as neuroimaging studies have shown, which region of the brain is bigger in individuals with large, complex social networks?


Answer 1

Amygdala is the part of the brain that is larger in those with extensive, complex social networks, according to neuroimaging research.

The brain's amygdala is mostly connected to emotional functions. Due to the structure's almond-like form, the name "amygdala" is derived from the Greek word "amygdale," which means "almond." The amygdala is situated immediately prior to (in front of) the hippocampus in the medial temporal lobe.

According to the social brain hypothesis, the big neocortex size evolved to enable social interactions that require cognitive effort. Accordingly, earlier research has found that the size of a person's social network is predicted by greater orbitofrontal and amygdala regions.

To know more about Amygdala, refer to this link:


Related Questions

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Complete these sentences from Mark Twain's Life on the Mississippi with words that are punctuated and spelled correctly.
There was nothing generous about this fellow in his greatness. He would always manage to have a rusty bolt to scrub while his boat tarried at our town, and he would sit on the inside guard and where we could all see him and envy him and loathe him. And whenever his boat was laid up he would come home and swell around the town in his blackest and greasiest clothes so that nobody could help remembering that he was a steamboatman; and he used all sorts of steamboat technicalities in his talk, as if he were so used to them that he forgot common people could not understand them. He would speak of the 'labboard' side of a horse in an easy, natural way that would make one wish he was And he was always talking about 'St. Looy' like an old citizen; he would refer casually to occasions when he 'was coming down Fourth Street,' or when he was 'passing by the Planter's House,' or when there was a fire and he took a turn on the brakes of “the old Big " and then he would go on and lie about how many towns the size of ours were burned down there that day.


There was nothing generous about this fellow in his greatness. He would always manage to have a rusty bolt to scrub while his boat tarried at our town, and he would sit on the inside guard Scrub it and where we could all see him and envy him and loathe him. And whenever his boat was laid up he would come home and swell around the town in his blackest and greasiest clothes so that nobody could help to remember that he was a steamboatman; and he used all sorts of steamboat technicalities in his talk, as if he was so used to them that he forgot common people could not understand them. He would speak of the 'larboard' side of a horse in an easy, natural way that would make one wish he was Dead And he was always talking about 'St. Look's like an old citizen; he would refer casually to occasions when he 'was coming down Fourth Street,' or when he was 'passing by the Planter's House,' or when there was a fire and he took a turn on the brakes of “the old Big Missouri" and then he would go on and lie about how many towns the size of ours were burned down there that day.

Option  A, B,A

What is Mark Twain's Life?

Generally, Mark Twain was the pen name of American author, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He is also known by his birth name, Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

In conclusion, William Faulkner referred to him as "the father of American literature," and he was hailed as the "greatest humorist the United States has produced."

Read more about Mark Twain's Life



Complete these sentences from Mark Twain's Life on the Mississippi with words that are punctuated and spelled correctly.

There was nothing generous about this fellow in his greatness. He would always manage to have a rusty bolt to scrub while his boat tarried at our town, and he would sit on the inside guard ___and where we could all see him and envy him and loathe him. And whenever his boat was laid up he would come home and swell around the town in his blackest and greasiest clothes so that nobody could help remembering that he was a steamboatman; and he used all sorts of steamboat technicalities in his talk, as if he were so used to them that he forgot common people could not understand them. He would speak of the 'labboard' side of a horse in an easy, natural way that would make one wish he was ____ And he was always talking about 'St. Looy' like an old citizen; he would refer casually to occasions when he 'was coming down Fourth Street,' or when he was 'passing by the Planter's House,' or when there was a fire and he took a turn on the brakes of “the old Big _____ " and then he would go on and lie about how many towns the size of ours were burned down there that day.

First blank

(A)scrub it;

(B)scrub it:

(C)scrub it,

(D)scrub it

Second blank





Third blank





which of the following is true about sleep disturbances in early childhood? group of answer choices they are likely to be caused by disordered breathing or restless leg movements. they are often associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. they are independent of a child's weight. they are unlikely to be found in children with physical or learning disabilities.


The one that is true about sleep disturbances in early childhood is option B. they are often associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

What is an attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder?

An attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a chronic situation involvibg attention difficulty, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder usually starts in childhood and may continue through adulthood. It can add to low self-esteem, troubled relationships and difficulty at school or work.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder:


according to the semantic approach to theories, scientific theory is not directly about the real world. it is really about:


A scientific theory is a well-supported explanation of a particular phenomenon in the natural world that is based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly verified via observation and experiment. Such ideas are not "guesses," but rather trustworthy descriptions of Real world.

More than "simply a theory," biological evolution is a reality. It is just as factually accurate as the atomic theory of matter or the germ theory of disease in explaining the cosmos. We're still working to fully comprehend gravity. However, just like evolution, the gravity phenomenon is a well-established fact.

A scientific theory is an explanation for a phenomenon in the natural world or the universe that has undergone extensive testing and verification using approved procedures for observation, measurement, and result evaluation. Wherever possible, theories are put to the test in an experiment with strict controls. The principles of abductive reasoning are used to evaluate theories in situations where experimental testing is not feasible. Established scientific theories represent scientific understanding and have withstood close examination.

Learn more about to semantic  visit here;


you have access to an fmri facility and plan to study brain regions associated with drug addiction. you advise your team that it would be wise to focus on the group of answer choices a. cerebellum. b. hippocampus. c. ventral tegmental area d. substantia nigra.


I would advise my team that it would be wise to focus on the ventral tegmental area of the brain which is associated with drug addiction. So, the correct option is c.

The addiction pathway is the brain system that governs motivated behavior. When the pathway was first discovered, people called it the pleasure center. Scientists now call it the brain reward region and have confirmed its role as the addiction pathway.

The pathway is hidden deep within the brain. It begins at the ventral tegmental area in the midbrain, which sits on top of the brainstem. In evolutionary terms, this region is very old; it began with vertebrates, which appeared 500 million years or so ago. This pathway extends to the nucleus accumbens, toward the front of the brain. This area is a traffic hub for signals to and from the addiction pathway and other parts of the brain.

Learn more about brain regions associated with drug addiction here:


Each body system is composed of parts that work together, or interact. What are the main parts of the respiratory system?
4 points
bones, cartilage, ligaments
esophagus, stomach, liver
nose, pharynx, lungs, diaphragm,
kidneys, bladder, large intestine


The main parts of the respiratory system are the nose, pharynx, lungs, and diaphragm. Thus option C is correct.

What is the purpose of the respiratory system?

Your body's system of vital organs that aids in breathing is called the respiratory system. Your lungs, blood vessels, and airways are all a part of it. These elements function as a unit to transport oxygen throughout the body and eliminate harmful gases such as carbon dioxide.

The respiratory system's primary components—the nose, pharynx, lungs, and diaphragm—help with the exchange of gases, air movement within the body, sound production, and dust protection.

Therefore, option C is appropriate.

Learn more about the respiratory system, here:


Every Conscious Citizen Needs to Consider the Following Points (i) The tax we pay to the state is utilized for the expenses of government office and salary of the civil servants. (ii) It is our fundamental right to ask the authority for where and how the tax is being spent. It is called 'Right to Information'. (iii) We can study the documents, files, processes of the conduct and inspect the credentials of any project of public concern. (iv) We can obtain the information by any means such as photocopy, print, digital copy, pen drive, audio record, and whatsoever. (v) Let's develop the habit of using 'Right to Information' and sharing the culture of open information. What topic is the circulaEvery Conscious Citizen Needs to Consider the Following Points (i) The tax we pay to the state is utilized for the expenses of government office and salary of the civil servants. (ii) It is our fundamental right to ask the authority for where and how the tax is being spent. It is called 'Right to Information'. (iii) We can study the documents, files, processes of the conduct and inspect the credentials of any project of public concern. (iv) We can obtain the information by any means such as photocopy, print, digital copy, pen drive, audio record, and whatsoever. (v) Let's develop the habit of using 'Right to Information' and sharing the culture of open information. What topic is the circulation related to? ​


The tax system in our nation is perceived by a taxpayer to be absurdly convoluted, perplexing, contradictory, plagued by inefficiency, ineptitude, and to some extent corruption.

Contrary to the maximum rate of income tax (including surcharge) of 97.75 percent in the 1970s, Indians earning up to Rs. 2.5 lakhs per year (which represents the vast majority of the population) are currently free from paying any income tax. Tax rates range from 5% for those making between Rs. 2.5 Lakh and 5 Lakh to 20% for those making between Rs. 5 Lakh and 10 Lakh and 30% for those making more than Rs. 10 Lakh. Additionally, you are exempt from paying income tax if your total income is less than Rs. 5,00,000. This is accomplished by offering small taxpayers with incomes up to Rs. 5,00,000 a tax rebate of up to Rs. 12,500.

Additionally, a new optional tax system for individuals and HUFs has been implemented by the Finance Act of 2020, under which no tax is due on income up to Rs. 2.5 lakhs per year. Those earning between Rs. 2.5 lakh and Rs. 5 lakh are subject to a 5% tax; those earning between Rs. 5 lakh and Rs. 7.5 lakh are subject to a 10% tax; those earning between Rs. 7.5 lakh and Rs. 10 lakh are subject to a 15% tax; those earning between Rs. 10 lakh and Rs. 12.50 lakh are subject to a 20% tax; those earning between Rs. 12.5 lakh and Rs. 15 lakh are subject to a 25% tax; and those earning over Rs. 15 In this situation as well, small taxpayers with incomes up to Rs. 5,00,000 are eligible for a tax credit of up to Rs. 12.50.

To know more about tax visit:


Which of these could be a benefit to investing money as opposed to putting it in a savings account




The biggest difference between saving and investing is the level of risk taken. Saving typically results in you earning a lower return but with virtually no risk. In contrast, investing allows you the opportunity to earn a higher return, but you take on the risk of loss in order to do so.

According to the social construction of race theory, race is a _____ category that is mis-recognized as a _____ category.
O symbolic; cultural
O symbolic; biological
O biological; symbolic
O cultural; symbolic


According to the social construction of race theory, race is a Symbolic category that is mis-recognized as a Biological category.

What is a Race and Race Theory?

A race is a classification of people into groups that are typically considered as unique within a given society based on shared physical or social characteristics. The phrase first became widely used in the 1500s to describe a variety of social groups, including those that were distinguished by close kinship ties.

Critical race theory is a multidisciplinary study of how laws, social and political movements, and the media both influence and develop social ideas of race and ethnicity. It is conducted by social and civil rights scholars and activists.

Hence, the answer will be option c, According to the social construction of race theory, race is a Symbolic category that is mis-recognized as a Biological category.

To learn more about Race click,


If the management team needed to hire a product manager to manage body glove’s new line of shoes for men and women, which social media network would be the best source of leads?.


The most well-known and commonly utilized B2B social network nowadays is LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the ideal place to start if you want to produce leads on social media but don't know where to look.

Which social media platform is most used for marketing to businesses?

They are reading status updates, clicking on articles to examine them, and—most significantly—becoming leads. In actuality, LinkedIn accounts for 80% of all B2B marketers' social media leads.

What comes first in a social media marketing plan?

Setting up specific goals and targets is the first step in developing an effective social media strategy. It is impossible to evaluate your success or return on investment without goals (ROI). Your social media marketing objectives must all be SMART objectives, which stand for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

To know more about LinkedIn visit:-


a woman who was born and raised in a poor family becomes a regional supervisor for the u.s. postal service. she has experienced


Upward intergenerational mobility, she has experienced. Changes in employment hierarchy have led to greater social mobility.

The term "intergenerational upward mobility" refers to the statewide estimate of a given kid who grew up in the 25th percentile of the national family income distribution's expected percentile at 24 years old. Changes in employment hierarchy have led to greater social mobility, as demonstrated by a rise in the relative amount of white and professional occupations, with a reduction in the lower-skilled and manual occupations. This has resulted in higher living standards.

Learn  more on  social mobility-


marina recently visited a psychologist to receive help with formulating questions for the next time she visits the doctor. her specific focus was on having a clear sense of her goals, sharing her concerns and symptoms without anxiety, and being sure to get more information. the psychologist is engaged in what type of intervention in marina's case?


The type of intervention that this psychologist is making use of in the case of Marina is what is called the  assertiveness coaching.

What is meant by assertiveness coaching?

The foundation of assertiveness training is the idea that everyone has the right to respectfully express their needs, wants, and feelings to others. We may experience depression, anxiety, or anger as well as a deterioration in our feeling of self-worth when we don't feel free to express ourselves.

Training in assertiveness teaches people the right techniques for recognizing and expressing their needs, wants, and opinions while still showing respect for others. This type of training is customized to meet the needs of unique learners and the challenges they face in certain scenarios.

Read more on assertiveness here:


How does this illustration show how people were excluded from civic participation in the colonies? PLS HELPP!!!!

A.Immigrants could attend, but they could not speak.
B.Only white men were allowed to participate.
C.Women could participate only at large meetings.
D.Enslaved people were not yet able to participate.


This illustration shows that people were excluded from civic participation in the colonies as only white men were allowed to participate.

The history of colonies is long and varied. Some colonies, such as the 13 British colonies in North America, eventually gained their independence and became sovereign nations.

The English colonies in North America were originally populated by white men from England. However, over time, the population of the colonies began to diversify. Civic participation is important for making decisions about the town's or city's affairs, and they were expected to serve the community's best interests.

To know more about colonies, click here.


which of the following is not a benefit of using the comprehensive juvenile justice strategy as discussed in the text? group of answer choices greater integration of services across juvenile justice, child welfare, and other youth-serving agencies more youths entering the juvenile justice system fewer delinquents becoming adult offenders decreased costs of juvenile corrections


A thorough juvenile justice plan does not result in more children entering the juvenile justice system, as is explained in the book. The right response in this case is option B.

Some kids and teenagers are charged with a delinquent or criminal behavior before they are admitted into the juvenile court system. Other young individuals break the law by engaging in status offenses like truancy, underage drinking, and running away from home, all of which are only forbidden because they involve young people.

But not all of these situations follow a strict legal procedure. In the United States, there were 2.7 million projected underage arrests in one year in 1997; by 2019, that number has decreased by 74%.

Juvenile courts adjudicate and resolve around 423,077 delinquent cases yearly, despite the fact that overall rates have been progressively dropping over the past few years. In 2018, 52% (220,000) of the cases that were resolved were deemed delinquent.

To learn more about juvenile justice


Romeo & Juliet - Document E: “A greater power” - How can this document be used to answer the question, “Who’s to blame?”


The Document, A greater Power can be used to answer the question, who is to blame, because it is what tells the reader that the person that broke the unconfirmed rumor of Juliet's death was the one to blame.

What is the story about?

Romeo and Juliet is a tale of two lovers that was written by Shakespeare. The story tells us of how the two persons fell in love despite the fact that their families were sworn enemies.

In the passage, we can see that Romeo killed himself due to the false news that he got about the death of Juliet when she was still alive. Unable to bear the thought of living without her, he got poison and died.

Towards the end of the Document, Juliet awoke and inquired of her husband. Seeing that he was dead, she stabbed herself and died as well.

Thees deaths could have been avoided if the first person to break the story of Juliet's death had first confirmed. Hence I would say that the servant Balthasar is to blame.

Read more on Romeo and Juliet here:


discuss what social stratification is, why it is important to understand this terminology, and how this might impact the ways in which you interact with students and their families. take a moment to be intentional about being self-reflective in order to create an authentic response that benefits the work that you will do as a teacher.


Treating everyone fairly is essential when working as a teacher. Due to socioeconomic stratification, some schools only accept wealthy pupils, and other schools have different policies for treating poor and wealthy children as well as their parents.

Social Stratification refers to the classification of members of a society into socioeconomic tiers according to wealth, income, race, education, and power. The top layer of the social structure of stratification is made up of those with more resources. Conflict theory claims that discrimination against the underprivileged and people of color leads to stratification. Social class has an impact on how people interact with one another in daily life and how they perceive specific facets of the social world, according to symbolic interactionism. Being a teacher, it is crucial to treat everyone equally. Some schools only draw wealthier students as a result of social stratification, and other schools treat poor and wealthy kids and their parents differently.

To know more about Social Stratification, refer to this link:


What invention did the creation of ARPANET catalyze?
O space station
O laptop and computer mouse
O internet
O patent law


Answer:the answer is internet


which approach to international relations argues that human rights are informed by legacies of colonialism and its responses to the 'other' or native subject? group of answer choices feminism. liberal institutionalism. postcolonialism. all of the options given are correct.


Relationships within the state system are prioritized by structural realists, and their model takes into account the legitimacy of international regimes as players.

What does international relations post-colonial theory entail?

The importance of colonialism in shaping the modern world is highlighted by the postcolonial perspective on international affairs. The historical growth of global capitalism, which essentially characterizes our current economic and political environment, was dependent on colonialism and its processes, according to postcolonial IR experts.

What is the colonialism theory?

Colonialism is the long-term continuation of a foreign power's political, social, economic, and cultural dominance over a people (W. Bell, 1991). While colonialism is the rule of outsiders, it does not actually mean integration into the nation of the dominant people, unlike annexation.

To know more about colonialism visit:-


my brain is divided, and each half is housed in a new body. both resulting people have my character and apparent memories of my life. what happens to me?


My brain is divided, and each half is housed in a new body. both resulting people have my character and apparent memories of my life brain transplantation: fission case.

There are one-of-a-kind styles of transplants: Autologous transplants use your own blood cells or bone marrow. Allogeneic transplants use a donor's blood cells or bone marrow. A syngeneic allogeneic transplant uses cells or bone marrow from the individual's same twin.

In the USA, the maximum usually transplanted organs are the kidney, liver, heart, lungs, pancreas, and intestines. On any given day there are around 100,000 people on the active waiting list for organs, however simplest approximately 14,000 deceased organ donors in 2021, with each supplying on average three.

Learn more about transplantation here


The "miranda rule" involves law enforcement officials advising suspects of their fifth and sixth amendment rights as they are being arrested or interrogated. the supreme court ruled that the only exception to this rule occurs when question 7 options: there is a threat to public safety. the federal government is involved. the suspect is accused of a violent crime. there are outstanding warrants for the suspect's arrest.


The only time this rule is broken, according to the Supreme Court, is when there are active warrants for the suspect's arrest. As a result, choice (D) is the proper reaction.

What is Miranda rule?

The Miranda rule stipulates that if a suspect's statements are going to be used against them in court, they must be made aware of their Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights "prior to interrogation." The Supreme Court upheld the Miranda rule as a constitutional right in the Miranda v. Arizona case from 1966.

In the case of New York v. Quarles, the Supreme Court established an exception to the Miranda warning in 1984, holding that if there is an immediate threat to public safety, suspects may be questioned about the danger before being informed of their rights and their statements may still be used against them.

Hence, option (D) is accurate.

Learn more about the Miranda rule, from:


It is 6:00 on a saturday. Leon and dayna are driving home from work when dayna says, "we haven't been to that new italian restaurant yet. Do you want to stop there and eat dinner?" he answers no and drives home as dayna stares out the window with her arms crossed. An hour later he is watching tv and asks dayna what is for dinner. She sighs and ignores him. He is totally confused. What difference in communication style did not contribute to leon's confusion?.


Her question was essentially a request, but Leon was not aware of it.

The exchange of ideas, thoughts, and feelings through writing or conduct is referred to as communication. The objective of the message should be explicit and comprehensive when it is being sent by the sender to the recipient.

In the aforementioned instance, Dayna did not make it plain to Leon that he intended to eat dinner in an Italian restaurant. As a result, Leon was completely baffled as to where to eat supper.

Dana wanted to go to the Italian restaurant for supper and was asking Leon if he wanted to go. Leon was quick to dismiss her since he was only considering where he wanted to have supper, despite the fact that she did not explicitly state that getting there was her goal.

As a result, Dana did not communicate his goal to Leon clearly.

To know more about communication, refer to this link:


Correct answer gets brainlest
Why did the Maya use slash-and-burn farming techniques?

to prevent soil erosion and water loss
to take advantage of the rich volcanic soil
to clear away the dense natural vegetation
to make use of the large sources of fresh water



It's to clear away the dense natural vegetation

what is one similarity between feudalism in Europe and feudalism in Japan? please help!!


They both had caste-like systems of landowners and landsowers, bibles and peasants.

which theorists view dissociative disorders as avoidance responses that protect the person from consciously experiencing stressful events?


Psychodynamic and behavioral theorists view dissociative disorders as avoidance responses that protect the person from consciously experiencing stressful events.

Dissociative issues are intellectual problems that involve experiencing a disconnection and lack of continuity among mind, reminiscences, environment, actions, and identification. humans with dissociative issues break out the truth in methods that can be involuntary and dangerous and motivate problems with functioning in regular life

Dissociative signs and symptoms can potentially disrupt each location of intellectual functioning. Examples of dissociative signs encompass the enjoyment of detachment or feeling as if one is outdoor one's frame and lack of memory or amnesia. Dissociative issues are frequently related to previous reviews of trauma.

Learn more about dissociative here:


Fill in the blank: data is a collection of _____ that can be used to draw conclusions, make predictions, and assist in decision-making.


Fill in the blank: data is a collection of data analytics that can be used to draw conclusions, make predictions, and assist in decision-making.

Data analytics (DA) is the process of analyzing facts sets in an effort to discover tendencies and draw conclusions about the records they incorporate. more and more, records analytics is accomplished with the resource of specialized systems and software programs.

Analytics is the systematic computational evaluation of information or information. it's far used for the invention, interpretation, and verbal exchange of significant styles in facts. It also involves making use of records patterns closer to powerful choice-making.

The leading goal of facts analytics is to use statistical analysis and technology on facts to locate developments and solve problems. statistics analytics has become increasingly vital within the organization as a means for reading and shaping enterprise strategies and enhancing decision-making and business effects.

Learn more about data analytics here:


explain an example of how classical conditioning techniques can be applied ot getting rid of unwanted, learned behaviors


Learning theorist O.H. Mowrer came up with a conditioning therapy for bedwetters. an example of how classical conditioning techniques can be applied to get rid of unwanted, learned behaviors.

Behavior or behavior is the range of actions and mannerisms made by way of individuals, organisms, systems, or artificial entities in a few environments. these structures can include different structures or organisms as well as inanimate physical surroundings.

in step with the behavioral attitude, the way we behave and learn may be explained via our interactions with the environment. Our actions are continually responses to stimuli, which either arise evidently or due to a discovered reaction. character behavior can be defined as a mixture of responses to external and inner stimuli. it's miles the way someone reacts in extraordinary situations and the way someone expresses one-of-a-kind feelings like anger, happiness, love, etc.

There are 3 criteria that signify personality development: (1) consistency, (2) stability, and (three) personal differences.

Learn more about behaviors here:


When it comes to mental health, society can establish stigmas associated to individuals whom are impacted by mental health issues. When stigma is attached to a group of individuals these people can have harder time receiving help, or even not look for help due to the label attached to them from this association. Which sociologist is connected to this train of thought?.


Goffman E is connected to this train of thought.

What is social stigma?

The first "level" and the one that receives the most attention is societal stigma. Social stigma is ingrained in society and can put those with mental or behavouiral disorders at a disadvantage. Structural stigma refers to the widespread social prejudice that people with the stigmatized condition are less equal or belong to a lower social class. In this situation, stigma is built into the social structure to instill inferiority. This belief system may lead to unequal access to treatment services or the development of laws that affect the population differently and disproportionately. Disparities in access to essential services and needs, like renting an apartment, can also be brought on by social stigma.

To know more about mental health checkout this link:


as you begin thinking about the research you're about to conduct, you realize that, like sam, you know very little about analog audio. to learn about the topic, you need a general research strategy when it comes to sources. what kinds of sources should you seek in conducting your research? select an option from the choices below and click submit.


You will use both traditional, formal, factual, sources and nontraditional, unofficial blogs or smaller websites.

The general cause of an analytical report is to persuade through the analysis of facts.

The unique purpose can be to clear up a hassle, to set up a motive and effect, or to make recommendations.

Even though simple statistics aren't sufficient to resolve the problem, it does offer the necessary tools to make informed choices.

Even if you do not get the predicted effects, records facilitate you to give an explanation for and justify your state of affairs.

Learn more about websites here:


What do you think should be done to save the lake? should restrictions be placed on water drawn for irrigation, or should rations be placed on the water used by the people around Lake chad




Please help me with my geography POD! It's for 40 points please answer quick!!



the answer to

Geography questions

mentioned in


are as follows.


1. New Delhi, capital city of India has the worst level of polluted air in the world according to IQ air .

2.During winter season every year .

3. Because air was filled with toxic haze and smog due to ablaze landfill.

4. They are simply burnt in crash can on road.

5.As high as 470 ppm.

6. Three factors are : methane unsegregated garbage , record high temperature, mismanagement.

7. 15 stories tall and as wide as 70 soccer fields .

8. 2 metric tons .

9. 350 000

10. Ground water.

11. I would want to visit Raleigh,North Carolina as it is more clean , has more safe and drinkable water than Delhi and also has great art and educational centres . It is a museum Mecca and is thus very beautiful and thus enjoying in this art capital would be exciting.

Which of the following best summarizes the relationship of the church and government of the Massachusetts Bay Colony? The government was initially democratic but periodically referred to the church in matters of punishment. They made no distinction between affairs of the state and affairs of the church. They did not believe the Bible should determine punishment in any crime. They believed in the importance of the separation of church and state due to the oppression Puritans felt in England.


They did not differentiate between church- and state-related matters.

How were the Puritan church and government related in Massachusetts?

The Puritans in Massachusetts Bay advocated for the separation of the state from God, but not between the church and the state.In the government, the Congregational Church lacked any legitimate authority.No government position could be held by ministers.

In what ways did religion influence the government of the Massachusetts colony?

Politics and religion were never separated. Only those who demonstrated that they belonged to the predestined elect were eligible to become full members of the Puritan church. Through the town meeting system, only full church members could participate in government.

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If beginning finished good rupees 45000 and cost of goods manufactured rupees 25,000 and ending finished goods to go to rupees 50,000 then what is the value of cost of goods sold:Answer 20000 4. A field mouse hops along a parabolic path given by y=-0.2x^2+1.3x where x is the mouse's horizontal position (in feet) and y is the corresponding height (in feet). Brian likes to go bird watching along the Harvest Park Trail in a nearby forestpreserve. He wants to calculate the area enclosed by the trail which is shownbelow. Based on the diagram, what is the closest approximation of the area insquare yards of the land enclosed by the trail? the polynomial p(x)=2x^3+17x^2+41x+30 has a known factor of (x+5) rewrite p(x) as a product of linear functionp(x)= Calculate the area of each shape. Remember that the area of a triangle is: A= 1/2bh, and thearea of a rectangle is: A=bh1)2)E.dLaWG3)4) I keep get 35 and it wrong? Can you please help me ? Why was leo frank's 1913 murder conviction called into question? responses athere was conflicting evidence as to his guilt.there was conflicting evidence as to his guilt. bnot enough dna evidence was used in the trial.not enough dna evidence was used in the trial. cthe prosecution fabricated much of the evidence against frank.the prosecution fabricated much of the evidence against frank. dfrank was in new york when the murder took place.frank was in new york when the murder took place. If you start with 512 grams of aluminum and 1147 grams of copper chloride to make aluminum chloride and copper, what is the limiting reagent?2Al + 3CuCl -> 2AlCl3 + 3CuA. AlCl3B. CuClC. AlD. Cu Two 4.137 cm by 4.137 cm plates that form a parallel-plate capacitor are charged to +/- 0.531 nC.What is the electric field strength inside the capacitor if the spacing between the plates is 2.198 mm? help me with this simple math18. look for this simple math riddle1+4=52+5=123+6=218+11=?I'm stuck here when 8+11 Which president established these traditions for the executive branch? 18. Find mVSW if WSR and VSW are complementary and mWSR is four times mVSW. A 72 C 22.5 B 36 D 18 Janet is working on a presentation that focuses on a specific period in the history of photography when documentary and photojournalistic photography were in vogue, with important photographic essays appearing in Life magazine and elsewhere and artists and mass media outlets beginning to use color on a regular basis. What historical period of photography is Janet doing her presentation on?Modern Photography 1900-1945Digital Photography 2000-presentEarly Photography 1839-1900Contemporary Photography 1945-2000 Object A, which has been charged to +13.13 nC, is at the origin. Object B, which has been charged to -26.7 nC, is at x=0 and y=2.72 cm. What is the magnitude of the electric force on object A? What are carpets extremely important to the history of Islamic art ? solve the system x+3y=62x+4y=12 Henry bought a car for $14, 000. After two years, the value of the car was $8, 400 What was the percent decrease in the value of the car after two years? Enter the correct number in the box. how do you write 7,500,000,000,000,000,000 in scientific notation The price of fuel changed from $3.50 per gallon to $3.20 per gallon. Why did we fight the civil war?This is an short essay question.