you completed this assignment, the cells in your body were dividing and
the DNA in them was being copied, one _______
at a time.

Mutation(used 2 times)

Plz help me


Answer 1


a) DNA


You can quickly take out c and d, because what does a child have to do it with it and mutation isn't going to be used twice.

Letter, I don't know how that could come into a DNA being copied.

Furthermore, the answer is DNA.

"one DNA at a time."

Related Questions

according to the passage an advantage of selective breeding is​



I think it’s the first one, A

The advantage of selective breeding is​ the ability to produce offspring with more desirable traits. Therefore, option A is correct.

What is selective breeding?

Choosing parents with specific traits to breed with one another in order to generate kids with more desired traits is known as selective breeding. For thousands of years, humans have carefully bred a variety of animals and plants, including crop species that produce more.

Through artificial selection, several fruits and vegetables have been enhanced or even created. For instance, selective breeding was used to create broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage from the wild mustard plant.

offspring can be produced with more desirable characteristics by selective breeding. Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about selective breeding, here;


Vesícula e vacúolo são a mesma coisa ?



Vesículas e vacúolos são sacos ligados à membrana que funcionam no armazenamento e transporte. Os vacúolos são um pouco maiores do que as vesículas, e a membrana de um vacúolo não se funde com as membranas de outros componentes celulares. As vesículas podem se fundir com outras membranas dentro do sistema celular

i dont speak english

what is produced by mitosis?


When a parent cell splits to create two identical daughter cells, the process of the nuclear division known as mitosis takes place in eukaryotic cells.

What is meant by mitosis?

DNA, a molecule found on chromosomes, is the genetic information carrier. They are linearly arranged genes that are present in couples in the cell's nucleus. Genes also are arranged in pairs, and each pair produces a coding that results in the production of a distinct protein.

Mitosis is a sort of cell division that makes sure each new daughter cell formed when a cell splits possess the same genomic structure.

Two cells referred to known as daughter cells are created during mitosis. Any newly formed daughter cells must have genetic material that is similar to that of the parent cell, and the number of chromosomes must stay constant.

Therefore two identical daughter cells are produced as a result of mitosis.

Learn more about mitosis here:


Deciduous forests receive 75 cm of rainfall each year, making plant growth plentiful. What type of animals live in these forests?

A. only birds that migrate

B. a limited amount of animals

C. a wide variety of animal life

D. only burrowing animals


C. a wide variety of animals (think of a rainforest :D)

Explain the various phase of menstrual cycle with reference to changes in ovary and uterus and hormonal cycle.



In the follicular phase, the follicles grow inside the ovary. The ovulatory phase is the time of greatest fertility for women. In it, estrogen levels peak just before the egg is released. In the luteal phase, after ovulation the follicular structure that remains in the ovary reorganizes and becomes a gland known as the corpus luteum. The self-determined life of the corpus luteum causes it to degenerate after 14 days and end a menstrual cycle. At the end of the luteal phase, progesterone and estrogen levels drop and menstruation occurs.


The follicular phase is where follicles develop (fluid-filled cavities in the ovary that contain an undeveloped egg) that will eventually house the egg. For the development of follicles, the body sends a signal to the brain to start the production of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), the follicles begin to develop and produce estrogen. In the ovulatory phase, the level of estrogen in the body continues to rise, causing a rapid rise in LH. This increase causes the secretion of proteolytic enzymes that will degrade the follicular tissue allowing the maturation process of the ovum and its release to finish, a fact known as "ovulation". Ovulation usually occurs between 24 and 36 hours after the LH surge, so luteinizing hormone is a good factor for measuring the period of maximum fertility and knowing the fertile days of the woman. In the luteal phase, the corpus luteum develops that will last until a possible pregnancy or menstruation occurs, starting the next cycle. The egg, after being released, travels through the fallopian tube to the womb. It can survive up to 24 hours and sperm up to 5 days inside the uterus, therefore the days before ovulation and the day of ovulation itself, which can be calculated with the ovulation calendar, are those of maximum fertility and higher chances of pregnancy. After ovulation, the follicle begins to contract but continues to produce progesterone and begins to produce estrogen in order to continue preparing the uterus to receive the embryo.

Which is NOT true of the purpose of the alcohol in Gram staining?
A. It binds the crystal violet into the cell wall.
B. It decolorizes the cells.
C. It dries out the cells.
D. It shrinks the cell wall.​



the answer to this question is a

The statement which is not true of the purpose of the alcohol in Gram staining is as follows:

It binds the crystal violet into the cell wall.

Thus, the correct option is A.

What is Gram staining?

Gram staining may be defined as a methodology that is utilized for the classification of bacterial species such as gram-positive and gram-negative.

In gram staining, ethyl alcohol or acetone is used as a decolorizer that dehydrates the peptidoglycan layer. It involves the shrinkage or tightening of the cell wall.

In this process, the large crystal violet-iodine complex is not able to puncture this tightened layer of peptidoglycan.  

Therefore, the correct option for this question is A.

To learn more about Gram staining, refer to the link:


Explain how the disruption can disturb the cycling of carbon ?



Humans have breached this cycle by digging up fossil fuels and burning them, leading to carbon dioxide building up in the atmosphere faster than natural systems can soak it up. This has led to a net increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, causing the planet to heat up.


The Vertebrata have the least number of species in it. True or false




hope it is helpful to you

An object at rest will ____________________ if no outside forces are applied

A. stay at rest

B. increase velocity

C. decrease mass



A. Stay at rest


Since no other forces are applied to the object, there is nothing that can move the object since the forces are balanced.


A. stay at rest


This is true because for example if a feather is left alone it will not move but if an outside force such as your hand or the wind applies force on it it will move.

In a certain fish, blue scales and red scales are purebreds. When a fish has the hybrid genotype, it has a patchwork of blue and red
scales. What is the genotype for the blue fish?





which kingdom has 2 kingdoms that are all unicellular?


Answer: Prokaryotes, archaea, protists, fungi, algae.

Explanation:I don’t think there are any single celled organisms that are today classified as animals. So basically I just left the animal kingdom out. Both metazoans and sponges are for the most part multicellular.


All single-celled eukaryotes are placed under Protista, but the boundaries of this kingdom are not well defined.

Hope this helps you...Pls mark me Brainliest...

1) Food Chains connected to the Rat
None of these answers



THe answer is the c because the chemicals become the g and the a so when chem two a is reslopp then u get c. :)



need more informaiton


A skeleton is found that has a narrow pelvis, large occipital protuberance, and a sloping forehead. Is the skeleton a biological male or female? Justify your answer with an explanation on how you came to your conclusion.



Answer: Male


The pelvis is narrow in males, the pubis arch is 90 degrees in angle. It is broad in case of females to support pregnancy and child birth. Also the pubis arch is more than 90 degrees in angle. An occipital protuberance is a region that connects the head to the neck and it is generally larger in males than in female. In males the forehead is sloping in the cranium whereas that in females it is vertical and flat.

Hence, the skeleton have the features that can be indicated towards the features of a male.

For cell reproduction, what do normal cells do?


Reproduce shahbsbdhdhdhd

Drag each item to the correct location. (2 points)

Geocentric Model

Heliocentric Model



The orbits of the planets are circular,

:: Includes eight planets.

:: The Sun is at the center of the solar system.

:: The orbits of the planets are elliptical

! Includes five planets.

:: Earth is at the center

the solar system



Geocentric Model

Earth is at the center

Includes five planets.

The orbits of the planets are circular,

Heliocentric Model

The Sun is at the center of the solar system.

The orbits of the planets are elliptical

Includes eight planets.

The solar system


The main difference between the heliocentrical and geocentrical model is that in the first one, the Sun is in the center and the planets are around it, while in the second model, the Earth is in the center and the Sun, the moon, and the planets are around it.

Also, the geocentrical model stated that there were five planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. These planets had circular orbits. In other words, they have a circular motion around the Earth, and this one was still in the center of the system.

In the heliocentric model, there are eight planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, and they all rotate in elliptical orbits around the Sun. The Heliocentric model is also called the solar system since its central star is the Sun, and the planets are around it.

Please help me to solve this question.​



i. Liver

ii. Heart Muscle, involuntary

iii. The cardiac muscle cell has one central nucleus, like smooth muscle, but it also is striated, like skeletal muscle. The cardiac muscle cell is rectangular in shape. The contraction of cardiac muscle is involuntary, strong, and rhythmical.


What is found in cytoplasm?
Check all that apply.
Cellular adhesion molecules
Cell membrane





mark me brainliestt :))

According to the cell theory, which describes cells?



They are the building blocks of life.


They are so called the building blocks of life because they make up everything

I have the biology STAAR test tomorrow what facts and tips would help me pass it please help



eat breakfast+stay posative+read a book 20min before bed+and study things that you things will help you get ready

Explanation: YOU GOT THIS!!!!

Heat energy is transferred through solids, liquids, and gases. How is heat transferred throughout the world’s oceans?


Answer: Radiation, convection, and turbulent heat exchange, as well as evaporation and condensation of water vapor above the ground or ocean, transfer heat between the sea or ocean's surface and the atmosphere.


Heat is transferred through energy

In a school, small noses (S) are dominant to Big noses (b). List the three possible genotypes and phenotypes in the offspring below.
Genotypes: Phenotypes:



Sb, SS, bb

Small nose, Small nose, big nose


Using the Earth's internal heat to generate electricity is called
A. geothermal
B. solar
C. hydroelectric
D. wind
Please select the best answer from the choices provided





Geothermal power plants, which use heat from deep inside the Earth to generate steam to make electricity.

Answer: it’s A


protein is a transport molecule that binds
with a diffusing substance to carry it across a cell membrane.



Carrier Protein

A carrier protein is:

- A type of transport protein

- Specifically used for a molecule, ion, or a group of substances.

How the carrier protein works:

It "carries" the ion or molecule across the membrane by changing shape after the binding of the ion or molecule.

Ans this question fast​



This type of artificial propagation in plants is layering.




grafting is the joining and uniting of part of one plant with a second plant

What does each person do just before becoming infected?


I would think they would probably hide from the people that are infected.

Name the described body systems and fill in the missing information. [30 points] :)



The skeletal system and the muscular system


our organs and provides fatme to help the body keep its shape .It also stores important substance such as WBCs to give it strength.

Which of the following pairs shows the correct monomer, macromolecule, function relationships?

Question 1 options:

triglyceride: carbohydrate: information storage

monosaccharide: protein: quick energy

amino acid: lipid: insulation

nucleotide: nucleic acid: genetic information storage



Amino Acid: lipid: Insulation


Monomers are the building blocks of the four basic macromolecules of life- monosaccharides are the monomers of carbohydrates, amino acids are the monomers of proteins, glycerol/fatty acids are the monomers of lipids, and nucleotides are the monomers of DNA.

The group of mammals that includes the possums and wombats of
Australia, along with other pouched mammals, is the Order:


Marsupialia is the correct order

Which of the following is the best definition of an opinion? Information that cannot be proven true or false. C. Something that b. Information that is incorrect. d. An argument.​


An argument.
An opinion is never correct nor incorrect they are all valid in their own right. So that eliminates b. It’s true that it can’t be proven to true or false however, some opinions have no evidence so they have no warrant to be proven or disproven. An argument however, is how you argue for what you believe in, you provide examples, to prove you’re right. To prove your opinion so I believe that D is the best option here.

Mr. Thorn says that Lonnie, a new black student in an all-white school, must
have cheated on the test because Lonnie made the second-highest grade in
the class. At what point does this claim become institutional racism?
A. When the principal says nothing should be done to stop Mr. Thorn
O B. When Mr. Thorn will not let Lonnie say how his feelings were hurt
C. When Lonnie says his feelings are hurt
O D. When the other students in the class start to tease Lonnie


A is the correct answer you are looking for
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