assume your gross pay per pay period is $4,100, and you are in the 33 percent tax bracket. calculate your net pay and spendable income if you save $410 per pay period after paying income tax on $4,100.


Answer 1

After-tax saving method, Gross Pay (Tax)=Net Pay, $4,100 - $(1353)= $2747, Spendable Income $2747 - $410  = $2337

The amount of money left over after taxes have been paid is referred to as "spendable income." A individual or family's discretionary income, which can be utilized for future goals like investing, saving, or spending, is what remains after all bills and obligations have been paid. The money you have accessible allows you to spend your discretionary money.

Someone's discretionary income is determined by taking his spendable income and deducting the necessary living costs he has incurred.

To know more about spendable income refer to:


Related Questions

What are the 3 types of bank accounts?


The majority of bank account types, including savings accounts, current accounts, and bundled accounts, can be opened as joint accounts.

A savings bank account is a type of deposit account that can be held by a bank, building society, or other financial institution. You can make one-time or monthly deposits into your savings account, and you will earn interest on the remaining balance. A joint account is a mechanism for two or more individuals to share a bank account; typically, this would be you and your partner or other people you live with. If you and your partner share expenses like rent, utilities, or mortgage payments, a joint current account may be a simple method for you to handle your money together.

Learn more about account from


How do you serve food and beverages to customers?


Always serve from the right side of the guest, remove the food cover with your right hand and place it in front of them. It is the best way to serve food  and beverages.

A drink or beverage is a liquid that is meant to be consumed by people. In addition to serving the simple purpose of quenching thirst, beverages are significant parts of human civilization. Drinks that are frequently consumed include simple water, milk, juice, smoothies, and soft drinks. Coffee, tea, and hot chocolate are among the traditional warm drinks. Caffeinated beverages with caffeine, a stimulant, have a long history.

Additionally, alcohol-containing beverages like wine, beer, and liquor have been a part of human society for more than 8,000 years. These beverages include the drug ethanol. Drinks that would often include alcohol, such beer, wine, and cocktails, are frequently referred to as non-alcoholic drinks because they have a suitably low percentage of alcohol in them.

learn more about beverage here


If one firm operating in an oligopoly raises its price and other firms do not do so?a. the sales of the firm with the higher price will decline slightly.b. the egos of all the top executives will eventually lead to cooperation at that higher price.c. the sales of the firm that increased its price will decline sharply.d. the firm with the increased price will have its higher profits sustained through cooperation.


In an oligopoly, if one firm raises its price and the other firms do not, the higher-priced firm will see a tiny reduction in sales.

What are examples of oligopoly?

Oligopolies has been present throughout history in a wide range of sectors, including the production of steel, oil, railroads, tires, grocery store chains, and wireless carriers. Both pharmaceutical or aviation industries also have oligopoly structures.

Why is it called oligopoly?

The term "oligopoly" describes an area of the economy where only a few companies are active. No single company has a significant amount of market power in an oligopoly. As both a result, no company may raise prices above what would be the case in a world of perfect competition.

To know more about oligopoly visit:


audra, a salesperson for a textbook publisher, already has an established relationship with her customers at the local university. the step in the personal selling process that she is most likely to skip when she calls on them is


When she calls them, she is more likely to skip the step in the direct marketing procedure known "Generate and qualify leads."

Evaluating prospective consumers is risky and might even be against the law in an e - commerce context.

Manufacturer's reps were salesperson whose represent an operator's goods underneath a production process which aren't the company's personnel.

Relationship marketing is a business methodology & philosophy that focuses attention on sustaining lengthy client relationships and participating in chances that indirectly contribute.

Lead qualification comprises analyzing any range of suggested consumers and determining whether or not they are likely to make a transaction.

To know more about Manufacturer's reps click here


what term is used to refer to a work environment in which temporary positions are common and organizations contract with independent workers for short-term engagements?


Gig economy term is used to refer to a work environment in which temporary positions are common and organizations contract with independent workers for short-term engagements.

What is gig economy?

A gig economy is a form of free market where businesses frequently use independent contractors for brief assignments and temporary roles are popular. A task that lasts for a set amount of time is referred to as a "gig" in colloquial language. The phrase has historically been used by musicians to describe a performance engagement.

Who profit from the gig economy?

Gig labour offers employers access to qualified people at a time when finding full-time staff is becoming more difficult. Gig workers, also known as contingent or contract employees, gain access to new options and flexibility that may not have been previously available.

To know more about gig economy, click here-


lamont works for a company in downtown chicago. the company encourages employees to use public transportation (to save the environment) by providing them with transit passes at a cost of $285 per month.required:if lamont receives one pass (worth $285) each month, how much of this benefit must he include in his gross income each year?if the company provides each employee with $285 per month in parking benefits, how much of the parking benefit must lamont include in his gross income each year?


The amount of this benefit that he would have to include in his income would be given as 60 dollars

if the company provides each employee with $285 per month in parking benefits, the amount of parking benefit must Lamont include in his gross income each year ia 60 dollars

How to solve for the amount in the gross income

Gross income is the total of all incomes, salaries, profits, interest payments, rents, and other kinds of income for families and people before any deductions or taxes. It contrasts with net income, which is the gross income less any applicable taxes and other deductions.

We have 12 months in every given year. The slab rate for the year is 280

Hence we would have 285 - 280 * 12

= 5 * 12

= 60

The benefit must he include in his gross income each year is given as 60 dollars.

2. Similarly the solution would be the same as what we have above because the values are the same.

the parking benefit would be given as 60 dollars as well.

Read more on gross income here:


greenwashing practices have a potential to inflict long-term damage to a brand and the company franchise. greenwashing practices have a potential to inflict long-term damage to a brand and the company franchise. true false


Greenwashing practices have a potential to inflict long-term damage to a brand and the company franchise. its false.

Greenwashing is the practice by which large corporations try to provide the appearance to their clients that their goods are ecologically friendly. They deliver false information by using this approach. Companies intentionally give their customers false information to give the appearance that their items are more ecologically friendly than competing goods. Thus, greenwashing can be defined as the cosmetic alteration of a company's or brand's operations to make them look to customers to be more environmentally friendly than they actually are. Making an unsupported or false claim about an item, service, technology, or business practice's environmental advantages is known as "greenwashing."

Learn more about Greenwashing from


Suppose that two major U.S. insurance corporations negotiate a merger agreement so that a financial crisis is less likely to cause either firm to face bankruptcy.


Because a decrease in capital leads to a lower perceived value of insurers among potential insureds and investors, capital depletion influenced the drop in bankruptcy' share prices.

In conjunction with the overall economic slowdown, the drop in insurance demand. The all-powerful CEO (the duality factor and related Board independence issues), a weak system of management control, a focus on short-term performance goals , a weak code of capital, and opaque disclosures were the key, recurring structural factors. When Bank of America declared bankruptcy in 2008, it shook people's faith in banks so much that a new class of asset emerged that was not backed by any formal bank.

To learn more about bankruptcy, click here.


the d.j. masson corporation needs to raise $600,000 for 1 year to supply working capital to a new store. masson buys from its suppliers on terms of 3/10, net 80, and it currently pays on the 10th day and takes discounts. however, it could forgo the discounts, pay on the 80th day, and thereby obtain the needed $600,000 in the form of costly trade credit. what is the effective annual interest rate of this trade credit? assume a 365-day year. do not round intermediate calculations. round your answer to two decimal places.


9.66% is the effective annual interest rate of this trade credit.

What Is meant by an Effective Annual Interest Rate?

When the benefits of compounding over time are taken into account, the real return on a savings account or any other interest-paying investment is known as the effective annual interest rate. It also displays the actual percentage rate of interest owed on any outstanding debts, including credit card debt and loans.

How do you calculate the effective interest rate?

A straightforward formula can be used to determine the effective interest rate: r = (1 + i/n)n - 1. This equation has three parts: the stated interest rate (I), the effective interest rate (R), and the number of compounding periods (N) per year.

To know more about effective annual interest rate, visit:


whitney is a 25% partner in the wrw partnership. on january 1, wrw distributes $80,000 cash to whitney. wrw has no hot assets or liabilities at the date of the distribution. whitney's basis in wrw is $56,000. what is the amount and character of whitney's gain or loss from the distribution?


An amount of $24,000 is the capital gain of Whitney from the distribution as given in the conditions described above.

A capital gain can be referred to or considered as an appreciation or increase in the amount of original capital invested by an individual. The capital gain of Whitney can be computed using the information provided above, as follows,

Capital Gain = Cash Distributed – Basis

Capital Gain = 80000 – 56000

Capital Gain = 24000

Therefore, the capital gain amounts to $24,000 for the above condition.

Learn more about capital gain here:


generally, retailers with high margins and high levels of customer service place more emphasis on which type of salesperson?


Those who have low customer service standards and low margins frequently place an emphasis on taking orders.

Retailers that focus on the offer of shopping products need their sales reps to both get and take orders.

The role of the salesperson is to take orders in retail lines that sell primarily convenience products.

It is generally true that retailers with high customer service standards and high margins place a greater emphasis on order fulfillment; Those who have low customer service standards and low margins frequently place an emphasis on taking orders.

To know more about salesperson, visit:-


person analysis considers all of the following except: a. determining if training is necessary to ensure that employees can perform tasks effectively b. determining who needs training c. determining training methods d. determining if trainees are ready for training


A) Individual examination thinks about the accompanying with the exception of deciding whether preparing is all important to guarantee that representatives can perform errands successfully

An individual analysis aids in identifying employees who require training. Depending on the "pressure point," different people may require training. Additionally, this analysis aids in assessing employees' readiness for training. includes evaluating the characteristics of the individual, as well as input, output, consequences, and feedback.

What is a person analysis primarily used for?

Person analysis is a stage of training needs analysis that focuses on determining which employees in an organization ought to receive training and what kind of training they ought to receive. Individuals who do not meet the desired performance standards or objectives are found through a person analysis.

To learn more about Person analysis here


Deep earth extraction inc. operates a facility near estuary bay. discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in:_______.
a. penalties and damages.
b. penalties only.
c. damages only.
d. none of the choices.


Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in a. penalties and damages.

Many companies are known to discharge their wastes in an estuary bay. Such companies are subjected to heavy penalties by the government and also as there are aquatic organisms in a bay, the toxic compounds from the water can cause damaging results to the bay ecosystem.

Hence, companies such as Deep earth extraction inc, they discharge waste in the bay, and there are penalties and damages that they have to afford due to the risk they had caused to the bay. All companies should make sure to have a proper disposal system where other life forms and the earth is not damaged by the toxic wastes.

To learn more about waste, click here:


what does an organization require in order to use ai to identify patterns that are useful for decision making?


An organization requires a neutral network to use artificial intelligence(AI) to identify patterns that are useful for decision making.

What is artificial intelligence?

The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, particularly computer systems, is known as artificial intelligence. Expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision are examples of AI applications.

Neural networks mimic human brain behavior, allowing computer programs to recognize patterns and solve common problems in AI, machine learning, and deep learning.

By leveraging datasets with AI, businesses and companies can make faster, more accurate, and consistent decisions. Large datasets can be analysed by artificial intelligence without error. This allows business teams to focus more on work that is relevant to their field.

Therefore, the artificial intelligence is useful in decision making.

To learn more about artificial intelligence, click here:


how is inflation impacted by budget deficits in many low and middle income countries that experience price instability?


A large budget deficit is seen to be one of the causes of many developing nations' subpar economic performance.

What is budget deficit ?Spending overflows income, creating a budget deficit. Although people, businesses, and other organisations can have deficits, the phrase "deficit" only refers to governments. A deficit has to be covered. Debt is created if it isn't. Where there is a negative difference between revenue and spending, there is a budget deficit. When spending outweigh revenues, a deficit budget is said to have occurred, and it is a sign of sound financial health. Total Government Expenditures minus Total Government Income equals the Budget Deficit. The entire revenue received by the government consists of corporate taxes, personal taxes, stamp fees, etc. When a country's expenses surpass its income, a budget deficit results.

To learn more about Budget defict refer to:


under the equal pay act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of:________


Under the Equal Pay Act, employers can legally pay different wages to male and female workers based on: primary job responsibilities, seniority or salary system, factors other than gender.

Who fought for the Equal Pay Act of 1963?

One of the leading activists in the fight for equal pay was Esther Peterson. In 1944, she became the first-ever lobbyist for the National Labor Relations Board, beginning her journey as a labor activist.

What is the purpose of the Equal Pay Act 1963?

Equal pay legislation prohibits sex-based wage differences between men and women who perform work requiring substantially the same skill, training, effort and responsibility in the same workplace and under similar working conditions. All forms of remuneration are covered, including salaries, overtime, bonuses, life insurance, holiday and vacation benefits, cleaning or gas benefits, hotel accommodation, travel and benefits reimbursements.

To learn more about Equal Pay Act 1963 visit:


The amount of goods and services you can buy with a dollar in the global market ______.


The amount of goods and services you can buy with a dollar in the global market increases with a rising dollar value. The worth of a currency is determined by how many goods or services one unit of that currency can be used to purchase.

Inflation may cause purchasing power to deteriorate over time. This is due to the fact that you may acquire fewer items or services as a result of increased pricing. A currency's buying power is another name for its purchasing power.

The amount that can be purchased with a given currency decreases due to inflation. Prices rise as a result of a loss of purchasing power. You might evaluate the cost of a product or service against a price index, such as the Consumer Price Index, to determine buying power in the conventional economic sense (CPI).

Serious economic repercussions may result when a currency's buying power declines as a result of excessive inflation. These can include rising living expenses, increasing interest rates that have an impact on the world economy, and declining credit scores. An economic crisis may be influenced by any one of these variables.

Learn more about Purchasing Power here:


in the 1990s, why did studios begin joint ventures with multiple studios and/or production companies, showing all of their logos at the start of the film?


Studios shunned risk-taking in favour of surefire box office hits. Action movies dominated by men became the norm. Simple, formulaic parodies of well-known television programmes

What does the term "Studio" mean in business?

The primary distinction between studios and other specialty businesses is that studios concentrate on particular services. However, studios outsource out a number of the project's components, such as writing, coding, video, or photography, as opposed to using the complete spectrum of services provided by agencies.

What exactly does a studio apartment mean?

A studio apartment typically consists of one space with a private bathroom and is completely self-contained the word studios is from the Latin term studium, which comes from the verb studere, which means to zealously study.

To know more about studios visit:


If total revenue increases when a firm sells more units, then marginal revenue is?


Marginal revenue and total revenue are positively correlated. Therefore, marginal revenue is positive when total revenue grows.

What relationship does marginal revenue have to overall revenue?

Marginal revenue and total revenue are intimately related since it shows the extra money made by selling an extra unit. As long as the marginal income is greater than the marginal cost of producing a new unit, the overall revenue will continue to increase.

What happens to total revenue when marginal income is zero?

If marginal revenue is zero, total revenue is unchanged. The total amount produced from selling all of the goods that companies produce is known as total revenue (TR). It is calculated as the total output quantity sold (Q) plus the output market price (P).

What happens to total revenue when marginal income is negative?

Marginal revenue (MR), or the increase in total revenue, is attained by selling one more unit of the product. The additional revenue from the extra unit of output will likewise be negative if MR is negative, which will lead to a decrease in overall revenue.

Learn more about marginal revenue:


the ending retained earnings balance of lambert inc. increased by $2.2 million from the beginning of the year. the company's net income earned during the year is $6.6 million. what is the amount of dividends lambert inc. declared and paid?


Lambert Inc. announced and paid dividends of $5.2 million. The remaining retained earnings till the very end represent: Net earnings less all owner expenditures over the course of the business

ending internal funds = starting interest income + total assets generated - reward paid.


The conclusion Since the starting of the year, Lambert Inc.'s retained earnings amount has climbed by $2.6 million. The company's net income for the year was $7.8 million.

Since the starting of the year, Lambert Inc.'s retained earnings amount has climbed by $2.6 million. The company's net income for the year was $7.8 million.


Dividend paid is $2.6 million minus $7.8 million.

= $5,2,000,000

Lambert Inc. announced and payed $5.2 million in dividends.

The retained earnings balance is reduced by the dividend account. It does not appear on the balance sheet under stockholders' property.

To know more about  retained earnings click here


the main characteristics of a pure___are a single seller, no close substitutes, a price maker, blocked entry, and non-price competition.


A full monopoly, Correct Unavailable is characterized by a single seller, the absence of near substitutes, a price maker, barred entrance, and non-price competition.

Which market called price maker?

There are no competitors in a market that is monopolistic. The monopolist, also known as the price maker, is able to set the price in the market due to the absence of close replacements and competitors. A seller who has sufficient pricing and market clout to affect market prices is said to be a price maker. In such a scenario, a company's capacity to successfully alter product and service prices determines its market and pricing power.

What is price maker in monopoly and why is perfect competition a price maker?

A monopolist is seen as a price maker since it has the power to determine the cost of the goods it sells. Demand, often known as consumer willingness & ability to buy the commodity, places restrictions on the monopolist.

Because competing firms pressure companies to accept the market's current equilibrium price, a perfect competition firm is referred to as a price taker. A company will lose every one of its sales to rivals if it increases the price of its item by even a penny in a highly competitive market.

To know more about Price Maker visit:


summer tyme, inc., is considering a new 3-year expansion project that requires an initial fixed asset investment of $2,181,831. the fixed asset will be depreciated straight-line to zero over its 3-year tax life, after which time it will be worthless. the project is estimated to generate $1,991,029 in annual sales, with costs of $1,675,389. if the tax rate is 0.31 , what is the ocf for this project?


The annual operating cash flows for this project is $443,247.47.

What is operating cash flows?

A measure of the amount of money made by a company's regular business operations is called operating cash flow (OCF). Operating cash flow shows if a business can produce enough positive cash flow to support and expand its operations; if not, it may need outside finance for capital growth.

The computation of operating cash flows for the summer tyme, Inc in following manner:

a) Initial fixed asset investment = $2,181,831

b) Estimated useful life of the asset 3-year

c) Salvage value = zero

d) Depreciation for a year by using straight line method = (Cost of Asset - Salvage value) ÷ Useful life

= ($2,181,831 - 0) ÷ 3 years

= $727,277 (non-cash operating expense)

e) Annual operating cash flows = Revenue - Expenditure = Sales - Cost = EBITDA - Depreciation - Amortization

f) EBIT =  $1,991,029 - $1,675,389 - $727,277 = -$411,637

g) Tax benefit on loss = 31% × -$411637 = $127,607.47

h) EAT =  - $284,029.53 (loss)

I) Cash Profit = - $284,029.53 + $727,277 (Depreciation added back) = $443,247.47

Thus the operating cash flow of the project annual = $443,247.47.

Learn more about operating cash flows refer:


with respect to expanding opportunities for ict environmental contributions, what term is associated with the issues such as leed certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots?


With respect to expanding opportunities for ICT environmental contributions, the term Green Growth is associated with the issues such as lead certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots.

Any machine that can be programmed by a computer and is capable of automatically performing a series of complex tasks is called a robot. The robot can be controlled by an internal control system or by an external control device. Robots can be made to look like humans, but most of them are mission-powered devices created with a focus on stern utility rather than emotional aesthetics.

Robots can be self-propelled or semi-autonomous and can be anything from a humanoid robot like Honda's new Advanced Mobility Step (ASIMO) or TOSY Table Tennis Robot (TOPIO) ) from TOSY to industrial robots, medical surgical robots, patient assistance robots and canine therapy robot.

To know more about Robots here-


which of the following best describes the crowding-out effect? group of answer choices an increase in government expenditures will cause taxes to rise, which will reduce both aggregate demand and output. an increase in borrowing by the government will push interest rates upward, which will lead to a reduction in private spending. an increase in borrowing by the government will decrease the money supply and, thereby, reduce aggregate demand. an increase in government expenditures will cause the general level of prices to fall and, thereby, reduce aggregate demand and output.


An increase in borrowing by the government will push interest rates upward, which will lead to a reduction in private spending is the best description for crowding-out effect.

A macroeconomic strategy known as fiscal policy involves using either taxation or government expenditure to alter the level of economic output. A crowding-out effect results from a large budget deficit. A large budget deficit increases public authority borrowing, which reduces the amount of money available to private firms. Due to the lack of available capital, interest rates are high, which reduces the amount of investment made into the economy. As a result, an economic slowdown develops in the economy. This phrase refers to the possibility that higher interest rates could result from government borrowing. In order to encourage people to purchase its bonds, the government may need to raise interest rates if it wants to sell more securities.

To learn more about push interest please click on the given link:


if the selling price of the good rises, what happens to supply of a product? group of answer choices it increases. it decreases. it does not change, but the quantity supplied increases. uncertain--economic theory has no answer to this question.


if the selling price of the good rises, the supply of a product does not change, but the quantity supplied increases.

Two fundamental economic principles combine to form the law of supply and demand, which explains how changes in the price of a resource, commodity, or product affect its supply and demand.

Supply rises while demand decreases as the price rises. On the other hand, as the cost drops supply tightens while request develops.

Curves can be used to show the levels of supply and demand for various prices. The equilibrium, or market-clearing price, at which demand equals supply, is marked by the intersection of these curves, which also represent the process of price discovery in the market. When demand remains constant, there is an inverse relationship between supply and price of goods and services. Prices typically fall to a lower equilibrium price and a higher equilibrium quantity of goods and services when there is an increase in the supply of those goods and services while there is no change in demand for them. Prices are more likely to rise to a higher equilibrium price and a smaller quantity of goods and services when there is a decrease in the supply of those goods and services while demand remains constant.

To know more about selling price visit


In the better business bureau settled of complaints they received in the united states. Suppose you have been hired by the better business bureau to investigate the complaints they received this year involving new car dealers. You plan to select a sample of new car dealer complaints to estimate the proportion of complaints the better business bureau is able to settle. Assume the population proportion of complaints settled for new car dealers is , the same as the overall proportion of complaints settled in. Use the z-table. A. Suppose you select a sample of complaints involving new car dealers. Show the sampling distribution of.


For the first part, the probability that the sample proportion will be within 0.04 of the population proportion is 0.9076.

The probability of an event is a measure of the likelihood that it will occur. It is expressed as a number between 0 and 1, where, conventionally, 0 indicates impossibility and 1 indicates certainty. The higher the probability of an event, the more likely it is that the event will occur.

For the second part, the probability that the sample proportion will be within 0.04 of the population proportion is 0.9864.

As measured by the increase in probability, taking the larger sample in part (d) gains 0.0788 in precision.

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Complete question





answered • expert verified

In 2016 the Better Business Bureau settled 80% of complaints they received in the United States. Suppose you have been hired by the Better Business Bureau to investigate the complaints they received this year involving new car dealers. You plan to select a sample of new car dealer complaints to estimate the proportion of complaints the Better Business Bureau is able to settle. Assume the population proportion of complaints settled for new car dealers is 0.80, the same as the overall proportion of complaints settled in 2016.In 2016 the Better Business Bureau settled 80% of complaints they received in the United States. Suppose you have been hired by the Better Business Bureau to investigate the complaints they received this year involving new car dealers. You plan to select a sample of new car dealer complaints to estimate the proportion of complaints the Better Business Bureau is able to settle. Assume the population proportion of complaints settled for new car dealers is 0.80, the same as the overall proportion of complaints settled in 2016.

an agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct. t or f


An agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct. [TRUE]

About ratification

Along with the increasing relations between countries, international cooperation as outlined in various forms of international agreements is also increasing.

An international agreement is an agreement, in a certain form and name, which is regulated in international law which is made in writing and gives rise to rights and obligations in the field of public law. One way that can be chosen by the state in expressing its agreement to be bound by international agreements is ratification.

What is ratification

Ratification is a form of ratification of an international agreement in which the ratifying country also signs the text of the agreement. Ratification can also be referred to as the approval process for countries to be bound by international agreements, both at the national and international levels. International law experts, Oppenheim said, the function of ratification is to make the agreement binding. Meanwhile, Kaczorowska views ratification as a formal action by the state to accept the substance of an international agreement and implement it.

Learn more about ratification at


the real value of marketing research to the organization can best be measured by a. how much it costs. b. improvements in the ability to make decisions. c. its immediate impact on profits. d. the amount of time spent. e. the increase in sales volume or market share.


the real value of marketing research to the organization can best be measured by improvements in the ability to make decisions.

" Marketing research is the methodical and objective hunt for, and analysis of, information applicable to the identification and arrangement of any issue in the field of marketing."

The catchphrases in this description are; methodical , thing and analysis. Marketing research looks to set about its task in a methodical and objective fashion. This means that a detailed and precisely planned exploration plan is created in which each stage of the exploration is determined. Such a exploration plan is conceivably viewed as acceptable on the off chance that it determines the exploration issue in compact and exact terms, the information necessary to address the issue, the strategies to be employed in gathering the information and the logical procedures to be employed to decrypt it.

Maintaining neutrality in marketing research is essential assuming marketing operation is to have acceptable trust in its issues to be prepared to take dangerous choices grounded upon those issues. To this end, as far as conceivable, marketing experimenters use the logical fashion. The characteristics of the logical fashion are that it translates particular impulses, studies and conclusions into unambiguous suggestions( or enterprises). These are tried empirically. At the same time indispensable explanations of the event or marvels of interest are given equal consideration.

to know more about marketing research click here:


Which of these describe groups or pairs of projects where you can accept one but not all?
a. Mutually exclusive.
b. Normal.
c. Independent.
d. Contingent.


(Option A) Mutually exclusive projects are those where you can only choose one, while (Option B) contingent projects are those where the acceptance of one depends on the acceptance of another, so you may need to accept all of them or none of them.


a. Mutually exclusive.d. Contingent.

Choosing Between Mutually Exclusive and Contingent Projects

Mutually exclusive projects are those where you can only choose one and not all, as they are mutually exclusive. This means that if you accept one project, you necessarily have to reject the other. Contingent projects, on the other hand, are those projects where the acceptance of one depends on the acceptance of another. This means that if you accept one project, you may need to accept all of them or none of them, depending on the agreement.

In other words, if you want to accept one project, you may need to accept all of them.

Learn more about Mutually exclusive:


The statement of cash flows is designed for all of the following purposes except predict future cash flows. list all revenues and expenses. provide information about cash receipts and cash payments during a period. determine a​ company's ability to pay dividends and interest.


The statement of cash flows is designed for all of the following purposes except to list all revenues and expenses.

What is meant by cash flows?

In economics, cash flows refers the net amount of cash and cash equivalents being transferred in and out of a company.

Here we need to find the statement of cash flows is designed for all of the following purposes except.

Here in this given question, we will determine which of the following statements is the exception.

By looking into the given options, A.) These activities are reported in the income statement of the company and not in the cash flow.

Therefore, this is not included in the designed purpose of the statement of cash flows.

So, the correct option is (A).

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What is the main message according to Marshall McLuhan? what is the name of the downloadable program individuals can use to anonymize their online activity from others that has been a focus of law enforcement investigations over the last few years? Connor and Pilar are in a rock-climbing club. They are climbing downa canyon wall. Connor starts from a cliff that is 200 feet above thecanyon floor and climbs down at an average speed of 10 feet perminute. Pilar climbs down the canyon wall as shown in the table.Time (min)Pilar's height (ft)Initial value:02423. Interpret the rates of change and initial values of the linear functions interms of the situations that they model. Compare the results and whatthey mean.ConnorRate of change:123234 226 218PilarInitial value:Rate of change: You and nine peers have been selected to apply for an important college scholarship. Only one student will be awarded the scholarship. You have been asked to write a brief essay to the scholarship committee in which you share an important event in your life that significantly changed you, your view about life, your life goals, or your character for the better. Apply narrative techniques, a solid prewriting strategy, and creative sentence patterns to share your story and stand apart from other applicants.PLSSSS HELP!!!! If the half-life of an element is 67 yr and the initial quantity is 3 kg, write a function of the form Q(t) = Q0 e^-kt to model the quantity of the element left after years. Round k to 4 decimal places.Would appreciate a step by step explanation, thank you. When we add a whole number to another whole number we always get a whole number True or false? A man and his bike are 95 kg. His instantaneous speed at one point is 14m/s. The next time his speed ischecked he is going 28m/s. If the second speed was taken 7 seconds later, what force must the man have givenhis bike to change the speed? What was the bicyclist's final momentum? What is the slope of the line passing through 3 8 and (- 1 0? Defective products may incur strict liability Which of these describe groups or pairs of projects where you can accept one but not all?Group of answer choicesMutually exclusive.Normal.Independent.Contingent. jody and jill are going on a road trip. they would like to make it 350 miles before stopping. if they keep a speed of 70 mph, how many hours will it take to reach their first stop? A spherical balloon filled with gas has a leak that causes the gas to escape at a rate of 1. 5 m3/min. At what rate is the surface area of the balloon shrinking when the radius is 4 m? present your answer rounded to two decimal places. When the president issues a rule or regulation that reorganizes or otherwise directs the affairs of the executive branch, it is called what approach would you choose to solve problems most commonly associated with a lack of specialization for employees? At noon the temperature was -2.5 degrees. Every hour the temperature dropped by -3.5 degrees. What was the temperature after 5.5 hours? in march 1962 a military coup led by whom overthrew the elected government of u nu, and ushered in a period of military rule that lasted for more than 40 years? Who joined 7 In BTS? 1. there are systematic risks and idiosyncratic risks. which risks can be mitigated by whom and how? Three times the larger of two consecutive even integers is ten more than the smaller. Find the numbers When I was a kid, I took great pleasure in jumping on my bike and riding to the corner candy store about half a mile away. Although I had no knowledge of the part the bicycle had played as a vehicle of change for turn-of-the-20th-century women, I was acutely aware that it allowed this 1960s girl a unique measure of independence. On my bike, I could break free of the bonds that held me in my neighborhood to go buy Necco Wafers and candy necklaces and Atomic FireBalls. If I felt particularly adventurous, I could even ride a bit farther for a fresh ice-cream cone at Applegate Farm.Introduction to Wheels of Change,Sue MacyWhat is the central idea of this passage?The bicycle provided a way for Sue Macy to buy candy from the local store.The bicycle provided joy and independence for Sue Macy at a young age.The bicycle provided a vehicle of change for the twentieth-century woman.The bicycle provided exercise for young children in the writers neighborhood.