Based on the passage, which two statements are true?

Don Anselmo values the promise that he made more than his wealth.

Don Anselmo is greedy and is hoping to negotiate for more.

The narrator is greedy and mean.

The narrator is worried that he is being taken advantage of by the

The narrator wants to give Don Anselmo a fair price for his land.


The old man hung his head for a moment in thought. Then he stood up and stared at me. “Friend,” he said, “I do not like to have you speak to me in that manner.” I kept still and let him have his say. “I know these Americans are good people, and that is why I have agreed to sell my house to them. But I do not care to be insulted. I have agreed to sell my house and land for twelve hundred dollars and that is the price.”

I argued with him, but it was useless. Finally he signed the deed and took the money but refused to take more than the amount agreed upon. Then he shook hands all around, put on his ragged gloves, took his stick and walked out with the boy behind him.

—“Gentleman of Río en Medio,”

Juan Sedillo


Answer 1


The correct answer is the first and last one!


I got it correct in Edge 2021!!

Answer 2

It can be inferred that the statements that are true from the passage are Option A and Option D.

Don Anselmo values the promise that he made more than his wealth;The narrator wants to give Don Anselmo a fair price for his land.

What is an inference?

An inference is a conclusion that is reached after the examination of facts or information provided in a text.

From the text, we can agree that:

Don Anselmo values the promise that he made more than his wealth;The narrator wants to give Don Anselmo a fair price for his land.

This is because the old man refused to take more than the amount agreed upon.

Learn more about inference at:

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what part of human nature does boo radley repersent



Symbolically, Boo represents both Scout's childish understanding of the lives of people around her, and also the genuine risks and dangers that face children as they grow up in the world. As a ghost-like figure, Boo also symbolizes aspects of the town's past, such as intolerance, inequality, and slavery.


Symbolically, Boo represents both Scout's childish understanding of the lives of people around her, and also the genuine risks and dangers that face children as they grow up in the world. As a ghost-like figure, Boo also symbolizes aspects of the town's past, such as intolerance, inequality, and slavery.




art is something you  capture on a canvas and literature is refers to writing



Art can be defined as the expression of creative skill in a visual form. On the other hand, Literature refers to written works regarded as having artistic merit. The key difference between art and literature is that while art generally tends to be visual and auditory, literature is not. It is based on texts.


Brainliest pls

In Chapter One the TWO things the men in the room suggest as benefits to time travel are verify and invest .



The men discuss how one could explore great historical moments or invest money into enterprises that they know will succeed in the future.


True or False: Charles Wallace suggests that Calvin and Meg turn to IT if they are in the need of
a father.






Because they neede help




Have a great day :D

Emission factor of a number line is located actually halfway between 3/6 and 5/6 what is the missing fraction can you help me





This question should be in the math section but here's some help with it.

Since it is halfway between 3/6 and 5/6, combine these numbers together to get 8/6.

Then, split this 8/6 in half, breaking it apart into two equal sections, each of these sections will be 4/6.

In which type of text structure will an author most likely use words like because, as a result, and consequently?
O problem-solution
O comparison-contrast
O cause-effect
O sequence



I think its C


Cause- effect

Cause-effect is the type of text structure in which an author most likely use words. Hence, option C is appropriate.

What is the meaning of Author?

A writer of a book, essay, play, or other written piece is referred to as an author. A more comprehensive definition of the term "author" reads, "An author is 'the person who originated or gave existence to anything and whose authorship determines responsibility for what was created.'"

A writer is someone whose writing has been made public. People who write are considered writers when they create the concepts and content of their written work, in addition to creating published work. Because of this, the majority of authors write, yet not all writers are called authors.

An author may want to satirize a condition, inform the reader, persuade the reader, or amuse the reader.  Novelists are those who write or publish novels.

Hence, option C is correct.

Learn more about the Author here:


Revenge is to charity as depression is to



I would say happiness.

this is the biological process of creating a new organism​





Will mark as brainlist if answered correctly and fastly!! and 10 points​






Pretty sure it's B or 2. :)


Have a nice day!

Consider the following situation and check your perceptions by evaluating objectively. Describe the facts, formulate two possible interpretations, and request clarification.

You planned to meet a friend for lunch. You sit at the restaurant for 30 minutes, but your friend doesn't show up. When you get home, you find a message from your friend on the answering machine. He says another friend stopped by his house as he was getting ready, so he couldn't meet you for lunch.

Facts: Interpretation #1: Interpretation #2: Request for clarification combined with behavior and interpretations


Facts: There was plan to meet said friend.
Friend left a message on the answering machine.
A friend of theirs halted your guys plans.

Interpretation 1: your friends friend had some pressing matters to discuss with your friend.

Interpretation 2: friend finds other friend more important than person waiting at restaurant.

Can anyone write a paragraph about Isaac Newton in your own words!!!

Will mark brainless



Newton was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer and theologian who worked on many practical experiments and laid the foundation for the principles of classical mechanics. He was one of the best minds of all time.


What are the characteristics of a good leader ? Why do you think those traits or characteristics are important?


Being bold and confident.

A leader should be able to take a stance in what they truly believe in, and not be *easily* swayed. while taking consideration on others opinions isn’t wrong, having an indecisive leader will lead you nowhere and you wont make progress.


Courageous, Fair, Equal, & Kind (Sorry, this is late! Hope this helps)


Some characteristics of a good leader are to be brave, fair, equal, and kind. These traits are important for a good leader to be successful because being a leader sometimes means being able to face pain or danger; being courageous. Being fair and equal to whomever your leading is a great trait to have so that others will think highly of you and that you are capable to lead them. Kindness is what everyone needs, having that quality as a leader will help lead your people.

Can someone plz help me with this one problem plz!!



I think the answer is roots.

Which is the best definition of the term literary genre?
a classification or category of writing with a set of shared features
a form of fiction writing that explores people's fears about the future
a type of writing that explores people's fears
a style of writing authored by serious writers



B. a classification or category of writing with a set of shared features


I had this on a quiz and it said it was right

Select all that apply.

The use of flashback is a technique that allows the author to: _____.

explain a character's current actions or attitudes
build suspense and mystery into the opening of an account
confuse the reader
put events in any order of his choosing
supply missing information



Explain a characters current actions, Build suspense or mystery and supply missing info.


That should be the answer.

Who sent the message "Anything you want, anytime you need it" to computers and reporters across the country?

Christoph Ferstad

Christoph’s friend Martine

the company Anytime

the company Amazon

if u need the story please tell me ill mark u as brainlest!!!!

please hurry



The company Anytime

what type of sentence is this

b) People saw shop figures as old-fashioned, so shopkeepers
stopped using them.​



Compound Complex Sentence


Compound Complex Sentence


What effect does segregation have on Claudette Colvin IN CHAPTER 2??



Colvin opposed the segregation law by declaring herself not guilty.  The court ruled against her and put her on probation.  She did receive a light sentence, but she could not escape the dread of the courtroom and the public opinion.  She has now been branded as a trouble maker instead of a nice, quiet, student.  She literally dropped out of college.  


She was very well versed in the law of what segregation and integration were all about.

Which of the following is a way an author describes characters in a story?
3.Effect on Others (Relationships)



It’s 6, all of the above


The answer is 6, all of the above.


3. ‘I saw him motion like a man who is in need of air.’ Here ‘I’ and ‘him’ refer to ____ *
1 point
b. Sherlock Holmes and Godfrey Norton
d. Dr.Watson and Sherlock Holmes.
a. the narrator and Godfrey Norton
c. King of Bohemia and Sherlock Holmes.


D. Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes.

my room which is usually in_____order was in total disarray after the party



My room, which is usually in complete order, was in total disarray after the party.


Are there any set answers? Any word could go in the blank, but "complete" would be my best guess.




because it fits the sentence

What is the antonym for beginning introduction



The opposite of beginning is end

the opposite of introduction is conclusion

Someone please help me I’ll give out brainliest please dont answer if you don’t know





How do the images help the reader understand how to
perform the final steps of the procedure? Select
three options.
correct answers “the image shows where to hold the filter case when removing it.” “the image shows the difference between a clean filter and dirty one.” “the image shows that it is helpful to wear gloves when removing the filter.”



The correct answers are the following:

A) The image shows where to hold the filter case when removing it.C) The image shows the difference between a clean filter and dirty one.E) The image shows that it is helpful to wear gloves when removing the filter.


You are asked to select three options that help the reader understand how the graphics help the reader perform the final steps of the vehicle air filter replacement procedure.

If you carefully examine the six answer choices along with the instruction document (attached below ⬇️), you will be able to eliminate answer choices B & D, as the images do not specify the size and type of filter or the type of car the document is intended for.

Thus, you are left with answer choices A, C, & E - all aspects that are explicitly shown in the graphics.

Hope this helps!


It's ACE


trust me because I will ACE this test


Before entering the Capulets' party, Romeo reveals his belief that something
bad will happen as a result of this evening. As the audience, we understand
that this night will eventually trigger a series of events that will end with his
death. What dramatic device is the author using in this passage?
O Monologue
O Dramatic Irony


answer: dramatic irony

What is the significance of Juliet's diction in this section of the play?
Juliet feels her Nurse is more honorable than Romeo.
Juliet believes Romeo has brought shame to their life.
Juliet defends Romeo by describing him as honorable.
Juliet blames herself for the death of her cousin Tybalt.


C because she loves him


A) Juliet feels her Nurse is more honorable than Romeo.


Hope I'm right!

What the correct answer question





summary of The interlopers



The Interlopers Summary:

"The Interlopers" by Saki is a short story about a feud between neighboring landowners Ulrich von Gradwitz and Georg Znaeym.

Ulrich and Georg are engaged in a feud that dates all the way back to their grandfathers, who had a nasty dispute over a piece of land between their properties.

One stormy night, both men decide that they will defend their claim to the land with force. Upon meeting, the two become pinned under a tree.

Both men have a sudden change of heart and agree to a complete reconciliation. They call out to their respective parties, but the sound attracts wolves.


Two men, Ulrich von Gradwitz and Georg Znaeym, are both in a forested area on the Carpathian Mountains one night. The men are sworn enemies, embroiled in a generations-old land dispute. On this particular night, each hopes to find the other in order to kill him in defense of their property rights. Both men separate from their hunting party and happen upon one another in the forest. Before either can attack, the branch of a beech tree collapses on the two men and traps them both. The men initially quarrel but soon realize the futility of their vengeance and reconcile. They revel in dreams about the peaceful future and make plans to meet publicly as friends. After coming together, the two join their voices to get the attention of their hunting parties. Ulrich spots a crowd of supposed men approaching, but Georg cannot see due to the blood in his eyes. As the crowd nears, Ulrich realizes that the pack is not of men, but rather wolves.

Hope it helps!please give me brainliest!☔︎☕︎

Write a journal entry, and use at least three complex sentences.Think about how you can use complex sentences to show relationships between your ideas.





we leave them to have what they must have yo live life

i’ll give brainliest!!! please help!


I think the answer is trip
I might be wrong though
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