Explain why an area with extreme temperatures like one in the Arctic would be
resistant to invasion by a biotic disturbance.


Answer 1



Not many organisms are able to live there. It would’ve extremely hard for an organism who is used to moderate temperature to inhabit an extremely cold habitat known for the extreme temperatures

Hope this helps

Related Questions

what are the dominant freshwater flora and fauna?
a) grass and insects
b) mangrove trees and fish
c) plants and amphibians
d) sawgrass and reptiles


C.plants and amphibians


The correct answer is A I believe :)


PLS ANSWER, How do the organ systems function together in the human body?



it doesn't say the options so I'm what to pick from sorry

What part of the chloroplast uses-thesun energy?





According to scientific research and evidence, Photosynthesis is part of chloroplasts uses the sun energy.


if you write this in exam I bet you will get full marks if it is about 2 Marks. ((Thank me later and mark me as brainliest if it helped you))#

whatr is the function of autotropns in the carbon cycle



The biological carbon cycle

Autotrophs capture carbon dioxide from the air or bicarbonate ions from the water and use them to make organic compounds such as glucose. Heterotrophs, or other-feeders, such as humans, consume the organic molecules, and the organic carbon is passed through food chains and webs.


Which is not true of viruses?
1. They are tiny, nonliving things that can enter a cell and reproduce inside.
2. They cannot make or use food.
3. They act like parasites and can live in a host organism and cause harm.
4. They are like living things because they can reproduce and make more viruses.
5. They are made of cells.



option 5 is not correct as viruses are acellular organisms.

Chromosomes that you inherit from each of your parents that have the same genes on
them (but different alleles) are called





Heterozygous is having two different alleles for a particular gene.

hope this helped :)

Question:When is water the most dense?

Question:When is water the least dense?



Water density changes with temperature and salinity. Density is measured as mass (g) per unit of volume (cm³). Water is densest at 3.98°C and is least dense at 0°C (freezing point).

Select all that apply: Meiosis increases diversity in a populations by way of *
Independent Assortment
Crossing Over
Random Fertilization


Crossing over.

This generates new combinations of alleles from various genes.

Determine the volume for all 3 problems



The volume of the cube is 168cm^3

The volume of the liquid is 24mL

The volume of the rock is 25mL

After phagocytosis occurs, enzymes from which organelle can digest what is in the vesicle/vacuole?


Answer: Phagocytosis and Autophagy

Such large particles are taken up in phagocytic vacuoles (phagosomes), which then fuse with lysosomes, resulting in digestion of their contents.

Explanation: That's what I would say. Hope this helped and i hope you have a beautiful day:]




Why human beings are complex organism?



human beings are complex organism because

humans are made up of billion cells and a lot of system and blood circulatory system,digestion system and so all


Human beings are known to be complex organisms because they are made up of trillion of cell and organ systems that are dependent on each other. Some of the major systems are blood circulatory systems, the skeletal system, the digestive system, the nervous system and the respiratory system. Most of which are grouped into organ systems that have specialised functions.

The cells are organized from the simplest to the complex level in the body of the advanced organisms. These cells make up the tissues and then the organs. There is a division of labour among the cells which enhances efficiency and speed.

13 The environment can affect a person's health. Which of the following diseases
would be most adversely affected by cigarette smoke?
F emphysema and Parkinson's disease
Gasthma and gonorrhea
H asthma and Parkinson's disease
I emphysema and asthma


I know the answer but first I need you to answer my math question

A company wants to test a new dog food that
is suppose to help overweight dogs lose
weight. Fifty dogs are chosen to get the new
food, and 50 more continue their normal
diets. After one month, the dogs are
checked to see if they lost any weight.

What’s the Independent variable, dependent variable, experimental group, and and control group?



- Independent Variable: the new dog food

- Dependent Variable: weight loss in dogs

- Experimental Group: dogs that eat the new food

- Control group: dogs that continue with their normal diets


In a scientific experiment, the dependent variable is the variable being tested/measured, while the independent variable isn't changed by the other variables that are being measured during the experimental procedure. Moreover, the experimental group is the group of individuals/subjects that is exposed to the independent variable, i.e., they are exposed to the experimental treatment. Finally, a control group is a group that exhibits the same characteristics as the experimental group but doesn't receive the experimental treatment, thereby enabling comparisons with the experimental group.

Which of the following are all abiotic factors?

A. Primary consumers, secondary consumers, and producers
B. Sunlight, precipitation, wind speed, and temperature range
C. Detritivores, herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores
D. Microorganisms and mineral content



Option B is correct as abiotic factors includes non-living factors.


B is the correct answer.........

What other body systems are related to the digestive system


The digestive system enlists the aid of the cardiovascular system and the nervous system. Blood vessels of the digestive system widen to transport more blood.

In griffins, the allele for black feathers (B) is dominant over silver feathers (b) which are recessive. Two black griffins are crossed and have a silver offspring. What is the genotype of the parents?



The correct answer is - Bb and Bb.


In this case, there are two traits decided by the black "B" allele that is dominant over "b" which is silver. In this case the cross between two black feather birds and the there would be genotype:

BB and BB or Bb and Bb or Bb and BB

1.  In first case, and the third case, there is no or only one allele for the silver trait so the correct answer would be - Bb and Bb

    B      b

B  Bb     Bb

b   Bb    bb

thus, the correct answer is - bb which is silver feather.

Which of the following pathogens is nonliving?
A. tapeworm parasite
B. T. rubrum fungus
C. E. coli bacterium
D. influenza virus


D. Influenza virus.

Viruses are considered to be non-living. Why? They can not reproduce on their own, which is a violation of one of the tenates of cell theory. Viruses rely on the cellular components of the host (e.g. ribosomes) in order to reproduce. There has been discourse about where viruses stand in terms of living and not living, they seem to occupy a gray area between the 2.




Took PLATO test and it was correct

A DNA strand has the following bases: A G A C C A T A . What are the bases on its complementary RNA strand ?





remember there is no thymine in RNA instead there is Uracil. you can also remember them as Apple Under and Car Garage.

hope this make sense:)

What is a parasitic relationship?

a. One in which no members benefit, and none are harmed

b. One in which one member benefits, and the other is harmed

c. One in which one member benefits, and the other is unharmed

d. One in which both members derive some benefit



b. One in which one member benefits, and the other is harmed

Hope this helps!!




Think of a parasitic relationship as a parasite. One organism lives off of another, benefiting themselves, but not the host. An example would be a leech. A leech might attach itself to a human, sucking off its blood. The leech would benefit in this scenario and not the human.

heyy everyone I need the ans as quick as possible so the qn is. What are the similarities between queen been and worker been. please help!!!!!!​



The female queen is large in size and specializes in reproduction and  workers are small and engage in colony-maintaining activities.


a. The logistic equation reflects the effect of density-dependent factors, which can ultimately stabilize populations around the carrying capacity. b. Density-independent factors have an increasingly greater effect as a population's density increases. c. High densities in a population may cause physiological changes that inhibit reproduction. d. Because of the overlapping nature of population-regulating factors, it is often difficult to precisely determine their cause-and-effect relationships. e. The occurrence of population cycles in some populations may be the result of crowding or lag times in the response to density-dependent factors.



Which of the following is an incorrect statement about the regulation of populations?


b. Density-independent factors have an increasingly greater effect as a population's density increases.


A population can be defined as the total number of living organisms living together in a particular place and sharing certain characteristics in common.

Generally, these populations may be divided into a fraction of the population (subpopulation) based on certain factors and reasons.

Population change equation states that the change in the size of a population over a specific period of time is equal to the sum of the number of births and the number of immigrants that joined.

Mathematically, the population change equation is given by the formula;

Population Change = (Natality - Mortality) + (Immigration - Emigration)

Population regulation can be defined as a biological process that balances limiting factors affecting the growth of a population based on density. The factors that regulate the growth of a population are divided into two (2) main categories and these includes;

I. Density-independent factors.

II. Density-dependent factors.

Density-dependent are regulating factors such as predation, diseases, and competition that affect the size of the population of living organisms through decreasing or increasing mortality and birth rate.

Furthermore, density-independent factors do not have an increasingly greater effect as a population's density increases. Thus, its effect are reduced as a population's density increases in size.

Fill in the space where it says hypothesis stated look in the photo I don’t have that much time

The purpose of the experiment is above



The hypothesis of the experiment states that the density of a liquid can affect the properties and the way this liquid interacts with others.


In an experiment, the hypothesis is an assumption, that is, it is something that the researcher believes to be true. To confirm this assumption, the experiment must present facts that show that this assumption is correct and true.

In this case, the purpose of an experiment is to confirm a hypothesis. In this case, if the purpose of the experiment is to find out if the density of a liquid can affect the properties and how that liquid interacts with other liquids, it is because the hypothesis of this experiment assumes that the density of the liquid has the ability to modify the properties and the interaction of this liquid with others.

Which is an example of antiracist behavior?
A. Rachel pretends she didn't hear a negative comment about
B. Rachel mentions that some of her best friends are Latino.
C. Rachel says it's wrong to say negative things about Latinos based
on a stereotype.
O D. All of the above


I think it’s C because it can’t be D because A is not anti racist

Which of these is NOT a
supporting function that vitamins
perform in the body of an animal?
A. Help in the regulation of body functions
B. Help keep the body healthy
C. Help with the growth and formation of bones
D. Help in developing resistance to disease



c it's ño c by my opinion and it is sure that

Dominant & recessive alleles are similar to sex-linked alleles because...
A. both have alleles that are only present on the X or Y chromosome.
B. both have one allele that hides the other allele when it is present.
C. both blend the allele traits together in the phenotype.
D. both have two or more dominant alleles.
I will give brainliest please help



B. Both have one allele that hides the other allele when it is present

17. A place where two tectonic plates collide is called a ______ boundary and is often associated with _____ faults. ​


convergent is the first blank i don’t know the second i’m sorry.

What happens when the Earthis plates pull away from each other? What happens when they push together? ​



Two plates pushed together create a convergent fault. If one plate is oceanic and the other continental, the edge of the oceanic plate will be pushed down. When two plates move away from each other they create a divergent boundary. When this happens under oceans, new ocean floor is created.

which statement best summarizes the development of the atomic theory over time​


Well there are no options shown but I can tell you this... electrons move around the nucleus in specific regions or directions. Hope this helps!

Which of the following is a nonrenewable resource?

O wind power
O geothermal energy
O oil
O solar energy





Since, unlike oil, source like wind, solar, water etc. come naturally we don't and can't replace them but when the viscosity in oil has been used up it must be change to allow the proper functioning of the machine.

The next resource that is a nonrenewable resource is the oil that is present in the third option, as the oil is a fossil fuel that is formed over millions of years and is not renewable on human timescales.

What is a nonrenewable resource?

Nonrenewable resources are natural resources that are finite and cannot be replenished or regenerated on a human timescale, and they are formed over millions of years, and their supply is limited, as oil is a nonrenewable resource that is formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. These were buried under layers of sediment and rock, and over time, heat and pressure caused them to decompose and transform into oil, and the problem with nonrenewable resources like oil is that they are finite, meaning that there is only a limited supply of them.

Hence, the next resource that is a nonrenewable resource is the oil that is present in the third option.

Learn more about this nonrenewable resource here.


What happens when an organism is able to acquire all the necessary resources it needs to survive over time?



It will lead to extension.


If something is a need for an organism, and that resource is not replenished over time the organism will go extinct.

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