archaeologists discovered a new set of mummies in egypt with what unique feature?


Answer 1


archaeologist discovered a new set of mumies in Egypt with this unique features. A golden tongue or amulet placed in the deceased's mouth


hope it helps

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How does being a member of the european union allow trade to be simpler between germany and france than it is between the united states and france?


Germany and France are able to promote commerce between the United States and France because of their membership in the European Union, which gives its members more clout when negotiating trade agreements with other nations.

To boost our economy and increase employment, the EU negotiates trade agreements. The EU complies with WTO regulations while working with international trading partners (WTO).

This organization unites the countries and customs jurisdictions that establish, implement, and uphold the international standards for commerce amongst themselves. The WTO, which has 164 members, accounts for 98% of global commerce.

Ireland is one of the member nations that the EU represents in trade negotiations. These agreements cover advantageous tariff rates for the export of products from the EU to other nations. In order to ease commerce, they have also developed to include a greater variety of places.

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we consider both mineral resources and energy resources to be___resources, many of which have a geologic origin.


We view natural resources, many of which have a geologic basis, as including both mineral and energy resources.

As the name implies, mineral resources are resources derived from minerals. On the other hand, energy resources include all energy sources, including renewable and non-renewable.

Natural resources including coal, petroleum, oil, and natural gas often come within this group. These resources were initially created by living things including plants, algae, phytoplankton, and cyanobacteria through the process of photosynthesis.

Resources that produce energy or may be used to create electricity are referred to as energy resources. In contrast to mineral resources, which are solid, crystalline materials created inside the ground, these include fossil fuels, wind, nuclear, water, and solar energy. Marble, limestone, granite, etc., are a few examples.

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How do orcas get fresh water?


Marine mammals kidneys are so efficient, in fact, that they can acquire a supply of fresh water by eating salt water, which allows orcas to excrete urine that has a higher salt concentration than the sea water itself.

Orcas are marine mammals that live best in the ocean, but they cannot survive in freshwater conditions, at least not for very long. In reality, all known whale species live and prosper in saltwater habitats rather than freshwater, and there are various reasons for doing so.  The fact that freshwater whales execute some of their natural tasks in salt water adds to the problem for them.

Whales are assumed to obtain the majority of the water they require from their diet, which includes fish, krill, and copepods, despite the fact that they can consume salt water. The whale extracts water as it breaks down its prey. One problem is that they can't obtain their usual food sources in fresh water. It is believed that whales cannot survive in fresh water for an extended amount of time.

Learn more about orcas visit:


What is the relationship between temperature and water depth?


The temperature of ocean water varies with depth as well. Solar energy is reflected in the ocean's upper surface or rapidly absorbed with depth, which means that the deeper you go, the less sunlight there is. As a result, the water warms less.

When the upper water layers warm in the summer, a transition zone known as a thermocline separates them from deep water. The temperature drops rapidly with small increases in depth in a thermocline. Temperature stratification refers to the relationship between temperature change and depth.

Learn more on temperature


listed following are several locations in the milky way galaxy. rank these locations based on their distance from the center of the milky way galaxy, from farthest to closest.


Based on their distance from the center of the milky way galaxy, from farthest to closest are A globular cluster in the outskirts of the halo, A cloud of gas and dust in the outskirts of the disk, our solar system, and The edge of the central bulge.

The Milky Way Galaxy.

The galaxy that includes our solar system is known as the Milky Way, and the term refers to how the galaxy appears to us on Earth. The Milky Way's disk-shaped structure gives it the appearance of a band when viewed from Earth.

Between 100 and 400 billion stars and at least that many planets make up the Milky Way. According to estimates, the nearby Andromeda Galaxy contains one trillion stars. Ten billion white dwarfs, one billion neutron stars, and one hundred million stellar black holes make up the Milky Way. The interstellar medium, a disk of gas and dust, fills the void between the stars.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

Listed following are several locations in the Milky Way Galaxy. Rank these locations based on their distance from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, from farthest to closest.

our solar system

a cloud of gas and dust in the outskirts of the disk

a globular cluster in the outskirts of the halo

the edge of the central bulge

Learn more about Milky Way, here:


Water evaporates from a lake into the air, forming clouds. The clouds eventually form rain and it falls to the ground. In which spheres does this cycle happen?A. geosphere and cryosphereB. cryosphere and hydrosphereC. hydrosphere and atmosphereD. thermosphere and atmosphere


Water evaporates from a lake into the air, forming clouds. The clouds eventually form rain and it falls to the ground. The whole process occurs in the hydrosphere and atmosphere.

Hence, Option C is correct.

A type of vaporization called evaporation takes place on the surface of a liquid as it transitions into the gas phase. When humidity impacts the rate of evaporation of water, for example, a high concentration of the evaporating substance in the surrounding gas considerably slows down evaporation.A liquid turns into a gas during evaporation. Molecules acquire sufficient thermal energy during evaporation to break off from the liquid surface and enter the atmosphere as water vapor. Water vapor molecules disperse or spread out among the other gas molecules in the air after completely breaking free of one another.

To know more about Evaporation visit


Are harpy birds real?


Yes Harpy birds are real and also looking gorgeous and it is the type of eagle birds and it is the national bird of Maxico because they believed that this bird is symbol of strength of power. It is considered as one of the most powerful and largest raptors globally.

Harpy eagles birds covered distance  from Mexico to northern Argentina and live in forested areas. It is fly through their forest home with great agility. It can reached upto 6.5 feet or 2 meters across the sky.The length of the rear talons is about 4 to 5 inches.

Harpy have enough power and grip to lift prey up to their own weight. It was so sad that the  Harpy birds were not exists. they were disappearing because people are destroying their habitat and shooting them.Only one nesting pair has been observed in Belize. In Central America, the largest known breeding population is found in Panama, close to the border with Colombia.

Learn more about Harpy birds click the link here:


Why is it that there is K to 12 curriculum being implemented by the Department of Education?


The government implemented the K to 12 programs to enhance the educational system of the country in order to accelerate the mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals across the world.

In order to give students enough time to master concepts and skills, foster lifelong learners, and get them ready for tertiary education, the K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (Kindergarten, 6 years of primary education, 4 years of junior high school, and 2 years of senior high school [SHS]). In 2012, the Philippines launched its "K to 12" Program, a comprehensive reform of its basic education. The Philippines is catching up to international standards in secondary education thanks to this reform, and it is placing a high value on kindergarten. The Department of Education began implementing the new K–12 educational system, which also included a new curriculum for all public schools across the country.

To learn more about educational system click the link below:


Which city in florida was named after the cigar manufacturer who opened a factory there?


Ybor city florida was named after the cigar vicente Martnez de Ybor led the effort to settle Cuban cigar manufacturers in Ybor City, which is now a neighbourhood within Tampa, in 1886.

To avoid the unionisation of their workers, the stogie organisations relocated from Key West.In honour of Wear Vincent Martinez Ybor, a Cuban stogie production plant owner who established his stogie dominion in Tampa in 1886 and never looked back, it was first known to as "Mr. Ybor's City."

In 1887, Tampa's Ybor City neighbourhood proved to be significant. Almost majority of the Cuban tobacco used for stogies was sent from the Cuban port of Havana. After railroad links connected it to the main cross-country train routes and the port was built, the Tampa area became a prominent stogie manufacturing hub.

To know more about Ybor city visit:


The American Revolution was largely fought over policies levied by the British government which sought to tax imports and supplies to the colonies.


The American Revolution was largely fought over policies levied by the British government which sought to tax imports and supplies to the colonies.

This is True statement.

The American Revolution changed into an epic political and army battle waged between 1765 and 1783 whilst 13 of england's North American colonies rejected its imperial rule. The protest commenced in competition to taxes levied without colonial illustration by means of the British monarchy and Parliament.

The yank Revolution created—a state wherein ideals of liberty, equality, natural and civil rights, and accountable citizenship are the idea of law and the inspiration of a unfastened society.

The yankee Revolution changed into basically due to colonial competition to British attempts to impose greater manage over the colonies and to lead them to pay off the crown for its defense of them at some stage in the French and Indian war (1754–63).

Learn more about American Revolution here :


Do killer whales scream?


Orcas screams like humans by forcing air through larynx as the vocal cords vibrate when air flows through it.

orca calls sometimes take on the similar characteristics of a human scream and these particular calls alert nearby prey and cause dolphins to flea. Killer whales produce whistles, echolocation clicks, pulsed calls, low-frequency pops, and jaw claps. A killer whale makes sounds by moving air between nasal sacs in the blowhole region. In contrast, a human makes sound by forcing air through the larynx. Killer whales produce sounds for two overlapping functions: communicating and navigation. The vocal cords in the larynx vibrate as air flows across them, producing sounds.

To learn more about Orcas please visit:


select the correct answer.which sphere includes rocks and sediments? a. atmosphere b. biosphere c. geosphere d. hydrosphere


The correct response is  c. geosphere. The geosphere is made up of every rock on Earth, from the melting rock beneath the crust to the massive, age-old mountains to the sand grains on the seashore. The biosphere, a global ecosystem that includes all life on Earth, has a home in both the geosphere and the hydrosphere.

Different definitions of the geosphere have conflicting uses. It can be used to refer to the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere as a whole. Different mass and/or energy flows can be exchanged between the various geosphere collectives (the measurable amount of change). The balance of the various geosphere spheres is impacted by the exchange of these fluxes. As an illustration, consider how the soil functions as both a source of flux exchange and as a component of the biosphere. According to the Physical and Meteorological lectures, the phrase was used to refer to four spherical natural locations that were concentrically nested around the center of the Earth. They were thought to be able to explain how Earth, Water, Air, and Fire moved on Earth. The term "geosphere" is used to describe the solid portions of the Earth in contemporary texts and in Earth system science, together with the terms "atmosphere," "hydrosphere," and "biosphere," to characterize the Earth's processes (the interaction of these systems with the magnetosphere is sometimes listed). In that context, the term "lithosphere" may occasionally be used in place of "geosphere" or "solid Earth." However, the term "lithosphere" only refers to the Earth's solid surface layers (oceanic and continental crustal rocks and uppermost mantle).

Learn more about geosphere here


which lobe of the retreating laurentide ice front created the fort wayne moraine in the ann arbor area starting approximately 14,500 years ago?


Huron-Erie lobe of the retreating Laurentide ice front created the Fort Wayne moraine in the Ann Arbor area starting approximately 14,500 years ago.

Multiple times over the Quaternary glacial epochs, from 2.58 million years ago to the present, the Laurentide Ice Sheet was a vast sheet of ice that covered millions of square miles, including the majority of Canada and a sizable chunk of the Northern United States. Between approximately 95,000 and 20,000 years ago, when the final advance traversed the majority of northern North America, it gouged out the Canadian Shield's five Great Lakes and a plethora of smaller lakes, among other geomorphological impacts. From the eastern Northwest Territories through the majority of northern Canada, the upper Midwest of the United States (Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan), the Finger Lakes, the Lake Champlain and Lake George regions of New York, across the northern Appalachians into and through all of New England, and Nova Scotia, these lakes extend. At times, the southern margin of the ice sheet extended as far south as Chicago and St. Louis, Missouri, and included the present-day locations of coastal towns in the Northeastern United States, cities like Boston and New York City, and towns along the Great Lakes. The ice sheet then followed the current course of the Missouri River up to the northern slopes of the Cypress Hills, where it merged with the Cordilleran Ice Sheet. The mid-continental latitude of 38 degrees was about where the ice coverage ceased.

Learn more about Laurentide ice here


Which result is most likely to occur after excessive withdrawal of groundwater in coastal areas?


Land subsidence occurs when there is a loss of support below ground. This is most often caused by human activities, mainly from the overuse of groundwater in coastal areas, when the soil collapses, compacts, and drops.

Coastal areas are nearby administrative devices (Laus) that border or close to a shoreline. A shoreline is described as a road in which land and water surfaces meet (border each differently). those types vary from the ice-push coasts of Alaska to the coral reef coasts of Hawaii and southern Florida. They consist of, as well, some distance extra not unusual types, along with the barrier beach coasts of the Atlantic; the steep, cliff-subsidized coasts of the Pacific; and the marginal-seas-kind coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

There are two coastal states in Pakistan—Sindh and Balochistan, with Sindh being the seventh biggest arid mangrove atmosphere within the globe. Coastal vicinity, Plural: Coastal regions. short definition: Coastal regions are nearby administrative gadgets (LAUs) that are bordering or are close to a shoreline. A coastline is defined as the line in which land and water surfaces meet (border each different).

Learn more about coastal areas here:


during periods of stratification, transfer between surface waters and bottom waters is controlled by:


During periods of stratification, transfer between surface waters and bottom waters is controlled by diffusion.

The ocean is stratified due to differences in density, with warmer, lighter, less salty water layering on top of heavier, colder, saltier water. Mixing between layers occurs as the heat slowly seeps deeper into the ocean and by the action of currents, winds, and tides.

Stratification occurs as a result of a density differential between two water layers and can arise as a result of differences in salinity, temperature, or a combination of both.

Diffusion in the ocean operates on many scales. At very small scales, molecular diffusion is the dominant and often limiting, transport mechanism by which microorganisms can exchange nutrients and gases with their environments. diffusion often occurs across a semi-permeable membrane a filter that only allows certain things to freely pass through it.

to learn more about Diffusion:

What is the real name of a killer whale?


The real name of killer whale is Orcas. They are the largest member of the Dolphin family.

The name Orcas came from the whale's scientific Latin name, Orcin's orca. Some people choose to use “orca”.  As the top ocean predator, they kill other animals to make a living, although diets vary among different populations around the world. They are most dangerous hunters as their hunting technique can not beat any other water mammals. They have best killing strategies to survive. so they called as killer whales. They are the largest member of dolphin family but they kills dolphins also to survive.

To learn more about killer whales please visit:


What characteristics of life do sea urchins have?


Sea Urchins (Lytechinus pictus)  Sea urchin fertilization -Reproduction, movement

Blood Cells Video: Human white blood cell -Movement, use of energy, cells

Cellular Structure and Function Video: Elodea leaf cells- Movement, made of cells .

Intertidal sea urchins will pile rocks and shells on top of themselves to protect themselves. They dig scooped-out burrows in the soft rock over generations, sometimes trapping themselves in a self-made prison. Bacteria also have an impact.

The spines spear food while also protecting the urchin from predators. The spines' tiny hairs (cilia) create a water current that transports food to the urchin and washes away waste.

Learn more about sea urchins to visit this link


I’ll give some 20 points to help me!


The bourgeoisie: the rich property owners who exploit the working class.

Socialism: Political doctrine of social and economic equality

Communism: Exploited the working class

Proletariat: State ownership of the means of production.

I believe these answers are correct. Please give brainliest I need five more

What are the types of concept mapping and describe each one?


Concept maps are classified into four types: spider, hierarchy, flowchart, and system. Concept maps are a useful tool for quickly visualizing information, taking notes, or communicating an idea. Making a concept map is a popular exercise for students, but it can also help business professionals document information.

Spider maps, which are used to diagram concepts, are one type of concept mapping. Flowcharts are diagrams that are used to depict processes. Hierarchy maps are used to visualize organizational structures. System maps are used to depict systems. Concept maps are graphical representations of information. Concept maps are extremely beneficial to students who learn visually, but they can benefit any type of student.

Learn more on map -


What size would a solar farm need to be to power the entire world?


But even so, we would need 92.7 billion solar panels if we were to duplicate this exact farm in order to generate enough electricity to power the entire planet. 84,531 square miles, or 54.1 million acres.

How many solar panels are required to power the entire planet? To power the entire planet, 51.4 billion 350W solar panels would be required! In other words, this equates to a solar power plant that has a surface area of 115,625 square miles. "If you were to power the whole United States with solar panels, it would require a very tiny piece of Nevada, Texas, or Utah," he stated. "According to conversations with municipal employees, a 10 MW solar farm is the ideal scale for this project. You just need roughly 100 miles by 100 miles of solar panels to power the whole United States. This big solar farm using amorphous silicon modules will need around 150 acres of land at the location.

To learn more about solar click the link below:


Which best describes the difference between an end moraine and a ground moraine?
Which best describes the difference between an end moraine and a ground moraine?
End moraines form when two valley glaciers coalesce to form a single ice stream, and ground moraines form from melting ice along the sides of valleys.
End moraines are formed when the glacier is retreating, and ground moraines form while it is stationary.
Ground moraines form while the glacier is retreating, and end moraines form while it is stationary.
End moraines form along the sides of valleys, while ground moraines form at the terminus of a glacier.


Material that a moving glacier has left behind is called a moraine. Typically, this stuff is made of rock and soil.

What is Moraine?

Similar to how rivers move a variety of dirt and rocks that eventually accumulate to produce deltas, glaciers convey a variety of debris and silt that eventually builds up to form moraines.

Imagine yourself using a toy bulldozer on a yard covered in a lot of dry leaves to get a better concept of what moraines are.

Some of the leaves are pushed aside, some are pushed forward, and some of them make beautiful patterns on the grass when the bulldozer runs through them. Consider the patterns and mounds of pushed-away leaves (moraines) that extend for miles over the Earth.

Therefore, Material that a moving glacier has left behind is called a moraine. Typically, this stuff is made of rock and soil.

To learn more about moraine, refer to the link:


How does water clarity affect sea animals?


Visibility and hence catchability are impacted by sea water clarity. If they can't see the bottom trawl net approaching, most fish species are less likely to be herded into it by peripheral equipment (sweeps and doors). When it's darker, pollock are also less likely to be at the bottom.

For instance, cleaning water enables more sunlight to penetrate aquatic vegetation below the surface. As a result, the vegetation generates oxygen, offers a home for fish and shellfish, and supplies food to ducks, fish, and animals. Clear waterways are also often regarded for their aesthetic appeal and recreational benefits. Some bodies of water have poor water clarity by nature.

The habitat and food sources of aquatic life, such as fish and aquatic birds, as well as the growth of aquatic plants, are impacted by poor clarity and excessive turbidity. Additionally, they may affect the aesthetic appeal and recreational benefits of rivers and streams. The suspended sediments, organics, and microbes present in seawater alter its transparency, and consequently the quantity of sunlight that can reach the leaves of seagrasses. Light attenuation is the term used to describe the loss in intensity of light over a specific distance as it travels through water.

Learn more about animals visit:


which oceanographer was a co-creator for bathysphere? * 0/1 ocean ramsy robert ballard william beebe james cook jacques piccard jacques cousteau james cameron sylvia earle


The Bathysphere was created in 1928 and 1929 by American engineer Otis Barton for naturalist William Beebe to study undersea wildlife.

This new device was dubbed a bathysphere by Beebe. It was made up of a hollow steel sphere connected to a vessel on the surface by a cable. Following several successful test dives, William Beebe and Otis Barton made history on August 15, 1934, with a document descent to 3,028 feet (923 meters) off the shoreline of Bermuda. From 1930 to 1934, the Bathysphere was a distinctive spherical deep-sea submersible that was manually controlled and dropped into the ocean on a cable. It was used to perform a series of lunges off the coast of Bermuda.

Learn more on Bermuda


Who would win orca or blue whale?


One orca, or even a whole pod, can be overcome by the sheer size of an average blue whale (whales can win over orca). An orca and a blue whale are very different from one another, and these differences will determine who wins this battle. The blue whale is far larger than the considerably smaller orca.

Because orcas are apex predators, they are at the top of the food chain and are unassailable. No other predator can match the size and strength of killer whales, which are among the largest and most formidable marine mammals. The killer whale is the sole natural predator of blue whales. Large groups of orcas are the only true predators of blue whales, and they are only able to prey on the young.

The largest animal to ever inhabit the earth is the blue whale. Despite having a terrifying reputation, the orca is superior to the great white shark in a direct confrontation. Orcas are not just larger, but they are also more intelligent. Although orcas still have significantly higher metabolic rates than great whites because they breathe air, it is now known that great whites are warm-blooded.

Learn more about Whales visit:


What is displacement called?


The detailed scale and scope of spatial data presentation. Displacement of people. The forced movement of people caused by factors such as natural disasters, famine, diseases, or conflict is referred to as displacement.

The definition of "displacement" is undisputed. It ought to be.

Previously, "segregation" meant keeping people out. African Americans were unable to relocate where they desired. Allowing residents to stay now equals social justice:

People who are displaced suffer from trauma and wealth of all kinds is destroyed. Repeated displacement takes even more of the wealth and integrity of the weakened population.

Through the lens of Harlem's agony, I discovered the somber truth that policies that dismantle some communities and neighborhoods are catastrophic for the health of those in the direct path of the upheaval, but they also endanger the health of the entire US, and through us, the entire world.

Learn more about displacement to visit this link


which of these stars will take the shortest time to go from the earliest protostar stage to the main sequence?


A star ten times the mass of our Sun is one that would  take the shortest time to go from the earliest protostar stage to the main sequence.

What is the protostar stage?

A very young star still gaining mass from its parent molecular cloud is known as a protostar. The earliest stage of star evolution is the protostellar phase. It lasts roughly 500,000 years for a low-mass star, which is one with a mass of the Sun or less.

Gravitational energy starts to heat the gasses as gravity draws them into the ball's core, which causes the gasses to radiate radiation. Radiation initially just dissipates into space.

Read more on stars here:


Which of these stars will take the longest time to go from the earliest protostar stage to the main sequence? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a a star 1/10th the mass of our Sun b a star 1/2 the mass of our Sun C a star equal to the mass of our Sun d a star ten times the mass of our Sun e all of these stars take the same time to get to the main sequence

Which layer of the atmosphere is closest
to the TOP of the atmosphere (farthest
from the surface of Earth)?
A. biosphere
B. thermosphere
C. lithosphere
D. cryosphere


Thermosphere is the layer of the atmosphere is closest to the top of the atmosphere (farthest from the surface of Earth). The appropriate response is option B.

What is thermosphere?

The layer of the Earth's atmosphere known as the thermosphere is situated above the mesosphere and under the exosphere. The thermosphere is the bigger portion of the ionosphere because UV energy inside this layer of the atmosphere promotes photoionization/photodissociation of molecules, producing ions.

The thermosphere is the portion of the atmosphere between 85 and 500 km altitude that contains the ionosphere. Due to variations in solar UV light and solar-driven geomagnetic activity, it exhibits high temperatures and significant fluctuation.

To learn more about thermosphere


What is the most common geologic structure?


Patterns in the positioning of rock inside the Earth's crust are known as geologic structures. Parallel layering, which can be found in some volcanic deposits and sedimentary strata, is one of the most frequent patterns.

The strong tectonic forces that occur within the earth are typically what cause geologic structures. These forces result in deep faults, rock folding and breaking, and mountain formation.

What principal geologic features exist?

A few geological features developed simultaneously with the rocks in which they are found. These are fundamental buildings. Beds and laminae in sedimentary rocks like sandstone or shale and lava pillows in extrusive igneous rocks like basalt are examples of primary structures.

Learn more about geologic structures. to visit this link


contrast the lithosphere and asthenosphere. how are the criteria used to define these layers different from the criteria used to recognize the crust, mantle and core (3 points)?


The lithosphere is the uppermost mechanical layer, which is brittle and rigid. The asthenosphere is a solid upper mantle substance that is so hot that it can flow and behaves plastically. The lithosphere is supported by the asthenosphere.

The lithosphere is composed of the brittle crust and the uppermost mantle. Although the asthenosphere is a solid, it can flow like toothpaste. The lithosphere is supported by the asthenosphere. The lithosphere is composed of all hard, solid rock on Earth. While there is solid rock in the asthenosphere, the layer beneath the lithosphere, it is soft rather than hard. The movement of the tectonic plates that comprise the lithosphere is driven by the slow movement of soft rock within the asthenosphere.

Learn more on lithosphere


how did the u.s. obtain the land that consisted of california and the southwestern united states?


The Mexican-American War was put to a conclusion by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

It gave the United States land that included most of Arizona, all of present-day California, Nevada, and Utah, as well as portions of Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming. Mexico relinquished Upper California and New Mexico to the United States as per the conditions of the treaty that Trist negotiated. This was known as the Mexican Cession and included sections of Utah, Nevada, and Colorado as well as modern-day Arizona and New Mexico (see Article V of the treaty). The Louisiana Purchase, made in 1803 for $10 million, was the nation's first and largest territorial purchase; it roughly doubled the size of the original 13 states' landmass.

The Mariana Islands, Caroline Islands, and the Marshall Islands joined the United States as independent nations in 1947.

Learn more about the territorial acquisition by the USA here:


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