Based on this reading, people in which country will be MOST affected by environmental changes brought on by human activities and climate change?


Answer 1

The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include the reading. Without the reading, it is impossible to know what its content is.

However, trying to help you, we can share some ideas on this topic.

In general terms, according to experts, Japan, the Philippines, and Germany are the most affected countries due to the effects of climate change. But of course, there are many more that suffer from the effects of global warming and climate change.

Climate change or global warming is not new for planet earth. It is a phenomenon that has happened in the past according to scientists and national agencies. It is believed that global warming had caused natural disasters such as the melting of ice caps and the flooding of many lands on Earth, destroying life forms.

That is why right now, many agencies are closely researching climate change. Among those institutions are the US National Academy of Sciences, the Geological Society of America, the American Meteorological Society, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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What are the best study tips that should be followed?​



find a way thats best for you to remember stuff, dont shove studying into one night espesially for tests


take notes, try to remember everything, and don’t try to force yourself to do everything in one day or night


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You should say something around the lines of “If i’m forced to marry someone I don’t love then I will never be happy.” Or something like “ why does caste matter it only divides us. We are in a different time and that means being different and not having to follow old traditions” hope that helps

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the Pendleton Act
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the Sherman antitrust act

hey! i’ll give brainliest please help.


the answer is C, the persian gulf

The answer is C, which is the Persian gulf

Human Impact on Resources
Project: Roads in a Rainforest



Road building has a range of direct impacts on rainforest ecology. In wet tropical environments, the cut-and-fill operations associated with road construction can impede streams, increase forest flooding, and drastically increase soil erosion.

Did the Second Great Awakening influence the moral growth of the nation?



yes it did :)


can you mark me brainliest pls!

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these nuts


in yo mouf

Why was the OAS established?



Organization of American States (OAS), organization formed to promote economic, military, and cultural cooperation among its members, which include almost all of the independent states of the Western Hemisphere.


Hope this helps! Have a great day! :)

Why was the constitution needed to be amended? ​



Since 1789, the United States has added 27 amendments to the Constitution. An amendment is a change to the Constitution. ... These first amendments were designed to protect individual rights and liberties, like the right to free speech and the right to trial by jury.


Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!

What Sherman’s March to the Sea?



Sherman's March to the Sea was a military campaign of the American Civil War conducted through Georgia from November 15 until December 21, 1864, by Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman of the Union Army. From November 15 until December 21, 1864, Union General William T. Sherman led some 60,000 soldiers on a 285-mile march from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia. The purpose of Sherman's March to the Sea was to frighten Georgia's civilian population into abandoning the Confederate cause.


Suppose the government provides a subsidy for ethanol production, an energy source made from corn, what happens to the supply of ethanol? *
2 points
a. Quantity supplied increases
b. Quantity supplied decreases
c. Supply increases
d. Supply decreases



The correct answer is - supply increases.


If the government subsidies any product, corn ethanol here, the producers can increase their production for more goods or services. This increase in the production leads to an increase in the supply of particular good or service.

An increase in the supply will also lead to increase in the quantity demand and that ultimately lead to a decrease in the price of the service or good. In this case, corn ethanol will also experience an increase in supply.

the impacts of increasing petrol price on household​



Rising petrol and diesel prices can dent your savings by adding to your monthly budget for not only fuel but also essential commodities and other goods.


In which Asian nation do the people play the GREATEST role in deciding who

the rulers are and what decisions are made?

A. China

B. North Korea

C. South Korea

D. Vietnam

HELPPPP 25 points


I’m not sure but I guess a

Write a letter to the President of the United States, your Senator, or your member of Congress in the House of Representatives about some issue in foreign affairs that interests you. Explain why the issue concerns you and state what steps you believe the United States should take.



the united states step they should do drug- free because in Dallas tx some people smoke and it is not good for their lungs or heart


These groups of invaders settled in Number 1 and filled the power vacuum left by the Roman Empire.



The Franks


Draw Conclusions about the outcome of the War of 1812.
(Due at 2:00)



Victory of British and ratifications of the Treaty of Ghent.


In the war of 1812, the United States of America was defeated by the British because British successfully defend its North American colonies. The outcome of war of 1812 is the Treaty of Ghent which causes ending of the war between  United States of America and British. This war was fought between the United States and Great Britain over the violations of U.S. maritime rights by the British. This war was ended with the exchange of ratifications of the Treaty of Ghent.

All of the following are appropriate to do in a thank-you letter except.
A. highlight what you learned in the interview.
B. reiterate your interest in the position.
C. thank the interviewer for considering you.
O D. thank the interviewer for choosing you.


I believe the answer may be A or D ><

All of the following are appropriate to do in a thank-you letter except Thank the interviewer for choosing you. The correct answer is D.

What is a letter?

A letter is a written or printed message that is typically sent to another person or entity. Letters can be used for personal or professional communication and can cover a wide range of topics, such as expressing gratitude, making a request, providing information, or conveying news.

In general, a letter contains a heading or address that includes the sender's name and contact information, the date, and the recipient's name and address. The body of the letter contains the actual message, which can be written in paragraphs or bullet points.

Thank the interviewer for choosing you is the inappropriate option in a thank-you letter. Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about letter here:


The Spread of Greek Culture: Words to Know
Directions: Matching Each of the following people is associated with
one or more of the terms or phrases listed below. Write the name of the
correct person next to each term. There may be more than one name for
each term, and the names may be used more than once.
1. astronomer
2. circumference
3. Epicureanism
4. lever
5. poetry about nature
6. plane geometry
7. solid geometry
8. Stoicism


i don’t know right at this minute but give me a few minutes and i’ll tell you the correct answer

President John F. Kennedy

What major piece of legislation did Kennedy try to enact?



Kennedy from the Oval Office on June 11, 1963 in which he proposed legislation that would later become the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Expressing civil rights as a moral issue, Kennedy moved past his previous appeals to legality and asserted that the pursuit of racial equality was a just cause.


Answer: Kennedy from the Oval Office on June 11, 1963 in which he proposed legislation that would later become the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Expressing civil rights as a moral issue, Kennedy moved past his previous appeals to legality and asserted that the pursuit of racial equality was a just cause.


'Civil Rights Webquest'




7. Because he was an activist fighting for the integration of schools and civil rights activism.

8. Evers was assassinated in 1963 by Byron De La Beckwith

9. 30 years (because his case dropped when it appeared that a conviction would be impossible)

10. 1997

(I'm pretty sure those are correct)

Before 1964, Malcolm X believed


Answer: B

Explanation: Malcolm X didn't like to protest peaceful, he thought justice is only served if you demand it back(with violence)

What is the correct meaning of the word solidify.?
Salt water can solidify, just as fresh water does, but only at much lower temperatures.
evaporate or turn into a gas
become a hard or compact mass
support an abundance of life
cause physical objects to float


Become a hard or compact mass.

What is a major difference between an operating budget and a capital budget?

A. In an operating budget, legislation is needed; in a capital budget, no legislation is needed.

B. An operating budget is raised by bonds; a capital budget is raised by taxes.

C. An operating budget consists of small amounts of money; a capital budget consists of large amounts of money.

D. An operating budget is for day-to-day expenses; a capital budget is for investment spending.​



What is the difference between the Operating Budget and the Capital Budget? The Operating Budget and the Capital Budget make up the city's annual budget. The Capital Budget funds major improvements to facilities and infrastructure. It is the first year of needs in the five-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Plan.

What to do if your friends do that?
What to do if you are in a team with lots of your friends and in it there is also your ex bff which you have quarreled with her and she is telling to the other friends bad things about you????​



just dont talk to her



your a bad b, who needs friends? all you have is yourself at the end of the day, and that more than enough. Focus on yourself, and then if you want to have relationships and connections, they are there for you, not the other way around. Periodt.


The people of the Indus Valley were able to grow more crops by_____________.

A) making war on neighboring settlements and taking their land

B) planting seeds very deeply where there was moisture

C) irrigating the dry areas

D) making roof gardens


the answer is c, irrigating the dry areas ^^

what were the achievements of political parties in Nepal?long questions plz give long best answer​



its political


Terrell volunteers his time to campaign for Joel Goodman. He spent all afternoon putting up "Goodman for Congress" signs around his town and arrived back at headquarters just in time to watch the Goodman- Hernandez debate on TV. Terrell was eager to watch the candidates debate each other, even though he was 100 percent sure he was going to vote for Goodman. Terrell's first response to the debate will most likely be



Terrell's first response will be that Goodman did a good job of answering the questions correctly.


As we can see in the question above, Terrell is very sure that Goodman is the ideal candidate to be a congressman, he is so sure that he is campaigning for Goodman. This shows that when watching the debate between Goodman and his opponents, Terrell, at first, will have difficulties in judging Goodman's responses, without taking into account the favoritism that he has for him. In this case, Terrell's first response to the debate is to say that Goodman did very well and answered the questions correctly, even if that did not happen.

What is the Arkansas government doing to try to reduce the level of unemployment in the state? Select all that apply.
A. attracting new industries to the state
B. improving public education
c. passing laws to make high unemployment illegal
D. protesting businesses that move out of the state


the answer is d that’s all



Explanation: i did the qc

What type of clothing are employees allowed to wear in a work environment
where they do not have to adhere to a strict dress code?
O A. Business attire
B. Street wear
C. Uniforms
D. Party attire


Answer: (B) Street wear

Explanation: its B

Casual attire, In an office setting without a strict dress code, employees are often allowed to wear "street wear," which is casual, every-day clothing like jeans, t-shirts, and trainers.

What will you wear to provide a pleasant work environment?

In a professional setting, men should wear suits and ties, while women should wear business suits with trousers or a long skirt and a jacket. The standard colours for business attire are often navy and black.

Which outfits would you wear to work?

The tattoos, denim jackets, military trench coats, lumberjack flannels, chambray shirts, raw denim, and work boots that are part of this workplace fashion are all pompadour hairstyles.

To know more about Employees visit:-


These variables include the legal system, political structure, and the business customs unique to that nation.



Openness to global trade.


Trade can be defined as a process which typically involves the buying and selling of goods and services between a producer and the customers (consumers) at a specific period of time.

Globalization can be defined as the strategic process which involves the integration of various markets across the world to form a large global marketplace. Basically, globalization makes it possible for various organizations to produce goods and services that is used by consumers across the world.

Openness to global trade are variables which typically include the legal system, political structure, and the business customs unique to a particular nation.

Some examples of international economic organizations involved in global economy and trade are;

I. World Trade Organization (WTO).

II. United Nations (UN).

III. International Monetary Fund (IMF).

IV. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

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