both, j.j. rousseau and dalai lama see compassion as an important facet of interpersonal relationships, where do they differ?


Answer 1

According to academics who study emotions, it is the sensation you have when you witness someone else's suffering and are moved to try to alleviate it.

The major difference lies in the fact that there approach differed in compassion via three different lenses: organization, narrative, and interpersonal work.

According to Rousseau, the potentially harmful impulse to extend oneself and display indications of authority can be usefully expressed via compassion.

Rousseau, who believed in the malleability of human nature, asserts that good laws produce good citizens. He also holds the views that good laws must be desired by good citizens and that the assembly must approve them in order for them to be valid.

What is said about compassion by the Dalai Lama?

"Love and compassion are not extras; they are essentials. Humanity cannot thrive without them." "Helping others is our main goal in this life. Don't injure them at least if you can't assist them."

To know more about Compassion here


Related Questions

which mountains form a natural boundary between european russia and siberian russia?


The Ural Mountains form the boundary between European Russia and Siberian Russia.

The Ural Mountains or simply Urals runs approximately from north to south through western Russia, from the coast of the Arctic Ocean to the river Ural and northwestern Kazakhstan. Urals are 2,500 km (1,600 mi) in length and 150 km (93 mi) in width. The highest peak of the Ural Mountains is Mount Narodnaya.

Continental collisions gave rise to the Urals between 250 and 300 million years ago, making them among the oldest mountains on Earth.

Urals contain more than 1000 varieties of valuable minerals, they have rich resources, including metal ores, coal, and precious and semi-precious stones that's why Urals are one of the richest mineral regions in the world. The type of rocks mainly found there are Metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary with Carboniferous as the age of rock.

To learn more about the Ural Mountains,

Answer: TRUE


I took the test and checked several other sites too.

_____ love occurs rapidly and ends within a few months, whereas _____ love develops more slowly and can continue throughout the rest of the life span.


Passionate love occurs rapidly and ends within a few months, whereas

companionate love develops more slowly and can continue throughout the rest of the life span.

Love is a strong, abiding affection for someone. Love can also be defined as having this strong affection for someone. A strong liking for something or a lot of liking can also be referred to as love. Both as a verb and a noun, love has numerous other meanings.

Accepting is a strong, abiding affection for someone. Love can also be defined g who you are as a person is the foundation of true love. Even when they disagree with you, your partner doesn't try to change you. When you've experienced true love, you frequently feel like you can talk to your spouse about anything.

To know more about Love here


adrienne is visiting a european city founded during the middle ages where the basic city structure has been preserved. adrienne is likely to find:


While visiting European city founded during the middle ages where the basic city structure has been preserved Adrianna is likely to find a cemetery in a churchyard in the center of town.

The place where the remains of the deceased are buried or otherwise placed is known as a cemetery, burial ground, gravesite, or graveyard. The term "cemetery," which was originally used to describe the Roman catacombs, denotes that the area is officially designated as a place of interment. Although the terms "graveyard" and "cemetery" are frequently used interchangeably, "graveyard" most commonly refers to a burial place within a churchyard. The practise of burying someone's complete or cremated remains is known as burial. They can also be buried in a tomb, an above-ground grave, a mausoleum, a columbarium, a niche, or another structure. Funeral rites are frequently performed in cemeteries in Western cultures.

Learn more about cemetery here:


from the perspective of the trait theories, how would you evaluate neumann? what traits did he possess? what traits are he lacking?


Adam Neumann Theory, from the perspective of the trait theories, how would you evaluate neumann.

Adam Neumann, then 22 years old, left Israel to move to the United States in 2001. He was a student at Baruch College in New York City, but he dropped out four credits short of earning a diploma and instead tried his hand as an entrepreneur. Neumann and Miguel McKelvey started a company called Green Desk, which rented desks in co-working spaces to people and businesses who weren't ready to invest in their own offices after two failed endeavors. Their business, We Work, was founded in 2010 221 How exactly did We Work operate? The business basically divided up 64-square-foot sections of leased office space in metropolitan areas like New York City and San Francisco, where flexible workspace was in high demand. The sections are then sublet to professionals by WeWork, who provide amenities like restaurants, office equipment like copy machines, and community. WeWork was marketed as a tech and lifestyle company by Neumann to convince investors of his business model, but critics claim that it was never anything more than a glorified subleasing company.

To know more about Adam Neumann visit


What does it mean to have a mindset of a wolf?


The wolf mentality is taking charge of your profession, being fearless and tough, and attacking for what you desire and deserve.

The Wolf maintains emotional restraint to such an extent that occasionally, those around them find their "painful" self-control and "emotionlessness" intolerable. The Wolf is ruthless toward those who oppose them and will not overlook rudeness or insults. Consequently, being on their list of adversaries is absolutely not fun.

The meaning and symbolism of wolves include fidelity, kinship, collaboration, protection, wildness, independence, instincts, fun, and other admirable qualities. Because wolves once roamed the globe, they have been a subject of myth and folklore in many different cultures.

To know more about wolf and his shadow:


with respect to the six stages of a quality life cycle, the implementation stage of a new quality initiative is called: adoption. regeneration. maturation. energizing.


The implementation stage of a new quality initiative is called: adoption.

Hence, Option A is correct.

The Quality Initiative is designed to provide institutions the freedom to take chances, set ambitious goals, and learn from limited or even complete failure.Initiatives to promote or implement quality, continuous improvement, performance excellence, and other associated activities were identified by the poll as quality initiatives.Decrease in adverse medication-related incidents.Improvement in sepsis care.Decreased incidence of infections in urinary catheters.Lower hospital readmission rates

To know more about Initiative here


true or false: in a causal argument, generally speaking relevant difference evidence is preferable to common thread evidence.


False By and large, misleading in a causal contention pertinent contrast proof is desirable over repeating theme proof.

Causal Argument. concentrate solely on the manner in which a particular issue has arisen or resulted from something. -answers a question about how or why. -You have the opportunity to clarify these points.

How accurate is inductive argument?

A true-or-false conclusion cannot be reached with an inductive argument. This is due to the fact that arguments of this kind frequently rest on circumstantial evidence and a small number of samples. A single negative or weak sample can disprove an inductive argument due to this limitation.

To learn more about Causal Argument here


a repeated pattern of behavior that conveys to a child that he or she is unwanted, worthless, valued only to the extent that he or she can meet others' needs is known as: a. physical abuse. b. psychological maltreatment. c. child slavery. d. incest.


A repeated pattern of behavior that conveys to a child that he or she is unwanted, worthless, valued only to the extent that he or she can meet others' needs is known as: b. psychological maltreatment.

Mental maltreatment might be the maximum commonplace form of child abuse. now not only is it a form of maltreatment present in its own right, but also is imbedded in and interacts with all different sorts of toddler abuse and neglect.

Kinds of psychological maltreatment may additionally consist of rejecting, separating, neglecting, exploiting, and terrorizing. Emotional abuse in early life refers to continual deliberate mistreatment of a toddler, which can also include deliberately trying to scare, humiliate, forget about, and isolate the child.

Learn more about psychological maltreatment here:

The majority of community-based mental health centers today would best be described as.


The majority of community-based mental health centers today would best be described as well-staffed but underfunded.

What is community-based mental health centers?

According to the American Psychological Association, a community mental health center is a facility or facilities which are community-based and obtain mental health services, sometimes as an alternative to the care that mental hospitals provide.

Being part of a community can have a positive impact on mental health and emotional wellbeing. Community involvement provides a sense of belonging and social connectedness. It can also give extra meaning and purpose to everyday life.

Community-based treatment facilitates people with mental disorders to manage family relationships, friendships and jobs when receiving treatment, that facilitates early treatment and rehabilitation.

Learn more about community-based mental health at:


7. if unsure about a person's disability accommodation or access and functional needs, the best approach is to:


If unsure about a person's disability accommodation or access and functional needs, the best approach is to ask them.

A long-term physical, hearing, vision, cognitive, mental, or emotional impairment that significantly restricts one or more major living activities is referred to as a handicap. However, because disability is a continuum, it is impossible to draw a sharp distinction between people who have one and those who do not. According to the "social model," a person's ability to participate in society is limited by social constraints as well as their physical impairment. These obstacles may be structural, programmatic, or psychological. Our responsibility is to change the financial landscape to accommodate everyone's requirements. In terms of life experience and disability characteristics, the population with disabilities is diverse.

To know more about disability characteristics:


amnesty international is an example of a. a human rights interest group. b. a green interest group. c. a national-origin interest group. d. an economic interest group.


amnesty international is an example a human rights interest group.

Amnesty International, which is commonly known as Amnesty or AI, is a global non-governmental organization based in the UK that promotes human rights. According to the organization, it has more than 10 million supporters and members worldwide. Campaigning for "a society in which every individual enjoys all of the human rights recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments" is the organization's stated aim. Due to numerous mentions in the media and by world leaders, the group has made a significant contribution to human rights concerns.

To know more about non-governmental organization :


like all psychological theories, psychological treatments need to be validated by using:____.


Like all psychological theories, psychological treatments need to be validated by using: empirical research.

What is meant by empirical research?

Research that is based on empirical observation and measurement of phenomena is research that the researcher has personally experienced. The information obtained in this way may be compared to a theory or hypothesis, but the conclusions are still grounded in actual experience. Like all psychological theories, psychological treatments need to be validated by using: empirical research.

Empirical research generates knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief since it is based on observed and measured phenomena.

It is employed to support several hypotheses, advance human understanding, and carry on doing so in order to advance in various sectors. Pharmaceutical corporations, for instance, conduct empirical research to test a certain drug on predetermined or arbitrary groups in order to determine its effects and causes.

Read more on empirical research here:


when a sense of mutuality and being connected develops, we are at what stage of a relationship? group of answer choices contact intimacy dissolution involvement


We are at the involvement stage of a relationship.

During the involvement stage of a relationship, a feeling of reciprocity and connection emerges. Moving from acquaintances to friends is a part of the participation stage of friendship. Both parties are currently looking for increased interaction and spending more time together. In this phase, you start to open up to the other person about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences as well as more specific details about your life. Going on dates will help you establish a love connection if that's what you want.

Relationships can form through certain stages of engagement (initiating, exploring, intensifying, integrating, and bonding) and then fall apart (differentiating, circumscribing, stagnating, avoiding, and terminating).

Learn more about relationships here:


the civil liberties enshrined in the constitution protect citizens from certain actions by the government, or in other words, the collective. which statement best describes how civil liberties relate to the collective action principle?


The statement best describes how civil liberties related to the collective action principle: if police entered your house without a warrant or probable.

The principle is a noun used to refer to a criminal, herbal, or medical rule or wellknown. it can additionally be used to consult a standard or private ethical standard. Examples: precept in a sentence The principle of human rights is important to the concept of democracy.

Those include things like honesty, equity, and equality. ethical principles can be one of a kind for everybody due to the fact they depend upon how someone turned into raised and what is important to them in existence.

Learn more about principle here:


disorders of emotion can sometimes be treated by a medication that works by increasing the levels of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain. such drugs are called


Disorders of emotion can sometimes be treated by a medication that works by increasing the levels of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain. such drugs are called antidepressants.

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that your frame can't feature without. Their activity is to hold chemical indicators (“messages”) from one neuron (nerve mobile) to the next goal mobile. the following target cellular may be another nerve cell, a muscle cell or a gland. luckily, the seven “small molecule” neurotransmitters (acetylcholine, dopamine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate, histamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin) do most of the people of the paintings.

A neurotransmitter is a signaling molecule secreted by means of a neuron to have an effect on every other cellular throughout a synapse. The cellular receiving the signal, any essential body part or goal mobile, may be another neuron, but may also be a gland or muscle cellular.

Learn more about neurotransmitters here:


What is the major problem with Social Security?


The major problem with Social Security is the increasing rates of Unemployment.

Social Security is referred to as the additional benefits that are given to any individual by the state such as health benefits, guaranteed employment, and other social benefits. Social security benefits are very important for any individual as it provides additional benefits and improves the overall status of any individual. These benefits help any individual to secure the future of the individual by providing them additional benefits to improve living standard. There are many problems that are faced by Social Security which includes the increasing rates of interest on any loan by banks, increasing unemployment rates, increasing population, increasing poverty and so on.

Learn more about Social Security at:


Anyone pls it’s due today help me with the cause and effect at the bottom pls pls


British colonization is the historical event that the map would be illustrating here the dark black surfaces.

What is British colonization?

The British colonization of the Americas is the story of historic event of England, Scotland, and Great Britain's acquisition of dominance over, colonization of, and settlement of the American continents after 1707.

The Turks and Caicos Islands, The British Antarctic, the Falkland Islands, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Anguilla, Gibraltar, St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Ascension,  and Indian Ocean Territories, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands are just a few of the British colonies that were established during this time.

The potential for financial gain was one of the primary factors in the colonization of the New World. The Company of London established the Jamestown colony in an effort to make money for its investors. During this time, European colonialism and territorial extraction were mostly driven by necessity.

Thus the map discloses the British colonial rule.

Learn more about British colonization refer:


what is the primary difference between transcranial magnetic stimulation (tms) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tdcs)?


In TDCS, electrodes are positioned on the skull and a small current is delivered to the brain.

By generating magnetic pulses, TDCS creates a brief electrical current in the brain. Using TMS, electrodes are inserted into the skull and a small current is sent to the brain. TMS and TDCS do not require the patient to be asleep during administration.

In TDCS, electrodes are positioned on the skull and a small current is delivered to the brain.Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a portable and wearable brain stimulation technique that delivers low-level electrical current to the scalp. A fixed current of 1 to 2 mA is typically applied1. tDCS works by applying a positive (anodal) or negative (cathode) current to the region through electrodes. tDCS is a neuromodulatory technique that produces immediate and lasting changes in brain function. The position of the anodic and cathodic electrodes on the head modulates the way current flows to specific brain regions. Currents delivered by tDCS are not strong enough to trigger neuronal action potentials

To know more about TDCS and TMS visit


Of these influences, which appears to be the initial source of gender segregation?A)establishment of gender constancyB)peer pressureC)differences in behavioral styles and interestsD)parent and teacher efforts


Of these influences, parent and teacher efforts appear to be the initial source of gender segregation.

The physical, criminal, or cultural separation of persons based totally on their biological sex is known as intercourse segregation, sex separation, gender segregation, or gender separation. without any implication of unlawful discrimination, "intercourse segregation" can in reality refer to the bodily and spatial separation of humans based totally on their gender. Male and lady future managers can advantage from mentoring and coaching this is especially tailor-made to their wishes. Managers need to be held responsible for promoting gender range. Introduce measures to promote work-life stability for each women and men, such as bendy paintings schedules.

Learn more about segregation here


what type of religious body is high tension and does not fit well within their existing social environment, but does not antagonize their social surroundings?


The church is a religious body that is excessive anxiety and does not fit properly within its current social surroundings but does not antagonize its social environment.

Spiritual belief and exercise make contributions drastically to the formation of personal moral standards and sound ethical judgment. everyday religious exercise typically inoculates people from opposition to a bunch of social issues

While sociological and historic studies reveal that race and faith are socially constructed, the query of what to do with those categories depends on their ontological repute.

Learn more about religion here


Rank the following areas in order of largest to smallest change in average temperature since 1880.
1. northern Canada (largest temp change)
2. western europe
3. australia
4. southern africa
5. eastern Pacific Ocean
6. antarctic ocean (smallest temp change)


The geographical areas can be ranked from the largest to smallest change in average temperatures since 1880 as below,

Northern Canada.East Pacific Ocean.Western Europe.Southern Africa. Australia.Antarctic Ocean

The geographical regions in different parts of the world are always characterized by different average temperatures during different given periods of time. Moreover, these average temperatures may increase or decrease, which depends on a lot of external geographical factors. The data representing the same has been mentioned above.

Learn more about average temperatures here:


What did Friedrich von Hayek argue against?


Late in the 1930s and early in the 1940s, Hayek focused on the argument over the viability of socialist planning.

The most well-known contribution of the Austrian-British economist, legal theorist, and philosopher Hayek is his defense of classical liberalism. [1] Together with Gunnar Myrdal, Hayek received the 1974 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for their research on economic interconnectedness, money and economic fluctuations.He made the case that it couldn't. Hayek claimed that socialist economists believed central planning could succeed because they believed resource allocation could be based on the available economic data.

learn more about Hayek here:


Why did the US have an interest in Cuba ?




American sugar interests bought up large tracts of land in Cuba.

six-year old jack believes that boys are better than girls, while six-year old lisa believes that girls are better than boys. their beliefs most clearly illustrate: the mere exposure effect. the fundamental attribution error. the in-group bias. deindividuation.


Their beliefs most clearly illustrate that the in-group bias.

Hence, Option C is correct.

The propensity for people to regard members of their own group with preference is known as in-group bias, often referred to as in-group favoritism. Even when people are randomly divided into groups, this bias manifests, rendering group membership functionally worthless.

Elections serve as a good illustration. Early on, members of a political party frequently clash with one another and separate into groups that support various candidates from the same party. They could behave negatively toward the other group and think stereotypically.

Discrimination for ingroups and discrimination against outgroups are examined interchangeably, as if they were two sides of the same phenomenon.

To know more about Ingroup bias here


is prayer a suitably moral response to suffering? take a stand for or against this position using the text to support your response.


A prayer is an invocation or act that aims to initiate a relationship with a worship object through intentional communication.

The phrase is used to describe an act of prayer or intercession made to a deity or a deified ancestor in the strict meaning. More generally, prayer can be used to express gratitude or appreciation. It is also strongly related to more ethereal types of meditation and charms or spells in comparative religion.

There are many different ways to pray, including alone or with others, as part of a predetermined routine or liturgy. Hymns, incantations, formal creedal statements, or an individual's spontaneous expression can all be used as forms of prayer.

To know more about religion, click here:


although a strong romantic relationship benefits a couple’s happiness, research shows that loneliness can be experienced if time spent with friends is curtailed or eliminated.
a. true
b. false


Although a healthy romantic relationship contributes to a couple's happiness, research indicates that if time spent with friends is restricted or removed, loneliness can occur.

What is relationship?

Relationships refer to how two or more individuals, teams, nations, etc. interact, behave, and deal with one another. A relationship in which two or more things or persons have a sexual or romantic friendship. You know you're in a good relationship when you live and let live, understand one other deeply, & appreciate one another's individuality." Not Perfect Relationship Rules, but Guidelines for Having an Great Relationship. accepting one another as we are, with all our strengths and weaknesses.

Why is relationship so important?

Happiness and living full lives depend on relationships. This is as a result of the numerous advantages they provide. Through relationships, we can connect with friends and family members with whom we can discuss our lives and find support when we need it. They often make we laugh a lot, and that makes us happy.

To know more about Relationship visit:


in general, _____ tends to give rise to a strong sense of purpose, values, morals, and ethics.


In general, spirituality tends to give rise to a strong sense of purpose, values, morals, and ethics.

Morals are what you accept as true to be proper and incorrect. human beings will have one-of-a-kind morals: you would possibly say, "I really like his morals" or "I wonder approximately his morals." Your morals are your thoughts approximately proper and incorrect, especially the way you ought to act and treat different people.

Human beings' values outline what they want individually, however, morals define what the society around the ones humans needs for them. sure behaviors are taken into consideration to be accepted via a given society, even as others are considered to be undesirable. moral principles are vital for society due to the fact they help human beings learn how to get along and stay properly with every different. They teach us that each human deserves the same rights, which is why it's no longer okay to discriminate against someone based on their ethnicity or race.

Learn more about Morals here:


the theory that suggests that successful aging occurs when people maintain the interests, activities, and social interactions they pursued during middle age is known as __________.


The theory that suggests that successful aging occurs when people maintain the interests, activities, and social interactions they pursued during middle age is known as Activity theory.

Activity theory, which has its roots in the Soviet psychological activity theory developed by Sergei Rubinstein in the 1930s, is a catch-all phrase for a line of eclectic social sciences theories and research. Later, Alexei Leont'ev promoted it and made it popular. The explanation for how the brain develops that historical-cultural psychology offers is activity theory. Its foundations can be found in Vygotsky (1978), who believed that the performance of external acts led to the development of mental functions.

The iconic Nintendo game The Legend of Zelda provides a clear illustration of activity theory with this straightforward interaction. During this contact, the game's main character (Link) receives a tool from another character that he will need to complete his mission (his object) successfully.

Learn more about Activity theory here:


children come to accept the universality and finality of death at around age __________.



7 and 11,


8-12 years (Pre-adolescent) Children at this age have an adult understanding of death – that it is final, irreversible, and universal. They are able to understand the biological aspects of death as well as cause-and-effect relationships.

What is a deficit in government spending?


When the federal government's spending on various fields exceeds its receipts, a deficit occurs.

Deficit spending is, to put it simply, when a government runs a budget deficit as a result of spending more than it receives in a given fiscal period. The term "deficit spending" frequently conjures up a Keynesian theory of economic stimulus, in which the state incurs debt while leveraging its purchasing power to boost demand and the economy. John Maynard Keynes, a liberal British economist, is usually given credit for the idea of deficit spending as an economic boost. Keynes claimed that a decrease in consumer expenditure during a recession or depression might be offset by an increase in government spending.

Learn more about deficit here:


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