At one moment during its flight a thrown basketball experiences a gravitational force of 1.5N down and air resistance of 0.40N(32 degree above horizontal). Calculate the magnitude and direction of of the net force of the ball


Answer 1


1. The magnitude of the net force is 1.33 N.

2. The direction is 14.8° with respect to the vertical.        


1. The magnitude of the net force is given by:

[tex] |F| = \sqrt{F_{x}^{2} + F_{y}^{2}} [/tex]


[tex]F_{x}[/tex]: is the sum of the forces acting in the x-direction

[tex]F_{y}[/tex]: is the sum of the forces acting in the y-direction

Let's find the forces acting in the x-direction and in the y-direction.

In the x-direction:

[tex] \Sigma F_{x} = -F_{a}cos(\theta) [/tex]


Fa: is the force of air resistance = -0.40 N. The negative sign is because this force is in the negative x-direction.  

θ: is the angle = 32°

[tex] \Sigma F_{x} = -0.40 N*cos(32) = -0.34 N [/tex]

In the y-direction:

[tex] \Sigma F_{y} = F_{g} + F_{a}sin(\theta) [/tex]


[tex]F_{g}[/tex]: is the gravitational force = -1.5 N

[tex] \Sigma F_{y} = -1.5 N + 0.40 N*sin(32) = -1.29 N [/tex]

Hence, the magnitude of the net force is:

[tex] |F| = \sqrt{(-0.34 N)^{2} + (-1.29)^{2}} = 1.33 N [/tex]

2. The direction of the net force is:

[tex] tan(\alpha) = \frac{F_{x}}{F_{y}} = \frac{-0.34}{-1.29} [/tex]

[tex] \alpha = tan^{-1}(\frac{-0.34}{-1.29}) = 14.8 [/tex]

The angle is 14.8° with respect to the vertical.

I hope it helps you!

Related Questions

How might other planets in the Solar system be studied?



probably by robots



they can be studied through telescopes, satellites, and rovers. maybe in the future spaceships


Three dogs scout sparky and dusty are playing with a teddy bear. Scout and sparky are pullung the teddy bear to the left



To the left side.


The teddy bear will move towards the left side because more force is applied by scout and sparky than dusty. The reason for this movement of teddy bear  to the left is due to more force is applied by the two dogs present at the left side of the teddy bear while on the other hand, one dog is present at the right side of teddy bear which applied less force so that's why we can say that the teddy bear moves to the left side rather than to the right side.

Give details of aids in brief and explain how to protect yourself and prevent.



(AIDS) is a chronic, potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). By damaging your immune system, HIV interferes with your body's ability to fight infection and disease. HIV is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It can also be spread by contact with infected blood or from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth or breast-feeding.


To help prevent the spread of HIV: 1. Use treatment as prevention (TasP). If you're living with HIV, taking HIV medication can keep your partner from becoming infected with the virus.

the odometer of a car reads 68420 km when the clock shows the time 9 am if at 9 30 am the odometer reading has changed to 68540 calculate the speed of the car in km/min during this time



4 km/min



S = (d₂-d₁)/(t₂-t₁).............. Equation 1

Where S = speed of the car, d₁ = Intial reading of the odometer, d₂ = Final reading of the odometer, t₁ = initial time, t₂ = final time.

From the question,

Given: d₁ = 68420 km, d₂ = 68540 km, t₁ = 9:00 am, t₂ = 9:30 am

Substitute these values into equation 1

S = (68540-68420)/(9:30-9:00)

S = 120/30

S = 4 km/min.

You are standing on a sheet of ice that covers the football stadium parking lot in Buffalo; there is negligible friction between your feet and the ice. A friend throws you a 0.400-kg ball that is traveling horizontally at 10.0 m/s. Your mass is 70.0 kg. (a) If you catch the ball, with what speed do you and the ball move after ward





Given data

M1= 0.4kg

U1= 10m/s

M2= 70kg

U2= 0m/s

The system experiences an inelastic collision, the expression for inelastic collision is

M1U1+ M2U1= (M1+M2)V


0.4*10+ 70*0= (0.4+10)*V

4= 10.4V


V= 4/10.4


Hence the common velocity is 0.38m/s

A 20×10⁹charge is moved between two points A andB that are 30mm apart and have an electric potential difference of 600v between them. calculate a) the electric field strength between A and B b)the work done on the charge.​





just multiply 10 & 9 and then mutiply 90x20 or 20x90

Please answer the following question



Where is the resistance value?

Question is incomplete

Can you show the rest of the problems?

What is the eccentricity of a circle? Explain.



eccentricity is a measure of how much a conic section deviates from being circular. In particular: The eccentricity of a circle is zero. The eccentricity of an ellipse which is not a circle is greater than zero but less than 1. ... The eccentricity of a hyperbola is greater than 1.


One can think of the eccentricity as a measure of how much a conic section deviates from being circular. In particular: The eccentricity of a circle is zero. The eccentricity of an ellipse which is not a circle is greater than zero but less than 1. ... The eccentricity of a hyperbola is greater than 1.

Does light travel faster in Barium glass or Crown glass? Explain



Crown glass. The material which the velocity of light greatest is AIR. Because the speed of light in crown glass is the speed of light in a vacuum divided by the index of refraction of crown glass, which is 1.52. This works out to 1.97 times 10 to the 8 meters per second is the speed of light in crown glass.

9. What strategies can be used to ensure that the forests are a continued

source of resources? [5]

Help me pls I’m giving brainlest and 10 points plssss



Strategies to ensure that - forests are continued source of resources.


Forests continued sustainable use, ie today's use without compromising with tomorrow's needs - can be done using following strategies

By protection against Environment Degradation phenomenas - Soil Erosion (Erosion of top most fertile layer of soil), Land Degradation (Land losing its essential valuable nutrients) By ensuring that rate of extraction of forest resources is less than their replenishment rate, & our waste generation into forests is less than their absorptive capacity.

A ball sits on the table not moving. A child comes along and gives the ball a push. Which law is best described by this example?

A. Newton's First Law
B. Newton's Second Law
C. Newton's Third Law
D. Avagadro's Law



A Newton's First law


In Newtons first law of motion it states that that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. Which mean the ball will not move until the force of the child come and pushes on the ball.

The atomic number is equal to the number of _________ in the atom.

Question 8 options:


protons and neutrons


protons, neutrons, and electrons





Atomic number, the number of a chemical element in the periodic system, whereby the elements are arranged in order of increasing number of protons in the nucleus. Accordingly, the number of protons, which is always equal to the number of electrons in the neutral atom, is also the atomic number.

NEED HELP Two skaters stand facing each other. One skater’s mass is 60 kg, and the other’s mass is 72 kg. If the skaters push away from each other without spinning,Single choice.
(2 Points)

the lighter skater has less momentum.

the heavier skater has less momentum

their total momentum decreases.

their momenta are equal but opposite.



the heavier skater has less momentum

hope it is helpful to you


Two skaters stand facing each other. One skater's mass is 60 kg, and the other's mass is 72 kg. If the skaters push away from each other without spinning. Their momentums are equal but opposite.


Answer option D) Their momentums are equal but opposite.

AMICA 3º ESO 1. Un muelle elástico de constante de elasticidad de 75 N/m, tiene una longitud de 46 cm cuando se le aplica una fuerza de 7,5 N. Determinar:



Ver explicacion


Primero tenemos que determinar la longitud original del resorte.

De la ley de Hooke;

F = Ke

F = fuerza aplicada

K = constante de fuerza

e = extensión

Pero extensión = longitud final - longitud original

e = F / K

e = 7,5 N / 75 Nm-1

e = 0,1 m

Por eso;

Longitud original = longitud final - extensión

Longitud original = (46 * 10 ^ -2) m - 0,1 m

Longitud original = 0,36 m

b) la mitad de la fuerza aplicada es 3.75 N pero la constante de fuerza permanece igual.

Por eso;

e = F / K

e = 3,75 N / 75 Nm-1

e = 0,05 m

Longitud final = Longitud original - extensión

Longitud final = (46 * 10 ^ -2) m - 0.05 m

Longitud final = 0,41 m

A 1.25 m long pendulum on Mars
has a period of 3.65 s. What is the
acceleration of gravity g on Mars?
(Unit = m/s^2)
Help please



[tex]period = 2\pi \sqrt{ \frac{length}{g} } [/tex]

[tex]3.65 \: s = 2\pi \sqrt{ \frac{(1.25 \: m)}{g} } [/tex]

Squaring both sides and solving for g, we get

g = 3.70 m/s^2

which is close to what is expected (3.71 m/s^2).

At the end of 3N force acts on the object during time interval of 1.5seconds with force acting towards right. A constant force of 4N to left is applied for 3seconds. What is the velocity at the end of the 3seconds ?



v_f = -7.5 m / s


Let's analyze this exercise a little, two forces that act on a body for different time intervals are indicated, each force creates an impulse and since this is a vector quantity we must add in the form of vectors. The net momentum is

we assume that the direction to the right is positive

             I = I₁ + I₂

             I = F₁ Δt₁ - F₂ Δt₂

             I = 3  1.5 - 4  3

             I = -7.5   N s

now let's use the relationship between momentum and momentum, suppose the object starts from rest (vo = 0)

             I = Δp

             I = m (v_f - v₀)


             v_f = I / m


              v_f = -7.5 / m

to finish the calculation we must assume a mass m = 1 kg

              v_f = -7.5 m / s

the negative sign in the body is moving to the left

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

Does not easily transfer electricity




Does not easily transfer electricity

~Chapter Name: Heats and its effects ~
(Collecting Information)
how does a veterinary doctor (a doctor who treats animals) find out the body temperature of domestic animals or birds?
Go to the nearest veterinary clinic and find out
(I don't have a clinic near it miles away so pls help)



Either orally or rectally


(I didn't visit the vet clinic, I just searched it up)

It depends on the animal. You can't check a birds temperature with a thermometer because it will rupture its cloaca gland but you can check its poop.


thermometer is used by veterinary doctors to find out the temperature of domestic animals .

What work is done by a forklift raising a 574 kg crate to a height of 1.3m in a time of 2.0 seconds?


Answer: [tex]7312.76\ J[/tex]



Mass of crate is m=574 kg

The crate is raised up to a height of 1.3 m

time taken t=2 s

Work done to raise the crate is equal to the change in its potential energy

[tex]\Rightarrow \text{Work done W=}mgh\\\Rightarrow W=574\times 9.8\times 1.3\\\Rightarrow W=7312.76\ J[/tex]

An electric lamp is marked 100w 220v. What do you
understand by this? what current is taken by the lamp when it is connected to a 220v main supply. What is the resistance
of the lamp.​



The current is "[tex]\frac{5}{11} \ A[/tex]" and resistance is "484 ohm".


The given values are:

Potential difference,

V = 220 v


P = 100 w


The current will be:

⇒  [tex]P=VI[/tex]

On putting the values, we get

⇒ [tex]100=220\times I[/tex]

⇒     [tex]I=\frac{100}{220}[/tex]

⇒        [tex]= \frac{5}{11}[/tex] A


Resistance will be:

⇒  [tex]V=IR[/tex]

⇒  [tex]220=\frac{5}{11}\times R[/tex]

⇒     [tex]R=44\times 11[/tex]

⇒         [tex]=484[/tex] ohm

In which of the two situations described is more energy transferred?
Situation A - a cup of hot chocolate with a temperature of 40 °C inside a freezer at -20 °C
Situation B - the same cup of hot chocolate at 90 °C in a room at 25°C



More energy is transferred in situation A


Each of the situations are analyzed as follows;

Situation A

The temperature of the cup of hot chocolate = 40 °C

The temperature of the interior of the freezer in which the chocolate is placed = -20 °C

We note that at 0°C, the water in the chocolate freezes

The energy transferred by the chocolate to the freezer before freezing is given approximately as follows;

E₁ = m×c₁×ΔT₁


m = The mass of the chocolate

c₁ = The specific heat capacity of water = 4.184 kJ/(kg·K)

ΔT₁ = The change in temperature from 40 °C to 0°C

Therefore, we have;

E₁ = m×4.184×(40 - 0) = 167.360·m kJ

The heat the coffee gives to turn to ice is given as follows;

E₂ = m·[tex]H_f[/tex]


[tex]H_f[/tex] = The latent heat of fusion = 334 kJ/kg

∴ E₂ = m × 334 kJ/kg = 334·m kJ

The heat required to cool the frozen ice to -20 °C is given as follows;

E₃ = m·c₂·ΔT₂


c₂ = The specific heat capacity of ice = 2.108 kJ/(kg·K)

Therefore, we have;

E₃ = m × 2.108 ×(0 - (-20)) = 42.16

E₃ = 42.16·m kJ/(kg·K)

The total heat transferred = (167.360 + 334 + 42.16)·m kJ/(kg·K) = 543.52·m kJ/(kg·K)

Situation B

The temperature of the cup of hot chocolate = 90 °C

The temperature of the room in which the chocolate is placed = 25 °C

The heat transferred by the hot cup of coffee, E, is given as follows;

E = m×4.184×(90 - 25) = 271.96

∴ E = 271.96 kJ/(kg·K)

Therefore, the total heat transferred in situation A is approximately twice the heat transferred in situation B and is therefore more than the heat transferred in situation B

Energy transferred in situation A = 543.52 kJ/(kg·K)

Energy transferred in situation B = 271.96 kJ/(kg·K)

Energy transferred in situation A ≈ 2 × Energy transferred in situation B

∴ Energy transferred in situation A > Energy transferred in situation B.

Confused about this question. Can someone help? :)



1 it could have been the way he put them in and 2it could be the directions there in.

You are designing a new piece of fishing equipment that will allow you to catch a fish from the surface. You know that water refracts light, but in order to properly program your device, you need to know by what angle water refracts light. Describe an experiment you would conduct to determine the angle at which water refracts light.

Please help! I’ll really appreciate it! :(



Law of refraction


An experiment to analyze the refraction of light in water can easily be performed with a laser pointer and protractor.

We throw the fishing rod line into the water, place the protractor at the point where the line touches the water and use the direction of the line for the direction of the laser pointer (on), the laser is visible by the reflection on the particles in the air.

The vertical line is called Normal and all angles must be measured with respect to this reference in optics.

Having these angles and the refractive index of water we can use the law of refraction

         n₁ sin θ₁  = n₂ sin θ₂

         θ₂ = [tex]sin^{-1} ( \frac{n_1}{n_2} \ sin \ \theta_1 )[/tex]

we can repeat several times to analyze several different input points (different angles) and to decrease the errors in the measurements.

the refractive index of air is n1 = 1 and n2= 1.33  (water)

Basketball was developed so that athletes would have a sport to play during the _________.
A. Fall
B. Winter
C. Spring
D. Summer



B. Winter


Which best illustrates how the carrier wave would appear after pulse modulation?

Answer is the second one


After extensive, detailed calculation, contemplation, investigation, and consideration, my tentative guess is that the second choice is the correct one.

A 4800 Watt heater is supposed to be plugged into a 120 volt outlet to work correctly. If the heater was plugged into a 90 volt source instead, the amount of heat produced would





90 of 120 is 3/4 so 4800 - 1200 is 3600.

A juggler is throwing balls up in the air and catching them. An observer in the crowd makes the statement that the potential and kinetic energy of the ball is the same when the ball is halfway down from its highest point. In one paragraph, using your own words, explain using the relationship of mechanical energy, potential energy, and kinetic energy why the observer is correct.



do you have the answer?


if so whats the answer?

Susan gently pushes the tip of her finger against the eraser on her pencil and the pencil does not move. Which of the
following figures best illustrates the interaction of forces between Susan's finger and her pencil?


Answer: D. ➡️⬅️

Explanation: I just knew the answer ;)

Anwser , This Picture


I think CD because it was positive but also had the fastest velocity in 1 second

Which wave is carrying the most energy?​


Water waves pls brainlest
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