The aging population in the United States.The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases due to lifestyle choices or environmental factors.

Learn more about cause of death at:


julie is currently hospitalized for schizophrenia. as part of her program, she participates with staff members in defining the roles of residents and to determine sanctions. the staff and residents create an atmosphere of mutual respect, support, and openness. julie is most likely participating in:


The staff and residents create an atmosphere of mutual respect, support, and openness. julie is most likely participating in milieu therapy.

A layer of gases that surround a planet and are held in place by the gravity of the planetary body is known as an atmosphere. It is also known as "vapour," "steam," and is a form of gas. When there is a strong gravitational pull and a cool atmosphere, a planet keeps its atmosphere. The outer part of a star, which comprises the layers above the opaque photosphere, is known as its stellar atmosphere; low temperature stars may have outer atmospheres containing complex molecules.

Because of the atmosphere's layered structure, animals are shielded from genetic damage by the sun's damaging rays, UV radiation, solar wind, and cosmic rays. After being biochemically altered by living things for billions of years, the paleo-atmosphere has become the current makeup of the Earth's atmosphere.

learn more about atmosphere here


How did people in Latin America and the United States react to Roosevelt's declaration?


In Latin America, Roosevelt's declaration was seen as a continuation of the Monroe Doctrine, which declared that the United States would not tolerate European interference in the affairs of Latin American countries.

The Impact of Roosevelt's Declaration on Latin America and the United States

It was seen as a sign that the United States was committed to the protection of Latin American sovereignty and the promotion of democracy in the region. In the United States, Roosevelt's declaration was generally well-received, as it was seen as a way to safeguard American interests abroad and promote international peace and stability.

Learn more about Roosevelt's Declaration at:


based on the oregon vocational interest scales, which career path fits an individual who is proficient at coordinating large amounts of data or materials?


Based on the Oregon vocational interest scales, manufacturing career path fits an individual who is proficient at coordinating large amounts of data or materials.

Manufacturing career jobs are those who have pursued a high potential scholarship career path (depending on their interest in Oregon jobs).

We examined the psychometric properties of the Oregon Occupational Interest Scale in both sizeable community and university samples. We examined the factor structure, relationships between scales, and personality correlations in ORVIS for both samples.

In our community sample, we also examined associations between the ORVIS scale and measures from longer original interest surveys and cognitive performance.

All eight measures of Leadership, Organization, Altruism, Creativity, Analysis, Productivity, Adventure, and Scholarship showed a pattern of high convergence correlations and low discriminant correlations with the Self-Interest Survey Scale in both samples, with a Large differences were found, high internal consistency confidence, and low discriminant correlation.

To learn more about career path fits here:


With bipartisan support, the us senate passed a bill to enshrine federal protection for?


The bill passed by the U.S. Senate with bipartisan support was to enshrine federal protection for Dreamers, or undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children.

Enshrining Federal Protection for Dreamers through Bipartisan Support in the US Senate

The actual bill passed by the U.S. Senate with bipartisan support. The bill in question sought to protect Dreamers, or undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children. Therefore, my answer accurately describes the bill passed by the Senate and provides a clear explanation for its purpose.

Learn more about U.S. Senate at:


What conflict is generally considered the most significant factor in the development of a national identity in england and france? the crusades investiture controversy hundred years' war thirty years' war


The conflict is generally considered the most significant factor in the development of a national identity in england and france is hundred years' war.

What was the hundred years' war?

The Hundred Years' War  can be described as the series of armed conflicts that existed between the kingdoms of England as well as  France during the Late Middle Ages.

It should be noted that it was It originated  as a result of the dispute claims to the French throne between the English House of Plantagenet as well as the French royal House of Valois.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about conflict at:


which component of the legislative branch is able to carry out the implied power of investigation?


Both the House and the Senate are the component of the legislative branch that are able to carry out the implied power of investigation.

What is an implied powers of investigation?

Both the chambers of Congress have conducted investigations in the history of the United States. The legislative has power to conduct investigations  even though it is a non-legislative function expressed in the United States Constitution. The legislative also has investigated the executive branch on some occasions thorough committees and can exert its power of subpoena.

The congressional oversight is oversight by the United States Congress over the Executive Branch, including the numerous U.S. federal agencies. A congressional oversight includes the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation. The congress’s oversight authority derives from its “implied” powers in the Constitution, public laws, and House and Senate rules.

Read more about implied powers


which of the following is not associated with the sick role? group of answer choices someone who has adopted the sick role is not held accountable for their condition. someone who has adopted the sick role is eligible for paid leave from work for a reasonable amount of time. someone who has adopted the sick role is obligated to try to get well. someone who has adopted the sick role is obligated to seek competent help and comply with doctor's orders.


Sick function theory states that the unwell affected person need to be excused from their regular societal obligations such as faculty or work.

Who gave the thinking of in poor health role?

Sick position is a term used in medical sociology involving health problem and the rights and obligations of the affected. It is a notion created via American sociologist Talcott Parsons in 1951.

Why is the in poor health position important?

The sick position gives ethical legitimacy to the claim that sufferers cannot operate ordinary responsibilities and consequently that this 'condition' prevents them from performing different social roles (see Parsons 1978: 436).

For example, it is anticipated that a person with health issues will are seeking medical recommendation and treatment.

Learn more about sick role here:

how does what you have read in this week's reading assignment compare with the findings that the national urban league found in the video? by giving examples, compare and contrast at least three findings.


The National Urban League is a nonpartisan, long-standing civil rights group with headquarters in New York City. It was formerly known as the National League on Urban Conditions Among Blacks.

The National Metropolitan League, established in 1910, supported in the training of social workers for this group, provided educational opportunities, and expanded employment chances in industry for recent black migrants to urban regions in the North and South. The board of the Urban League has always been mixed-race.Accounting and finances. The Accountability & Finance beacon received an 89% from the National Urban League.The National Urban League is a venerable civil rights organization committed to social justice, equality, and economic empowerment.

To know more about League of nations here


What is the strongest wolf rank?


The Alpha wolf is considered the largest and strongest wolf in the pack and is responsible for protecting the pack, dealing with threats to the pack's survival, making decisions, and leading hunts.

The alpha position consists of two wolves, an alpha male, and an alpha female, also known as the Luna wolf. The two work together to lead the pack and maintain order. Sometimes, the alpha wolf may not necessarily be the biggest or strongest wolf in the pack; rather he or she may be the wolf that has been able to assert dominance over the others.

The alpha wolf maintains his or her position through aggression, intimidation, and physical strength, especially when challenged by a subordinate wolf from his pack.

Learn more about wolf ranks here:


who were the two americans who proposed universal schooling as a means to create a uniform national culture?


Thomas Jefferson and Noah Webster were two Americans who proposed universal schooling as a means to create a uniform national culture.

Generally speaking, education refers to a social institution that imparts knowledge, skills, values, and standards.

The political and economic requirements of a varied and young society led to the development of universal education in the United States. Since immigrants came from many cultural and religious backgrounds, there was no one national culture. The newly independent country ran the risk of disintegrating without a strong institution to transmit the democratic ideals that had led to its freedom.

In the 1800s, founding father Thomas Jefferson and dictionary-maker Noah Webster understood that democracy required an informed electorate that was capable of debating issues rationally. The country took some time to completely achieve its vision for education. Numerous states believed that different nation states made up "the nation."

Thomas Jefferson and Noah Webster supported the concept of universal schooling to the fullest.

To know more about Thomas Jefferson:


The supreme court justices vote to determine the outcome of a case. The decision is made when _______ agree(s) on a judgment.


The supreme court justices vote to determine the outcome of a case. The decision is made when a simple majority agree(s) on a judgment.

How does the Supreme Court decide a case's outcome?

The U.S. Supreme Court must hear a matter if the parties involved are dissatisfied with the decision of a lower court.

The Supreme Court of the United States is the leading court in this area of federal American government.

In accordance with these rules, a matter is decided here based on the simple majority of decisions if five of the nine Justices must vote to accept it.

Learn more about the supreme court, refer to:


The Battles of Lexington and Concord were important because they were
the first battles of the American Revolution.
the battles that led the British to withdraw from Boston.
the last battles of the American Revolution.
the battles that led the French to support the revolution.


The Battles of Lexington and Concord were important because they were

the first battles of the American Revolution.

Hence, Option A is correct.

What do you mean by American war of Independence?

The American War of Independence began on April 19, 1775, with the Battles of Lexington and Concord, which included the infamous "shot heard 'round the world" (1775-83). It influenced many Americans to take up arms and support the cause of independence, which was politically disastrous for the British.For the British, there were 73 fatalities, 174 injuries, and 26 unaccounted-for. The Battles of Lexington and Concord were regarded as a huge military triumph and demonstrated to the British and King George III that unfair treatment would not be accepted in America, despite the fact that the colonists lost a lot of minutemen.

To know more about American War of Independence here


according to sandra harding, the strategy of starting research from the lives of women and other marginalized groups, which upon critical reflection and resistance provides them with a less false view of reality, is referred to as:


According to Sandra Harding, the strategy of starting research from the lives of women and other marginalized groups, which upon critical reflection and resistance provides them with a less false view of reality, is referred to as: strong objectivity.

Studies is "innovative and systematic paintings undertaken to growth the stock of expertise". It entails the gathering, company and evaluation of proof to increase understanding of a topic, characterized by using a selected attentiveness to controlling sources of bias and error.

Research is a procedure of systematic inquiry that includes series of information; documentation of vital information; and analysis and interpretation of that records/information, according with appropriate methodologies set by means of specific professional fields and academic disciplines.

Learn more about research here:

think of an issue of public concern that you care about. it can be a national issue or one that only affects your local community. in either case, it should be something about which you have a strong personal interest, whether that arises from your moral commitments, your political ideology, or your economic well-being. now imagine how you could use theatre to address that issue. do not only think about the story you might want to tell—although that is a very good place to start—but also about how this piece of theatre would be presented. who would be your ideal audience? how will you get that audience to come see your play? where will you perform this play—that is, what kind of space, in what part of town, and at what time of day? how can you attract the right kind of people to your play and appeal to them for maximum effect?


Using audience demographics, interests, and purchasing behavior, a target audience describes that group. You may essentially describe your aim.

Who are the intended customers? What details are offered that help you determine who the text is intended for?

The people you wish to reach are your target audience. They are the audience you want to read your document or that you anticipate will do so. You are creating your document with them in mind. Everything you write should be understandable to your intended audience.

What makes something appealing?

adjective. A pleasing and attractive person or object is appealing. His actions had a sense of humor, which I thought to be quite endearing. That's a fantastic idea. Synonyms: appealing, welcoming, captivating, pleasant.

To know more target audience visit:-


according to research findings, followers seek and admire leaders who create which of these feelings?


Answer:  I think it was excitement, significance, and community.

Which of the following is the group with the most power greatest privileges and highest social status?


The above-described group, which includes those with the greatest privilege, influence, and social statuses, is referred to as the dominant group. When compared to the minority, who receive unfair treatment, this group is powerful and influential.

A society's social classes are determined by its economic and technological structures. Sociologists, political scientists, economists, anthropologists, historians, and others all use class as a crucial analytical tool. Social class is frequently mentioned in relation to "social stratification" in the social sciences. The upper class, the middle class, and the lower class are often the three layers that make up stratification in contemporary Western societies. It is possible to divide each class into smaller lessons such as Verity. "A social class is the sum of those people who are present in society, especially in the same social group," claim Ogburn and Minkoff.

learn more about social status here:


You've read in Chapter 5 that common knowledge does not have to be cited in your scholarly work. For each of the following examples, indicate whether it's common knowledge as defined in Chapter 5, or needs to be cited.
1. Many experts agree that Finland ranks first in the world in environmental sustainability.
2. Toronto's current low cost of living and low crime rate make it a great choice for young professionals seeking to relocate.
3. The famous naturalist Charles Darwin was born in 1809.
4. Scientist Alexander Fleming won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of penicillin.


The first and second statement needs to be cited. The third and fourth statements are common knowledge.

Common knowledge is widely known, uncontested, verifiable, and typically not attributable to a specific author. Therefore, it does not require a citation in your paper. It can be tempting to cite every sentence in order to prevent plagiarism, but doing so excessively can occasionally make your academic writing weaker. Common information must be properly referenced to avoid plagiarism. Giving credit to the author within the publication is known as using an in-text citation. You are not required to cite something if you use your own words to paraphrase another person's views. You must cite any information that you summaries from another text.

Know more about the common knowledge at:


how do you envision the seneff honors college helping you advance your personal, pre-professional, academic, and/or civic-minded goals?


On any honors song, you may typically count on smaller and extra rigorous training, greater direct interaction with faculty and fellow honors students, and frequently engaging perks.

Benefits can consist of special housing, early elegance registration, distinctive scholarships, and research and internship possibilities.

For all students, honors college admission is incredibly selective. Students have to possess high grades (typically a 3.75 GPA or above), astonishing SAT/ACT rankings, and an evolved feel of why they might advantage from an honors application.

The Seneff Honors college is for human beings with an ardor for learning. Honors students are invested in their private growth and improvement, are committed to making a distinction in their local network, and are trying to get greater out of their university level.

Learn more about students here:


Why were Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and other members of the House of Representatives known as the War Hawks?




Known as the “War Hawks,” they were mostly young politicians from hailing from the West and South. Led by new Speaker of the House Henry Clay, this small group of Jeffersonian Republicans pressed for a military confrontation to redress American grievances.

Answer: They were eager to declare war on Great Britain.


The War Hawks were a group of Congressmen who were displeased with the fact that Great Britain had been interfering with American trade, and they believed Britain was also encouraging Native Americans to attack U.S. settlers. They wanted the United States to declare war on Great Britain. By attacking Britain, the War Hawks believed that the United States could successfully invade Canada and possibly Florida. The War Hawks included Henry Clay of Kentucky and John C. Calhoun of South Carolina.

What are political action committees How do super PACs differ ?


PACs are legally permitted to coordinate their activities with the campaigns of candidates, but the amount of money they can receive and spend is limited. Super PACs are political action committees that can raise and invest an unlimited amount of money from individual people, corporations, and labor unions.

Super PACs are committees that can accept unlimited contributions from individuals, corporations, labor unions, and other PACs to fund independent expenditures and other independent political activity. A political action committee (PAC) is a 527 organization in the United States that collects campaign contributions from members and distributes those funds to campaigns either for or against candidates, ballot measures, or legislation. In the pursuit of campaign funding reform in the United States, the legal term PAC was created.

Learn more on PACs -


suppose there is a strong correlation between being abused as a child and becoming an adult spousal abuser. the main reason why we cannot say that being abused causes someone to become an abuser is that


Assume there may be a sturdy correlation between being abused as a toddler and becoming a grownup spousal abuser. the principal reason why we can't say that being abused reasons someone to emerge as an abuser is that correlations can not show reason and effect.

Correlation tests for dating between two variables. however, seeing two variables shifting together does no longer necessarily mean we recognize whether or not one variable causes the alternative to occur. this is why we generally say “correlation does now not mean causation.”

The correlation coefficient ought to now not to be used to say something approximately motive and effect courting. by analyzing the cost of 'r', we may also finish that two variables are related, however, that 'r-value does now not inform us if one variable turned into the purpose of the change within the different.

Learn more about correlation coefficient here


Other Questions
The ________ effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the selfa. self-consistencyb. self-enhancementc. self-justificationd. self-reference 10. In which measures is the rhythm, "quarter, eighth, eighth, eighth, eighth,quarter rest" found? How many beats make up this rhythmic pattern? Please answer all questions ( AT LEAST 2 OR 1 ) fast! Who ever give me the first answer that is right and does all of them will get brainiest: 1. A local community bank has 31 employees on its rolls. 15 employees work part-time at the bank. What fraction of full-time employees work in the bank?2. David was gifted a 28 piece puzzle by his aunt. He has fixed 19 pieces of the puzzle.What fraction of pieces does David need to fix to complete the puzzle?3. 20 girls were dressed in green outfits and 10 girls donned red outfits at a dance recital. What fraction of girls wore red outfits?5. A section of Tinas bookshelf has 15 French books and 6 Spanish books. What fraction of books on the shelf are in Spanish? thyroxine can trigger growth, temperature tolerance, or osmoregulation depending on the organism in which it is produced. which is the most likely mechanism for such diverse responses in different organisms? which aspect of retail management is concerned with the store's exterior appearance, overall look-and-feel, layout and lighting? The authors of the Anti-Federalist Papers argued that a strong federalgovernment would:O A. need an equally strong leader.OB. not be democratic in its nature.O C. be impossible to implement efficiently.OD. abuse its power and become corrupt. why is it difficult to compare the financial statements of a u.s. company with those of a company in india or germany? How did the Navajo serve in world war to? another administrator is managing azure locally using powershell. they have launched powershell as an administrator. which of the following commands should be executed first? How is food cost percentage calculated? You are completing a math assessment. The number of questions you complete and the time it takes you to complete them have a proportional relationship, as shown in the table.Number of Questions 6 11Time (in minutes) 15 ?How much time does it take to complete 11 questions? 15) Select the correct statement about lymphocytes A) The two main types are T cells and macrophages B) B cells produce plasma cells, which secrete antibodies into the blood C) T cells are the precursors of B cells D) T cells are the only form of lymphocyte found in lymphoid tissue During the civil war, the republican party passed legislation promoting economic development concerning all of the following except the: _________a. granting of government subsidies to encourage the export of manufactured goodsb. establishment of a high tariff to protect American industry from foreign competitionc. organization of a national banking system to provide a uniform national currencyd. provision of government loans and land grants to private companies to construct a transcontinental railroade. passage of the Homestead Act What is the quotient for this division problem? x+33x22x+5 A 3x7+26x+3 B 3x+11+38x+3 C 3x+7+26x+3 D 3x11+38x+3 HELPPPPPP QUICK!!!!!! the cell below. This cell is best described as a in order to assess the performance of their firms and their supply chains, what do managers need to do to determine the needs of those customers? Families in the city of flint, michigan, had problems with water contaminated with _____ being piped into their homes. which substances are carried from the muscles Classify the following triangle. Check all that apply.A. AcuteB. EquilateralC. ScaleneOD. ObtuseOE. IsoscelesOF. Right do right and wrong exist independently of human ideas, practices, cultures and beliefs? why/why not? quora