assume that you have written a try-catch block in your code. what will happen if an error occurs in the try block?


Answer 1

If the try block raises an error, the rest of the code inside the try block is not executed and control of execution passes from the try block to the catch block. A catch block handles exceptions thrown by a try block.

What is a try-catch block?

"Try" and "catch" are keywords that describe exception handling due to data or coding errors during program execution. A try block is a block of code in which an exception is raised. The catch block catches and handles exceptions in the try block.

What is a try block in Java?

A try block is a block of code (containing a series of statements) that can raise an exception. Used to enclose code that may throw exceptions. A try block is always followed by a catch block that handles exceptions raised by the associated try block.

Learn more about try block:


Related Questions

Order the following key steps that bi follow to transform raw data into easy to digest insights for everyone in an organization to use.
A. Uncover trends and inconsistencies using tools such as Data Mining
B. Present findings using tools such as visualization
C. Take action on insights in real time
D. Collect and transform data forum multiple sources


Here are the order of steps to transform raw data into easy to digest insights for everyone in an organization to use:

D. Collect and transform data from multiple sources

A. Uncover trends and inconsistencies using tools such as Data Mining

B. Present findings using tools such as visualization

C. Take action on insights in real time

What is raw data?

Raw data (sometimes called source data, atomic data, or master data) is data that has not been processed for use. There is sometimes a distinction between data and information in the sense that information is the end product of data processing. Raw data that has undergone processing is sometimes referred to as baked data.

While raw data has the potential to become "information," it requires selective mining, organization, and sometimes analysis, and formatting for presentation. Due to processing, raw data sometimes ends up in the database, allowing the data to be accessible for further processing and analysis in a variety of ways.

Learn more about raw data


how to store order information with a primary key of order id and foreign key of customer id for dad 220 module six


Dad 220 Module 6: To store customer order with such a primary key of purchase id as well as foreign key of customer id:

1. Create a table in the database to store the order information. This table should include columns for an OrderID (primary key), CustomerID (foreign key), OrderDate, and other relevant information such as shipping address, order total, etc.

2. Create an index on the OrderID column to ensure that the data is properly organized in the table.

3. Create a foreign key relationship between the OrderID column and the CustomerID column in order to link the order information to the customer.

4. Populate the table with data, such as the customer's ID and order information.

5. Create a query that retrieves order information based on the OrderID and CustomerID. This query should be able to be used for retrieving orders for a given customer, as well as for retrieving all orders for a given order ID.

What is primary key?
A primary key is a special type of data column in a database table that is used to uniquely identify each row of data in the table. It is used to ensure data integrity and to guarantee that no two rows of data in the same table have the same key. The primary key is often referred to as the "identifier" of the table and is typically created as an auto-incrementing integer. The primary key is used to ensure data accuracy and to prevent data duplication in the table. It is also used to link the data in the table to other data in the database. A primary key is an important concept for database design and is an integral part of relational databases.

To learn more about primary key

Which control is used to move and resize the control on the form window?


The control used to move and resize the control on the form window is called the Size and Move Handle. This control is located at the top left corner of the control on the form window.

Here are the steps to use the Size and Move Handle:

1. Select the control you want to move and resize.

2. To move the control, click the Size and Move Handle at the top left corner of the control and drag the control to the desired location on the form window.

3. To resize the control, click the Size and Move Handle and then drag the corners of the control to resize it.

4. Release the mouse button when the control is in the desired location and size.

To resize a window horizontally point to one of the vertical edges of the window. The mouse pointer changes to indicate that you can resize the window. Grab the edge and drag the window to the new size.To  a window vertically point to the bottom edge of the window.  mouse pointer changes to indicate that you can resize the window. Grab the edge and drag the window to the new size.

To learn more about RESIZE A WINDOW visit here :


Of the following similar-sounding items, which one would you likely find on your keyboard?


Answer: W A S D

Explanation: Every human on earth knows W, A, S, and D

are the most important keys on any keyboard

Of the following similar-sounding items, caps lock is likely find on your keyboard. The correct option is A.

What is a keyboard?

A computer keyboard is an input device that allows a user to enter letters, numbers, and other symbols (collectively known as characters) into a computer.

A keyboard is used to enter information into your computer, such as letters, words, and numbers. When person type, you press the individual keys on the keyboard.

The number keys that run across the top of the keyboard can also be found on the right side. The letter keys are located in the middle of the keyboard.

Caps Lock is a key on a computer keyboard that, when activated, allows users to generate uppercase letters without holding down the Shift key.

It's a toggle key that's located on the left side of a computer keyboard, just below the Tab key.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding keyboard, visit:


Your question seems incomplete, the missing options are:

A. Caps Lock

B. Cap Lock

C. Clip Lock

D. Clap Lock

Suppose the numbers 13, 11, 7, 14, 9, 12, 6, 15, 10, 8 are inserted in that order into an initially empty binary search tree. The binary search tree uses the usual ordering on natural numbers. What is the in-order traversal sequence of the resultant tree?


9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 is the in-order travesal sequence of the resultant tree.

What is in-order travesal sequence?

For Inorder, you traverse from the left subtree to the root then to the right subtree. For Preorder, you are  traverse from the root to the  left subtree then to by the  right subtree. For Post of the  order, you traverse from the left subtree to the and right subtree then to the root.

Insert 5,7,1,8,3,6,0,9,4,2 in empty binary search tree by using the formula of reverse ordering.

Inorder travesal=9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0

In-order of the binary tree is always shorted in ascending order but binary search tree uses the reversal ordering on natural number.

Therefore it is sorted in decsding order.

To know more about in-order travesal sequence click-


which is a correct procedural step for a webpage to render on a user's browser? an information request is sent to an ip address


Following is the correct procedural step for a webpage to render on a user's browser:

type an URL. To ascertain the protocol, host, port, and path, the browser parses                        the URL. It forms a HTTP request. DNS lookup. A socket( Port 80) needs to be opened from the user's computer to that IP number The HTTP request is sent to the host The host forwards the request to the server software The server examines the request (often just the path) and starts the server plugin required to process it (according to the server language you're using—is it PHP, Java,.NET, or Python) DOM nodes are moved, Javascript is performed, and style information is updated as a result of the parsed and executed Javascript.The DOM tree and the style information for each node are used by the browser to render the page on the screen.

What is Webpage Rendering?

The interactive pages visitors view while visiting a website are created from website code through a process called rendering.

The employment of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript codes is generally referred to by the phrase. A rendering engine, which is the program a web browser uses to render a web page, completes the process.

To know more about Webpage Rendering, visit:


you deployed an app engine application using gcloud app deploy, but it did not deploy to the intended project. you want to find out why this happened and where the application deployed. what should you do?


You should examine project settings and the app.yaml file for your application. To check the gCloud configuration used for app deploy, open Cloud Shell and execute gcloud config list.

Your deployment was rolled back since you weren't able to get well in the allowed period. If you think this was a mistake, consider modifying the readiness check section's app start timeout sec setting.

Verify that the app start timeout sec value is present in the readiness check section of your app.yaml file. If it doesn't already exist, create it and increase the app start timeout sec value from the default 300 seconds.

Before deploying, you must add the endpoints API service section to app.yaml during configuration. To receive the configuration for your service, the Extensible Service Proxy (ESP) requires the settings that you specify in this section.

The rollout strategy: managed option or a configuration ID must be entered in the config id field, but not both. This setting tells ESP to utilize the most recent service configuration that has been deployed. When you choose this option, ESP automatically recognizes the change and starts utilizing it up to five minutes after you deploy a new service configuration.  We make a change and use it immediately after. Instead of providing ESP with a specific configuration ID, we advise using this option.

To learn more app deploy about  click here:


sally, a member of the sales department, is borrowing a laptop computer from her supervisor to do some work from home in the evenings. sally contacts you and indicates that she cannot access the c:\reports folder on the laptop. this folder contains documents that she needs to edit. you log on to the laptop as a domain administrator to check the folder's access control list. you are denied access to view the permissions. you contact sally's supervisor to verify that sally should receive access to the folder. sally's supervisor indicates that sally should be able to read, change, and delete documents in the folder, but that only the supervisor should be able to configure permissions. you need to grant sally appropriate permissions to the c:\reports folder. what should you do? (choose two. each correct choice is part of the solution.)


After giving ownership of the C:\Reports folder. You have to grant Allow Modify permission to the folder C:\Reports for Sally.

You must configure permissions for the new user after granting a group or individual user access to a folder (s). You can control a user's or users' level of access to a folder and the files contained in it by setting permissions. Checking Deny for any rights should be done with caution because it overrides all other permissions connected to Allow.

Only the folder's owner (i.e., its creator) or a person to whom the owner has granted authority may modify a folder's permissions. All checkboxes will be gray if you don't own the folder or the owner hasn't given you permission to access it. As a result, you won't be able to do anything until the owner grants you permission.

To learn more about Access Control List click here:


what is geocache? group of answer choices an east/west measurement of position. a device that measures the acceleration (the rate of change of velocity) of an item and is used to track truck speeds or taxicab speeds. a north/south measurement of position. a gps technology adventure game that posts the longitude and latitude location for an item on the internet for users to find.


Geocache is a GPS technology adventure game that posts the longitude and latitude location for an item on the internet for users to find.

What is Geocache?

Geocaching is a true outdoor adventure that is taking place all over the world. To play, the participant uses a geocaching app or his GPS device to navigate to cleverly hidden containers called geocaches. There are millions of geocaches waiting to be discovered in 190 countries. There are probably a few near you too.

Geocaching started in his early 2000s. Only 75 geocaches were hidden when the site was published. There are now over 3 million geocaches and millions of active geocachers playing the game. Geocaches come in all shapes, sizes, and difficulty levels, and are hidden in both rural and urban areas.

Learn more about geocache


is when a virtual machine simulates a real physical host and allows an operating system to run without being modified. a. transparent (or full) virtualization b. virtual networking c. hosted virtualization d. paravirtualization


Full virtualization is when a virtual machine simulates a real physical host and allows an operating system to run without being modified.In Full virtualization, the VM simulates sufficient hardware to enable the isolation of a guest OS without modification

A VME can be provided using the virtualization technique known as full virtualization, which entirely simulates the underlying hardware. Any software that can operate on the physical hardware can be used in this kind of environment, and each individual VM can run any OS that is supported by the underlying hardware. Users are able to run many guest operating systems at once.

Full virtualization is useful in many situations. For instance, in the development of operating systems, experimental new code can run concurrently with older versions, each in a different VM. Each virtual machine (VM) is given access to all of the real system's features, including a virtual BIOS, virtual peripherals, and virtualized memory management, by the hypervisor. The virtualization layer completely disengages the guest OS from the underlying hardware.

To learn more about Full virtualization click here:


What are the 3 basic security primitives?



1. the security primitive datapath

2. The Security Primitive Controller

3. The System Security Controller


What are the 4 basic questions when starting a patent search?


The 4 basic questions when starting a Patent Search are:

Firstly, "Can I create, utilize, or market my product?"

Secondly, Is my innovation eligible for a patent?

Thirdly,  "How robust is this portfolio of patents?"

Lastly, "Is my rival's patent still valid?"

It can be challenging to find patents. It necessitates knowledge of the justifications for exploring patents, the techniques for doing so, and the tools at hand to facilitate the process. While working with a qualified legal expert is still strongly advised when doing a patent search, it is never a bad idea to fully comprehend the patent search procedure and also carry out searches on your own.

A patent search can be done using a variety of methods. The majority of patent searches are done using free or commercial databases that contain both registered patents and previously submitted patent applications.

To learn more about Patent Search click here:


which initial search console step includes a report that breaks down the traffic by queries, pages, and countries?


Search performance report includes a report that breaks down the traffic by queries, pages, and countries.

The Search Performance Report shows you how much traffic you get from searches, broken down by query, page, and country. For each of these breakdowns, you can see trends in impressions, clicks, and other metrics.

What are Search Console reports?

Search Console tools and reports help you measure search traffic and site performance, troubleshoot issues, and help your site stand out in Search results. Get started now. Optimize your content with search analytics. See what searches brought users to your site.

What are search query reports for?

The Search Term Report is a list of search terms used by a significant number of users that resulted in your ad being shown. Depending on your keyword match options, the search terms displayed may differ from the keyword list.

Learn more about search console report :


you have a computer that runs windows connected to a domain network. one day, you find that the computer is unable to connect to the internet, although it can communicate with a few other computers on the local subnet. you run the ipconfig command and find that the network connection has been assigned the address of with a mask of what can you try as first step to resolve this issue?





When you restart, the computer shuts down and it gives it space to load.

which xcopy command switch copies only files with the archive attribute set, and does not change the attribute?


The attribute of  xcopy command which switch copies only files with the archive attribute set, and does not change the attribute is "/A  ". The syntax used for copy is xcopy source [/A] [destination].

Ensure your source and destination before executing the XCOPY command. The only needed parameter in the XCOPY command is the source, which is the folder or files you want to copy from. The destination is the location where the source files or folders should be saved. The files or folders will be copied to the same folder where you run the XCOPY command if you don't specify a destination.

To copy one or more files or folders from one location to another, use the Command Prompt command xcopy.

A more functional file-copying tool than the Copy command, XCOPY is a representation of an extended copy in computing. To move files or directories from one place to another, use the XCOPY command.

Additionally, the XCOPY command can be used on a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, IBM PC DOS, IBM OS/2, FreeDOS, ReactOS, and others. You should be aware that different operating systems may support different versions of certain XCOPY command options and other XCOPY command syntax.

To learn more about copy click here:


describe the different ways of implementing one-to-one relationships. assume you are maintaining information on offices (office numbers, buildings, and phone numbers) and faculty (numbers and names).


Diferent ways of implementing one-to-one relationships:

1. Many-to-One Relationship:

Each faculty member is associated with one office, and each office can have multiple faculty members associated with it. This would be implemented by having a foreign key in the Faculty table that references the primary key of the Office table.

2. One-to-One Relationship:

Each faculty member is associated with one office, and each office is associated with one faculty member. This would be implemented by having a foreign key in both the Faculty and Office tables that reference each other.

3. Join Table:

A third table can be used to store the relationships between the Faculty and Office tables. This table will include the primary keys of the Faculty and Office tables, and can also include other information related to the relationship between the two tables.

Learn more about the relationships :


which type of threat actor would benefit the most from accessing your enterprise's new machine learning algorithm research and development program? a. competitors b. criminal syndicates c. shadow it d. brokers


Nation-state actors who pose a cyber threat typically have geopolitical objectives. Cybercriminals frequently have financial goals in mind. Ideological reasons are frequently present among hackers.

Terrorist organizations typically have violent ideologies at their core. The motivation behind thrill-seekers is typically fulfillment. An insider threat is somebody who has access to a company's tangible or digital assets. Insiders are current employees, former employees, contractors, vendors, and business partners who have been granted access to a company's network and computer systems. Two threat actors that are viewed as ideologues are hackers and terrorists. These two teams of attackers can work together because they have similar goals. Terrorists and hacktivists use distinct techniques to commit cybercrimes, though.

Learn more about network here-


when you log into your email with your username and password, you are logging into a static website, since the look and feel is the same each time. true false


It is false that when you log into your email with your username and password, you are logging into a static website since the look and feel is the same each time.  Because static web pages are composed of "fixed code," they won't change unless the site developer makes adjustments.

Consider it to be a business brochure. While static webpages provide a lot of the same information that you may find in a brochure, they cannot automatically modify. Someone needs to make a new page in order to accomplish this. For this reason, static websites are sometimes known as brochure sites.

A static site only keeps its actual pages in storage. It has zero users, no remarks, no blog entries, and lack of interaction

If a site is dynamic, it can be easily determined. It is a dynamic website if you can interact with it. For instance, dynamic websites let you make a reservation, comment on a post, or build a user profile.

To learn more about static website click here:


you manage a windows server that is used to hold user data files. the system volume is drive c:, while all user data is on drive e:. you will use windows server backup to configure a backup schedule. you want to back up only the e: volume twice per day. you want to be able to restore individual files and folders. what should you do? (select two. each choice is a required part of the solution.)


You launch the Backup Schedule wizard after starting Windows Server Backup. You receive a notification claiming that there is no backup destination available after configuring the schedule. Integrate a fresh external hard drive into the setup.

How does file recovery work?

Choose File Recovery from the Backup dashboard menu. The menu for file recovery appears. Users should be aware of this feature's performance restrictions.

How can I get back a previous version of a file?

You can browse a timeline, choose the version you want, and restore a file if you wish to go back to an earlier version of it (even if it wasn't deleted or lost).

To know more about Windows server visit:-


What Problem Does it Solve?Why is CS used in this way? How is it solving a problem in the creation of entertainment?


Computer Science (CS) is used in the creation of entertainment in a variety of ways. It can be used to create the visual effects, animations, and characters seen in movies, television, and video games. It can also be used to develop the interactive and intuitive interfaces seen in video games and virtual reality experiences.

CS is used to solve problems in the entertainment industry by providing efficient and effective solutions that are both visually appealing and engaging. For example, in the movie industry, computer graphics are used to create photo-realistic effects and animations, as well as virtual sets and environments. In the gaming industry, CS is used to create 3D models of characters and environments, as well as to create interactive user interfaces. In addition, algorithms and artificial intelligence are used to create immersive experiences, such as the ability to interact with virtual characters or to explore virtual worlds.

CS is also used to create interactive, intuitive experiences for users. In the gaming industry, CS is used to create sophisticated user interfaces that allow players to easily interact with the game.

read more about this at


war consumerization is the practice of tagging pavement with codes displaying where wi-fi access is available. group of answer choices true false


The practice of locating and possibly exploiting connections to wireless local area networks while operating a vehicle through a city or elsewhere is known as war driving, also known as access point mapping. Thus, it is false.

What war consumerization practice of tagging pavement?

A key element of a wireless communications system that uses radio links to connect individual devices to other areas of a network is called a radio access network (RAN).

However, it also encompasses the usage of internet services, including social media, web-based email, and online data storage, as well as privately downloaded software used on business equipment.

Over a fibre or wireless backhaul connection, the RAN connects user devices, such as a cellphone, computer, or any remotely operated machine.

Therefore,  it is false that war consumerization is the practice of tagging pavement with codes displaying where Wi-Fi access is available.

Learn more about tagging pavement here:


even though you can't specify this modifier for a named constant within a class, what is the effective access modifier for the constant?


In a class in the C# programming language, the effective access modifier for a named constant is always "private."

Constants are variables in C# that are given a value at the moment of their declaration and cannot have that value modified later. Any C#-supported data type, such as int, string, or bool, may be used to declare constants by using the "const" keyword.

An access modifier cannot, however, be specified for a named constant that is part of a class. Whether or not an access modifier is supplied, all named constants are automatically regarded as private. The constant can only be accessed from within the class in which it is defined, according to this.
It's crucial to remember that this restriction only applies to named constants that are declared inside of a class.

To know more about effective access modifier kindly visit


name at least 3 areas in our daily lives where information technology has brought big change?


Name at least 3 areas in our daily lives where information technology has brought big change is:

Traditional market change to online marketplace.Offline study change to online study.Offline conference change to online meeting.What is information technology?

Information technology is the management and delivery of information utilizing voice, data, and video. It includes hardware, software, services, and supporting infrastructure. A vast professional field known as information technology (IT) includes tasks like setting up communication networks, protecting data and information, and resolving computer issues. The study of or use of computers and telecommunications for data archiving, retrieval, transmission, or sending is known as information technology, or IT.

Learn more about information technology:


if a host's ipv6 address contains the network adapter's mac address within the last 64 bits of the ipv6 address, what standard is being used?


EUI-64 is the standard used.

What is EUI-64 used for?

EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier) is a method we can use to automatically configure IPv6 host addresses. An IPv6 device will use the MAC address of its interface to generate a unique 64-bit interface ID.

When converted to EUI-64 standard how many bits are inserted into the existing OS-assigned MAC address?

The IPv6 EUI-64 format address is obtained through the 48-bit MAC address. The MAC address is first separated into two 24-bits, with one being OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) and the other being NIC-specific. The 16-bit 0xFFFE is then inserted between these two 24-bits for the 64-bit EUI address.

Does EUI-64 improve security?

The IID used to be based on an encoding of the device's hardware MAC address, known as EUI-64. It subsequently became clear that EUI-64 should be considered harmful to privacy because it exposes hardware identifiers at the network layer.

To know more about EUI-64:

what are the characteristics of class documentation? give example of a good class documentation for an oz program.


Class features are useful in narrowing searches when comparing the text in question to multiple different author criteria, but they do not provide a good basis for definitive identification.

However, the lack of common class characteristics may shy away from the material in question. Simply put, class traits can distinguish species, but not individuals.

Characteristics of top documentation:All applicable facts should be recorded.All paper statistics should be legible, signed and dated.Records should be contemporaneous, correct and stored as much as date.Records should be written in simple English fending off jargon.

What is the principal motive of documentation?

There desires to be a few degree of concord so you do not appearance sloppy or uninformed. Documentation encourages expertise sharing, which empowers your crew to apprehend how techniques paintings and what completed tasks normally appearance like.

What is the significance of documentation?

Proper documentation facilitates you prepare your notes and data. It additionally provides validity on your paintings, offers credit score to others on your field, and makes it less complicated to proportion your studies with others.

Learn more about class documentation:


Spam emails are relevant or appropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients.


Spam emails are relevant or appropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients is false.

What is spam email?

Unsolicited messages sent in bulk via email are referred to as email spam, junk email, spam mail, or simply spam. The term was inspired by a Monty Python skit in which the term for a tinned pork product was Spam is pervasive, inevitable, and monotonous.

They are seen aa emails sent without permission. The term Email spam, commonly referred to as junk email, is the practice of sending unwanted email to a large list of subscribers in mass.

Learn more about Spam emails  from

Write code that takes a user input of a string and an integer. The code should print each letter of the string the n number of times, where n is the integer input from the user.


We will use Java to write the code with utility class is Scanner.

What is scanner in Java?

Scanner is class from util package in Java for read input in Java language. So the code is,

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       // scanner object to take user inputs

       Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

       // asking the user to input string value

       System.out.println("Input a String:");

       String str = sc.nextLine();

       // asking the user to input int value

       System.out.println("Input an integer:");

       int num = sc.nextInt();

       // loop for getting each char

       for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {

           char Char = str.charAt(i);

           // loop for n times of current char

           for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) {







Learn more about Java here:


there has been an attack on your public website, and the virtual machines resources have been overwhelmed and are now unavailable to customers. what service should you use to prevent this type of attack?


AWS Shield service can be used to prevent a DDos attack on your public website, and the virtual machine's resources have been overwhelmed and are now unavailable to customers.

A Denial of Service (DoS) attack is a malicious attempt to reduce a targeted system's accessibility to authorized end users, such as a website or application. Attackers frequently produce a lot of packets or requests, which eventually overwhelm the target system. In the event of a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, the attacker creates the attack using numerous compromised or controlled sources.

DDoS attacks can generally be classified according to the layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model that they target. The Network (Layer 3), Transport (Layer 4), Presentation (Layer 6), and Application (Layer 7) Layers are where they are most frequently found.

When considering defenses against these assaults, it is helpful to categorize them as Infrastructure layers (Layers 3 and 4).

To learn more about AWS click here:


what software development model uses a seven-stage approach with a feedback loop that allows progress one step backward?


Waterfall Model is the software development model that uses a seven-stage approach with a feedback loop that allows progress one step backward.

The very first Process Model to be developed was the Waterfall Model. The phrase "linear-sequential life cycle model" is frequently used to refer to it. It is easy to use and learn. There is no overlap between stages in a waterfall model; each one must be finished before the next one can begin.

It is also called to as a "linear-sequential life cycle model." It is really simple to use and understand.  In this sequential design process the steps of conception, initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, production/implementation, and maintenance are all seen as flowing continuously downward (like a cascade).

To learn more about Waterfall model click here:


an isa specifies a word size of 8 bytes; word addressability; and an address space of 4g; it uses single-word instructions (i.e. each instruction is a single 8 byte word). what are the sizes of the pc and the ir?


In most architectures, a word is the biggest chunk of data that can be moved into or out of working memory in a single operation.

A hardware word is the term used to describe the greatest address size that can be used to identify a location in memory. As a result, although your CPU can address 64KB (216), it can only send 8 bits at a time. A CPU might promote a 16-bit bus (for this purpose). In its instructions, it employs 16-bit addresses, and, like your example, it has 64 ki. However, it has a 16-bit data bus and a 15-bit address bus. It simply requires 32 Ki addresses, and each location always provides 2 bytes.

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which of the following is true of denial? it is a defense mechanism by which people accept the implications of an illness. it is a defense mechanism by which people avoid the implications of an illness. it is a method adopted by health care practitioners to deny information to patients. it is a method adopted by healthcare practitioners to deny information to patients family. What is the first step to open an account at the bank? Annie bought 149 5-oz bags of peanuts.What's the total weight of the peanuts in pounds? Round answer to the hundredths place. PLEASE HELP! a limited liability company (llc) combines the tax advantages and management flexibility of a blank with the limited liability of a(n) blank . multiple choice question. Fill in the missing Statement/Reason for the following proof: Statement Line LN is not congruent to line LN5. Angle LMN is not congruent to Angle LON Reason1.2.3. Definition of angle bisector4.5. two technicians are discussing career opportunities. technician a says working at a dealership helps one to develop into a well-rounded technician. technician b says working at a dealership provides excellent opportunities for ongoing training. who is correct? according to thomas aquinas, using sex in unnatural ways is immoral. what did he consider the worst of all sexual sins? What is an example of a parallel equation? Bella measured a line to be 7.3 inches long. If the actual length of the line is 7.4 inches, then what was the percent error of the measurement, to the nearest tenth of a percent? Need answer asap please and thank you. A race car makes one lap around a track of radius 50 m in 9.0 s. What was the car's centripetal acceleration? What is the solution to the system of two equations shown?{y=4x+16y=2x2y=4x+16 y=-2x-2 At the beginning of reconstruction, how did the expectations of many white georgians differ from the expectations of freedmen? during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, immigrants from predominantly catholic countries faced open discrimination at the hands of the american-born white protestant majority. t or f In a ___ question, respondents are asked about more than one issue but are only allowed to give one answer. How does the structure of the article make the author's argument moreeffective in What makes good people do bad things? during most of its lifetime, a star maintains an equilibrium size in which the inward force of gravity on each atom is balanced by an outward pressure force due to the heat of the nuclear reactions in the core. but after all the hydrogen fuel is consumed by nuclear fusion, the pressure force drops and the star undergoes a gravitational collapse until it becomes a neutron star. in a neutron star, the electrons and protons of the atoms are squeezed together by gravity until they fuse into neutrons. neutron stars spin very rapidly and emit intense pulses of radio and light waves, one pulse per rotation. these pulsing stars were discovered in the 1960s and are called pulsars. what is a correct statement regarding the difference between bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology? A nonstress test is scheduled for a client at 34-weeks gestation whodeveloped hypertension, periorbital edema, and proteinuria. Which of thefollowing nursing actions should be included in the care plan in order toBEST prepare the client for the diagnostic test?1. Start an intravenous line for an oxytocin infusion.2. Obtain a signed consent prior to the procedure.3. Instruct client to push a button when she feels fetal movement.4. Attach a spiral electrode to the fetal head. 3.4.9 Spanish 2 semester 2