at which stage of the general adaptation syndrome does the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium?


Answer 1

According to the research, the correct answer is resistance. The stage of the general adaptation syndrome where the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium is called resistance.

What is the general adaptation syndrome?

According to Hans Selye, stress is a dependent variable that consists of a set of adaptive functional responses of the organism to any aggressive stimulus, its stages are:


In this sense, the resistance stage refers to adaptation, given the persistence of stimuli, the organism overcomes the initial balance, adapting and acquiring a state of resistance higher than that of the alarm phase.

Therefore, we can conclude that according to the research, in the resistance stage of the stage of the general adaptation syndrome, processes are developed adapting to the stressor.

Learn more about the general adaptation syndrome here:


Related Questions

identify and describe one sustainable agriculture strategy or method that can be used to maintain or increase soil fertility.


One sustainable agriculture strategy or method that can be used to maintain or increase soil fertility is the use of organic compost rather than chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

What is the importance of soil fertility?

The soil's fertility is important because it contains the nutrients that are necessary for the plant's growth. The soil also has microorganisms that make the soil fertile, so the cultivation would become better. By using chemicals, soil fertility is decreasing, so instead of using chemicals, organic compost should be used.

Hence, one sustainable agriculture strategy that can be used to maintain or increase soil fertility is the use of organic compost rather than chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Learn more about soil fertility here.


What is the relationship between proteins and enzymes?



Proteins are the molecules that enzymes are made of. Enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body. They act as catalysts, lowering the activation energy of a reaction and allowing the reaction to occur more quickly and efficiently.


Generalize: describe how plants and animals each contribute to the survival of the other. (this type of cooperative relationship is called interdependence. ).


Plants and animals contribute to each other's life because they depend on each other. The results of animal respiration carbon dioxide is used by plants for food raw materials, plants produce oxygen used by animals to breathe.

Interdependence is a relationship between one living thing and another and between biotic and abiotic components that need one another. In plants through the process of photosynthesis, make food for cell energy. The materials plants use for photosynthesis are air and carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen. Plants can obtain carbon dioxide from the results of animal respiration. Apart from this another contributing relationship i.e., plants can also obtain nutrients by absorbing nutrients from decaying animals. Plants also need the help of animals to help the pollination process.

Meanwhile, oxygen which is the result of photosynthesis from plants, is needed by animals to breathe, without oxygen animals will not be able to survive. Animals also need plants as a source of food.

Learn more about relation animal and plant here:


What is the reaction of burning called?


The reaction of burning is called combustion. A combustion process occurs when a material combines with oxygen gas, producing energy as light and heat.

A combustion reaction is a chemical process that occurs when a molecule and an oxidant combine to create heat and a new product. The interaction between a hydrocarbon and oxygen, which produces carbon dioxide and water, may be used to describe the overall shape of a combustion process:

CO2 + H2O + hydrocarbon

In addition to heat, it is usual (but not required) for a combustion process to create light and a flame. The activation energy for the reaction must be overcome before a combustion process can commence. Combustion reactions frequently begin with a burning match or another flame, which provides the heat required to start the reaction.

Once combustion begins, enough heat may be created to keep the reaction going until either the fuel or the oxygen run out.

learn more about combustion reaction at


The female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and __________.


The female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and amenorrhea (menstrual disruption)

What impact does the female athlete triad have on bone density?

The trifecta of eating disorders, irregular menstrual cycles, and low bone mineral density was initially used to describe female athletes Menstrual cycle irregularities brought on by malnutrition impacted bone density.

What is the nutrition for female athletes triad quizlet?

The three independent but linked conditions with disordered eating, amenorrhea (menstrual dysfunction), and osteoporosis that are connected to female athletes' training are referred to as the "Female Athlete Triad."

To know more about amenorrhea visit:


Which leukocyte type migrates from the blood into the tissues and becomes a mast cell?


Basophil migrates from the blood into the tissues and becomes a mast cell.

What are basophils?

One variety of white blood cell is the basophil. The least frequent granulocyte, basophils account for 0.5% to 1% of the circulating white blood cells. They are the biggest form of granulocyte, though. In addition to causing inflammatory reactions during immunological responses, they also have a role in the development of both acute and chronic allergic disorders, such as hay fever, asthma, atopic dermatitis, and anaphylaxis. They also generate substances that help regulate immunological responses, such as heparin, which prevents blood clotting, and substances like histamine and serotonin, which cause inflammation. However, these substances are less abundant than those found in mast cell granules. Mast cells were formerly believed to be basophils that moved from the blood into their native tissues (connective tissue), but they are now understood to be different sorts of cells.

To learn ore about basophils visit:


When the energy is released in the form of heat and light it is?


When the energy is released in the form of heat and light it is called termed as an exothermic reaction.

Any chemical reaction results in the formation or breaking of chemical bonds. Additionally, the general rule is that "heat is absorbed when chemical bonds are broken and released when chemical bonds are established."

Because molecules naturally desire to stick together, forming chemical bonds between them needs less energy than breaking them, which costs more energy and causes heat to be absorbed from the environment.

in an exothermic reaction, the reactants have a greater energy level than the products. The products are therefore more stable than the reactants.

learn more about exothermic reaction at


Which test is useful in determining whether a patient has a condition such as liver disease or a blocked bile duct?


The blood bilirubin levels are determined by this test.

Which exams are used to identify liver disease?Test for serum bilirubin.The blood bilirubin levels are determined by this test. The liver produces bilirubin, which is then expelled in bile. Increased levels of bilirubin may be a sign that the liver is having trouble digesting bile or that bile flow is obstructed.The diagnosis of liver disease can be made via a class of blood tests known as liver function tests. In order to check for specific liver issues or genetic diseases, additional blood tests can be performed. imaging exams Damage to the liver can be seen on an MRI, CT scan, or ultrasound.Cholangiography. An imaging examination called a cholangiogram looks at the bile ducts to determine whether they are obstructed, constricted, or dilated (widened).Liver enzyme testing are among the most popular liver exams. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and gamma-glutamyl transferase are among the liver enzymes (GGT). When the liver is injured, these are high.

To learn more about blocked bile duct refer to:


Which of the following requires treatment with both antibiotics and antitoxins?
A) diphtheria
B) tuberculosis
C) whooping cough
D) scarlet fever
E) psittacosis


Diphtheria requires treatment with both antibiotics and antitoxins.

Antibiotics are drug treatments that combat infections resulting from bacteria in humans and animals by using both killing the microorganism and making it difficult for the bacteria to develop and multiply. Microorganisms are germs. They live within the environment and all over the outside and inside of our bodies.

An antibiotic is a sort of antimicrobial substance lively towards microorganisms. It's miles the most important sort of antibacterial agent for fighting bacterial infections, and antibiotic medicinal drugs are widely used in the remedy and prevention of such infections.

Antibiotics are used to deal with or save you from some forms of bacterial contamination.

Learn more about Antibiotics here:-


how many dna molecules would there be after four rounds of pcr if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules?


32 DNA molecules would there be after four rounds of PCR if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules.

A single DNA molecule can be amplified by the PCR method up to 2n times, where n is the number of cycles. A given DNA template can therefore be amplified to 16 duplicate strands using PCR over 4 cycles.PCR doubles the amount of target DNA molecules per cycle, assuming there are enough primers, dNTPs, and polymerase molecules. Five cycles equal five times the target DNA is doubled. 32 is equal to 2 to the fifth power, 2x2x2x2x2.The following equation can be used to determine how many copies of double-stranded DNA are present overall:

DNA copies are calculated as follows = (DNA quantity (ng) x 6.0221023 / (DNA length x 1109 ng/ml x 650 Daltons)

The amount of template required for each reaction is determined by calculating the number of DNA copies.

To know more about PCR check the below link:


Where is meiosis and where does it happen?


Meiosis is a type of cell division in which chromosome number reduces to half of its parental chromosomal number. Meiosis usually takes place in germ cells during gamete formation.

In meiosis four daughter cells are formed. All daughter cells have only half the number of chromosomes compared to its parent. Meiosis is divided into two steps, meiosis one and two and each step divided into four steps; they are prophase, anaphase, metaphase, telophase. Meiosis takes place during gamete production. This process takes place in the testis and ovary. Gamete production process in testis is called spermatogenesis whereas one that takes place in ovary is oogenesis.

To know more about meiosis-


Explain why CO2 levels in the atmosphere are HIGHER in the fall and winter and LOWER in the summer and springs. 3-5 sentences


Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rise and fall each year as plants, through photosynthesis and respiration, take up the gas in spring and summer, and release it in fall and winter. Now the range of that cycle is expanding as more carbon dioxide is emitted from burning fossil fuels and other human activities.

For more answers, Contact:

Which type of adverse effect is most likely to be reported as part of the spontaneous reporting system?
A. Dramatic conditions occurring soon after the drug’s administration that rarely occur in clinical practice in the absence of the drug
B.Conditions that mimic those caused by the disease itself
C. Conditions that are self-limited or mild
D.Conditions that occur long after the administration of the drug began


The type of adverse effect that most likely to be reported as part of the spontaneous reporting system is option 'A' Dramatic conditions occurring soon after the drug's administration that rarely occur in clinical practice in the absence of the drug.

What is adverse drug reaction?

An adverse drug reaction also known as  ADR can be explained  as an unwanted, uncomfortable, or dangerous effects that a drug may have that is harmful or unpleasant resulting from an intervention related to the use of a medicinal product.

Types of adverse drug reaction

the major types of adverse drug reactions include:

dose-related (Augmented), non-dose-related (Bizarre), dose-related and time-related (Chronic), time-related (Delayed), withdrawal (End of use), and failure of therapy (Failure).how to report ADR

It is obvious that ADRs occurring as a result of medication errors or failures reported to the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) will immediately  be reported to the Yellow Card Scheme

learn more about adverse drug here:


what is the rule of maximum parsimony, and why is it used in many phylogenetic analyses? what might be disadvantage(s) of using this method? g


The rule of maximum parsimony, says that the most likely tree is the one with the fewest common ancestors.

The Phylogenetic Parsimony Principle: Says that the most likely tree is the one with the fewest common ancestors. A model would conjecture that if two species both have noticeable incisor teeth they likewise share a solitary predecessor, as opposed to that they developed the characteristic freely.

Maximum Parsimony is a character-based method that infers a phylogenetic tree by reducing the total number of evolutionary steps necessary to explain a particular set of data assigned on the leaves. In the past, precise methods for maximizing parsimony scores on phylogenetic trees have been developed.

Maximum parsimony's computational complexity is one of its drawbacks. Since the problem of finding the most parsimonious tree is NP-hard, it is highly unlikely that any algorithm can quickly locate one for each and every possible input sequence.

Know more about maximum parsimony here:


We use the sense of ______ to sample our environment for information about the food we will eat, the presence of individuals in the room, or potential


We use the sense of olfaction to sample our environment for information about the food we will eat, and the presence of individuals in the room.

Olfaction is the sensation of odor that effects from the detection of odorous substances aerosolized in the environment. On the side of imaginative and prescient, flavor, hearing, and stability, olfaction is a special sense.

The manner of olfaction involves the conversion of a chemical stimulus, an odorant, into an electrical signal sent to the mind for interpretation. This mechanism begins after olfactory sensory neurons depolarize in reaction to the binding of an odorant molecule to G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR).

Learn more about Olfaction here:-


cells in the epidermis of the skin need to be held tightly together so that an impermeable barrier to fluids is created. what type of junction performs this function?


Answer: i like ice cream


cell division that reduces chromosome number from diploid to haploid, reduction division


The cell division that reduces chromosome number from diploid to haploid, reduction division is Meiosis.

Meiosis is a special form of cell division that occurs only in testicles and ovaries. An organ that produces male and female reproductive cells. sperm and egg.

A normal somatic cell has a complete set of chromosomes. When the cells of the mother's and father's bodies fuse to form a baby, the fertilized egg doubles its original number of chromosomes. Meiosis is sometimes called "meiosis" because it reduces the number of chromosomes by half.

So when the sperm and egg fuse, the baby will have the correct number. Therefore, the purpose of meiosis is to produce gametes, sperm and eggs with half the genetic complement of the parent cell. In the image below, pink represents the genetic contribution from the mother and blue represents the genetic contribution from the father.In this example, the diploid somatic cell contains 2n = 4 chromosomes. , two from the mother and two from the father. In humans, 2n = 46 and n = 23.

Learn more about Meiosis here :


The symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders typically begin during which period of the lifespan?


Developmental deficits that result in impairments of personal, social, academic, or occupational functioning are a feature of these conditions, which frequently manifest before the kid enters grade school.

What is accurate regarding neurological developmental disorders?Children with neurodevelopmental issues may struggle with their language and speech, motor abilities, behavior, memory, or other brain processes. While neurodevelopmental problems frequently change or evolve as a kid gets older, certain disabilities are irreversible.Anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) are characterized by persistent anxiety, increased worry, and tension even in the absence of a trigger.Developmental deficits that result in impairments of personal, social, academic, or occupational functioning are a feature of these conditions, which frequently manifest before the kid enters grade school.

To learn more about  Neurodevelopmental issues refer to:


which statement is accurate? group of answer choices hormones of the same chemical class usually have the same function. pairs of hormones that have the same effect are said to have antagonistic functions. hormones are often regulated through feedback loops. hormones that differ in effect reach their target cells by different routes through the body.


Because the introductory material is self-contained, the colon is both appropriate and essential. Typically, the overall function of hormones belonging to the same chemical class is the same.

How important and what a cell is?

For all living things, from microbes to people, cells give structure and function. The tiniest form of life, according to scientists. The biological apparatus that creates proteins and sends signals to our bodies is housed in cells.

The reason behind the name "cell"

After using a very primitive microscope to examine a piece of cork, Robert Hooke proposed the word "cell" in 1665, derived from the Latin cella, which means "storeroom or chamber." Also claimed is that he compared the rectangular spaces to some monastic cells when he first saw them.

To know more about Cell visit:


why do plant cells occasionally switch from noncyclic electron flow (nef) to cyclic electron flow (cef)?


Creating a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane in higher plants uses cyclic electron flow (CEF), which primarily serves two purposes: (1) producing ATP and balancing the ATP/NADPH energy budget; and (2) defending photosystems I and II from photoinhibition.

ATP and NADPH are produced by noncyclic electron transport. The single product of cyclic electron transport was ATP. Both steps are required by a plant to produce the required amount of ATP for the Calvin Cycle. The electrons are released by photosystem I and then brought back into the system during cyclic photophosphorylation. However, in non-cyclic photophosphorylation, the electrons that the photosystems emit do not come back.

learn more about photosystems here;


normally, each of your body cells has_______ chromosomes from your mother and ________chromosomes from your father.


Normally, each of your body cells has 23 chromosomes from your mother and the same amount of chromosomes from your father.

What is the cellular process of mitosis?

The cellular process of mitosis is a cell division process by which multicellular organisms like humans produce somatic body cells, which involve the generation of two daughter cells with the same amount of chromosomes as the parental cell.

In humans,  somatic cells contain two sets of homologous chromosomes having 23 chromosomes of each parent.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the cellular process of mitosis generates cells that have 46 chromosomes, i.e 23 chromosomes that derive from the father and other 23 chromosomes that derive from the mother.

Complete question:

Fill in the blank. Normally, each of your body cells has_______ chromosomes from your mother and ________chromosomes from your father.

Learn more about  the cellular process of mitosis here:


which mass extinction event occurred just before the rapid increase in speciation among mammalian species?


The Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction event, commonly referred to as the K-Pg extinction event, occurred just before the rapid increase in speciation among mammalian species.

The Impact of the K-Pg Extinction Event on the Speciation of Mammals

The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction event, which occurred 66 million years ago, was a global event that wiped out the majority of life on Earth. This event is most famously known for the extinction of the dinosaurs, but it also had major impacts on the evolutionary history of mammals.

Before the K-Pg extinction event, there were few mammalian species, but after the event there was a rapid increase in the number of mammalian species. This increase in speciation is thought to be due to the removal of the large dinosaurs, which opened up numerous niches for the smaller mammals to occupy. These new niches allowed for the evolution of new species and the increased diversity of mammals that we see today.

Learn more about Extinction event:


explain the mechanism of action of restriction enzymes and the impact a mutation could have on a restriction site.


A bacterial protein called a restriction enzyme cleaves the DNA at predetermined sites. The restricted site is what this website is called.

Restriction enzymes provide protection against bacteriophages on living bacteria. They recognize the bacteriophage, cleave at its restriction sites, and destroy its DNA. The restriction site mutation (RSM) technique is based on the identification of DNA sequences that can withstand the cutting action of particular restriction enzymes and the polymerase chain reaction amplification of these resistant sequences. A restriction enzyme works by shape-shape matching, like all other enzymes. It wraps around the DNA and breaks it when it comes into touch with a DNA sequence whose shape matches the recognition site of an enzyme  in both strands of the DNA molecule.

To learn more about restriction enzymes click here


Not all restriction enzymes necessarily cleave dna at rotationally symmetric sites. For example, the recognition site of the restriction enzyme bst xi is 5' ccannnnn^ntgg, where the symbol ^ represents the cleavage site and n means any nucleotide. Make the simplifying assumptions that equal amouts of all four nucleotides exist in the human genome, and that its base sequence is random. How frequently would you expect the two ends of a single bst xi-cleaved human genomic dna fragments to be compatible? (recall that compatible ends can hybridize because they have complementary base pairs. ).


The frequency of the Bst XI recognition site in the human genome is 65536.

The frequency of restriction sites on random DNA is a function of the length of the recognition sites. The ratio of the number of fragments to the number of gel bands depends on the method used to label the DNA, whether the DNA is labeled at one end or both ends, and whether the DNA is labeled before or after restriction digestion. Boundary site n long interval occurs on average once in 4ⁿ (4ⁿ= 1/(cutoff frequency)

Assuming that all four nucleotides are present in equal numbers in the human genome and the sequence is essentially random:

Using the formula Frequency = 4ⁿ

For BstXI, n = 8 (CCANNNNN – 8 bases)

Frequency = once every 4⁸ nucleotide bases

Probability of occurrence of sites with 8 different bases = (1/4)⁸= 1/ 65536

This means that the enzyme will cut one out of every 65536 bases.

Learn more about the formula of frequency of restriction at


The discovery of the relationship between syphilis and paralytic dementia revealed that: _______


The discovery of the relationship between syphilis and paralytic dementia revealed that: A mental disorder turned out to have a physiological cause.

What is syphilis?

Syphilis is a bacterial illness that persists over time and is spread through sex. Treponema pallidum is a species of bacteria that causes syphilis.

What are the symptoms of syphilis?

Fever, swelling lymph nodes, a sore throat, a bald spot here and there, headaches, weight loss, muscle aches, and exhaustion.

What does syphilis do to a person?

The condition may harm the liver, bones, joints, brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, and other organs.

To know more about syphilis visit


compared with an endotoxin, would a bacterial exotoxin generally be more likely to function after it had been significantly heated?


No, because exotoxins are heat-labile and less resistant to heating than endotoxins.

Bacterial toxins are traditionally classified as exotoxins or endotoxins. While endotoxins are Gram-negative bacteria membrane compounds that cause an inflammatory response in the host, exotoxins are secreted proteins that act locally and at a distance from the bacterial colonization site.

Bacterial endotoxins, which are found in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria, are members of the lipopolysaccharide class of phospholipids (LPS). LPS are not gram negative bacteria's exogenous products. LPS is released by bacteria after the cell has died and been lysed. The most toxic virulence factor of the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is Pseudomonas Exotoxin A (PE). This review summarizes current knowledge about the pathways of PE intoxication.

To learn more about bacterial exotoxin and endotoxin, here


how does the ribosome know what amino acid to to add next when building a polypeptide?


Ribosome knows as the messenger RNA ester sequence is translated into associate degree aminoalkanoic acid sequence victimisation the tRNAs as adaptors to feature every amino acid within the correct sequence

Amino acids are organic compounds that contain each amino and acid practical teams. Though many amino acids exist in nature, out and away the foremost vital are the alpha-amino acids, that comprise proteins. solely twenty two alpha amino acids seem within the ordination

Peptides are short chains of amino acids coupled by amide bonds. Long chains of amino acids are known as proteins. Chains of fewer than twenty amino acids are known as oligopeptides, and embrace dipeptides, tripeptides, and tetrapeptides.

To learn more about Ribosome here


by feeding plants to animals, and harvesting animal products, what percent of the energy in the original plant is lost? a. 50 b. 90 c. 25 d. 10


90% of the world's food energy consumption is accounted for by just 15 crop plants, primarily rice, maize, and wheat.

Over 4,000 million people everyday rely on these three.

Oil is the source of the most energy utilized worldwide, followed by coal, gas, and hydroelectricity. Fossil fuels continue to dominate the world's energy balance, as we will look into below. They use more than 80% of the energy.

90% of the world's food energy is consumed by just 15 of the more than 50,000 edible plants. Of this, rice, corn (maize), and wheat make up two thirds.

Rice, wheat, and corn rank as the top three global food crops. Over half of all calories consumed by people come directly from the three cereal grains.

Learn more about " feeding plants  " to visit here;


What is the expected function consequence of movement of a transposable element within the genome?
-All of the listed responses are correct
-Increased production of a protein
-Decreased production of a protein
-Abnormal transcription of a gene
-None of the listed responses are correct


All of the listed responses are correct with respect to the consequence of the movement of a transposable element

Transposable elements are DNA segments with the capacity to move between different regions of the genome. Mobile elements migrate from one place to another, creating various changes or mutations, although the majority of the DNA is always in the same location surrounded by the same nearby fragments of DNA. When a transposable element inserts itself into a gene, it can disrupt the normal function of the gene and cause abnormal transcription to happen.

The movement of a transposable element within genome can have a effects on protein production. In some cases, the movement of a transposable element may result in the increased production of protein. On the other hand, the movement can also result in decreased protein production. This can happen if the transposable element inserts itself into a gene responsible for producing a particular protein, and disrupts the normal function of the gene. This can result in the gene being unable to produce the protein, or in the production of an abnormal or non-functional protein

Read more about a transposable element on:


What is a Category 2 animal?


Animals that are put to death to stop the spread of illness fall under Category 2, which is for high-risk material. digestive tract contents and feces. animals and animal parts that perish other than via slaughter, such as falling stock.

The types of rabies exposure according to the WHO include category I handling or feeding animals, category II nibbling on exposed skin, and category I tiny scratches or abrasions that don't bleed.

Animal byproducts are things made from animals that people don't eat. ABPs include, among other things, all animal parts that have been killed for human consumption but are not edible or sold as food, such as the skin, bones, horn, and hooves, as well as the blood, fat, and offal.

To learn more about animals


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