Answer quickly please

Answer Quickly Please


Answer 1

Answer: irrigation


the supply of water to land or crops to help growth, typically by means of channels.

"the river supplies water for irrigation of agricultural crops"



the process of washing out an organ or wound with a continuous flow of water or medication.

"for sinus congestion, saline nasal irrigation can be helpful"

Related Questions

What happened to the Sudetenland as a result of the Munich Agreement? Czechoslovakia agreed to split the land with Germany. Allied countries claimed the territory as a buffer zone. Czechoslovakia retained control of the territory. Germany took control of the territory from Czechoslovakia.


Germany took control of the territory from Cczechoslovakia.

As a result of Munich Agreement, Germany took control of the territory of Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia.

What was Munich Agreement?

The Munich Agreement was a treaty signed on September 30, 1938, in Munich by Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy. Despite a 1924 alliance agreement and a 1925 military pact between France and the Czechoslovak Republic, it is also known as the Munich Betrayal.

The Munich agreement, which was presented as a way to avoid a major war on the continent, was widely celebrated throughout Europe. The four powers agreed to German annexation of Czechoslovak borderland areas known as the Sudetenland, which housed over three million people, mostly ethnic Germans. Adolf Hitler declared it to be his final territorial claim in Northern Europe.

Therefore, Germany took control of the territory from Czechoslovakia.

To learn more about Munich Agreement, click here:


how is it possible that lead poisoning affects future generations?


It can affect their own children, and hence travel down through future generations.

i really need help with this one 8 points?​





plz gib me brainliest


Carthage was destroyed and burnt to the ground while Rome reigned high.


I took a test with that question and got it right

HELPPP !!! ... Why was the battle at New York so import into each side ?



It is said to have a significant importance as the city allowed access to the Mississippi River, an important route for both transportation of both troops and civilians and shipping of resources and the above stated


Which orders were used to build the Colosseums



The Colosseum, built at Rome in the 1st century ad, has four stories: on the ground level the order is Doric; on the next level it is Ionic; on the third, Corinthian; and the top story has pilasters (attached rectangular columns), also of the Corinthian order.

what is used as currency today that is not related to our money system


Answer: Ok lets just say Cattle, which throughout history and across the globe have included not only cows but also sheep, camels, and other livestock, are the first and oldest form of money. With the advent of agriculture also came the use of grain and other vegetable or plant products as a standard form of barter in many cultures. British pound

The British pound is the world's oldest currency still in use – it's 1,200 years old. Dating back to Anglo-Saxon times, the pound has gone through many changes before evolving into the currency we recognise today.

Hope this helps have a awesome night/day❤️✨


In what ways did women support the war effort?

Group of answer choices

They protested the war

They filled roles ordinarily left for men

They served in combat

They continued only in traditional roles



B They protested the war

Describe THREE WAYS that Hitler was able to maintain complete control over the German people.​



Fear, I don't know what its called but he glorified Germany and got others to agree as well. And he tried to portray himself as someone who's fighting for the right thing.


I hope this helps.

Why did the demonstrators postpone the protests?



the demonstrators postponed the Birmingham protests because  some people wanted it to coincide with Christmas, not Easter. their self-purification took longer than expected as more people got involved.

How was the Byzantine empire similar to that of the Roman Empire



While the Roman Empire rose from the Roman Republic, the Byzantine Empire was established because of the fall of the Roman Empire. Despite these differences, the two cultures had similar aspects in culture, geography, science and technology. Some of these included government, religion, and location.


The Byzantine empire extended the influence of the Roman empire after the fall of the Roman empire by incorporating similar themes of leadership, prioritization in building, and focus on trade in their structure, but altered the cultural sentiments of the Roman empire through its own religions

Can Someone please help me with these questions I can’t fine the answers I’ll give the person that helps me brainliest and 50 points!!!!!! URGENT

Why is Nicaragua considered a "Hot Spot" of the Cold War?

What impact did Nicaragua have on the Cold War?

How did Nicaragua Cold War affect future policies?



rquuu 3qjhrr87r 7qrweri87 r8e6we ueruruah w84rn.



can u find the words

How Did you feel the Compromise of 1850 was effective and appropriate? Explain why you feel that way.



Most Americans breathed a sigh of relief over the deal brokered in 1850, choosing to believe it had saved the Union. However, the compromise stood as a temporary truce in an otherwise white-hot sectional conflict. Popular sovereignty paved the way for unprecedented violence in the West over the question of slavery.


Why did the people of France support Napoleon as dictator?



The French people were willing to accept an Emperor after the overthrow of their king because they loved the fact that he did not lead by divine right but because he earned it and was basically a normal person.


based on this map why did the aryan culture have greater impact on indian society then the harappan civilization



The Aryans brought with them their own language, religious beliefs, and social system. They spoke an Indo-European language known as Sanskrit.The Aq,'ans developed a social system that has had a lasting impact on Indian culture.


What did the United States mean when it suggested an "Open-Door Policy" in China?
All nations were "off-limits" to imperialism in China.
All nations should be allowed to trade freely in all Chinese ports.
All nations should have an exclusive sphere of influence in China.
All nations should pay their respect to the emperor when trade is conducted in China.


The purpose of the Open Door policy was to provide the United States with access to trade with China.

Answer: Option A


In order to promote trade with China U.S. proposed Open Door policy in 19th century. This policy essentially professed that trade in China will be open to all the countries equally.

In 1899, John Hay who was U.S. Secretary of State had send the Open Door Note to all the major powers of Europe proposing this policy.  

This policy was professed for avoiding the situation where any one power or country would establish its control over the trade with China. Hence the motive or purpose behind this policy was ensuring that U.S. has access to the trade with China.

How does the film industry impact Georgia's economy?
A. It has strengthened the state's economy and provides thousands of jobs.
B. It has very little impact since the film industry is such a small part of the state's economy.
c. It has weakened the state's economy by discouraging film production in the state.
D. It has no effect since Georgia does not offer film production companies tax breaks.




Because the film industry increased the population and people need money so they get jobs.

What were the differences between Democratic-Republicans and National Republicans?


National Republican Party, U.S. political party formed after what had been the Republican (or Jeffersonian Republican) party split in 1825. The Jeffersonian Republicans had been the only national political party following the demise of the Federalists during the War of 1812. During the contested election of 1824, followers of Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams began calling themselves National Republicans, while backers of Andrew Jackson emerged as Democratic Republicans. By the election of 1828, the Jacksonians were simply called Democrats, though the name was not formalized until later. Opponents of Jackson joined the National Republican coalition and nominated Adams for a second term. Adams lost, but the National Republicans grew stronger. In 1831 they nominated Henry Clay to run on a platform endorsing the tariff, internal improvements, and the Bank of the United States.

Jackson and the Democrats won an overwhelming victory in the election of 1832, and the National Republicans never nominated another presidential candidate. During Jackson’s second administration, the National Republicans joined with northern and southern conservatives, supporters of the Bank of the United States, and other anti-Jackson groups to form a new coalition. Claiming Jackson governed as “King Andrew I,” the new party called itself the Whigs—after the British party that had opposed the power of the monarchy. By about 1834, there was little trace of the National Republican Party.

I hope this helped. If it did I suggest going onto a site called This particular site will take what I just wrote and paraphrase it, so it will look and sound like your work all along. Have a good day!!

I need help on 14 please


Because spring is a transitional period for the climate, there are more chances of cooler air meeting with warmer air, resulting in more thunderstorms.

can someone help me with question 19



The last one


4th one is the correct answer

Floor debates [on bill] is exhilarating experience and important duty. . what is the name of the article that describes the power of the branch? (Giving Brainlist for Correct Answer)


article two of the constitution describes the job of the executive branch. this branch executes, or carries out laws

Which of the following changes from the civil rights
movement had the LEAST impact on Georgia?
A. The number of African-Americans in public office

B.The states educational system

C. Economic opportunities
for the states Citizens

D. Voting opportunities for African-Americans



The answer is most likely C


Voting opportunities for African-Americans was one of the areas which experienced the least impact during the fight for civil rights in Georgia.

The Civil rights movement in Georgia

The civil rights movement in Georgia was one of the most significant and successful social movements in the modern world.

Black Georgians organized and became part of the southern movement for full civil rights while also fighting for wider national integration and racial equality.

This movement which started from Atlanta reached the most rural counties in Georgia’s southwest Cotton Belt, Black activists organized and protested over white supremacy in many ways.

Learn more about the Civil rights at

What are the three reasons why Rome was successful?



The Roman Empire was so successful because of roman dominance in warfare and the stable structure of politics. The empire was impressive because the Romans were very practical and well organized people, they were ambitious and aggressive in obtaining anything the Romans craved.

In conclusion, the reasons summarized amount to; revolutionary Roman organisation, successive cultural assimilation, technological superiority and strong leadership.


Hope this helps:)

what are the 4 main writing systems?




2.Syllabic Abugidas.

3.Undeciphered writing systems.

4.Abjads / Consonant Alphabets.


how did the Aztec empire treat their slaves?


Slaves were bound to their master's lands, until one's debt was paid to his master. Barring being a captive, being punished for committing a crime, or failing to pay an outstanding gambling debt, slavery was an institution one could enter into freely.

This map best represents Africa at which time period?
A. 1750
B. 1800
C. 2000
D. 1900


Answer: This represents the map of Africa from the time period of the "Scramble for Africa" which was from 1885 – 1914 so I would probably say D

This represents the map of Africa from the time period of the "Scramble for Africa" which was from 1885 – 1914. Hence, option D is appropriate.

What is the meaning of Scramble for Africa?

The Scramble for Africa, also known as the Partition of Africa, the Conquest of Africa, was a brief period of time known as New Imperialism that saw seven Western European nations invade, annex, divide, and colonize the majority of Africa.

Multiple ethnic groups were divided among newly formed African governments as a result of the "Scramble for Africa," or the artificially drawn political boundaries between European powers at the end of the 19th century.

Between roughly 1884 through 1914, when European colonizers divided the continent of Africa into protectorates, colonies, and "free-trade regions," was the time period known as "The Scramble for Africa."

Through fostering ethnically motivated civil unrest and discrimination, as well as by influencing the ethnic makeup, size, form, and landlocked status of the newly independent governments, the Scramble for Africa has led to economic, social, as well as political underdevelopment.

Hence, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about the Scramble for Africa here:


Who was the Italian explorer who suggested that Columbus had found a "new world"?
a. Ferdinand Magellan
C. Bartholomeu Dias
b. Jacques Cartier
d. Amerigo Vespucci





And that was the realization that what he was looking at was not India at all, but an entirely new continent. He verified the fact by following the coast of South America down to within 400 miles of Tierra del Fuego. Columbus found the new world, but Vespucci was the man who recognized that it was a new world.




Because of the Hawley Smoot Tariff,
all trade decreased, which in turn worsened _______.

O Prohibition
O World War I
O World War II
O the Great Depression



The Great Depression


The Hawley Smoot Tariff was passed on June 17, 1930. It was also known as  United States Tariff Act of 1930. It was passed to shield American businesses and producers, having a detrimental effect on the global economic situation during the Great Depression.

This act increased the Tariff rates in the United states which were already very high in the first place. This increased in tariffs worsened the effects of the Great depression.

If I have a pen and a pineapple what did I make? (very hard question lol)


Answer: PenPineapple

Explanation: Source: PPAP

4. Which specific actions did Woodrow Wilson suggest to bring peace? an end to secret treaties and a reduction of armaments an increase in armaments and an end to secret treaties freedom of the seas and a renewed interest in colonialism​



reduction of armaments


an end to secret treaties and a reduction of armaments



Which country has no coastline on the Mediterranean Sea?

A. turkey

B. Syria

C. Israel

D. Jordan​





Jordan does not have a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea

D. Jordan
Explanation: Jordan is near the coastline but israel blocks it from actually being on it
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